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FRACTIONAL HARDY-LIEB-THIRRING AND RELATED INEQUALITIES FOR INTERACTING SYSTEMS DOUGLASLUNDHOLM,PHAN THA`NHNAM, ANDFABIAN PORTMANN Abstract. We prove analogues of the Lieb-Thirring and Hardy-Lieb- 5 1 Thirring inequalities for many-body quantum systems with fractional 0 kineticoperatorsandhomogeneousinteractionpotentials,wherenoanti- 2 symmetryonthewavefunctionsisassumed. Thesemany-bodyinequal- itiesimply interestingone-bodyinterpolation inequalities, andweshow g that the corresponding one- and many-body inequalities are actually u A equivalent in certain cases. 6 2 1. Introduction ] h The uncertainty principle and the exclusion principle are two of the most p - important concepts of quantum mechanics. In 1975, Lieb and Thirring h [32, 33] gave an elegant combination of these principles in a semi-classical t a lower bound on the kinetic energy of fermionic systems. They showed that m thereexists aconstant C > 0 dependingonly on thedimensiond 1such LT [ ≥ that the inequality 3 N v Ψ, ∆ Ψ C ρ (x)1+2/ddx (1) 0 i LT Ψ 7 * i=1− +≥ ZRd X 5 holds true for every function Ψ H1((Rd)N) and for all N N, provided 4 ∈ ∈ .0 that Ψ is normalized and anti-symmetric, namely kΨkL2(RdN) = 1 and 1 Ψ(x ,...,x ,...,x ,...,x ) = Ψ(x ,...,x ,...,x ,...,x ), i= j. 0 1 i j N − 1 j i N ∀ 6 (2) 5 1 The left hand side of (1) is the expectation value of the kinetic energy op- : v erator for N particles, and for every N-body wave function Ψ L2((Rd)N), i ∈ X its one-body density is defined by r N a ρ (x) := Ψ(x ,...,x ,x,x ,...,x )2 dx . Ψ 1 j−1 j+1 N i Rd(N−1)| | j=1Z i6=j X Y Note that ρ can be interpreted as the expected number of particles to Q Ψ be found on a subset Q Rd in the probability distribution given by Ψ 2. R ⊂ | | In particular, ρ = N. Rd Ψ The Lieb-Thirring inequality can be seen as a many-body generalization R of the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality 2/d u(x)2dx u(x)2dx C u(x)2(1+2/d)dx, (3) GN (cid:18)ZRd|∇ | (cid:19)(cid:18)ZRd| | (cid:19) ≥ ZRd| | Date: August,2015. 1 2 D.LUNDHOLM,P.T.NAM,ANDF.PORTMANN for u H1(Rd). Note that for d 3, the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality ∈ ≥ (3) is a consequence of Sobolev’s inequality u C u (4) k∇ kL2(Rd) ≥ Sk kL2d/(d−2)(Rd) and the H¨older interpolation inequality for Lp-spaces. Moreover, Sobolev’s inequality can actually be obtained from Hardy’s inequality (d 2)2 u(x)2 u 2 − | | dx, d > 2, (5) k∇ kL2(Rd) ≥ 4 Rd x 2 Z | | by a symmetric-decreasing rearrangement argument (see, e.g., [16, Sec. 4]). All of the inequalities (3)-(4)-(5) are quantitative formulations of the un- certainty principle. On the other hand, the anti-symmetry (2), which is crucial for the Lieb-Thirring inequality (1) to hold, corresponds to Pauli’s exclusion principle for fermions. In fact, inequality (1) fails to apply to the product wave function Ψ(x ,x ,...,x ) = u(x )u(x ) u(x ) =:u⊗N(x ,x ,...,x ), 1 2 N 1 2 N 1 2 N ··· which is a typical state of bosons1. In this case ρ (x) = N u(x)2 and we u⊗N | | only have the weaker inequality N u⊗N, ∆ u⊗N CN−2/d ρ (x)1+2/ddx, (6) i u⊗N * − +≥ Rd (cid:16)Xi=1 (cid:17) Z which is, however, equivalent to the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality (3). The discovery of Lieb and Thirring goes back to the stability of matter problem (see [30] for a pedagogical introduction to this subject). It is often straightforward to derive the finiteness of the ground state energy of quan- tum systems from a formulation of the uncertainty principle such as (3), (4) or (5). However, the fact that the energy does not diverge faster than proportionally to the number of particles — that is, stability in a thermo- dynamic sense — is much more subtle and for this the exclusion principle is crucial. It was Dyson and Lenard [9, 26] who first proved thermody- namic stability for fermionic Coulomb systems, and their proof is based on a local formulation of the exclusion principle, which is a relatively weak con- sequence of (2). Later Lieb and Thirring [32] gave a much shorter proof of the stability of matter using their more powerful inequality (1). Recently, LundholmandSolovej[37]realizedthatthelocalexclusionprin- ciple in the original work of Dyson and Lenard [9, 26], when combined with local formulations of the uncertainty principle, actually implies the Lieb- Thirring inequality (1). From this point of view, they derived Lieb-Thirring inequalities for anyons, two-dimensional particles which do not satisfy the full anti-symmetry (2) but still fulfill a fractional exclusion. The same ap- proach was also employed to prove Lieb-Thirring inequalities for fractional statistics particles in one dimension by the same authors [38], as well as for fermions with certain point interactions by Frank and Seiringer [17]. Following the spirit in [37], Lundholm, Portmann and Solovej [36] found that Lieb-Thirring type inequalities still hold true for particles without any symmetryassumptions—andthereforeinparticular forbosons—provided 1In general, bosonic wave functions satisfy (2) with a plusinstead of a minussign. FRACTIONAL HARDY-LIEB-THIRRING AND RELATED INEQUALITIES 3 that the exclusion principle is replaced by a sufficiently strong repulsive interaction between particles. For example, they proved that there exists a constant C > 0 depending only on the dimension d 1 such that for every normalized function Ψ H1((Rd)N) and all N N,≥ ∈ ∈ N 1 Ψ, ∆ + Ψ C ρ (x)1+2/ddx. (7) *  − i xi xj 2 +≥ R3 Ψ i=1 1≤i<j≤N | − | Z X X   Theappearanceoftheinverse-squareinteraction in(7)isnaturalasitmakes all terms in the inequality scale in the same way. The aims of our paper are threefold. We generalize the Lieb-Thirring inequality (7) to the fractional kinetic • operator ( ∆)s for an arbitrary power s > 0, with matching interaction − x y −2s. The non-local property of ( ∆)s for non-integer s makes the | − | − inequality more involved. Nevertheless, the fermionic analogue of this in- equality (without the interaction term) has been known for a long time in the context of relativistic stability [8]. For the interacting bosonic version we will follow the strategy of [36], using local uncertainty and exclusion, but we also develop several new tools. In particular, we will introduce a new covering lemma which provides an elegant way to combine the local uncertainty and exclusion into a single bound. We prove a stronger version of the Lieb-Thirring inequality (7) with • the kinetic operator replaced by ( ∆)s x −2s and with the interaction d,s − −C | | x y −2s, for all 0 < s < d/2. Here is the optimal constant in the d,s | − | C Hardy inequality [21] ( ∆)s x −2s 0. d,s − −C | | ≥ Our result can be seen as a bosonic analogue to the Hardy-Lieb-Thirring inequality for fermions found by Ekholm, Frank, Lieb and Seiringer [11, 14, 15]. Just as the Lieb-Thirring inequality (1) implies the one-body interpola- • tion inequality (3), the same will be shown to be true for these generalized many-body inequalities. For instance, our bosonic Hardy-Lieb-Thirring in- equality implies the one-body interpolation inequality 1−2s/d u(x)2 u(y)2 2s/d u, ( ∆)s x −2s u | | | | dxdy D (cid:16) − −Cd,s| | (cid:17) E (cid:18)ZZRd×Rd |x−y|2s (cid:19) C u(x)2(1+2s/d)dx, ≥ Rd| | Z for u Hs(Rd) and 0 < s < d/2. Moreover, we prove the equivalence ∈ between the (bosonic) Lieb-Thirring/Hardy-Lieb-Thirring inequalities and thecorrespondingone-bodyinterpolationinequalitieswhen0 <s 1. Since ≤ one-body interpolation inequalities have been studied actively for a long time, we believe that this equivalence could inspire many new directions to the many-body theory. In the next section our results will be presented in detail and an outline of the rest of the paper given. 4 D.LUNDHOLM,P.T.NAM,ANDF.PORTMANN Acknowledgment. We thank Jan Philip Solovej, Robert Seiringer and Vladimir Maz’ya for helpful discussions, as well as Rupert Frank and the anonymous referee for useful comments. Part of this work has been carried out during a visit at the Institut Mittag-Leffler (Stockholm). D.L. acknowl- edges financial support by the grant KAW 2010.0063 from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and the Swedish Research Council grant no. 2013-4734. P.T.N. is supported by the People Programme (Marie Curie Ac- tions) of the EuropeanUnion’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007- 2013) under REA grant agreement no. 291734. F.P. acknowledges support from the ERC project no. 321029 “The mathematics of the structure of matter”. 2. Main results 2.1. Fractional Lieb-Thirring inequality. Our first aim of the present paper is to generalize (7) to the fractional kinetic operator ( ∆)s for an − arbitrary power s > 0, and with a matching interaction x y −2s. The | − | operator ( ∆)s is defined as the multiplication operator p 2s in Fourier − | | space, namely 1 [( ∆)sf]∧(p)= p 2sf(p), f(p) := f(x)e−ip·xdx. − | | (2π)d/2 Rd Z The associated space Hs(Rdb) is a Hbilbert space with norm u 2 := u 2 + u 2 , u 2 := u,( ∆)su , k kHs(Rd) k kL2(Rd) k kH˙s(Rd) k kH˙s(Rd) h − i and the addition of a positive interaction potential is to be understood as the sum of non-negative forms. Our first result is the following Theorem 1 (Fractional Lieb-Thirringinequality). For all d 1 and s> 0, ≥ there exists a constant C > 0 depending only on d and s such that for all N N and for every L2-normalized function Ψ Hs(RdN), ∈ ∈ N 1 Ψ, ( ∆ )s + Ψ C ρ (x)1+2s/ddx. (8) *  − i xi xj 2s +≥ Rd Ψ i=1 1≤i<j≤N | − | Z X X   Since our result holds without restrictions on the symmetry of the wave function, and therefore in particular also for bosons, we consider it as a bosonic analogue to the fermionic inequality2 N Ψ, ( ∆ )sΨ C ρ (x)1+2s/ddx, (9) i Ψ * − +≥ Rd i=1 Z X which holds for wave functions Ψ satisfying the anti-symmetry (2), where the constant C > 0 is independent of N and Ψ. The original motivation for such a fermionic fractional Lieb-Thirring inequality has been its usefulness inthecontext of stability of relativistic matter (see[8]andtherecent review [30]). Our inequality (8) for s = 1/2 and d = 3 is relevant to the physical 2Throughout our paper, C denotes a generic positive constant. Two C’s in different places may refer to two different constants. FRACTIONAL HARDY-LIEB-THIRRING AND RELATED INEQUALITIES 5 situation of relativistic particles (which could be identical bosons, or even distinguishable) with Coulomb interaction. Remark 1. Note that when 2s d, any wave function in the quadratic form ≥ domain of the operator on the left hand side of (8) must vanish smoothly on the diagonal set := (x )N (Rd)N :x = x for some i = j . △△ { i i=1 ∈ i j 6 } When d = s = 1, it is well known [18] that any symmetric wave function vanishing on the diagonal set is equal to an anti-symmetric wave function up to multiplication by an appropriate sign function, and hence (8) boils down to a consequence of (9) in this particular case. In higher dimension, this correspondence between bosonic and fermionic wave functions is not available and it is interesting to ask if a Lieb-Thirring inequality of the form (9) holds true for all wave functions vanishing on the diagonal set (without the anti-symmetry assumption). We refer to Section 3.5 for a detailed discussion. Remark 2. We have for simplicity fixed the interaction strength in (8) to unity. One may consider adding a coupling parameter λ >0 to the interac- tion term and study the inequality N λ Ψ, ( ∆ )s+ Ψ C(λ) ρ (x)1+2s/ddx *  − i xi xj 2s +≥ Rd Ψ i=1 1≤i<j≤N | − | Z X X   (10) for all N 2 and all normalized wave functions Ψ Hs(RdN), with a ≥ ∈ constant C(λ) independent of N and Ψ. It is clear that C(λ) > 0 for all λ,s > 0 and d 1. However, since the parameter λ cannot be removed by ≥ scaling, it is interesting to ask for the behavior of the optimal constant of (10)inthelimits λ 0andλ . Thisissuewillbethoroughly discussed → → ∞ in Section 3.5. Remark 3. When 0 < s 1 we can also replace the one-body kinetic oper- ator ( ∆)s by i +A(x≤)2s with A L2 (Rd;Rd) being a magnetic vector − | ∇ | ∈ loc potential. By virtue of the diamagnetic inequality (see e.g. [14, Eq. (2.3)]) u, i +A2su u,( ∆)s u (11) h | ∇ | i ≥ h| | − | |i the inequalities (8)-(9)-(10) hold with the same constants (independent of A). When s / N, the Lieb-Thirring inequality (8) cannot be obtained from a ∈ straightforward modification of the proof of (7) in [36]. The non-local prop- erty of ( ∆)s complicates the local uncertainty principle and a fractional − interpolation inequality on cubes is required. We will follow the strategy in [36], but several technical adjustments are presented. The details are pro- vided in Section 3. We believe that our presentation here provides a unified framework for proving Lieb-Thirring inequalities by means of local formula- tionsoftheuncertainty andexclusionprinciples,andcanbeusedtosimplify many parts of the previous works [37, 38, 17, 36]. For comparison, we also make a note about fermions and weaker exclusion principles in Section 3.6. 6 D.LUNDHOLM,P.T.NAM,ANDF.PORTMANN 2.2. Hardy-Lieb-Thirring inequality. Recall that for every 0 < s <d/2 we have the Hardy inequality3 [21] ( ∆)s x −2s 0 on L2(Rd), d,s − −C | | ≥ where the sharp constant is 2 Γ((d+2s)/4) := 22s . d,s C Γ((d 2s)/4) (cid:18) − (cid:19) We will prove the following improvement of Theorem 1 when 0 < s < d/2. Theorem 2 (Hardy-Lieb-Thirring inequality). For all d 1 and 0 < s < ≥ d/2, there exists a constant C > 0 depending only on d and s such that for every (L2-normalized) function Ψ Hs(RdN) and for all N N, we have ∈ ∈ N 1 Ψ, ( ∆ )s Cd,s + Ψ  − i − x 2s x x 2s * i=1(cid:18) | i| (cid:19) 1≤i<j≤N | i− j| + X X   C ρ (x)1+2s/ddx. (12) Ψ ≥ Rd Z For s = 1/2 and d = 3, the operator in (12) can be interpreted as the Hamiltonian of a system of N equally charged relativistic particles (bosons, fermions or distinguishable) moving around a static ‘nucleus’ of opposite charge located at x =0, where all particles interact via Coulomb forces. Our result (12) can be considered as the interacting bosonic analogue to the following Hardy-Lieb-Thirring inequality for fermions: N Ψ, ( ∆ )s Cd,s Ψ C ρ (x)1+2s/ddx, (13) * i=1(cid:18) − i − |xi|2s(cid:19) +≥ ZRd Ψ X whichholdsforeverywavefunctionΨsatisfyingtheanti-symmetry (2). The bound(13)was proved fors = 1by EkholmandFrank [11], for0 < s 1by ≤ Frank, Lieb and Seiringer [14], and for 0 < s < d/2 by Frank [15]. In fact, (13)isduallyequivalent toalower boundonthesumofnegative eigenvalues of the one-body operator ( ∆)s x −2s +V(x) and such a bound was d,s − −C | | proved in [11, 14, 15]. Unfortunately this duality argument (which has been the traditional route to proving Lieb-Thirring inequalities) does not apply in our interacting bosonic case. Remark 4. Themotivationfor(13)wascriticalstabilityofrelativisticmatter in the presence of magnetic fields. In both (12) and (13) we can, for 0 < s ≤ 1, replace ( ∆)s with a magnetic operator i +A(x)2s; cf. Remark 3. − | ∇ | The proof of (13) in [15] is based on the following powerful improvement of Hardy’s inequality: For every d 1 and 0 < t < s < d/2, there exists a ≥ constant C > 0 depending only on d,s,t such that ( ∆)s Cd,s Cℓs−t( ∆)t ℓs on L2(Rd), ℓ > 0. (14) − − x 2s ≥ − − ∀ | | 3The case s ≥ d/2 requires additional boundary conditions at x = 0 and will not be treated here. See [49], and [10]for corresponding fermionic Lieb-Thirring inequalities. FRACTIONAL HARDY-LIEB-THIRRING AND RELATED INEQUALITIES 7 Note that by taking the expectation against a function u and optimizing over ℓ > 0, we can see that (14) is equivalent to the interpolation inequality t/s 1−t/s u, ( ∆)s Cd,s u u2 C u,( ∆)tu . (15) (cid:28) (cid:18) − − |x|2s(cid:19) (cid:29) (cid:18)ZRd| | (cid:19) ≥ h − i By Sobolev’s embedding (see, e.g., [28, 6] for the sharp constant) 2d u,( ∆)tu C u 2 , q = , 0 < t < d/2, (16) h − i ≥ k kLq(Rd) d 2t − the bound (15) implies the Gagliardo-Nirenberg type inequality t/s 1−t/s 2d u, ( ∆)s Cd,s u u2 C u 2 , q = . (cid:28) (cid:18) − − |x|2s(cid:19) (cid:29) (cid:18)ZRd| | (cid:19) ≥ k kLq(Rd) d−2t (17) Thebound(14) was firstproved for s = 1/2, d = 3 by Solovej, Sørensen and Spitzer [44, Lemma 11] and was generalized to the full case 0 < s < d/2 by Frank [15, Theorem 1.2]. In fact, (14) is also a key ingredient of our proof of (12). The overall strategy is similar to the proof of the fractional Lieb-Thirring inequality (8). However, since the system is not translation invariant anymore, the local uncertainty becomes much more involved. We need to introduce a partition of unity and use (15) and (17) to control the localization error caused by the non-local operator ( ∆)s. The details will be provided in − Section 4. 2.3. Interpolation inequalities. Letusconcentrate again onthecase0 < s < d/2. By applying the Lieb-Thirring inequality in Theorem 1 to the product wave function Ψ = u⊗N with u = 1, we obtain k kL2(Rd) N(N 1) u(x)2 u(y)2 N u,( ∆)su + − | | | | dxdy h − i 2 ZZRd×Rd |x−y|2s CN1+2s/d u(x)2(1+2s/d)dx. (18) ≥ Rd| | Z Since the inequality holds for all N N, it then follows that ∈ µ2 u(x)2 u(y)2 µ u,( ∆)su + | | | | dxdy h − i 2 ZZRd×Rd |x−y|2s Cµ1+2s/d u(x)2(1+2s/d)dx (19) ≥ Rd| | Z for all µ 1 (possibly with a smaller constant). On the other hand, by ≥ using Sobolev’s embedding (16) and H¨older’s interpolation inequality for Lp-spaces, we get u2(1+2s/d) u,( ∆)su C u 2 C Rd| | = C u2(1+2s/d) (20) h − i ≥ k kL2d/(d−2s) ≥ R( Rd|u|2)2s/d ZRd| | which implies (19) when 0 < µ < 1. Thus (19) holds for all µ > 0, and R optimizing over µ gives the interpolation inequality u(x)2 u(y)2 2s/d u,( ∆)su 1−2s/d | | | | dxdy h − i (cid:16)ZZRd×Rd |x−y|2s (cid:17) 8 D.LUNDHOLM,P.T.NAM,ANDF.PORTMANN C u(x)2(1+2s/d)dx (21) ≥ Rd| | Z for u Hs(Rd), u = 1. Note that in (21) the normalization u = 1 L2 L2 ∈ k k k k can be dropped by scaling. Theinterpolationinequality (21)wasfirstprovedforthecases = 1/2,d = 3 by Bellazzini, Ozawa and Visciglia [4], and was then generalized to the general case 0 < s < d/2 by Bellazzini, Frank and Visciglia [3]. The proofs in [3, 4] use fractional calculus on the whole space and are very different from our approach using the Lieb-Thirring inequality. Remark 5. The inequality (21) is an end-point case of a series of interpo- lation inequalities in [3]. The existence of optimizer in this case is open. If a minimizer exists, by formally analyzing the Euler-Lagrange equation we expect that it belongs to L2+ε(Rd) for any ε > 0 small, but not L2(Rd). Thus (21) can be interpreted as an energy bound for systems of infinitely many particles. Remark 6. Note that, when s d/2, one has ≥ u(x)2 u(y)2 | | | | dxdy = + ZZRd×Rd |x−y|2s ∞ for all u = 0 since x −2s is not locally integrable. Therefore, the inter- 6 | | polation inequality (21) is trivial in this case. However, the Lieb-Thirring inequality (8) is non-trivial for all s > 0 because the wave function Ψ may vanish on the diagonal set (see Remark 1). In principle, the implication of a one-body inequality from a many-body inequality is not surprising. However, in the following result we show that the reverse implication also holds true under certain conditions. Theorem 3. For 0 < s < d/2 and s 1, the Lieb-Thirring inequality (8) ≤ is equivalent to the one-body interpolation inequality (21). As we explained above, the implication of (21) from (8) works for all 0 < s < d/2. The implication of (8) from (21) is more subtle and we obtain it from fractional versions of the Hoffmann-Ostenhof inequality [22], which requires 0 < s 1, and a generalized version of the Lieb-Oxford ≤ inequality [27, 29] for homogeneous potentials. We will provide these details in Section 5. Remark 7. Unfortunately, we can not offer an exact relation between the optimalconstants in(8)and(21). Ontheotherhand,from(18)itisobvious that the optimal constant in (8) is not bigger than the optimal constant C 1 in the inequality 1 f(x)2 f(y)2 f,( ∆)sf + | | | | dxdy C f(x)2(1+2s/d)dx. h − i 2ZZRd×Rd |x−y|2s ≥ 1ZRd| | for all f Hs(Rd) (not necessarily normalized), which is related to the ∈ optimal constant C in (21) by the exact formula −1+2s/d 2s/d C t 2s d 1 = inf 1+ t−2s/d = 1 . C t>0 2 − d 4s (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) FRACTIONAL HARDY-LIEB-THIRRING AND RELATED INEQUALITIES 9 By the same proof as that of Theorem 3, we also obtain the following equivalence for the Hardy-Lieb-Thirring inequality (12). Theorem4. For0 < s < d/2ands 1, the Hardy-Lieb-Thirring inequality ≤ (12) is equivalent to the one-body interpolation inequality 1−2s/d u(x)2 u(y)2 2s/d u, ( ∆)s x −2s u | | | | dxdy D (cid:16) − −Cd,s| | (cid:17) E (cid:18)ZZRd×Rd |x−y|2s (cid:19) C u(x)2(1+2s/d)dx. (22) ≥ Rd| | Z The interpolation inequality (22) seems to be new. Note that the impli- cation of (22) from (12) holds for all 0 < s < d/2 (by exactly the same argument as above), and hence (22) is also valid in this maximal range. There might be some way to prove (22) directly (as in the proof of (21) in [4, 3]), but we have not found such a proof yet. Finally, we mention that our approach in this paper can be used to prove many other interpolation inequalities which do not really come from many- body quantum theory. For example, we have Theorem 5 (Isoperimetric inequality with non-local term). For any d 2 ≥ and 1/2 s < d/2 there exists a constant C > 0 depending only on d and s, such th≤at for all functions u W1,2s(Rd) we have ∈ 1−2s/d u(x)2s u(y)2s 2s/d u2sdx | | | | dxdy (cid:18)ZRd|∇ | (cid:19) (cid:18)ZZRd×Rd |x−y|2s (cid:19) C u2s(1+2s/d)dx. (23) ≥ Rd| | Z This inequality seems to be new and it could be useful in the context of isoperimetricinequalitieswithcompetingnon-localterm;see[25,Lemma7.1], [24, Lemma5.2] and[39, LemmaB.1] forrelevant results. Theproofof The- orem 5 will be given in Section 5. 3. Fractional Lieb-Thirring inequality In this section we prove the fractional Lieb-Thirring inequality (8). We shallfollow theoverall strategy in [36], wherewelocalize theinteraction and kinetic energies into disjoint cubes, but we also introduce several new tools. 3.1. Local exclusion. The following result is a simplified version of the local exclusion principle in [36, Theorem 2 and Section 4.2]. Lemma 6 (Local exclusion). For all d 1, s > 0, for every normalized ≥ function Ψ L2(RdN) and for an arbitrary collection of disjoint cubes Q’s in Rd, one h∈as 1 1 2 Ψ, Ψ ρ ρ . (24) x x 2s ≥ 2ds Q 2s/d Ψ − Ψ * 1≤iX<j≤N | i − j| + XQ | | (cid:20)(cid:16)ZQ (cid:17) ZQ (cid:21)+ 10 D.LUNDHOLM,P.T.NAM,ANDF.PORTMANN Proof. The following argument goes back to Lieb’s work on the indirect energy [27]. Since the interactions between different cubes are positive and x y √d Q 1/d for all x,y Q, we have | − | ≤ | | ∈ 1 1 (x )1 (x ) Q i Q j x x 2s ≥ x x 2s i j i j 1≤i<j≤N | − | Q 1≤i<j≤N | − | X X X 1 1 (x )1 (x ) ≥ ds Q 2s/d Q i Q j Q | | 1≤i<j≤N X X 2 N N 1 = 1 (x ) 1 (x ) . Q i Q i 2ds Q 2s/d  ! −  Q | | i=1 i=1 X X X +   Taking the expectation against Ψ and using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality 2 N N 2 2 Ψ, 1 (x ) Ψ Ψ, 1 (x )Ψ = ρ , Q i Q i Ψ ≥ * (cid:16)Xi=1 (cid:17) + * Xi=1 + (cid:18)ZQ (cid:19) we obtain the desired estimate. (cid:3) 3.2. Local uncertainty. Now we localize the kinetic energy into disjoint cubes Q’s. For every s > 0 we can write s = m+σ with m 0,1,2,... ∈ { } and 0 σ < 1. Then for any one-body function u Hs(Rd) we have ≤ ∈ d m u,( ∆)su = p 2s u(p)2dp = p 2σ p 2 u(p)2dp i h − i Rd| | | | Rd| | | | Z Z (cid:16)Xi=1 (cid:17) m!b d b = p 2σ p2αi uˆ(p)2dp α! Rd| | i | | |α|=m Z i=1 X Y m! = Dαu,( ∆)σDαu . α!h − i |α|=m X The last sum is taken over multi-indices α = (α ,...,α ) 0,1,2,... d 1 d ∈ { } with d d d ∂αi α = α , α! = (α !) and Dα = . | | i i ∂αi i=1 i=1 i=1 ri X Y Y Here we denoted by p = (p ,p ,...,p ) Rd and r = (r ,...,r ) Rd, the 1 2 d 1 d ∈ ∈ variables in the Fourier space and the configuration space, respectively. If s = m, we have m! m! u,( ∆)su = Dαu Dαu (25) h − i |α|=m α! ZRd| |≥ |α|=m α! Q ZQ| | X X X for disjoint cubes Q’s. On the other hand, if m < s <m+1, then using the quadratic form representation4 (see, e.g., [14, Lemma 3.1]) f(x) f(y)2 f,( ∆)σf = c | − | dxdy, (26) h − i d,σ Rd Rd x y d+2σ Z Z | − | 4Notethat this formula only holds for 0<σ<1.

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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.