Peace, help & dignity 222000000444 AANNNNUUAALL RREEPPOORRTT S W HELTERING INGS CENTER FOR WOMEN OO MM UU RR II SS SS II OO NN mmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiissssssssssssssssssiiiiiiiiiooooooooonnnnnnnnn SShheelltteerriinngg WWiinnggss CCeenntteerr ffoorr WWoommeenn pprroovviiddeess eemmeerrggeennccyy hhoouussiinngg ffoorr wwoommeenn aanndd cchhiillddrreenn ssuuffffeerriinngg ffrroomm pphhyyssiiccaall,, eemmoottiioonnaall,, oorr sseexxuuaall aabbuussee.. WWee pprroovviiddee aa ssuuppppoorrttiivvee aanndd nurturing Christ-centered environment, with the goal of reaching emotional and economic stability. O V U R I S I O N Sheltering Wings Center for Women was formed in the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ. The Center will extend the love and compassion of Christ to women and their children in the desperate circumstances of domestic violence. Christ was never coercive or offensive, aanndd nneeiitthheerr aarree tthhee sseerrvviicceess pprroovviiddeedd bbyy tthhee CCeenntteerr.. OOuurr vvvvvvviiiiiiisssssssiiiiiiiooooooonnnnnnn aassssiissttaannccee ttoo aannyy vviiccttiimm ooff aannyy bbaacckkggrroouunndd wwiillll bbee ooffffeerreedd iinn tthhee nnaammee ooff CChhrriisstt.. O B D U R O A R D O F I R E C T O R S (with expiration of term of service) Robert Leonard (2006), CHAIRMAN David Blanford (2005), VICE CHAIRMAN Retired Senior Vice President, Homedco Vice President, The Principal Financial Group S. Raylene Bayless-Baugh (2006), SSSEEECCCRRREEETTTAAARRRYYY Bill Blaser, CPA (2005), TREASURER Customer Service Representative, Donovan Interiors President, L.M. Henderson & Co. Sue Hoffeditz (2005), FFFOOOUUUNNNDDDEEERRR Cindy Leffler (2006) Registered Nurse, Methodist Hospital Public Relations, Indianapolis Power & Light Dan Bond (2007) Michael Neely, MD (2007) Marketing Director, Principal Financial Group Physician, Eli Lilly & Co. Doris Brauman, RN, JD (2005) Tim Unger (2005) Attorney-at-Law, Brauman Law Offices President & CEO, Lincoln Bank Sheila Carlson (2005) Dave Wheelock (2004) Community Affairs Coordinator, Bank One Engineer, Schmidt & Associates April Bordeau, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 3 P , H & D E A C E E L P I G N I T Y SHE WALKS THROUGH THE DOOR AT SHELTERING WINGS FOR THE FIRST TIME, CARRYING ONLY HER DAUGHTER AND THE CLOTHES THEY’RE BOTH WEARING. SHE LEFT HER HOME, ALL OF HER POSSESSIONS – EVERYTHING SHE’S KNOWN IN THIS LIFE – TO STAY IN A PLACE SOMEONE TOLD HER IS SAFE. TEARS FILL HER EYES AS SHE REALIZES THAT SHE DIDN’T EVEN STOP TO GRAB HER DAUGHTER’S PURPLE TOOTHBRUSH. A KIND VOICE TELLS HER NOT TO WORRY, LEADING HER DAUGHTER TO A SHELF WHERE SHE CHOOSES ANOTHER ONE. ONLY HALF HEARING WHAT SHE’S BEING TOLD, SHE VISUALIZES HER HUSBAND’S REACTION TO THE EMPTY HOUSE AND HER SISTER’S SHOCK WHEN SHE LEARNS WHAT HAPPENED. AND WHAT WILL THE NEIGHBORS SAY? TWO MONTHS LATER, SHE PASSES THROUGH THE DOOR AGAIN, TAKING HER DAUGHTER TO A NEW APARTMENT. WHEN ASKED IF DADDY WILL BE JOINING THEM, SHE TRIES TO EXPLAIN. IT’S THE FIRST OF MANY CONVERSATIONS LIKE THAT, BUT NOW SHE CAN OFFER HOPEFUL, CONFIDENT ANSWERS. AS THE DOOR CLOSES, SHE QUIETLY VOICES A PRAYER OF THANKS AND BECOMES THE LATEST OF MANY MIRACLES TO HAPPEN IN A PLACE OF PEACE, OF HELP, AND OF DIGNITY – A PLACE CALLED SHELTERING WINGS. The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace. Psalm 29:11 C O N T E N T S P E A C E , H E L P & D I G N I T Y Mission and vision ....................................2 WE PROVIDE IMMEDIATE SAFETY FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN BBBoooaaarrrddd ooofff DDDiiirrreeeccctttooorrrsss ..........................................................................2 FLEEING DOMESTIC ABUSE. STAFF MEMBERS WITH SPECIALIZED CCChhhaaaiiirrrmmmaaannn’’’sss mmmeeessssssaaagggeee ..................................................................4 TRAINING ARE ON HAND 24 HOURS A DAY TO TAKE CALLS FROM FFFiiinnnaaannnccciiiaaalll hhhiiiggghhhllliiiggghhhtttsss ....................................................................5 WOMEN IN DANGER. STANDARDIZED ASSESSMENTS ARE USED 222000000444 DDDooonnnooorrrsss ............................................................................................6 TO GAUGE THE DEGREE OF DANGER TO THE WOMAN AND ANY CCChhhuuurrrccchhh CCCooonnnnnneeeccctttiiiooonnn CCCooouuunnnccciiilll ..........................................12 CHILDREN, SO THAT THE STAFF MEMBER CAN RECOMMEND THE SSStttaaatttiiissstttiiicccsss ....................................................................................................12 APPROPRIATE COURSE OF ACTION, SUCH AS CONTACTING LAW AAAbbbooouuuttt vvvooollluuunnnttteeeeeerrrsss ............................................................................13 ENFORCEMENT. UPON ARRIVAL, A MENTOR CONDUCTS A BRIEF AS- HHHeeelllpppiiinnnggg uuusss ..............................................................................................14 SESSMENT TO UNDERSTAND THE WOMAN’S IMMEDIATE NEEDS, THEN PROVIDES A TOUR OF THE OOOttthhheeerrr wwwaaayyysss tttooo gggiiivvveee ....................................................................15 SHELTER, POINTING OUT THE SAFETY FEATURES SO THAT SHE AND HER CHILDREN FEEL SAFE. 4 F R O M O U R C H A I R M A N Sheltering Wings Center for Women is three years old. case management services, and direction into Since we opened our doors in 2002, the shelter has received community organizations, ancillary services, more than 2000 telephone calls from women trying to cope and opportunities are all provided free of with crisis and seeking either advice and direction or actual charge because that’s our mission. protection at Sheltering Wings. As our services have become Our theme for Sheltering Wings in 2005 goes directly more well-known within our community, the calls for help to why we exist. We seek to offer abused women an have doubled each year. We received more than 1000 of environment of safety where they may gain a measure of them in 2004 alone. peace, to help them move forward in their lives in a way that We continue to be blessed by the enormous outpouring provides renewed hope and purpose, and to be involved in of support from all over the county. We remain amazed their lives so that we might help restore their dignity. Peace, at your generosity and appreciate each person, each help, and dignity are what Sheltering Wings provides and organization, each grantor, and every church that has are the reasons we exist. made the work of protecting women at Sheltering Wings a No annual message from the Board would be priority. You are wonderful, indeed. complete without a most grateful thank-you for the way The shelter focuses on achieving cost-effective results. you have met the financial needs of this work. We are Here are just three of many examples: humbled by your generosity. • We track outcomes. Greater than 70 percent In 2005, we will continue to enrich life skills training, of the women who have left Sheltering Wings make our children’s program more robust, and expand our have departed to a safer environment than outreach to the community so that we may emphasize the one from which they made that crisis call, violence prevention in all available forums. Sadly, the need which is higher than the national average. for our services grows along with our area’s population. We • More than 100 children lived at the Shelter are beginning an intensive strategic planning process to help in 2004, equating to 4600 “shelter days” at us find the best way to respond to that growing need while approximately $$$99 ppeerr ddaayy ppeerr cchhiilldd.. EEaacchh cchhiilldd continuing to make prudent use of your generous support. receives a personal assessment, therapy as On behalf of the staff, the Board, and the women needed, and age-appropriate group activities and children who have had their lives protected designed to facilitate the development of life and their hope restored, thank you. You have made skills and anger management. everything we do possible. • We do not charge our women for any of the services they receive. Safe housing, meals, ROBERT E. LEONARD P E A C E , H E L P & D I G N I T Y ONCE THE INITIAL CRISIS HAS PASSED, THE WOMEN WE SERVE NEED HELP PREPARING FOR THEIR FUTURE, AND FOR DEALING WITH CONFUSION AND UNCERTAINTY ABOUT THEIR RELATION- SHIPS AND FUTURE STABILITY. OUR CASE MANAGEMENT PRO- GRAM PROVIDES A STRUCTURED APPROACH FOR ASSESSING AND ADDRESSING EACH WOMAN’S UNIQUE NEEDS AND GOALS, AND MEASURING OUR SUCCESS AT HELPING HER ACHIEVE INDEPENDENCE AND STABILITY. SHELTERING WINGS ASSIGNS EACH WOMAN A CASE MANAGER AND MENTOR WHOSE RESPONSIBILITIES ARE TO GUIDE HER THROUGH A PERSON- ALIZED PROCESS AND HOLD HER ACCOUNTABLE. WE USE FIELD-ACCEPTED METHODS TO EVALUATE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF OUR PROGRAMS AND CLOSELY MONITOR EACH RESIDENT’S PROGRESS. 5 F 2 0 0 4 I N A N C I A L H I G H L I G H T S F O R INCOME Individual/Membership Support $$$ 110099,,000000 Board of Directors 26,000 Corporate Support 67,000 Civic Groups 32,000 Foundation Support* 150,000 Government Grants 106,000 United Way Donor Designated Contributions 98,000 United Way Community Solutions Grant 61,000 Church Support 5522,,000000 TOTAL INCOME $$$ 770011,,000000 ***$$$$9900,,000000++ OOFF TTHHIISS AAMMOOUUNNTT IISS DDEEFFEERRRREEDD IINNCCOOMMEE TTOO BBEE UUSSEEDD FFOORR 22000055 EEXXPPEENNSSEESS EXPENSES Crisis Intervention $$$ 113355,,000000 Mentoring/Life Skills/Case Management 161,000 Children’s Services 87,000 Outreach/Education 137,000 Administrative 5555,,000000 TOTAL EXPENSE $$$ 557755,,000000 INCOME EXPENSES CHURCH DONATIONS UNITED WAY 777777%%%% IINNDDIIVVIIDDUUAALL && ADMINISTRATIVE CCOOMMMMUUNNIITTYY SSOOLLUUTTIIOONNSS MMMMEEEEMMMMBBBBEEEERRRRSSSSHHHHIIIIPPPP SSSSUUUUPPPPPPPPOOOORRRRTTTT 11116666%% 1100%% CRISIS GGRRAANNTT 1100% IINNTTEERRVVEENNTTIIOONN 2233% OOUUTTRREEAACCHH && BBOOAARRDD OOFF EEDDUUCCAATTIIOONN 2244% DDIIRREECCTTOORRSS 44% UNITED WAY DONOR DESIGNATIONS CORPORATE 14% SUPPORT 9% CIVIC GROUPS 4% GGOOVVEERRNNMMEENNTT CCHHIILLDDRREENN’’SS MMEENNTTOORRIINNGG,, GGRRAANNTTSS 1155%% FFSOOUUUPPNNODDRAATTT IIOO21NN% SSEERRVVIICCEESS 1155% LLCIIAFFSEE ESS MKKIILLALLNSSA &&GEM ENT 28% THESE ARE PRELIMINARY, UNAUDITED YEAR-END FIGURES AND MAY DIFFER SLIGHTLY FROM THE FINAL FIGURES WE WILL REPORT TO THE STATE AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS. OUR FINANCES ARE REVIEWED ANNUALLY BY AN INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM. FOR AN APPOINTMENT TO REVIEW OUR MOST CURRENT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND AUDIT INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AT 745-1496. 6 O 2 0 0 4 U R D O N O R S F O R The individuals, churches, companies and other organizations whose names appear on the pages made significant contributions to our success in 2004. In addition, there are many others who made donations of items or services, or who responded anonymously to our needs. We appreciate every one of you and thank God for your generosity. We have worked diligently to avoid misspelling or inadvertently omitting anyone’s name and apologize if your name suffered that fate. LIFE CHANGER $$$2255,,000000 AANNDD AABBOOVVEE 222222222000000000000000000444444444 AAnnoonnyymmoouuss FFaammiillyy FFoouunnddaattiioonn BBrroowwnnssbbuurrgg SSeerrttoommaa CClluubb,, IInncc.. SShheelltteerriinngg WWiinnggss BBooaarrdd ooff DDiirreeccttoorrss RReeaallttoorr FFoouunnddaattiioonn United Way Designated Donor giving United Way Community Solutions SUSTAINER $10,000 TO $$$2244,,999999 Anonymous Bruce & Janet Babbitt Ruth Bright Estate Gannett Foundation, Inc. Lincoln Bank Principal Financial Group The Clowes Fund, Inc. WWhhiittee LLiicckk HHeerriittaaggee CCoommmmuunniittyy FFoouunnddaattiioonn dddddddddddddddddddddooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsssssssssssssssssssss CCOORRNNEERRSSTTOONNEE $$$55,,000000 TTOO $$$99,,999999 Bank One Foundation Randy & April Bordeau Cornerstone Christian Church Eli Lilly & Company Foundation Hendricks Regional Health Jeffrey Laskowski Pacers Basketball Foundation Plainfield Christian Church Shaw Burkhart-Brenner Foundation (in honor of William J. Schmidt II) TJX Foundation 7 PILLAR OF CHANGE $1,500 TO $$$44,,999999 Avon United Methodist Church James & Judah Holland Roger & Wendy Piatek David & Sue Bordeau Indianapolis Power & Light Co. PIP Printing, Avon Brownsburg Christian Church Irwin Union Bank St. Susanna Church Calvary United Methodist Church J. F. Molloy and Associates, Inc. Target Howard & Stacey Cox Kappa, Kappa, Kappa The Wireless Foundation Crossroads Church of Avon Kingsway Christian Church Wellspring Christian Church Delta Theta Tau Stephen & Jill Miller SHELTER SUPPORTER $$$550011 TTOO $1,499 Adesa Indianapolis Steve & DeAnn Heinekamp Barbara J. Rodgers (in memory of Shirley Anonymous (2) Hendricks Cty. Chapter of Thrivent Financial Jackson & Jack L. Rodgers) Don & Janet Atkinson Robert & Kathleen Hunchberger (in memory Sallie Mae Employee Contrib. Program Avant Gard Team of Earl Hunchberger) SBC Employee Giving (United Way) Matt & Jan Ayers (in memory Huntington National Bank Michael & Carol Sprovtsoff of Eleanor Gray) Indiana Pond of the Hon. Order Blue Goose St. Augustine Episcopal Church Bartlett Chapel United Methodist Church Kiwanis Club of Brownsburg State Bank of Lizton Louis Bonomo Kroger Stilesville Christian Church Center Community Church Missions Law Office of Claire E Lewis Temple-Inland Foundation Cinergy/PSI Lifefitness Connection Health and Fitness The Church by the Side of the Road Clarian Health Methodist IU Riley Mary Queen of Peace Women’s Club United Airlines Clayton Christian Church Messiah Lutheran Church Wal-Mart, Brownsburg Crowe Chizek and Company LLC North Salem State Bank White Lick Presbyterian PWC (in honor Danville Christian Church Plainfield High School FCA & Pride Club of Pastor Joy Goehring) Dugan Chevrolet Thomas & Tamara Richardson Whitestone Christian Church P E A C E , H E L P & D I G N I T Y WE USE A VARIETY OF PROGRAMS TO HELP WOMEN PREPARE FOR A RETURN TO A SAFE, SECURE LIFE OUTSIDE THE SHELTER. CENTRAL TO THAT IS THE DEVELOPMENT AND STRENGTHENING OF ESSENTIAL LIFE SKILLS REQUIRED TO SUCCESSFULLY PARENT CHIL- DREN, FIND FINANCIAL FREEDOM, COPE WITH THE DAILY STRESS OF STARTING A NEW LIFE, RECOGNIZE SIGNS OF HARM IN FUTURE RELATIONSHIPS, AND FIND APPROPRIATE LEGAL REPRESENTATION. CLASSES BUILD KNOWLEDGE ON PRACTICAL ISSUES, WHILE CASE MANAGEMENT SERVICES ASSESSES AND ADDRESSES EMOTIONAL, PHYSICAL, PERSONAL, LEGAL, COUNSELING AND FINANCIAL NEEDS. EDUCATION AND JOB TRAINING/PLACEMENT EFFORTS HELP WOMEN MOVE TOWARD FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE. 8 SHELTER FRIEND $1 TO $$$550000 Thomas & Dale Abbott Larry & Anne Boley Stephen Clyne Mark & Valerie Abernathy Richard & Nancy Bolt Coatesville United Methodist Church Abitibi Consolidated Recycling Div. Jeff & Ellen Boruff Lori M. Cole Rick & Vicky Adkins Richard & Laura Bowman Nadine Coles Sherry Agan Dale & Debbie Bozell Mary Ruth Collier (in honor of Larry & Sy & Lucille Ali Darla Bragg Lorna Horner Marriage) David & Patricia Allison Jeffrey & Katherine Brandt Larry & Joyce Compton Alpha Delta Kappa Delta Chapter Paul & Ann Branks William & Rebecca Compton Alpha Pi Master (in memory of Earl Dorman) Deborah Branson Charles Cooper Altrusa Club of Indianapolis Roy & Martha Breneman Mark & Kimberly Copeland Florence Ammerman George & Chris Brodnicki (in memory Michael & Cheryl Copeland Janel Anderson of Charles T. Brodnicki) Leonard & Janice Coulter Gene & Jane Andrick Christian Brooks Countryside Community Church Anonymous (30) Joan Brooks Covance Central Laboratory Services Arbogast Foundation Barbara Brown Covenant Christian High School Sharon Mitchell Archer Everett & Judy Brown Dolly Cowley Jacqueline Arnett Linda Brown David & Janet Crawford Mary Arnold Brownsburg Homemakers Wayne & Margaret Crohn Michael & Mary Arnould Brownsburg Kiwanis Daniel & LuAnn Crowder Atlas Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Brownsburg Lions Club Cundiff Consulting Services, Inc. Bruce & Lois Ator Brownsburg Parent Voice, Inc. Jeffrey & Janet Cunningham Thomas & Donna Augustin (in memory Violet Buchanan Loretta Cunningham of Earl Dorman) Jennifer Bucher Linda Curry Avon High School FCCLA Bucy Trust Robert & Elaine Damler Avon Optimist Club Jerry & Carol Bullock Danville Community Middle School Avon Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (in honor Grace Bultemeier Danville Friends Church of Dr. Charles & Pat Nelson) Tim & Kathy Bumgardner Danville Ministers’ Association B & Z Meeks Trust Jody Burks Danville North Elementary School Barbara Baetzhold Nina Burnett Gulliver & Ann Darden Deborah Baker Paul & Diane Burns James & Marsha Daugherty Jeannette Baker Kathy Burris Barbara Davis (in honor of Larry & Mary Bales Norma Bush Lorna Horner Marriage) Jeffrey & Alma Banning Diane Buxton Gene & Eleanor Davis Harold & Donna Bartlett Cabane 1390-La Femme Sylvia Davis Mark & Cassandra Bartolovich Dirk & Catherine Caldwell Danny & Deborah Dean Thomas & Judy Bastnagel Valerie Campbell Abby Debord Peter & Carol Battistini Senga Capstick Lorine Decker Roy & Alice Baugh Carpenter GMAC Robert & Marsha Decker Sharilyn Barton Baugh Michael & Linda Carr Michael & Jane Defield (in memory of Cindy Mitchell) William & Muriel Bayles Cartersburg Community Church Rev. David & Suellen Dehnke Raylene Bayless-Baugh (in memory of Eleanor Gray) Cascade High School Delaware Trail School Craig & Sherry Beall Carolyn Cassity Vikki Dellinger Lloyd M. Beard Marvin Cassity Charles & Mary Ann DeLong David & Gloria Beck Central District/IFC/GFWC Delta Alpha Gamma Sorority Daisa Bedwell Amy Chambliss S. Van Denmark Richard & Chrissa Belcher L.B. & Eula Champion Victoria Dietz Norman & Brenda Berry Charbonos Robert & Kathleen Dillon Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church Chat N Do Homemakers Club Wayne Dimmock Bethel United Methodist Christian Builders Donna’s Now & Again Bethesda Baptist Church Christian Life Center of Avon Michelle Donovan Carrie Bettis Circle of Friends Vicki Dorris Steven & Nancy Binkley Brett & Carrie Clark Lee & Janice Dorsey Julie & Victor Bird Christine Clark Kristin Doss Daniel Bitz Dennis & Jennifer Clark Barbara Droullard Allen & Alice Black Michael & Beverly Clark Jordan Dugan Todd & Tammi Black Clayton Presbyterian Church Paul & Dianne Dunbar Steve Blacketer Joe & Bonnie Clodfelter Joseph & Judith Dunlap (in memory of Ralph Biggs) Blanck Chevrolet William & Suzanne Clore Amy Dunn Sidney & Judy Bobb Nancy & Bryan Dyer 9 SHELTER FRIEND $1 TO $$$550000 ((CCOONNTTIINNUUEEDD)) Jerome & Martha Dziwlik Danny & Marilyn Goodlet Hendricks County Welcome Wagon Chad & Michelle Edmondson (in memory Donald & Teresa Gosnell (in honor of Larry & Marina Hennessy of Louis Edmonson) Lorna Horner Marriage) Kristina Herzog Robert & Rosemary Edmondson (in memory Beverly Grace Paul & Louise Hess of Louis Edmonson) John & Rachel Greene James & Patricia Hession Randy & Donna Effner Larry & Linda Greene Hillcrest Baptist Church Roscoe & Cathy Egan Vicky Greene Debra & Christopher Himsel (in memory Jim & Barbara Eldridge Greenwood Presbyterian Church of Jan Wiley) Lori Endicott Michael & Stephanie Griffin Rebecca Hinchman Rosamay Endicott David & Phyllis Gubanc Joseph & Dianna Hodge Epsilon Sigma Alpha International Gamma Tau Phil & Joan Gulley Patsy Hoffman James & Robin Erlenbaugh Stephanie Haben Denise Hole Kimberly Eskridge David M. & Ruth E. Hadley Homemakers Circle Cooperative Leonard Estes Richard & Elizabeth Halbert Jennifer Hommel Thomas & Carroll Etheredge Rhonda Halcomb Phyllis Honey Douglas & Ashling Evano Joan Hall (in memory of Dorothy Potts) Gary & Deborah Hood Thomas & Teresa Ewigleben Paul & Wendy Hamman Hope United Presbyterian Church Steven & Cathy Fair Rita Hammer James & Kazuko Horner (in honor of Larry & Fairfield Men Douglas & Jonna Hampton Lorna Horner Marriage) Faith Lutheran Church Nancy Hanesworth Hostetter & O’Hara Faithful Families Chapel Rock Christian Church Gary & Patricia Hardwick Mark & Dawn Howard (in memory of Doris Shaw) Bruce & Linda Farley Alex & Kelly Harlett John & Mildred Hren Nicole Farrell William & Wilma Harlow Catherine Colton Hubbard Lu Anne Fatheree Jerry & Susan Harper Todd Huff Ricky & Patricia Faucett Jim & Jan Harrington Don & Phyllis Huffman Mark & Lisa Faust Garnet Harris (in honor of Roger Collicott, Richard B. Hume Federal Aviation Retired Employees Cindy Wills, Larry Lovall) Robert & Kathleen Callahan Hunchbereger (in Eddie Ferguson Kenneth & Debra Hart memory of Earl Hunchberger) Joe & Jennifer Ferguson John & Beth Harvey Maurice & Diane Hunt Bill & Laurie Ferrone Gerrie & John Havens Jr (in memory of Ralph Biggs) Shelley Hunter Charles & Diana Fisher David & Pat Hayes Indiana Heart Institute Megan Fletcher Steve & DeAnn Heinekamp Indiana Squadron NCUSA Jon Flowers Cheryl Helton Indianapolis Transmission & Driveline, Inc. Evan & Debra Follas Cathy Henderson J. Laurie Commercial Floors, Inc. Thomas & Cheryll Forgue John & Rebeka Henderson Phyllis Jackson (in memory of Eleanor Gray) Forward Electronics Hendricks Community Bible Church Terry Jackson Fraternal Order of Eagles Hend. Co. Chapter, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Timothy & Kellie Jacobs Sandra Frazer Hendricks County Health Dept Edward James Timothy & Marcia Fuller Hendricks County Retired Teachers Association James & Bari Jarvis James & Linda Fuson Hendricks County Sheriff Rosemary Jennison Deborah & Robert Gale David & Jeane Galloway Galyans Sporting Goods P E A C E , H E L P & D I G N I T Y Kristine Gardner Mandy Gardner WOMEN ARE NOT THE ONLY VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Vincent & Diane Gattone II Michael & Scheryl Gaylor DAUGHTERS LEARN THAT ABUSE IS A NORMAL PART OF RELA- David & Lael George TIONSHIPS AND SONS LEARN THAT ANGER AND VIOLENCE IS AN Dale & Karen Gibbons APPROPRIATE RESPONSE TO FRUSTRATION – BOTH OF WHICH Joe & Nancy Gill Kim & Pamela Gillund CONTINUE THE CYCLE OF ABUSE. OUR CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS Alice Ginn ARE DESIGNED TO ADDRESS BOTH THE IMMEDIATE NEEDS THE Girl Scout Troop #375 CHILDREN FACE AND THE LONGER-TERM GUIDANCE THEY NEED Douglas & Sandra Givan TO GROW INTO ADULTS WHO ARE CAPABLE OF ENTERING INTO John & Mary Jane Glaze (in honor of Larry & Lorna Horner Marriage) AND SUSTAINING HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS. THESE AGE-APPROPRIATE, CLOSELY SUPERVISED James & Carolyn Goldman (in memory of Lee Gott) PROGRAMS BUILD SELF-ESTEEM, VALUES, AND CHARACTER, MINIMIZING THE LIKELIHOOD THAT Nicholas & Dustie Goldsmith THESE CHILDREN WILL ENTER INTO ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS OR BECOME ABUSERS THEMSELVES. 10 SHELTER FRIEND $1 TO $$$550000 ((CCOONNTTIINNUUEEDD)) Daniel & Debra Jensen Kathli Little Douglas & Rochelle Musson Nathan Johns Lizton United Methodist Church Terry & Mary Myers Daisy Johnson Larry & Barbara Lukens Mary Neddo Ora & Helen Johnson (in memory of Dorothy Potts) Deborah Macpherson Mike & Sandra Neely (in memory of Louis Edmonson) Andrea Jones Leanne Malloy Nelson Jewelers, Inc. Clara Jones Charlotte Mantooth John & Sarah Neuhart Pamela Jones Maplehurst New Beginnings Church Roger & Joyce Judd Frances Marciano New Life Associates Christopher & Angela Kaiser Marsh Community Shopper New Winchester Baptist Church Pam Kappmeyer Jack & Cynthia Martin New Winchester Missionary Baptist Church Julia Kathary Nancy Martin Gary & Jina Newman (in memory of Alan & Lindy Keers Stephen Martin Louis Edmonson) Patrick & Tina Keers Mary Queen of Peace Youth Kathryn Nickell Martin W. & Val Kehr Allen & Cynthia Mast Lowell & Grace Nicodemus David & Ronda Keifer Matthews Mobile Service Thomas & Sondra Nicodemus (in memory of Mary & Alan Kelly Joe & Katrina Matthews Mary Jo Van Meter) Terry Kennard Maurices Inc Scott Norris Cynthia Kern Jonathan & Jessica McClain North Salem Christian Church CWF Thomas & Sharon Kessler Jeff & Amy McClellan Chris & Jennifer Northern Ralph & Janice Kidder (in memory Jeremy & Tamra McClintic Nova Sydal of Cindy Mitchell) George & Janice McComb Susan Nye Robert & Patricia Kiefer Peggy McCormick Paul & Juanita O’Haver Mark & Heather Killion Keith & Renee McCoskey Oak Rite Manufacturing Corp Brad & Maria Kilpatrick Frank & Kelly McCurdy Oles Engineering Corp Harlan & Margery Kincade Brian & Michelle McDermott Robert & Maryann Olson Carole Kindred Ralph & Debra McDowell Jr. Omega Phi Tau Sorority Alpha Chapter June King Silas McGhee On the Go Gals Club (in memory of Ralph Biggs) Michael & Mary King Kelli McGuiness Julie L Ondrus Robert & Cathy King Diana & Luke McKinney Lou Oppy Bill & Sue Kinman Michael & Gail McLahlan Casey Orr Marjorie Kirtley Randall & Lora McPheron Randall & Julie Orr Kissel’s HVAC & Mechanical, Inc. Marcia McQueen Robert & Paula Overman John & Julie Klarich Scott & Kathy Melby Joy Lane Owen Daniel & Brooke Kline Cynthia Meltzer Johanna Page James & Jeanette Kovacs (in memory Jerry & Deborah Merrick Rajesh Pai of Clyde Peach) Sterling Meyers Amanda Pankratz Randall & Madonna Krise Russell & Donna Michi Papa Joe Jr. Janin & Collin Kropf James & Anne Miller Park Square Manor Jerry & Pamela Kyle Eric & Vicki Miller Willis & Linda Parker L & B Construction Co., Inc. Harold & Sharon Miller Chuck Parsons Ladies of Harley Mark & Mary Miller David Patterson Mark & Tina Lamb Mark & SanDee Miller Raymond & Faith Patterson Tom & Paula Lamb Kimberly Milstead Charles & Ann Payne James LaRoche David & Susan Misner Neal & Bobbie Pearcy Keith & Maria Larrison Jennifer Mitchell John & Carol Pearson Marci Larson Sherry Mitchem Randy & Taylor Pease Laureate Alpha XI Charles Mittman John & Joyce Peck Dan Lawson Danielle Mittman Jim & Jan Pell Tee & Suzy Lawson Kenneth & Amy Mohney Eric Penner Carole Layman Monarch Beverage Charitable Fund Jay & Paula Penner Kristin Layman Bonnie Moore Travis Penner Eva Lehr John & Mary Moore Craig & Janet Penwell Renza Leich Robert & Virginia Moore Scott & Karen Perkins Katelyn Lewellyn Brian & Debbie Morgan Brent Perry Lisa Lewis Rick & Christine Morphew Frank & Suzanne Perry Shane & Sharon Lightfoot Beth Moxley Jaime Persinger Link Federal Credit Union Tom & Paula Mulligan James & Cheryl Persinger Rhonda & Thomas Lipscomb Robert Murer, DDS Abbey Peterson Dennis & Karen Litten Edward & Jacqueline Murphy Dennis & Betty Petri