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Foundations of Islamic Unity - Crucial Points Relevant to the Reconciliation of the Muslim Community PDF

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Foundations of Islamic Unity CRUCIAL POINTS RELEVANT TO THE RECONCILIATION OF THE MUSLIM COMMUNITY . >A c Sayyid Abd al-Husayn Sharaf al-Din al-Musawi al-Amili Translated by Batool Ispahany Edited by Arifa Hudda If I In this monumental book, one of the most important works of the lap : ' fl Sayyid 'Abd al-Husayn Sharaf al-Din al-Musawi aPAmili, tlie author IM W hI presented the reasons why love and harmony must prevail between h Muslims. He has clarified the means of achieving close relations and mutu; respect which will result in support for one another and Muslim unity. TH !l ill Sayyid presents proofs acceptable to both Sunni and Shi'a, and he advocates that they must build bridges of trust and brotherhood with one another. Through his research, the author deals with the most important points of contention between the Muslims, and explains the viewpoint of the Imam! Ithna-'Ashari Shi'a, in accordance with what has been mentioned in the sihah and the masanid books of the Ahl al-Sunnah which support the Imam! view, in order to eliminate all types of ambiguity and to live up to the ethos of the Noble Qur’an which urges unity and warns against dissension in the Muslim community. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Bom in 1871 in Iraq, Sayyid Sharaf al-Din aPAmili hails from a family of prominent religious scholars. He spent over 15 years mastering subjects such as the Science of Jurisprudence, Philosophy, Exegesis of the Qur’an, and Hadith Studies. His quest for Islamic harmony led him to work at various fronts to extend an open invitation towards Islamic unity and to close the ranks among the different denominations of the Islamic nation. His life-long struggles ended with his passing away in 1957 in Beirut. Translation of Arabic text on the cover: And hold fast by the rope of Allah all together and do not be disunited [into sects]” (Qur’an, Stirah Al Tinran (3), verse 103) I j ISBN 9781927930236 90000 > ISLAMIC PUBLISHING HOUSE WWW.IPH.CA I III 9 781927 930236 Foundations of Islamic Unity CRUCIAL POINTS RELEVANT TO THE RECONCILIATION OF THE MUSLIM COMMUNITY An Abridged Translation of Al-Fusul Al-Muhimmah Fl Ta’llf al-Ummah Sayyid cAbd al-Husayn Sharaf al-Din al-MusawI aPAmili Translated by Batool Ispahany Edited by Arifa Hudda Foundations of Islamic Unity CRUCIAL POINTS RELEVANT TO THE RECONCILIATION OF THE MUSLIM COMMUNITY An abridged translation of Al-Fusul al-Muhimmah ft Ta'lif al-Ummah Sayyid ‘Abd al-Husayn Sharaf al-Din al-Musawi al-cAmili Translated by Batool Ispahany Edited by Arifa Hudda ISBN: 978-1-927930-23-6 Published by Islamic Publishing House Kitchener, ON, Canada www.iph.ca Copyright © 2019 by Islamic Publishing House All Rights Reserved Cover Design and Layout Islamic Publishing House Kitchener, ON, Canada www.iph.ca National Library of Canada Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Printed in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy­ ing, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copy­ right holder, except in the case of brief quotations quoted in articles or reviews. Transliteration Table The method of transliteration of Islamic terminology from the Arabic language has been carried out according to the standard transliteration table mentioned below. cP d I a t b Z t & th & gh j f h 3 q t kh d k d J 1 s dh e m j r u n J Z 3 w ex' S y sh A h CP s Long Vowels Short Vowels 1 a a 3 u U I i i Contents Biography of the Author ...xi Birth and Family ,...xi Education ...xi Teachers ,..xii Probing of Facts ...xii Quest for Islamic Unity ..xiii Travel to Egypt........................... ,.xiv Impact of the Book al-Murajacat ,.xiv Demise ,.xvi Works .xvii His Lost Works ,.xix Arabic Editor’s Preface- ...xxi Method of Research xxiii Author’s Preface xxv English Publisher’s Preface ,xxix Chapter One Unity and Friendship 37 Chapter Two The Meaning of Islam and Iman 47 Chapter Three The Two Testimonies of Belief and Sanctity of the Muslim 53 Chapter Four The Sunni and Shica Are Both Within Islam 65 r Chapter Five Salvation for All who Declare Belief in the Unity of Allah 67 Chapter Six Edicts of Salvation for the Adherents of the Two Testimonies 81 Chapter Seven The Good News for the Shfa in the Sunnah 99 Chapter Eight The Interpretations (Ta ’wilat) of the Predecessors.................... 111 Mutcah al-Nisa’ and Mutcah al-Hajj.............................................. 125 Discussion Two: The Continued Permissibility of Mut'ah.... 132 Discussion Three: The Claim of Abrogated Hadith................ 134 Discussion Four: Prohibition by the Order of......................... 137 Discussion Five: Rejection of its Prohibition.......................... 140 Other Interpretations by the Companions.................................. 145 Discussion One: The Morning Call to Prayer.......................... 145 Discussion Two: Elimination of a Line...........'........................ 147 Discussion Three: The Tarawih Prayers................................. 149 Discussion Four: The Verse of Zakat in the Qur’an............... 152 Discussion Five: The Verse about Khums in the Qur’an........ 154 Discussion Six: Four Takbirat in the Funeral Prayer............. 157 Discussion Seven: Weeping over the Deceased..................... 158 Discussion Eight: Various Legal Interpretations.................... 163 Discussion Nine: The Issue of the Caliphate.......................... 166 Discussion Ten: Appointment of Usamah b. Zayd................. 173 Discussion Eleven: The Calamity of Thursday....................... ,180 Discussion Twelve: The Companions and the Day of Tabuk 188 Discussion Thirteen: The Companions and Hudaybiyah..... ,188 Discussion Fourteen: The Companions and Battle of Badr.... .192 Discussion Fifteen: The Companions and the Battle Uhud.... .198 Discussion Sixteen: Reproaching the Messenger .............. .204 Discussion Seventeen: Disapproval of the Prophet w and.... .206 Discussion Eighteen: Rejecting a Commandment of............. .206 Discussion Nineteen: Criticizing the Prophet ££.................... .211 Discussion Twenty: Absolute Obedience to the Prophet ..... 213 Discussion Twenty-One: Prophet Accepts Repentance...... 214 Discussion Twenty-Two: Caliphate of'Uthman b. aPAffan.... 215 Discussion Twenty-Three: Actions of Companions in Basra... 218 Discussion Twenty-Four: Status of Mu'awiyah b. Abu Sufyan 219 Chapter Nine Legal Rulings (Fatawa) Concocting Accusations of Unbelief 245 Reason One: False Claim About the Shi'a and Sharfah......... 250 Reason Two: False Claim About the Shfa and cUlama’ . 252 Reason Three: False Claim About Shica and Jurisprudence...., 255 Reason Four: False Claim About the ShTa and the Caliphate of... 256 Reason Five: False Claim About the Shica and ‘A’ishah..................259 Reason Six: False Claim about the Shica and Reviling.....................262 Chapter Ten The Role of the Liars in Creating Divisions 271 Chapter Eleven The Role of Certain Authors in Creating Divisions 285 Chapter Twelve The Causes of Disunity and Alienation ...........................................297 The First Objective: Understanding the Reasons.............................297 The Second Objective: The Companions of the Prophet $£...312 Some of the Companions in Alphabetical Order.............................313 The Letter Alif................................................................................313 The Letter Ba’ .................................................................................319 The Letter Ta’ .................................................................................321 The Letter Tha’ ...............................................................................321 The Letter Jim.................................................................................322 The Letter Ha’.................................................................................324 The Letter Kha’...............................................................................328 The Letter Dal.................................................................................330 The Letter Ra’...................................................................................330 The Letter Za’...................................................................................331

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