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Forsthoffer's Best Practice Handbook for Rotating Machinery PDF

674 Pages·2011·104.82 MB·English
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Forsthoffer’s Best Practice Handbook for Rotating Machinery W. E. Forsthoffer Amsterdam(cid:1)Boston(cid:1)Heidelberg(cid:1)London NewYork(cid:1)Oxford(cid:1)Paris(cid:1)SanDiego SanFrancisco(cid:1)Singapore(cid:1)Sydney(cid:1)Tokyo Butterworth-HeinemannisanimprintofElsevier Butterworth-Heinemannisan imprint of Elsevier The Boulevard, Langford Lane,Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, UK 225 WymanStreet, Waltham,MA02451,USA First edition 2011 Copyright (cid:1) 2011, W EForsthoffer. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved TherightofWEForsthoffertobeidentifiedastheauthorofthisworkhasbeenassertedinaccordancewiththeCopyright, Designsand Patents Act 1988 No partof this publication may be reproduced, storedin a retrievalsystem or transmitted in anyform or byany means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recordingor otherwisewithout the prior written permissionof the publisher PermissionsmaybesoughtdirectlyfromElsevier'sScience&TechnologyRightsDepartmentinOxford,UK:phone(+44) (0)1865843830;fax(+44)(0)1865853333;email:[email protected] onlinebyvisitingtheElsevierwebsiteathttp://elsevier.com/locate/permissions,andselectingObtainingpermissiontouse Elsevier material Notice Noresponsibilityisassumedbythepublisherortheauthorforanyinjuryand/ordamagetopersonsorpropertyasamatterof products liability,negligence or otherwise, orfrom any useor operationof any methods,products,instructions or ideas containedinthematerialherein.Becauseofrapidadvancesinthemedicalsciences,inparticular,independentverificationof diagnosesanddrug dosagesshould bemade British Library Cataloguingin Publication Data A cataloguerecord for this bookis available from the BritishLibrary Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book isavailabefrom the Library of Congress ISBN: 978-0-08-096676-2 For information on all Butterworth-Heinemann publicationsvisitourwebsiteatbooks.elsevier.com Printed and bound in Great Britain 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dedication Tomywife,childrenandextendedfamilyfortheirtotalfaithin myendeavors Preface The objective of this book is to enable the implementation of onrotatingequipmentlessons(coveringeachequipmenttypein cost effective best practices that will optimize plant safety, order from performance through to mechanical components) reliability and profits. The information is all presented in one and concluding with construction, pre-commissioning, start-up book with easy to find best practices that have been demon- andpredictivemaintenancedetails.Ihavealsoincludedachapter stratedgloballyandhavebenchmarkedsuccess. onCommunicationBestPractices. Theformatforeachofthe219bestpracticesinthisbookisto As is thecase formyprevious Machinery HandbookSeries, present: this text is intended for everyone associated with rotating equipment, regardless of educational background (operators, - TheBestPracticeinclearandconciseterms millwrightsandengineers). - TheLessonLearnedthatresultedintheBestPractice Insummary,itismyintentiontopresentrotatingmachinery - Benchmarksor‘references’toprovethatthebestpractice global best practices attained through my 45+ years in the in- resultsinincreasedsafety,profitandreliability dustry, to anyone in any company that has the objective of - Supportinginformationtoenableyoutoensuretimely achievingoptimumrotatingequipmentsafetyandreliability.It managementimplementationofyourrecommendation. is my belief that the information presented in this book can Thisbookisarrangedtoalloweasyaccesstoinformation,by significantly increase the implementationrate of recommenda- beginningwithprojectlessons,progressingtoindividualchapters tionsmadetoplantandcorporatemanagement. ix

Optimize plant asset safety and reliability while minimizing operating costs with this invaluable guide to the engineering, operation and maintenance of rotating equipment Based upon his multi-volume Rotating Equipment Handbooks, Forsthoffer's Best Practice Handbook for Rotating Machinery summarises
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