CAMBRIDGE TEXTS THE IN HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Serieedsz tnrs KARL AMERIKS Profesrs�Pofhr i losopthhyle ! mverosfzl\ltoyt Dre e at am DESMOND M. CLARKE ProfesosfPo hri losoaptUhy n iverCsoiltlye Cgoer k Them aino bjectoifCv aem bridTgeex tisn t heH istoorfyP hilosoipsth oye xpand ther angev,a rieatnyd q ualiotfyt extisn t heh istoorfyp hilosowphhiyc ahr e avialabilnEe n eries inclubdyfe asm itlenixaatmrse (ss ucahsD escartes andK ant)a nda lsboy leswse ll-known authors. \Vhetrexetvaser re possible, publisihnec do mpleatnedu nabridged anfdot rrma,n slaatriesop nesc iaclolmym is sionfeodr t hes eriEeasc.h v olumceo ntaian csr itiicnatlr oducttoigoent hweirta h guidteo furrtehaedri anngd a nyn ecessgalroys saarnidet se xtuaaplp aratus. The volumaerse d esignfeodrs tudenta tuu sned ergradaunadtp eo stgradlueavtaeenl d wilbleo fi nteresotn lntyoo st t udeonftp sh ilosobpuhtay l,s tooa w idearu dienocfe readeirnts h eh istoorfsy c ientcheeh, i stoorfty h eoloagnydt heh istoorfiy d eas. lio.sftt itpluebs/z shetdh sem es, seeen do. f Fora m please book. J. G.F ICHTE Foundatoifo ns NaturRailg ht Accotrtodh Piern ign octfih Wpeil sesse nschafislehre EDITED BY FREDERICKN EUHOUSER ComeU/!m verstty TRANSLATED BY MICHAEL BAUR FordhaUmm versi�)' Looo M CAMBRIDGE V UNIVERSITYP RESS PlDLlSI!El> 1!\ S\Nl>ICATf THE lNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE TillP RESS OF OF TheP itRtu ilding,T rumpingtSotnr eeCta,m bridUgnei,t eKdin gdom CAMRRIDGE UN!VlRSI!Y PRlSS l'hEed inburlglhu ildCianmgbr,i gdeC B2 >RUUK, www cupc ama cu k 40W est2 0thSt reeNte,w York, N\ tooit-4211,U SA www cupo rg 10S tamfoRroda d,O akleiMgehl,b our3n1e6 6A,u stralia Ruidze A larc1o3n,2 HoqM adridS,p ain t•C ambrdigeC niversPirteyss2 000 Theb ooiks i nc opyrigShutb jetcots tatutory eaxncdet pott hiepo rno visioofrn esl e\caonltl ective licensaignrge emennot rse,p druociton ofa nyp armta yt akpel acweith outt hew rittpeenr missoifo n CambridUgnei versPirteys s Firsptu blis2h00e0d Printientd heU niteKdi ngdoamt t heU niversPirteysC sa,m bridge TypesientE hrhar1dtti i3pSty ste3mb 2 [CE] A catalorgeuceof rodtr h lbSo oilesa vailafbrloetm h Ber itiLiSbhr ary Libraoryf C ongrceastsa logiupniun bgl icadtaitoan Fiehte,JoGhoattnilen b, q6z-1814. [GrundldaegseN aturrecnhatcsPh r incipdieerWn i ssenschaftEsnlgelhirseh.] Foundatioofnn ast urrailg hIt] .G Fichteed;i tbeydF rederNiecukh ouser; transdl baytM eichaBealu r p. em -(Cambridtgeex itsnt heh istoorfpy h ilosophy) F) [ncludbeisb liograrpehfiecraelna Ln-die nsd ex. t_ .. ISBNo 5215 75951( hardba-cISkD)N o 5 215 73071( paperback) Naturlala w.2 Politsicci•e!n c3e· S tatTeh,e . 1. 1N euhousFerred,e rick. 11Ti tle1.1 )Ct8FI6 2132 000 320O'T -dC21(j (j-056852 ISBI\o 5 215 73071 h ardback ISBS 5215 75951 p aperback o Contents Introduction page Vll Chroongoyl XXIX Furtrheeard ing XXXI Translantootre' s XXXIV FoundatioofnN sa turaRli ghta,c corditnotg h e I Principolfet hse W issenschaftslehre Introduction 3 Firmsatid ni vidseidounc:ot fti hoceno ncoefrp itg ht r8 Secomnadid ni vidseidounc:ot fti hoaenp pclaiibtioylf 53 thceo ncoefp tr ight Thimradi dni vissyisotne:am papctlaiitcoi fto hnce o ncoefp t 8s rigohrtt h;de o ctorfri ihngte Fircshta potfte hrde o ctorfri ingedh etd:tu icoofn 101 origriingahlt Second cthhadepo tcetrr rioinfgeo h nto ;ft he righ1t2 3 ofc oercion Thicrhda potfte hrde o ctorfri ingeoh npt o:l airlt iigcht, 133 orr ight acw oimtmhoinnw ealth PartI Io,r a pplied nartiugrhatl r6s Frisste ctoifto hdneo ctorfi ntpeio rclaiilgc hotn:c etrhnei ngr 6s cicvoinlt ract Sceonsde ctoifto hdneo ctorfpi onleai rlti igcht: 183 onc ilveigli slation v Contents Thirsedtc iono ft hdeo ctorfip nolitecai lr ight: 249 ont hceno tsituiton 264 Outlionffe a mirliyg ht (firapspetn itxo t hdeo ctorfin naet urriaglh t) d 320 Outlionfte h rei gohftn atioannsdc osmopolriitgahnt (secaopnpde ntdoti hxde o ctorfin naet urriaglh t) Index 335 Vl Introduction ].G .F icwhrtoeFt oeu ndaotNfzaotnuRsrgi ahlit n1 975-s6h,o rattfelry heh asd tuntnheGede rmpahni loswooprhwliidct ahhlia sm bitious attetmorp etc ontchefeiuo vned atoifKo annstC 'rsi tPihciallo isno phy hiWtss senssclhea(hflDroec to_r(Ki nnoewg leefi)dr,s t puibnIl 97i4s·h ed Ficwhatosen lyt yt-hfyioeruaorrl swd h ehnef initshhFeeo du ndations, butb y thish ea tlirmeoeac dcyu pai perde stiCghiaoiaurtts h e UniverosfJi etnayan dw asw iderleyg ar(dtehdo nuogbthy K ant himseltf)h bera isl yloiuanpnght i loswohpowh oeurlc da rornyt he philocsaolp hrievtohKlaautnt htia obdne guAnl.t hopuoglhi tics played ap romirnoeilnneFt i chttheo'usfg orhmtt h bee gintnoti hneegn odf hicsa r,et ehrriesl ateiavrbelolyoyr k e mahiinmsso scto mprehensive ansdo phiswtoircikanp t oeldip thiiclaol.s ophy Publiisn1h 97e6d- j7u,bs etof re Kaadndtr emsasneoydf the same issuesM eitna phhoiyfss iMcos(r 19a77ls)t ,h Feou ndatrieopnrse sents 1 Fichattet'estm oep stt abtlhbieas shi c porfia nl ciibpeplroealsli tical ordbeyrb ringaK ianngt piearns petcot iboveneta hrpe r oblems of legitainmdra icgy( hRte cthhtah)ta db een rbauiitsm epdee,cr tfly resolbvyHe odb,b Leosc,k aen,Rd o usseauG.e rm(taTenhr eRm e cht hanso s inEgnlgel eiqsuhi viaetlne cnotm;p aalslsw ehosaf t English speakmeerabsny " rig"hlta,wa",n "d" justMiocseit.m "p)o rltya, nt Fichttree'aistas id seefse eon ft hcel atihmaaslt l ind-ailvalid duulatl s ratiboenianrlge sg,a rodfsl oecsisa -lp ocslsaase sessts n aotfur riaglh ts 1T hes ituatiismo onr ec omplicathtaend thisI o ftP ahrFeto undatwiaospn usb lisbheefdo trhee wholoef l 7lze rlestinacfpslv1ll oybruatt hlefis r,spta roftr hcl attweorr tkh,e" DoctorfiR ingeh t," appeairnJe adn uar1y7 9a7m !h encbeef orteh ep ublicaotfiP oanrt I Io ft heF oundian twns autumn tohfe� amey eaTrh.i esn ablFeide httoem aker efereinnPc aer ItI (§ 2o.tVo) cerotfa in Kantc'lsa iinmt shefi rspta rotf TMheet apohfy sMil(oSsreee ad /i,tno·ort 'etsso§ 20V ) Vll Intrioodnu ct (incliundviinoglo aftb hibelo idtyy, pprreoirpvtaaytn,etd h rei gthot subsisatnetdnh catethc)e e tnrpaulr poofasl ee gitpiomilacitoaterl d er itso p rottehcortsi eg fhortmsi nrfingebmyoe tnhte r inadnibdvy i duals thset aittes Tehleff undamentthaelos ifFs i chtthee'os-r tyh e ''prionfac lrilipt gl"-hei tsh "aeta ictsho l imhiiftser edotmhs,ep here ofh ifser ea ctitohnrso,tu hgceho ncoeftp htfe er edoomft hoet heirn" sucahw ayt hattho et h,te oro",c aenx iassfte r e"r )o(B.§u Fti chte recogtnhiaazp ter si nocifsp ulcgehe neriatslo iiont dye tertmobi en ate practsiicniacftleia , lt sos peycw ihferper,e citshleeil myoi,fft e rse dom arteob ed rawInno. r dferort hper inocifrp ilgtehob t er elaiztehde,n , individuaaglrasem eom nugs tt hetmoc soenlsvtaeis stt uatttheeaw ti ll botdhe liamnidet no frcteh beo unrdiaoesft hefierre doImno. t her wordtshr,ei gthhtaaslti l n divhiadvbueyan last cuarner ebael oinzleyd ina staftuoen deodn a soccioanlat cratm onfger ea ndr ational inidvidIutafl ollso.fw rso tmh tihsa tthr ei gFhitcsh te idnte hfee nds Foudnatiaornneos n ta tuirnta hslee ntsheta hte eyx istceodu,el xdoi rs t, ins omceo mmunoifht uym abne inpgrsit ootr h ees tabliosfh mae nt poliotridcReaarlt. h( eawrse s hasleblee lotwh)e,s e arrnieag thutrsa l in thneo mratisveen tsheat th eayr ncec essiafhr uym abne inagrtseo realizter "utneha etiuarrsf eer e"a nrda tiionndailv iduals. Att hsea me tiFmoeu,n dtaihtmsezo ortnehs a jsnuat w oriknp olitical phliosopihtay l;s o apc lrauycsi ailnF ircohllteae r'pgsre ro ject of discovtehareni snwgte ora sllo fp hilhoys'fosnup dameqnuteaslt ions witahs iinn ugnlien, tersryusptFteiemcd.h atieim'nt s h tiesx tth,ei ns, nosti mptlos yo ltvhete r adiptoribolneoamflps o ilcipathli lobsuotph y altsofo i tndhm ee thodr easnoduf rrodc oeissn oig nt hvee rayp proach heu seidnt heWi snssechafitsloae dhd1r·teehs besa sqiuce stoifo ns episteamnomdle otgaysp ihc(ysT.ha imsb itiiseo xnp liacnintoluyn ced int hfeul tli tFliec hgtaevt eoh iwso rFko:u ndaotfNi aotnusRr iaglh t Accortdoti hnPegr incoiftp hleWisess esnchaft2sT)lh euhsr,e .t woigteht her thWei ssscehnaftasnlhdei lhsra etS eyrs toeftm h Deo ctroifM noer aolrs , Sitten(/1e7h9rt8eh) eF,o uantdzocnosn stiatniu ntteespg arraotlf Fichfitrecs'otsm plseytsetodefp m ho islo.p hy It ifsae ttuohrfiFe si chptreo'jtseh caattc cofuonrt sot bhseca unrde 2 R�auewrhsoa r ci mcrcsrepd uirns utihnrege labteitownee tnh Feo undaJlnido nWtsih ses en sdtajisshloeuhrled nbuetgitn ntiinhngq a qtfi F ichtel'esc tounrt heel sa twteererb a seodn neaw , thorourtgvheid! sv)e rsioofnt hawro rkt,h �eV .ssenscnohvaam .efrilswTlhdeioshw orrek� ppears inE nglitsrha nsla�t.,i Fonn hlt'. FoofuT nrdaantsiaonPmdh eimla"ls eodpD ahnyi,eIl lr eazeale (IthaNcYa,.C o rnt:Ulnli vt:rsPirte}s'H.Js Q,2 ) Vlll !ntrcotdwun difficduilstc uosfsr iaotnitsoys n,ea- pllofisiatni"dnt gh,e w it·whh ich I" thtee bxetg iFnisc.ha tiemb',rs il eyi,fts o d emonsptorlaitptehi iclaols o phys'yss tecmoantniecc tteotd hnoeet shsseu rb fioefpl hdislp oh-ys o antdh erteoeb syt abitl"sis schi ensttia-fitcub"sdy eductihbneag s ic conceopfpt osl ipthioicsalolp fhorym t hsea mfier sptr inctihpalte grountdheWedi s senschaanft(dsl laetthherDereo )c t rionfMe o raIltsi. s Ficeh'ctso nvihcetriaeon ndd u rimnogso tft hqeg otsh attho en ly prilnect ihpcaatgn r ouanc do mplseytseto efpm h ilois"sot phhey 1," thdee fiqnuianlgoi fwt hyi icssh a itdob e" s-eplofsiatcittniygov,"ri "actitvhiarttey v eirnttisot se(l§f1S")i .n tchee laartseti emrp ly techtneircfamolssr e lofn-sccio-unisb neeiscnsog n scoifio tustseh lef I direictctsos n scaicotuisbv aicotknyi tsaenldtf h er"epboys iotrs ," "inteintds-seF,li"fc hstyes'tse amsaptiircia ntt hieo nFso uwnidlalt ions bes atiisffi echdaes n h ow thsae-tloc fntshcei ooufis nndeisvsii nd uals somwea y thper inecsoi frp ilg(hRte cThth)es. t rahtere eglyi es requires on sthoo twh iisas d apftoremdK antt'rsa nscteamnled tehniontd h e CriiqtoufeP urRee asFoinc:h tet o"a diemdsut chebe"a sciocn coepft s polipthiiclaolbs yos phhoywt ihnegtm ob ec ondiotfti hopeno ss sibility ofs e-locfnscio(ujsunseftsroK s aa nsat,p, p ltyhiaenp gr icoartie gories oft huen deanrdsitnogb jeocfet xsp eriaec nocned iotfti holen' s to is consciooufis tnseaessals u f n airtsyu bjeTchetF ) ntdsio,tn hen, inquiinrttehosce o nditions iunnddievsriu dbwujhaceilacac ntch sh ieve se-lcfonsecsiason,uid sat nr gutehsar ti gohrpt o,l ijtsuitciaccloe n,s ti tutoensoe ft hocsoen ditions. Bringtiongget thheetsrwe ao s peocftt hswe o rwke,c asnu mmarize Fichmtaei'ansi misnt hFeo undaatsfi loolnostw ogs i:va ena ccooufn t wharti g(hotjr su ticcoen)s iinst,tos s h otwht ai tis n oatn a rbitrary humainn ventain oenc ebsustat rhyha atiis tds seo au ircnre e aistons, e lf andto provide a hskuemtascnoh c iwoeoftu ylw dh lalitiok noea k which wreirfgeul hlyrte alized. Historaincdpa oll itciocnaetlx t Fichwatbsco rinn1 76i2na s mavlill liang erS uarxayol.Hn ifsta h,e r thfei rosfht if sma iltyob el iberforamts eeddr ofmw,o rkaesad l inen weavaenrde arnaenid n cotmheaw ta bs aresluyf fictiose unptp ort hims,he ilsf e,aw nidft heeiirg chhti tt hcei toife s DresadneLdne ipfzueidga,l sitsdimol mli ntahtreee dg iPorno.d uction IX Imroduction inS aoxnya,s mionso tfG ernmyaw,a osv erwhelamgirnigcluyl tural. Capitraelliashttai odon nlsy rbeecgetunondt elvye lompo,s ptaa nrdt s ofG ermawneyrs et uinltlo ubcyht ehde m.i nTdehinegc oefF ichte's faiml\yaV sac ommocno ndiitnei iognh teentrhu-rScaaelxn .otI nutyr y stoionmd a rkceodn ttrota hsmeto rceo mforctiarbctluaemn socfet sh e sttiilmnliy d dclleaa snsde ,v emno rneo tic,te ota hbvela yhsotl doifn gs thlea ndneodbi itTlyh.ey ouFnigc hrtees potnodt ehcdio sn sopuisc u dispairnwi etaylw tiht hi natnem nosreda ils gtuhsantte vleetrhf im, evewnh eanc adesmuiccce ensasbh lietmdo e schaiposew np ovearntdy enttehrme i ddcllea ss. Altholuigthit skl neo wanb oFuitc hteea'rslp ioieltsitvc iaelw s, incluhdifisin rrges atc ttioto hFners e nRcehv oluititics ol net,ah rba yt theea r1l97y0 hse w afslo loweivnegni tnFs r anwcietg hr eiantt erest. PolitaiffcaaiilnGr esr many capattutreenadts wi eohlnial ss,i s evidebnyac eldef otrmt1 e97r0i nw hihcehs ympathdeetsiccraai lbleys local peasahnett a ktreohes av vobele tei nn tshpbaiyttr heeedx amopfl e thFern echYe.ta ,sF ichhitmes seelnfss eudcu,hp riswienrbgeos u nd to remaiiennfe fctuianGl e rmaansly o nagst hewraesn o s ubstantial middcllea sgsi vsteuo p paonrddt i recttoti hopene asasnttrsu'g gle. Three lyaetiaen1rr 9s7,3 F,i cchatues ame idn sotrwi irtt hhp eu blica tioonft wroa dipcoallit triecaatolin csere ist,i tchiez irnnugol biinlgi ty froi tssu ppreosfs iftorhnee e odfot mh outghhoett ,h deeerfnd intgh e FrenRcehv oluatnaidro ng ufiront ghl ee gitoifvm iaoclyre envtio nl t gene\rVrailt.dt uernit nhJgea coabsicne ndianFn rcayna cnesd,o a t a 3 time wheGne rmmoiasnntt ellheacddti usatlatsnh ceemds feorlmv es thRee ovluttiholena ,tw toerrokf e freasd c atmhoirncagrl i toifq uteh e fuedaolr daenrda bolddee fnsoefa people'tsoa broilgaihnst h illegirteigmibamywte he a temveearnn esc aotmh peu blication oft heesaert leyxF tisc ahctqcu air reepdu taasatp ioolnir taidcitachlaa lt remained frwoa islt ohna gshh eil mi ved. Althotuhgeh lactkhsee n thustioanset cithcha arta c Foundations terihzifiesrs st te xmtasn,oy fi tcse ntdroaclt raircneoe nst iwniutohu s thpeo litical vieiwnss ptFihiracethd td oceer fnittdgoh iR ene vaollluy- 1 Thefi rsotf t hesiesR ec lamoaft ztoFhnre e edoofmT hougfihrtJ mt hPe muoefEsu r opWeh.o H al'e OppresIts Uendr if Ntorwa,nT sh om�Es WartenbeirnJg a,m eSsc hmid(te d.Wh)a,t t.< Enli!(ht t'1Jtn?tE t'1lg1hranth-C4ennstmuerarrsn TldPm tieth-(.'enQwurcys tw(nBse rkeCle:y•U,\n i:v ersity ofC: �lifoPrnrieas 1s9,9 6T)h es econidsC tmlribtuotwwaCnsro drret tituhgPe ul>/'uJs u dgmnteo f theF rencRhev olut(Bunmt tii;:.;;uerB cn,htigduenrUg r teiJlee<P ubhi.·mnd.<i{e i ii-haeuzr. ii.mche Ret•ol)uT.thi erl ma rrweorr kh asn otb eetnr ansliantteEodn glish. X