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Forming disc galaxies in major mergers II. The central mass concentration problem and a comparison of GADGET3 with GIZMO PDF

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Preview Forming disc galaxies in major mergers II. The central mass concentration problem and a comparison of GADGET3 with GIZMO

Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscriptno.a2015_2 (cid:13)cESO2017 January11,2017 Forming disc galaxies in major mergers II. The central mass concentration problem and a comparison of GADGET3 with GIZMO S.A.Rodionov,E.AthanassoulaandN.Peschken AixMarseilleUniv,CNRS,LAM,Laboratoired’AstrophysiquedeMarseille,Marseille,France e-mail:[email protected] ReceivedXXXX,XXX;acceptedXXXX,XXXX 7 ABSTRACT 1 Context.Inaseriesofpapers,westudythemajormergeroftwodiskgalaxiesinordertoestablishwhetherornotsuchamergercan 0 produceadiscgalaxy. 2 Aims.Ouraimhereistodescribeindetailthetechnicalaspectsofournumericalexperiments. n Methods.Wediscusstheinitialconditionsofourmajormerger,whichconsistoftwoprotogalaxiesonacollisionorbit.Weshowthat a suchmergersimulationscanproduceanon-realisticcentralmassconcentration,andweproposesimple,parametric,activeGalactic J nuclei(AGN)-likefeedbackasasolutiontothisproblem.OurAGN-likefeedbackalgorithmisverysimple:ateachtime-stepwetake 0 allparticleswhoselocalvolumedensityisaboveagiventhresholdvalueandincreasetheirtemperaturetoapresetvalue.Wealso 1 comparetheGADGET3andGIZMOcodes,byapplyingbothofthemtothesameinitialconditions. Results.Weshowthattheevolutionofisolatedprotogalaxiesresemblestheevolutionofdiskgalaxies,thusarguingthatourproto- ] galaxiesarewellsuitedforourmergersimulations.Wedemonstratethattheproblemwiththeunphysicalcentralmassconcentration A inourmergersimulationsisfurtheraggravatedwhenweincreasetheresolution.WeshowthatourAGN-likefeedbackremovesthis G non-physicalcentralmassconcentration,andthusallowstheformationofrealisticbars.NotethatourAGN-likefeedbackmainly affectsthecentralregionofamodel,withoutsignificantlymodifyingtherestofthegalaxy.Wedemonstratethat,inthecontextofour h. kindofsimulation,GADGET3givesresultswhichareverysimilartothoseobtainedwiththePSPH(densityindependentSPH)flavor p ofGIZMO.Moreover,intheexampleswetried,thedifferencesbetweentheresultsofthetwoflavorsofGIZMO–namelyPSPH,and - MFM(mesh-lessalgorithm)–aresimilartoand,insomecomparisons,largerthanthedifferencesbetweentheresultsofGADGET3 o andPSPH. r t Keywords. galaxies:kinematicsanddynamics–methods:numerical s a [ 1. Introduction torsishigh,soifwesimplyadopttheKennicutt-Schmidtlaw,we 1 v findthatthestar-formationefficiencywillbegreat(i.e.,thegas 5 consumptiontime-scalewillbesmall).Moreover,starformation Anumberofobservationalworkshavearguedthatalargefrac- 8 will be strongly enhanced during the merger event (Larson & tion of present-day spiral galaxies have experienced a major 6 Tinsley 1978). As a consequence, a significant fraction of the merger event during the last 8 Gyr (e.g., Hammer et al. 2005, 2 gaswillnotsurvivethemerging,andwillturnintostarsbefore 02009a,b; Puech et al. 2012). This has motivated a number of itsend,whichwillleadtohighB/Tfraction. .numerical simulations modeling the merging and its remnant. 1 However,mostdynamicalsimulationsofmajormergersbetween 0 two spiral galaxies made so far have initial conditions where InA16,weproposedamorerealisticsetupforthedynami- 7 eachgalaxyhasthe propertiesofnearbydiskgalaxies,with,in cal study of a major merger event between two spiral galaxies, 1 :thebestcases,anenhancedgasfractiontomimicdiskgalaxiesat introducinggasintheformofagaseoushalo,existentineachof vintermediateredshifts(Barnes2002;Springel&Hernquist2005; theprotogalaxies.Wethuscollidenotacoupleoffullyevolved i XCox et al. 2006; Hopkins et al. 2009; Lotz et al. 2010; Wang localspiralgalaxies,butacoupleofprotogalaxies,consistingof et al. 2012; Hopkins et al. 2013; Borlaff et al. 2014; Querejeta only dark matter and gas halos. Each protogalaxy, after 1 − 2 r aetal.2015;Hopkinsetal.2009;Governatoetal.2009;Hopkins Gyrofevolutioninisolation,resemblesanintermediate-redshift et al. 2013; Borlaff et al. 2014; Querejeta et al. 2015). Merger disk galaxy, while after 8 − 10 Gyr of evolution, it resembles remnants from such simulations have, in general, a B/T (bulge a present-day spiral galaxy (see A16 and Appendix A). In the tototalstellarmass)ratiothatistoohightoadequatelyrepresent current article, the second of a series, we discuss in detail the spiralgalaxies.Thiscanbeeasilyexplainedassumingthatadisk technicalaspectsofournumericalexperiments.Insection2,we canbeformedonlyfromthegasthatsurvivedthemerger(Hop- describetheinitialconditionsforoursimulations,whileinAp- kinsetal.2009).InordertohaveasmallB/Tratio,itisnecessary pendix A we discuss the evolution of individual protogalaxies thatalargefractionofgassurvivesthemergerevent.Forexam- inisolation.Insect.3,wedemonstratewhyweneedAGN-like ple,inthemostfavorablecaseof100%gaseousprogenitors,for feedbackinourmodels,describetheadoptedfeedback,andtest B/T ∼0.3,atleast70%ofthegasmustsurvivethemerger.But it. In sect. 4, we compare results of our simulations calculated thisisrelativelydifficulttoaccomplishifallthegasisinitiallyin usingeitherGADGET3orGIZMOcodes.Weconcludeinsec- thedisk.Thesurfacedensityofthegasinsuchgas-richprogeni- tion5. Articlenumber,page1of14 A&Aproofs:manuscriptno.a2015_2 2. Simulations Theinternalenergyofeachgaseousparticleiscalculatedso that it is in hydrostatic equilibrium in the halo + gas potential, 2.1. Initialconditions takingintoaccountthespin,ifitexists.Inthecasewithoutrota- 2.1.1. Individualprotogalaxies tion,fromtheconditionofhydrostaticequilibriumandassuming thatthepressureiszeroatinfinity,wehave: In all our simulations, individual protogalaxies are initially (cid:90) ∞ spherical and composed of a dark matter (DM) halo and a P(r(cid:48))= Gρ(r)M(r)/r2dr, (3) gaseous halo, of masses M and M , respectively. Stars do DM gas r(cid:48) notexistintheinitialconditions,butformduringtheevolution. where M(r) is the total mass inside a sphere with radius r, and Towithinamultiplicativeconstant,thetypeoffunctionalform ρ(r) and P(r) are the density and pressure, respectively, of the forthedensityofboththeDMandthegaseoushalois gas at a given radius. From the pressure, assuming the condi- tion of ideal gas, we can calculate the specific internal energy C sech(r/|r|) u = P/(ρ (γ − 1)), where γ is the adiabatic index (in all our ρ(r)= xγi (xη+1)(γo−tγi)/η, (1) simulations,wesetγ=5/3,whichcorrespondstomono-atomic gas). where r is the spherical radius, x = r/r , and r and r are Whenever present, the spin is taken into account using the s s t characteristic radii of the halo that can be considered as mea- following simple approximation. We derive the thermal energy sures of the scale length and the tapering radius, respectively. inthepolarregionsu fromequation(3),andcalculatethether- p The constants γ, γ , and η characterize the radial density pro- malenergyintheequatorialregionu fromthepressure: i o e fileandCisaglobalmultiplicativeconstanttosetthetotalmass (cid:90) ∞ tγooth=ed3e,sainreddηva=lue1.,FworhitchheDcoMrr,esinpotnhdiss,arutpiclteo,wtheeutrsuenγciat=ion1,, Pe(r(cid:48))= r(cid:48) ρ(r)(GM(r)/r2−v2φ/r)dr. (4) to Navarro–Frenk–White (NFW) models (Navarro et al. 1996, Weinterpolatethethermalenergyas,u=ku +(1−k)u ,where 1997). For the gas, we have γi = 0, γo = 2, and η = 2 (Beta k = |θ|/(π/2), and θ is the angle between a pgiven directeion and model for β = 2/3, e.g., Miller & Bregman (2015) and refer- theequatorialplane.However,weshouldnotethatinallmodels encestherein).Allparametersforeachmodeldiscussedherecan consideredhere,thecorrectionforthespinisalmostnegligible befoundinAppendixB. anditwouldbeenoughtouseequation(3)withoutanycorrec- Thehalocomponentwasbuiltasasphericalisotropicsystem tions. in equilibrium with the total potential including gas, using the Models constructed in such a way are in equilibrium if the distributionfunctiontechnique(Binney&Tremaine2008,§4.3). gasisadiabatic(i.e.,withoutcoolingandfeedback).Duringthe For this, we used the program mkhalo written by W. Dehnen runs, however, the gas will cool radiatively and, getting out of (McMillan & Dehnen 2007), which is part of the NEMO tool equilibrium,fallinwards.InAppendixAwediscusstheevolu- box(Teuben1995).Wealsohavethepossibilitytoaddaspinto tionofsuchprotogalaxiesindetail. thehalo.Thefractionofparticleswithapositivesenseofrota- tionisgivenbytheparameter f .Incaseswithnonetrotation pos f = 0.5,whileifallparticlesrotateinthepositive(negative) 2.1.2. Collisions pos sensethisparameterisequalto1(-1). In all cases considered here, we have mergers between two Thegaseouscomponentwasconstructedasfollows.Foreach equal-massgalaxies.However,caseswithunequalgalaxiescan gasparticle,allvelocitiesexceptthetangentialvelocityv were φ beeasilycreatedinourframework,andtheywillbediscussedin settozero.Thetangentialvelocitywassettothevalueofv¯ , H,φ followingarticles. themeantangentialvelocityinthehaloatthelocationofthegas EachofthetwoprotogalaxiesisinitiallycreatedwithZasro- particle.Thisvaluecanbecalculateddirectlyfromthedistribu- tationaxis.Afterthat,theycanbearbitraryorientated,which,in tionfunctionofthehalo.First,atagivensphericalradiusr,we general,givesustwoEuleranglesperprotogalaxy.Lettheplane calculatev¯(r),themeanofthemoduleofthevelocityvector. ofthecollisionalorbitbetheX−Y plane.Wedescribethisorbit byaninitialseparationinphasespace x ,y ,v ,v .Insome 0 0 x,0 y,0 (cid:82)vmaxvp (v)dv cases,wechoosetheinitialseparationfromatwo-bodyproblem v¯(r)= (cid:82)00vmax pvv(v)dv , (2) (inastswumoipnogintthsa)t,aselltttihnegmthaessdeosfirthedeporrobtiotgeaclcaexnitersiciistyc,oinnciteinatlrasetepd- aration,anddistanceinpericenter.Seealltheparametersofthe √ wherev = 2Ψisthemaximalvelocityatagivenradiusr, modelsdiscussedhereinAppendixB. max Ψ is the negative of the total gravitational potential at a given radius, p (v)∼v2DF(Ψ(r)−v2/2)istheprobabilitydensityofv v 2.2. Code atagivenradiusandDFisthedistributionfunction(Binney& Tremaine2008,§4.3).Itiseasytoprovethatin3Dspace,ifwe We use a version of GADGET3 including gas and its physics startfromanisotropicsystemandaddrotationbychangingthe (Springel 2005). The stars and the dark matter are followed fractionofparticleswithpositiveandnegativesenseofrotation by N-body particles and gravity is calculated with a tree code. (by introducing f ), the mean of the tangential velocity v¯ = ThecodeusesanimprovedSPHmethod(Springel&Hernquist pos φ (f −0.5)v¯. 2002) and sub-grid physics (Springel & Hernquist 2003). We pos It would have been possible to add spin to the system in a usethesameparametersforthesub-gridphysicsasSpringel& different way. For example f in the halo does not have to be Hernquist (2003), which were calibrated with Kennicutt’s law pos constant and could be set as a function f (R,z), where R is (Kennicutt1998)). pos the cylindrical radius. Also, rotation in the gas could be set as Except for test simulations, we use a softening length completelyindependentoftherotationinthehalo. of 25 pc for the gas and stars and of 50 pc for the halo, Articlenumber,page2of14 S.A.Rodionov,E.AthanassoulaandN.Peschken:Formingdiscgalaxiesinmajormergers. a 0.005 relative accuracy of the force, and the GADGET & Tremaine 2008). In order to demonstrate this, we consider opening criterion 1, that is, a relative criterion that tries to two low-resolution test models, each with ten times less parti- limit the absolute truncation error of the multiple expan- cles than mdf018 (see Appendix B). One model (mdf225) has sion for every particle-cell interaction (see GADGET man- the same gravitational softening as mdf018: 50 pc for the halo, ual, http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/gadget/users-guide.pdf). and25pcforgasandstars.Theothermodel(mdf214)hasdou- We also use the GADGET system of units; that is, the unit of blethissoftening:100pcforthehalo,and50pcforgasandstars. length is 1 kpc, the unit of mass is 1010 M , and the unit of Allparameters,exceptthenumberofparticlesandthesoftening (cid:12) velocityis1km/sec.Wecontinuedallsimulationsupto10Gyr. lengths,areidenticaltothoseofmdf018.Low-resolutionmodels with the same gravitational softening (mdf225) at t = 2.5 Gyr have a central peak on v (R) with almost the same maximum c 3. Centralmassconcentrationinmergermodels asinthehigh-resolutionmodelmdf018(seeFig.1,greenline). Nevertheless, during the evolution, the central bump decreases 3.1. ModelswithoutAGN-likefeedback much faster than in mdf018, and by t = 10 Gyr, the low reso- 3.1.1. Thecentralmassconcentrationproblem lution model mdf225 has no central bump on v (R) at all. This c fits well with the fact that the relaxation time is smaller for a AsshowninA16andthefollowingpapers,oursimulationscan smallernumberofparticles.Low-resolutionmodelswithasoft- makegalaxieswhosepropertiesaregenerallyingoodagreement eningtwiceasbig(mdf214),att = 2.5Gyr,haveacentralpeak with those of real galaxies. Such comparisons include face-on significantly less pronounced on v (R), which is expected due and edge-on morphologies, radial density profiles, finding type c to the decreased spacial resolution. During the evolution, how- II profiles with inner and outer disc scale lengths, and break ever, the central bump on v (R) decreases slower than in low- radiiingoodagreementwiththoseobserved,etc..Wealsofind c resolutionsimulationswithasmallersoftening(mdf225),which good agreement with observations for vertical density profiles isalsoexpected,becausetherelaxationtimeisbiggerforabig- and thick disk properties, as well as for a number of kinematic gersoftening(Athanassoulaetal.2001;Rodionov&Sotnikova properties.Inparticular,theirrotationcurvesareflat,asobserved 2005).Thisanalysisarguesthattheloweringofthecentralpeak byBosma(1981). on v (R) in the high-resolution model mdf018 is due, at least However, our models without AGN feedback have one no- c partly,tothetwo-bodyrelaxation. tableproblem,concerningtheverycentralpartofthedisk.Dur- Asaresult,wecanexpectthathigher-resolutionsimulations, ingthecollision,themodelsformanextremelydense,and,aswe namely with a greater number of particles and smaller soften- discuss below, non-realistic central mass concentration (CMC). ing, will make the problem with CMC even worse, because a Thiscentralmassconcentrationcanbebetterseenonthecircular smallersofteningwillmakethepeakonv (R)higher,andabig- velocityprofilev (R)1. c c ger number of particles will prevent its attenuation with time. LetusconsideratypicalexampleofamodelwithoutAGN: Ontheotherhand,smallerresolutionspuriouslydiminishesthe mdf018. All parameters of this model can be found in Ap- problem(seeFig.1,fortwolow-resolutionmodels,mdf214and pendixB.Thismodelisthenon-AGNanalogofmdf732,which mdf225).Thismeansthat,insufficientlylow-resolutionmodels, was thoroughly analyzed in A16. In Fig. 1 (red line), we show onewillnothaveproblemswithanon-realisticCMC.Ofcourse, thecentralpartofthev (R)profilesatdifferenttimesformdf018. c decreasing the resolution cannot be considered as a solution to Att=2.5Gyr,thatis,approximately1Gyrafterthemerger,the thehighcentralconcentrationproblem. centralbumponv (R)isveryhigh,andreachesalmost360km/s c (seefig.1). Thestrongcentralpeakonvc(R)isunrealisticbyitself.The 3.2. AGN-likefeedback.Howwewillproceed. circular velocity curves of the models can be compared with OnecouldexpectthataddingAGNfeedbackwouldsolve,orat observed HI or Hα rotation curves. Central bumps on rotation leastalleviate,theproblemwiththecentralpeakinthecircular curvesmayappearinrealgalaxies,butareconsiderablysmaller velocityprofile.However,anAGNisnottrivialtomodel.There (e.g.,Sofueetal.1999).Anotherproblemwiththestrongcentral areinherentdifficultiesinunderstandingboththeaccretioninto peaksonv (R)concernsbars.Oursimulationsshowthatsucha c thecentralblackhole(hereafterBH)(Hopkins&Quataert2010) strong central peak stops, or delays beyond 10 Gyr, the forma- and the subsequent energetic feedback (King 2003; Wurster & tion of a bar (see also A16), while approximately two thirds of Thacker2013).Moreover,weobviouslydonothaveenoughres- diskgalaxieshavebars(Butaetal.2015).Bumpsofsimilarsize olutiontomodelthesetwoprocessesdirectly. did also appear in cosmological simulations until relatively re- Nevertheless, there are several AGN feedback algorithms cently, but have been lately strongly diminished by increasing (see, for example, a comparative study of Wurster & Thacker thefeedback(seeBrooks&Christensen2016,forareview).We (2013),andpapersbyDuboisetal.(2010);Blechaetal.(2013); will follow a similar route (see sect. 3.2), but before doing so, Volonterietal.(2015);Gaboretal.(2016)).Usually,suchalgo- we would like to continue the discussion of CMCs in a model rithms include the explicit calculation of the accretion onto the withoutanAGN. black hole (thus the evolution of the mass of the black hole), its movement (advection), and the merging of black holes in 3.1.2. DemiseoftheCMCinlow-resolutionmodels. cases of collisional simulations. But here we propose a much simplerandlessambitiousapproach.Wedonotaimtocalculate InFig.1,wecanseethatduringtheevolution,thecentralbump theevolutionofthesuper-massiveblackholes;weonlywantto onthev (R)profileinmdf018becomeslessandlessprominent c removenon-physicalcentralmassconcentrationsinourmodels withtime,andatt=10Gyrithasonlyamaximumof260km/s. by adding physically motivated feedback. One way to proceed Onecansuggestthatthisisduetotwo-bodyrelaxation(Binney insuchasituationistointroducesomekindofsubgrid-physics 1 In this paper we calculate the circular velocity fro√m the total modeland“calibrate”itwithobservations. massdistribution,assumingsphericalsymmetry:v (R)= GM(R)/R, Ourintentwastoinclude,inourmodel,asimple,parametric, c whereM(R)isthetotalmassinsideasphereofradiusR. AGN-likefeedbackwiththefollowingproperties: Articlenumber,page3of14 A&Aproofs:manuscriptno.a2015_2 Fig.1.Centralpartofthecircularvelocityprofilesformodelsmdf018(highresolutionmodel),mdf225(lowresolutionmodel),andmdf214(low resolutionmodelswithtwotimesbiggersoftening)attimes2.5,5,7.5,and10Gyr.Thisiscalculatedfromthetotalmassdistribution,assuming sphericalsymmetry. – Beingsimple. thresholdischosensoastoensurethattheparticlesarelocated – Beingabletosolvetheproblemwiththecentralpeakinthe inthecenter-mostregion. circularvelocityprofile. Inouralgorithm,wedonothaveasingleparticlerepresent- – Allowingtheformationofabar. ingtheblackhole,sowedonotdirectlyfollowthemassofthe – Being physically plausible, thus injecting a reasonable BH.Wecan,however,calculatetheBHmassfromthefeedback amountofenergyinthecentralregionofthegalaxy. energy by, in some sense, inverting the formalism described in Springeletal.(2005).WetakethesamevalueasSpringeletal. – Influencingmainlythecentralregionofthemodel. (2005) for the radiative efficiency of the BH, (cid:15) = 0.1, and the r Thelastpointrequiressomeexplanation.Itiscommonlybe- fractionofradiativeluminosity(cid:15)f =0.05,whichcancouplether- lieved that AGN feedback could be quite strong and, presum- mallytothesurroundinggas.Consequently: ably, be able to significantly quench star formation in the en- M (t)= E (t)/(c2(cid:15) (cid:15) )+M (0), (5) tire galaxy (Springel et al. 2005; Di Matteo et al. 2005; Bundy BH feed f r BH et al. 2008), thereby influencing more than just the central re- where M (t) is the BH mass at a given time t, and E (t) is BH feed gionofthegalaxy.However,aswementionedbefore,therearea the cumulated feedback energy up to time t. We stress that in lotoffundamentaldifficultiesinpropermodelingofAGNfeed- thebasicversionofourfeedbackalgorithm(withoutEddington back.So,ifweincludeanAGN-feedbackthatmodifiestheen- limit),wedonotneedtoknowM inthealgorithmitself. BH tiregalaxyinourmodel,wewillneedtocalibrateitwithsome The Eddington limit can be added as an option. It requires observations, which is not trivial. Because of this, we have de- threenewfreeparameters:(cid:15) ,(cid:15) ,andM (0).KnowingM (t), r f BH BH cided that it would be reasonable, as a first step, to include an wecancalculatetheEddingtonluminosityas: AGN-likefeedbackthatmainlyinfluencesthecentralregionof 4πGM (t)m c themodel,andbarelyaffectstheouterparts. L = BH p . (6) Edd σ T From this, we can calculate the energy available for the feed- 3.3. DescriptionofourAGN-likefeedback back for the current time-step dt as E = L · dt · (cid:15) . We Edd Edd f Our AGN-like feedback is based on two parameters: a volume thencalculateE ,theenergyrequiredtoheatallparticleswith req density threshold ρ , and a temperature T . More specif- ρ > ρ uptoatemperatureofT .If E > E ,weheat AGN AGN AGN AGN req Edd ically, at every time step, we give internal energy to the gas particleswithaprobability p = E /E .Thisway,westatis- Edd req particles whose local volume density is larger than the thresh- tically obey the Eddington limit. For further discussion of the old ρ , by increasing their temperature to T . The density EddingtonlimitseeSect.3.5. AGN AGN Articlenumber,page4of14 S.A.Rodionov,E.AthanassoulaandN.Peschken:Formingdiscgalaxiesinmajormergers. 3.4. ModelswithandwithoutAGN-likefeedback Our last model to compare is mdf791 (T = 1×107 K, AGN ρ = 2 M /pc3), which is similar to mdf732 (T = AGN (cid:12) AGN Herewecomparefivemodels;allofthemhaveidenticalparam- 1 × 107 K, ρ = 1 M /pc3), but has a ρ twice as high AGN (cid:12) AGN eters,exceptfortheAGN-likefeedbackparameters; astheothers.Wecanseethatbyincreasingρ ,wedecrease AGN the efficiency of the AGN and make this model very similar to – mdf018:ModelwithoutAGN-likefeedback mdf789(T =5×106K,ρ =1M /pc3,seeFigs.3and4). – mdf789:TAGN =5×106 K,ρAGN =1M(cid:12)/pc3 ThiscanbeAGeaNsilyunderstoodAGbeNcausean(cid:12)increaseinρAGNmeans – mdf732:TAGN =1×107 K,ρAGN =1M(cid:12)/pc3 thatfewerparticleswillhavetheirthermalenergyincreasedand – mdf788:TAGN =2×107 K,ρAGN =1M(cid:12)/pc3 therebythetotalfeedbackwillbesmaller. – mdf791:T =1×107 K,ρ =2M /pc3 The vertical thickness is a further noticeable difference be- AGN AGN (cid:12) tweenthemodelswithandwithoutAGN(seefig.2).Inthevery TheremainingparametersaregiveninAppendixB. centralregion(lessthan2kpc),thedifferenceinthethicknessis At t=10 Gyr, all these models are very similar. Their ra- duetothepresenceofabar,andparticularlytotheboxy/peanut dial surface density profiles are virtually identical, except for bulgeassociatedtoit.Butthedifferencesoutsidethebarregion the innermost region where models with no or weak feedback aremoredifficulttoexplain.ThemodelwithaveryweakAGN (mdf018, mdf789, and mdf791) have a steeper cusp than the (mdf789), beyond the bar region, is approximately in between others (fig. 2). It is the extra density in their cusps that is re- themodelwithoutAGNandtherestofthemodels.Presumably sponsibleforthesteepmaximuminthecircularvelocitycurve, itissomehowconnectedtotheverydensecentralmassconcen- alreadydiscussedinSect.3.1.1.Kinematicprofilesincludingthe trationbuttheexactmechanismwhichcausessuchadifference meanazimuthalvelocityandtheradialvelocitydispersionpro- isnotclearforusyet. filesarealsoverysimilar(Fig.2).However,comparingface-on Ingeneral,wecansaythatoursimpleAGN-likefeedbackis views, we see differences in morphology (fig. 3). Despite the exactlywhatwewantedittobe.Itintroducesthedesiredconsid- fact that azimuthally averaged profiles are very similar, in the erablechangesinthecentralpartofthemodel,asaimedfor,and outerpartofthemodels,wecanseerelativelystrongdifferences onlyrelativelysmallonesintherestofthegalaxy.Morespecifi- intheshapeofthespiralstructure.Thesedifferencesarepartly cally,itsolvestheproblemwiththecentralpeakofthev profile, c duetothetransientnatureofthespirals,butwecannotexclude andallowstheformationofthebar. that they are also partly due to differences in the central part. Anyway, the spiral structure has often been referred to as “the 3.5. ModelswithandwithoutEddingtonlimit frostingonthecake”.Below,wewilldiscussthecentralpartof themodels. The main reason for including the Eddington limit in an AGN First,letusanalyzethemodelwithoutAGN(mdf018).Asal- feedback model is to make sure that the amount of feedback readydiscussedinSect.3.1.1,duringthecollision,anextremely energyisreasonable.Thereis,however,bothobservationaland dense and presumably non-realistic CMC is created. This can theoreticalevidenceforthepossibilityofsupercriticalaccretion bebetterseenonthecircularvelocityprofile(vc(R))andisvery (King2003;Sa¸dowskietal.2014).Soevenfromageneralpoint prominentatt = 5Gyr(seeFig.4forthemodelwithoutAGN, ofview,includingEddingtonlimitsmaynotbeobligatoryinor- mdf018).Att=10Gyr,thispeakislessprominent,whichcould dertobephysicallyreasonable. partly be due to the numerical two-body relaxation, but a part Herewewillshowthatinoursimple,parametric,AGN-like of it, albeit small, could perhaps also reflect true two-body re- feedback model, the Eddington limit can be almost fully com- laxation, as in globular clusters. Because of this strong central pensatedbyvaryingT . AGN mass concentration, we do not have a bar in this model (model Let us compare three models. These models have identical mdf018,withoutAGN,seefig.3). parameters,exceptforT andtheEddingtonlimit: AGN Letusnowconsiderasequenceofmodelswithfixedρ , AGN and increasing T : mdf789 (T = 5 × 106 K), mdf732 – mdf732,withEddingtonlimit,T =1×107 K. AGN AGN AGN (T =1×107K),andmdf788(T =2×107K).Thiscanbe – mdf751,withEddingtonlimit,T =1.5×107 K. AGN AGN AGN consideredasasequencewithincreasingfeedbackstrength.The – mdf726,withoutEddingtonlimit,T =1×107 K. AGN weakAGNinmdf789(T =5×106K)managestoonlypartly AGN remove the very dense CMC (see Fig. 4, t = 5 Gyr), which, The remaining parameters for these models are given in Ap- however, is still relatively prominent, and at t = 10 Gyr, the v pendixB. c profileissimilartothatofmdf018(Fig.4,t = 10Gyr).Atthis All three models are very similar, although there is a small time, we do have a bar, but it is quite small, with a semi-major difference in the mass distribution in the central part (see up- axisofapproximately1.5kpcat10Gyr(seeFig.3formdf789). perpanelsoffig.5).Ifwecomparemdf732andmdf726,which In mdf732, we increase T to 107 K, and in this model, the differ only in the presence, or absence of the Eddington limit, AGN central bump on the v profile is much less prominent, which we can see that in a model without Eddington limit (mdf732), c allows the formation of a bigger bar with a semi-major axis of theAGNissomewhatlessefficientandthecentralbumponthe approximately3kpc(seefig.4andfig3formdf732).Afurther circular velocity profile is more prominent, which is expected increaseofT to2×107 inmdf788fullyremovesthecentral becauseoftheEddingtonlimit.However,whenwemakeasim- AGN bump on v , but the bar size in this model is similar to mdf732 ulationwithEddingtonlimit,butincreasethevalueofT by c AGN (T = 1×107 K).Wemustnotethatonecanexpecttherela- 50%, we fully compensate for the presence of the Eddington AGN tionbetweenthebarandtheAGNtobemorecomplicatedthan limit(seemodelmdf751onfig.5). asimplelinearcorrelation,andthatastrongAGN,byshuffling Letusconsideranothersetofthreemodels: materialinthecentralregion,could,insomecases,delayoreven preventtheformationofabar(theanalysisofthissubjectisbe- – mdf737,withEddingtonlimit,TAGN =2×107 K. yondthescopeofthisarticle).Wenotethatmdf732isoneofour – mdf780,withEddingtonlimit,T =2.5×107 K. AGN referencemodelsandwasthoroughlyanalyzedinA16. – mdf730,withoutEddingtonlimit,T =2×107 K. AGN Articlenumber,page5of14 A&Aproofs:manuscriptno.a2015_2 Fig.2.ComparisonofvariousradialprofilesforthestellarcomponentoffivemodelswithdifferentAGNfeedbackparameters:mdf018(noAGN), mdf789(T =5×106 K,ρ =1M /pc3),mdf732(T =1×107 K,ρ =1M /pc3),mdf788(T =2×107 K,ρ =1M /pc3), AGN AGN (cid:12) AGN AGN (cid:12) AGN AGN (cid:12) andmdf791(T =1×107 K,ρ =2M /pc3),allatt=10Gyr.Fromlefttorightandtoptobottom:surfacedensity,medianoftheabsolute AGN AGN (cid:12) valueofz,whichisagoodapproximationforthickness(Sotnikova&Rodionov2006),meanvalueoftheazimuthalvelocityandradialvelocity dispersion.Theinlayintheupperleftpanelshowsthesurfacedensityintheinnermostregion(within3kpc). The remaining parameters for these models are given in Ap- IfwecomparemodelswithandwithouttheEddingtonlimit,but pendixB. withthesameT ,thenweobservethattheformerhasalarger AGN central bump (compare mdf737, which has an Eddington limit, Thesemodelshaveamoreeccentricorbitandalargerinitial tomdf730,whichdoesnot,inthelowerpanelsofFig.5).Itis, separationthanthepreviousones.Thisleadstoagreateramount however, possible to compensate for this by simply increasing of low-angular-momentum gas in the central part, immediately T (seemdf780withEddingtonlimitandT =2.5×107 K AGN AGN after the collision, and consequently requires a more energetic vs. mdf730 without Eddington limit and T = 2×107 K in AGN AGN (bigger TAGN) in order to remove the central peak in the lower panels of Fig. 5). Thus, it is possible to compensate for circular velocity profile and make the bar formation possible. Nevertheless,thisdoesnotchangetheconclusionofthissection. Articlenumber,page6of14 S.A.Rodionov,E.AthanassoulaandN.Peschken:Formingdiscgalaxiesinmajormergers. Fig. 3. Face-on (upper row) and edge-on (lower row) views of the stars component for five models with different AGN feedback parameters: mdf018(noAGN),mdf789(T =5×106 K,ρ =1M /pc3),mdf732(T =1×107 K,ρ =1M /pc3),mdf788(T =2×107 K, AGN AGN (cid:12) AGN AGN (cid:12) AGN ρ =1M /pc3),andmdf791(T =1×107K,ρ =2M /pc3),fromlefttoright,respectively,andallatt=10Gyr.Thesizeofeachsquare AGN (cid:12) AGN AGN (cid:12) boxcorrespondsto50kpc. Fig. 4. Circular velocity profiles for five models with different AGN feedback parameters: mdf018 (no AGN), mdf789 (T = 5×106 K, AGN ρ =1M /pc3),mdf732(T =1×107K,ρ =1M /pc3),mdf788(T =2×107K,ρ =1M /pc3)andmdf791(T =1×107K, AGN (cid:12) AGN AGN (cid:12) AGN AGN (cid:12) AGN ρ =2M /pc3),at5(left)and10(rightpanel)Gyr. AGN (cid:12) the effect of the Eddington limit on the circular velocity curve cialviscosityterm(Cullen&Dehnen2010),asdescribedin byvaryingtheAGN-likefeedbackparameters. Hopkins(2013,sect.3.1). – MFM (Meshless Finite-Mass): Lagrangian formulation of mesh-freealgorithmthatconservesparticlemasses(Hopkins 4. ComparisonwithGIZMO 2015). 4.1. Introductoryremarks Phase boundaries, such as, for example, those between the The GIZMO simulation code (Hopkins 2013, 2014, 2015) is hotgasinthehaloandthemuchcoldergasinthedisk,orthose a fork of GADGET3 (hereafter G3), using the same MPI par- around cold dense clumps of gas in the hot halo can be better allelization, domain decomposition, gravity solvers, and so on. handled by PSPH or MFM, than by TSPH or G3 (see Hopkins However,incontrasttoG3,GIZMOoffersseveralhydrodynam- 2015,andreferencestherein). icalsolversfortheusertochoosefrom.Inthisarticle,wecom- Since our aim here is to see how results will change with pare the three solvers, which are briefly described below (see differenthydro-solvers,wekeepthesamesubgridphysics. Hopkins(2015,sect.4.1)formoreinformation). ThemaindifferencewefoundbetweenG3andPSPH/MFM – TSPH (“Traditional” SPH): this is the same, entropy con- is in the hot gaseous halo. This has small gaseous clumps in serving,density-drivenformulationofSPHastheoneinG3. the simulation run with G3, which are either absent, or much (Springel&Hernquist2002). lessprominentinthePSPHorMFMruns(seealsoTorreyetal. – PSPH: this is a density independent version of SPH (Hop- 2012andHaywardetal.2014).However,inourproject,weare kins 2013). It also includes a better treatment of the artifi- mostlyinterestedinthepropertiesoftheremnant.Therefore,in Articlenumber,page7of14 A&Aproofs:manuscriptno.a2015_2 Fig.5.Comparisonofcircularvelocityprofiles(at5and10Gyr)formodelswithandwithoutEddingtonlimits.Theupperrowshowstwomodels withEddingtonlimit(mdf732T =1×107Kandmdf751T =1.5×107K)andonemodelwithoutEddigtonlimit(mdf726T =1×107K). AGN AGN AGN Thelowerpanelsalsodisplaythreemodels:twowithEddigtionlimit(mdf737T =2×107K,andmdf780T =2.5×107K)andonemodel AGN AGN without(mdf730T =2×107K). AGN this comparative study, we will focus on the properties of the Ingeneral,theG3andthePSPHrunsgiveverysimilarresults,in finalgalaxy. mostcasesdifferingbyapproximatelynomorethantheplotting accuracy.Ontheotherhand,MFMgivessomewhathigherval- ues,correspondingtoasomewhathighermass.Wenotethatthe 4.2. SimulationswithoutAGN-likefeedback CMCfoundintheseruns,whichhavenoAGN-likefeedback,is sufficienttoprohibitbarformation,oratleasttodelayitbeyond We first compared G3 to TSPH and, as expected, we found no differences.WewillthusnotdiscussTSPHfurtherhere. the10Gyrsoverwhichwemakethecomparisons. Let us now compare three simulations of major mergers without AGN. All three simulations were run with the same IntheupperleftpanelofFig.7,wecomparetheradialpro- parameters, those of mdf018 (see Appendix B), except for the jectedsurfacedensityprofiles,asobtainedatt = 10Gyrforthe softening, which is 50 pc for both dark matter and baryons, threesimulations.Itisclearthattheinnerdiscscalelength(i.e., but with a different hydrodynamical solver. We also used the thescalelengthofthepartofthediscwhichiswithinthebreak same subgrid physics in all three cases. Thus, the only differ- intheprojectedsurfacedensity,aroundR = 17kpc)isapproxi- enceisthehydro-solvers.Thesethreerunsaremdf624(runwith matelythesameforallthreemodels.Theouterdiscscalelength G3), mdi101 (run with GIZMO/PSPH), and mdh101 (run with is approximately the same for models G3 and PSPH, while for GIZMO/MFM). MFMitissomewhatsmaller,leadingtoafasterdropinthesur- ComparisonsaremadeintheupperpanelsofFigs.6(forthe face densities in the outer disc region (i.e., the part of the disc circular velocity curves) and 7 (for the projected surface den- beyondthebreak).Themiddlepanelcomparestheradialprofile sity, the vertical thickness, and the mean tangential velocity of of a measure of the stellar disk vertical thickness, namely the thestars).Intheformer,weseethatatt=2.5Gyr,allthreeruns azimuthalaveragedmedianoftheabsolutevalueofthezcoordi- haveaverystrongCMC;thatoftheMFMrunbeingsomewhat natesofallstellarparticles(Sotnikova&Rodionov2006).The strongerthantheothertwo.Nevertheless,inallthreecases,the threemethodsgivesimilarresults,and,althoughthedifferences peak is considerably higher than 300 km/sec, for a velocity of arelargerthanwhatwefoundforthecircularvelocitiesandthe theflatpartofthecircularvelocitycurveofapproximately200 projected surface densities, they are still relatively small, espe- km/sec.Byt=10Gyr,thisCMChasconsiderablydecreased,as ciallytakingintoaccountthatdistthicknessisverysensitiveto expected (see sect. 3.1.1), but still has a maximum of approxi- numerical effects (Rodionov & Sotnikova 2013). We also note mately250km/sec,stillgivinganunrealisticshapeofthecircu- that in this plot, the MFM does not stand out as being further larvelocitycurve,althoughmuchlesssothanthatatt=2.5Gyr. apartfromtheothertworuns. Articlenumber,page8of14 S.A.Rodionov,E.AthanassoulaandN.Peschken:Formingdiscgalaxiesinmajormergers. Fig.6. ComparisonofcircularvelocityprofilesforG3,PSPH,andMFMmodelsatt=2.5Gyr(leftpanels)andt=10Gyr(rightpanels).Theupper rowcomparesmodelswithoutAGNandthelowerrowcomparesmodelswithAGN. Finally the rightmost panel compares the radial profiles of Let us now compare three other runs, identical to the three the three mean stellar tangential velocity radial profiles. Here, comparedintheprevioussubsections,butnowincludingthepro- again,theG3andthePSPHareverysimilarandtheMFMdiffers posedAGN-likefeedback. somewhatmore,butneverbytoomuch. AfurthercomparisonisgiveninFig.8,wherewepresentthe – mdf627 : run with GADGET3. T = 1×107 K, ρ = AGN AGN evolutionofthebaryonicmass(gas+stars)insideasphereofra- 1M(cid:12)/pc3,withEddigtonlimit. dius30kpcwithtime.WecanseethatintheMFMmodel,gas – mdh115:runwithGIZMO/PSPH.T =1×107K,ρ = accretes on the disk somewhat faster than in the PSPH and G3 AGN AGN 0.75M /pc3,withoutEddigtonlimit. models.Asaresult,att=10Gyr,thediskintheMFMmodelsis (cid:12) approximately12%moremassive.Thereisalsosomedifference – mdi115:runwithGIZMO/MFM.TAGN =1×107K,ρAGN = betweentheG3andthePSPHmodels,butthisismuchsmaller 0.75M(cid:12)/pc3,withoutEddigtonlimit. than the difference between the MFM and the other two mod- els. Indeed, at t=10 Gyr, the difference between G3 and PSPH These simulations were run with 50 pc softening for both dark amountstoonlyapproximately4%ofthebaryonicmass.These matter and baryons. The remaining parameters are those of differencesinaccretionratecouldexplainthecorrespondingdif- mdf018(seeAppendixB) ferences between the three circular velocity curves discussed TheresultsareagaincomparedinFigs.6and7,butnowin above. the lower panels. We note that in all three cases this feedback leadstoarealisticcircularvelocitycurvewithnostrongCMC, contrarytowhatwefoundinrunswithnoAGN-likefeedback, 4.3. SimulationswithAGN-likefeedback which all had strong CMCs. Furthermore, we witnessed that, with the demise of the CMC, bars form in all three cases un- Here, we again first compared G3 with GIZMO in the case of der consideration. In fact, it is due to these bars that there is the same hydro solver (G3 vs. TSPH). We found that, with the a maximum of the disk thickness in the central region for all sameparameters,ourAGN-likefeedbackisslightlylessefficient three models (lower middle panels of Fig. 7). Considering all inTSPHrunsthaninG3runs.Itshouldbenotedthatevenwith thecomparisonsglobally,weseethatinthecasewithAGN-like theTSPHhydrosolver,GIZMOisnotidenticaltoG3(Hopkins feedback,theMFMdiffersfromtheothertwomorethaninthe 2015,sect.F1).Nevertheless,thisdifferencecanbeeasilycom- cases without AGN-like feedback. The results of runs with G3 pensatedforbytuningthefeedbackparameters,andwedosoin andPSPHareagainveryclosetoeachother,similarlytocases thefollowing. withoutAGN-likefeedback. Articlenumber,page9of14 A&Aproofs:manuscriptno.a2015_2 Fig.7. ComparisonofvariousradialprofilesforG3,PSPH,andMFMmodels.TheupperrowshowsmodelswithoutAGNandthelowerrow modelswithAGN.Ineachrow,fromlefttoright:surfacedensity,medianoftheabsolutevalueofz,whichisagoodapproximationforthickness (Sotnikova&Rodionov2006)andmeanvalueoftheazimuthalvelocity Fig.8. Comparisonofthebaryonicmass(gas+stars),withinasphereof30kpcradiusasafunctionoftimeforG3,PSPH,andMFMmodels. TheleftpanelisforsimulationswithoutAGN-likefeedbackandtherightonewithit. 5. SummaryandConclusions out any additional feedback, our major merger models have a very compact and massive CMC (see 3.1). This leads to an In this paper, we discuss, in detail, the technical aspects of our unphysically high central peak of the circular velocity profile. wet major merger simulations, where we collide two idealized Moreover, this compact and massive CMC prevents the forma- protogalaxies. In section 2.1, we describe the initial conditions tionofabar,whileapproximatelytwothirdsofrealdiskgalax- of our simulations. Each protogalaxy is initially spherical and ies have bars. We demonstrate that low resolution can, in some consistsofadarkmatterhaloandagaseoushalo.Spinisadded cases, artificially mask this problem. In models with a small to the system. In Appendix A, we demonstrate that in isolation number of particles, a very compact CMC will be relatively theirevolutionresemblestheevolutionofdiskgalaxies;after1- quickly attenuated by two-body relaxation, and bigger gravita- 2Gyrtheytendtobesimilartointermediateredshiftdisksand tional softening will make CMC less compact from the begin- after10Gyrtheyresemblepresentdayspirals. ning. Of course, we cannot consider decreasing the resolution For the simulations, we use the GADGET3 code (Springel as a “solution” to the problem. We note that higher resolution, 2005) with star-formation and feedback modeled by sub-grid namelyalargernumberofparticlesandasmallersoftening,will physics(Springel&Hernquist2003).Wedemonstratethat,with- maketheCMCproblemevenmoreacute. Articlenumber,page10of14

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