MATHEW Prelims_Cullen prelims correx 29/07/2015 15:23 Page i CHAPTERTITLE I FRAGILE LEARNING MATHEW Prelims_Cullen prelims correx 29/07/2015 15:23 Page ii MATHEW Prelims_Cullen prelims correx 29/07/2015 15:23 Page iii FRAGILE LEARNING The Influence of Anxiety David Mathew MATHEW Prelims_Cullen prelims correx 29/07/2015 15:23 Page iv First published in 2015 by Karnac Books Ltd 118 Finchley Road, London NW3 5HT Copyright © 2015 to David Mathew The right of David Mathew to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with §§ 77 and 78 of the Copyright Design and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A C.I.P. for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978 1 78220 259 2 Edited, designed and produced by The Studio Publishing Services Ltd e-mail: [email protected] Printed in Great Britain MATHEW Prelims_Cullen prelims correx 29/07/2015 15:23 Page v CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ix ABOUT THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTOR xiii INTRODUCTION xv PART I CHALLENGES TO LEARNING CHAPTER ONE Prison language 3 CHAPTER TWO Disease and distance: an anxious diptych 31 with Susan Sapsed CHAPTER THREE The Stable group 45 CHAPTER FOUR Ethical issues in problem-based learning 63 with Susan Sapsed v MATHEW Prelims_Cullen prelims correx 29/07/2015 15:23 Page vi vi CONTENTS CHAPTER FIVE On empty spaces: an afterword 73 CHAPTER SIX Steps forward, steps back 81 with Susan Sapsed CHAPTER SEVEN Ghosting 107 PART II ONLINE ANXIETY Introduction to Part II 121 CHAPTER EIGHT Cyberbullying: a workplace virus 123 CHAPTER NINE From fatigue to anxiety 135 CHAPTER TEN The absence of E 145 CHAPTER ELEVEN Cyber tools and virtual weapons 159 CHAPTER TWELVE E-learning, time, and unconscious thinking 167 CHAPTER THIRTEEN The role of the online learning personal tutor 177 CHAPTER FOURTEEN Conflict in online learning 187 CHAPTER FIFTEEN The Internet is unwell . . . and will not be at school today 201 MATHEW Prelims_Cullen prelims correx 29/07/2015 15:23 Page vii CONTENTS vii NOTES 229 REFERENCES 233 INDEX 243 MATHEW Prelims_Cullen prelims correx 29/07/2015 15:23 Page viii This book is dedicated to my darling wife, Jackie offered with thanks to Susan Sapsed i.m. Joel Lane (1963-2013) MATHEW Prelims_Cullen prelims correx 29/07/2015 15:23 Page ix ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Earlier (and sometimes very different) versions of most of the chap- ters in Fragile Learning were published before, as follows: “Prison language” was published as “Prison language: a psycho- analytic approach to the language of British young offenders in the twenty-first century” in the International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2013. “Disease and distance: an anxious diptych” has not been published as it appears in this volume. However, what I have called “Panel One: the international student and the challenges of lifelong learning” was published as “The international student and the challenges of lifelong learning” in E-Learning Papers No. 29 in 2012. “Panel Two: distance learning students: should we use technology or pedagogy to over- come work and life obstacles?” was published as “Distance learning students: should we use technology or pedagogy to overcome work and life obstacles?” in E-Learning Papers No. 31. Both of these “Panels” were co-authored with Susan Sapsed. “The Stable group” was published in a book called Only Connect . . . Discovery Pathways, Library Explorations, and the Information Adventure in 2013. The editors were Andrew Walsh and Emma Coonan. ix