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Fourier Analysis and Approximation of Functions FOURIER ANALYSIS AND APPROXIMATION OF FUNCTIONS ROALD M. TRIGUB Professor,Chairman,DepartmentofMathematics DonetskNationalUniversity UniversitetskayaSt. 24 Donetsk83055,Ukraine EDUARD S. BELINSKY Professor,DepartmentofComputerScience,MathematicsandPhysics UniversityoftheWestIndies,CaveHillCampus, P.O.Box64,Bridgetown,Barbados Kluwer Academic Publishers Boston/Dordrecht/London DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF OUR PARENTS Contents Dedication v Preface xi 1. REPRESENTATION THEOREMS 1 1.1 Theorems on representation at a point 1 1.2 Integral operators. Convergence in L -norm and almost p everywhere 5 1.3 Multidimensional case 16 1.4 Further problems and theorems 20 1.5 Comments to Chapter 1 24 2. FOURIER SERIES 25 2.1 Convergence and divergence 25 2.2 Two classical summability methods 34 2.3 Harmonic functions and functions analytic in the disk 42 2.4 Multidimensional case 50 2.5 Further problems and theorems 59 2.6 Comments to Chapter 2 66 3. FOURIER INTEGRAL 67 3.1 L-Theory 67 3.2 L -Theory 75 2 3.3 Multidimensional case 80 3.4 Entire functions of exponential type. The Paley-Wiener theorem 88 3.5 Further problems and theorems 95 3.6 Comments to Chapter 3 104 viii FOURIER ANALYSIS AND APPROXIMATION OF FUNCTIONS 4. DISCRETIZATION. DIRECT AND INVERSE THEOREMS 105 4.1 Summation formulas of Poisson and Euler-Maclaurin 106 4.2 Entire functions of exponential type and polynomials 113 4.3 Network norms. Inequalities of different metrics 125 4.4 Direct theorems of Approximation Theory 132 4.5 Inversetheorems. Constructivecharacteristics. Embedding theorems 138 4.6 Moduli of smoothness 144 4.7 Approximation on an interval 169 4.8 Further problems and theorems 189 4.9 Comments to Chapter 4 196 5. EXTREMAL PROBLEMS OF APPROXIMATION THEORY 201 5.1 Best approximation 201 5.2 The space L . Best approximation 205 p 5.3 Space C. The Chebyshev alternation 212 5.4 Extremal properties for algebraic polynomials and splines 218 5.5 Best approximation of a set by another set 234 5.6 Further problems and theorems 245 5.7 Comments to Chapter 5 252 6. A FUNCTION AS THE FOURIER TRANSFORM OF A MEASURE 255 6.1 Algebras A and B. The Wiener Tauberian theorem 256 6.2 Positive definite and completely monotone functions 264 6.3 Positive definite functions depending only on a norm 278 6.4 Sufficient conditions for belonging to A and A∗ 288 p 6.5 Further problems and theorems 304 6.6 Comments to Chapter 6 307 7. FOURIER MULTIPLIERS 309 7.1 General properties 309 7.2 Sufficient conditions 321 7.3 Multipliers of power series in the Hardy spaces 329 7.4 Multipliers and comparison of summability methods of orthogonal series 337 7.5 Further problems and theorems 345 Contents ix 7.6 Comments to Chapter 7 347 8. SUMMABILITY METHODS. MODULI OF SMOOTHNESS 349 8.1 Regularity 349 8.2 Applications of comparison. Two-sided estimates 358 8.3 Moduli of smoothness and K-functionals 368 8.4 Moduli of smoothness and strong summability in H (D), p 0 < p ≤ 1 375 8.5 Further problems and theorems 385 8.6 Comments to Chapter 8 389 9. LEBESGUE CONSTANTS AND APPROXIMATION 393 9.1 Upper and lower estimates 394 9.2 Examples of Lebesgue constants in the multiple case 404 9.3 Asymptotics of Lebesgue constants and approximation 410 9.4 Further problems and theorems 423 9.5 Comments to Chapter 9 427 10. WIDTHS. POLYNOMIAL APPROXIMATION 429 10.1 Entropy numbers 429 10.2 Polynomials with free spectrum. Trigonometric widths 438 10.3 Kolmogorov widths 450 10.4 Further problems and theorems 469 10.5 Comments to Chapter 10 475 11. FUNCTIONS WITH BOUNDED MIXED DERIVATIVE 477 11.1 Hyperbolic cross polynomials 477 11.2 Estimates of entropy numbers 486 11.3 Widths 499 11.4 Further problems and theorems 506 11.5 Comments to Chapter 11 509 Appendices 511 A Prerequisites 511 A.1 Weierstrass approximation theorems 511 A.2 The modulus of continuity of a function 512 A.3 The Riemann-Stieltjes integral 513 A.4 Summability of series 514 x FOURIER ANALYSIS AND APPROXIMATION OF FUNCTIONS A.5 Analytic functions 516 A.6 Measure and integral. Complex-valued measures 519 A.7 Hilbert spaces. Classical orthonormal systems 525 A.8 Banach spaces and linear operators 531 A.9 Fourier multipliers 534 A.10Several classical theorems 536 A.11Polynomials with integral coefficients 537 A.12Some inequalities 537 B Principal symbols 541 B.1 Rm and its subsets 541 B.2 Functional notations 541 References 543 Author Index 577 Topic Index 583 Preface In this book basics of classical Fourier Analysis are given (Fourier series and integrals, the Fourier transform of a measure, etc.) as well as those of approximation by polynomials, splines, and entire functions of exponentialtype(directandinversetheorems, approximationproperties of summability methods of simple and multiple Fourier series, extremal problems). Our interest in special results in Fourier Analysis is mainly motivated by certain approximation problems, albeit many of the obtained results in Fourier Analysis are of considerable importance in their own right. Nevertheless, with almost no exclusion such results are applied to prov- ing one or another problem in Approximation Theory. In Chapter 1, which is of introductory nature, theorems on conver- gence, in that or another sense, of integraloperators are given. In Chap- ter2basicpropertiesofsimpleandmultipleFourierseriesarediscussed, while in Chapter 3 those of Fourier integrals are studied. The first three chapters as well as partially Chapter 4 and classi- cal Wiener, Bochner, Bernstein, Khintchin, and Beurling theorems in Chapter 6 might be interesting and available to all familiar with fun- damentals of integration theory and elements of Complex Analysis and Operator Theory. Applied mathematicians interested in harmonic anal- ysisand/or numericalmethodsbased onideas of ApproximationTheory areamongthem. Thebookissuppliedwithappendixinwhichtheorems from general mathematical courses as well as some special results used throughout the text are collected. When writing the rest of the book, the authors followed the idea that one of the main goals of writing a monograph is a sort of summarizing and stimulating further study of the problems discussed. In Chapters6- 11 very recent results are sometimes given in certain directions. These are multipliers of Fourier series and multipliers of power series in the xii Hardy spaces H with p ∈ (0,1]; positive definite radial A-splines (basis p radial functions); K-functionals of a couple of spaces of smooth function on the torus; Lebesgue constants; and various kinds of widths. Many of these results have never appeared as a book or certain consistent part of a book and can be found only in periodic; looking for them in numerous, sometimesnotaccessible,journalsmightbeasortofSisypheantoil,thus this book sometimes may work as a reference source. Each chapter starts with a foregoing description of its contain and ends up with comments along with bibliographical notes. Maximal generality was not a special aim of the authors, similarly the list of references could be essentially larger. In the latter, textbooks and monographs in Fourier Analysis and Approximation Theory are given separately, prior to the list of papers. Each is referred to by the author’s (or authors’) name(s) and either the year of publication in the square brackets for the papers (sometimes supplied by letters if several pub- lications appeared that year) or the year with preceding ”M-” for the monographs. The authors mainly referred to the books and papers that had a ben- eficial effect on their professional work. This, in particular, means that the author of a book or a paper not referred to is not intended to be offended; one of the reasons is that much literature was merely inacces- sible to the authors for a long period of their lives, the notorious iron curtain was an obstacle for people as well as for information. In the Author Index we tried to mention every appearance in the text (but not in the list of references) of each name as far as it makes sense. The only exception is J.B.J. Fourier, mentioning him on almost every page seems senseless. In the Subject Index we refer to each notion or theorem only once, mainly at the place where it is defined. Only few of them are referred to several times, just because of having different versions or settings. The methods used in the book are those of classical analysis (measure andintegral,analyticfunctions,Banachspaces,etc.),FourierAnalysisin finite-dimensional Euclidean spaces, Diophantine Analysis, and random choice. A couple of words on the section ”Further problems and theorems” in the end of each chapter. Among these problems and theorems are additional results used in the basic text; just exercises, pretty often supplied with an idea of solution; and very recent results. And, finally, a few words on the authors and on the book in the large. The first author works for decades at the mathematics department of Donetsk university. The first version of this book written in 1996 was not published for the reasons completely independent of him. In 5 years

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