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Forty Hadeeth – Imam Abu Bakr al-Aajuree PDF

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Preview Forty Hadeeth – Imam Abu Bakr al-Aajuree

Classic Series of 40 Hadeeth Collections FORTY HADEETH AL-AAJUREE Compiled and Explained by Al-Imam Abu Bakr Muhammad ibnul Hussain Al-Aajuree D. 360H ‘Compiled amd Explained by é Al-Imam Abu Bakr Muhammad 4 ibnul Hussain Al-Aajuree i D. 360K Pe, Ree Set tl, of 'B Masjid Ramah Publishing. USA All fights reserved. No part ofthis publication may ba reproduced In any language, stored in any retaeval system oF transrnited in ‘any form oF by any means, whether electronic, mechanic, photocopying, recording oF atherwise, without express permission of the copyright owner. ISBN 978-1-4507-2072-1 Publisher's tnformation: Masi Rahmah Publishing P.O, Box 3878 Newark, Nu 07702 97s-e2i-BEaa 973-601-7977-Fox Masi Rahmatr 867 DrMartin Luthar King Blvd 2" Fi Newark NJ 07103 Website: worw.masidrahinah.oomn E-mail jnfoedmasicrahmah.com / masidrahmanephakmall. cam Cover Design: Usul Design E-mail Infogausulsasian com ‘Table of Content ‘Translators forward. 3 ‘Translator’s Isnad for the book. 6 Biography of Shaykh Aboo Bak Al-Aajuree...... 7 Insroduction, te Hiadecth One: "Whoeses Aen nnd end fora.” as Hiacleeth Ter “kale node boone 18.7 Fladedls Theee. “sums te by Tens.” » Binders Fears "lae Fis blag fe" 2 Haclecch Five: "The fs person wa spot edhe Qi Basa. 24 adscth Six: "Vert the ceamion nf vac ons uf yu brought together ns, n Hadberh Sevens "There at smuleso? Soman nw ore Ic place has ba: ten sithey Rlie or Hill® 19 HEaleoth Hight: Words ths 1a faraell pooch, co wha do sou ob en uw Hadecth Nive: "The Qusitan descend Su seen caster sure Ab. 34 Tadeeth Tees: *The Tem Corrie o Baa." 38 Iadecth Flees: "Viniy AN Fs doen me and has chase my Companions." ay Hhnlcweh Toole lie psec of thc tongue cisions. 9 Hlsdeceh Thrown: Ms uncalwil fou pin seventies sett oo Hiskegrh Pemirecns "This by su cn i wes of che ruphets be 4 Hhaleeth Icon: "Whose toes a pate m Rouen he sudhu ofthe Messongr af Allaah, then 2h ft B sleet Sixteen" ise eer for hepa of he Plead Hadcarh Sesertveus "Ur ae Sve is that whois cones ‘UK her on he Day af enero." 50 Tiadeeth Bighevens ‘Ta cech wom che fron of Alas Messenger. 2 Hlacegch Nlinetoen: "ie were with she Dupe 4 Fhen oma sone in ud fs eb.” 3B Tlaeeth Tears: "Tho Peyphee (8) dae Sis Camnpanions pres 55 Hucleeth Tarenty Once “Winese frames ue amoeia ths Tiadleegh Tents Tors: "Was as commanded." ” adesth Tiwary Threet “apo wah fae oral and doesn 6 die Apostle of ABS (4 61 Hlaceorh Taonty Fours "Fw Hadeetl Teeny Bie: "Na Hosleeth Faeary Six: "A Tener cbout Sadegai, Hiacloerh Taeoty Seven: "Whesver Hoey Renadhan, Tlaceoch Tovey Eight: "Fasting fis bo" Hcleeth Twenty Nis “& Merah le.” HHadeeth Haat "Wlawae eta 29 mae Ma Hadeeth Theitp Ones "Ifa pein aed wiotour malang Hay 73 Hodeerl Thrity Tons “Tin Abass si abunethe wate” 2 adecth Thirty Tarse: “Sanding gad jer Alles sabe.” 7 Heed Thaity Four ithe pou of Ala, Hadeech Tharty Ewe: "Thue ela 2 la." 6 adooel Thity Sise "The Prophet (98 eaicms hen woul." 80 Hladceth Thimy Sevens "The Holigan is adie a aseeth Thirty Bight: "The fouls sea.” 4 adeeth Thinty Nine: “Alla ai ahd 85 Hideoth Fonnny: "I Fra lah’ Ming (9 by Hine °87 ‘Translator’s Forward, In the name of Allah the Most beneficent and the Most Merciful, | bear witness that His Messenger Muhammad () is the last and final Messenger sent lo Jinn and Mankind. Peace and blessings be upan his famity, his companions and those who shadow their footsteps in peity and sincerity. To proceed! Throught out time scholars of Islam have camped Pooms, essays, and books which aid the Musiim in understanding his refigion. One af the most famous styles of books compiled is the collection of farty hadeeth. Many scholars did this based on the hadesth: SQ RN Hy ete a Ge ace Gat gi de as Sp es “Whseser fees tvs waa mesnaricesfony hae jm the Sean, ol cme on he ay of Furst the coripany a oun af la. ‘This hadeeth is unathentic as the scholars of hadeeth have said. People of Hadeeth assembled. forty hadeeth which were somellmes based on a particular subjact such as; manners and eltiquiles, Siyam, the five pillars of islam, Jihad and so forth, ‘The first parson to complie a forty hadeeth book was Abdullah ibn Mubarak 181HThen after him many other scholars followed suit. Scholars lke: Muhammad ibn Aslam AtToosee, Ahmed ibn Harb, Aldlasan ibn Sufyan An-Nisowes, Abu Bakr ibn All, ALHakim AlNaysaburee, Ahmed iba Abdullah Al Asfahanee, Isma‘l thn Abdur Rahman As-Saboones ‘and countless others However the most commonly known collection of forty ‘adeth today is that of Imam An-Nawwaweo. Imam An-Nawwavee's forty hadesth is collection that lbnus Selah started. The first wenty six hadeeth were mentioned by dbnus Salah in a hadesth study circle Then Imam An-Nawwawee added sixteon others, That collection of hadeeth is centered on the foundation of lstam-Then later on Ibn Rajab added eight hadesth to An- Nawwawee's collection making it a total of fifty. Many scholars consider Ibn Rajab's explanation to be the best explanation for An- Nawwawee's colfection, Untike some collections of forty Hadesth, ALAgiury’s is differentHis set of hadeeth was written to be memorized for the new Muslim, The new Mustim who. reads this book wil gain an understading of faith, wudu, prayer and its description, Halj, fasting, and ‘other vital beliefs and acts of worship. In transtating this book | relied on two Arabic versions: 1. Forty Madath AbAgjuree checked and verified by Shaykh Badr ion Abdullah AbBadr. This version was printed by Adwa us Salaf In 2000 2. Forly Hadesth by AlAsjures checked and verified ty Shaykh Ali Hasan Abdul Hameed.This version was printed by ‘Maktabrahtul Islameeyah in 1989, ‘The differences between the twa versions were many. In Shaykh Badt’s checking he verified the manuscript whieh had commentary for the hadesth by Imam Al Aajuree- himself, Alt Hasan didn't. There were times, where Shaykh Badr didn't mention the status of the ‘padeeth, but only mentioned if the isnad was Saheeh oF Dha'sef, 501 relied om Shaykh Al-Albani's checking inthis situation. i's a known fact thet just because the ismad in.& hadesth is weak doesn't mean the hadeath is weak itself. | dint find a conclusion fram a acholar about a hadeath | took the judgement of Shaykh Badr ‘or Shaykh Ali Hasan about the isnad. There were some words in Hadeeth that couldn't ba translated, 90 I relied on theie meanings found in Iba Atheer's Ghareeb AFHadeeth | would like to extend thanks to my family for their advice and assistance, | ask Allah to accept this deed from me for my seale of goad deeds on tha Day of Judgement. | ask Allah to reward those involved in the fading, printing, and distrubuting of this work, May Allah’s peace and blessings bs upon! Muhammad. ‘The Transtator’s Isnad to Abu Bakr Al-Aajurce’s Forty Hadecth Ithas always heen the nom for the people ofthe Sunriah te connact thalr nad to tha book they bagin ta teach, ‘explain and so forth Refer to [vol 1page 108 explanation of Nise’ from Shaykh Muhammad Adam AL-Ethiopaee. (May Allah praserva him} My service to this book isthe translation, (May Allah forgive me for any errors I might have made and make me ‘rom Ahul Hadeath) Ay Cay! ai ne sf Oe ill ae gk oe add Olde oe oy Oe Oe ene Gy ag eal Ge ag gleatY ale aaa Sip chee Gp Saal apd oe gale jal Syall ode Ge Owl Jie pat pegs Sell Ge GAN ge a egy Spall 3 Daa CU le ye 98> gl gl ABstall ge Ts yes oy alle sll ye CU aa Ge Deak oe glace glo gl gan Jae Cpe gd AE 5 LLL Ge Al oe yt pal ad Latah gf Ub laa Lb ol gr anal Ge lal Se ce ll on gallate gy tame th yeh) lll Ge ce at Lage ati il GP cy Oy dell Sy eal WSSU GL 52 gp eae | (Abu Aaliyah) narrate this book {© you wit a complata chain. Betvigen me and Imam Al-Ajuree are only nineteen neople, This is the least amount of people in @ chain back I imam Al-Ajuroo around today. Allah knows best Your Brothar, ‘Abu Aaliyah Abdullah ibn Duight Lamont Battle Sr Doha, Gatar © [email protected] ‘THE BIOGRAPHY OF IMAM AL-RAJUREE, Te was enan Abo Hake Muaumas Tbn AK ssi fh Abdallah AbBeghdadee Al Aaj. Thee ine AL Aajore ea serption tothe ande ef baking, fries, No ene who wie his biygaehysentamed the year he was bum, Homcrey, chy have meni thot he rate noth ja Ragladel belime par 330 Hijab, Then, he went do Misia soo Eve there re hi dead ve resth of Minbazraza in. 360 Tijesh ‘Some of hie scholas were 1. Ali sb Mabon bn Zesja Koren tba Al Arasheo, anchor of AMiCiam. 2. Abo Bake Ths Aer ‘Abn Dood 4. hoo Ishaq ai Jonrce “4. Aboo Abdul Aral. Ahm tl sHsp 5. boo Abbie Ach-Shayhaues, Amo Ton Tita 6, Abo aks Az Sine. Alva Thu Alfa Ub Sopf 7, Ahoo Muhanasedl At'Tayyabaie. Salih tho Ab ‘Aad, woaty ether scholars Serne of is smdente were |. Abvo Netcom Asbelianee: Amer itm Abdallah Tha Ihasy (Anwhor of Highs Ouizesa}

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