"FORREST GUME” Serwanplay Based on tha novel by Wi First Dratt Decenber 16, 992 FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY A let of this ie true... Wa‘va watching « teacher, lighter then aiz, floating, like Sine passing, alovly floating by. And ve gee it’s over a sity, A breeze catches it, moving iz here and there above fhe city. It slowly fleaca down past the tall buiidings, ie seems to hovar for a coment over a busy treat, And it Lignsty ind silently lands, ss all things, by chance, at'thia place, at this tine, in thie street, in Haw Orleans. EXT. A NEW ORLEANS STREET, THE PRESENT - DAY And ve sea a Man, sitting an a Bus bench, reaen te pick it up, In his foreien, ne looks like he smells like fish. Disty clothes, work hoots, a shopping bag filled with a conglomeration of hia things alenguida hin, ha/a honeiame. what distinguishes nin from the facade we ves everywhere, in Ris ayes. He hae the body and th face of a man, and the eyes of a boy. He hasn't 1 thing. There's somatning in the way he carri auiqward, “Like a duck out af water, f becvean retarded and 919} onan, and for no part And & BLACK WOMAN, exhausted, veering 8 nurses uniform, ets heavity cn the Bus bench beside Min, He locks at her. And jeher for a ular reason puts it in his pocker. he eniles. It's 9 oweet, atupid mile. and aa if she cared: THE WON Halla, im Forrest. I’m Forrest Gump. erectad. He tekes an ald candy Kies q it to hers she neds, not much out of his pocket. Ofte: FORREST {cone‘d) De you vant a checolate? She shakes "no." He cavrape it, popping it in his mouth. FORREST (cont‘a) T could eat anout a million and a (CourTNUED) ive. And he TORRES? (conz'd} dndving her ‘eh aust be very contartaple TAL you could walk all day in these shows and act feel a Sha os y anything. FORREST (conta) Id eure Like a pair of shoss like ‘that. ALL she can say is: TRE BLACK WOMAN My feet hurt, FORREST (oblivious) . Mama ead you could tell an aweuz Lot shout a paracn by their ana Where thay‘va bean, ang wher: ‘they‘ra going... Floppy one ¢hiny ones, and al: laced up ong She doaen’t aay anyening. FORREST (cont'd) (after a pant) Ive wern 4 lot of show (hia pide) T gunss you could say T’ve lived 2 precty interesting lira, a to mpeak... her ayas, toe tired to Listen. FORREST (cont’d) if = taink about it real hard T bat T could remamber ay firet pair Of hoes, 5. (contrive) ‘CONTENDED: We closes his ayes, thinking real hard. FORREST {cont'd} Mama aaid thay vould take ne anywhere, Thay vere magic ene shut real tight: and aa he kaspe his 6; INT. A DCCTOR‘S OFFIC#, GREEVBOW MISSzSSIPFI, 1952 - DAY Werze locking at @ wall calendar, "1952." 4 commy DGCTGR’S office. And a small SOY, six, in his undervenr, is sitting on an exemining table, being fistad by a Doctor with archopedic whose and setal leg braces. A pretty YOUNG WOMAN, in a plain ccat, holding a hat in har Rand, is anxicusly vateh: ‘THE DocTOR ae oe a sr -Hie spine’s crocked Mrs. cusp, Grookad as» politician. going to straighten hin right Ups. saAten‘t we Porramt? He helps him off the table. Forcast standa with the Rachanical contraption on bis feet. ME DOCTOR (cont’d) Take a little walk around. dily elanks around the room. TRE DOCTOR (cont'd) New hav do the 7 As Forrest emilee Ais sweet anil ‘TXT. GREENBOW, HISSTSSIPPr, 1982 ~ CAY Little Forrest, in his leg braces, holding his mocher’s hand, walks with her along the dusty main strest of a snail douthern town. A Breeze ruffles their clothing. (conrrsmEp) CONTINUED: TORREST (OVER) ss-Hhen I vas born ny nama named ue Forrest, hacauca of General Nathan Hedfore Forrest who vi here in the civil War. Mama, alvaya eaid ve vae kin to General Forrest's family soneways. “and ie except, up the Ky Kluw KU ‘The Grand Exalted Piaposh, or whatever ne called hinsalf.... END. RURAL MISSISSIPPI, 1870’S ~ NxGET And va saa The Grand Exalted Pishpesh himaelf, in his hooded sheet. leading Klanamen on a night ride. ‘Thay come riding inte 2 shanty-town, setting st en fire, rounding up Bisex Men and hanging then. FORREST (OVER) ss sAnyways, thay ware runnin‘ around in their undervear and thair sheete tenging everyane in eight, and the General’s io: tripped or something, and the Genera: fall inte a bunch of muds. We sea the Srand Exalted Pispesh taking a tunble into some aud. FORREST (OVER) +ssAnd in the confusion, seeing how it was dark eu, and hia being covered with mud, thay must of nistakan the Generel for somebody ela... Soma Riansnen euddenty throy a ropa around the suddy General's neck... FORREST (OVER) ‘thay hung hia, too... tha Grand Exaited Pleposn, not eo grand anyrore, om a tree with four Black Man, and va hanging EXT, GREENBON, MISSISS2zPI, 1952 - DAY FORREST (OVER) ve how I a And ag they move slong the dusty street, liteta Forrest clanking in ni people stop vhat they're daing, And Mra. Gump slova, looking at che MRS. GOMP sharp) What are you all looking at? Ain’e you aver sean a boy with braces on his lega before? And an the tean of Guap end Gump mova off along the street: URS. oti (cont 4) {to her aon) Don‘t ever lee anybody tell you they’za Detter than you, Forrest... Little Forrast Locks back at the people watohing ain. Maa. cOMP_ (cont’4} Rexenber vhat I told get epongaa in our heads, some People just get = biggar epongs then other peepla. You got to make best of what God gave you. Torvast’s MIND‘S EYE view. In ANIMATION, people found with different aize sponges for heads. And aa Forrest, helding his cothor’s hand, moves eff slang the dusty road’ under cose veeping illowal FORREST (OVER) Mama wanted ne te have the finest education... DISSOLVE To: ‘TNT. AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL; MISSTSSrPPZ, 1934 - Day Forrest, now eight, and stil: a Norman Reckwall painting, cutside of a Principal's o: Gump, har hat in her lap, in his leg braces, sis, Like aiting in an empty halivay oa. The door’e mjar. And calking with a Balding Man. THE ScHOoL PRINCTEAL s-rHis T.9, de 78 Wee. Gump, ‘The otaca requires a uininum 12. of to attand public wehool. de'e going to have to go to a “wpecial school"... They‘11 teach hin a trad ins. ctu Undignane) My Yorrast in no difterent then anybody > just a little rae, Wa/re talking about five little points here, There aust be sorething that ba done ‘The Balding Man studies hex, attracted to ni THE SCHOOL FRINCTPAL We've a progresvive school systen, we don’t want t¢ sae anybody left behind... (aniting) Te there a ME. Gump, Mes, Gunp? Rs. cop (fingering her hat) Me. Gunp’s on vacation. GRE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL ja beae Aika T aaid, verre at the Eront of education. We might just be able to vark somathing Gar... Ha smiles hin mosc charming sil Slasnes Intting out. As Farrel at all che other chitaren: Tha achool bell sings, ita in the hall, Looking EXT. A EOARDING HOUSE, IssissIPPZ, 1954 = NrcHT foase ae RECATREORY Yocd frame boarding housa. “The cup fouse. Rocking chairs line a porch. A faci ncohta out, Yorrest sitting an the staps of the front eens ona ine seiiinges of the night is punctuated by sre GRUNGE Of the grunta of 2 man building to an orgesa.. ton Bhe jabs ua, uh, uh, zhhnhh,..J" Than it’s quiet, some Zomenra, and she deer opens. And the Belding ean, putting ena hat, cones cut. se pate Forrast’s head’ TRE @CHOOL PRINCIPAL Your sana aura doas care about you, gen, and Forraet’s response 16: rons (imttaping hia, Yon, oh." URS uh, amb, ST. FORREST’S BEDROOM, THE BOARDING ROUSE ~ NIGHT Torrest’s lying in bed, his nother sitting on the ted, Tsiatly reading a beok'te hin, After some moments: FORREST (zaaning his char} acta a “vacation," mana? mms. coe When you go sonevhere and den‘ aver come back, FORREST (OVER) 3 guess vhen 3 was wbeut threa, and still didn’t know how to wey Wwe words, ay father saw how f wae a mental midyet, and decided tp take a long vacation. EXT. THE GUAP BOARDING HOUSE, 1948 - NIGHT And @ Young Men, Forrasc’a rather, is standing on tha porch docking st the moon. And ve sas Forrest's mocher in an Upexaize window holding Livtie Forrest. And the young “an walks off tha porch, And ae he walks off along the country Fead, hia hands in his packers, walking Coverd the naen TNT. FORREST’S ROOK, THE ROARDING HOUSE, 2954 - NIGaT Ferrest‘s nother eitting on the hed reading to him. FORREST (OVER) = learned yeara later my father was Killed in a beating accidant. INT. A FREIGHTER, ANOTHER TIME ~ DAY We see stevendores unicading a cargo of hananam. Ag a crane drops a load of Sananag on ane of tha zen, burying hint INT. FORREST’S ROOM, THE BOARDING HOUSE, 1964 - NIGHT Forrest's nether softly reading to him. Could ne Gecrge sneaked over the dugout. The balle and bate id for practice were lying on the ground, + And va gee his vieion. An Forrest ahuta bie ay! t's vision, ANIMATED, cartoon vielon of the vorld. an i46 Ferreat, seeing hingalf as the menkey Curious hue £0 Ae Forrest dritts off to sleep, monkey vieions running arcund his head, his mother, gitting on the bed, softly reading to him, ead tears roiling down her cheakat FORREST (OVER) I @dan’t really netize ay father was gona for a tong time, ‘cau people vere always coming and going ir cur house... INT. "THE GUMP* BOARDING HOUSE, 1984 ~ DAY Forrest, clanking around the busy hoarding house. FORREST (OVER) for about a week, this staying with’ us ef = tour. IMT. YTHE GMP" BOARDING HOUSE - NIGHT And we hear a very Lonasoze Tonight, Teeking tna gum gemiliar voice singing: are you "And va gue Litcie Forrame, curious, room, FORREST (OVER) He waa alvaya real polite and ared Kind of alone to ms, Apa sisting on a bed, strumming a guitar, ia che young zivia hinsals. FORREST (OVER) He asked ne if T knew how to play a guitar and I didn’t, so he showed maa thing or ive. Elvis snows him hov to finger it. Forrest strums s chord. He amiles, delignted. FORREST (OVER) And it felt good thet guitar and © just startad’to nove along vith fhe munic swinging my hips... restrict his movanents, he svings Aaugha. nce hia lag brae his little alps. Er pretty goed, and he copied sa. him, swinging hie hips. and a King {8 born. FORRES? (OVER) Sone years later chat handsome young nan had sung too many gongs and had a heart attack. Elvia initae FORREST (OVER) My Lite vaw about to change forever... EXT. A COUNTRY ROAD ~ DAY 1) atanding in a Livgie Forrest, in his leg brat ching, And we rural road, vadting for «: (COMRINIED}