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Preview Four New Species of Elaphoglossum (Elaphoglossaceae) from Venezuela

NEW FOUR OF SPECIES ELAPHOGLOSSUM (ELAPHOGLOSSACEAE) FROM VENEZUELA In a series of papers (Mickel, 1985, 1987, 1990) Elaphoglossum heteroglossum Mickel, nov. sp. 37 new I published taxa of Elaphoglossum from TYPE: Venezuela. Portuguesa: Dept. Sucre, Venezuela. Specimens sent recently La for identifi- Divisoria de Concepcion, 09^*1 8'N, la cation included four more making W, 23-26 novelties, a total 70^06' Oct. 1985, Ortega al et of 107 species and three subspecific taxa known 2745(holotype, UC; NY), isotype, Figure IB. from that country. Lamina utrinque glabra costaque squamis nisi stipite margine subulatis et squamulis lanceolatis provisis praes- Elaphoglossum polyblepharum Mickel, sp. tans. nov. TYPE: Venezuela. Ama- Territorio Federal W mm Rhizome 3-5 short-creeping, diam.; zonas: Dept. Atures, side of valley of Rio rhi- NNW km ^^"^^ ^^^^^^ linear-lanceolate, orange-tan, 1.5-2 Coro-Coro, 8 of settlement of Yu- ^m long, with sparse hair-teeth; phyllopodia lack- 05°41'N, 66*'08'30"W, Mar. 1987, taje, 1 & 30-40 cm ^""^"^^ approximate, 2.9-3.4 21517 long, Liesner Hoist NY; (holotype, ^^^S' iso- cm MO). broad; stipe M-V^, the frond length, with scales type, Figure lA. mm 2-2.5 subulate, patent, brown; long, blade Ab E. erinaceo frondium squamis brevioribus rubro- narrowly papyraceous, apex acuminate. elliptic, brunneis necnon laminae squamosa facie abaxiali diver- r j j ^ r base narrowli y rounded; vei• ns evidient, free, ca. i1.5r* „,,„ mm 60-70** apart, at angle; hydathodes lacking; mm liam.; rhizome scales blade scales on adaxial margin lanceolate, brown, mm mm linear-lanceolate, orange, ca. 5 long, entire; 1-2 long, appressed, on abaxialcosta subulate, mm 30-40 phyllopodia lacking; fronds approximate, brown, 2-2,5 spreading, long, abaxial lamina cm cm 3.5-4.6 long, broad; stipe V4-V3 the frond subglabrous, with simple 0.1- to stellate trichomidia mm length, densely clothed with patent, reddish brown, 0.2 much long; fronds smaller than fertile the mm 4-6 subulate scales long; blade narrowly el- sterile {l^-Vh the length), stipe Vi the frond fertile mm liptic, papyraceous, apex caudate, base broadly length, blade narrowly 8-11 broad; elliptic, mm cuneate; veins evident, free, ca. 1 apart, at fertile blade lacking scales on costa, margin, or thod among ^, sporangia. brown, subulate, liberaUy distributed on abaxial Terrestrial in cloud forests, 1,500-1,800 m. mm 1-2 more surface, long, concentrated on mar- Elaphoglossum mm mm heteroglossum resembles E. er- 1.5-2 2-3 and gin, long, costa, long, inaceum in the subulate scales of stipe and costa lacking on the adaxial surface; fronds un- fertile but distinct in the small lanceolate marginal scales is known. much vs. long subulate ones, and the smaller fertile 900-1,000 Epipetric wet m. in forests, fronds. Additional specimens examined. Venezuela. AMAZONAS: Dept same Atures, locality as type, Liesner Elaphoglossum xiphoides Mickel, nov. TYPE: sp. & 21405 Hoist (MO, NY); Dept. Rio Negro, Cerro Arati- Venezuela. Bolivar: a cuenca media Rio la del tiyope, 02**10'N, 65°34'W, Steyermark al 130312 et W, Paragua, 06**03'N, 63^47' 13 June 1987, (NY). 10310 Stergios NY). (holotype, Figure IC. Elaphoglossum polyblepharum from differs E, Ab erinaceum Moore E, rhynchophyllo laminae squamis (Fee) in having frond scales red- ovatis gilvis et '^''^™' intersporangialibus abstans. nullis brown dish rather than black-brown, these scales mm more dense on stipe, conspicuously present on lam- Rhizome creeping, 1-1,5 diam.; rhizome mm mm inar surface, and shorter on margins (1.5-2 scales linear-lanceolate, orange-tan, ca. 3 long. mm 3-4 mm) 4- long and (2-3 vs. costa long phyllopod vs. mm mm), 6 and the rhizome scales lighter orange and ered by scales; fronds 6-10 apart, 5-7 cm mm shorter 5 long 15-20 mm). 1-1,3 cm (ca. vs. long, broad; stipe the frond V^-V^ sterile Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 78: 259-261, 1991. Annals the of 260 Garden Missouri Botanical _" n J ^ - r '~H ri*d1, J r , 1 , 1 "H H . " , J1 -1 IhL-I L ^, . .^.- r' n ^L '. . . ^11 . . . L- . - , -- r. - p.-' "' ' :'-'^^^''l*L' i. rt T; J • I i I J' /.- " ' ^ .I^- . . ^ .H i u '- ,- *Mrjt II mm mm. 2 xiphoides.—D. —A. polyblepharum.—B. heteroglossum.—C. E, zosteriformis Figure Elaphoglossum E. E. 1. Volume Number Notes 78, 261 1 1991 length, with scales ovate-lanceolate, orange-tan, phyllopodia present; fronds approximate, 95 ca. mm cm cm spreading, ca. 3 long; blade elliptic to lanceo- long, 4.8 broad; stipe 14 the frond length, late, subcoriaceous, apex obtuse, base cuneate; veins with scales loosely appressed, linear-lanceolate, 1- mm mm 0.8-1 60° evident, apart, at ca. angle; hy- 3 long, cilio-denticulate, tan, imbricate to dathodes lacking; blade scales scattered, orange- somewhat deciduous; blade charta- linear-elliptic, mm 1-2 on tan, long abaxial costa, otherwise blade ceous, apex lacking, base narrowly cuneate; veins mm glabrous; fertile frond longer than sterile (ca. twice evident, 1 apart, at 80"* angle; blade scales mm %-% as long), stipe the fertile frond length, blade adaxially lacking except for a few 1-2 long, mm linear, 5 broad; intersporangial scales lacking. on cilio-denticulate scales costa, abaxially with scat- wet 175 m. Terrestrial in forests, tered (touching but not overlapping) dissected scales mm ca. long, linear-lanceolate, the teeth longer 1 Elaphoglossum xiphoides similar to E. rhyn- is than body the scale width, orange-tan, costa scales chophyllum Christ in blade shape of and fertile mm 1-2 linear, long, cilio-denticulate with teeth fronds, but the blade scales the former sterile in shorter than the scale body width; fronds fertile are tan, ovate, sparse on midvein, and intersporan- unknown. gial scales are lacking whereas in the latter the Epiphytic wet in forests of "tierra firme y ri- blade scales are black, linear, dissected, and in- unknown. berenas,*' elevation The tersporangial scales are abundant. phyllopo- dium is indistinct but present in E. xiphoides In the long, narrow blade E. zosteriformis re- whereas rhynchophyllum and lacking in E. sembles laminar Moore, it is E. ioides (Bory) but the members squamipes other of the E. complex. former has on It linear-lanceolate scales the blade minutum Moore also resembles E. (Pohl) in the and stipe whereas the latter has round, peltate tan scales and the presence of a phyllopodium, but scales. the blade acuminate rather than obtuse, fertile is the rhizome is longer-creeping, and occurs at a Literature Cited it m much lower elevation (175 over 3,000 m). vs. Mickel, T. 1985. The proliferous species of Ela- J. phoglossum (Elaphoglossaceae) and their relatives. Elaphoglossum zosteriformis 261-278. Mickel, nov. Brittonia 37: sp. New 1987. Elaphoglossum species of (Ela- TYPE: Venezuela. Bolivar: Rio Caneracuni, . phoglossaceae) from northern South America. Brit- entre Caneracuni boca, 04^30' y la N, 313-339. tonia 39: W, 13-26 11930 63^42' Apr. 1988, Stergios Two 1990. new Elaphoglossum species of NY; (holotype, isotype, UC). Figure ID. from Amazonas, Venezuela. Ann. Missouri Hot. Card. 594-595. 77: Ab E. laminarioide laminae stipitisque squamis lineari- — New lanceolatis distans. John T. Mickel, York Botanical Garden, New Bronx, York 10458, U,S,A, mm Rhizome compact, 5 diam.; rhizome scales linear-lanceolate, black-brown, lustrous, entire;

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