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Formulation for Observed and Computed Values of Deep Space Network Data Types for Navigation PDF

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Formulation for Observed and Computed Values of Deep Space Network Data Types for Navigation Formulation for Observed and Computed Values of Deep Space Network Data Types for Navigation Theodore D. Moyer @ E E L l E N C E A JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., PUBLICATION (‘opriplit ( 2003 by .Ioliii Wile) & Soils. Inc. 411 rights reserved I’ublislied bc John Uiley & Sons. Iiic.. Iloboken. New Jersey I’uhllshcd sllllultalleouslv 111 ~‘;lnada. No part oftliis p~ihlicatioiim ay be rcproduced. stoi-ed in a retrioal system or transmitted in any fomi or h? any mean\. electronic. mechanical. photocopying. I-ecording. scanning or otherwise. except as pemiitted under Section I07 or I OX of the I976 United States Copyright Act. without either the prior ibrittcn periiiission oftlie Publisher. or authorization through payment ofthe appropriate per-copv fee to tlie Copyright Clearance (.enter. Inc.. 222 Rosewood Drive. Danvers. MA 01 923. 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ISBN 0-471-44535-5 Printed in the United States of Atnerica 10 9 8 7 (1 5 4 3 2 I Contents [Mote: Each section has a detailed table of contents.] Fore~~or..d..... ....................................................................... .................................. v11 Preface ................................................................... ...................................................... ix Acknowledgments ................................................................. ..................................... x 1 Introduction ...................................... .................................................. 1 2 Time Scales and Time Differences ................................................................... 5 3 Planetary Ephemeris, Small-Body Ephemeris, and Satellite Ephemerides .......................... 33 4 Spacecraft Ephemeris and Partials File ...................................................... ..... 55 5 Geocentric Space-Fixed Position, Velocity, and Acceleration Vectors of Tracking Station ................................................................................... ...... 103 6 Space-Fixed Position, Velocity, and Acceleration Vectors of a Landed Spacecraft Relative to Center of Mass of Planet, Planetary System, or the Moon ................................ 183 7 Algorithms for Computing ET-TAI ...................................................................................... 205 8 Light-Time Solution ............................................................................................. 9 Angles ................................................................... 10 Media and Antenna Corrections .......................................... ........................... 307 I1 Calculation of Precision Light Times and Quasar Delays .................................................. 353 12 Partial Derivatives of Precision Light Times and Quasar Delays ....................................... 393 13 Observables ...................................................................................................... 4 I9 14 References ........................................................................................................................... 539 15 Acronyms ....................................................................................................... 541 Index ................... ..................... ....... 55 1 V Foreword The Deep Space Communications and Navigation Systems Center of Excellence (DESCANSO) was recently established for the National Aeronau- tics and Space Administration (NASA) at the California Institute of Technol- ogy’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). DESCANSO is chartered to harness and promote excellence and innovation to meet the communications and navi- gation needs of future deep-space exploration. DESCANSO’s vision is to achieve continuous communications and precise navigation-any time, anywhere. In support of that vision, DESCANSO aims to seek out and advocate new concepts, systems, and technologies; foster key scientific and technical talents; and sponsor seminars, workshops, and sympo- sia to facilitate interaction and idea exchange. The Deep Space Communications and Navigation Series, authored by sci- entists and engineers with many years of experience in their respective fields, lays a foundation for innovation by communicating state-of-the-art knowledge in key technologies. The series also captures fundamental principles and prac- tices developed during decades of deep-space exploration at JPL. In addition, it celebrates successes and imparts lessons learned. Finally, the series will serve to guide a new generation of scientists and engineers. Joseph H. Yuen DESCANSO Leader vii Preface This report documents the formulation of program Regres of the Orbit Determination Program (ODP) of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Program Regres calculates the computed values of observed quantities (e.g.,d oppler and range observables) obtained at the tracking stations of the Deep Space Network (DSN). It also calculates media corrections for the computed values of the observables and partial derivatives of the computed values of the observables with respect to the solve-for parameter vector q. The Orbit Data Editor (ODE) obtains the actual quantities that are observed by the DSN. These quantities are used to calculate the “observed” values of the DSN data types using the formulation given in this report. These “observables” are given to program Regres on the OD file. The definitions of the observed values of the DSN data types calculated in the ODE and the computed values of the DSN data types calculated in program Regres are the same. The estimation programs of the ODP set fit the computed values of the observables to the observed values of the observables in a least squares sense by differentially correcting the values of the solve-for parameters. This process uses the observed-minus-computed residuals and the par- tial derivatives of the computed values of the observables with respect to the solve-for parameter vector q calculated in program Regres. The resulting estimated values of the solve-for parameters determine the trajectory of the spacecraft. The last external report that documented the Regres formulation was Moyer (1971) (see Sec- tion 14, References). That report gave the complete formulation of the ODP. This report gives the formulation for program Regres only. I started working on the Regres formulation when I arrived at JPL in 1963. Prior to publication of this document, the Regres formulation was contained in parts of Moyer (1971), and in many JPL-internal memoranda. The purpose of writing this docu- ment was to place the entire Regres formulation in a widely available external document. I! will be used in the Next-Generation Navigation Software, which is currently under development at JPL. Also, the formulation is available and can be used by any organization that is developing an ODP. It applies for navigating a spacecraft anywhere in the Solar System. Theodore D. Moyer October 2000 ix Acknowledgments I am indebted to many people who contributed to the Regres formulation and helped me understand their contributions. These include, in particular, the following individuals: John D. Anderson, James S. Border, Frank B. Estabrook, William M. Folkner, Gene L. Goltz, Ronald W. Hellings, Robert A. Jacobson, Andrew Kwok, Gabor E. Lanyi, Jay H. Lieske, E. Myles Standish, Richard F. Sunseri, James G Williams, and Sien C. Wu of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory; X X Newhall, Ojars J. Sovers, and J. Brooks Thomas, recently retired from JPL; Jeff A. Estefan, formerly of JPL; John R. Smith, retired from JPL; and John C. Ries of the University of Texas at Austin. I am grateful to Peter J. Breckheimer, John E. Ekelund, James B. Collier, Tseng-Chan (Mike) Wang, and Dah-Ning Yuan for converting the Regres formulation to program Regres. Also, many thanks to Roger Carlson and Judi Dedmon in the JPL Technical Information section for editing and producing this document. x Formulation for Observed and Computed Values o f Deep Space Network Data Types for Navigation. Theodore D. Moyer Copyright 0 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 0-471-44535-5 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION For determining the trajectory of a spacecraft, computed values of observed quantities are fit to the observables by varying the values of the model parameters. The estimated values of these so-called solve-for parameters determine the trajectory of the spacecraft. This report documents the current formulation for the observed and computed values of the observables and the corresponding partial derivatives of the computed observables with respect to the solve-for parameters. This formulation is used in program Regres of the Orbit Determination Program (ODP) of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. h s third-generation program has been used to determine spacecraft trajectories for lunar and planetary missions since 1968. Recently, it has also been used to determine the orbits of Earth satellites. The last external report which documented the Regres formulation was Moyer (1971). The scope of that report was the formulation of the entire ODP. This report documents the complete formulation of program Regres of the ODP and the relativistic terms of the formulation of program PV, whch generates the spacecraft trajectory and the corresponding partial derivatives with respect to the estimable parameters. Thus, this document contains all of the relativistic terms that affect the computed values of observed quantities. The complete formulation of program PV will eventually be documented by Richard F. Sunseri, the programmer/analyst for that program. The user’s guide for the ODP is given in DPTRAJ-ODP User’s Reference Manual (2000). All of the observables can be placed into the following broad categories: doppler, range, spacecraft and quasar very long baseline interferometry (VLBI), and angular observables. They are described in detail in Section 13. The model parameters whose values can be estimated can be placed into the following categories: (a) Dynamic parameters that determine the spacecraft trajectory, 1 2 SECTION 1 Station location parameters that determine the Earth-fixed locations of the tracking stations, Earth orientation parameters that determine the space-fixed orientation of the Earth, Reference parameters that determine the relative positions of the celestial bodies of the Solar System, Quadratic coefficients of corrections to atomic time at the spacecraft and tracking stations, Quadratic coefficients of the correction to the spacecraft transmitter frequency (when it is the transmitter), Range biases, Parameters of the Earth's troposphere and ionosphere, The relativity parameters /3 and The right ascensions and declinations of quasars. Those parameters, such as range biases, that affect the computed values of the observables but not the position vectors of the participants (the spacecraft and the traclung stations) are referred to as observational parameters. There are two variations of the formulations used in programs PV and Regres of the ODP. One of these is the original formulation which is referred to the Solar-System barycentric relativistic frame of reference. It applies for a spacecraft anywhere in the Solar System. The alternate formulation is referred to the local geocentric relativistic frame of reference. It applies for a spacecraft near the Earth, such as an Earth orbiter. Note that lunar missions must be analyzed in the Solar-System barycentric frame of reference. 'The errors in the computed values of range and doppler observables due to neglected terms in the formulation for computing them are less than 0.2 m INTRODUCTION 3 (one-way) and m/s per astronomical unit (AU) of range to the spacecraft. These figures assume two-way data (the receiving station on Earth is the transmitting station). Also, they do not account for errors in input items, such as the planetary and spacecraft ephemerides, precession and nutation models, and traclung station locations. Section 2 discusses time scales and the calculation of time differences. This material is presented first because time is discussed in all of the other sections of report. The planetary and satellite ephemerides the quantities th~s and interpolated from them are described in Section 3. Section 4 presents the equations used in program PV for the acceleration of the spacecraft due to gravity only (Newtonian and relativistic terms) in the Solar-System barycentric and local geocentric frames of reference. Section 5 gives the extensive formulation for the geocentric space-fixed position, velocity, and acceleration vectors of a fixed tracking station on Earth. The formulation for the space-fixed position, velocity, and acceleration vectors of a landed spacecraft on one of the celestial bodies of the Solar System is given in Section 6. Section 7 gives the four algorithms used for calculating the difference between coordinate time of general relativity and atomic time at the transmission or reception time at a traclung station on Earth or an Earth satellite. Section 8 gives the light-time equation and the algorithm for the spacecraft light-time solution. It also gives the corresponding quantities for the quasar light-time solution used in calculating the computed values of quasar VLBI observables. The formulation used to compute the auxiliary angles is given in Section 9. The calculation of antenna, tropospheric, and charged-particle corrections is described in Section 10. Section 11 describes how precision range (round-trip or one-way light times) and quasar delays are calculated from quantities computed in Sections 7 to 10. The partial derivatives of the computed precision ranges and quasar delays with respect to the solve-for parameters are given in Section 12. Section 13 gives the formulations for the observed and computed values of the various types of doppler, range, VLBI, and angular observables, and the equations for calculating media corrections for the computed values of the observables and partial derivatives of the computed values of the observables with respect to the solve-for parameters. The Orbit Data Editor (ODE) obtains the observed quantities from the tracking stations and

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