On their Franklin County bikes for a 10 cause NEWS Give rugby refereeing 37 a go Thursday, February 16, 2017 Kids set to shine Puni siblings Elizabeth Sharp with her goat Milo and Alexander Sharp with his goat Chip, will showcase their pets after months of preparation for the Franklin A&P Show. The two Nubian goats are known for getting into mischief and have even indugled in a bubble bath or two. This weekend’s show features all the aspects of rural life in Franklin people know and love. The event kicks off this Saturday from 8.45am, turn to P4 to read more. 2 FRANKLIN COUNTY NEWS, FEBRUARY 16, 2017 stuff.co.nz YOUR PAPER, YOUR PLACE 1.FRANKLINA&PSHOW Getasliceofrurallifethisweekend. This newspaper is t subject to NZ Press Eventsstartfrom8.30am, FROM s PukekoheShowgrounds.Adults CA ocuonmcpil lparinotc meduusrte fsir. st THE $15,Childrenunder12$5. be directed in writing, Preschoolersfree.Formore within one month of EDITOR i informationvisit publication, to the editor’s email address. pukekoheshowgrounds.co.nz If not satisfied with the response, the l complaint may be referred to the Press Council. PO Box 10-879, 2.PRESCHOOLER’S The Terrace, Wellington 6143. o WATERSLIDEMANIA Or use the online complaint form at It’sbeenabusyweekforyour February13-17andFebruary20-24, www.presscouncil.org.nz Please FranklinCountyNewsteam! PukekoheParkRacewaygatethree. include copies of the article and all 1 There’salwayssomuch d Hourlysessions-Moreinformation correspondence with the publication. happeninginourwonderful atwetnwildslides.co.nz district-andthisweekhasbeen noexception. 3.FAMILYFISHING CONTENTS TheSunsetBeachlifeguards o COMPETITION 12-13What’sOn havecontinuedtheirwinning ThisSundayheadouttotheWaipa 15-34Property ways-andwecelebratetheir PaBoatingClub.Competitionstart 36JohnAllen successonP3. time6am.Ticketsavailable 37-41Sport t Alsoenjoyingwinningwaysis CountiesMarine,Pukekoheand 42DrLibby youngmotorsportstarLiam WaiauPaHammerHardware. 43BackyardBanter 2 3 Lawson,whofeaturesinour sportssectiononP41. 4SOCIALINDOORBOWLS HAVEYOURSAY Alsoonoursportspages, GetyourbowlonatthePukekohe Letusknowwhat’shappeningin MichelleSabareportsonthe CosmopolitanClub.February18, yourstreetorcommunityat successesoflocaltrainersand draw12.50pm.Phone2391889. [email protected]. jockeys-checkoutP39. Fancypickinguparugby 5.WINGSCENTRE whistleforachanceatrefereeing Craftsandartforthoseinrecovery thiswinter-Johnhasallyouneed withmentalhealthandbraininjury. toknowonP37. PukekoheYouthCentre.Today 4 5 Andifyou’restuckforideason 10amtonoon.Facilitatoris howtospendtheweekend,John MargaretLucas,092381011. hasagreatyarnontheFranklin A&PShow-readhisstoryonP4- Contact us andbrowseourhugelypopular OFFICE:092370400.ADDRESS:217KingSt,POBox14,Pukekohe.NEWSDIRECTOR:JulieKaio,[email protected],09237 What’’sOnsectiononP12-13. 0410,0272042958AREASALESMANAGER:PamelaRyan,0272941405,[email protected]:Angela JulieKaio Dunn,092370419,0272761758,[email protected]:JohnBoynton092370404, NewsDirector [email protected],RuwadeBryant,092370413,[email protected],BriarHubbard,092370406, [email protected],[email protected]: www.fixmydelivery.co.nz,0800339000DIGITALEDITION:franklincountynews.co.nz. PPoorrttoobbeelllloo ENTERTAINMENT Thursday RReessttaauurraanntt Open Mic Night Heat 2 Friday 17th February Located Light N Shade TOALLNEWZEALANDPOST, Saturday 18th February upstairsof PUKEKOHECUSTOMERS Switch Tuesday 21st February EdStreet Believe It or Not Quiz AdvisingtherelocationofboththePukekohe BoxLobbyandDeliveryBranch. intheold Thursday 23rd February Open Mic Night Heat 3 BoxLobbywillrelocateto65EdinburghStreet,EdinburghRetailCentre MMMKKK FireStation Friday 24th February (nexttoNandos).BoxlobbywillbeclosedfromFriday12pmon Eammon 17thFebruaryandwillreopenatnewpremiseson FFFLLLOOOOOORRR SSSAAANNNDDDEEERRRSSS building. SatuArdctayAc2c5otrhdFinegblryuary Monwdoauyld2D0hetahlviveFeerbreyrcuebaivrraeynd6cnahomtwi.fiiAlcllalrtebioolonxcoaloftbethbtiysocmusotvoem.ers AU-7574282AA SPECIALISINGIN 27 EEddinStbrueregthaSntdrePeotr,tPoubkeellkoohe AU-7551827AC 225MAo&ndBayM2a0nuthkaFuebRrouaadryafnrodmwi6ll.3re0oapmenon Ph: 09 238 1143 | www.edst.co.nz Sand and Polyurethane Tongue and Groove Cork Tile Particle Board N E W Parquet Supply and Installation Tongue and Grove Flooring OWNER Floor Prep Vinyl Carpet Provide fresh baked pies, Specials for this month Concrete Grind savouries, cakes and Wearewelcomingnewpatientsfor sandwiches AU-7573506AA oanfulyll$ex8am9,x*racyosnadnitdiocnlesaanpapnldy.polishfor Open for breakfast from 6am Noperiodontaltreatmentordeepscaling. Grill closes at 2pm Call - Matt Kriletich Luen Dental Centre 021 276 4051 OOOOOOOOOOOOOuuuuuuuttttccateriing is also avaaailablleeeeeee 56SeddonSt,Pukekohe (09) 239 1966 SSoommeetthhiinngg TToo EEaatt 092387587 AU-7573684AA wwemwa.mil:kmfl[email protected] AU-7573506666AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 55DD AAddaammss DDrriivvee,, PPuukkeekkoohhee OEp:eluneMndLoeannte–[email protected] AU-7284743BJ AU-7285035AA stuff.co.nz FEBRUARY 16, 2017, FRANKLIN COUNTY NEWS 3 Sunset Beach lifeguards haul major victory The Sunset Beach Surf Life- ‘‘"It's really great, saving Club lifeguards have we are feeling really reignedsupremeonceagainatthe NorthIslandannualBPSurfRes- good because it was cueNorthIslandChampionships. touch and go for a It was a tough battle, but the clubmanagedtofendoffPapamoa while, with competitorstodefendthetitle,at Papamoa right on Taranaki’s Oakura Beach on Saturday. our tails, so that 63crewsacross12clubscom- kept us honest and peted in the competition, which saw crews compete in assembly working hard’’ MarkandShaneEdwardsspeedbackwithpatientSamantha-JaneHarding. GLENNYSSMITH rescue,massrescue,tuberescue, ShaneEdwards single rescue and teams race crew of Taylor Shrimpton, across the Under 21, senior, JemimaFerrierandEthanGra- women’sandpremierdivisions. Therearesixweeksuntilthe ham were the most consistent SunsetBeach’scoachandcom- BP Surf Rescue New Zealand overthedaywiththreewinsfrom petitorShaneEdwardssaiditwas Championships. Edwards said threeraces. yet another fantastic win thanks whiletheclubhashadahugely ‘‘They certainly made an tothedepthandheartoftheclub. successful season, it was import- impression,stakingtheirclaimas ‘‘It’sreallygreat,wearefeeling antnottobecomecomplacent. the top women’s crew to beat reallygoodbecauseitwastouch ‘‘Everyoneisprettyampedup headingintothenationalchamps. andgoforawhile,withPapamoa at the moment, and that’s good ‘‘Eyeswerealsoontheexperi- rightonourtails,sothatkeptus ahead of the championships, encedEdwardsbrothers(Sunset honestandworkinghard...wehad because it keeps people keen to Beach) to try and stake their twocompetitorsinalmostevery train,andthere’splentytowork claim for the top premier crew AntonBaptist age group, so we had a good on.There’sstillalotofworktodo, andtheymanagedtotakeoutthe raceshomein spreadacrossthecompetitionand sowewillbetraininghardover win in the premier men’s openteams rescue. we worked really well together. thenextfewweeks.’’ assembly rescue ahead of East Wekeptatitandwewalkedaway Event manager Todd Velvin End’s Scott Nelson and Scott withthetitle.’’ said the Sunset Beach women’s Busing.’’ THURSDAY,16FEBRUARY2017- 20% WEDNESDAY,22FEBRUARY2017 WaterTank pukekohecinemas.co.nz Cleaning & Repairs Ph.(09)2370216 OFF BALLERINA(G) Sat,Sun:12:20pm Drinking/Domesticwatertesting serviceavailable FIFTYSHADESDARKER(R18) Daily:11:00am,3:50pm,8:30pm TIMBER Thu,Fri,Mon,Tue,Wed:1:00pm,5:45pm. HIDDENFIGURES(PG) Sat:5:50pm. SHUTTERS Sun:1:00pm,8:20pm LALALAND(M) TWheudr:s1,0F:r3i,0Mamon,Tues:10:40am. APPLIESTOHARVEYSSTANDARDHINGEDSHUTTERS.EXCLUDESSHAPED, BI-FOLD,SLIDINGORCOMPLEXSHUTTERS.DISCOUNTDOESNOTAPPLY Thurs,Fri,Mon,Tues:1:15pm,6:00pm. TOINSTALLATION.OFFERAVAILABLEUNTIL23RDFEBRUARY2017. LION(PG) Sat:1:00pm,8:20pm. Supply,Installation&Servicing Q CARD FINANCE OFFER AVAILABLE* Sun:6:00pm. Wed:1:00pm,6:00pm *SEEOURWEBSITEFORFULLFINANCETERMSANDCONDITIONS. •WaterPumps,FilterSystems MOANA(PG) Sat,Sun:10:45am CURTAINS (cid:149) BLINDS (cid:149) SHUTTERS andUVLightSystems MONSTERTRUCKS(PG) Sat,Sun:10:10am •ReplacementFiltersincluding BOOK A FREE IN-HOME PORKPIE(M) Daily:1:30pm,6:15pm STHPELIGTR(REA1T3)WALL(M) TSST1Sauahh0ttnuu:5:,:,,3S0FF3u:arr:34mnii,,00:,MMp2p3moom::1nn3,,5,,088pTTp::m4uu4m0ee0,,p,,4p8mWWm::21.ee00ddpp::mm3,:.460:3p0mp,m8:20pm.AU-7222529CC Open:8.307aSmuPb-o5wopalmy&RMSoopanda,-FPFiurltike•er9ksaomhe-12pmSatAU-7333101BI CChaaOlrlv0eN8y0fS0ur0Un0iLs8hT8iAn8g0Tsor.IbcOoook.onNnzline TO0D8000088A80 Y! 0800826525•www.franklinwater.co.nz Seeourwebsiteformorecustommakingoffers Showtimesaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice SEE US AT THE FRANKLIN A & P SHOW FOR UNBEATABLE TRACTOR & LOADER PACKAGES 18THSI&TE1192TH0F&EB1221017 KIOTI EX50 M 50HP 444IIINNNN11LLOOAADDEERR 66000””””””MMMMMMOOOWWEERRDDEECCKK $$44,990+GST $3,490 • 4WDandPowerSteering +GST •Manual12x12 4IN1 • 2RearRemotes KKIIOOTTII CCSS226666611111111000000000 HHSSTT2266HHPP $12,990T TRACTORLOADER BUCKET • ErgonomicOperatorStation S • 4WD&PowerSteering • ErgonomicOperator +G &PACKAGEONLY 3 ONLY LEFT • HeavyDutyConstruction1980Kg • IndustrialorTurfTyres Station PAYMENTSFROM $28,900T • AutoHydraulicIndependentPTO S • Large1131ccDiesel $37/WEEK* +G GETINQUICK! Engine 2YEAR/2000HOURWARRANTY kiotitractors.co.nz kiotinz • TightTurningCircle *Normallendingcriteris&termsandconditionsapply. 1 YEAR POWERFARMINGAUCKLAND DEALER POWER FARMING AUCKLAND 7 Adams Drive, Pukekohe (cid:149) 0800 570 571 4 FRANKLIN COUNTY NEWS, FEBRUARY 16, 2017 stuff.co.nz Siblings set to OSPA to keep viewers hanging on the line shine at show JOHNBOYNTON intothechickenpallets. Asaucyadultsonly-showwillhitthe ‘‘They also eat Dad’s palm stagenextmonthattheOnewhero This weekend’s Franklin A&P trees,’’Elizabethsaid. SocietyofPerformingArtsTheatre Showisnothingtokidabout. The Sharp family has five onMarch3and4.Theshowrevolves aroundthethreecharactersofElsie Elizabeth Sharp, 9, and her goatsintotalandLyndasaidover (DonnaTaylor),Gladys(Karen brotherAlexanderSharp,10,will theyearstheirgoatshavechowed Lancaster)andOlive(JoleneRodley). competeforthefirsttimeinthe down on pool noodles, scooter Theyaremaderedundantfromtheir dairygoatsjuniorshowmanship handlesandwirefences. cleaningjobsbecausetheboss categoryatthepopularPukekohe BothMiloandChipareknow wantsyounger,prettiermodels. show. tobecharactersandoftensneak Aftertheirmanager,Dave,(Mike The Punisiblings haveraised intotheloungetositonthefurni- Morrow)givesthemthebadnews, theirtwoNubiangoats,Miloand ture. theyplottheirrevengeandsetupan Chip, since they were born last ‘‘I think it’s what makes it adultsexline.Ticketsavailablenow fromRiverTradersinTuakau. year. really successful, the children They have entered the goats treat them like their part of the into various competitions includ- family,’’Lyndasaid. ing Puni School’s calf club day Judgeswilllookforgoodlead- andtheTeKauwhataA&PShow. ing, calling and the ability to Recycling facility delays start At their school calf club day standtheirgoatsonallfours,Eliz- Alexander was awarded grand abethsaid. champion, while Elizabeth fin- The goats will also be led by ishedasreservechampion. collarandthey’llhavetobeable TheirmumLyndaSharpsaid toopentheirmouthandlifttheir The opening of a new recycling undertaken. theinconveniencecaused,’’Harty Milo and Chip had quickly hooves. and refuse drop-off facility for Generalmanagerservicedeliv- said. becamepartofthefamily. ‘‘It’sreallydifficulttogetthem North Waikato residents in ery Tim Harty said the council It was announced last week ‘‘They’re(goats)agreatanimal undercontrol.’’ Tuakauhasbeendelayed. acknowledged that its announce- thatduetotheintroductionofthe because they form a very close However, Elizabeth said she Last week Waikato District ment was premature and it Tuakau facility, monthly bondwiththechildren.’’ couldn’t wait to lead Milo on Council announced that the needed to complete the correct collections at Pukekawa, Everyday the siblings groom centre-stageattheA&Pshow. facility run by Smart Environ- consentingprocess. OnewheroandGlenMurrayhave theirgoats,trainthemandeven ‘‘I’mlookingforwardtoseeing mental at 100c Industry Lane, ‘‘Weareworkingthroughthe ceased. givethembubblebaths. the other goats and walking my Tuakau would open on Monday, processofsortingouttheseissues At this stage, this is still the ‘‘Wegetthemtodoeverything, goat in the showman ring and February20. withourpartner,SmartEnviron- case. theonlythingtheycan’tquitedo showing everybody else how However, due to the need to mentalandwilldosoasquickly NorthWaikatoresidentswill is clip their feet which we help amazingMilois.’’ increasethescopeofservicescur- aspossible. beupdatedonanewopeningdate themwith,’’Lyndasaid. *TheFranklinA&PShowison rentlypermittedunderthesite’s ‘‘We understand the frus- fortheTuakaufacilityassoonas Milo’s favourite food includes this Saturday and Sunday at resourceconsent,anewresource trationthatthedelaymaycause theresourceconsentissueshave bread and Chip is known to get PukekoheShowgrounds. consent process needs to be andweapologisetoresidentsfor beenworkedthrough. EXCAVATORS DO YOU NEED TO FOR HIRE CONSOLIDATE? Em PH 09 237 0050 ail: don NEW Buying a home with @financedirect.co.nz 40CROSBIEROAD,PUKEKOHE 1.7–5TON less than 20% deposit? • BorePumpSales&Servicing • WaterPumpSales&Servicing Self employed and the bank can’t help? • WaterPurification MODELSHERENOW Need development Finance? • WaterTanks • WaterTesting TILTBUCKET,AUGERDRIVE In trouble with the mortgage • Electrical &DELIVERYSERVICE or just need a mortgage? AVAILABLEIFREQUIRED Talk to a problem solver AU-7272199BK 8PwHNwOEwLNSE.Og0Nl9eS2nT3bR8rE6oE9oT5,k5P.WUcoEKE.EnKKzDOAHYES 0RDdo9IoNnn6@G2MN7fian9Oca0pWn1hc:6eerd|siMorenoc(tbF.c:So0P.42n41z2570373) 423 AU-7265770AR House & Land Packages BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME FROM JUST 5% DEPOSIT* (cid:149)TURNKEYPACKAGES WAIPIPI,WAIUKU (cid:149)DEPOSITFROMASLOWAS5%*lendingcriteriaapplies House:165m2|Section:15,600m2 (cid:149)NOREPAYMENTSUNTILYOUMOVEIN From$899,304 Depositfromonly5%* 1 3 2 2 THERISE,PAPAKURA RUNCIMANROAD,PUKEKOHE House: 162m2 | Section: 648m2 House:213m2|Section:17,014m2 From$859,000 From$1,250,014 Deposit from only5%* Depositfromonly5%* 1 3 2 2 2 4 2 2 POKENOSHOWHOME: SHOWROOM/OFFICE: 0800 828 822 4OpMeanrk12Ba-l4lDpmrived,aPilyokeno 1O3pMenaMssoeny-AFverin9uaem,P-u5kpemkohe www.signature.co.nz AR0348 G stuff.co.nz FEBRUARY 16, 2017, FRANKLIN COUNTY NEWS 5 POLICE Help Franklin police to FUNERAL DIRECTORS & MEMORIALS reach community goals SERGEANTDEANBORRELL though it has grown signifi- burglariesinthepastwehad entirely on traffic enforce- cantlyinrecentyears. twostaffspendaroundthree ment,butallstaffplayapart. Wellit’sbeenaboutfouryears This sense of community hoursinthatstreettalkingto Themanagementteammeet sinceIlastwrotethisarticle. meanspeoplecare,andwork occupants of neighbouring toseewhere,whenandhow I’mbackatPukekoheforthe together to make their com- houses, telling them what’s our traffic staff are best nextseveralweeks.I’mfilling munitysafer. happenedtoaneighbour,giv- deployed.Asamemberofthis inforSeniorSergeantSteve Safer Communities ingpreventionadvice. community and a vehicle Richardswhoisrelievingin Togetheristhepolicemotto. The idea is by telling driver youshould bedriving an inspector’s role at East It means we are all respon- everyone in the vicinity of withanawarenessthatyour Auckland. sibleformakingitasafecom- thatburglaryaboutitandgiv- actionsbehindthewheelcan So I’ll be writing this munity,notjustthepolice.In ingtipsonhowtomakeyour affect others in this com- articlewhilstI’mhere-I’lltry this patch the majority of homesafer,wewillpreventa munity. and keep it interesting, people care about what recurrence. The third goal we are informativeandgiveyoutips happenstoothers. Wecallthis‘cocooning’.So talking about include drugs andmethodstokeepyousafe- Mostpolicestaffherealso asacommunityyoucangetto and alcohol, suicide, bullying yourselvesandyourproperty. workandliveinFranklinso knowyourneighbours,report and more. We all talk about The New Zealand police thereisrealinvestmentinit. suspicious activity, dob in bad drugs like P but the havethreepolicinggoals: Each day teams meet suspects, secure your prop- biggest killer and drug that 1:Toreducecrimeandvic- within the police to discuss erty–thesearejustacouple impacts this community is timisation. howwecanreachthegoalsI ofexamplesofwaysyoucan alcohol.Wemeetdailywitha 2: To reduce death and mentionedandaredeployed helpreducethiscrime. varietyoutsidestakeholders– seriousinjuryonourroads. toachievethem. The second goal has an schools,ChildrenandYoung 3:Toreducesocialharmin Lookingatthefirstgoalas ongoing focus. Franklin also Person’s Service, marae and ourcommunities. an example, we are always has a disproportionate num- licensedpremisestonamea Soinoneformortheother trying to get on top of prop- berofcrashesonourroads- few. that’s what I will be talking ertycrime,mainlyburglary, speed, alcohol and bad Tomakethiscommunitya abouteachweek. inparticularrepeatvictims. decision-making are the better place and reduce the •PhilosophyisbasedontheChristianfaith TheFranklinareaisvery Yesterday a property in biggestfactors. social harm, it takes every •Sessionalandfulldaysavailable fortunateinthatthereisreal Margarita Rise was burgled. We have two dedicated community member to play •Careandeducationfor2to5yearolds sense of community, even Asthisstreethashadseveral traffic sections focused theirpart. •Extensiveoutdoorspace •Limitedspacesavailable Inbrief POWERCOMPANYSCAM companyaskingtospeakto addresstogatherthis isasfollows:Seekvalidationof Policearewarningmembersof themaboutanunpaidpowerbill information.Inmostofthecases whothecalleractuallyis;always thepublictobeawareofa oracontractrenewal.Insome reportedtopolice,thevictims askforafullnameandthe phonescamtargetingelderly cases,thecallerhadthreatened havebeenSBSBankcustomers companyoragencydetails; residents.Thescamwasfirst toimmediatelydisconnecttheir whohaveanXtraemailaccount. Don’tshareyourpersonal 30WestStreet,Pukekohe reportedbytheBankers powerifpaymentwasnotmade Policearecurrentlyworking detailsuntilyouareconvinced Ph: 239 2057 AssociationonFebruary2, immediately.Thecallerthen withSBSBanktoidentifythe thecallerislegitimate.Ifmoney stjameskidsway.org.nz wherescammerswereposing arrangedfora‘representative’ offendersandascertainwhether hasbeenwithdrawnfromanyof asworkersfromutility oftheirbanktospeakwiththe thestolenmoneycanbe youraccountswithout companiesandbankstogain victim,persuadingthemto recovered,howeveritislikely authority,pleasecontactyour accesstopeople’spersonal provideaccountdetailsand themoneywastransferred localPoliceStation.Formore It’s not Sunday without it. information.Thevictimshad passwordsforpayment.Itis overseasshortlyafteritwas informationvisittheMinistryof receivedacallfroma believedthescammersmayfirst taken.Policeadviceforanyone ‘representative’oftheirpower behackingthevictimsemail whoreceivesacallofthisnature ConsumerAffairswebsite. 6 FRANKLIN COUNTY NEWS, FEBRUARY 16, 2017 stuff.co.nz Our fresh promise If it’s not fresh, we’ll replace & refund. Fresh NZ Beef Rump Steak Country Fresh Carrots 1.2kg 15 $ 99 $249 kg bag Coke/Sprite/ Sweet Juicy Nectarines 1kg Fanta/Lift/L&P 2.25L $299 $499 each pack Fresh Tegel NZ Chicken Drumsticks Bluebird Original/Thick/Thinly Cut/Summer Whittaker’s Flavours Chips Chocolate 140/150g Block 250g $599 $169 $429 kg each each Steinlager Classic White Cliff Just Juice 12 x 330ml Bottles 750ml Fruit Juice 1L Prleesapsoen dsribinlyk $1999 $799 $179 2 0 6 pack each each c1 vf s SuperValue Tuakau: 2-4 George Street, Tuakau, Phone 236 8128. Open 7am-8pm Mon-Fri, 8am-8pm Sat/Sun. SuperValueNZ SuperValue Waiuku: 67/69 Queen Street, Waiuku. Phone 235 9704. Open 6.30am-8.30pm, 7 Days. Specials available from Thursday, 16th February until Sunday, 19th February 2017 or while stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. SuperValue.co.nz All limits specifi ed apply per customer per day. Trade not supplied. Prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not included. Certain products may not be available in all stores. Proprietary brands not for resale. Customer Support Freephone 0800 40 40 40. stuff.co.nz FEBRUARY 16, 2017, FRANKLIN COUNTY NEWS 7 We are pleased to announce three new doctors have joined us. New patients are welcome. Dr Robert Round. VeryexperiencedGP. Dr Angic Erhorn. ScottyMcCreeryissettoperforminPukekohenextmonth. LeAnnRimeswillheadlinetheStampedeMusic ExperiencedGP SUPPLIED Festival. SUPPLIED fromtheUSA.With Festival joy in Pukekohe specialinterestin SportsMedicine. RUWADEBRYANT the venue into the North out of Auckland, was because Dr Nusrath Azfarullah. Kind,compassionate Island’sveryownTexas. we wanted to cater for the Englishspeaking NewZealand’sbiggestcountry Event organisers Greg greater Waikato and those in musicfestival,headlinedbytwo MosenandSueMosenoptedto Auckland as well,’’ said Greg Doctor. majorinternationalacts,isfast establish the festival at Puke- Mosen. approaching,andit’shappening kohe Park Raceway - located Along side headlines, inPukekohe. between Hamilton and Auck- McCreery and Rimes, festival- The inaugural Stampede land,asameansofinfluencing goers can also expect to see Opening hours: Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm • Sat 9am - 12pm Music Festival, headlined by people out of the city and into popular New Zealand American Idol winner, Scotty thecountry-themedmusicfesti- performers Brendan Dugan, Sunday& Public holidays closed McCreery, and two-time val. GrayBartlettandEddieLowe. GrammyawardwinnerLeAnn ‘‘The plan with Stampede OtheractsincludeCooper’s www.pukekohesouthdoctors.co.nz Rimes,willtakeplaceatPuke- was tobring atype ofcountry Run, Jody Direen and The koheParkRacewayonMarch4. festival to an out of Auckland Warratahs. 241 Manukau Road, Pukekohe 2120 Vintage trucks, hay bales, destination, so we chose Puke- There’ll also be motorhome mechanical bulls, and pulled kohebecausetheracetrackis andcaravanparkingsetupfor Reception: 09 237 0286* Script: 09 237 0287 porkwillallhelptotransform ideal.Thereasonwewantedit peopletostaythenight. Nurse: 09 237 0288 AU-7574383AA STAMPEDEMUSICFESTIVAL.CO.NZ • STAMPEDEMUSICFESTIVAL.CO.NZ • STAMPEDEMUSICFESTIVAL.CO.NZ • STAMPEDEMUSICFESTIVAL.CO.NZ • • Z S O.N TAM MUSICFESTIVAL.C T$IOC9NKLEY9TS PEDEMUSICFEST MPEDE IVAL.CO STA .NZ • • Z S O.N TAM MUSICFESTIVAL.C PEDEMUSICFEST MPEDE IVAL.CO STA .NZ • • Z S O.N TAM STAMPEDEMUSICFESTIVAL.C ++T+HD+CEEJONOWONDAPIYSRERDRMASIARTRREACUEHHNNS PEDEMUSICFESTIVAL.CO.NZ Z• + THE LEGENDS •S O.N TAM MUSICFESTIVAL.C 4 MAPRUCKHEK2O0H17E PEDEMUSICFEST MPEDE DON’T IVAL.CO STA .NZ • MISS OUT • Z S O.N TAM MUSICFESTIVAL.C WE-7556368AE PEDEMUSICFEST MPEDE IVAL.CO STA STAMPEDEMUSICFESTIVAL.CO.NZ • STAMPEDEMUSICFESTIVAL.CO.NZ • STAMPEDEMUSICFESTIVAL.CO.NZ • STAMPEDEMUSICFESTIVAL.CO.NZ .NZ • • 8 FRANKLIN COUNTY NEWS, FEBRUARY 16, 2017 stuff.co.nz Out & About SUBSCRIBE AND SAVE UP TO 34% Rumble in the Park Hundreds of car enthusiasts made their way through the Pukekohe Park gates to attend Broughttoyouby Rumble in the Park that debuted on the weekend. NNEE WW!!!! SSppeeCCaaccppttaaiiiiaann''ssllss!! AlanNorris’1963EHHolden,sportinga630horsepowersupercharged350 ChevroletV8engine.MorephotosP9. RUWADEBRYANT/FAIRFAXNZ SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafffffffffffffffffffffffffffoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooddddddddddddddddddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndddddddddddddddddddddddddMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeee............ Super Gold Card Holderrss Averynice 10% Discount. exampleofa Noon-6pmdaiillyy.. 2005Ford Conditionsapply CCCCoooommmmiiiinnnnggggSSSSoooooooonnnn............ MustangGT. 29GeorgeStreet,Tuakau Ph 237 8277 ThursdayR’soaOsntlyofLtuhnecDhaSyp!ecial$10 AU-7562008AC Afiniecllaldurgdfoeinrvgtahtrehiei2stky19Co9fu7cpaTrroascymiontagadsLeeeruvipeinst.,he Recreation PWaenledlinbgea+ting & Sport &JmoCianakebirniynget jusDt odnre’tam it. PFroeP-reErAcn(cid:2)rtemtrsisyn g BECOME IT! 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AlanNorriswatchedtheeventwhilerestingonthebank withhis1963EHHolden. A1963VolkswagenKombi-Deluxe. Studio-RRacing’sMX5battlingthe Fromleft,TimAndrews,BenjaminMcComb,James Childrenhadlotsoffuninthesunwhiletheyspeddowntheslide. RUWADEBRYANT/FAIRFAXNZ park. McComb,ChloeHenleyandGraemeHenley. Don’t let hearing loss get between you and your loved ones. SamsurprisedhisdadGrahamwhilehewasgettingahearingtest.Nowhehashearingaidsand doesn’tmissatrick. Why wait any longer to rediscover the joy of healthy hearing when we make it easy? • Free hearing checks for everyone aged 18 plus • A wide range of options, with prices to suit everyone Pukekohe Bay Audiology - 170 King Street, Pukekohe Waiuku Bay Audiology - Waiuku Medical Centre, 30 Constable Road, Waiuku bayaudiology.co.nz Call Bay Audiology to book your free hearing check today 0800 700 862 HEAR. FEEL. LIVE. on Aotea Finance We know everyone needs a little help sometimes. 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