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Four Corners 1 - Student's Book PDF

163 Pages·2016·38.91 MB·English
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Corners Jack C. Richards - David Bohlke NEAT VA [> rRAKa wool iicils Jack C. Richards - David Bohlke : Student’s Book Canbedge, Nev Yrs, Melbourne, Madrid Cape Tov, Siagspre, ‘Sia Fuk, Dei, Dab, eye, Mexioo Cry (Cambege avery Hess 3 Aenea the Americas, NEW Yor, NY 10132473, USA Tnfrinaon op this tile wwwx srg 7ADSH12615L © Cantey Unnersey Prac 2012 ‘Thi pation incopy Subjectia stacey exten St othe pews of recent let Soesng serene ‘rmrnrtion any rt may take pce without the writer eemison of Cantide Unies res esx publishes 2012 Prot Hong Kong Chit, by Gidea Cp Prinsng Company Limited Repent 2012 Asatte cord hir publication i aval from te Bris Library ts 9180-92 12615-1 Stadets Book 1 wh Selstaly CE-RON fen STASI.) Work | fe SoU SI-22a6-2 Teshers Eton | wih Asessnoor CD-ROM {Sim 978.0521 160-# Cass Audio CDs 1 [son STeDSOLIIS199 Cheswane | sm OTS 02012638 DYE L orl ff components, vis wrwcamtvide orouremes: Cambie Usseiy Ps ito spit orthe pierce ot Sours af URL efor eseral rnd party ator Web es ee 959 {hs pulsation ad docs ot gotten hot ay omen on uch Wi ce for rrin see o apoqwit. ofontin garg ies, tase ‘het, a tr fetelinfrmtion given i this wok are covet st {etme ping, but Cambridge Unies Press does et gaeaiee ‘beaceuzay of sch infomation hee ‘Acticin book desig, pos esr ad aout eevee Advent se, NYC ‘tio pnducton Cyan, NYC Vides pact Stalan Productions Authors’ acknowledgments aay people canuind h dveopment of Ur Comes. he autos ar pubis woud He Pore Sank he alow ewes tse tae, aden for Eeatonal Gevopment, daar Ineependane Seeantay So! fC ana, Mah 1 te so hw tvesy Tape Iso, Cee ace and dna las sean de oa, Assoc Amn, SE au bens eaio use, sotni amon Stel sr ste San unc cetyl, lr. ti Mil, atloal Cte, tte ends lv, Eos Univers, Bei, HA, Us leat, Casa amas jeersen, esta rac: ino cea amp ang ms Er ay Cen de tn rashes, faut, aa Lil Ela cut, CLEP = So Fao, ae Po, ra esac Saye ty, Camo Coltra Bs estades Unies (CEU tele, even, al sana Paracas, Cert ae mas Uhvesiad manuea wed, Esa ceton, cols a Calne Nag ace Cee Unvesai Gupo Sal aural, eco, ota ck rer, Doaal ney, Cae, SH eis (enter escnaa DMS. ete, Mes, rata ‘nity ee lemas Language shel, is, evel ese, Nan Sep € Mant asemast td eos ose ead 8, Uhr ebsah es, CS Language Certs, le ast elon, sana inte es enseyse Lt Ebay C5, thudeten yt Murtha oan, cuts de ae, Cunt Mis abe ts eed elnmae UMPE,Sa-6 Pingo Benen publ as vandethoc 8. ange Cente, rome, cana eras Mina Calis ene (Gin Vest, aa Tan i aia so Kasmenta tirsine fra Kas Sroesta aa are Naa Site Une mrana, fau arana;Ctos Ura Sects cde, Mayan Ulery, Se avs au LUE Phere WU Cee, ea, tracy Aral esta Mal Sie 1D eapeskana,Copecatny, fale a Ana, fica trgs AE Ro t,o Marsa ive, BED Pana, Mana, Bal Waal ees Leos, EE So xt tes tipo se neues cove, Bro mucosal TR, Vecl sua ie, Se cus, oe Leatarde sereaeo, Rh Lina Fs aca angel up, nsec de an Ll Pte. ‘a kis obs, ese: War ual Hende exLzae, Inet eosin de Talepem, ner J fz, Meco "es kun, neta ducaton Sere ky, ‘es Sevan, mteratonal tous verre ear, Hes Eas asus Une, Dela, lsas Eo svung Le Hank nersy of reg ae, Seu oes ody Br Fors Untrey, nemt anal oe argue Schoo Seth fore nesta anon Unies. 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Simon: ice to meet you, 100 B Pair work Introcuce yourselves. 2 Introducing someone else A ttn and pace Simon: chen, this is my fend Sofa sofa Wi, Chen, Nice ro meet you Chen: Nice to meet you too, Soa, B Group work Inroduce your pariner from Sxetcse 1 to another elassmate 3 Hi and bye A) uisten and oractce Simon: il, Cren! Simon: See you lat, chent ‘chen: Good morring, iron! How are your Cen: ye, sion! ‘mon: Im fn, thanks. And you? ‘Chen: Fine thank you. B 1) Listen to the expressions, Then practice dhe conversation again with the ew runes. =_ #4 4«43XsSt a oe cootiorsce, see yu, coos atencen, See ya ate € Class activity Say hello to your classmates and ask how :hey are Then say good oye. ‘can introduce mysett and others. Toon sayhole and good bya.

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