ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 20(2): 200–215 25 DECEMBER 2011 Four new species of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) from Vietnam Четыре новых вида панцирных клещей (Acari: Oribatida) из Вьетнама S.G. ERMILOV* & A.E. ANICHKIN С.Г. ЕРМИЛОВ*, А.Е. АНИЧКИН S.G. Ermilov, Nizhniy Novgorod Referral Сenter of the Federal service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Inspection, 97 Gagarina Prospect, Nizhniy Novgorod 603107, Russia. E-mail: [email protected]. *Corresponding author. A.E. Anichkin, Institute of Ecological and Evolutionary Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, 33 Lenina Prospect, Moscow 119071, Russia; Joint Russian-Vietnamese Research and Technological Center, Southern Branch, Dstr. 10, Str. 3/2, 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Four new species of oribatid mites, Unguizetes cattienensis sp. nov. (Mochlozetidae), Gigan- toppia zryanini sp. nov. (Granuloppiidae), Caucasiozetes frankeae sp. nov. (Microzetidae) and Otocepheus (Acrotocepheus) vietnamicus sp. nov. (Otocepheidae) from forest soil, litter and decaying wood of Cat Tien National Park in southern Vietnam are described. The representa- tive of the genus Gigantoppia as well as Unguizetes sphaerula is recorded for the first time in Vietnam, and the genus Caucasiozetes is firstly recorded in the Oriental Region. A new generic diagnosis of Caucasiozetes is presented, and an identification key to the Vietnamese species of Otocepheus (Acrotocepheus) is presented. Четыре новых вида панцирных клещей – Unguizetes cattienensis sp. nov. (Mochlozeti- dae), Gigantoppia zryanini sp. nov. (Granuloppiidae), Caucasiozetes frankeae sp. nov. (Mi- crozetidae) and Otocepheus (Acrotocepheus) vietnamicus sp. nov. (Otocepheidae) описаны из лесной почвы, мусора и подстилки в Кат Тьене национальном парке в южном Вьетнаме. Представитель рода Gigantoppia и вид Unguizetes sphaerula впервые отмечены во Вьетнаме, Caucasiozetes впервые отмечен в Ориентальной области. Представлен новый диагноз рода Caucasiozetes. Предложен идентификационный ключ к вьетнамским видам Otocepheus (Acrotocepheus). Key words: Cat Tien National Park, Vietnam, oribatid mites, Unguizetes, Gigantoppia, Cauca- siozetes, Otocepheus, key, new diagnosis, new species Ключевые слова: Национальный парк Кат Тьен, Вьетнам, панцирные клещи, Unguizetes, Gigantoppia, Caucasiozetes, Otocepheus, ключ, новый диагноз, новые виды INTRODUCTION Acrotocepheus Aoki, 1965) (Otocepheidae) collected from the Cat Tien National Park. This is a part of our continuing stud- Earlier we presented a brief history of the re- ies on Vietnamese oribatid mite fauna (see search on oribatid mites of Vietnam and the Ermilov & Anichkin, 2010, 2011a, 2011b, geographical and floristic descriptions of the 2011c; Ermilov et al., 2011), and includes Cat Tien National Park in the southern part the data on four new species belonging of the country (Ermilov & Anichkin, 2010). to the following genera: Unguizetes Sell- nick, 1925 (Mochlozetidae), Gigantoppia The genus Unguizetes comprises 15 spe- Mahunka, 2008 (Granuloppiidae), Cau- cies that are collectively distributed in the casiozetes Shtanchaeva, 1984 (Microzeti- Pantropical and Subtropical regions (Sub- dae), Otocepheus Berlese, 1905 (subgenus ías, 2004, online version 2011). By present, © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes S.G. ERMILOV & A.E. ANICHKIN. NEW SPECIES OF ORIBATID MITES FROM VIETNAM 201 a single species U. clavatus Aoki, 1967, has Specimens were studied in lactic acid, been recorded from Vietnam. We found mounted in temporary cavity slides for the two additional species, a new one, U. cat- duration of the study, and then stored in tienensis sp. nov., and U. sphaerula (Berlese, 70% alcohol in tubes. Body measurements 1905) which was known previously from are presented in micrometers (μm). Body elsewhere in the Oriental Region includ- length was measured in lateral view, from ing Japan (Subías, 2004, 2011). These two the tip of the rostrum to the posterior edge species are sympatrically found in the same of the ventral plate, to avoid discrepancies place (see below in the description of U. cat- caused by different degrees of notogastral tienensis sp. nov.). distension. Notogastral width refers to the The genus Gigantoppia is currently maximum width in dorsal aspect. Length of monotypic, and the type species is distrib- body setae was measured in lateral aspect. uted in Thailand (Subías, 2004, 2011). Some paratypes of each species were dis- The species described below, G. zryanini sected for a detailed examination (gnatho- sp. nov., is a first reported representative of soma, ovipositor, legs). Gigantoppia in Vietnam. Formulae for leg setation are given in The genus Caucasiozetes also contains parentheses according to the sequence tro- one species that was described from Dages- chanter–femur–genu–tibia–tarsus (famu- tan (the Caucasus). A species described be- lus included). Formulae for leg solenidia are low, C. frankeae sp. nov., is the first finding given in square brackets according to the of this genus in the Oriental Region. Since sequence genu–tibia–tarsus. some aspects of morphology (insertion of interlamellar setae, shape of distal part of la- RESULTS mellae, morphology of rostral setae) are not entirely consistent with the existing diagno- Family MOCHLOZETIDAE sis of Caucasiozetes, we propose here below Genus Unguizetes Sellnick, 1925 a new broader diagnosis slightly expanding Unguizetes cattienensis sp. nov. the list of characters usually included. (Figs 1–3) The subgenus Otocepheus (Acrotoce- pheus) comprises more than 30 species (Ma- Character states of Unguizetes as sum- hunka, 2000; Subías, 2004, 2011; Corpuz- marized by Sellnick (1925), Balogh & Raros, 2009), many of which are distributed Balogh (1992). in the Oriental Region. So far, two species Type material. Holotype (male) and two of this subgenus have been recorded from paratypes (female and male) were obtained Vietnam (Balogh and Mahunka, 1967): O. from: Vietnam, 11°26´N, 107°19´E, Cat (A.) duplicornutus Aoki, 1965 and O. (A.) Tien National Park, near Bau Sau village, triplicicornutus (Balogh & Mahunka, 1967), yellow trail, 200 m a. s. l., in decaying wood and we describe the third species, O. (A.) on ferralitic soil from polydominate forest, vietnamicus sp. nov. 28 Apr. 2010, coll. V.A. Zryanin. Two other In conclusion, we presented an identi- paratypes (female and male) were obtained fication key to the Vietnamese species of from Vietnam, 11°26´N, 107°26´E, Cat Tien Otocepheus (Acrotocepheus), based on own National Park, 137 m above sea level, in san- materials and literature data. dy soil of dipterocarp forest, Febr.–March 2009, coll. A.E. Anichkin. Deposition of holotype and paratypes. MATERIALS AND METHODS The holotype is deposited in the collection Collection localities and habitats of the of the Zoological Institute of the Russian new species are characterised in the respec- Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia tive sections below. (ZIN); three paratypes are deposited in the © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 200–215 202 S.G. ERMILOV & A.E. ANICHKIN. NEW SPECIES OF ORIBATID MITES FROM VIETNAM Fig. 1. Unguizetes cattienensis sp. nov.: A, dorsal view, legs not shown; B, ventral view, legs partly, palps and subcapitular setae not shown; C, lateral view, gnathosoma and legs not shown. Scale bar: 200 μm. collection of the Center for Biodiversity Re- long, A2 slightly oblong, A1 round, A3 oval; sources Education and Development, Hanoi five pairs of genital setae. National University of Education, Hanoi, Description. Measurements. Body Vietnam (CEBRED HU); one paratype is length 713 (holotype), 680–780 (four para- in the personal collection of the first author. types); body width 531 (holotype), 498–581 Diagnosis. The new species is charac- (four paratypes). terised by a combination of the following Integument. Body color brown. Cuticu- character states: body size 680–780 × 498– lar surface smooth. 581; lamellar cusps with minute, pointed Prodorsum (Figs 1A, C; 2B–E). Rostrum outer tooth and blunt or pointed inner conical, rounded in dorsal view, without tooth; translamella with distinct concavity lateral teeth. Lamellar cuspis with minute medially; rostral (ro), lamellar (le), inter- pointed outer tooth and blunt or pointed lamellar (in), exobothridial (ex) setae and inner tooth. Translamella distinctly arched, sensilli (ss) setiform, barbed; rostral setae concave. Rostral (86–90), lamellar (98– located on small tubercles, separate from 110), interlamellar (164–188), exoboth- tutorium; area porosae Aa obviously ob- ridial (36–41) setae and sensilli (135–147) © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 200–215 S.G. ERMILOV & A.E. ANICHKIN. NEW SPECIES OF ORIBATID MITES FROM VIETNAM 203 Fig. 2. Unguizetes cattienensis sp. nov.: A, caudal view; B, rostral seta; C, lamellae, translamella and lamellar setae; D, interlamellar seta; E, sensillus; F, area porosa Aa; G, area porosa A1; H, area porosa A2; I, area porosa A3; J, genital plate, right; K, anal plate, right; L, ovipositor. Scale bars: 200 μm (A), 50 μm (B–E, J–L), 20 μm (F–I). setiform, barbed. Rostral setae located on ber and morphology varied among speci- tubercles separate from tutorium. mens. Notogaster (Figs 1A, C; 2A, F–I). Ten Anogenital region (Figs 1B; 2J–L). Two pairs of notogastral setal alveoli present. pairs of anal (an, an), one pair aggenital 1 2 Four pairs of areae porosae different in (ag) and five pairs of genital (g–g) setae 1 5 shape: Aa obviously oblong, A2 slightly ob- short (8), setiform. Three pairs of adanal long; A1 small, round; A3 oval. setae (ad–ad) very short (2–4) or absent 1 3 Lateral part of body (Fig. 1C). Tutori- (only alveoli present). Ovipositor elongate, um well developed. Marginoventral areae narrow (237 × 57). Length of terminal blades porosae oval or narrow, oblong; their num- 143, length of cylindrical distal part 94. Se- © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 200–215 204 S.G. ERMILOV & A.E. ANICHKIN. NEW SPECIES OF ORIBATID MITES FROM VIETNAM Fig. 3. Unguizetes cattienensis sp. nov.: A, subcapitulum (mentum broken); B, palp; C, chelicera; D, leg I, left, antiaxial view; E, leg IV, left, antiaxial view. Scale bars: 50 μm (A, C), 20 μm (B), 100 μm (D–E). tae smooth, ψ τ (61) longer than ψ τ Cheliceral setae long, setiform, barbed: cha 1 1 2 a τ τ (32). Setae k and their alveoli absent. (73) longer, than chb (45). b c Epimeral region (Fig. 1B). Epimeral setal Legs (Fig. 3D–E). Formulae of leg seta- formula: 3–1–3–3. Setae setiform, barbed, tion and solenidia: I (1–4(or 5)–3–4–20) with different lengths: 1a, 2a, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, [1–2–2], II (1–5–3–4–15) [1–1–2], III 16–20; 1b, 1c 24–28; 3c 36–41, 4c 20–36. (2–3–1–3–15) [1–1–0], IV (1–2–2–3– Setae 1c, 3c, 4c well visible only in dissected 12) [0–1–0]; homology of setae and sol- specimens. enidia indicated in Table 1. Almost all setae Gnathosoma (Fig. 3A–C). Subcapitu- well barbed. Famulus minute, inserted be- lum longer than wide: 159 × 114. Hyposto- tween solenidion ω and seta ft”. Solenidia 2 mal setae a, m, h setiform, barbed; h and a ω and ω on tarsi II, σ on genua III rod-like, 1 2 (both 28) shorter than m (49). Two pairs other solenidia setiform. of adoral setae short (16), setiform, barbed. Etymology. The specific name “cattie- Palp (length 114) with setation 0–2–1–3– nensis” refers to the Cat Tien National Park, 9(+1ω). All setae (except some on tarsus) where the species was collected. barbed. Chelicera (length 176) with few Remarks. Known species of Unguizetes blunt teeth on fixed and movable digits. can be ascribed to one of the two groups: 1) © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 200–215 S.G. ERMILOV & A.E. ANICHKIN. NEW SPECIES OF ORIBATID MITES FROM VIETNAM 205 Table 1. Leg setation of Unguizetes cattienensis sp. nov. Roman letters refer to normal setae (e – famulus), Greek letters refer to solenidia. One apostrophe (‘) marks setae on anterior and double apostrophe (“) setae on posterior side of the given leg segment. Parentheses refer to a pair of setae. Leg Trochanter Femur Genu Tibia Tarsus (ft), (tc), (it), (p), (u), (a), s, (pv), v’, I v’ d, l’ or (l), v’’, bv’’ (l), v’, σ (l), (v), φ, φ 1 2 (pl), l’’, e, ω, ω 1 2 II v’ d, (l), v’’, bv’’ (l), v’, σ (l), (v), φ (ft), (tc), (it), (p), (u), (a), s, (pv), ω, ω 1 2 III l’, v’ d, l’, ev’ l’, σ l’, (v), φ (ft), (tc), (it), (p), (u), (a), s, (pv) IV v’ d, ev’ d, l’ l’, (v), φ ft’’, (tc), (p), (u), (a), s, (pv) species with clavate sensilli which includes Deposition of holotype and paratypes. 14 species; 2) species with setiform sensilli The holotype is deposited in the ZIN col- which included only U. setiger (Balogh et lection; two paratypes are deposited in the Mahunka, 1978). Unguizetes cattienensis CEBRED HU collection; one paratype is in sp. nov. becomes the second species in the the personal collection of the first author. latter group. In addition to sharing seti- Diagnosis. The new species is charac- form sensilli with the Brazilian U. setiger terised by the combination of the follow- (Balogh & Mahunka, 1978; Mahunka, ing character states: body size 763–830 × 1983), both are similar in body size and 464–531; cuticle between lamellae with having five pairs of genital setae. However, tubercles and etched lines; notogaster and these two species differ as follows: U. cat- anogenital region with wavy folds; rostral, lamellar, interlamellar and exobothridial tienensis has an obviously oblong area po- setae setiform, barbed; sensilli setiform, rosae Aa (oval in U. setiger), a slightly ob- thickened, slightly dilated in median part, long area porosae A2 (oval in U. setiger), a barbed; notogastral setae setiform, thick- distinctly concave translamella (straight in ened, barbed, only p –p considerably short- U. setiger), and rostral setae inserted sepa- 1 3 er than other setae; ad in adanal position; rately from the tutorium (setae ro on the 1 anal plates with wavy folds. tutorium in Unguizetes setiger). Description. Measurements. Body length 796 (holotype), 763–830 (three Family GRANULOPPIIDAE paratypes); body width 481 (holotype), Genus Gigantoppia Mahunka, 2008 464–531 (three paratypes). Integument. Body color brown. Region Gigantoppia zryanini sp. nov. between lamellae with tubercles (diameter (Figs 4–6) up to 12 μm) and etched lines. Lateral sur- faces between bothridia and legs I–III with Character states of Gigantoppia as pro- small granules (diameter up to 4 μm). No- posed by Mahunka (2008). togaster and anogenital region with wavy Type material. Holotype (male) and folds. three paratypes (all males) were obtained Prodorsum (Figs 4A, C; 5A–B). Ros- from: Vietnam, 11°26´N, 107°19´E, Cat trum rounded in dorsal view. Lamellar lines Tien National Park, near Bau Sau village, well-developed. Rostral (123–131), lamel- yellow trail, 170 m a. s. l., in decaying wood lar (127–135), interlamellar (164–172) in a dipterocarp forest, on ferralitic soil un- and exobothridial (41–49) setae setiform, der Dipterocarpus alatus, 2 May 2010, coll. barbed. Sensilli (221–233) setiform, barbed, V.A. Zryanin. thickened, slightly dilated in median part. © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 200–215 206 S.G. ERMILOV & A.E. ANICHKIN. NEW SPECIES OF ORIBATID MITES FROM VIETNAM Fig. 4. Gigantoppia zryanini sp. nov.: A, dorsal view, legs partly not shown; B, ventral view, legs part- ly, palps and subcapitular setae partly not shown; C, lateral view, gnathosoma and legs not shown. Scale bar: 200 μm. Notogaster (Figs 4A, C; 5C–H). Nine (73–82; ad little longer than ad ), one 1 2–3 pairs of setiform, thickened, barbed noto- pair of aggential (73–82) and five pairs of gastral setae present. Anterior setae la, lm, genital (28–36; g little longer than g ) 5 1–4 lp (164–188) little longer than h –h (155– setae setiform, slightly barbed. Setae ad in 1 3 1 176). Setae p –p considerably shorter than adanal position. 1 3 others: p (82–90) p (73–82) > p (53– Epimeral region (Fig. 4B). Epimeral setal 2 1 3 61). Setae c absent (only alveoli present). formula: 3–1–3–3. Setae setiform, slightly Anogenital region (Figs 4B; 5I–J). Two barbed, with different lengths: 1a, 2a, 3a pairs of anal (53–61), three pairs of adanal 32–45; 3c 86–90; other setae 61–82. © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 200–215 S.G. ERMILOV & A.E. ANICHKIN. NEW SPECIES OF ORIBATID MITES FROM VIETNAM 207 Fig. 5. Gigantoppia zryanini sp. nov.: A, lamellar seta; B, sensillus; C, folds in dorsolateral part of notogaster; D, notogastral seta lm; E, notogastral seta h; F, notogastral seta p; G, notogastral seta p; 2 1 2 H, notogastral seta p; I, genital plate, right; J, anal plate, right. Scale bar: 10 μm. 3 Fig. 6. Gigantoppia zryanini sp. nov.: A, left half of subcapitulum and palp; B, chelicera; C, leg I, right, antiaxial view; D, leg IV, right, antiaxial view. Scale bars: 50 μm (A–B), 100 μm (C–D). © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 200–215 208 S.G. ERMILOV & A.E. ANICHKIN. NEW SPECIES OF ORIBATID MITES FROM VIETNAM Table 2. Leg setation of Gigantoppia zryanini sp. nov. For explanations see Table 1. Leg Trochanter Femur Genu Tibia Tarsus (ft), (tc), (it), (p), (u), (a), s, (pv), v’, (pl), I v’ d, (l), v’’, bv’’ (l), σ (l), (v), φ, φ 1 2 l’’, e, ω, ω 1 2 II v’ d, (l), v’’, bv’’ (l), σ (l), (v), φ (ft), (tc), (it), (u), (a), s, (pv), v’, ω, ω 1 2 III l’, v’ d, l’, ev’ l’, σ l’, (v), φ (ft), (tc), (it), (u), (a), s, (pv) IV v’ d, ev’ d, l’ l’, (v), φ ft’’, (tc), (u), (a), s, (pv) Gnathosoma (Fig. 6A–B). Subcapitu- anal plates (absent in G. magna); setae p 2 lum longer than wide: 184 × 143. Hyposto- little longer than p (shorter than p in G. 1 1 mal setae a, m, h setiform, barbed; h and m magna); setae ad in adanal position (in pre- 1 (both 69) longer than a (41). Two pairs of anal position in G. magna). adoral setae short (20), setiform, smooth. Palp (length 127) with setation 0–2–1–3– Family MICROZETIDAE 6(+1ω). Palptarsus distally divided (prob- Genus Caucasiozetes Shtanchaeva, 1984 ably it is two modified setae), only six setae well developed. Palpal solenidion setiform, New diagnosis of the genus. Rostrum free. All setae (except on tarsus) slightly medially with wide, rounded ledge visible barbed. Chelicera (length 188) with few in dorso-frontal and ventral views. Lamel- blunt teeth on fixed and movable digits. lae slightly longer than prodorsum, more or Cheliceral setae long, setiform, barbed: cha less truncate distally, with lateral tooth; ad- (65) longer, than chb (49). jacent in median-distal parts, but well sepa- Legs (Fig. 6C–D). Formulae of leg se- rated anterior to translamella. Medial mar- tation and solenidia: I (1–5–2–4–20) [1– gins of lamellae excised to form small pen- 2–2], II (1–5–2–4–14) [1–1–2], III (2– tagonal or drop-shaped space just anterior 3–1–3–13) [1–1–0], IV (1–2–2–3–10) to translamella. Tutoria long. Lamellar setae [0–1–0]; homology of setae and solenidia long, distally flagellate, inserted dorsally on indicated in Table 2. Almost all setae well lamellae. Interlamellar setae of medium size, barbed. Solenidia ω on tarsi I, ω and ω on setiform, inserted on interlamellar region or 1 1 2 tarsi II, thickened, rod-like. Other solenidia translamella. Sensilli long, unilaterally cili- rather long, setiform, with thin tips. ate, directed posterolaterally. Dorsosejugal Etymology. The species is named in hon- suture convex. Pteromorphae small, trian- or of the entomologist, Vladimir A. Zryanin gular. Epimeral setal formula 3–1–3–3. Six (Nizhniy Novgorod State University, Nizh- pairs of genital, one pair of aggenital, two niy Novgorod, Russia), for his support on pairs of anal, three pairs of adanal setae. pedobiological investigations in Vietnam. Remarks. Caucasiozetes sensu stricto Remarks. This species differs from Gi- comprises only two known species. Subías gantoppia magna Mahunka, 2008 from (2004, 2011) has a broader view of the ge- Thailand by the following featues: body size nus. He considered Teraja Mahunka, 1995 as 763–830 × 464–531 (845–997 × 581–638 a junior synonym of Caucasiozetes, includ- in G. magna); setae ro and le approximately ing Microzetes flagellifer Mahunka, 1989. identical in length or le slightly longer than However, Subías presented no rationale for ro (in G. magna setae le obviously longer these changes and, pending a detailed ex- than ro); tubercles present in lamellar re- planation, we do not recognize them. Both gion (absent in G. magna); wavy folds pres- species of Caucasiozetes differ from species ent on notogaster, anogenital region and of Teraja and Microzetes flagellifer, by the © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 200–215 S.G. ERMILOV & A.E. ANICHKIN. NEW SPECIES OF ORIBATID MITES FROM VIETNAM 209 morphology of lamellar apices, positions of Diagnosis. The new species is char- interlamellar and lamellar setae, and form of acterised by the combination of following lamellar setae. character states: body size 233–249 × 132– 149; inner distal part of lamellae rounded; Caucasiozetes frankeae sp. nov. rostral setae smooth, long, distally flagel- (Figs 7–8) late and strongly undulating; interlamel- Type material. The holotype (male) and lar setae inserted on interlamellar region of two paratypes (female and male): Viet- prodorsum. nam, Cat Tien National Park, 11°26´N, Description. Measurements. Body length 107°26´E, 137 m a. s. l., in sandy soil of a 249 (holotype), 233–249 (two paratypes); dipterocarp forest, Febr.–March 2009, coll. body width 149 (holotype), 132–149 (two A.E. Anichkin. paratypes). Deposition of holotype and paratypes Integument. Body color pale brown to The holotype is deposited in the ZIN col- grey-brown. Cuticle smooth, only lateral lection; both paratypes are deposited in the part of anogenital region and epimeral re- CEBRED HU collection. gion weakly rugose. Fig. 7. Caucasiozetes frankeae sp. nov.: A, dorsal view, legs not shown; B, ventral view, palps, some sub- capitular setae and legs not shown; C, lateral view, gnathosoma and legs not shown. Scale bar: 100 μm. © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 200–215