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Four new species and one new subspecies and new synonymy of the Geometridae (Lepidoptera) from Nepal PDF

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Preview Four new species and one new subspecies and new synonymy of the Geometridae (Lepidoptera) from Nepal

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan utEwt 7)JOtoGa 43(3):203-210,September 1992 Four Revv species and one new subspecies and new synonymy of the Geometridae (Lepidopterfrao)m Nepal Hiroshi INouE 311-2,Bu$hi,IrumaCity,SaitamaPref,,358 Japan. Abstract EijJdTel isapecio ssap, nov., Sin'noptei lrousrinan'a tortuos asubsp. nov., S. nePalensis sp. nov., Alcis godavan'ensis sp. nov. and Ctenognophos 2eto4)Pzes sp. nov, are describe d.Genus Stenommia Hampson, 1895, is sunk int oSirinopter wButler ,1883, and U)¢)omea's plumulala INouE, 1987 ,is synonymized with H/ junctili n(eHaampson ,1907) c,omb. nov, Key words Lepidopter aG,eometricla eE,lydrelia S,irinopte7yx ,Alcis ,H)Pomecis, Ctenagnophos, synonymy, Nepal, taxonomy, All the type-specimens designat ehdereunder are in my private col]ection, excepting those in the National Science Museum, Tokyo. I express my hearty thanks to Mr T. Haruta, Tokyo, and Dr T, Yasuda, Osaka, for their gift of specimens. SubfamilyLARENTIINAE Hydretia (Fig1.) speciosa sp, nov. Male antennal ciliation about half length of width of shaft. Face very strongly protruded, Thorax covered with ochreous scales, crown whitish anteriorly, ochreous posteriorly. forewing, dark nearly concolorous with abdomen above ochreous, strongly mixed with white scales, 7th and 8th tergite msore whitish, ventral side white, Forewing vinaceous red, transverse lines tinged with dark grey, subterminal whitish fasci awavy, termen spotted with dark red, fringe white, mixed with vinaceous scales. Hindwing white, a fain tdiscocellul daort, termen crenulate, tinged with dark red, trace ef transverse lines at hindmarginal area, fringe a littl ewhiter than on forewing. Under surface, forewing much paler than above, hindwing with discocellula rdot enlarged, Length of forewing : di \ 14-16 mm. Male genitalia (Fig 1.1) . Costa gently rounded, outer margin of valva rounded, harpe net developed, margin of sacculus weakly rounded. Fernale genitalia <Fig,1 2S)c,lerotized plate of ductus bursae expanded cephalically, broader than in llmicroPter aInoue ,1987, BzallF.kec.dbmest.Sci.Otsuma PVbm.Cldei2v3, 231,figs56H,58D,60D,fromNepal, bunch : a of minute spines on corpus bursae at juncti oonf ductus bursae ,signum a mass of spines similar to microPte7u. Holotype, 0 : Between Yangma & Nup, 3310 rn, Tamur Valley ,NE. Nepal, 25. vii. 1963 (T. Haruta et al.). Paratypes: data as holotype ,2 dia 1, \ ; Gunsa 3400m, Tamur Valley ,21. vii. 1963, 1 4 (T ,Haruta et al.) ; Walungchung Gola, 3310 m, Taplejung ,NE. Nepal, 28. vi, 1962,1 s (T,Yasuda), NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgleitycal Society oofJfap anJapan 204 HiroshiINouE l, 'i'i ,.i,I s ew tt tt/.ttt ttt ttttwwtt ttw.wt Fig, 1. Ifydreli aspeciosasp.nov.,holot dyip, e Fig.2. Sin'noptei 7lza)scinan'a tortuosa subsp. nov,, holotype \. Fig. 3. SirinoPtei ;noupratensis sp. nov,, holotyp ecii. Fig.4 .Ditto ,paratype dfi .Fig.5. CtenqgnoPhos zelot)pus sp. nov., holotype o. Fig.6. Ditto,paratype \. Fig.7. Alcis gt)devariensis sp,nov.,holotype Fig.8,Ditto,paratype 5!,Fig,9. Ditto,paratype fii. cP. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan New Geometridsfrom Nepal 205 SubfamilyENNOMINAE SirinQptei:y xrosinaria tortuosa subsp. nov, (Fi g2.) Paler, transverse lines and discocellula rspots much clearer and heavier than in S. rosinarin rosinaria Oberthif r1,911, from West China, postmedian line of hindwing almost touching the cell-end, while in x rosinaria it is far apart from it ,spotting at the end of veins more complete on both wings, fringes much darker. Holotype, 9 : Banthani, 2620 m, Parbat Distr. ,Gandaki, C. Nepal, 16. x. 1981 (M. Owada), in coll, National Science Museum, Tokyo. Paratypes : data as holotype ,7 4 ; Deolari ,Nr Hinku, 3200 m, Modi Khola, Parbat Distr .G,andaki, 20. x. 1981 ,1 di ; Changma, 2200 m, Ramechap,JanakpurE,.Nepal,13, 1979,1\ (M.Owada).6paratypeins Natn.ScL x. coll. Mus., 3paratypesin Inoue. and coll. Sirinoptergx (Fig3s,4) nqpalensis sp. nov. Male. Most similar to SirinoPte7 1luorngipenn is<Warren c)om,b. noy., but more thinly Ground ferewing lemon but scaled. colour of sometimes yellow, often paler, costa dotting but fascia ochreous, grey sometimes strong often very weak, postrnedian straight, incurved hindmargin, fascia Both not near median very weak or vanished. wings with discocellul asrpots clear. Hindwing white with yellowish hue, postmedian fascia re- presented by a series of spots in cellules, in some specimens only that in-between veins 4 and 5 is developed, Under surface more clearly marked, costa of forewing more thickly ochreous than on above, Length of forewing: 20-23mm. Male genitalia (Fi g1,3). Almost identica lwith those of longipennt sb,ut valva more elongate, Holotype, r : Chuchumara Dara, 3600 m, Jumla Distr .K,arnali ,W, Nepal, 27, ix, 1981 (M. 0wada),in Natn.Sci.Mus. Paratypes Neurgar,2800 JumlaDistr,2,2,ix.1981,2 coll. : m, di; Bhulbhule ,3270 m, Jurnl aDistr ,2,3. ix .1981 ,2 cl; data as holotype ,28 cfT; Jaljale, 3420 m, Jumla Distr .3,0. ix, 1981,18 (M.Owada) ,10 paratypes in coll, Inoue ,the others in Natn,Sci,Mus, coll. Stenoramia Hampson, 1895, type-species Rumia ablunata Guen6e, 1857 ,is only distin- guished from SirinoPte7 oBzuatler ,1883 ,type-species U)tmpte7 :ruvtxvinclald Walker, [1863], by rounded termen of hindwing , Since vestiture, venation, coloration and genitalia of both sexes are very similar in the species of both genera, being primordially identica lI ,will here treat the former genus a junio rsynonym of the latte r(syn .nov), Sirinopter wis a close relative of Ourmpte7: }bwut distinguish efdrorn it by venation, strongly curved aedeagus and few ductusbursae. coiled, with a exceptions, Alcis (Figs7.-9) godavariensis sp, nov. Male antenna strongly bipectinat teo near terminal tenth join tt,he longes trami about 8 times width of shaft, branching from one-third from apex of joint s.Head, thorax, abdomen and wings above dark grey, usually both wings infuscated but rarely median area insid epostmedian lin ewhitish. Forewing with antemedian lin eusually obsolescent, angled in cell, then oblique inward, postmedian whitish line sinueus, incurved at vein 4, angled outward at vein 2, dark edge of the lin edotted on veins, subterminal zigzag line ,discocel- NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 206 HiroshiINouE ill''tw,i.-'ie・w・.,ww lma, Fig.10,thPomeciisunctilin(eHaampson)9,. Lectotype, here designated, of Mladkesina ,'l.iima, iunctili nHaemapson. '.ttt/..l///ww..,t,tl.11f/twt-l,/. 1,../., lula rdot or dash. Hindwing exhibits median fascia ,a continuation of forewing ,at near base, postmedian and subterminal nearly as on forewing ,discocellula drasrkened . Under surface pale yellowish white, forewing with outer third outside postmedian infuscated ,but a quadrate ground colour in cellule3, sometimes entire area of forewing infuscated. Length of forewing : di 4 18-19mm. Male genitalia (Fig 1.5) . Uncus rather broad, apex rounded, gnathos with central process long, apex bluntly pointed, harpe with a round, tongue-like process directin dgorsad and a fiat bilobed plate directin goutward, juxt aa long stick-like process, apex deepl yforked, cornutus a spine with a long thinly sclerotized basa] half .Female genitalia {Fig,18). Typical Aicis-form ,signum a mass of short spines arranged like a band and another smaller one at cephalic part of corpus bursa e(se ealso fig 1.4). Holotype ,[ln, and paratypes, 3 4 : Godavari ,near Kathmandu, 8-13 ,viii, 1979 (e xT. Haruta). The degree of infuscati onof wings seems to be variable, the holotype is moderate in coloration, but one of the paratypes is much paler and the other two are much darker, transverse line sinconspicuou esxcepting the postmedian line. H)Pomecisjunctili(nHeaampson), (Fig1.0) comb. nov. Medlzsina iunctiti nHaemapson, 1907, J Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 18 : 41, Iimomects Plzamul aItnaoue, 1987, Bblll .hac. domest ,Sci .Otsuma VPlon eU.)tiv 2.3 : l65, figs 7.5E, 79A, B. Syn. nov. Hampson's original descriptio wnas founded on three females from Tatung, S. Tibet, After examining Hampson's type-series at the Britis hMuseum (Natur aHlistory) ,London, I concluded that the Nepalese Plunzulat a1, di and 1 \, wingspan 42 mm, are smaller than Tibetan females ,about 45 mm, but the two taxa are the same because the shape of wings, colour and maculation are almost indentic abletween them. The figured specimen will be designate das the lectotype and the other two the paralectotypes here, CtenognQphos zeloigpus sp. nov, (Fig s5., 6) Structural liydentic awlith the type-species of the genus C. eolaricz (Guen6 e18,57) . Both wings above brown ; forewing paler at costal area insid eof postmedian line ,transverse line sdark brown, antemedian angled at dorsal margin of cell often incurve dnear hindmar- gin, postmedian straight, distal lybordered with pale yellow, discocellul asrpot clear. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgleitycal Society oofJfap anJapan New GeometridsfromNepal 207 $ / mt' /fai{I #/ l,,, =M' wav,. getm; j rm tma} t pt ge} ' valtt iwmawag/./ piai /'T inanew l ' rw y- :.ntew ev&ws. esww =ttww,V.' ma ng sw va 1 ij, ew/;e sw-,mu.epa lfftw ' /pamth'va ma Fig 11 H),diel isPaectosa sp nov Mdle genitalia (H Inoue Slid e8881 ) Fig 12 Dttt o Female genitalia {HI SIid e8882) Fig 13 SmnoPtet:w nopalensts sp nov Male genitalia <HI SIide 13308) Fig 14 Alcts godavanensas sp nov Female genitalia corpus bursae greatly magnified (HI SIide 15099) Hmdwing with straight postmedian 1ine ,discocellul asprot bmaller, sometimes vanished Under surface pale bluis hbrown, both vLTmgs with postmedian dotted 1ines f,orewmg with dista larea darker ,discocellul asprots clearer than on above Female much paler than male Length of forewmg di4 21-23mm In coloration it is similar to C gnzndtnantt s(Motschul s[k1y8,61 f]ro)m Japan K,orea, SE NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 208 HiroshiINouE ,, t/ltpm t.lt t .. imt - Fig. 15. Alcis godovan'ensis sp. nov. Male genitalia (HI SIid e15097). 16. noDvi.tto ,Male antenna, greatly magnified. Fig.17 .CtencLgnQPh oeseloopus sp.Fig, Male genitalia <HISIide14770), Siberi aand NE. China ,but the wings darker ,the postrmedian line is nearly straight and forewing with antemedian lin eas clear as postmedian (o fInoue, 1982, vaoth sof ltzPa n2,, pJ. 102 : 5, 6) ,though the genitalia show it to be a close relative of the latter. Male genitalia (Fig 1.7) , Almost identica lwith those of eolaha, but costal projection shorter. Female genitalia (Fig.1 9)D.uctus bursae much more slender, signum much NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgleitycal Society oofJfap anJapan New GeometridsfrornNepal 209 -l ,, ee Il 8 Fig.18. Alct sgodtivariensi ssp. nov. Female genitalia (HI SIid e15U99). 19. CtenognoPho sielotsPt{s sp. nov. Female genitalia (HI SIid e14771).Fig. smaller than ineolafl'a. Holotype, di:Godavari, near Kathmandu, E,Nepal, 16. x. 1987 (e xT.Haruta), Para- types: data as holotype, 2cfa ; Solukhumbu, Nangbug, 1550 m, Sagarmatha, E. Nepal, 5. x. 1979, 1 di,1 \; Dolakha Jir i1,860 m, Janakpur E,, Nepal, 15-16 .x. 1979, 1 a ; Kiumrung, 225e m, Parbat ,Gandaki, C. Nepal, 17. x. 1981, 2 cf- (M. Owada), 3 paratypes in coll. Natn. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan 210 Hiroshi INOUE   Sci. Mus . and  the others  in coll. Inoue, 摘 要 ー ネパ ル か らシ ャ ク ガ科の 4新種 と 1新亜種の 記載 と新 しい シ ノ = ム (井上 寛) ネパ ール か らシ ャ ク ガ科の 4新’種 と1新亜種を記載 し,属の シ ノニム と種の シ ノ ニ ム をそれぞれ整理 し た。Ctenognephos grandin αn ms (Motschulsky)ハガタ キエダシ ャ クに近縁な C. zelotyt )tts lnoueの ほ か は, 日本産の種 と近縁な種は含まれてい ない. (Accepted May 20,1992) Publishe dby the Lepidopterolog三cal Societ yof Japan, c/  Ogata Hospita1,2−17, Imabashi 3−chome , Chuo −ku, Osaka ,541 Japan 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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