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F o r t G e o r g c ry Or''' ..* "-' -,it -','- -.- ----/ t - - - $ ; # 'n.;r.3!"ir :( â*' '!.. *l ' -, .l-'-r -l.a.1 .,,.i* :Ë 'f.- a :d. ( , o l l l r . l s \ (;l ll)ll ) l() l li I lll \l()l(\ ()l I ()lil (;1.()li(;1. lll(,lll \\l)(;\lilil\( )\\ lil l()lil ( I I l()l)r r l { )li l ( ;l ( )li(; 1. \l| )l li\ll lt ()llll li \li\l\ \\i)liK: \l Il l(( I l l.()l)l\ \ lll(;lll.\\l)I il( til I l\(;lr\\l \ ( ( ) \ \ l \ l l i \ l l l l i \ -"r,, ,:.$. S. \ tit( ;l\ll \ I \l l)l l,()l it, ' s ; ^ l i l-.,. -; .1:i*i.j ô . .a I a.i-ta..à- Ëd'#F":rlnql ;.d';tr ?fffiryt.J-.-. 4:: ,ft+$- ' . q i ..1" / tJ ,';t ,f,l.i3/ Jl._ h tç Ptt.fiJ ..4' ( WHffi €rFællrll i t L.- ' 'l " t # 'e *U Ltt" i , r-''ts A GuidedT our 'l'his ort ( icolge u:rs pllrnrrctl lrs lrn intplcgnrrblc totrrg rtitlcst he visitorr rrorrncthl c firrt. llrrsct irr King (ie orge Il's lrrnrr.\ lrr jor-(icrrcrrrl bcginning rrtt hc nrrrinc ntrilncc.t hc principrrl \\'i||irrrrS liirrncrn. riIitrrrer nginccrl irr \ortlr llrirlgc rrncgl rrtc. 3 antl -l . rrnrlp rogressing llrit:rin.t les ignctlc onrprelt en sirc rrrngcso f rtrottnrtl ltc rltnrllrrrt.. 5 - 1.5.b ctirrce rploring thc lrtriltlingosn ll nronllnrcntrsrlc lrlct o llccorrrrrrotlrrtcintcrnrrbl rriltlirrgs1. 6- .30. tltc gorc lnol rrntlo thcr offi ccrso t'the tirrtrcsst.h c gunncf\. rrntlt u o t'icltlb rrttrtlionosf intirntrr - It cortclrrtlcus ith rrr isit to thc crtrrurrrlinrrnco nrplcr :orrrcl (XX)r lcn in rrll. lhc brrilrlinssin clLrclcstlr rrfl of outrtorliso n thc errsto. r lrrnclurrrctilo. nt. 3l --10. llIoclis.b ltrrltcllir Ioclis.p ou tler nrlr{lrzincs. ottlntltcc lrntl prori sion stolcs.l r ltltliclrorrsc. Irr.cult orrsc: rrrtlc lrlrpcl. .<lI-- \.\, ? : l .tl \ 1 z I \ t , ? ;-Ei . - \ I --,-t r ' r ' .?li l \ r \[ \ 'În t-\... \ i l' ,'i l"orl (ior.t.totus l7 huturt's (Jl att's). hrc t nrnpart ott,r I I'i/onrtn,rannrl. ttrl nntuin-t rrton.ql/tn i/r/inu/or a .snr// lotn. @ visitors'carparl @ nat,eh gaftttoase and oisitor centre @ Pincipal bridgc @ Pincipat gate and gaardmoms @ Pince of Watcs! Baçion @ Soath cascmaad curtain and sallyport @ f;oe Willian Henry's Basrion @ r;o @ Pince Fndcicl William'sD emi-bastion @ Point Bancry @ Dale of MartbomugïsD emi-bastion @ PrinceH nm Fredeicl\ Bastion @ Nonh casenatecdt rnaina nd sallyport @ Dogccnaery @ DrIe ofCrnberland\ Basrion @ cott ottt @ Parade @ Artitterl bhcl @ cotsemor!l touse @ snlyu-* @ Lit*-g*"-or's and fort-major's ltouses (Rcgimental Museam of Qaeen\ Oan Highlanden) @ Banaclsqaare @ Histoic banacl-moms @ Gmnd nagazine (inctildins ùe Scafeld Colbction of Arms) @ Worlsltops @ ordroorr rtoo, @ Sealort*' Regimental Insritute @ Pr-itioo tton and bale4 @ Prooitioo tton and braoery @ Ganison Ctapel @ Pnncipat ditct @ Batardraa @ n*aio @ no"aioa ;A "'/'' @ C-todroy @ Ptaceo f arms ! -'4'=z @ Lortttt @ Trooro, @ cua' @ coûng \ \ @@ Rsens"tapuranr (seasonal) I @ ro;u' 3 lr. '. \'l -l I t n I n , ' t - -rF / J 6 - l ) k 1 1 \ Y fPÀ { The PrincipalB ridgea nd Gate The gate leadsi nto a tunnel, vaulted in brick, beneatht he rampart;t he tunnel still hasi ts original The main body of the fort is approachedo ver rhe massived ouble-leaveds, tudded and barredd oors ditch by a bridge (176.5-6a)t the centre of the east hung in 1766$ or the previous decadet he enlrance curtain 3 . The third span from the ravelin was a had only temporary barriers).T he tunnel opens out drawbridgeo peratedb y upper counterpoise into an arcadedv estibule. At the southeasts ide of beams( reinstated,f ollowing rhe originalp lans,i n the vestibulea doorl eadst o a stairc ommunicatinq 1980).T he innermosts pan,a gainsrr he principal with the ditch below the principalg ate. gate,w as alsoa drawbridgew hich could be raised to cover the gate.B oth drawbridgess urvivedu ntil The Guardrooms about 1900b y which time the whole bridge was in a very decayeds tate:f or some time the enlarged On eithers ideo f the vestibuleb ehind the principal souths allyporth ad been useda st he chief enrrance gacea re two vaulted chambersh ousingt he main and the originala pproachw as neglecced. guard of the fort 4 . The smaller guardroom, on the north side, was for officers: che lar$er $uardroom on the south was for non-commissioned officers and men. Behind the officers' guardroom is the prison - known in the eighteenth and early 'Black nineteenthc enturiesa s the Hole'. It was abandonedw hen new cellsw ere incorporated into the north provisions torei n the nineteenth century( seep ages1 6-17),b ut not before David Abernethy,s erving6 0 daysf or being drunk on guard,h ad carvedh is name and crime on one of the wallsi n 1831. Tlc amorials of tle pincipal gate,o itl Scotlandi mpaling Englaadi n ûê rtN qlartcr (top left), Francei n tlc sccoad, Inlaad iz tlc tùird, and Haxmserin tie foutl. Anidst all tlis intcrzationall craldic pomp, it is disconccnintgo fad tlrat tlc arms of Scotlanda n carcedw mngfu- tlc dotble tnssan (tlv liacsb orderingti e arms) is omitted! Daoid Abcnetlry'sg raffiti ia tlc prison bcsidetÀ cp rincipal gaa. The design for the principal gate 4 was made The soldiers'g uardroomh as been recreateda sa originallyb v Skinner as part of his abortive guardroomo f the 1880s,w hen the fort was serving projectt o rebuild Cromwell'sf ort at Inverness, as the depot of the SeaforthH ighlanders.W hen and wasc arriedo ut without changca t Ardersicri n Fort Georgew as built, the men slept on a 1753-6C. ontrastingy ellow and red sandstone communalw ooden shelf-bedp laceda gainstt he emphasisesp airso f Doric pilasterss, upportinga eastw all. By 1880t his had been replacedb y the heavy pediment bearing the royal arms. metal turn-up beds there today. StandingO rdersi n 1808r equiredt he: 'sentinek... at the guardhouser Joor.. to taÈc charge of a// pisoners, turn out tlte guard to a// field offtcers. Not to suffer people to aash at tlte pump.s, nor to alloa cltildren or idle people to play about them or any dir4 oater to be emptied near trtem. He is to attend to the ca// of the sentry at tlte Gate and to aarn the sergeanto f the guard and to keE peoplef rom aalÈing on thc grass path nrepting fficers and their families'. The Rampart The main defencei s the ramparrf orming a firing-stepa t the parapetl evel ofthe flanks,a long concinuousli ne round rhe fort, made up of the adjoining lengths ofcurtain (called scarps)a nd bastionsa nd demi-bastions( half bastions)jo ined acrosst o the adjacent bastions.B ehind the by lengthso f curtainw all. It is reachedb y six parapeti s a broadl evel fighting platform,c alled rampsa round the inrerior.T he bastionsa nd the rhe terrepleinp, roviding ample space for the ravelin were mostly named after close relatives of movement of men and guns and for the Ttedat - 1757- GeorgeI I (JohnC hurchill, Duke of Marlborough, constructiono f additionald efencesi n time o[ iaciscda ncrt lc door was not a member the royal family). George, siege.T he outer angleso f the bastionsa re capped into thcpdcr Prince of Wales( who succeededt o the rhrone in by sentry boxes from which the whole of the magazhca t tle 1760)w as his eldestg randson. scarps might be obser ved. At the salientso, r Point Banay. outward-pointinga ngles,o f the easrb asriont he terreplein is raised for long-range batteries firing 'in barbette' over the pârapets.F our heavy mortars,c apableo f firing bombs up to 2.4 km in front of the fort, were emplaced on rhe terreplein of the east rampart. They were subsequen tly removed, together with the rest of rhe fort's artillery towardst he closeo f the nineteenth century. The guns and mortars there now are not the originala rmamentb ut they convey an impression of its former firepower. Prince of W'ales'sB astion 5 survives as built. Apart from the four heavy guns of the barbette battery there are embrasuresf or two more heavy guns firing out to sea from the south face, and for All bastionsh ave a polygonal plan made up of nine lighter pieces;f ive on the north flank covering twofacest owards the field and twoflanÊs. Their the main ditch, two on the east face covering the design gives a complete cover of defensive ravelind itch, and two on the wesr flank covering fire from the cannon embrasuresa nd musketry the south sallyport. The north and east faceso f Tlc rctdr cttrUia looling castftwn Dale of tltarltomagft's Dcmîbaçtioat ooatdç PriaccH eary Fndcricl's Bastion. this b:rstiong ive a very good gcneralv iew of the thror-rght he fort between the south sall_vport <lutu,orkso n thc cast front and a viewing point and the principalg âte,m ost inconveniently identifiest he variousd efensivce lements. for travellersa nd soldiersa like. In about 1790 'l'hc a new cutting was made through the glati-r south casemated curtain 6 had barrack- (counterscarpb ank) of the eastf ront for the roomsf ilr accommodationin times of siege, travellers:t he cutting wasc overcdb -vt he guns on brick-r'aultedt o u,ithstanda mortarb omb. the eastf lank of PrinceW illiam Henry's Bastion. Though it was not so intended,t he nervo pening In the middle of the curtain the south sallyport through the glacisp rovideda shortc ut to the fort leadso ut to a place of arms ( 1761--5a), m ustering itself from the east.T he sallyportw as subse- point for a sortie.T he sallvporth asb een enlarged quently widcned and replacedt he intentionally to form the modern main entry to the fort and the awkward approacht hrough the eastf ront as the casre nd of the placeo f arms hasb cen removedt o main entry. impruve the approachr oad. 'l-he In the middle of the south front is Prince William west end of the fort is desieneda s two demi- Henry's Bastion 7 , named after GeorgeI I's bastions, named after George II's youngest third grandsonT. he best view of the main powder grandson,F rederick William 9 , and the store,t he grand magazine,m ay be had from this Duke of Marlborough 11 , on each side of the bastion,u ,hiche ncloscsi t. F'romt he south face of Point Battery 10 commandingt he channel the bastionm av be seena pool of water.T o the between the fort and Chanonry Point. The battery east (left) of the pool, and no longer visible, was the had twen ry artillerye mbrasureso n the terreplein pier constructedr o land building materialsf or the and two on the flanks of the demi-bastions. fort.'lo the west of chep ool (right) is the surviving Embrasureso n the north and south faceso f thc later pier 8 , used to bring ashores uppliesf or demi-bastionsw ere soonb locked - possiblyw hile thc garrison,t o servet he civilian ferry acrosst o building was scilli n progressB. elow the terreplein ChanonrvP oint, and to embark and disembark the Point Battery had a small powder magazine, man-vo f the units which passedt hrough the fort. and casematesf or four 32-pounderg uns,i nstalled Thus from the very beginningt he south sallyport in 1760.T he casematesc,o mpleted in 1758,w ere took a great deal of traffic. At first it also took one of Skinner'sf erv modificationst o his original 'l'hey civiliansr .rsingth e ferry who had to go right design. were subsequentlyb locked up. Finpooer: A 12 - pouder on tlu Princeo f Wales'Bs astion Finpowcr: A lcatry 13" imn mofiar emplaced on tlrs cast rampoî. covcnt lu pincipal bridge. About 1u(r0r rc o.astal-defenceb attery llrrs installed In thc nridcllco f thc north casematedc urtain l3 'l'hc in thc north and rrc st frontso f the firrt. rrcç an rrn:lltcrccsl rlllport lcaclst o thc north pl'aceo f 'l'hc gun cnrplrrccmcntsd cstrotcd plrrtso f the parll-rct arms 14 . scas oonr vlslrcclp :rrto f this lrrvrrr' :.rncslo r.nco f thc scntn boxes,i ncluclingt hosco f ltndi t uls rclruiltl s it cxistsn oq. It urs leterr rscd thc l)oint Ilrrttcn, u hich hclclr hrec of rhe ncu bv thc ScefirrthI Jighlrurtlcrse s rrc enretcrl firr \\'eapons.'l'hcsucc lp<lns\ \'crcs ct on rroodcn tlrcir pet dogs. platformss hich r-noveda longi ron rrils. llrrlf of rhc origir-rr[ln rbcttc battcn in I)uke of 'l'hrcc gLrnsu erc mountcd on Prince Henry (lumberland's Bastion ((icorgc II's sccontls on) I'-rederick's lJastion (( icorge I I's firur th grancsl on) , 15 rvasr en rovcclr r hcn thc Victorilrnc rrlrllccnrcnts rcphcing firur originalc ntbrlsures 12 . lles idc thc gun nrountingsa re smallc xpensen tagazincasn d shot: .rncslh cll rcccsscsb uilt into enclu ndcr thc A lteadstonien thed oge emetery. 'l'hc thickcnedp arapct. t*o guns now on displn' hcre rntl lt the l)oint llattcn lrc Arr-nstronNg lrrk lll riflccl( r-l-pounclcrfso. und rcccntlv in the Oalcclor-ria(lnln rl in Invcrncssr ncl lrroushth er c. 'l'hcv *crc probrblv rcmovedf iom thc H.l\1.S. llriton vhen shc rvasb roken up aftcr \\:orlcl \\'rrr 'l'he Onc. hollou ccntre of the bastionc ont:rins the u'orkshopy ard.

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