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Free Pages and Other Essays: Anarchist Musings Manuel González Prada OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS FREE PAGES AND OTHER ESSAYS Anarchist Musings library of latin america General Editor Jean Franco Series Editor for Brazil Richard Graham, with the assistance of Alfredo Bosi Editorial Board Tulio Halperin Donghi Iva´n Jaksic´ Naomi Lindstrom Eduardo Lozano Francine Masiello L O L A 4 FREE PAGES AND OTHER ESSAYS Anarchist Musings Manuel Gonza´lez Prada Translated from the Spanish by Frederick H. Fornoff Edited with an Introduction and Chronology by David Sobrevilla 1 2003 1 Oxford NewYork Auckland Bangkok BuenosAires CapeTown Chennai DaresSalaam Delhi HongKong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata KualaLumpur Madrid Melbourne MexicoCity Mumbai Nairobi Sa˜oPaulo Shanghai Taipei Tokyo Toronto Copyright(cid:1) 2003 by OxfordUniversityPress, Inc. PublishedbyOxfordUniversityPress,Inc. 198MadisonAvenue,NewYork,NewYork10016 www.oup.com OxfordisaregisteredtrademarkofOxfordUniversityPress Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced, storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans, electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,orotherwise, withoutthepriorpermissionofOxfordUniversityPress. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Gonza´lezPrada,Manuel,1844–1918. [Selections.English.2002] Freepagesandotheressays:anarchistmusings/ byManuelGonza´lezPrada;translatedfromtheSpanish byFrederickH.Fornoff;editedwithanintroduction andchronologybyDavidSobrevilla. p.cm.—(LibraryofLatinAmerica) ISBN0–19–511687–9—ISBN0–19–511688–7(pbk.) 1.Gonza´lezPrada,Manuel,1844–1918— TranslationsintoEnglish. I.Fornoff,FrederickH. II.Sobrevilla,David,1938– III.Title. IV.Series. PQ8497.G6A242002 861’.5—dc21 2002025114 1 3 5 7 9 8 6 4 2 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica onacid-freepaper Contents Series Editors’ General Introduction vii Criteria for This Edition xi Biographical Note on Manuel Gonza´lez Prada xiv Chronology of Manuel Gonza´lez Prada xv Introduction by David Sobrevilla xxiii Selected Bibliography lviii About the Editor and Translator lxiii Free Pages and Other Essays: Anarchist Musings 1 This page intentionally left blank Series Editors’ General Introduction The Library of Latin America series makes available in translation major nineteenth-century authors whose work has been neglected in the English-speaking world. The titles for the translations fromthe Spanish and Portuguese were suggested by an editorial committeethat included Jean Franco (general editor responsibleforworksinSpanish), Richard Graham (series editor responsible for works in Portuguese), TulioHalper´ınDonghi(attheUniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley),Iva´n Jaksic´ (at the University of Notre Dame), Naomi Lindstrom (at the University of Texas at Austin), Francine Masiello (at the Universityof California, Berkeley), and Eduardo Lozano of the Library at the Uni- versityofPittsburgh.ThelateAntonioCornejoPolaroftheUniversity of California, Berkeley, was also one of the founding members of the committee.Thetranslationshavebeenfundedthankstothegenerosity of the Lampadia Foundation and the Andrew W.MellonFoundation. During the period of national formation between 1810 and into the early years of the twentieth century, the new nations of LatinAmerica fashioned their identities, drew up constitutions, engaged in bitter struggles over territory, and debated questions of education, govern- ment, ethnicity, and culture. This was a unique period unlike the pro- cess of nation formation in Europe and one which should be more familiar than it is to students of comparative politics, history, and literature. viii | Series Editors’ General Introduction The image of the nation was envisioned by the lettered classes—a minority in countries in which indigenous, mestizo, black, or mulatto peasantsandslavespredominated—althoughtherewerealsoalternative nationalisms at the grassroots level. The cultural elite were well edu- cated in European thought and letters, but as statesmen, journalists, poets, and academics, they confronted the problem of the racial and linguistic heterogeneity of the continent and the difficulties of inte- grating the population into a modern nation-state.Someofthewriters whose works will be translated in the Library of Latin America series played leading roles in politics. Fray Servando Teresa de Mier, a friar who translated Rousseau’s The Social Contract and was oneofthemost colorful characters of the independence period, was faced with impris- onment and expulsion from Mexico for his heterodox beliefs; on his return, after independence, he was elected to the congress. Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, exiled from his native Argentina under the presi- dency of Rosas, wrote Facundo: Civilizacio´n y barbarie, a stinging de- nunciationofthatgovernment.HereturnedafterRosas’overthrowand was elected president in 1868. Andre´s Bello was born in Venezuela, lived in London where he published poetry during the independence period, settled in Chile where he founded the University, wrote his grammaroftheSpanishlanguage,anddrewupthecountry’slegalcode. These post-independence intelligentsia were not simply dreaming castles inthe air,butvitally contributedtothefoundingofnationsand the shaping of culture.The advantageofhindsightmaymakeusaware of problems they themselves did not foresee, but this should notaffect our assessment of their truly astonishing energies and achievements.It is still surprising that the writing of Andre´s Bello, who contributed fundamental works to so many different fields, has never been trans- latedintoEnglish.AlthoughthereisarecenttranslationofSarmiento’s celebrated Facundo, there is no translation of hismemoirs,Recuerdosde provincia (Provincial Recollections). The predominance of memoirs in theLibraryofLatinAmericaseriesisnoaccident—manyoftheseoffer entertaining insights into a vast and complex continent. Nor have we neglected the novel. The series includes new transla- tions of the outstanding Brazilian writer Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis’s work, including Dom Casmurro and The Posthumous Memoirs of Bra´s Cubas. There is no reason why other novels and writers who are notsowellknownoutsideLatinAmerica—thePeruviannovelistClor- Series Editors’ General Introduction | ix inda Matto de Turner’s Aves sin nido, Nataniel Aguirre’s Juan de la Rosa,Jose´ deAlencar’sIracema,JuanaManuelaGorriti’sshortstories— should not be read with as much interest as the political novels of Anthony Trollope. A series on nineteenth-century Latin America cannot, however, be limited to literary genres such as the novel, the poem, and the short story. The literature of independent Latin America was eclectic and stronglyinfluencedbytheperiodicalpressnewlyliberatedfromscrutiny by colonial authorities and the Inquisition Newspapers were miscella- nies of fiction, essays, poems, and translations from all manner of Eu- ropean writing. The novels written on the eve of Mexican Indepen- dence by Jose´ Joaqu´ın Ferna´ndez de Lizardi included disquisitions on secular education and law, and denunciations of the evils of gaming and idleness. Other works, such as a well-known poem by Andre´s Bello,“OdetoTropicalAgriculture,”andnovelssuchasAmaliabyJose´ Marmol and the Bolivian Nataniel Aguirre’s Juan de la Rosa, were openly partisan. By the end of the century, sophisticated scholarswere beginning to address the history of their countries, as did Joao Capis- trano de Abreu in his Capitulos de historia colonial. It is often in memoirs such as those by Fray Servando Teresa de Mier or Sarmiento that we find the descriptions of everyday life that in Europe were incorporated into the realist novel. Latin American literature at this time was seen largely as a pedagogical tool, a “light” alternative to speeches, sermons, and philosophical tracts—though, in fact, especially in the early part of the century, even the readership for novels was quite small because of the high rate of illiteracy. Neverthe- less,thevigorousorallytransmittedcultureofthegauchoandtheurban underclasses became the linguistic repertoire of some of the most in- teresting nineteenth-century writers—most notably Jose´ Herna´ndez, author of the “gauchesque” poem “Martin Fierro,” which enjoyed an unparalleled popularity. But for many writers the task was not to ap- propriate popular language buttocivilize,andtheirliteraryworkswere strongly influenced by the high style of political oratory. The editorial committee has not attempted to limit its selection to thebetter-knownwriterssuchasMachadodeAssis;ithasalsoselected many works that have never appeared in translation or writers whose work has not been translated recently. The series now makes these works available to the English-speaking public.

Manuel Gonz?lez Prada was a powerful Peruvian writer and political reformer whose essays and speeches influenced generations of young radicals. He founded the Party of National Unity in 1891, was linked to the anarchist movement, and served as Director of the National Library from 1912-1914. His wri
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