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Preview Free-Space Laser Communications: Principles and Advances (Optical and Fiber Communications Reports)

OPTICAL AND FIBER COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS EditorialBoard: A.Bjarklev,Lyngby D.Chowdhury,Coming A.Majumdar,Agoura Hills M.Nakasawa,Sendai-shi CG.Someda,Padova H.-G.Weber,Berlin OPTICAL AND FIBER COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS The OpticalandFiberCommunications Reports(OFCR)bookseriesprovidesasur veyof selectedtopics attheforefront of research. Eachbookisatopical collection of contributionsfrom leading research scientists that givesan up-to-date and broad spectrumoverview ofvarioussubjects. The maintopics inthisexpandingfieldwillcoverforexample: • specialtyfibers(periodic fibers,holeyfibers,erbium-dopedfibers) • broadbandlasers • optical switching(MEMSor others) • polarizationandchromaticmodedispersionand compensation • long-haul transmission • optical networks (LAN,MAN, WAN) • protectionand restoration • furthertopicsofcontemporaryinterest. Includingbothgeneral informationandahighlytechnical presentationof theresults, thisseriessatisfiestheneedsof expertsaswellasgraduatesand researchers startingin thefield.Booksinthis series establishthemselvesas comprehensive guidesand ref erencetextsfollowingtheimpressiveevolutionofthisareaofscienceandtechnology. The editors encourage prospective authors to correspond with them in advance of submitting a manuscript. Submission of manuscripts should be made to one of the editors.Seealso http://springeronline.comlseries/481O. EditorialBoard MasatakaNakasawa Laboratoryof Ultrahigh-speedOptical Anders Bjarklev Communication COM,TechnicalUniversity ofDenmark Research Instituteof Electrical DTUBuilding345V Communication 2800Ksg.Lyngby,Denmark TohokuUniversity Email:[email protected] 2-1-1Katahira,Aoba-ku Sendai-shi 980-8577,Japan DipakChowdhury Email:[email protected] CorningInc. SP-TD-01-2 Carlo G.Someda Corning,NY 14831,USA Dfil-UniversitadiPadova Email:[email protected] ViaGradenigo6/A 35131Padova,Italy Arun K.Majumdar Email:[email protected] LCResearch, Inc. 30402Rainbow ViewDrive Hans-GeorgWeber Agoura Hills,CA91301 Heinrich-HertzInstitut Email:[email protected] Einsteinufer 37 10587Berlin,Germany Email:[email protected] Arun K. Majumdar Jennifer C. Ricklin Free-Space Laser Communications Principles and Advances ~ Springer ArunK.Majumdar JenniferC.Ricklin LCResearch,Inc. AMSRL-CI-CN 30402RainbowView Drive 2800PowderMillRd. AgouraHills,CA91301 Adelphi,MD20783 [email protected] [email protected] ISBN-13:978-0-387-28652-5 e-ISBN-13:978-0-387-28677-8 LibraryofCongressControlNumber: 2006939943 ©2008SpringerScience+BusinessMedia, LLC Allrights reserved.This work may not betranslated or copied inwholeor in part without the written permission ofthe publisher(SpringerScience+BusinessMedia LLC,233SpringStreet, NewYork,NY 10013, USA), except for briefexcerpts inconnectionwith reviewsor scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form ofinformation storage and retrieval,electronic adaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilarmethodologynowknown orhereafter developed isforbidden. The useinthis publicationoftradenames,trademarks,servicemarks,and similarterms, even if theyarenot identifiedassuch,isnot to betakenasanexpression ofopinionastowhetheror not theyaresubject to proprietaryrights. Printedonacid-free paper. 9 8 76 543 2 I springer.com Preface Free-space laser communications, also referred to as optical communica tions, is a popular subject in today's technological marketplace. A number of conferences on this subject havebeen organized by professional societies such as SPIE (the International Society of Photo Optical and Instrumenta tion Engineering),OSA (Optical Societyof America), and IEEE(Instituteof Electrical and Electronics Engineers).The evolving technology of free-space laser communications is emerging as an appealing alternative to RF com munications for links between satellites, as wellas a promising addition to terrestrial applicationssuch as video or computerlinkups between buildings. There isa pressing need for more information on lasercommunicationsthat iscomprehensive enough to provide in-depth knowledge of free-space com munications, and that can satisfy the current demands of the research and commercial needs. This book has been designed to provide a comprehensive, unified tutorial to further understandingof the fundamental techniques for laser communi cations through the earth's atmosphere.The driving force behind free-space laser communications is the continuous demand for higher bandwidth to deliver high-capacity voice, data, and images to the customer. Free-space propagation distances include ranges that encompass a fewmillimeters (for example between optical interconnects in a computer using photonics to replacemetal interconnects), a fewmeters (such asindoorcommunications), afewkilometers(betweenbuildings,campuses,and hospitals),and evenupto thousands of kilometers(such as from an aircraft or satellite to the ground). Although the concept of free-space laser communications systems has been around as long as the laser itself, it has not been as widelyimplemented in fieldedsystemsasone might expect. There havebeen severalreasons forthis, theprincipalone beingthe lack of ademonstratable needforextremelyhigh bandwidth wirelesssystems, and the cost, complexity, and reliability of the technology involved.There havealso been complications with several of the attemptstofieldlarge-scaleoperational systems.But with the unprecedented growthof theinternet,multimedia,and related dataservicesand imagetrans fer,there has beena tremendouslygrowingappetiteforimmediatelyavailable information at high bandwidth.This has givenfree-space laser communica tions a unique nicheinthe communicationsmarket. v VI Preface The need for bandwidth for both commercial and military applications is growing faster than the ability of the local infrastructure to provide them, and also faster than the rate at which the infrastructure can be augmented. Technologydevelopmentintheareasof highermodulationcapabilityof laser sources,fastand sensitivedetectors, and opticalcomponentssuchasDWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) and optical amplifiers, all have helped to achieve higher bandwidth. However,at optical wavelengths, the interaction of electromagnetic waveswith the atmosphere is much stronger than that at microwave frequencies, and hence weather conditions such as turbulence and foglimitthe performanceof optical links. This book provides a comprehensive overview for readers who require information about the basics of free-space lasercommunications, as wellas up-to-dateadvanced knowledge of the state-of-the-arttechnologiesavailable today. Wehave tried to make this book as useful as possible as a resource forengineers,scientists,researchers,and studentsinterested inunderstanding and designing laser communication systems for atmospheric channels. The reader willfurther benefit from the knowledge of how adaptive optics and related technologies such as MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) can be integrated into free-space laser communications. There iscontinuity betweenchapters so that the information and learning fromanyonechapter isconnected to that of the otherchapters. Chapter 1isan introduction to atmosphericlasercommunicationand dis cussestheoveralllasercommunicationsarchitecture. Thischapterservesasa general background fortheconcepts presented insubsequentchapters. Chapter2describes the impact that atmosphericeffectshaveon lasercom munication systems.This chapter describes the physical processes underly ing optical extinction and optical turbulence-induced signal losses. Recent advances in the modeling of optical scintillation under weak-to-strong fluc tuations associated with both terrestrial linksand satellite/ground links have beenaddressed.This and other information giveninthis chapterenablecal culationoftheanticipated systemperformanceovera widerange of channel characteristicsforground-to-ground,ground-to-air/air-to-ground,and satel liteuplink/downlink optical communicationscenarios. Chapter 3 provides a theoretical treatment and analysis of the perform ance of a free-space laser communication system under a givencommuni cation format scheme.This chapter develops a communication link budget model relating the atmospheric channel effectsand the main parameters of the transmitter and receiverstations. Numerous examples are givenfor spe cificsystemparametersinordertodesignaspecificsystem.Variousscenarios of practical importanceare described:horizontal (terrestrial) links,and slant paths including downlink (satellite-to-ground) and uplink (ground-to-satel lite).Thissystemperformanceanalysiswillbeusefulfordesignersinoptimiz ingthe optical station main parameters inorder to establish a data link with adequate performanceundervarious atmosphericconditions. Preface Vll Chapter4providesan overviewof state-of-the-art,aswellasfuture optical transmitterand receiver,designsthatareparticularlywellsuited forfree-space lasercommunications. Emphasis isplaced on high-performance photon-effi cient systemsand technologies suitable foroperation in both deep space and terrestrial optical links.This chapter focuses on practical design options for the transmitter and receiver blocks. Practical tradeoffs and implementation issuesthat arise from using various technologies are presented,and the inter play between modulation format, transmitter waveform, and receiverdesign are discussed. Wave-front distortions of optical waves can be mitigated, in principle, with adaptive optics. Chapter 5 discusses an adaptive optics approach that hassignificantadvantagesforfree-spacelasercommunicationterminals. This technique does not require wave-front measurements, which are difficult to obtainunderthestrongscintillationconditionstypical formany communica tion scenarios.Itisbased on thedirect optimizationof aperformancequality metric, e.g., the communication signal strength. An experimental adaptive optics systemisalso described. Chapter 6 provides a broadband optical wirelesssolution for closing the "lastmile"connectivitygap throughoutmetropolitannetworks. This chapter discussesvarious network architecturesand the usage of "optical repeaters." Point-to-pointand point-to-multipointsolutionsareexplained forconstruct ingdifferent network architectures.Terrestrialapplicationsforshortand long ranges,as wellasspace applications, are described. Importantdesigncriteria forconnectingthe userto the "backbone"byfreespace optics techniquesare explained. Error-controlcodescan helptomitigateturbulence-induced signalfading in lasercommunicationsthrough atmospheric turbulence. Chapter 7providesan in-depth treatment of thiscriticalsubjectthrough the useof techniques based on the statistical properties of turbulence-induced signalintensity fading as a function of bothtemporal and spatialcoordinates.Anoptimal maximum-like lihood detection schemeisdescribed forcorrelated spatial-diversityreception. Thischapteralsodescribesan experimentaldemonstrationof theeffectiveness of twotemporal domain techniquesina terrestrial linkusingon-offkeying. The three remaining chapters cover the recent development of longer wavelength free-space laser communications. A longer wavelength source can provide significantly improved transmission through the atmosphere, as compared to shorter wavelengths. Chapter 8 discusses optical parametric oscillation devices used for mid-IR (MWIR) data communication through lowvisibilityconditions.This chapter also describes the design of a MWIR transceiver that provides high peak power and short pulses for the Multiple Integrated Laser EngagementSystem (MILES) program. Chapter 9 discusses the high-speed modulation properties of a quantum cascade laser (QCL) suitable for free-space laser communications. A com parison of experiments between a QCL and a near-infrared laser-based link VIII Preface in controlled low-visibilityexperiments isdiscussed.A recent application of a QCL-based link used for transmission of satellite TV data streams is also presentedinthischapter. Chapter 10 discusses technology for all-weather long-wavelength infrared (LWIR) free-space optical communications. Superior transmission through atmosphericphenomenasuchasfog,clouds,and smoke,coupledwithimprove ments in LWIR laser and modulator design, makes possible reliable optical replacements forradio and microwavecommunication linksformanyapplica tions.This chaptersummarizes thecomponentsand techniquesdeveloped for high-speed,full-duplexall-weatherinfraredcommunicationssystems. Weexpress our sincere appreciation to Dr. Hans I Koelsch, the Springer Editorial Director for Physics,for his encouragement and interest from the very start of this project. Wealso thank all of the contributors, as wellas Ms.Virginia Lipsey,Associate Editorfor Physics,and Ms.Vasudha Gandhi, Editorial Assistant, for their continuous help throughout the preparation of this book. A.K. Majumdar wishesto thank hisdaughterSharmistha for her help in checking the texts of his sections, his wifeGargi for her encourage ment and support,and alsohisfelinefriends,Rockyand Sasha, whoprovided unconditionalcompanionshipfortheentire duration of hiswork incomplet ing this project. He also wishes to pay tribute to the memory of his brother, Dr. Nirmal Majumdarof London,whowasaconstantsource of inspiration throughouthiswriting ofthisbook.IC. Ricklin thanksherhusband Mikhail forhissupportandencouragement,aswellasthegrayfamilycatwhokeptthe monitor'smouse icon undercontinuousstrongobservationand control. Arun K.Majumdar Agoura Hills,California JenniferC.Ricklin Laurel, Maryland Contributors Dr. UHaBirnbacher Dr. Stephen Hammel DepartmentofCommunications AtmosphericPropagation Branch and WavePropagation 2558Space and Naval Warfare GrazTechnical University Systems Center A-8010Graz,Inffeldgasse 12,Austria San Diego,CA 92152 [email protected] [email protected] 43-3I6-873-7442 (619)553-4578 Dr.David Caplan Dr.Donald P.Hutchinson MIT Lincoln Laboratory EngineeringScienceand Technology Optical Communications Division Technology Oak Ridge National Laboratory 244Wood St., Mail StopC-245, Bethel VaHey Road, Oak Ridge, Lexington, MA 02420 TN 37831 [email protected] [email protected] (781)981-5025;CeH:(978)852-3888 (865)574-4730;CeH:(865) 382-8155 Dr. Frank D.Eaton AFRLlDESA, Air Force Research Prof.Joseph M. Kahn Laboratory DepartmentofElectrical 3550Aberdeen Ave.SE,Kirtland Engineering AFB,NM 87117 Stanford University [email protected] 372Packard Building, 350Serra (505)853-1091 MaH,Stanford,CA 94305-9515 [email protected] Dr.MichaelGebhart (650)724-9584 DepartmentofCommunications and WavePropagation Dr.SvetlanaL. Lachinova GrazTechnical University Institute forSystems Research A-8010Graz,Inffeidgasse 12,Austria Universityof Maryland [email protected] College Park,MD 20742 43-3I6-873-7442 [email protected] IX

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