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Fractional topological superconductors with fractionalized Majorana fermions Abolhassan Vaezi School of Physics, Institute for research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), 19395-5531, Tehran, IRAN and Department of Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA∗ Inthispaper,weintroduceatwo-dimensionalfractionaltopologicalsuperconductor(FTSC)asa strongly correlated topological state which can be achieved by inducing superconductivity into an Abelian fractional quantum Hall state, through the proximity effect. When the proximity coupling isweak,theFTSChasthesametopologicalorderasitsparentstateandisthusAbelian. However, upon increasing the proximity coupling, the bulk gap of such an Abelian FTSC closes and reopens 3 resultinginanewtopologicalorder: anon-AbelianFTSC.Usingseveralargumentswewillconjec- 1 ture that the conformal field theory (CFT) that describes the edge state of the non-Abelian FTSC 0 is U(1)/Z orbifold theory and use this to write down the ground-state wave function. Further, 2 2 we predict FTSC based on the Laughlin state at ν = 1/m filling to host fractionalized Majorana n zero modes bound to superconducting vortices. These zero modes are non-Abelian quasiparticles √ a which is evident in their quantum dimension of d = 2m. Using the multi-quasi-particle wave J m functionbasedontheedgeCFT,wederivetheprojectivebraidmatrixforthezeromodes. Finally, 5 theconnectionbetweenthenon-AbelianFTSCsandtheZ rotormodelwithasimilartopological 2m 2 order is illustrated. ] l e I. INTRODUCTION - r t s There is growing interest in strongly correlated topo- . t logical states of matter and their potential application a m in topological quantum computation.[1–11] Interaction can lead to novel topological states exhibiting fractional - d excitations, anyon statistics of quasiparticles, and non- n trivial ground-state degeneracy (GSD).[12, 13] Interest- o ingly, these properties of the topological states are ro- c bust and insensitive to disorder or interaction as long as [ the bulk gap does not close.[1] An appealing topological 4 state of matter is the non-Abelian phase that supports FIG. 1: A schematic phase diagram of the FTSCs. g1 is a v anyon excitations with quantum dimensions more than tuningparameterthatdrivesthephasetransitionbetweenan 5 one that obey non-Abelian braid statistics.[14–16] This FQHatν =1/mfillingfractionandatrivialinsulatingstate, 4 excitingpossibilityalongwiththerobustnessofthetopo- e.g., a Wigner crystal. g2 denotes the tunneling amplitude 2 betweenthesuperconductingsubstrateandtheFQHsample. logical states that immunizes anyons from quantum de- 6 The edge theory of the Abelian FTSC side is described by √ coherence make non-Abelian anyons a promising candi- . a free boson compactified on a circle with radius R = m, 4 date for topological quantum computation [1]. The first i.e.,U(1) CFT,whiletheedgestateofthequantumcritical 0 m non-AbeliantopologicalphasewasproposedbyReadand region i.e. the non-Abelian side, is given by the U(1) /Z 2 m 2 Moore for the fractional quantum Hall (FQH) state at orbifold CFT. The trivial superconductor does not support 1 : ν = 1/2 filling fraction. Their so-called Pfaffian wave gapless edge states. v vfunction is a paired state of composite fermions whose i X excitations obey Ising-type non-Abelian statistics. [14] It was shown later that the projective Ising-type non- r a Abelian statistics can also be realized in the p+ip su- ductor can be achieved by inducing superconductivity in perconductors in the weak pairing phase. [17, 18] In- the bulk of an integer quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) deed, the Pfaffian FQH state and a p+ip superconduc- state via proximity to a superconductor.[19, 20] In a dif- tor have the same topological order, whose excitations ferentstudy,BombinshowedthatMajoranafermionscan are the celebrated√Majorana fermions with quantum di- emerge in an Abelian topological state with topologi- mensions equal to 2. cal defects. [21] These two mechanisms can be related Recently, it has been shown that the p+ip supercon- through viewing superconducting vortices as twist oper- ators. Theseobservationsmotivatedustoinvestigatethe fate of an Abelian FQH state or a fractional Chern insu- latoratν =1/mfillingfractioninasimilarsetup. Itwill ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] be shown that the weak tunneling of Cooper pairs does 2 notaffectthetopologicalnatureoftheFQHstate. Were- erate ground states. Exchanging two non-Abelions not fer to the resulting phase as the Abelian fractional topo- only can change the phase of the ground state, it may logicalsuperconductor(FTSC).However,wediscussthat alsoactonthespaceofgroundstatesbyaunitarytrans- thesystemcanundergoatopologicalphasetransitionby formation. In other words, the ground state we started increasing the tunneling strength. The new topological with can superpose with other degenerate ground states state will be a non-Abelian FTSC, whose excitations are after exchanging two non-Abelions. fractionalized Majorana fermion zero modes, α . These Based on what we said in the above paragraph, an 0 non-Abelian excitations are bound to the superconduct- Abelian FTSC has the same topological order as an ing vortices, follow α2m =1 relation, and have quantum Abelian FQH state. In other words, if we break all the √ 0 dimension d = 2m. symmetriesofbothphases,theyaresmoothlyconnected; m Thepaperisorganizedasfollows. InSec. II,wedefine i.e. oneofthemcanevolvetotheotheroneadiabatically the notion of a FTSC and try to build a model for it. without passing any phase transition. An FTSC has all To make the situation more comprehensible, an exactly the symmetries of its parent FQH state , except the par- solvable model will be reviewed in which a topological ticle number conservation [U(1) symmetry]. The U(1) phase transition happens between an integer QAH and symmetry can be easily broken by inducing supercon- a p + ip superconductor. In Sec. III, we identify the ductivity in the FQH state either intrinsically or extrin- CFT that describes the edge theory of the FTSCs. The sically. Inthelatterscenario,theFQHsystemcanbeput correspondence between the bulk wave function and the aboveasuperconductor,sothatCooperpairscantunnel conformalblocksoftheedgetheoryisexplained,andthe into the FQH state through proximity effect. If we keep notionofthetwistfieldisillustratedwithanemphasison the many-body gap open in the whole procedure, the re- their crucial role in the topological order. In Sec. IV, we sultingstatewillbeanAbelianFTSC.Consequently, we utilize the CFT that describes the non-Abelian FTSCs expectthesamekindofchiraledgetheoryforthesystem to study its topological order. The existence of the zero asthatoftheparentFQH,exceptthatAbeliananyonsdo modes bound to vortices of the superconducting state is not carry a definite electric charge anymore. A more in- proven. Furthermore, the quantum dimension and the teresting situation can happen when the many-body gap braid statistics of the zero modes is derived. Sec. V is closes due to the proximity and the system undergoes a devoted to the computation of the bulk wave function of topological phase transition accordingly. The important the non-Abelian FTSCs. In Sec. VI, we study the gauge questionthatwearegoingtoaddressinthispaperisthe theory of the non-Abelian FTSCs. It turns out to be a fate of the Abelian state. In the absence of the super- Z gauge theory which allows us to make a connection conductivity, the fate of an FQH is more or less known. 2m between our prediction about the quantum dimension of For instance, upon decreasing the filling fraction, e.g., the fractionalized Majorana zero modes and the results through tuning the chemical potential, we can end up of the recently studied rotor model with a similar gauge the Wigner crystal phase at small filling fractions. Now, structure. letusconsiderthequantumphasetransitionbetweenthe FQHstateandthetrivialinsulatingphasewhichcanbea Wigner crystal, for example. A weak proximity coupling turns the two sides of the phase transition an Abelian II. WHAT ARE FRACTIONAL TOPOLOGICAL FTSC and a trivial superconductor with no edge state, SUPERCONDUCTORS? respectively. However, the strong tunneling of Cooper pairs can open a quantum critical region between these Inthissection,wetrytopresentadefinitionofaFTSC tworegions. Asisshownlater,weconjecturethroughdif- andwhatexactlywemeanbythisterm. Roughlyspeak- ferentargumentsandanalogiesthattheinterveningstate ing,anFTSCisasuperconductingstateofmatterwhose isanFTSCwithnon-Abelianexcitation. Itisshownthat parent state is an FQH state. Two topologically dis- when inducing superconductivity in the Laughlin state tinct classes of FTSCs can be imagined, Abelian and at ν = 1/m filling, the vortices host non-Abelian frac- non-Abelian FTSCs. Abelian FTSCs are the counter- tionalizedMajoranazeromodeswithquantumdimension part of the Abelian FQH states and refer to the case √ d = 2m. where all the excitations of the superconducting ground m state are Abelian anyons. In other words, exchanging any of two quasiparticles can only change the phase of the ground-state wave function, and two successive A. Superconductivity proximity effect on integer exchanges are commuting. Accordingly, all quasiparti- quantum Hall states cles have quantum dimensions equal to one. An impor- tant signature of the Abelian FTSCs is the uniqueness In this section, we discuss the superconductivity prox- of their ground-state wave functions in the presence of imity effect in a chiral model of the noninteracting elec- vortices. On the other hand, non-Abelian FTSCs have trons whose phase diagram resembles the physics we are non-Abelianexcitationswithnon-Abelianstatistics. The pursuing. This simple model has been proposed by Qi quantum dimensionofa non-Abelian quasiparticle(non- et al.[20] A similar model has also been studied by Fu Abelion) is necessarily more than one leading to degen- and Kane.[19] Before writing the Hamiltonian, we would 3 like to point out some comments that makes the results Therefore, we end up with a topological superconductor more comprehensible. Imagine an integer QAH system, whoseedgetheoryisgivenbyasingle Majorana fermion e.g., a band structure with Chern number C = 1. The mode. SinceMajoranafermionsobeynon-Abelianstatis- √ edge theory of this system can be described by chiral tics and have quantum dimension d = 2, the interven- electrons (or free bosons) propagating along the edges ing state is a non-Abelian integer superconductor. Now, of the system and localized in the normal direction. By let us present the model Hamiltonian which is given by tuning the mass term (in this model the magnetization the following equation: of electrons), we can undergo a phase transition into a trivialstatewithC =0. Atthecriticalpoint,thesystem (cid:88) becomes gapless and therefore, an electron at the upper H = =ψ†h (p)ψ , QAH p QAH p edge, which is left mover, can hybridize with (or tunnel p (cid:18) (cid:19) into) the right mover lower edge state. This can happen m(p) A(p −ip ) h (p)= x y , (1) since the bulk state is gapless at the critical point and QAH A(p +ip ) −m(p) x y edge electrons can hybridize with the bulk electrons to travel from one side to the other. This coupling between where m(p) = m +Bp2 and ψ = (c ,c )T. This 0 p p,↑ p,↓ the upper and lower edges can destabilize the edge state typeofcouplingbetweenspin-upandspin-downelectrons and gap it out. When gap reopens by increasing chemi- can be achieved, for example, in the Rashba-type spin- calpotential,thesystembecomesatrivialphasewithno orbit coupled system, e.g., at the surface of the three- gapless edge state. dimensional topological insulators. m represents the 0 average magnetization of electrons that can be realized Now,letusinducesuperconductivityinthewholesys- either through the Zeeman-type interaction with an ex- tem, i.e. in the bulk as well as the edge. In the weak ternal magnetic field or the exchange interaction with a coupling regime where only a few Cooper pairs can tun- ferromagnet on the top. Assuming all the negative en- nel into the system and cannot affect the band-gap, the ergy states are occupied and |m | > 0, the Hall conduc- situationisclear. ItturnstheQAHstateintoanAbelian 0 topological superconductor whose edge state is still de- tivity of the above Hamiltonian is given by σH = Ceh2, scribedbychiralcomplexfermions(Bogoliubovquasipar- where C is the Chern number of the lower energy band. ticles). Complexfermions,e.g. electronshavetwodegree It can be shown that C =+1 when m0 <0 and vanishes of freedom, the real and the imaginary part of fermion for m0 > 0. Now we turn the above QAH system to a operator. Each of these degrees of freedom can be repre- TSC. An effective pairing interaction between quasipar- sented by a Majorana operator, which is a real fermion. ticles can be induced in the proximity of an s-wave su- BycomputingtheChernnumberoftheresultingAbelian perconductor. The corresponding Bogoliubovde Gennes superconductor, we would obtain C = 2 referring to the (BdG) Hamiltonian is fact that the edge state can be described by two Majo- rana fermions or equivalently a single complex fermion, 1(cid:88) (cid:18)h (p)−µ i∆σy (cid:19) in this case Bogoliubov quasiparticles. Moreover, induc- H = Ψ† QAH Ψ BdG 2 p −i∆∗σy −h∗ (−p)+µ p ingsuperconductivityintothetrivialphaseviaproximity QAH p effectsimplyturnsittoatrivialsuperconductor. Nowlet (2) us discuss what happens in the strong coupling between the superconductor and the QAH system. By strong we where Ψ = (cid:16)c ,c ,c† ,c† (cid:17)T and the chemical meanthattheinducedCooperpairscancloseandreopen p p,↑ p,↓ −p,↑ −p,↓ potential µ has been introduced so that we can dope uptheband-gapinanewfashion. Thebestwaytothink the unpaired QAH state. Intuitively, we expect that the about this problem is to consider the edge theory when ground state becomes a topological superconductor for the bulk gap closes. Like before, left-mover edge elec- |∆| > |m | and µ = 0. The full phase diagram of the trons at the upper boundary can tunnel into the lower 0 above Hamiltonian has been derived in Ref. [20]. There edgestatewithright-moverelectronsthroughthegapless are several interesting facts about them, which we men- bulkandhybridizationwithbulkelectronsthatobviously tion below. causes instability. However, note that we have a differ- entinstabilitychannel,theCooperpairing,aswell. The upper left mover edge electrons can pair with the right mover edge electron, since the gapless bulk is a super- µ=0 case conducting state and can mediate Cooper pairs. It is this Cooper pairing channel that provides novel possibil- (A) For ∆ = 0, there is a phase transition at m = 0 ities. Now let us look more carefully. Approaching from 0. For m < 0, the edge state hosts a chiral Luttinger 0 theAbeliantopologicalsuperconductingregion,theedge liquid. This edge state which has central charge c = 1, theoryisdescribedbyasinglecomplexfermionorequiva- can be written in terms of two chiral Majorana modes lentlytworeal(Majorana)fermions. Throughthepairing each having c = 1. However, for m > 0 there is no 2 0 betweentheupperandloweredges,wecangapoutoneof edge state. Therefore, both Majorana edge states gap thereal(Majorana)fermionsandkeeptheothergapless. out through the transition at µ=∆=0. 4 (B) For nonzero values of ∆, when ∆ < −m, we still havetwogaplessMajoranamodesattheedge. Thewave function of these Majorana modes is extended along the edge and localized in the perpendicular direction. As ∆ approaches −m from below, the localization length of one Majorana mode normal to the edge becomes larger anddivergesat∆=−m . However,theotherMajorana 0 mode is still localized normal to the edge, and extended along it. Hence, at ∆ = −m , only one of the Majo- 0 rana modes delocalizes and merges with the Bulk states. When −m < ∆ < m , that Majorana mode becomes 0 0 gappedandonlytheotherzeromodesurvives. Asweap- FIG. 2: The quantum critical point (QCP) between an proach∆=m ,thelocalizationlengthfortheremaining 0 Abelian and a non-Abelian FTSCs whose parents are 1/m Majoranamodenormaltotheedgeincreases,andfinally Laughlin state. At the QCP, the bulk gap vanishes and diverges at ∆ = m . For m > ∆, the only remaining 0 0 the localization length of the edge state diverges. As a re- Majorana modes gaps out as well. Therefore, a topologi- sult, the top (1,L) and bottom (2,R) sides of the edge state cal superconductor emerges at the critical quantum point thatarecounterpropagatingcaninteractintheCooperchan- between a QAH state and a trivial insulator. nel represented by the dashed line. Approaching the QCP (C) The above transition can be described in the fol- from the Abelian side, the edge quasiparticles are complex √ lowing way. In the absence of pairing potential (∆=0), anyons with two degrees of freedom: Vl = eilϕ/ m, where both Majorana modes have the same correlation length l ∈ Zm. This pairing between (1,L) and (2,R) can gap out (cid:16) (cid:17) perpendicular to the edge (we estimate the width of a the Vl−Vl† /2i part of the anyon field. Accordingly, only Majorana mode by this length scale) which is ξ ∝ 1 . (cid:16) (cid:17) √ |m0| theremainingpart, Vl+Vl† /2=cos(lϕ/ m),whichisin- As a result, both will be gapped at the same critical variant under the Z action, ϕ→−ϕ, remains gapless. This 2 point. However, turning on a nonzero ∆, the correla- argumentsuggeststhattheedgetheoryoftheresultingstate √ tion lengths of two Majorana modes differ and we have aftergapreopensisachievedbytakingcos( mϕ)astheelec- ξ1 ∝ 1/|m0+∆| and ξ2 ∝ 1/|m0−∆|. At ∆ = −m0, tron operator instead of ei√mϕ. The CFT that contains this thefirstonehasaninfinitecorrelationlengthanddelocal- electronoperator,andwithcentralchargec=1,isknownto izes, while the other one has a finite correlation length. be a U(1) /Z orbifold theory.[22, 23] Interestingly, such an m 2 The first Majorana zero mode merges with bulk states orbifoldCFTcontainsnon-Abelianprimaryfieldswithquan- √ and disappears beyond that point. At ∆ = +m , the tum dimensions 2m. 0 remaining Majorana mode acquires infinite correlation length and gaps out accordingly. (D) A similar phase diagram is expected for the prox- imity of an integer quantum Hall (QH) systems (filled B. Generalization to the fractional case Landau levels) to an s-wave superconductor. The only topological index that labels the integer QAH or QH Let us look more carefully at the doped QAH state statesistheirChernnumber;therefore,theyaretopolog- in the proximity of an s-wave superconductor, discussed ically indistinguishable. The same edge theory describes above. AssuminganearlyflatlowestbandfortheHamil- both,soweexpectthesametopologicalphasetransitions tonian describing the QAH state H and doping this in both cases. QAH systemsothatthefillingfractionbecomesfractional,e.g., ν = 1, we can add an interaction whose coupling con- m stant is significantly larger than the bandwidth and sig- |µ|>0 case nificantlysmallerthantheenergygapbetweenlowerand upperbands. ThisisthedefinitionofanearlyflatChern In Ref. [20], a phase diagram has been presented for insulator. Although, doping leads to a metallic behav- this case. However, we argue that their result is valid ior in the integer Chern insulators, in the present case only in the weakly correlated systems where either band themanybodywavefunctionbecomesnontrivialandex- structure is far from being flat or interaction is weak. hibits topological order. The excitations carry fractional Going back to the result of Qi et al, at ∆ = 0, nonzero charge e∗ = ν at ν = 1 filling fraction, and they have m chemicalpotentialyieldsametallicstate. However,turn- fractionalstatisticswithθ = π. Finally,theGSDonthe m ing on the ∆ term, chemical potential changes only the torusism. [24–29]Whenthesystemhasanopenbound- phase transition point given by the following expression: ary, the edge state is described by a chiral boson mode ϕ(x,t), from which we can construct the electron oper- √ ator Ψ(x,t) = ei mϕ(x,t). Similarly, the anyon operator ∆2+µ2 =m2. (3) with electric charge ±e l can be represented in terms m of the free chiral boson as V±l = e±i√lmϕ(x,t). These 5 complex anyon operators have two degrees of freedom, the fusion algebra of that CFT, and the bulk wave- cos√l ϕ(x,t) and sin√l ϕ(x,t), which are eigenstates function. We also study the non-Abelian statistics of m m of the following Z symmetry operation: R : φ → −φ. thefractionalizedMajoranazeromodesandcomputethe 2 Interestingly, these primary fields do not have a definite corresponding braid matrix. electricchargeandaresuitablewhentheelectromagnetic gaugesymmetryisbroken,i.e. inasuperconductor. The key assumption which is used extensively in the rest of B. Edge theory of the Abelian FTSCs this paper is that above a critical pairing strength, only one of these Z eigenstates survives and the other be- Aswementionedbefore,anAbelianFTSCissmoothly 2 comes gapped. Therefore, the electron operator at the connected to its parent FQH state at the same filling √ edgeisV = Ψ+Ψ† =cos( mϕ), whichisself-conjugate, fraction. Thus,theybelongtothesametopologicalclass e 2 i.e., V ×V ∼ 1. The CFT that contains this electron andhaveidenticaledgetheories, exceptthatthenumber e e operator at c = 1 has been studied extensively in the conservation is broken at the edge of an FTSC. So it is CFT literature and is called U(1) /Z orbifold theory. enough to consider the edge CFT of an FQH state. The m 2 [4, 22, 23, 30–32] This orbifold is known to have non- edge of a Laughlin state at ν = 1/m is described by a Abelianprimaryfields,suggestingthenamenon-Abelian chiral gapless mode given by the following action[12]: FTSCforthebulkstate. Itisworthmentioningthatthe non-Abelian FTSC can also be obtained by inducing su- m (cid:90) perconductivity in the FQH states, and the procedure S =−4π dxdt (∂t+vF∂x)ϕ(x,t)∂xϕ(x,t). (5) explained above is not specific to fractional QAH sys- tems. TheaboveedgetheorycanbewrittenintermsofaU(1) CFT on the 2D space-time. To this end, we use the following notations: III. CFT APPROACH TO THE FTSCs A. Bulk wave function and correlation functions of z =t+ix , z¯=t−ix , x∼x+2π (6) the edge CFT where the periodicity of the x direction is due to the For the chiral topological states, it is conjectured that circular geometry of the edge (x is rescaled to satisfy the holomorphic part of the bulk wave function can be the above relation and the Fermi velocity is chosen as described as the correlation function of the fermion op- vF = 1). By this transformation, the action of the edge erators in the chiral edge theory.[14, 16, 33] First of all, theory becomes we have to identify the CFT that describes the chiral 1 (cid:90) edge state. Second, we should find the electron opera- S =− dzdz¯∂ ϕ(z,z¯)∂ ϕ(z,z¯), (7) 4π z z¯ tor V (z) that has a half integer conformal dimension. e This is to makes sure that two electron operators anti- √ in which we have rescaled ϕ by a factor of m. We commute. Then the wave function of the ground state should be careful about this scaling as it has a physical of N electrons with electrons coordinates {z }, where k effect. Before its action, the bosonic ϕ is assumed to be z = x +iy , is simply given in terms of the correla- k k k living on a circle with radius R = 1; i.e., ϕ is identified tion function involving N electrons operators at {z } so √ k with ϕ+2π. However, after it we should take R= m, Ψ({zk})=(cid:68)(cid:81)Nk=1Ve(zk)(cid:69). Third, we can construct the i.e., ϕ ∼ ϕ+2π√m. Technically speaking the√bosonic excitedwavefunctionbyinsertingotherprimaryfieldsin field is compactified on a circle with radius R= m. the correlation wave function. For example, in the 1/m The equation of the motion for the above action is √ Laughlinstates, theelectronoperatorisV =ei mϕ and ∂z∂z¯ϕ(z,z¯) = 0, so either ∂zϕ(z,z¯) = 0 or ∂z¯ϕ(z,z¯) = e Va = ei√ϕm is the primary field associated with the frac- 0ϕ.(zW)esinccheoowseenteheedlaatctheirraclh(ohicoelo,mwohripchhicm)eeadngseϕst(azt,ez¯()th=e tional excitation whose charge is q = e/m. Hence, the first choice given an antichiral (nonholomorphic) edge holomorphic part of the wave function for N electrons state. TheedgestateisenjoyingaU(1)symmetryunder and n anyons would be of the following form: which ϕ → ϕ+(cid:15) with any arbitrary (cid:15). This symmetry (cid:42) n N (cid:43) leads to a conserved Noether current. It is given by the (cid:89) (cid:89) Ψ({η };{z })= V (η ) V (z ) = following formula: l k a l e k l=1 k=1 (cid:89)(z −η )(cid:89)(η −η )1/m(cid:89)(z −z )m. (4) i l l k i j j(z)=i∂ ϕ(z), (8) i,l k<l i<j z In the next section, we present a comprehensive calcu- which is manifestly conserved since ∂ j(z) = z¯ lation of the steps explained above for the non-Abelian i∂ ∂ ϕ(z) = 0. The propagator of the ϕ field sat- z¯ z FTSCs and identify the primary fields of the edge CFT, isfies the following equation: 6 current operator j we can measure its electric charge, which happens to be e. Therefore, V is actually an elec- 1 e − ∂ ∂ K(z,z¯,w,w¯)=δ(2)(z−w). (9) tron operator of U(1) CFT compactified on a circle with 2π z¯ z radius R=√m. Additionally, by choosing α= √1 and m Using the 1 ∂ (z¯−w¯)−1 identity for the delta function computingthecorrelationfunctionbetweentwoofthem, 2π z exchanging them counterclockwise we obtain θ = π for in complex plane, we have: m theirfractionalstatistics. Thechargeofthisoperatorcan K(z,z¯,w,w¯) =(cid:104)ϕ(z,z¯)ϕ(w,w¯)(cid:105)=−ln|z−w|2 alsobemeasuredbylookingatitsOPEwiththecurrent =−ln(z−w)−ln(z¯−w¯). (10) operator and turns out to be e/m. Accordingly, ei√ϕm represents the Laughlin quasiparticle (anyon) operator. For holomorphic solutions of the edge theory we have (cid:104)ϕ(z)ϕ(w)(cid:105)=−ln(z−w). Now let us find the correla- tion function of the current operators. C. Chiral algebra of the Laughlin-type states 1 (cid:104)j(z)j(w)(cid:105)=−∂ ∂ (cid:104)ϕ(z)ϕ(w)(cid:105)= (.11) z w (z−w)2 In this section we wish to study the operator content of the Abelian FQH/FTSC states, through the so-called Wecanreadthescaling(conformal)dimensionofcurrent chiral algebra. The conformal algebra always contains operator off above correlation means leading to h = 1. the Virasoro algebra, which is given by a central charge j Aninterestingsetofoperatorsknownasvertexoperators c. The edge theory of the Abelian FQH/FTSC states at canbeobtainedfromthebosonicϕchiralfields. Wehave ν = 1/m is described by a CFT with c = 1. The Viraso algebra at c=1 allows for an infinite number of primary fields of the form V jn with arbitrary real α and integer α Vα(z)=eiαφ(z). (12) n numbers, where Vα =eiαϕ and j =i∂zϕ. In the phys- ical systems, however, we always have a finite number It can be easily shown that of primary fields. One way to obtain a finite number of primary fields is to extend the Virasoro algebra. A par- (cid:104)V (z)V (w)(cid:105)=(z−w)αβ. (13) ticular example is through the chiral algebra where we α β choose one of the primary fields as well as the current Animportantfactabouttheseoperatorsisthattheysat- operator j as the generators of the algebra and find all isfy (cid:104)Vα(z)Vβ(w)(cid:105) = eiπαβ(cid:104)Vβ(z)Vα(w)(cid:105), which gives theprimaryfieldsthathavenonsingularOPEwiththem. anyonic statistics for αβ ∈/ Z. Taking α = β we can The resulting operators will form a representation of the compute the scaling dimension of Vα, which happens to chiralalgebra. Forexample,in√thec=1wecantakethe be electron operator V = exp(i mϕ(z)), V†, and j with e e scaling dimensions m/2, m/2 and, 1, respectively, as the generating operators. The OPE of the current operator h =α2/2. (14) α with vertex operators V is always nonsingular. Now let α √ us consider the OPE of V with vertex operators. We ThefactthatϕiscompactifiedonacirclewithR= m e have allows only discrete values for α. We have √ 1 Vα(z) =eiαφk(z) =eiα(φ(z)+2π m) ⇒ Ve(z)Vα(w)∼ (z−w)√mα. (17) α= √ , k ∈Z. (15) m √ In order to get a nonsingular OPE, mα should be an Note that there is no constraint on the value of the k integer. Therefore, every V√k operator where k ∈Zm is m and it can be any integer number. Therefore, we still alsoallowedinthechiralalgebra. Theseoperatorscreate have an infinite number of primary fields. In the next excitations in the ν = 1/m Laughlin states. The fusion section, we discuss the chiral algebra that puts further algebra of this chiral algebra is pretty simple: V √ × k/ m constraints on the value of k. Now let us consider the V √ =V , which represents a Z algebra. l/ m k+l√mod m m following operator: m The chiral algebra of the free boson theory compact- √ ified on a circle with R = m radius can be further V (z)=ei√mϕ(z) , V†(z)=e−i√mϕ(z). (16) expanded by choosing the bosonic operators e±i(2√mϕ) e e and j as the generators of the chiral algebra. This alter- The scaling dimension of this operator is m/2 and ex- native choice turns out to be very useful in studying the changing two of them yields a minus sign. Accordingly, operator content of the U(1)/Z orbifold theory descrip- 2 V (z) represents a fermion operator. By looking at the tion of the superconductors. The intuition is that the e operator product expansion (OPE) between V and the charge of the Cooper pair is 2 and they are considered e 7 as the boundstate of two electrons. On the other hand, whose OPE with electrons is of the following form: √ ei(2 mϕ(z)) ∼lim V (z)V (w). Following the proce- w→z e e σ(w) dure we used above, we find the following operators as V (z)σ(w)= . (19) the allowed primary fields: e (z−w)1/2 Going around the twist field σ(w), the electron operator picks up a minus sign. Therefore, the twist operator can Vk/2√m(z)=ei2√kmϕ(z) , hk = 8km2 , k ∈Z4m. (18) changetheboundaryconditionontheelectronsfrompe- riodic to antiperiodic and vice versa along space and/or Form the above relation, it turns out that the previous time directions. Such a twist operator is quite well stud- chiral algebra is a sub-algebra of the new one. The oper- ied in the context of the Ising CFT and physically corre- ators that we encountered before and that represent the sponds to the spin order and disorder fields.[30, 31] Laughlin state correspond to k = 2l and l ≤ m. The new primary fields with k =2l, where m<l≤2m, were identifiedwithk−2mprimaryfieldsinthepreviouscase E. Edge theory of the non-Abelian FTSCs: U(1)/Z2 (Z algebra). The primary fields with k = 2l +1 are orbifold CFT m √ all odd under the ϕ → ϕ+2π m symmetry transfor- mation of the original free chiral boson theory, so they As we discussed before, it is known that the maximal can be removed form the theory at the end. The re- chiral algebra of a free boson compactified on a circle sulting theory can be easily shown, which is modular in- with R2 = p with (p,p(cid:48)) = 1 is given by A , where 2 p(cid:48) N variant, thus physical. The fusion rules for this chiral N = pp(cid:48).[22, 23, 31] This algebra is generated by the algebra reduces to a Z one. In general, for a chiral √ 4m bosonic operators: j, and e±i 2Nϕ. Accordingly, the boson theory compactified on a circle with a rational ra- dius of R2 = p form where p and p(cid:48) are coprime (i.e., primary fields allowed in this chiral algebra are ei√k2Nϕ, 2 p(cid:48) where k ∈ Z , in addition to the current operator 2N they their greatest common divisor is one), the maxi- √ j = i∂zϕ. Therefore, the maximal chiral algebra o√f a malchiralalgebraisgeneratedbyj,ande±i 2Nϕ,where free chiral bosons compactified on a circle with R= m N = pp(cid:48), whose corresponding fusion algebra reduces to that describes an Abelian FQH (or an Abelian FTSC) Z2N group.[22, 23, 31] This chiral algebra of the c = 1 stateatν =1/mfilling,isgivenbyA2m. Thefreeboson freebosontheoryisr√eferredtoasAN. Asasanitycheck, edgetheoryenjoysadiscreteZ2 symmetrywhichactson let us consider R = m theory that represents the edge the U(1) boson field in the following way: state of a ν = 1/m Laughlin state, R2 = m. Since m is odd (m,2) = 1, then N = 2m. Acc2ording2ly, the maxi- R: ϕ→−ϕ, (20) malchiralalgebraisgivenbyA andthefusionalgebra 2m or, equivalently, R : j → −j. The action of the reduces to Z . 4m Z group R divides the primary fields of the A chi- 2 2m ral algebra into the invariant and noninvariant groups: √ √ φ = cos(kϕ/2 m), and φ˜ = sin(kϕ/2 m). On the k k other hand, as we discussed in the previous section, for D. Vortices and the twist operators a range of parameters adding superconductivity to the system can gap out half of the degrees of the freedom Imagine a superconducting state with a number of corresponding to primary fields of the edge theory and vortices. Because superconductor is a condensate of keeptherestgapless,meaningeithertheinvariantorthe Cooper pairs with charge q = 2e , it allows for the vor- noninvariant part of the primary fields should be taken. tices with a magnetic flux half of the quantum flux i.e., As a result, the electron operator can be taken as the Φ = hc = π/e in the unit where (cid:126)=c=1. On the other √ 0 2e cos( mϕ), which is even under the Z2 orbifold theory. hand, the Aharanov-Bohm effect tells us that electrons The above argument suggests that we should look moving around a vortex will pick up a minus sign. In (cid:16)√ (cid:17) for a chiral algebra generated by j, and cos 2Nφ other words, having a vortex at point R(cid:126) requires the in- troduction of a branch cut in the superconductor such (N =2m). The resulting CFT is known as the U(1)/Z2 that electrons change sign by passing through it. This orbifold theory that is achieved by moding out the dis- means a vortex can be imagined as a topological defect crete symmetry R from the free boson edge CFT. More- in the superconductor. Now let us formulate this is in over,thechiralalgebraofthisorbifoldtheoryisgivenby a more elegant way. We wish to consider an operator AN/Z2. (cid:16) (cid:17) The orbifold theory is known to be relevant in other σ R(cid:126) referred to as the twist operator which creates a topological states of matter as well. In Refs. [4, 23, 34], vortex at point R(cid:126). If we take an electron and turn it Brakeshli and Wen studied a bilayer FQH state with a around this twist operator, the electron operator’s sign strong interlayer repulsion. In the absence of strong re- changes. Within the bulk-boundary CFT theory corre- pulsion,theedgetheoryofthebilayerFQHstateisgiven spondence conjecture this means we need an operator through two free chiral boson fields ϕ = ϕ++ϕ− and 1 2 8 ϕ = ϕ++ϕ− and thus enjoys a U(1)×U(1) symmetry h = 1/16 and τ and τ fields with conformal dimen- 2 2 σ 1 2 corresponding to j =i∂ ϕ and j =i∂ ϕ conserva- sion h =1/16+1/2=9/16. The latter twist fields are + z + − z − τ tion. Adiscretesymmetryoftheedgetheorycorresponds related to the first one through the following relation: totheexchangeofthetwolayers: R:ϕ →−ϕ . Inthe − − (m,m,0)bilayerFQH,theelectronoperatorineachlayer √ τ (w) cinacnrebaesinregprtheseenintteedrlaasyeψrire=puelisiomnϕ,i,itwisheerneerig=eti1ca,2ll.yBfay- j(z)σi(w)∼ (z−i w)1/2, (21) vorable for the quasiparticles to reside in the same layer. which is consistent with the fact that σ (w) twist opera- Thiscausesonlytheevencombinationofelectronopera- i tors change the sign of the j(z)=i∂ ϕ(z) field through torsundertheRsymmetrytoremaingaplessandtheodd z 2π rotationaroundw. Aswasstatedbefore,twistopera- combination becomes gapped. Consequently, the edge CFT is generated by ψ1+2ψ2 = ei√mϕ+/2cos(√mϕ−/2). tthoresaacrteioanlloowf tehdebtywtihsteficehlidraolnaltgheebrcaurAreNn/tZo2pseirnacteoru,nidteisr Therefore, the edge theory is given by the free U(1) the- invariantuptotheactionoftheZ group(moreprecisely ory, corresponding to ϕ , and a U(1)/Z for the the ϕ 2 + 2 − j ≡−j in the Z orbifold theory). part, thus a U(1)×U(1)/Z orbifold CFT. As in our ex- 2 2 Thegeneratorsofthechiralalgebraarethecurrent(j) ample, the orbifold theory allows for the twist fields to (cid:16)√ (cid:17) show up, resulting in a non-Abelian state. In a different andcos 2Nϕ operators(N =2m). Wenowconsider study, Barkeshli and Qi have shown that Chern insu- therestofprimaryfieldsthathavenonsingularOPEwith lators with higher Chern numbers can provide a physi- these generators other than twist fields. It can be shown cal playground to realize a similar physics.[38] More re- that the following set of operators has nonsingular OPE cently,Barkeshlietal. havestudiedthetopologicalorder with these operators. and projective non-Abelian properties of these types of models.[32] (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) k k φ =cos √ ϕ =cos √ ϕ . (22) k 2N 2 m F. Operator content of the U(1)/Z orbifold CFT 2 which are simply the Z -invariant part of the primary 2 fields of the A chiral algebra that we encountered be- 2m To obtain the chiral algebra representing the non- fore. There are two fermion operators in the A /Z 2m 2 Abelian FTSCs, we should mod out the Z2 subgroup of chiralalgebraamongwhichwetaketheZ2-invariantone the CFT that acts on the current operator as R : j → as the electron operator. They are −j. Moding the Z symmetry has two effects. First, 2 tohrearnetsisuyltminmgeptrriicmuanrydefireltdhsesohrobuiflodldbeacetiitohne.r sSyemcomnedt,riict Ve =φ1N =cos(cid:32)(cid:114)N2 ϕ(cid:33)=cos(cid:0)√mϕ(cid:1), allows new primary fields to show up in the chiral alge- (cid:32)(cid:114) (cid:33) bra. These new primary operators are twist fields. The φ2 =sin Nϕ =sin(cid:0)√mϕ(cid:1). (23) OPE of any primary field in chiral algebra with the gen- N 2 (cid:16)√ (cid:17) erators of the chiral algebra, i.e., j and cos 2Nϕ , Several properties of these primary fields are summa- should be nonsingular. The OPE of the twist fields with (cid:16)√ (cid:17) rized in table [IIIF]. The most important information the cos 2Nϕ vertex operator is nonsingular. How- oneneedsinanyCFTisthefusionalgebraoftheprimary ever, its OPE with the current operator j = i∂ ϕ has fields. FortheZ orbifoldtheoriesweareconcernedwith z 2 a branch cut, which means taking the current operator here,Dijgkgraafetal. [22]havederivedtheirfusionrules. aroundthetwistfieldchangesthesignofthecurrentop- According to their study, for even N (in our problem it eratorleadingtoasingularbehavioroftheOPE.Forthe is the case) the fusion algebra is as follows: unorbifold theory with the full U(1) symmetry, this is not acceptable and as a result twist fields are absent in the chiral algebra. However, by moding the Z2 symme- φk×φk(cid:48) =φk+k(cid:48) +φk−k(cid:48) (k(cid:48) (cid:54)=k,N −k), try generated by R, the twist fields are allowed because φk×φk =1+j+φ2k, −j(z)=R−1j(z)R∼j(z). Inotherwords, thecurrent φN−k×φk =φ2k+φ1N +φ2N. (24) operator is invariant after going around the twist fields The above fusion rules can be verified by interpreting up to the action of the Z2 group. Therefore, the chiral (cid:16) (cid:16)√ (cid:17)(cid:17) algebra of the AN/Z2 theory has to include twist fields φk fields as cos kϕ/ 2N . Also, the fusion rules as well. It is these twist fields that make the orbifold involving j, φ1 and φ2 operators are: N N theories significantly richer and more exciting than the original A chiral algebra associated with the Abelian j×φ =φ , N k k FTSC. j×j =1, Thereare twokinds oftwistfields inthe U(1)/Z orb- φi ×φi =1, 2 N N ifoldtheories: σ andσ fieldswithconformaldimension φ1 ×φ2 =j, (25) 1 2 N N 9 important observation in studying the zero modes of the TABLE I: Primary fields of the orbifold theory given by an anyon operators. A /Z chiral algebra with N = 2m, and the corresponding N 2 conformal (scaling) and quantum dimensions. CFT primary Conformal Quamtum IV. TOPOLOGICAL ORDER OF THE field dimension dimension NON-ABELIAN FTSCS 0 1 0 1 In this section, we study different properties of the 1 j 1 1 non-Abelian excitations. We prove the existence of the 2 φi m/2 1 2m zero modes bound to vortices, compute their quantum 3 φ k2/(8m) 2 k √ dimensions and derive the non-Abelian part of the braid 4 σ 1/16 2m i √ matrixthatactsonthedegenerategroundstatebybraid- 5 τi 9/16 2m ing fractionalized Majorana zero modes. and, most importantly, the fusion rules involving the A. Mode expansion and zero modes twist operators is given by the following formulas: σ ×σ =1+φi + (cid:88) φ , Inthissection,westudythephysicaleffectsofthetwist i i N k fields and show that they allow for the existence of the k even (cid:88) fractionalized Majorana zero modes. First of all, let us σ ×σ = φ , 1 2 k mention the following mode expansion for the primary k odd fields. For an arbitrary chiral primary field Φ(z) with j×σ =τ , i i conformaldimensionh wecanwritethefollowingmode φ ×σ =σ , Φ k i i φi ×σ =σ . (26) expansion: N i i offTthheefτus=ionjr×ulσes ffoorrmthuelat.wTishtefiaelbdosvτeircealantiaolnsosbsuegrgeeasdt Φ(z)= (cid:88) αn n(cid:48),p,q ∈Z. (29) i i zn+hΦ thattheA2m/Z2 chiralalgebrasupports2m+7primary n=n(cid:48)−pq fields, among which φ1 , φ2 , and j are Abelian fields N N and φ ’s are non-Abelian primary fields with a quantum In order to determine the allowed values for p and q k dimensions equal to 2 and the non-Abelian twist fields integers, we need to know the behavior of the Φ(z) field with a quantum dimensions equal to √N. Now let us under the twist, i.e., the value of the θ in Φ(cid:0)e2πiz(cid:1) = makecommentsontheabovefusionalgebra. Firstofall, e−iθΦ(z). Ontheotherhand,theabovemodeexpansion as we stated before, φ1 field with conformal dimension suggests that Φ(cid:0)e2πiz(cid:1)=e−i(hΦ−p/q)2πΦ(z). Therefore, 2m h=m/2isafermionfieldandinvariantunderunderthe p = h − θ mod 1. If p/q = 0, then it means α q Φ 2π 0 Rsymmetry. Wechooseittorepresenttheelectronoper- is allowed in the system and we say that the Φ field ator. Theabovefusionrulebetweenanelectronoperator supports a zero mode. For physical systems we usually andatwistfieldσ1alongwiththeirconformaldimensions have periodic boundary conditions on fields, i.e., θ = 0, suggestthefollowingOPE(andasimilarrelationforthe and therefore for the primary fields with rational con- τ1): formal dimension zero mode is absent. For example, in the Laughlin FQH state at ν = 1/m filling fraction, p = m − 0 mod 1 = 1/2. This means n = m+1/2, σ(w) q 2 2π Ve(z)σ(w)= (z−w)m/2. (27) and accordingly, there is no electron zero mode. An in- terestingquestionthatarisesiswhatcancauseatwisted This relation is consistentwith thefact thattaking an boundary condition (i.e., θ (cid:54)= 0) on the Φ(z)? The an- electron around the twist field flips the sign of the elec- swer is simply the twist fields. A physical realization of tronoperatorandchangestheboundaryconditions. Sec- the twist field is the flux insertion (vortex) that through (cid:16) (cid:17) theAharanov-Bohmeffectcanchangetheboundarycon- ond,φ2l =cos √lm operatorsrepresenttheRinvariant dition. For example, a single half vortex with φ /2 mag- 0 non-Abelian anyon operators with conformal dimensions neticfluxcanchangetheboundaryconditiononelectrons h = l2/2m. The OPE of these anyon fields with the 2l fromaperiodictoanantiperiodicone. Forsuchabound- twist fields σ1 is (and a similar relation for the τ1) ary condition, p = m − π mod 1 = 0. Consequently, q 2 2π the zero mode is now allowed. This is, for example, the σ(w) reasonwhyzeromodesareboundtothevorticesinp+ip φ (z)σ(w)= , (28) 2l (z−w)l2/2m superconductors. AsthefusionrulesoftheU(1)/Z orbifoldtheorysug- 2 which means taking an anyon operator around the twist gest (see Eq. [26]), fusing two twist fields (vortices) of field will change its phase by θ = l2π/m. We use this the same kind can generate φ primary fields. Now let 2l 2k 10 us take the anyon primary field with the least conformal The above relation suggests that α is the generalization 0 dimension i.e. φ2 = cos(cid:16)ϕ√(mz)(cid:17) among them. The mode pofrotbhleemMaαjmora=naα†zmeroacψt0s lmikoedaeMforajworhaicnhaψze02ro=m1.odIne tahnids expansion of this primary field whose conformal dimen- 0 0 sion is 1 reads as follows: for m0 >1 we refer to the zero mode operator α0 as the 2m fractionalized Majorana zero mode for obvious reasons. φ (z)= (cid:88) αn n(cid:48),p,q ∈Z. (30) 2 zn+1/2m B. Quantum dimension of the non-Abelian n=n(cid:48)−p q excitations In the usual periodic boundary condition, p/q = 1/m, andthereforen=n(cid:48)−1/(2m),sothezero-modeoperator, OneofthefeaturesofthetopologicalorderistheGSD. α , is absent. Now imagine we have put a twist field This degeneracy is related to the so-called quantum di- 0 corresponding to the half vortices at w = 0. Taking the mension of the zero modes. A zero mode, as its name φ (z)fieldaroundthetwistfieldwillresultinθ = π. As implies, excites quasiparticles with zero energy. In other a2result, in this case p = 1 − θ mod 0. Accordmingly, words, by applying a zero-mode operator on the ground q 2m 2π stateweyieldanewstatewiththesameenergy. Thede- n∈Z and the zero-mode operator α exists in the mode 0 generacyofthegroundstateisatopologicalindexofthe expansion of the φ (z) field in the presence of a twist 2 system which is robust against perturbations. Clearly, field at w =0 (or by flux insertion at w =0). the ground state(s) of a Hamiltonian depends on the Let us consider the fusion algebra between φ and k boundary conditions. The existence of some fields can φ fields, which is φ × φ = 1. This means 2N−k k 2N−k change the boundary condition and as a result the GSD. φ is the conjugate of the φ ; i.e., their fusion gives 2N−k k Forexample,aswementionedindetailbefore,atwistop- the vacuum. Thus, we represent the φ2N−k as φ†k. In eratorattheR(cid:126) pointexchangestheboundarycondition particular, take the anyon operator, φ , whose conju- 1 2 onelectronsmovingarounditandgivesthepossibilityof gate field is φ with a conformal dimension equal 2(m−1) the zero modes. One way to define the quantum dimen- to (2m−1)2. According to their fusion, the OPE between sionofanoperator,inthiscasetwistfields,istoconsider these2fimelds is given by the following formula (up to a nofsuchoperatorsatisolatedpoints(cid:16)R(cid:126) ,...,R(cid:126) (cid:17). Then 1 n constant number): compute the GSD with respect to this constraint. The GSD usually grows with the number of such fields. Ac- φ†(z)φ (w)∼ 1 , cordingly, the quantum dimension of these operators is 2 2 (z−w)2(m−1)+1/m defined as follows: 1 φ (w)φ†(z)∼ , (31) 2 2 (w−z)2(m−1)+1/m lnGSD lnd= n→∞. (36) n from which we obtain the following commutation rela- There are several other ways to define the quantum tion: dimension of an operator, but we stick to the above defi- nitionforourpurposesinthispaper. Nowletusconsider φ†(z)φ (w)=e−iπ/mφ (w)φ†(z). (32) 2 2 2 2 an FTSC on a torus (or an infinite plane) with two vor- Using the mode expansion, the commutation relation tices at R(cid:126)1 and R(cid:126)2 in it. The vortices can be modeled between the modes can be achieved, which is by putting σ1 twist fields at these points. As we argued before,twistfieldsallowtheexistenceofzeromodeoper- α†α =e−iπ/mα α†. (33) atorsboundto(localizedat)twistoperators. Thisbound k l l k state can be justified in an intuitive way. Naively, a vor- Anotherimportantpropertyoftheφ2 fieldisthatfusing texmeansacircularpuncturewithradiusL(oftheorder it 2m times with itself gives the identity, i.e., φ22m ∼ 1. ofthecorrelationlengthofCooperpairs)centeredatR(cid:126)1. Thispropertyhasanimportantconsequenceforthezero- Weexpectanedgestatepropagatingalongtheboundary modes. To see that we first mention that modes can be of the puncture and localized in the perpendicular direc- written in terms of the following contour integrals: tion. The reason for this expectation is that inside the puncture is a trivial state while outside it is an FTSC. (cid:73) dz The chiral anyons (corresponding to the φ2 field ) that αk = 2πφ2(z)zk+1/(2m)−1, (34) propagate along the boundary have energies of the form c E =v k, where k is their momentum and v represents F F wherecenclosestheorigin. Usingthisrelation, itcanbe the Fermi velocity. However, since L is finite, the mo- shown that mentum of the quasiparticles is quantized as kn = 2πLn, where n is an integer due to the fact that the twist field (vortex) allows for the zero mode. Therefore, level spac- α2m =α†2m =1. (35) ingis∆E ∝1/L→∞,meaningthatonlythezeromode 0 0

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