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ForumGeometricorum b Volume1(2001)1–6. bb b FORUMGEOM Friendship Among Triangle Centers FloorvanLamoen Abstract. If we erect on the sides of a scalene triangle three squares, then at the vertices of the triangle we find new triangles, the flanks. We study pairs of triangle centers X and Y such thatthe triangle ofXs in the three flanks is perspective with ABC at Y, and vice versa. These centers X and Y we call friends.Someexamplesoffriendshipamongtrianglecentersaregiven. 1. Flanks Given a triangle ABC with side lengths BC = a, CA = b, and AB = c. By erecting squares ACaCbB, BAbAcC, and CBcBaA externally on the sides, we form new triangles ABaCa, BCbAb, and CAcBc, which we call the flanks of ABC. SeeFigure1. A b C b A c B C a C A B B c a Figure1 IfwerotatetheA-flank(triangleABaCa)by π2 aboutA,thentheimageofCais B,and that of Ba is on the line CA. Triangle ABC and the image of the A-flank forma larger triangle in which BAis a median. From this, ABC and the A-flank have equal areas. It is also clear that ABC is the A-flank triangle of the A-flank triangle. These observations suggest that there are a close relationship between ABC anditsflanks. 2. Circumcenters offlanks IfP isatrianglecenterofABC,wedenotebyPA,PB,andPC thesamecenter oftheA-,B-,andC-flanksrespectively. PublicationDate:January24,2001. CommunicatingEditor:PaulYiu. 2 F.M.vanLamoen Let O be the circumcenter of triangle ABC. Consider the triangle OAOBOC formed by the circumcenters of the flanks. By the fact that the circumcenter is the intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides, we see that OAOBOC is homothetic (parallel) to ABC, and that it bisects the squares on the sides of ABC. Thedistances betweenthecorresponding sidesofABC andOAOBOC are a b c therefore , and . 2 2 2 3. Friendshipofcircumcenter andsymmedianpoint Now, homothetic triangles are perspective at their center of similitude. The distances from the center of similitude of ABC and OAOBOC to the sides of ABC are proportional to the distances between the corresponding sides of the two triangles, and therefore to the sides of ABC. This perspector must be the symmedianpoint K.1 O B B K C A O O C A Figure2 Thetriangle OAOBOC ofcircumcenters oftheflanksisperspective withABC atthesymmedianpoint K ofABC. Inparticular, theA-CevianofK inABC (the lineAK)isthesamelineastheA-CevianofOA intheA-flank. SinceABC isthe A-flankoftriangle ABaCa,theA-CevianofKA intheA-flankisthesamelineas the A-Cevian of O in ABC as well. Clearly, the same statement can be made for theB-andC-flanks. Thetriangle KAKBKC ofsymmedianpoints oftheflanksis perspective withABC atthecircumcenter O. For this relation we call the triangle centers O and K friends. See Figure 3. More generally, we say that P befriends Qif the triangle PAPBPC is perspective withABC atQ. Suchafriendship relation isalways symmetric since, aswehave remarkedearlier, ABC istheA-,B-,C-flankrespectively ofitsA-,B-,C-flanks. 1ThisisX6in[2,3]. Friendshipamongtrianglecenters 3 O B K B B K O K C C A K A O O C A Figure3 4. Isogonal conjugacy ItiseasytoseethatthebisectorofanangleofABCalsobisectsthecorrespond- ingangleofitsflank. Theincenter ofatriangle, therefore, befriends itself. Consider twofriends P andQ. Byreflection inthebisector ofangle A,theline PAQA is mapped to the line joining the isogonal conjugates of P and QA.2 We conclude: Proposition. If two triangle centers are friends, then so are their isogonal conju- gates. Sincethecentroid Gandtheorthocenter H arerespectively theisogonal conju- gates of the symmedian point K and the circumcenter O, weconclude that Gand H arefriends. 5. TheVectenpoints The centers of the three squares ACaCbB, BAbAcC and CBcBaA form a tri- angle perspective with ABC. The perspector is called the Vecten point of the triangle. 3 Bythesame token thecenters of three squares constructed inwardly on thethreesidesalsoformatriangleperspectivewithABC. Theperspectoriscalled thesecond Vectenpoint.4 WeshowthateachoftheVecten points befriends itself. 2For QA, this isthe same linewhen isogonal conjugation is considered both in triangleABC andintheA-flank. 3ThisisthepointX485of[3]. 4ThisisthepointX486of[3],alsocalledtheinnerVectenpoint. 4 F.M.vanLamoen 6. TheSecondVectenpoints O.Bottema [1]has noted thatthe position ofthemidpoint M ofsegment BcCb depends only on B, C, but not on A. More specifically, M is the apex of the isosceles righttriangle onBC pointed towards A.5 C a B a C b M A B c C(cid:1) B M(cid:1) A(cid:1) C B(cid:1) b c Figure4 To see this, let A(cid:1), M(cid:1), Bc(cid:1) and Cb(cid:1) be the orthogonal projections of A, M, Bc and Cb respectively on the line BC. See Figure 4. Triangles AA(cid:1)C and CBc(cid:1)Bc are congruent by rotation through ±π2 about the center of the square CBcBaA. Triangles AA(cid:1)B and BCb(cid:1)Cb are congruent in a similar way. So we have AA(cid:1) = CB(cid:1) = BC(cid:1). It follows that M(cid:1) is also the midpoint of BC. And we see that c b Cb(cid:1)Cb+Bc(cid:1) +Bc = BA(cid:1)+A(cid:1)C = asoMM(cid:1) = a2. AndM isasdesired. BysymmetryM isalsotheapexoftheisosceles righttriangleonBaCa pointed towardsA. We recall that the triangle of apexes of similar isosceles triangles on the sides of ABC is perspective with ABC. The triangle of apexes is called a Kiepert triangle,andtheKiepertperspector K(φ)dependsonthebaseangleφ(modπ)of theisosceles triangle.6 WeconcludethatAM istheA-CevianofK(−π),alsocalledthesecondVecten 4 point of both ABC and the A-flank. From similar observations on the B- and C-flanks,weconclude thatthesecond Vectenpointbefriends itself. 7. FriendshipofKiepertperspectors Givenanyreal number t,LetXt andYt bethepoints that divide CBc and BCb such that CXt : CBc = BYt : BCb = t : 1, and let Mt be their midpoint. Then BCMtisanisoscelestriangle,withbaseanglearctant = ∠BAYt. SeeFigure5. ExtendAXttoXt(cid:1)onBaBc,andAYttoYt(cid:1)onCaCbandletMt(cid:1)bethemidpoint of Xt(cid:1)Yt(cid:1). Then BaCaMt(cid:1) is an isosceles triangle, with base angle arctan1t = ∠Yt(cid:1)ACa = π2 −∠BAYt. Also, by the similarity of triangles AXtYt and AXt(cid:1)Yt(cid:1) 5Bottema introduced this result with the following story. Someone had found a treasure and hidden it in a complicated way to keep it secret. He found three marked trees, A, B and C, and thoughtofrotatingBAthrough90degreestoBCb,andCAthrough−90degreestoCBc. Then hechosethemidpointM ofCbBcastheplacetohidehistreasure. Butwhenhereturned,hecould notfindtreeA.Hedecidedtoguessitspositionandtry.Inadesperatemoodheimaginednumerous Friendshipamongtrianglecenters 5 C a B a A C b Y t Mt X Bc Y(cid:1) t t M(cid:1) t X(cid:1) t B C Figure5 we see that A, Mt and Mt(cid:1) are collinear. This shows that the Kiepert perspectors K(φ)andK(π −φ)arefriends. 2 B C A Figure6 Inparticular,thefirstVectenpointK(π)alsobefriendsitself. SeeFigure6. The 4 Fermatpoints K(±π)7arefriends ofthetheNapoleon points K(π). 8 3 6 Seen collectively, the Kiepert hyperbola, the locus of Kiepert perspectors, be- friends itself; sodoes itsisogonal transform, theBrocardaxisOK. diggingswithoutresult. But,much tohissurprise,hewasabletorecover histreasureonthevery firsttry! 6By convention, φis positive or negative according as the isosceles triangles are pointing out- wardlyorinwardly. 7ThesearethepointsX13andX14in[2,3],alsocalledtheisogeniccenters. 8ThesepointsarelabelledX17 andX18 in[2,3]. ItiswellknownthattheKieperttrianglesare equilateral. 6 F.M.vanLamoen References [1] O. Bottema, Verscheidenheid XXXVIII, in Verscheidenheden, p.51, Nederlandse Vereniging vanWiskundeleraren/WoltersNoordhoff,Groningen(1978). [2] C.Kimberling,TriangleCentersandCentralTriangles,CongressusNumerantium,129(1998)1 –285. [3] C.Kimberling,EncyclopediaofTriangleCenters,2000 http://cedar.evansville.edu/˜ck6/encyclopedia/. FloorvanLamoen:Statenhof3,4463TVGoes,TheNetherlands E-mailaddress: [email protected] ForumGeometricorum b Volume1(2001)7–8. bb b FORUMGEOM Another Proof of the Erdo˝s-Mordell Theorem HojooLee Abstract. WegiveaproofofthefamousErdo˝s-MordellinequalityusingPtolemy’s theorem. Thefollowing neatinequality iswell-known: Theorem. IffromapointOinsideagiventriangleABCperpendicularsOD,OE, OF aredrawntoitssides,thenOA+OB+OC ≥ 2(OD+OE+OF). Equality holdsifandonlyiftriangle ABC isequilateral. A E F O B D C Figure1 This wasconjectured by PaulErdo˝s in 1935, and firstproved byLouis Mordell inthesameyear. Severalproofsofthisinequalityhavebeengiven,usingPtolemy’s theorem by Andre´ Avez [5], angular computations with similar triangles by Leon Bankoff[2],areainequalitybyV.Komornik[6],orusingtrigonometry byMordell andBarrow[1]. Thepurposeofthisnoteistogiveanotherelementary proofusing Ptolemy’stheorem. Proof. Let HG denote the orthogonal projections of BC on the line FE. See Figure 2. Then, we have BC ≥ HG = HF + FE + EG. It follows from ∠BFH = ∠AFE = ∠AOE that the right triangles BFH and AOE are similar OE OF and HF = BF. In a like manner we find that EG = CE. Ptolemy’s OA OA theoremapplied toAFOE gives AF ·OE +AE·OF OA·FE = AF ·OE +AE·OF or FE = . OA Combining these, wehave OE AF ·OE+AE ·OF OF BC ≥ BF + + CE, OA OA OA PublicationDate:January29,2001. CommunicatingEditor:PaulYiu. 8 H.Lee A G E F H O B D C Figure2 or BC·OA ≥ OE·BF +AF·OE+AE·OF +OF·CE = OE·AB+OF·AC. AB AC DividingbyBC,wehaveOA ≥ OE + OF. BC BC Applying thesamereasoning toother projections, wehave BC BA CA CB OB ≥ OF + OD and OC ≥ OD+ OE. CA CA AB AB Addingthese inequalities, wehave BA CA AB CB AC BC OA+OB+OC ≥ ( + )OD+( + )OE +( + )OF. CA AB BC AB BC CA x y Itfollows from this andthe inequality + ≥ 2(for positive real numbers x, y x y)that OA+OB+OC ≥ 2(OD+OE +OF). Itiseasytocheckthatequality holds ifandonlyifAB = BC = CAandO isthe circumcenter ofABC. (cid:2) References [1] P.Erdo˝s,L.J.Mordell,andD.F.Barrow,Problem3740,Amer.Math.Monthly,42(1935)396; solutions,ibid.,44(1937)252–254. [2] L.Bankoff,AnelementaryproofoftheErdo˝s-Mordelltheorem,Amer.Math.Monthly,65(1958) 521. [3] A.Oppenheim,TheErdo˝sinequalityandotherinequalitiesforatriangle,Amer.Math.Monthly, 68(1961),226-230. [4] L.Carlitz,Someinequalitiesforatriangle,Amer.Math.Monthly,71(1964)881–885. [5] A.Avez,AshortproofofatheoremofErdo˝sandMordell,Amer.Math.Monthly,100(1993)60 –62. [6] V.Komornik,AshortproofoftheErdo˝s-Mordelltheorem,Amer.Math.Monthly,104(1997)57 –60. Hojoo Lee: Department of Mathematics, Kwangwoon University, Wolgye-Dong, Nowon-Gu, Seoul139-701,Korea E-mailaddress: [email protected] ForumGeometricorum b Volume1(2001)9–16. bb b FORUMGEOM Perspective Poristic Triangles EdwardBrisse Abstract. ThispaperanswersaquestionofYiu:givenatriangleABC,tocon- structandenumeratethetriangleswhichsharethesamecircumcircleandincircle andareperspectivewithABC.Weshowthatthereareexactlythreesuchtrian- gles,eacheasilyconstructibleusingrulerandcompass. 1. Introduction Givenatriangle ABC withitscircumcircle O(R)andincircleI(r),thefamous Poncelet-Steinerporismaffirmsthatthereisacontinuous familyoftriangleswith thesamecircumcircleandincircle[1,p.86]. Everysuchtrianglecanbeconstructed by choosing an arbitrary point A(cid:1) on the circle (O), drawing the two tangents to (I), and extending them to intersect (O) again at B(cid:1) and C(cid:1). Yiu [3] has raised the enumeration and construction problems of poristic triangles perspective with (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) triangle ABC, namely, those poristic triangles AB C with the lines AA, BB , (cid:1) CC intersecting at a common point. We give a complete solution to these prob- lems in terms of the limit points of the coaxial system of circles generated by the circumcircle andtheincircle. Theorem1. Theonlyporistic triangles perspective withABC are: (1) thereflectionofABC inthelineOI,theperspectorbeingtheinfinitepoint onalineperpendicular toOI, (2) the circumcevian triangles of the two limit points of the coaxial system generated bythecircumcircle andtheincircle. A B(cid:1) C(cid:1) I O B C A(cid:1) Figure1 (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) In(1),thelinesAA,BB ,CC areallperpendicular tothelineOI. SeeFigure 1. Theperspector istheinfinitepoint onalineperpendicular toOI. Onesuchline PublicationDate:February8,2001. CommunicatingEditor:PaulYiu. 10 E.Brisse isthetrilinear polar oftheincenter I = (a :b : c),withequation x y z + + = 0 a b c in homogeneous barycentric coordinates. The perspector is therefore the point (a(b−c) : b(c−a) : c(a−b)). We explain in §§2, 3 the construction of the two triangles in (2),which aresymmetric withrespect tothe line OI. SeeFigure 2. In §4wejustifythatthesethreearetheonlyporistictriangles perspective withABC. 2. Poristic triangles fromaninvolutionintheupperhalf-plane Aneasydescription oftheporistictrianglesinTheorem1(2)isthatthesearethe circumcevian triangles of the common poles of the circumcircle and the incircle. Therearetwosuchpoints; eachofthesehasthesamelineasthepolarwithrespect thecircumcircle andtheincircle. Thesecommonpolesaresymmetricwithrespect A A B(cid:1) B(cid:1) C(cid:1) C(cid:1) F(cid:1) I O I O F F B C B C A(cid:1) A(cid:1) Figure2 tothe radical axis ofthe circles (O)and(I), and are indeed thelimit points ofthe coaxial system of circles generated by (O)and (I).1 This isbest explained by the introduction of an involution of the upper half-plane. Let a > 0 be a fixed real number. Consider in the upper half-plane R2 := {(x,y) : y > 0} a family of + circles Cb : x2+y2−2by+a2 = 0, b ≥ a. √ Eachcircle Cb has center (0,b)and radius b2−a2. SeeFigure 3. Everypoint in R2+ liesonaunique circle Cb inthisfamily. Specifically, if x2+y2+a2 b(x,y) = , 2y the point (x,y) lies on the circle Cb(x,y). The circle Ca consists of the single point F = (0,a). Wecallthisthelimitpointofthefamilyofcircles. Everypairofcircles in this family has the x-axis as radical axis. By reflecting the system of circles about thex-axis,weobtain acomplete coaxial system ofcircles. Thereflection of F, namely, the point F(cid:1) = (0,−a), is the other limit point of this system. Every circlethrough F andF(cid:1) isorthogonal toeverycircle Cb. 1Thecommonpolarofeachoneofthesepointswithrespecttothetwocirclespassesthroughthe other.

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