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CERN-PH-TH/2004-175 September 2004 H → b¯b Fragmentation in Processes 5 0 0 2 G. Corcella n a Department of Physics, CERN J Theory Division 7 CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland 3 v 1 6 1 Abstract 9 0 4 0 I study bottom quark fragmentation in the Standard Model Higgs decay / h ¯ H bb, within the framework of perturbative fragmentation functions. p → - I resum large collinear logarithms ln(m2 /m2) in the next-to-leading H b p logarithmic (NLL) approximation, using the DGLAP evolution equations. e h Soft contributions to the MS coefficient function and to the initial condition : v of the perturbative fragmentation function are resummed to NLL accuracy i X aswell. Theimplementation ofcollinear andsoft resummationhasarelevant r impact on the b energy spectrum, which exhibits a milder dependence a on factorization and renormalization scales and on the Higgs mass. I present some predictions on the energy distribution of b-flavoured hadrons in Higgs decay, making use of data from LEP and SLD experiments to fit a few hadronization models. I also compare the phenomenological results yielded by a few processes recently provided with NLL collinear and soft resummations. 1 Introduction The Higgs boson plays a crucial role in the Standard Model (SM) of electroweak inter- actions as it is responsible for the mechanism of mass generation. However, this particle has not yet been experimentally discovered. Searches for the Standard Model Higgs boson have been performed at the LEP collider, are currently under way at the Tevatron, and will be ultimately one of the main goals of experiments at the LHC. (see, for a review, e.g. [1]). In detail, the LEP experiments have set a lower bound on the Higgs mass at m > 114.4 GeV [2], mainly H using the production channel e+e− HZ. The Tevatron will be able to exclude a → Higgs boson with mass lower than 130 GeV within three standard deviations [3]. Future experiments at the LHC will be capable of going beyond and exploring the Higgs mass spectrum from 100 GeV to about 1 TeV [4]. In order to accurately perform such searches, the use of precise QCD calculations will be fundamental. In this paper, I consider the decay of the Standard Model Higgs ¯ ¯ boson into bb pairs, i.e. H bb. In fact, the favourite discovery channel of the Higgs → at the Tevatron consists of processes where H is produced in association with a vector ¯ boson, i.e. pp¯ VH, where V is a Z or a W, followed by the decays H bb and → → ¯ V ℓ ℓ , ℓ and ℓ being leptons. At the LHC, the process gg(qq¯) H bb will 1 2 1 2 → → → be affected by large QCD backgrounds, which make the detection of this decay channel ¯ more cumbersome. However, the process H bb will still play a role, in particular for → m <135 GeV and Higgs production in association with tt¯pairs, i.e. pp tt¯H [5], with H ∼ → a W boson [6], in vector boson fusion [7]. ¯ Hereafter, I shall address the issue of multiple gluon radiation in H bb pro- → cesses. While fixed-order calculations are reliable enough to predict total cross sections or widths, differential distributions present terms, corresponding to collinear- or soft- parton radiation, that need to be summed to all orders to obtain a reliable result. In particular, large mass logarithms ln(m2 /m2), which appear in the b-quark energy H b spectrum, can be resummed using the approach of perturbative fragmentation func- tions [8], which expresses the energy spectrum of a heavy quark as the convolution of a coefficient function, describing the emission of a massless parton, and a perturbative fragmentation function D(m ,µ ), associated with the fragmentation of a massless par- b F toninto a massive quark. The methodofperturbative fragmentationcanbeused aslong as the heavy-quark mass m is much smaller than the hard scale of the process Q, i.e. m Q. Given the current limits on the Higgs mass [2], the perturbative fragmentation ≪ ¯ approach can certainly be used in H bb, since m m . b H → ≪ The dependence of D(m ,µ ) on the factorization scale µ is determined by solving b F F 1 the Dokshitzer–Gribov–Altarelli–Parisi (DGLAP) evolution equations [9,10], once an initial condition at a scale µ is given. The universality of the initial condition of the 0F perturbative fragmentation function, first computed in [8], has been proved in a more general way in [11]. Moreover, bothcoefficient function andinitialconditionoftheperturbative fragmen- tation function contain terms that become large once the b energy fraction x gets close b to 1. Such terms correspond to soft-gluon emission, and need to be resummed. These contributions are process-dependent in the coefficient function and process-independent in the initial condition of the perturbative fragmentation function. The resummation of ¯ soft contributions to the coefficient function of H bb will be investigated below. → Finally, in order to describe the b-quark non-perturbative fragmentation into b- flavoured mesons or baryons B, some phenomenological hadronization models can be used. Relying on the universality of the hadronization mechanism, we can tune such models to data on B production in e+e− annihilation data from LEP or SLD and use them to predict the B-hadron spectrum in Higgs decay. Alternatively, we can use exper- imental data on the moments of the B spectrum in e+e− processes, fit the moments of the non-perturbative fragmentation function and predict hadron-level moments in Higgs decay. The plan of this paper is the following. In Section 2, I describe the calculation of the next-to-leading order (NLO) MS coefficient function. The approach of perturbative fragmentationand the resummation of collinear logarithmsln(m2 /m2) will be discussed H b in Section 3. Section 4 describes the implementation of soft resummation in the coeffi- cient function. In Section 5, I shall present results on the b-quark energy spectrum in top decay and investigate the effect of soft and collinear resummation. In Section 6, hadron-level results in x and N spaces are presented, while Section 7 summarizes the B main results and gives some concluding remarks. 2 NLO coefficient function ¯ IconsiderHiggsdecayintobbpairsatnext-to-leadingorder(NLO)inthestrongcoupling constant α S ¯ H(p ) b(p )b(p )(g(p )), (1) H b ¯b g → and define the variables: 2p p 2p p b H g H x = · , x = · . (2) b m2 g m2 H H The quantities x and x are the normalized energy fractions of b and g in the Higgs b g rest frame. As they are expressed in the form of Lorentz-invariant quantities, they can 2 be computed in any frame, provided that the four components of the momenta of b, g and H are known. In the framework of perturbative fragmentation functions, since m m , one can b H ≪ write the differential width for the production of a massive b quark in Higgs decay via the convolution: 1 dΓ 1 dz 1 dΓˆ MS x b(x ,m ,m ) = i(z,m ,µ,µ ) DMS b,µ ,m Γ0 dxb b H b i Zxb z "Γ0 dz H F # i (cid:18) z F b(cid:19) X + ((m /m )p) . (3) b H O In Eq. (3), dΓˆ /dz is the differential width for the production of a massless parton i in i Higgs decay with an energy fraction z, D (x,µ ,m ) is the perturbative fragmentation i F b function for a parton i to fragment into a massive b quark, µ and µ are the renor- F ¯ malization and factorization scales, Γ is the width of the Born process H bb. The 0 → term ((m /m )p), with p 1, represents contributions which are power-suppressed b H O ≥ for m m . b H ≪ In this section I discuss the computation of the coefficient function (1/Γ )dΓˆ /dz, for 0 i the production of a massless b in the MS factorization scheme. I shall neglect secondary ¯ bb production from gluon splitting and limit myself to considering the perturbative fragmentation of a massless b into a massive b. In the summation on the right-hand side of Eq. (3) I shall have only the i = b contribution. I regularize ultraviolet, soft and collinear singularities in dimensional regularization, anddefinetheparameterǫ, which isrelatedtothenumber ofdimensions dvia d = 4 2ǫ. In the computation of dΓˆ /dz, care is to be taken about the treatment of the Yuk−awa b ¯ coupling of the Hbb vertex. In fact, if the bare Yukawa coupling y were used, the result b would be the following: dΓˆ(0) α (µ) b (z,m ,µ,µ ) = Γ δ(1 z)+ S [P (z) 3C δ(1 z)] H r 0 qq F dz ( − 2π " − − 1 m2 +γ +ln H +G(z) . (4) E × −ǫ 4πµ2r! #) In Eq. (4), µ is the regularization scale, remnant of the regularization procedure, G(z) r is a function, independent of ǫ and µ , whose expression will be detailed later, γ = r E 0.577...is theEuler constant, C = 4/3, P (z) istheAltarelli–Parisi splitting function: F qq 1+z2 P (z) = C . (5) qq F 1 z ! − + 3 Also, in Eq. (4) I have factorized the four-dimension Born width:1 3 Γ = m y2. (6) 0 16π H b Equation (4) shows that a pole 1/ǫ is still present in the differential width. The contri- bution proportional to P (z) is associated with colliner radiation from the massless b qq quark and needs to be subtracted to give the coefficient function. Analogous contribu- tions have been found, e.g. in the computation of the differential rate of other processes such as e+e− annihilation [8] or top decay [12]. The additional term, where the pole 1/ǫ multiplies the quantity 3α C δ(1 z), instead has ultraviolet origin, and is charac- S F ∼ − teristic of Higgs decay and of the scalar nature of the coupling of the Higgs to quarks. In fact, unlike the vectorial current, which is conserved, the scalar current is anomalous. Because of this extra term, if one naively calculated the total width integrating Eq. (4), one would still find the 1/ǫ pole, which is clearly unphysical. 2 In order to get a physical result, one must renormalize the Yukawa coupling. In the MS renormalization scheme, the renormalized coupling y¯ (µ) is related to y via (see, b b for instance, the discussion in Appendix D of Ref. [13]): α (µ)C 1 m2 y¯ (µ) = y 1 S F 4+3 +γ +log H + (α2) . (7) b b( − 4π " −ǫ E 4πµ2!# O S ) Onecanthereforereabsorbtheterm 3α C δ(1 z) ofEq.(4)intheMS-renormalized S F ∼ − coupling y¯ (m ) and evaluate the Born width in (6) in terms of y¯ (m ). b H b H In the SM the Yukawa coupling is proportional to the quark mass and, as discussed in [13], Eq. (7) is consistent with expressing y¯ (m ) in terms of the MS b mass, m¯ (m ): b H b H gm¯ (m ) b H y¯ (m ) = , (8) b H √2m W where m is the W mass and g is the coupling constant of SU(2). W Furthermore, in Refs. [14,15], where the authors performed the computation with a massive b quark, it was shown that a large logarithm α ln(m2 /m2) appears in the ∼ S H b NLO total rate if one uses the b-quark pole mass in the coupling. Such a mass logarithm can be reabsorbed in the MS mass m¯ (m ), which is related to the pole mass m by: b H b α (m )C m2 m¯ (m ) = m 1 S H F 4+3ln H + (α2) . (9) b H b" − 4π m2b ! O S # 1In order to get the correct finite term in Eq. (4), one should compute the LO width to (ǫ) in dimensionalregularization. Thed-dimension width Γd is relatedto Γ0 by: Γd =Γ0(4π/m2H)ǫ[1O+ǫ(2− γ)]. Equations (4) and following account for the correct finite term. 2P (z) being an overall plus distribution, the integral of the term proportional to P (z) over z is qq qq clearly zero. 4 Subtracting the term P (z)( 1/ǫ+ γ log4π) from Eq. (4) and giving an explicit qq ∼ − − ¯ expression to the function G(z), one will get the MS H bb coefficient function: → 1 dΓˆ MS α (µ)C 1+z2 m2 b(z,m ,µ,µ ) = δ(1 z)+ S F ln H "Γ¯0 dz H F # − 2π " 1−z !+ µ2F 2 3 3 z2 + π2 + δ(1 z)+1 z 3 2 − − − 2(1 z) (cid:18) (cid:19) − + lnz (1+z)[ln(1 z)+2lnz]+6 − − (1 z) + − lnz ln(1 z) 2 +2 − . (10) − 1 z 1 z ! # − − + InEq.(10)Ihave accountedfortherenormalizationoftheYukawa coupling anddenoted by Γ¯ the LO width interms of y¯ (m ). Also, in (10) the factorizationscale µ will have 0 b H F to be taken of the order of the Higgs mass, in such a way that the logarithm ln(m2 /µ2) H F does not become too large. In the following, I shall often make use of the MS coefficient function in Mellin moment space Γˆ , which is defined by: N ˆ 1 1 dΓ Γˆ = dz zN−1 b(z). (11) N Γ¯ dz Z0 0 In moment space Eq. (10) reads: α (µ)C 1 3 m2 Γˆ = 1+ S F 2S (N)+ ln H N 2π ("N(N +1) − 1 2# µ2F 2 3 1 1 2 2 + π2 + + + + 3 2 N − N +1 N2 (N +1)2 1 1 4ψ (N)+ [γ +ψ (N +1)]+ [γ +ψ (N +2)] 1 0 0 − N N +1 3 + S (N +1)+S2(N 1)+S (N 1) (12) 2 1 1 − 2 − ) In Eq. (12), I have introduced the polygamma functions, ψ (x), which are related to the k Euler gamma function Γ(x) through:3 dk+1logΓ(x) ψ (x) = . (13) k dxk+1 3Reference[12]presentsatypingmistake,sinceψ (x)istheredefinedasthe k-thderivativeofΓ(x). k The numerical results of [12] are nonetheless correct. 5 Equation (12) contains also the following combinations: S (N) = ψ (N +1) ψ (1), (14) 1 0 0 − S (N) = ψ (N +1)+ψ (1). (15) 2 1 1 − In moment space the convolution (3) can then be rewritten as Γ (m ,m ) = Γˆ (m ,µ,µ )D (µ ,m ), (16) N H b N H F b,N F b where Γ (m ,m ) and D (µ ,m ) are the moments of the massive differential rate N H b b,N F b and of the perturbative fragmentation function, respectively. 3 Perturbative fragmentation and collinear resummation The perturbative fragmentation function D (x,µ ,m ) introduced in Eq. (3) expresses b F b the transition of a massless b into a massive b. Its value at any scale µ can be obtained F by solving the DGLAP evolution equations [9,10], once an initial condition is given. As shown in [11], as long as contributions proportional to powers of (m /m )p can be b H neglected, the initial condition of the perturbative fragmentation function at a scale µ is process-independent. The NLO initial condition in the MS factorization scheme 0F reads [8]: α (µ2)C 1+x2 µ2 Dini(x ,µ ,m ) = δ(1 x )+ S 0 F b ln 0F 2ln(1 x ) 1 . (17) b b 0F b − b 2π "1−xb m2b − − b − !#+ The authors of Ref. [16] have recently calculated Dini(x,µ ,m ) to next-to-next-to- b 0F b leading order (NNLO), i.e. up to (α2). For the purpose of this paper, where the O S coefficient function has been calculated to NLO, the perturbative fragmentation will be used to NLO as well. The solution of the DGLAP equations in the non-singlet sector, for the evolution from the scale µ to µ , is given by: 0F F P(0) α (µ2 ) D (µ ,m ) = Dini (µ ,m )exp N ln S 0F b,N F b b,N 0F b 2πb α (µ2)  0 S F α (µ2 ) α (µ2) 2πb + S 0F − S F P(1) 1P(0) . (18) 4π2b0 " N − b0 N #) In Eq. (18), Dini (µ ,m ) is the N-space counterpart of Eq. (17); P(0) and P(1) are b,N 0F b N N the Mellin transforms of the LO and NLO Altarelli–Parisi splitting functions, and their 6 expression can be found in [8]; b and b are the first two coefficients of the QCD β- 0 1 function 33 2n 153 19n f f b = − , b = − , (19) 0 12π 1 24π2 which enter in the following expression for the strong coupling constant at a scale Q2: 1 b ln[ln(Q2/Λ2)] α (Q2) = 1 1 . (20) S b0ln(Q2/Λ2) ( − b20ln(Q2/Λ2) ) In (19), n is the number of active flavours. Equation (18) resums to all orders terms f containingln(µ2/µ2 ). Inparticular,leading(LL)(αnlnn(µ2/µ2 ))andnext-to-leading F 0F S F 0F (NLL) (αnlnn−1(µ2/µ2 )) logarithms are resummed. For an evolution from µ S F 0F 0F ≃ m to µ m , mass logarithms ln(m2 /m2) are hence resummed to NLL accuracy b F ≃ H H b (collinear resummation). Moreover, setting µ m in Eq. (17) prevents the logarithm 0F b ≃ ln(µ2 /m2) from getting too large. 0F b If the calculation were performed with a massive b quark, along the lines of Refs. [14, 15], contributions α P (x )ln(m2 /m2), equivalent to the collinear pole in massless ∼ S qq b H b approximation,wouldbefoundinthex differentialspectrum. Hence, usingtheDGLAP b evolution equations allows the large mass logarithms appearing in the massive compu- tation to be resummed. Before closing this section, I wish to point out that, for the purpose of factoriza- tion and collinear resummation, using in Dini(x ,µ ,m ) and in the DGLAP evolution b b 0F b equations the pole or the MS b mass is not as essential as it is in the Yukawa coupling (7). In fact, both mass definitions lead to the same results within the given LL or NLL logarithmic accuracy. In the following, I shall assume that in Eq. (17) m is the pole b mass and will let µ run in the range m /2 < µ < 2m in order to investigate the 0F b 0F b scale dependence of the prediction. 4 The bottom pole mass has also been used in the phenomenological analyses of Refs. [11,12,17], within the framework of perturbative fragmentation functions. 4 Soft resummation The MS coefficient function (10) and the initial condition of the perturbative fragmen- tation function (17) present terms 1/(1 x ) and [ln(1 x )/(1 x )] that b + b b + ∼ − ∼ − − become large once x 1, which corresponds to soft-gluon emission. In moment space, b → they correspond to single lnN and double logarithms ln2N for large values of the ∼ ∼ 4If one wanted to use the MS b mass m¯ (µ ), µ should be taken of the order of m rather than b m m b m . In fact, according to the factorization formula (3), there is no dependence on m and on the H H hard-process variables in the perturbative fragmentation function D (x ,µ ,m ). b b F b 7 Mellin variable N. Such contributions are process-independent in the initial condition of the perturbative fragmentation function, and have been resummed in [11] in the NLL approximation. In this section I would like to present the results for soft resummation in the MS coefficient function. First, it is instructive to write Eq. (12) for large N: α (µ)C 3 m2 Γˆ (m ,µ,µ ) = 1+ S F ln2N + +2γ 2ln H lnN N H F 2π " 2 − µ2F ! 1 + K(m ,µ )+ , (21) H F O N (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) where K(m ,µ ) contains terms that are constant with respect to N: H F 3 m2 5 3 3 K(m ,µ ) = 2γ ln H + π2 + + γ +γ2. (22) H F 2 − E µ2 6 2 2 E E (cid:18) (cid:19) F Furthermore, to get Eq. (21), I have used the large-N expansions of the polygamma functions: 1 ψ (N) lnN + , (23) 0 ∼ O N (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 ψ (N) , (24) 1 ∼ O N (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 S (N) lnN +γ + , (25) 1 E ∼ O N (cid:18) (cid:19) π2 1 S (N) + . (26) 2 ∼ 6 O N (cid:18) (cid:19) LLandNLL soft contributions tothe MScoefficient function canberesummed following standard methods [18,19]. In particular, all the steps that led to NLL resummation in the coefficient function for e+e− qq¯ processes in Ref. [11] can be repeated, thus obtaining the resummed → ¯ coefficient function for H bb. In fact, in both processes one has in the final state → ¯ two massless partons, as the b and b are in the coefficient function, which are able to radiate soft- as well as collinear-enhanced radiation. The coefficients of lnN2 and lnN in Eq. (21) are indeed the same as in the large-N expansion of the e+e− coefficient function [11]. The resummed coefficient function can be obtained from the e+e− one, replacing the centre-of-mass energy squared Q2 with m2 . One obtains: H ln∆ = 1dzzN−1 −1 m2H(1−z) dk2A α (k2) + 1B α m2 (1 z) . (27) N Z0 1−z (Zµ2F k2 h S i 2 h S (cid:16) H − (cid:17)i) 8 In Eq. (27), the two integration variables are z = 1 x and k2 = (p + p )2(1 z), g b g − − as in [18]. In soft approximation, z x ; for small-angle radiation, k2 k2, the gluon ≃ b ≃ T transverse momentum with respect to the b-quark direction. The function B(α ) is associated with the radiation emitted by the unobserved S ¯ massless parton, namely the b if one observes the b. The argument of B(α ) is the S invariant mass of the unobserved jet, i.e. (p +p )2 m2 (1 z) in soft approximation. ¯b g ≃ H − Moreover, Eq. (27) is formally equal to the resummed MS coefficient function in Drell–Yan and deep inelastic scattering (DIS) with light quarks [20]. For processes with massive quarks, such as top quark decay [17] or heavy quark production in DIS [21], recently provided with NLL soft resummation, the function B(α )/2 should be replaced S by a different one, called S(α ) in Refs. [17] and [21], which is characteristic of processes S with heavy quarks and expresses soft radiation, which is not collinear-enhanced. The function A(α ) in Eq. (27) can be expanded as a series in α as: S S ∞ α n A(α ) = S A(n). (28) S π n=1(cid:18) (cid:19) X The first two coefficients are mandatory to resum the coefficient function to NLL accu- racy [18]: A(1) = C , (29) F 1 67 π2 5 A(2) = C C n , (30) F A f 2 " 18 − 6 !− 9 # where C = 3. Likewise, the function B(α ) can be expanded: A S ∞ α n B(α ) = S B(n) (31) S π n=1(cid:18) (cid:19) X and, to NLL level, only the first term of the expansion is kept: 3 B(1) = C . (32) F −2 The integral over z can be performed making use of the replacement [18]: e−γE zN−1 1 Θ 1 z , (33) − → − − N − ! where Θ is the Heaviside step function. The function ∆ can be expressed in the usual N form: ∆ (m ,µ,µ ) = exp lnNg(1)(λ)+g(2)(λ,µ,µ ) , (34) N H F F h i with λ = b α (µ)lnN. (35) 0 S 9

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