YOGAo f " The ' . TIMET RAVEL ,:I • OtheBro ol�s byF redA lanW olf MattienrtF oe eling Minidn tMoa tter The SpiUrniitvuearls e TheDr eamUinnigv erse TheE aglQeu'ess t ParaUlnlievle rses ThBeo dQyu antum Star�'Wave TakitnhgQe u antLuema p Space-aTniBdme ey onTdh:eN ewE dition (wiBtohb T ohen) Praifsoer F redA lanW olf TheY ogoaf T imeT ravieosln oeft hmeo sitm agibnoaotIkih svae v e reaabdo tuhntea touftr iem Iemt.a kuesws o ndzetfri mter aivpseo ls sibnloeot,ny tl hrotuhugesh oe ft ehcnooglbyu,t th royuoggwhahi ,c h anyocnapner actice. -AMIT GOSWAMI,P H.D.a,u trhoPofhysoiftchseSoul InTh eY ogoaf T imeT ravFelr,Ae adln W olft aktehrsee abdyeeorn d thneo rmbaolua nrdiofes aspc aen tdi met hiweno troolft d h ieni fnite, etesripnraHilet b .l epnhdsysi acnssd p irliiittnayuw aatyh isa bto th seaemsalsn idn gtunrigi. -GLEN KEZWERa,u tohfMoe rd itaOtniesonsane,,n P dh ysics Wolfi as tt hfeorf eroonfct er atain negiw tn egsrcailet nhicanetc ludes psylcohgpoyh,yc ssai,n sdip truitahli nkIinTn hegY .o gao fT ime Travhelem, a kes.csouncachsbe lpahtcosekl s t,hs eap ce-ctoinmtei nu uma,n pda raulnvlieerlss oemse thcianfngee l.w e -ARNOLDM INDELLP,H .D.a,u tohfo r ThQeu antum MHielnaidn ga nd FreAdl aWnolf 'Msi ndi ntMoa ttberr enaekgwsr outnhidasb t o th entlhlriaannegdn geirgzg,iin vuismn agpt soe x lpocrnoes ocuisnaensds thceo smmyisct Tehsryii .qs uanatlucmh aetimt fiysn est. -MICHAELT OMS,c oofundaenhrdo osftN ewD imenRsaiidoon s EnteWroilfn'Tgsh eS piriUtnuiavle irssle i sktee pipniatnl obga o ra torya s iapnc epsc hraieentihnrgot uhguehnv ierasned manan ed by phiplhoesro-sIcfyi oehuna tvies tfa.or s hcneitaeifdri ecan sionygo,u 'll ejnotyh sep irjiuotrenIdefy y o.u a'r roem ac,ne atrith,pb ooeuyntped- t lzke me,for ysomouim'neredp ex a nisni on. -THOMAS MOORE,a utohfo r ThRee enchaonfEt vmeearynyLdt z fe TheS piriUtnuiavle crsree aab treaisnl Nltei wP hiycsosft hSeo ul and ushuesir nst thote h imriedln lunmiw itdhe eenpifnaigtb ho,lh de art, anpdrf oounidng shit. -ERNEST L.R OSSIP,H .D.a,u tohfo r ThPes cyhobioofGl eongEeyxr pession FreAdla Wnolf 'Psa ralUlneilvs eersi asw ilidn lteteculrail-d aen entlhirrnaegla d. -PUBLISHERSW EEKLY YOGAo f The TIMTER AVEL thMei nCdaD ne fTeiamte How FRED ALAN WOLF, PH.D. QueBsoto ks TheosoPpuhbilciHasolhu isneg WheaItloln+i, Cn hoeinsn ai I(nMdaidar as). Copyr©i g2h0t0b4y F reAdl aWno lf FirQsute sEtd it2i0o0n4 Alrli ghrtess erNvoep tf tbhoiomska yb er eprodiunac neyd manner wwirtihtoptueetrn m isesxicoefnpo tqr u otateimobnosd id inc ritairctaiolc rrl eevsi .eF wosard ditiinoofnramla twirointt oe QuesBto oks TheT heosophical Publishing House P.0 .B ox2 70 WheatIoLn6 ,01 98-0270 www Covearr bto,o dke siagnndt, y pesetDtainnD go oblyi n PictCurreed its: Pag1e7: i llustursaetdi powenir tmhi csosuirotnTe shyBe h aokft ivedanta BooTkru sItn t©' 2l0 04. Page 58u:s ewPdih tophte or micsosuirootnfJe esryDr ayv idson, [email protected] owme bsite htt/wwpw:/ LibroafCry o ngrCeastsa loging-iDna-tPau blication. WolfF,r eAdl an. They ogoaft imter avheolwt: h mei ncda dne fetaitm eF rIeA dl an Wolf.s-t Q1u esetd . p. cm. Inclubdiebsl iogrraepfheirceaannlcdi e nsd ex. ISB0N- 8630-5828-X 1.S pace and2 .Yt oigmae.3. .T imter av4e.lT. i me Psycholaosgpiecca5tl.Ts i.m e-eRligaisoupse cItT.s i.t le. QCl7 3.596.5SW6250 04 151-dc22 2000444782 5 4 �. 30 4 0056 0078 09 Prinitnet dhU en ited oSfAt maetreisc a • , Tom yf uturreea ders: Mayy outrr avetlism ebley CONTENTS INTR ODUCTION l CHAPTER 1 ThAeN CIEANRTTo f T IMCEH ETAING 11 CHAPTER 2 A BRIEOFV ERVIoEfSW A CDR ETIMaEnd S PACE2 5 CHAPTER 3 An OVERVIoEfPW H YSICTAILM aEnd SPACE3 5 CHAPTER 4 TIMaEnd S PACEEN OUGH? 51 CHAPTER 5 TheP HYSICofS1 0 1RDINA1RT1YI MTER AVEL 75 CHAPTER 6 ThePA RADOXEoSf P HYSICTAILM TER AVEL 95 CHAPTER 7 ThTeE CHNOLofO10 G1RYD INA1RT1YI MTER AVEL1 31 CHAPTER 8 ThPeH YSIoC/1ES1X TRADOIRNA1RT1YI MTER AVE1L3 5 CHAPTER 9 - - TIMEM,I ND, dP ROBAIBYTI L an 161 CHAPTER 10 TheS PIRITDUIAMLE NSIoOfTN I MTER AVEL 183 CHAPTER 1 1 SUMMARYd C ONCLUSION an 203 APPENDIX CLASSICdAQ LU ANTUCMO MPUTERS an 213 NOTES 221 BIBLIOGRAPHY 237 INDEX 243 , • A CKNOWLEDGMENTS Iwou lldi ket htaonC kar olByonn fdo hre srk ileldfiutloi fn g thmea nuispcatrn df omra kinsge veirmaplo rtiamnptr ove mentisnt hwer itiTonm gy.e ditioncr h iaetQf u esBto oks, SharrDoonr, r oIff emry g ratiftouhrde eer d itainndfg o orf fer inmga nvya luasbulgeg estIia olnswsoa. n tto t hanmky w ife SoniSaie rWrolaf , -wbheionags tudeant te,a c,ha enrdp racti tionoefIr y enygoagr-a maden umerohuesl pcfounlt ributions.