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Preview formation of the modern arab identity muhammed kurd ali

FORMATION OF THE MODERN ARAB IDENTITY MUHAMMED KURD ALI: A REFORMIST THINKER EMRAH KEKİLLİ İSTANBUL BİLGİ UNIVERSITY 2015 FORMATION OF THE MODERN ARAB IDENTITY MUHAMMED KURD ALI: A REFORMIST THINKER Thesis submitted to the Institute of Social Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in History by Emrah Kekilli Supervisor Asst. Dr. M. Erdem Kabadayı İSTANBUL BİLGİ UNIVERSITY 2015   2 3 This thesis is dedicated to muhterem validem Müesse Kekilli.   4 ACKNOWLEDGMENT I owe a debt of gratitude to names I will mention below for their participation in my thesis, during the writing phase. I should start with my thesis supervisor, Associate Professor Erdem Kabadayı, for taking a close interest in my thesis and his contribution to my academic discipline. I also benefited from experiences of Professor Zekeriya Kursun, in my readings on the Ottoman Empire’s Arabic provinces, and from Professor Bulent Bilmez, on nationalism and national identity. I would add some distinguished names and voice my gratitude to Ali Ozcan for discussions on historiography and my thesis, to Professor Ergun Yildirim for his intellectual sharing on Islamism, to Professor Ihsan Fazlioglu for benefiting from his lectures and works on Islamic Thought, to Professor Gulay Ogun Bezer and Associate Professor Baki Asilturk for their support in the beginning of my master degree. Also, Serhan Ozcan shared his comments after reading the thesis, Hakan Erdem participated to the thesis in terms of academic form and my dear brother, Yakup Kekilli, gave countenance to me during the writing phase. I would like to express my thankfulness to my dear mother, Muesse Kekilli, for her moral and material support in all my university experience, and to my wife, Hatice Kekilli, for all her support during the writing phase of the thesis.   5 ABSTRACT In the 19th century, the Ottoman Empire went through a deep political, social, economic, bureaucratic and religious transformation and transformed many of its traditional institutions and practices within the context of ‘reform.’ A new type of intellectual emerged as a product of the transformation experienced within the context of the ‘reform' process which characterizes the last century of the Ottoman Empire. They criticized politics and bureaucracy through a new mean of communication, press, and expressed their opinions about society, history and religion. Throughout the process, many different movements of thought including Islamism and nationalism emerged. They also ascribed different meanings to important subjects of that period, such as ‘reform,’ ‘Islamic civilization,’ ‘Western civilization,’ ‘education,’ ‘caliphate,’ the ‘Unification of Islam,’ ‘Abdulhamid II’ and ‘the Committee of Union and Progress.’ Arab subjects of the Ottoman Empire, which is a state with multiple religions, languages, nationalies, and cultures, were heavily influenced from this transformation. In Syria, one of the provinces of the Ottoman Empire which was influenced from the ‘reform’ process, different movements of thought discussed the same subjects, but put forward different ideas. Muhammed Kurd Ali, a Kurdish journalist who originated from Damascus published a journal called Al-Muqtabas in Cairo between 1906-1908 and in Damascus between 1908-1914, got into contact with all movements of thought of that period and expressed his opinions about that period’s discussions. The publication policy of Al- Muqtabas aimed to recover Arab culture and civilization and to express the intellectual and political accumulation of the modern European civilization in Arabic. Moreover, it also served as a platform for many important thinkers, who played significant roles in the formation of an Arab national identity, to express themselves. Although Kurd Ali had close relationships with many prominent intellectuals of Islamist movement, and although he partly brought the same topics with Islamists into agenda considering the content, regarding the publication policy of Al-Muqtabas and his opinions expressed in the journal, as the point of view, it is seen that, he stayed closer to the nationalist movement. Keywords: Muhammed Kurd Ali, Al-Muqtabas, the Ottoman Empire, Syria, Islamism, Reform, Islamic civilization, Western civilization, Education, Caliphate, Islamic Union, Abdulhamid II, the Committee of Union and Progress, Formation of Arab National Identy and Arab nationalism.   6 ÖZET Osmanlı Devleti, 19.yy’da derin bir siyasal, sosyal, ekonomik, bürokratik ve dini dönüşüm yaşamış, birçok geleneksel kurum ve pratiklerini ‘reform’ süreci kapsamında dönüştürmüştür. Osmanlı’nın son yüzyılını karakterize eden ‘reform’ süreci kapsamında yaşanan dönüşümün ürünü olarak yeni bir entelektüel tipi ortaya çıkmış, yeni bir iletişim aracı olan basın üzerinden, siyasete ve bürokrasiye eleştiriler yöneltmiş, topluma, tarihe ve dine dair görüşlerini ifade etmiştir. Süreç içinde İslamcılık ve milliyetçilik gibi farklı düşünce akımları belirmeye başlamış, dönemin öne çıkan tartışma konuları olan ‘reform’, “İslam Medeniyeti”, Batı Medeniyeti”, “Eğitim”, “Hilafet”, “İttihad-ı İslam”, “İkinci Abdulhamid” ve “İttihat ve Terakki” kavramlarına farklı anlamlar yüklemişlerdir. Çok dinli, çok dilli, çok uluslu ve çok kültürlü bir Devlet olarak Osmanlı imparatorluğun Arap tebaası yaşanan bu dönüşümden derinden etkilenmiştir. ‘reform’ sürecinden etkilenen Osmanlı vilayetlerinden “Suriye’de” farklı düşünce akımları aynı konuları tartışarak farklı düşünceler ortaya koymuştur. 1906-1908 yılları arasında Kahire’de, 1908-1914 yılları arasında Şam’da el- Muktebas adlı bir dergi çıkaran Kürt asıllı Şamlı gazeteci Muhammed Kürt Ali, dönemin bütün düşünce akımlarıyla yakın ilişki kurmuş, dönemin tartışmalarına dair görüş ve düşüncelerini ifade etmiştir. El-Muktebas dergisinin izlediği yayın politikası; Arap kültür ve medeniyetinin ihyası, modern Avrupa medeniyetin entelektüel ve siyasi birikimini Arapça olarak ifade etmek yönünde olmuştur. Ayrıca Arap ulusal kimliğinin inşasından önemli rol oynayan birçok önemli düşünürün kendini ifade ettiği bir platform vazifesi görmüştür. Kürt Ali’nin, İslamcı akımın öne çıkan birçok entelektüeliyle yakın ilişkisi olmasına ve yer yer İslamcılarla içerik açısından aynı konuları gündeme getirmesine rağmen, el-Muktebas’ın yayın politikası ve dergide ifade ettiği düşünceler dikkate alındığında, bakış açısı olarak Arap milliyetçisi akıma daha yakın durduğu görülmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Muhammed Kürt Ali, el-Muktebas, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu, Suriye, İslamcılık, reform, Islam Medeniyeti, Batı Medeniyeti, Eğitim, Hilafet, İttihad-ı İslam, İkinci Abdulhamid, İttihat ve Terakki, Arab Ulusal Kimliğinin Oluşumu ve Arap Milliyetçiliği.   7 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 10 I. OTTOMAN EMPIRE in the 19th CENTURY .............................................................. 26 I.1. Ottoman Empire and the Great Powers .................................................................... 28 I.2. Reform in the Ottoman Empire .................................................................................. 41 I.3. Syria in the Reform Process ........................................................................................ 54 I.4. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 65 II. ISLAMISM as a REFORMIST IDEOLOGY .............................................................. 68 II.1. Birth of Islamism and Islamist Thinkers .................................................................. 69 II.1.1. Young Ottomans .................................................................................................... 71 II.1.2. Arab Islamism ........................................................................................................ 77 II.1.3. Islamism in the Ottoman Capital ............................................................................ 81 II.2. The Press and Islamism ............................................................................................. 84 II.3. Basic Topics of Islamism ............................................................................................ 88 II.3.1. Reform .................................................................................................................... 88 II.3.2. Western Civilization ............................................................................................... 94 II.3.3. Islamic Civilization ................................................................................................ 98 II.3.4. Caliphate and Islamic Unity ................................................................................. 101 II.3.5. Education .............................................................................................................. 105 II.3.6. Abdulhamid II ...................................................................................................... 108 II.4. Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 109 III. LIFE OF MUHAMMED KURD ALİ ........................................................................ 111 III.1. Where He Grew Up ................................................................................................ 112 III.3. His Education .......................................................................................................... 115 III.3. His Duties ................................................................................................................. 116 III.4. The Period He Lived in and his Contemporaries ................................................ 119 III.5. His Publications ....................................................................................................... 122 III.6. His Journeys ............................................................................................................ 126 III.7. Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 129 IV. POLITICAL and RELIGIOUS VIEWS of MUHAMMED KURD ALİ ................ 131 IV.1. Kurd Ali and the Political and Religious Character of Al-Muqtabas ................ 133 IV.2. Reform ...................................................................................................................... 143   8 IV.3. Western Civilization ................................................................................................ 147 IV.4. Islam/Arab Civilization and Arabic Language .................................................... 153 IV.5. Caliphate and Constitutionalism ........................................................................... 160 IV.6. Education ................................................................................................................. 161 IV.7. Abdulhamid II ......................................................................................................... 165 IV.8. Political and Nationalist Discourse ........................................................................ 169 IV.9. Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 172 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................... 175 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................ 186                                 9 INTRODUCTION The deep historical transformation, which created the ‘modern European civilization’ and which had a social and political influence on the French Revolution and had technological and economic affects on the British Industrial Revolution, brought Europe to the center of the world as a political, economic and technological power. When the Ottoman Empire realized that they lost power vis-a-vis Europe - namely the ‘land of heathens’ (küffar diyarı) – they decided to restructure the traditional system and all sustenances of this system. The 19th century, as the era that a new diplomatic order emerged in Europe, became a resolution and diffusion period for the Ottoman Empire. It lost most of its lands in the Balkans due to rebellions; some of its lands in North Africa and Middle-East due to invasions and had to withdraw from Anatolia after World War I. At the beginning of the 19th century, administrative, economic and military problems, which started to be felt deeply in the Ottoman Empire, made the Ottoman statesmen realize the Empire needed an extensive ‘reform.’ The first systematic expression of this ‘reform’ movement became the New Order (Nizam-ı Cedid), and with the declaration of the Rescript of Gülhane (Tanzimat Fermanı) ‘reform’ became the definitive character of the 19th Century. In context of the ‘reform’ movement, the financial system of the Ottoman Empire was changed radically at the beginning of 19th century, with the General Directorate of Foundations (evkaf idaresi) all foundations were gathered under the same rule in 1826; the press was included in the Ottoman political life in the later 19th century, the Janissaries (Yeniçeri Ocağı) were abolished and a modern army was formed instead and modern schools of teaching in the European style were opened instead of madrasahs. Instead of the traditional ‘millet system,’ a new political vision, dependant on citizenship, was adopted, and with the same vision framework, Ottoman central and rural organisations were re-designed in accordance with the European model. Power wanted to be gathered in the center, and in this sense, the legal system evolved into a standard   10

English. Just a summary was presented with the inclusion of some of his works by using Kurd. Ali's memoirs. Shafıq Jabrı in his work “Muhadarat an-Muhammed Kurd Ali” ( from referring to classic Ottoman history books in the subjects regarding Ottoman history. 113 Please see: Kologlu, Orhan.
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