The Four Horsemen Of the Virtualization Security Apocalypse PacketFilter We lc ome To Th e Ju ng le ... ✤ Se tup ✤ Virtualization In Conte xt ✤ Virtual Ne t working Architecture ✤ VirtSec Solutions Landscape ✤ The Four Horsemen ✤ Wrap-Up The Four Horsemen Of the Virtualization Security Apocalypse | Hoff PPaacckkeettFFiilltteerr Topic s and G o a ls Of Ou r Ch at: ✤ Discuss the operational re alities of virtualizing ne t working and securit y today: performance, scalabilit y and resiliency ✤ Describe the broad impact of immaturit y in VirtSec technology/solutions ✤ Illustrate how the melange of securit y in the ISV Sof t ware, hyper visor, OS, ne t work and embedded in hardware opens a securit y wormhole The Four Horsemen Of the Virtualization Security Apocalypse | Hoff PPaacckkeettFFiilltteerr St at us Quo = FAIL? Some securi t y things you do today are perfect ly re asonable and work we ll in v irt ualize d e nv ironme nts, o thers simply don’t work at all The Four Horsemen Of the Virtualization Security Apocalypse | Hoff PPaacckkeettFFiilltteerr Re a li t y Bi te s Replicat ing many highly-available securi t y applicat ions and ne t work topologie s in v irt ual swi tche s doe sn’t work “It ain’t all rainbows and unicorns...” The Four Horsemen Of the Virtualization Security Apocalypse | Hoff PPaacckkeettFFiilltteerr Bumpy R o ad Ah e ad “Ever ything’s Under Construction...” Monoli thic securi t y ve ndor v irt ual appliance s are the v irt ualizat ion version of the UTM argume nt The Four Horsemen Of the Virtualization Security Apocalypse | Hoff PPaacckkeettFFiilltteerr If I t Ai n’t Fi xe d, Do n’t Bre ak I t “She just don’t run like she used to...” Virt ualize d Securi t y can seriously impact performance, re silie ncy and scalabili t y The Four Horsemen Of the Virtualization Security Apocalypse | Hoff PPaacckkeettFFiilltteerr Pe nny Wise & Po und Fo o lish Virt ualizing securi t y will no t save you money, i t will cos t you more “Money for nuthin’ and my chips for f ree...” The Four Horsemen Of the Virtualization Security Apocalypse | Hoff PPaacckkeettFFiilltteerr Wh e re To St a rt ? ✤ Se tup ✤ Virtualization In Conte xt ✤ Virtual Ne t working Architecture ✤ VirtSec Solutions Landscape ✤ The Four Horsemen ✤ Wrap-Up The Four Horsemen Of the Virtualization Security Apocalypse | Hoff PPaacckkeettFFiilltteerr Cave ats ✤ This presentation focuses on VMware VI3 as the virtualization platform example; Microsoft’s and Citrix’s networking/security architectures are different ✤ There are a number of interesting new capabilities in VI4; I make reference to some of them, but many are futures and not shipping but change things dramatically... ✤ In the interest of scope and time, it’s focused on server virtualization and data networking only; storage, client, application virtualization are a whole other universe of security fun... ✤ It’s true you can achieve very robust/resilient integrated network and virtual infrastructure designs, but the moment you try and integrate security...not so much... The Four Horsemen Of the Virtualization Security Apocalypse | Hoff PPaacckkeettFFiilltteerr