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Free Style Wrestling Lutte libre Вольная борьба PDF

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YURIY A. SHAHMURADOV FREE STYLE WRESTLING YURIY A. SHAHMURADOV Free Style Wrestling Lutte libre ВОЛЬНАЯ БОРЬБА FILA Yuriy Shahmuradov is a prominent and outstanding wrestler and coach. He is well known to the fans and amateur competitors of free style wre stling all over the world. For many years he has demonstrated a mastery of the most technical and tactical aspects of the sport of wrestling in the World and European championships and in Olympic Games. He is correc tly nicknamed the "master" of free style wrestling. Yu. Shahmuradov is an expert in free style wrestling. In the former USSR he has been the head of the National Wrestling Teams and it was under his leadership that his athletes scored outstanding results by winning 12 gold medals at the Montreal (1976) and Moscow (1980) Olympic Games and 39 gold medals at world championships. Yu. Shahmuradov is very active in promoting and developing free style wre stling programmes throughout the world. For twenty years he has been sharing his rich sports experiences with specialists, coaches and wrestlers from nume rous countries. Moreover, as an outstanding expert in free style wrestling Yu. Shahmuradov is a regular lecturer at FILA theoretical and practical seminars and clinics. Yu. Shahmuradov has been awarded "The FILA Gold Medal" in recognition for his many years of outstanding work in promoting free style wrestling on the global level and as a tribute for his enourmous effort to make it successful. As a wrestler, coach and scientist, Yu. Shahmuradov has primarily focused his attention on the analysis of free style wrestling and methods for its promotion. Many outstanding wrestler of the world such as: A. Medvedev, I. Yarigin, S. Beloglazov, A. Fadzaev, J. Smith, V. Baumgardner, Yu. Takada, V. Yordanov, A. Aik, A. Movahed and others who have greatly benefited from his practical expe rience by implementing his teachings in this field. Wrestling techniques practiced by some of the outstanding wrestlers of the world also contribute to the unique methods for training in basic wrestling techni ques and promotion. This book actually shows outstanding technical achievements in free style wrestling both in the standing position and on the ground, which are so often demonstrated at the World and European championships and at the Olympic Games. The International Wrestling Federation hopes that coaches and wrestlers will find this book useful for planning their training programs and promoting the tech nical and tactical mastery of this sport. Président de la FILA Milan Ercegan Le nom et la réputation de Y. Chakhmouradov, ce dinstingué athlète et entraî neur, sont connus de tous les amateurs de lutte libre. En effet, au cours de lon gues années, Y. Chakhmouradov a fait preuve d'une haute maîtrise technique et tactique aussi bien aux championnats d'Europe et du Monde qu'aux Jeux Olympiques. C'est à juste titre qu'on l'appelait "professeur" de lutte libre. Y. Chakhmouradov est le plus grand spécialiste en matière de lutte libre. C'est sous sa direction longue de toute une décennie que l'équipe nationale en lutte libre de l'ex URSS a obtenu 12 médailles d'or aux Jeux Olumpiques / Montréal 1976, Moscou 1980 / et 39 médailles d'or aux championnats du Monde. Y. Chakhmouradov n'a cessé de déployer ses efforts en vue du développe ment de la lutte libre à l'échelle mondiale: c'est depuis vingt ans qu'il transmet ses riches connaissances et expériences aux spécialistes, entraîneurs et athlètes de divers pays. C'est aussi en sa qualité du plus grand spécialiste en la matière qu'il dirige des cours théoriques et pratiques de lutte libre dans le cadre des sta ges intemationatinaux organisés par la FILA. Aussi, pour sa grande contribution au développement de la lutte libre, Y. Chakhmouradov s'est-il vu décerner La Médaille d'orde la FILA. En tant qu'athlète, entraîneur et chercheur Y. Chakhmouradov a consacré la majeure partie de sa vie professionnelle à l'analyse et à la méthodologie du per fectionnement des techniques de lutte libre. Sa contribution particulière réside dans le fait qu'il a su résumer et généraliser le travail des meilleurs lutteurs du monde tels que: A. Medved, J. Yarigin, S. Beloglazov, A. Fadzaev, D. Smith, B. Baumgartner, I. Takada, V. Jordanov, A. Ak, A. Movahed, et de bien d'autres. En effet, les techniques appliquées en lutte libre par les meilleurs athlètes du monde constituent, sans aucun doute, un outil unique dont la portée est incom mensurable dans la formation et le perfectionnement des techniques fondamen tales de lutte. Le présent livre nous permet de découvrir les meilleurs interprètes des techni ques de lutte libre, aussi bien débout qu'à terre, ceux-mêmes qui ont a maintes reprises fait preuve de leur grande maîtrise tant aux championnats d'Europe et du Monde qu'aux Jeux Olympiques. La Fédération Internationale de Lutte Amateur souhaite que le présent ouvra ge soit utile aux entraîneurs et aux athlètes lors de la formation et du perfection nement en la maîtrise technico-tactique. Président de la FILA Milan Ercegan 6 Имя известного и выдающегося спортсмена и тренера Ю. Шахмурадова хорошо известно любителям вольной борьбы в мире. Ю. Шахмурадов в течение многих лет демонстрировал высокое технико- тактическое мастерство на чемпионатах Европы, мира и Олимпийских играх. Его по праву называли "профессором" вольной борьбы. Ю. Шахмурадов - ведущий специалист в области спортивной борьбы. В течение 10 лет он возглавлял сборную команду по вольной борьбе бывшего СССР. Руководимая им команда на Олимпийских играх в Монреале (1976 г.) и в Москве (1980 г.) завоевала 12 золотых медалей, а на чемпионатах мира - 39 золотых. Ю. Шахмурадов очень многое делает для развития вольной борьбы в мире. Он в течение 20 лет передает свой богатый опыт специалистам, тренерам и спортсменам разных стран. Будучи большим специалистом в области спортивной борьбы, Ю. Шахмурадов постоянно ведет теоретические и практические занятия на международных семинарах ФИЛА. За многолетнюю работу по развитию вольной борьбы в мире Ю. Шахмурадов награжден "Золотым Орденом ФИЛА". Как спортсмен, тренер, ученый, Ю. Шахмурадов основное время посвятил анализу и методике совершенствования техники вольной борьбы. В частности, им обобщен опыт работы выдающиххся борцов мира, таких как: А. Медведь, И. Ярыгин. С. Белоглазов, А. Фадзаев, Д. Смит, Б. Баумгарднер, Ю. Такада, В. Йорданов, А. Аик, А. Мовахед и многих других. Техника вольной борьбы в исполнении известных борцов мира является уникальным материалом для обучения и совершенствования основам техники борьбы. В данной книге показаны лучшие исполнители техники вольной борьбы в стойке и партере, которые не раз демонстрировали свое высокое мастерство на чемпионатах Европы, мира и Олимпийских играх. Международная федерация спортивной борьбы надеется, что данная книга окажет помощь тренерам и спортсменам при обучении и совершенствовании технико-тактического мастерства. Президент ФИЛА Милан Эрциган 7 TECHNICAL AND TACTICAL PREPARATION OF THE WRESTLER The Main Features of Technical Training Technical preparation is basic for mastery in wrestling. Actually, mastery of a wide range of technical actions is a prerequisite for successful performance in wrestling. Most experts in free style wrestling give priority to technical and tactical preparation, believing that physical, psychological and other forms of preparation are of secondary importance. Wrestling technique implies action in movement conducted within the Rules of Wrestling and used upon an opponent in order to score victory based on the performed holds. Individual technical elements are only a part of the total technical actions which depend on whether they are perfor med in the standing position or on the ground. Generally speaking, the methods of developing movement skills under stan dard conditions are well-known because it is in standard conditions that this kind of research in the theory and psychology of sports is usually conducted. It is also well-known that skills become second nature after numerous repetitions of given actions. It is, therefore, the primary task of the coach, or lecturer, to focus his attention on the utmost mental involvement of the wrestler in the repetition pro cess within his training exercises. Actually, this approach implies the successful implementation of one of the basic principles of physical education and sports, namely: active and conscious participation of the trainee in his training process. Conscious participation in the training process also implies the readiness and wil lingness of the wrestler to perform exactly the technical actions as suggested by the coach and his own eagerness to excel in performing them. The acquired technique is meant to be executed in competition with one's opponent. This interaction, actually, reflects the features and quality of the wre stler's technical preparation which is evaluated on the basic of the pattern of acquired technical skills performed in non-standard and varying conditions, thanks to acquired technical knowledge, adopted technical skills and acquired strategy. An overall concept of a given technical skill in wrestling constitutes the first and foremost stage in acquiring technical skills. It is also very important for the wre stler, not only to vizualize the structure of a conceived skill with regard to space, the pace of performance and other relevant parameters, but also to receive the basic information about the essential aspects of a given skill and how useful it may prove to be at future competitions. Actually, this aproach mentally involves the wrestler in the training process and develops his conscious and active attitude towards a given skill and its performance. It should be constantly emphasized that numerous repetitions of a given technical skill improves its quality, enhances its complexity resulting in the most automatic performance of that skill enabling the wrestler to concentrate on the relevance of the skill. Moreover, automatic perfor mance of technical actions provides for the development of its variations which is one of the main pedagogical tasks within the technical preparation of the wrestler. Basic Technical and Tactical Preparation Increasing compexity of technical holds is the most striking current trend in wrestling, due to new, attractive technical holds performed by outstanding wre- 9 stlers and increasingly complex offensive combinations. An analysis of competi tions in free style wrestling has revealed that opponents at competitions are often taken by surprise and unable to counteract the new, attractive technical and tacti cal holds performed by outstanding wrestlers. This proves that coaches and wre stlers are constantly looking for new forms and variations of wrestling tactics. Equiped with such skills the wrestler remain a riddle for his opponents who have difficulties in coping with his way of wrestling. The cases in point are the masters of the mat A. Medved, S. Beloglazov, M. Hadartzev, J. Smith, B. Baumgardner, V. Yordanov and many others. For many years these wrestlers have been dispalying outstanding mastery at the most important international events such as: the European and World cham pionships and the Olympic Games. Also, their noteworthy wrestling technique and tactics were developed to the point of automatic performance. These were, actually, the qualities underlying their outstanding performance and mastery in wrestling. On the other hand, the estension and increasing complexity of technical know ledge in wrestling confront the coaches and specialists with a new challenge in their desire to establish the most appropriate organizational pattern of technical and tactical preparation for the wrestlers and determine the most suitable way of conducting that process. Actually, the problem can be reduced to the following two crucial issues: 1. How to establish an appropriate training pattern of technical skills and the right sequence of their performance; 2. How to implement the acquired skills and to keep them under control. It goes without saying that the promotion of technical and tactical mastery depends on a number of interrelated elements and that each of these elements should be developed to the point of automatic performance. The greater the num ber of such elements mastered by the wrestler, the greater his possibility for suc cess. It should, however, be emphasized that the relationship between these ele ments must be constant, flexible and reliable. Only in that case will the wrestler be able to, without difficulty, switch from one variation another, by timely reacting to the actions and holds undertaken by his opponent. Unfortunately, sufficient attention is not devoted to this relationship. The main emphasis seems to be pla ced on how to teach the trainee to carry out these technical elements when performing holds, adopting a protective position or initiating counter-attacks. Apparently, the wrestlers are not encouraged to use their brains and combine the elements from their individual technical and tactical experiences in performing complex actions. It should, however, be emphasized, that the correct selection of technical and tactical elements is possible only if based on a model for individual preparation for competitions, developed for each wrestler involved in the training program. ARGUMENTS IN FAVOUR OF A MODERN SCHOOL OF PREPARA TION IN WRESTLING The technique and tactics of free style wrestling, rich and diversified as it is, continues to progress. This development of wrestling technique and tactics is, on the one hand, a response to a keen competitive spirit on the international wre- 10 stling mat, and, on the other hand the results of the amended Rules of Wrestling. Outstanding experts in wrestling rightly maintain that wrestling technique, combi ned with tactics, constitute the very foundation of mastery in wrestling. They also emphasize that other forms of preparation are only supportive, or subsidiary with regard to the former two. This means that the theory and practive of free style wrestling should, concentrate on the development and promotion of the technical and tactical preparation of the wrestlers. In order to establish the main prerequisites for the development and promotion of this preparation process let us, first, analyize the present basic shortcomings of the process. In our view one of its major shortcomings is the absence of wrestling with an opponent, because during training the wrestlers are only taught how to perform holds. Evidently, appropriate preparation (both in strategy and tactics) enables the wrestlers to learn how to effectively perform given holds, but this skill makes sense only with an opponent. An analysis of competitions in free style wrestling reveals that about 7-8% of total time available is spent on the performance of holds, and the rest is devoted to the preparation of the holds, initiation, manoeu- vering, individual action, and faking actions to prevent an opponent from antici pating the nature of the action, or hold. Tactical preparation is crucial in this regard. Unfortunately pedagogical research has revealed that practical preparation does not devote enough attention to this aspect. As already emphasized, efficient and relevant performance of a hold directly depends on the wrestler's tactical actions. Technical preparation is also crucial. The better his technical preparation the greater the wrestler's ability to successfully cope with complex technical chal lenges which occur during the contest with his opponent, defeat his opponent's offensive actions and efficiently carry out his own actions and tactics. Inappropriate organization is another essential shortcoming of the technical training process in wrestling, because it disregards the most important pedagogi cal principle: "from known to unknown" and "from simple to more complex". It appears that the major problem stems from the following approach: Elementary technical preparation is developed in order to simultaneously teach the wrestler how to carry out holds, take defensive positions and perform counter attacks. After having learned to perform a given hold the wrestler also learns the defensive position with regard to that specific hold and the counter-attack. Many outstanding specialists in free style wrestling have, however, noticed, that this approach (hold, defense position, counter-attack) prevent the development of firm and durable movement skills in wrestlers. In order to fully and clearly understand the implications of the above statement just imagine the following picture: We are building a house together with our trai nees (practice of offensive actions) and before completing the project we start destroying its foundation (training to defeat offensive actions). This is the reason why many wrestlers lack good knowledge in wrestling, namely, in competition they are simply not able to perform a hold in a "classical" manner. Absence of basic principles is the second essential shortcoming of the elemen tary technical and tactical preparation process. Research data indicates that most coaches rely on personal experience and thus arbitrarily decide on the content of the learning and training process. Due to the lack of system in the approach to this process the technical background of the wrestlers has become lean, particu- 11

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