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Four new Diplommatinidae (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia, Diplommatinidae) from southern Thailand and northern Peninsular Malaysia PDF

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Preview Four new Diplommatinidae (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia, Diplommatinidae) from southern Thailand and northern Peninsular Malaysia

BASTERIA, 65:51-56, 2001 FournewDiplommatinidae (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia,Diplommatinidae) from southernThailandandnorthernPeninsularMalaysia Wim+J.M. Maassen Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum,RO. Box9517, NL 2300RALeiden, The Netherlands Four new species ofthe terrestrial,prosobranch family Diplommatinidaeare described. Opisthostoma(Plectostoma)sinyumensisspec. nov.and O.(P.) christaespec.nov. areboth reported from Peninsular Malaysia. Arinia panhaispec. nov. is described from Thailand and A.jensi spec. nov.from Peninsular Malaysia. These arethe firstrecords foranArinia species from Thailand andPeninsular Malaysia. Key words: Gastropoda,Prosobranchia,Diplommatinidae,Arinia,Opisthostoma, Plectostoma, taxonomy,Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand. INTRODUCTION Two samples withunidentifiedDiplommatinidae, collectedby Mr. andMrs. Hemmen, Wiesbaden, in southernThailandand northernPeninsular Malaysia, werereceived for identification.Thematerialproved tobelong to threespecies. Asearchfordescriptions inthe relevant literature,in particularVan BenthemJutting (1952,1961), Kobelt(1902), andVermeulen(1996), failedand,therefore,these species are considerednew to science. According to the identificationkeys published by Kobelt (1902: 378) and Vermeulen(1996: 90) they shouldbe classified with the genusArinia. However, VanBenthemJutting (1952: 49), on thebasis ofa single sample, described a species fromPeninsularMalaysia, thatshares someoftheconchological characterswith our three new species, as Opisthostoma (Plectostoma) umbilicatum. According to Van BenthemJutting (1952: 51): "The general architecture and inconspicuous deviationin the last whorl, however, place it in Opisthostoma”. In a later publication, Van Benthem Jutting(1961: 39) mentionedan additionalrecord from "Gunong Sinyum, Pahang" for O. (P) umbilicatum. Both samples are in the Zoological Museum (Amsterdam). While comparing the specimens, it turnedoutthat these are not conspecific. The shells from Gunong Sinyum representanadditionalnew species. The generic assignment ofthese species is problematic. Theirshellsdo not showthe sinistroidcoiling (Gittenberger, 1995:19) ofthe lastwhorl,whichis supposed tocharac- terize Opisthostoma. Sincein two of the newspecies the tubaofthe shells shows a slight deviation, however, I provisionally accept for those species the generic name Opisthostoma, following Van Benthem Jutting. The subgenera Opisthostoma s.s. and Plectostoma are in use forspecies with relatively small (shells less than2 mm broad or high) and larger shells, respectively. Two of the new species are not classified in Opisthostoma as they are regularly dextraland donot showany traceof deviationofthe lastwhorl.These species are provisionally consideredtobelong tothegenusArinia.For additionaldataonthevarious,poorly defined,genus-groupnominaltaxa,seeVermeulen (1996). 52 BASTERIA, Vol. 65,No. 1-3, 2001 Abbreviations for shell characters: B, shell width; H, shell height. For collections: RMNH, NationalMuseumof Natural History (formerly Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie), Leiden; HW, J. & C. Hemmen, Wiesbaden; CUIZM, Chulalongkorn University Zoological Museum, Bangkok; ZMA, Zoologisch Museum, Universiteit van Amsterdam,Amsterdam. SYSTEMATICPART GenusOpisthostomaW.T.&H.Blanford, 1860.Typespecies: O.nilgiricumW.T.& H.Blanford,1860 (India) Subgenus PlectostomaH.Adams, 1865. Typespecies:P. decrespignyiH.Adams, 1865 (Borneo). Opisthostoma (Plectostoma) sinyumensis spec. nov. (figs 1, 6-7) Material. — Pensinsular Malaysia,Pahang, GunongSinyum; vi.1954; M.W.F.Tweedie leg., ex. Raffles Museum,Singapore (ZMA/holotype;ZMA/58paratypes, RMNH 81804/2 paratypes). Description. — Shell dextral, ovoid, light brown, shining and transparent; with 5.5 distinctlyconvex whorls,separated byarather deepsuture,andprovided withadistinct, very fine, spiral striation.Lastwhorl aboutasbroadas thepenultimate one. Radialribs rather thin, increasingly higher and sharper on the lower whorls; on the penultimate whorl 7-8ribs/mm, abovethe aperture 8-9 ribs/mm. Theconstriction consists only ofa transversalthickening onthepalatal side ofthebody-whorl. Thetubais0.75whorllong and turns off slightly inwards. Umbilicus very narrow. Peristome double; the inner peristome protruding distinctly from theouter one.Infrontalview,the aperturetouches the middle of the previous whorl and is hardly turned downwards. Operculum unknown. Dimensions:H 1.9-2.2mm; B 1.2-1.3mm. Derivationominis.— Namedafterthe typelocality Gunong Sinyum. Remarks. — Thespecies is very similarto O. umbilicatumVanBenthemJutting, 1952, butitsshellshaveonewhorllessandare smaller(O. umbilicatum, H2.8-3.1mm;figs 2,8- 9)andslender ovoidinsteadofturreted. Opisthostoma (Plectostoma) christae spec.nov.(figs 3, 10-11) Material. — Peninsular Malaysia,Kelantan,road 8Gua Musangto Machamg,right side offkm 24.9; 04°55'022"N, 102°06'934"E;J. &C. Hemmen (MAL 162/00)leg.(RMNH 81805/holotype, 81806/1 para- type;HW/20paratypes). Description. — Shell dextral, high conical, reddishbrown, shining andtransparent; with5.75 distinctly convex whorls, separated by arather deep suture,and withoutaspi- ral striation. The lastwhorl is wider thanthe penultimate one. Radialribs ratherthin, increasingly muchhigherand sharper onthe lowerwhorls; onthe penultimate whorl5- 6 ribs/mm, above the aperture with5-6ribs/mm. Theconstriction consists ofa trans- versal thickening all around, andasmall and low, longitudinal tubercle at the angular edge, just entering the transversal thickening. The tuba is 0.5 whorl long and hardly turns offinwards. Umbilicus very narrow. Peristomedouble; the inner peristome only slightly protruding from the outer. In frontal view, the aperture touches the previous Maassen:FournewDiplommatinidae 53 Figs 1-5. 1,Opisthostoma(Plectostoma)sinyumensis spec. nov.,paratype,Peninsular Malaysia,Pahang,Gunong Sinyum.2,Opisthostoma(Plectostoma)umbilicatumVanBenthem Jutting,1952,paratype,Peninsular Malaysia, KotaTongkat. 3,Opisthostoma(Plectostoma)christae spec.nov.,paratype,Peninsular Malaysia, Kelantan,road 8GuaMusangtoMachamg,rightsideoffkm24.9.4,Ariniapanhaispec.nov.,paratype,Thailand,Yalaprov., KachongCave.5,Arinia jensispec. nov.,paratype,Peninsular Malaysia,Kelantan,road 8Gua Musangto Machamg,rightside offkm 24.9.Scalebar 1mm. whorlattheright ofthemiddleandishardlyturnedupwards. Operculumwithadistinct spiralridge onits outer surface. Dimensions: H2.7-3.1 mm,B 1.7-2.5mm. Derivationominis.— Namedaftermy friendChristaHemmen,whofoundthisspecies. Remarks. — From the conchologically most similar species O. umbilicatumit canbe distinguished by the absenceofaspiral striation, themore convex whorls, the different attachmentofthe aperture,andtheshorter tuba. GenusAriniaH.&A.Adams,1856.Type species: Cyclostoma minus G. B.Sowerby, 1843 (Philippines). 54 BASTERIA, Vol. 65,No. 1-3, 2001 Figs 6-11. Opisthostoma(Plectostoma) spec. 6-7, O. (P.) sinyumensis spec. nov., paratype, Peninsular Malaysia, Pahang,GunongSinyum,actual height2.27mm. 8-9,O.(P.)umbilicatumVan BenthemJutting, 1952, paratype, Peninsular Malaysia,KotaTongkat,actualheight3.0 mm. 10-11, O.(P.)christaespec. nov.,paratype,Peninsular Malaysia,Kelantan,road 8Gua MusangtoMachamg,rightsideoffkm 24.9,actual height3.13mm. Maassen:FournewDiplommatinidae 55 Figs 12-15.Arinia spec. 12-13,A.panhaispec. nov., paratype,Thailand,Yala prov., KachongCave, actual height2.73 mm. 14-15,A.jensispec.nov., paratype,Peninsular Malaysia,Kelantan,road 8 GuaMusang to Machamg,rightsideoffkm 24.9,actual height2.67mm. Ariniapanhai spec. nov. (figs 4, 12-13) Material. — Thailand, Yala province, Kachong Cave, 2.6 km offkm 45.7 road 410 (Yala Bretong); 06°55'022"N,101o12'160"E; 4.X.2000; J.& C.Hemmen (TH88/00) leg. (RMNH80809/holotype,81810/2 paratypes;CUIZM/2paratypes;HW/45paratypes. Description. — Shelldextral, conical, lightbrown, shining andtransparent; withsix moderately convex whorls, separated by a deep suture,and with adistinct spiral stria- tum.Thepenultimate whorlslightly widerthanthebody-whorl. Radialribs ratherthin, increasingly higher and sharper on the lower whorls; onthe penultimate whorl 6-8 ribs/mm,above theaperture7-8ribs/mm. Theconstrictionconsists ofatransversal thic- kening allaround,and of asmallbut distinct, longitudinal tubercle attheangular edge, just entering the transversal thickening. The tuba is 0.7 whorllong. Umbilicus widely open,eccentric, showing part ofthe penultimate whorl. Peristome doubled,the inner peristome only slightly protruding from the outer.The apertureis situated to the right ofthemiddleofthe previous whorlandclearly turnedupwards. Operculum corneous, withadistinct spiral ridge onitsouter surface Dimensions: H2.5-2.7mm,B 1.9-2.2mm. 56 BASTERIA, Vol. 65,No. 1-3, 2001 Derivationominis.— Namedaftermy friendDr. SomsakPanha,Bangkok. Remarks. — See theremarks withthe next species. Ariniajensi spec. nov. (figs 5, 14-15) Material. — Peninsular Malaysia,Kelantan,alongrightsideofroad 8 fromGuaMusangtoMachamgat rkm24.9;04°55'022"N,102°06'934"E;J.&C.Hemmen (MAL162/00)leg.(RMNH81807/holotype,81808/2 paratypes; HW/250 paratypes) Description. — Shelldextral, ratherlowconical, lightbrown,shining andtransparent; with 5.5 distinctlyconvexwhorls, separated by arather deep suture,andwithout aspi- ralstriation.Thebody-whorl iswiderthanthepenultimate whorl.Radialribs ratherthin, increasingly muchhigherandsharper onthelowerwhorls; onthe penultimate whorl4- 6 ribs/mm, abovethe aperture with 4-6 ribs/mm. The constrictionconsists ofa trans- versal thickeningallaround,andofasmallandlow,longitudinal tubercleattheangular edge,justenteringthetransversalthickening. Thetubais0.5whorllong. Umbilicusnar- row. Peristomeflaring, doubled,the inner peristome only slightly protruding fromthe outer. Infrontalview, the aperture is situated atthe right ofthe middleoftheprevious whorl andclearly turned upwards. Operculum corneous, witha distinctspiral ridge on its outer surface Dimensions: H2.4-2.7mm, B 2.2-2.4mm. Derivationominis. — NamedaftermyfriendJens Hemmen,whofoundthisspecies. Remarks.— Thisspecies livessympatrically with Opisthostoma (Plectostoma) christae. It caneasily be distinguished however, sinceinA.jensithe apertureis turnedupwards, the umbilicusis narrower, andthe peristome is flaring. Conchologically A.jensi differsfrom A.panhaibythe lack ofaspiralstriation, the umbilicuswhichis noteccentric, thelower numberofribs permm, andthe constrictionsituatedat0.5 whorlfromtheaperture. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks are due to Prof. Dr. E. Gittenberger (Leiden) for critical reading the manu- script, toJ.Goud(Leiden) whomadetheexcellentSEMphotographs, toR. Moolenbeek (Amsterdam) for the loanofmaterialfrom ZMA, toDr. J.J. Vermeulen (Singapore) for manyusefuldiscussions, andespecially to Christa andJens Hemmen(Wiesbaden) for theirpermission to describematerialfrom theircollection. REFERENCES BENTHEM JUTTING, W.S.S., VAN, 1952. The Malayan species of Opisthostoma (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia,Cyclophoridae),with acatalogueofall species hitherto described. — Bulletin ofthe Raffles Museum24: 5-62. , 1961.Additional newspeciesandnewlocalities ofthefamilyVertiginidaeandthegeneraOophanaand OpisthostomafromMalaya.— Bulletin ofthe RafflesMuseum 26:34-48. GITTENBERGER, E.,1995.On the onehand .... — Nature 373: 19. KOBELT, W., 1902. Cyclophoridae.In: DasTierreich 16,Mollusca: 1-663.Berlin. VERMEULEN, J.J., 1996. Notes onthenon-marinemolluscs oftheisland ofBorneo 8.The genusArinia; additionstothe generaDiplommatinaand Opisthostoma(GastropodaProsobranchia: Diplommatinidae. - Basteria 60: 87-138

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