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Free Markets and Food Riots: The Politics of Global Adjustment (Studies in Urban and Social Change) PDF

391 Pages·1994·11.44 MB·English
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Preview Free Markets and Food Riots: The Politics of Global Adjustment (Studies in Urban and Social Change)

Studieisn U rbana nd SociaClh ange PublibsyhB elda ckiwnea lsls ociwaitttihho Ienn ternational jouronfUa rlb aannRd e giRoensaela Srecrhie.ed si tCohrrsi:s PickvaMnacreg,Mi aty earn Jdo hWna lton Published DividCeidt ies SusaSn .F ainsteIiannG, o rdona,n dM ichaeHla rlo(ee ds.) TheC itByu ilders SusanS .F ainstein FragmenStoecdi eties EnzoM ingione FreMea rkeatnsd F ooRdi ots JohnW altoann dD avidS eddon Forthcoming Post-Fordism AshA min( ed.) TheR esourocfPe osv erty MercedeGso nzaldeezl aR ocha SociRaeln tHeod usiinngE uropaen dA merica MichaeHla rloe Citiaefst Seorc ialism MichaeHla rloeI,v anS zelenaynid G regorAyn drusz UrbaSno ciMaolv emenatnsdt hSet ate MargiMta yer FREMEA RKETS & FOODR IOST THEP OLITOIFGC LSO BAADLJ USTMENT & JohWna ltoDna vSiedd don ll BlACI<WEll OxfoUrKd cS-CambriUdSgAe Copyrig©h tJohnW altoann dD avidS eddon1 994 Ther ighotfJ ohnW altoann dD avidS eddotno b ei dentifiaesad u thoorfst hiwso rk hasb eena ssertienad c cordance thweiC tohp yrighDte,s ignasn dP atenAtcst 1 988. Firsptu blish1e9d9 4 BlackwPeulbll ishers 238M ainS treet, CambridgMea,s sachusetts 02142 USA 108C owleRyo ad OxforOdX 4 lJF UK Allr ighrtess erved. Efxocrte hpeqt u otatioofsn h orpta ssagfeosrt hep urposoefs criticainsdmr evienwo,p arotf t hipsu blicatmiaoyn b er eproducsetdo,r eidna retriesvyaslt eomr,t ransmititnea dn,y f ormo rb ya nym eanse,l ectromneicch,a nical, photocopyriencgo,r dionrog t herwiwsiet,h outth ep riopre rmissoifot nh ep ublisher. Excepitn t heU niteSdt ateofsA mericat,hi bso oki ss olsdu bjetcott hec ondititohna t its halnlo tb,y w ayo ft radoer o therwibseel ,e ntr,e -sohlidr,e odu to,r o therwise circulated wtihteph uobulti shperri'oscr o nseintna nyf ormo fb indinogrc over othetrh ant haitn w hichi ti sp ublishaenddw ithouat s imilcaorn ditiionnc luditnhgi s conditiboeni nigm poseodn thes ubsequepnutr chaser. LibraoryfC ongreCsast aloguing-in-DPautbal ication WaltonJ,o hn,1 937- Freem arketasn df oodr iottsh:ep olitoifcg sl obaald justmeIn t JohnW altoann dD avidS eddonw,i thc ontributbiyoV nisc torDiaai ne.s. .[ eta l.J. p. em.- (Studiiensu rbana nds ocicalh ange) Includbeisb liograprheifcearle nacnedsi ndex. ISBN0 -631-18245--4I.SBN0 -631-18247-0 (pbk.) 1.S tructuardjaults ment( Econompiocl cyi)- Developicnogu ntries. 2.D eveloping co-unEtcroineosm icco nditio3n.sF .r eet rad-e Developicnogu ntries. 4.S ocial co-nfDleivcetl opicnogu ntrie5s.C. apital-isDme velopicnogu ntries. 6.P ost-commun-isEmu ropeE,a stern7.. E conomihci sto-ry1971-1990. 8.E conomihci sto-ry1 990- I.S eddon, DavIiId.D. a inesV,i ctoriIaI.I T.i tle. IV.S eries. HC59.7.W2631 994 339.'50 917'24 -dc20 93-30890 CIP BritiLsihb raCrayt alogiuniP nugb licaDtaitoan A CIP catalogrueec orfdo rt hibso oki sa vailafbrloem t heB ritiLsihb rary. Typeseitn1 0Y, on1 2p tB askerville by ApexP roductSsi,n gapore Printaenddb ounidn G reat BrbiyMt aarisnt on LiRnodssIsan yt ernatLitodnO,axf lo rdshire Contents Lisotf T ables Vll Acknowledgements Vlll PartI Introduction GlobaAld justment 3 2 FoodR iotPsa sta ndP resent 23 PartI I CaseS tudies 55 3 Fightifnogr S urvivaWlo:m en'sR esponsteos AusteriPtryo grams 57 4 LatiAnm ericaP:o pulaPrr oteasntd t heS tate 97 5 EconomiAcd justmeanntd D emocratizamt iAofnr ica 135 6 TheM iddlEea sta ndN orthA frica 171 7 TheA siaDne btC risiSst:r uctuArdajlu stmeanntd PopulaPrr oteisntI ndia 215 8 ExplainiSnrgiL anka'Esx ceptionalPiospmu:l ar ResponsteosW elfariasnmd t he" OpenE conomy" 253 vi Contents 9 The PolitiocfsE conomiRce formm Centraaln d 288 EasterEnu rope PartI II Conclusion 331 10 DebtC risiasn d DemocratTirca nsition 333 339 Bibilography 367 Index Tables Table1 .1 Regionpaalt teronfsg rowth1,9 65-2000 12 Table4 .1 Socio-econionmdiicc atfoorrms a jorL atin 102 Americacno untri(ecsa 1.9 70-1990) Table4 .2 Correlatiooftn hse o ccurrenacned s everiotfy austerpirtoyt ewsitt hs electiendd icatoofr s economisco,c iaaln,d p oliticcoanld itiionn s LatiAnm ericdau rintgh e1 970sa nd 1980s 116 Table5 .1 Fiscaclo ntractainodns ocisaple ndinign sub-SaharAafnr ica 139 Table6 .1 Austeriptryo teisntt heM iddlEea st1,9 65-19921 72 Table6 .2 Externpaulb lidce bti ns electMeidd dlEea stern countries 184 Table7 .1 AnnualG DP growtrha tfeo rs electceodu ntries inA fricAas,i aa,n dL atiAnm erica1,9 60-19902 18 Table7 .2 Regionadle bti ndicataonrds d ebt-service payment1s9,8 1-1991 219 Table7 .3 Debti ndicatfoorrss e lectceodu ntriienAs f rica, t. Asiaa ndL atiAnm ericat,o tadle bts ervitcoe exporotf g oodsa nds ervic1e9s8,0 -1989 220 Table8 .1 Developmeanntd g rot I:n dicatfoorrSs o uth Asiann atioanns dC hia ,l at1e9 70s 262 Table8 .2 Governmentparli orsi tiins pendin(gp ercentage oft otacle ntral-government exp1e9n7d6i t2u6r3e s), Acknowlegedments AlthouJgoh hnW altona ndD avidS eddoanr et hep rinciapuatlh ors ande ditoorfst hivso lumei,t cso ntenatnsd c onceptiroenloy n addi­ tionaclo ntributVoircst.o ria Dcaoianuetsh orweidt hD avidS eddon chapte3r o n women'rse sponsteoas u steriRtoyn.a ldH erring wrote chapte8r o n SriL anka'esx ceptionaTlriesvmo.r ParfitStt eapnhde n Rilecyo ntribuctheadp te5r o n AfricJao.n athaSnh efnecro authored withJ ohnW altonc hapte4r o n LatiAnm erica. MriUddualyaa giri wrotceh apte7r o n IndiaJ.o hnW altoni sg rateftuolt heW oodrow WilsonI nternatiCoennatle fro rS cholarWsa,s hingtoDnC, fora fellowsthhiapst u pportweodr ko n thipsr oject. PartI Introduction FREE MARKETS & FOOD RIOTS EditbeydJ ohnW alt&o nD aviSde ddon CopyrigJhoth©nW altoann d DaSveiddd o1n9 94 1 GlobaAld justment Int hibso okw e examinteh er elationbsehtiwpe ewni desprepaodp ular ( unresitn t hec itioefst hed evelopiwnogr ldi ncluditnhge " new" ) developiwnogr lodf C entraaln dE asterEnu ropeandt hep roceosfs economiacn d sociatlr ansforma-tiaosns ociawtietdh a renewed emphasiosn liberalizaantdi tohne p romotioonf" fremea rkets-" thahta st akepnl acoen a globaslc aloev ert hel asttw od ecades. We arguet hatd,e spiittes r ootisn t hed istinchtiisvteo ridcea­l velopmeonftt hes tatwei thiwnh ichi tt akepsl acep,o pular protest musta lsboe s eena sa moreg enersaolc iaanld p olitirceaslp ontsoe thes ystemautnidce rminionfgp revioeucso nomiacn ds ocisatlr uc­ tureasn do fa n earlimeorr alo rderi,n t hen ame of" adjustment," toe nsurree newecda pitaldiesvte lopmeonnt a world scTahlee . perioodf " globaadlj ustmeenxtt"e ndrso,u ghlfyr,o mt hel at1e9 60s tot hep resenTth.i sp eriowde, woulda rgueh,a sb eenc haracterized by crisainsd r econstrucotni ao wno rlsdc ale. 1 GLOBAL CRISIS Few disagrtehea tt hep erioudn derc onsideraitsio onne o fs igni­ ficantch angaen dt ransformatbiuotin n;t erpretaotfit ohneps r ecise significaanncdoe f,t hee conomiacn dp oliticcaauls easn de ffecotfs , thec hangetsa kinpgl acdei ffceorn siderably.

This book describes and explains the extraordinary wave of popular protest that swept across the so-called Third World and the countries of the former socialist bloc during the period from the late 1970s to the early 1990s, in response to the mounting debt crisis and the austerity measures widely ad
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