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Four new host records for Amblyomma geoemydae (Cantor) (Acari: Ixodida: Ixodidae) from captive tortoises and freshwater turtles (Reptilia: Testudines) in the turtle conservation center, Cuc Phuong National Park, Vietnam PDF

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Preview Four new host records for Amblyomma geoemydae (Cantor) (Acari: Ixodida: Ixodidae) from captive tortoises and freshwater turtles (Reptilia: Testudines) in the turtle conservation center, Cuc Phuong National Park, Vietnam

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 108(3), 2006, pp. 726-729 Nore Four New Host Records for Amblyomma geoemydae (Cantor) (Acari: Ixodida: Ixodidae) from Captive Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles (Reptilia: Testudines) in the Turtle Conservation Center, Cuc Phuong National Park, Vietnam There are 23 native species of tortoises yellow tortoise, /ndotestudo elongata and freshwater turtles in Vietnam, and all (Blyth); and the impressed tortoise, Man- of them are threatened with extirpation ouria impressa (Gunther). The vast major- due to insatiable Chinese market demand ity of tick specimens (98 2, 93 2, 1,031 and widespread, accelerating habitat de- nymphs, 286 larvae) removed from these struction (Hendrie 2000). Responding to hosts were Amblyomma geoemydae (Can- this crisis, in 1998 Fauna and Flora tor). In addition, 4 ¢ and 3 & of International, in cooperation with the Amblyomma supinoi Neumann were taken Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and from 1 ¢ and 1 2, respectively, of Z Rural Development, formally established elongata, the principal host of this un- the Turtle Conservation Center (TCC) at commonly collected tick (Robbins and Cuc Phuong National Park, in the north- Platt 2001). All ticks were preserved in ern part of the country (20°14-20°249N, 70-80% ethanol and shipped to RGR for 105°29-105°44'E). The TCC is charged identification and analysis, prior to de- with promoting awareness of threats to position in the Division of Entomology, Vietnam9s native turtles, training wildlife Peabody Museum of Natural History, protection officers, and establishing a con- Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. servation breeding program for critically Published records of A. geoemydae endangered Species. Currently, the TEC exist for the yellow-margined box turtle, encompasses ~ 2,000 m2, with more than Cuora flavomarginata (Gray); C. mouho- 50 outdoor enclosures for terrestrial spe- tii; the Asian leaf turtle, Cyclemys cies, and several dozen aquatic and semi- dentata (Gray); the black-breasted leaf aquatic enclosures, including six <8free- turtle, Geoemyda spengleri (Gmelin); the ranging9 enclosures with functioning spiny turtle, Heosemys spinosa (Gray); streams and constructed wetlands. Enclo- the Travancore tortoise, Indotestudo tra- sures measure from | m2 to > 84 m2, the vancorica (Boulenger); the Asian brown larger ones having been designed to tortoise, Manouria emys (Schlegel and represent near-natural environments, with Miller); the Japanese turtle, Mauremys an abundance of leaf litter, shelter sites, japonica (TYemminck and Schlegel); and and native vegetation (Calle and Hendrie the Indian black turtle, Me/lanochelys 2003, Hendrie 2003, Calle et al. 2005). trijuga (Schweigger) (Simmons and Bur- Between March 2003 and March 2004, we ridge. 2000) Thus; four yot sthes ive were able to obtain 75 tick collections, testudines examined for ticks at the comprising 1,515 specimens, from 5 of the TCC provided new host records for A. 17 captive tortoise and turtle species then geoemydae, and the 27 tick collections held at the TCC (all seized from illegal made from these hosts are listed in traffickers): the Indochinese box turtle, Table 1. Significantly, our two new host Cuora galbinifrons (Bourret); the three- tortoises4J. elongata and M. impressa4 keeled box turtle, C. mouhotii (Gray); the appear in Appendix II (species not yellow-headed temple turtle, Hieremys necessarily threatened with extinction annandalii (Boulenger); the elongated or but that may become so unless trade is VOLUME 108, NUMBER 3 C207 Table 1. Collections of Amblyomma geoemydae from previously unreported hosts at the Turtle Conservation Center, Cuc Phuong National Park, Vietnam, 12 March 2003-17 March 2004 (Cg = Cuora galbinifrons, Ha = Hieremys annandalii, le = Indotestudo elongata, Mi = Manouria impressa; N = nymph, ee 4 slave): Tortoise/Turtle No./Sex Tick Totals Tick Attachment Sites Date Case? i 2 no data 15 April 2003 Ha4, ¢ ) 2 TUN carapace, neck, tail 21 March 2003 Iel5, & 1 2 carapace 10 November 2003 Ie32, 2 1 2 rear leg 12 March 2003 Ie33, § 1 2 carapace 20 October 2003 1e34, 2 1 2 carapace 9 April 2003 [e93, @ i carapace 20 October 2003 Ie170, 2 1 rear leg 5 June 2003 1e268. ¢ list & carapace, tail 30 March 2003 1e305. & Bg carapace 20 October 2003 1e314. o il & carapace 13 March 2003 1e365. 2 Ayam les carapace, plastron 15 October 2003 1e416, & Dard sah 8 carapace 15 October 2003 1e424. 2 5 & carapace, plastron 15 October 2003 1e425. & DE carapace 20 October 2003 1e428. ¢ 12 plastron 4 October 2003 1e459. & ite plastron 15 October 2003 1e589, 3 lied: carapace 30 March 2003 1e643, & il & carapace 11 April 2003 1e649. & i carapace 20 October 2003 Ie651, rg carapace 20 October 2003 Ie661, 2 IN front leg 20 August 2003 1e662, ¢ 3N front leg, neck 20 August 2003 1e663, ° 2 E22 iN carapace, plastron, rear leg 20 August 2003 1e664, ¢ 6 2. 27N front leg, neck, plastron, rear leg 20 August 2003 legge. 12 rear leg 17 March 2004 Mi25. ° 4422.60N,16L carapace, front leg, neck, rear leg 17 March 2003 strictly regulated) of the Convention on eastern Asia, this species is known from International Trade in Endangered Spe- southern Japan (Kyushu and the Ryu- cies of Wild Fauna and Flora (van Dijk kyu Islands) and Taiwan (Yamaguti et et al. 2000), a signal that opportunities to al. 1971, Robbins 2005). An unpublished investigate similar host-parasite relation- collection from Sri Lanka (U.S. National ships may be fading. Tick Collection No. RML 106681) and Amblyomma geoemydae 1s chiefly a tick recent records from the Western Ghats of southern and southeastern Asia, most of India (states of Karnataka and records having come from peninsular Kerala) suggest that A. geoemydae may and insular Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak), occur in all countries bordering the Bay Indonesia (Java, Kalimantan Borneo, of Bengal (Vijaya 1983, Frazier and Sumatra), the Philippines, Singapore, Keirans 1990). Among the most distinc- Thailand, and Vietnam (Tanskul et al. tive amblyommines in Asia (the female 1983, Kolonin 1995, Petney and Keirans foveae are unusually large and_ the 1995, Voltzit and Keirans 2002). In nymphal scutum is conspicuously or- 728 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Table 2. Non-testudine hosts of Amblyomma geoemydae specimens in the U.S. National Tick Collection. Host Location Tick Stage(s) Reptiles Python reticulatus (Schneider) Malaysia: Johor 2 IN IL Varanus dumerilii (Schlegel) Malaysia: Johor N Varanus salvator (Laurent) Malaysia: Johor, Perak, Sabah, Selangor Gis FIN Thailand: Tak Birds Anthracoceros malayanus (Raffles) Malaysia: Pahang N Centropus sinensis (Stephens) Malaysia: Pahang N Ceyx erithacus (L.) Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan N Dupetor flavicollis (Latham) Malaysia: Pahang iL. Lacedo pulchella (Horsfield) Thailand: Nakhon Si Thammarat N Napothera macrodactyla (Strickland) Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan N Pitta brachyura (L.) Malaysia: Pahang INS Pitta moluccensis (Statius Muller) Malaysia: Pahang L Pitta sordida (Statius Miller) Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan, Pahang N, L Platylophus galericulatus (Cuvier) Malaysia: Selangor N Rhizothera longirostris (Temminck) Malaysia: Kelantan N Stachyris poliocephala (Temminck) Malaysia: Negeri Sembilan, Selangor N Zoothera marginata Blyth Thailand: Chanthaburi N Mammals Arctogalidia trivirgata (Gray) Malaysia: Perak 2 Hemigalus derbyanus (Gray) Malaysia: Terengganu N Homo sapiens L. Indonesia: Sumatra # Malaysia: Sarawak Manis crassicaudata Gray Sri Lanka 2 Pardofelis marmorata Martin Thailand: Nakhon Ratchasima N Sus scrofa L. Malaysia: Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, ose SN Pahang, Perak, Selangor nate), A. geoemydae principally parasi- the Wildlife Conservation Society9s Field tizes testudines, though other reptiles Veterinary Program for invaluable logis- and, occasionally, mammals may serve tical support. Dr. James E. Keirans, as hosts of all stages, while birds are former Curator of the U.S. National Tick sometimes infested by immatures (Hoog- Collection, Institute of Arthropodology straal and Aeschlimann 1982). Non- and Parasitology, Georgia Southern Uni- testudine hosts of specimens in the U.S. versity, Statesboro, kindly supplied all National Tick Collection are summa- records of A. geoemydae in his care. This rized in Table 2. Despite the diversity of study was supported by a grant from the apparently suitable host species, no Conservation Endowment Fund of the disease agents have been associated with American Zoo and Aquarium Associa- bites of this tick. We anticipate that tion and by the Wildlife Conservation ongoing studies at the TCC will yield Society9s Health Sciences Division. additional new host records for A. geoemydae, as well as data on tick population dynamics. LITERATURE CITED We thank the officers of Cuc Phuong Calle, P. P. and D. Hendrie. 2003. Development of National Park and the staff of the TCC a chelonian health care program at the Turtle for their assistance in making and ship- Conservation Center, Cuc Phuong National ping our tick collections. Thanks also to Park, Vietnam. Proceedings of the Association VOLUME 108, NUMBER 3 2S) of Zoo Veterinary Technicians, 23#4 Annual (Cantor) (Acari: Ixodidae) into the United Meeting, New York, New York, 24-28 August States on imported reptiles. International 2008 psa: Journal of Acarology 26: 239-242. Calle; BP. P., B: &. Raphael, J. L. Behler, W. Tanskul, P. (L.), H. E. Stark, and I. Inlao. 1983. A Holmstrom, D. McAloose, M. D. M. Busch, J. checklist of ticks of Thailand (Acari: Metas- S. Spratt, T. M. Norton, D. B. Hendrie, and B. tigmata: Ixodoidea). Journal of Medical Ento- D. Phong. 2005. Development of a chelonian mology 20: 330-341. health care program for the Turtle Conserva- van Dijk, P. P., B. L. Stuart, and A. G. J. Rhodin, eds. 2000. Asian Turtle Trade: Proceedings of tion Center, Cuc Phuong National Park, a Workshop on Conservation and Trade of Vietnam. Proceedings of the Association of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises in Asia. Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians, 12th Chelonian Research Monographs 2. Chelonian Annual Conference, Tucson, Arizona, 9414 Research Foundation, Lunenburg, Massachu- April 2005, pp. 17-18. setts, 164 pp. Frazier, J. G. and J. E. Keirans. 1990. Ticks (Acari: Vijaya, J. 1983. First report of Amblyomma Ixodidae) collected on chelonians (Reptilia) geoemydae from India. Hamadryad 8: 13. from India and Burma. Journal of the Bombay Voltzit, O. V. and J. E. Keirans. 2002. A review of Natural History Society 87: 247-249. Asian Amblyomma species (Acari, Ixodida, Hendrie, D. B. 2000. Status and conservation of Ixodidae). Acarina 10: 95-136. tortoises and freshwater turtles in Vietnam, pp. Yamaguti, N., V. J. Tipton, H. L. Keegan, and S. 63-73. In van Dijk, P. P., B. L. Stuart, and A. Toshioka. 1971. Ticks of Japan, Korea, and G. J. Rhodin, eds. Asian Turtle Trade: the Ryukyu Islands. Brigham Young Univer- Proceedings of a Workshop on Conservation sity Science Bulletin, Biological Series 15: i-iv, and Trade of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises 1-226. in Asia. Chelonian Research Monographs 2. Richard G. Robbins, Bui Dang Phong, Chelonian Research Foundation, Lunenburg, Massachusetts. Tim McCormack, John L. Behler, Hendrik 2003. Turtle Conservation Indochina. A. Zwartepoorte, Douglas B. Hendrie, and Newsletter of the Turtle Conservation and Paul P. Calle. (RGR) Armed Forces Pest Ecology Program [sic] (TCEP). Accessed on Management Board, Walter Reed Army the Worldwide Web at URL <http://www. Medical Center, Washington, DC 20307- asianturtlenetwork.org/library/reports/TCEP_ 5001, U.S.A. (e-mail: richard.robbins@ newsletter_june_2003.pdf>, September 2005. Hoogstraal, H. and A. Aeschlimann. 1982. Tick- osd.mil); (BDP) Turtle Conservation Cen- host specificity. Mitteilungen der Schweizer- ter, Cuc Phuong National Park, Vietnam ischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft/Bulletin (e-mail: [email protected]); de la Société Entomologique Suisse 55: 5432. (TM) Turtle Conservation Center, Cuc Kolonin, G. V. 1995. Review of the ixodid tick Phuong National Park, Vietnam (e-mail: fauna (Acari: Ixodidae) of Vietnam. Journal of [email protected]); (JLB) Medical Entomology 32: 2764282. Petney, T. N. and J. E. Keirans. 1995. Ticks of the Department of Herpetology, Wildlife genera. Amblyomma and Hyalomma_ from Conservation Society and IUCN/ISSC South-east Asia. Tropical Biomedicine 12: Tortoise and Freshwater Specialist Group, 454S6. 2300 Southern Boulevard, Bronx, NY Robbins, R. G. 2005. The ticks (Acari: [xodida: 10460-1099, U.S.A. (e-mail: jbehler@ Argasidae, Ixodidae) of Taiwan: A synonymic checklist. Proceedings of the Entomological wes.org); (HAZ) Rotterdam Zoo and Society of Washington 107: 245-253. Turtle Survival Alliance-Europe, Rotterdam, Robbins, R. G. and S. G. Platt. 2001. First report The Netherlands (e-mail: h.zwartepoorte@ of Amblyomma supinoi Neumann (Acari: Ix- rotterdamzoo.nl); (DBH) Wildlife Conser- odida: Ixodidae) from the Arakan forest turtle, vation Society and Cleveland Metroparks Geoemyda depressa Anderson (Reptilia: Testu- Zoo, 3900 Wildlife Way, Cleveland, OH dines: Emydidae), with additional records of this tick from the Union of Myanmar. 44109-3187, U.S.A. (e-mail: dhendrie@ Proceedings of the Entomological Society of fpt.vn); (PPC) Wildlife Health Sciences, Washington 103: 1023-1024. Wildlife Conservation Society, 2300 Southern Simmons, L.-A. and M. J. Burridge. 2000. In- Boulevard, Bronx, NY 10460-1099, U.S.A. troduction of the exotic ticks Amblyomma humerale Koch and Amblyomma geoemydae (e-mail: [email protected] )

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