Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–17(2013) Printed6October2015 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Formation of In Situ Stellar Haloes in Milky Way-Mass Galaxies Andrew P. Cooper1(cid:63), Owen H. Parry2, Ben Lowing1, Shaun Cole1 and Carlos Frenk1 5 1Institute for Computational Cosmology, Department of Physics, University of Durham, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE, UK 1 2Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA 0 2 t Accepted2015September03.Received2015August11;inoriginalform2015January21 c O 4 ABSTRACT We study the formation of stellar haloes in three Milky Way-mass galaxies using ] cosmological smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations, focusing on the subset A of halo stars that form in situ, as opposed to those accreted from satellites. In situ G stars in our simulations dominate the stellar halo out to 20 kpc and account for 30-40 . per cent of its total mass. We separate in situ halo stars into three straightforward, h physically distinct categories according to their origin: stars scattered from the disc p of the main galaxy (‘heated disc’), stars formed from gas smoothly accreted on to - o the halo (‘smooth’ gas) and stars formed in streams of gas stripped from infalling r satellites (‘stripped’ gas). We find that most belong to the stripped gas category. t s Those originating in smooth gas outside the disc tend to form at the same time and a placeasthestripped-gaspopulation,suggestingthattheirformationisassociatedwith [ the same gas-rich accretion events. The scattered disc star contribution is negligible 2 overall but significant in the Solar neighbourhood, where (cid:38) 90 per cent of stars on v eccentric orbits once belonged to the disc. However, the distinction between halo and 0 thickdiscinthisregionishighlyambiguous.Thechemicalandkinematicpropertiesof 3 thedifferentcomponentsareverysimilaratthepresentday,buttheglobalproperties 6 of the in situ halo differ substantially between the three galaxies in our study. In our 4 simulations, the hierarchical buildup of structure is the driving force behind not only 0 the accreted stellar halo, but also those halo stars formed in situ. . 1 0 Key words: methods: numerical – galaxies:formation – galaxies: haloes– galaxies: 5 structure 1 : v i X 1 INTRODUCTION adistinct‘insitu’halocomponent,defined(loosely)ashav- r ing formed bound to the Milky Way itself rather than to a FollowingSearle&Zinn(1978),muchobservationalandthe- anyofitshierarchicalprogenitors(Abadietal.2003;Brook oreticalworkontheMilkyWay’sstellarhalohasfocusedon et al. 2004; Zolotov et al. 2009; Font et al. 2011; Tissera the tidal stripping and disruption of satellite galaxies. The et al. 2013; Pillepich et al. 2015). Such haloes are a natu- idea that galactic stellar haloes are built mainly by accre- ral outcome of the ΛCDM model, which predicts that the tioniswellsupportedbytheoreticalpredictionsofthestan- vast majority of stars in a galaxy like the Milky Way form dard dark energy/cold DM (ΛCDM) cosmogony (White & from the cooling of gas trapped by the galaxy’s own DM Frenk 1991; Bullock & Johnston 2005; Cooper et al. 2010) (DM)potential(White&Rees1978;White&Frenk1991). anddirectevidenceoftidalstreamsaroundnearbygalaxies The bulk of these in situ stars can be identified with the (Belokurov et al. 2006; McConnachie et al. 2009; Mart´ınez- kinematically cold, rapidly rotating Galactic disc, but the Delgado et al. 2010). However, recent work has shown that proto-Milky Way may also have suffered strong perturba- someaspectsoftheMilkyWay’sstellarhalomaybedifficult tions from satellites and quasi-secular rearrangement (e.g. toexplainbyaccretionalone,notablyitscentralconcentra- ‘disc flips’; Bett & Frenk 2012), or even wholesale destruc- tionanduniformityacrossthesky(Carolloetal.2007;Bell tion and regrowth before the majority of present-day disc etal.2008;Cooperetal.2011;?;Deasonetal.2011;Helmi stars were formed (e.g. Sales et al. 2012; Aumer & White et al. 2011; Xue et al. 2011). 2013;Aumeretal.2013).Ifrealgalaxiespassthroughsuch Meanwhile,hydrodynamicalsimulationshavepredicted messy stages of formation, it seems likely that a significant fractionofstarsformedintheearlyGalaxywouldnowhave highly eccentric orbits. (cid:63) E-mail:[email protected] c 2013RAS (cid:13) 2 Cooper et al. Recentsimulationsfindthattheseinsituprocessescre- Table 1. Numerical parameters adopted for the three simula- atehaloesthataremoreconcentrated,metal-richandoblate tions: DM and gas particle masses and the maximum gravita- thanthoseformedbyaccretedstars(McCarthyetal.2012). tionalsofteninglengthinphysicalunits(definedasthescaleofa This supports the hypothesis of a transition between an in Plummerkernelequivalenttotheactualsplinekernelusedinthe situ and an accreted halo as an explanation for the appar- simulation). ently‘bimodal’propertiesofhalostarsobservedintheMilky MDM(M ) Mgas(M ) (cid:15)phys[pc] Way (Carollo et al. 2010; Beers et al. 2012; Tissera et al. (cid:12) (cid:12) 2014). Aq-C 2.6 105 5.8 104 257 × × Aq-D 2.2 105 4.8 104 257 × × Aq-E 2.1 105 4.7 104 257 However, quantitative results concerning the origin of × × in situ halo stars and their importance relative to accreted stars are still very uncertain. Where they rely on simula- 2 SIMULATIONS tions, such conclusions can be particularly sensitive to the numericalmethodsused.Startingfromidenticalinitialcon- We examine the stellar haloes that form in three smoothed ditions,currentstate-of-the-artsimulationspredictsubstan- particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of Milky Way- tially different properties for the bulk of the in situ stellar mass galaxies. Dark-matter-only versions of these simula- mass in Milky Way-like DM haloes (e.g. Scannapieco et al. tions formed part of the Aquarius project (Springel et al. 2012; Aumer et al. 2013), not just the few per cent that 2008)andweretaintheAquariusnomenclatureforourthree mightbeidentifiedwithaninsituhalo.Moreover,theprop- sets of initial conditions, labelling them Aq-C, Aq-D and ertiesofinsituhaloesmaybemuchmoresensitivetocertain Aq-E. The DM resolution (particle mass) in our SPH sim- modellingchoicesthanthoseofmassivestellardiscs,includ- ulations is similar to that of the ‘level 4’ simulation set in ingprescriptionsforstarformationandthetreatmentofthe Aquarius. multi-phaseinterstellarmedium(ISM;forexample,themix- The Aquarius DM haloes were themselves extracted ingofhotandcoldingalacticwinds,tidalstreamsandcold from a cosmological simulation in a cube of comoving vol- clumps of free-falling gas). ume 1003Mpc3. They were chosen to have masses close to that of the Milky Way (∼1012M(cid:12)) and to avoid dense en- vironments (no neighbour exceeding half the mass of the Here we analyse the origin of in situ halo stars using target halo within 1h 1Mpc; Navarro et al. 2010). Ini- − three Milky Way-scale simulations run with the code de- tial conditions for a resimulation of each halo were cre- scribedinParryetal.(2012),oneoftheparticipantsinthe ated with a ‘zoom’ technique, with higher mass bound- Aquila comparison project (Scannapieco et al. 2012). Two ary particles used to model the large scale potential and of the three DM haloes we simulate have also been simu- lower mass particles in an ∼ 5h 1Mpc region surround- − lated by Tissera et al. (2012, hearafter T12) and Tissera ing the target halo. Extra power was added to the initial et al. (2013, 2014, hearafter T13, T14) using different ‘sub- particle distribution on small scales in the high resolution grid’ recipes for star formation and feedback but an other- region, as described by Frenk et al. (1996). The numeri- wise similar hydrodynamic solver and identical initial con- cal parameters for each simulation, including the particle ditions. We define what we mean by in situ halo stars in massesandgravitationalsofteninglengths,arelistedinTa- a straightforward and easily reproducible way. Careful defi- ble 1. We assume a ΛCDM cosmology, with parameters nitions are particularly important for this problem because Ω = 0.25, Ω = 0.75, Ω = 0.045, σ = 0.9, n = 1 the concept of an in situ halo straddles an extremely fuzzy m Λ b 8 s and H =100hkms 1Mpc 1 =73kms 1Mpc 1. boundarybetweenalltheconventionalGalacticcomponents 0 − − − − Oursimulationcodeisbasedonanearlyversionofthe –disc,thickdisc,bulgeandhalo.Basedonthesedefinitions, PM-Tree-SPH code gadget-3. Baryon processes are mod- we discuss physical mechanisms by which in situ haloes are elledasdescribedinOkamotoetal.(2010)andParryetal. generatedinoursimulations,motivatedbythefactthatthe (2012). Briefly, each gas particle represents an ISM with mechanisms we identify are somewhat different from those separate ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ (star-forming) phases. Gas parti- previously discussed in the literature. In particular, we find cles above a critical density (n >0.1cm 3) are assigned a thatthegrowthofthein situhaloisverycloselyrelatedto H − coldphasemassaccordingtotheirthermalenergyandalo- the accretion of satellites responsible for the growth of the calpressureaccordingtoapolytropicequationofstate.Gas canonical ‘ex situ’ halo. in the cold phase is converted to stars at a rate inversely proportional to a local dynamical time, which in turn de- We proceed as follows. We describe our simulations in pends on analytic approximations for the effective pressure Section 2. In Section 3 we explain how we identify in situ anddistributionofcoldcloudsizes.Ourcodefollowsthenu- halo stars and in Section 4 we examine their origins. Sec- cleosynthetic production of individual elements separately, tion 5 describes the present-day properties of our in situ in particular the iron yields of Types II and I SNe. Mass, halo.Section6investigatesthesatelliteprogenitorofinsitu metals and energy returned by evolved stars and their SNe starsformedfromstrippedgas.InSection7weinterpretour are smoothly distributed over 40 near neighbour gas parti- results, discuss the limitations of in situ halo models based cles.Theeffectivemetallicityusedtocalculatetheradiative on hydrodynamical simulations and compare with similar cooling rate of a given particle is also a smoothed average. studies.AsummaryofourconclusionsisgiveninSection8. Kinetic energy is imparted directly to particles subject to AdetailedcomparisonwiththeresultsofT12andT13isin- SNe feedback, in proportion to the local velocity dispersion cludedinAppendicesAandB,alongwithashortdiscussion ofDM.ParticlesareentrainedinSNwindsonaprobabilis- of numerical convergence. tic basis and launched perpendicular to the plane of the c 2013RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 (cid:13) In Situ Stellar Haloes 3 galactic disc. Wind particles are decoupled from the hydro- Table 2.Totalmassinthe(outer)disc,‘bulge’andstellarhalo dynamical calculation until they reach an ambient density nH < 0.01cm−3 or the time they have been decoupled ex- rgeivgeiosntshoefftrhacet(iro,nEoEf)mplaasnseinactchoerdstinelglatrohoaulrocrreigteiorina.thTahteifisnfoarlmroewd ceedsalimitingtime.Parryetal.(2012)improvethetreat- insitu.OurgalaxiesareroughlyhalfthemassoftheMilkyWay; ment of fluid instabilities in the hydrodynamic scheme of note that the disc mass quoted is only for stars with r >5 kpc. Okamotoetal.(2010)byincorporatingartificialconductiv- Our‘bulge’definitionincludesallstarswithr<5kpc,regardless ity (Price 2008) and a time-step limiter (Saitoh & Makino oftheirkinematics(itdoesnotcorrespondtoaspecifickinematic 2009); they also adjust the treatment of SN winds to re- orphotometriccomponentinoursimulationsorinrealgalaxies). ducetheresolutiondependenceofmassloadinganddeposit thermal rather than kinetic energy from Type Ia SNe. The Aq-C Aq-D Aq-E most relevant effect of these improvements is to suppress the formation of stars in cooling instabilities in diffuse cir- Mass Disc(r>5kpc,EE>0.8) 3.0 4.3 4.3 cumgalactic gas (e.g. Kaufmann et al. 2006; Kereˇs et al. Bulge(r<5kpc) 34.5 21.9 25.2 (109M ) 2012; Hobbs et al. 2013). In the results we present below, (cid:12) Halo(r>5kpc,EE<0.8) 4.6 8.4 6.8 weexplicitlyidentifystarsformedthroughsuchinstabilities In situ halofraction 37% 33% 41% and find that they contribute (cid:46) 20 per cent of the mass of the in situ stellar halo in our simulations. This fraction depends somewhat on resolution (becoming larger at lower ofastarwiththesamebindingenergyonacircularorbit.All resolution) as we discuss in Appendix B. Other modelling stars with E > 0.8 are identified with the central galactic uncertainties are also discussed in Section 7 and Appendix E disc and excluded from our halo star sample. B. Fig. 1 shows the distribution of stellar circularity as a Detailsoftwoofourthreehydrodynamicalsimulations function of radius in our three simulations. A concentra- (Aq-CandAq-D)havebeenpresentedpreviouslyinstudies tion of corotating stars on near-circular orbits extending to that focused on satellite galaxies (Parry et al. 2012) and ∼30 kpc is obvious in all cases, which we identify with the pseudo-bulge formation (Okamoto 2013). The luminosity thindisc.Anumberofstreamsonpro-andretrogradeorbits functionandluminosity–metallicityrelationofthesimulated are also visible at large radii. satellites are comparable to those of dwarf galaxies in the Atr(cid:46)5kpcthedensityofstarsonnon-circularorbits Local Group. All three simulations result in galaxies with is comparable to the density of stars in the disc. We iden- massive centrifugally supported discs as well as dispersion tify this complex region with a galactic ‘bulge’ (using the supported spheroids. termloosely,sincethisregionissubstantiallymoreextended than the bulge of the Milky Way). To simplify our defini- tionofthestellarhalo,weexcludeall starswithr<5kpc, 3 SAMPLE DEFINITION regardless of circularity. This cut is easy to apply to both The first step in defining our stellar halo sample is to iden- modelsanddata.Italsofollowsthelooseconventionofmost tifyallstarsbelongingtothecentral(MilkyWay-analogue) MilkyWaystellarhalowork,inwhichstarsmorethanafew galaxy at the present day (redshift z = 0). We choose kiloparsecsinteriortothesolarneighbourhoodareexcluded stars that lie within a radius r which encloses a sphere (the exception being those high above the disc plane) even 200 of mean density 200 times the critical value for closure though the inward extrapolation of a canonical r−3 density (r = 227 kpc for Aq-C and Aq-D, 202 kpc for Aq-E). profile would predict a substantial mass of halo stars in the 200 From this sample, we isolate the halo by excluding stars centreoftheGalaxy(seealsothediscussioninCooperetal. that belong to satellite galaxies within r and stars that 2010). 200 belongtothemaingalaxydiscoraninnerspheroid(‘bulge’), Fig. 1 further separates star particles into accreted as follows. (middlerow)andinsitu(bottomrow)accordingtowhether Satellite DM haloes and their galaxies are isolated us- ornottheyareboundtothemainbranchprogenitorofeach ingaversionofthesubfindalgorithm(Springeletal.2001) DMhaloatthefirstsnapshotaftertheirformation.Starpar- adapted by Dolag et al. (2009) to identify self-bound sub- ticlesthatarefirstboundtoaDMhalootherthanthemain structures,takingintoaccounttheinternalenergyofthegas progenitor are considered as accreted, even if they form in whencomputingparticlebindingenergies.Allstarparticles asubhaloofthemainbranch(i.e.iftheyforminasatellite boundtoDMsubhaloesatz=0areexcludedfromourhalo galaxy of the Milky Way analogue) and are subsequently star sample. stripped1. Table3summarizesthetotalmassofthestellar Thecentralgalacticdiscisidentifiedbyfindingstarson halo and the relative proportion of in situ stars. orbits that are approximately circular and that lie close to Fig. 2 shows the mean density of accreted and in situ a plane normal to the net angular momentum vector of the halostarsinsphericalshellscentredonthegalaxy.Thepro- wholestellarcomponent.Acoordinatesystemischosensuch file of the in situ halo has a similar shape and amplitude that the net angular momentum vector of all stars within in all three simulations, with a slight steepening evident in 0.2r points in the positive z-direction. The circularity of the ‘bulge’ region of Aq-C. In both Aq-C and Aq-D, the 200 each star’s orbit is then defined as accreted halo stars are less centrally concentrated than the J E = z , (1) E J (E) circ 1 ThisisanimportantdifferencewiththeworkofT13,whoin- where Jz is the z component of the star’s specific angular cludedstarsformedinboundsatelliteswithinr200 inthein situ momentum and Jcirc(E) is the specific angular momentum haloaspartoftheir‘endodebris’category. c 2013RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 (cid:13) 4 Cooper et al. Aq-C Aq-D Aq-E 1.0 0.5 ) E 0.0 ( All (cid:15) 0.5 − 4.0 1.0 − 3.5 0.5 3.0 ) 2.5 E 0.0 Accreted N ( (cid:15) 10 2.0 g o 0.5 l − 1.5 1.0 − 1.0 0.5 0.5 E) 0.0 InSitu 0.0 ( (cid:15) 0.5 − 1.0 − 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 100 r(kpc) r(kpc) r(kpc) Figure 1.Thedistributionofstarsinradius-circularityspaceforAq-C(leftcolumn),Aq-D(centrecolumn)andAq-E(rightcolumn). PanelsinthetoprowincludeallstarsboundtothemainDMhalo(r<90kpc),whilethemiddleandbottomrowsincludeonlyaccreted andinsitustarsrespectively.Dashedhorizontallinesindicatethecircularitycutusedtodefinediscstars.Dashedverticallinesmarkthe 5kpccutinradiususedtodefine‘bulge’stars.Allstarsoutsidetheseregionsareclassifiedashalostars.Thecolourscalecorresponds tothelogarithmofthenumberofstarparticles. in situ component, with a mild break due to accreted stars respect,inlinewithearlierstudiesoftheoriginandstructure aloneat70<r<90kpc,whileinAq-Ethetwocomponents of thick discs in simulations (e.g. Sales et al. 2009). Fig. 1 arealmostindistinguishable.Theaccreted–insitutransition showsthataccretedstarscanmakeasignificantcontribution in these profiles at ∼ 20 kpc is consistent with the average to the ‘disc’. In Aq-D, they contribute mainly to the ‘thin’ for Milky Way analogues in the GIMIC simulation (Font disc–thethickdiscisformedinsitu.InAq-E,accretedand et al. 2011). in situ ‘disc’ stars contribute at a similar ratio over a wide Aq-DandAq-Ehave‘thick’discswithahighdegreeof range of circularity and radius. non-circular motion, apparent in the top row of Fig. 1 as a In the context of observations of the Milky Way, a ge- high density of stars at 0.5<E <0.8 and 5<r<20 kpc. ometrically oblate stellar component, intermediate between E According to the aformentioned cuts on circularity and ra- discandhalo,wasidentifiedbyYoshii(1982)andGilmore& dius,weclassifytheseashalostars.However,examiningthe Reid(1983),butoptimalandobjectivewaystoclassifythis variationofthecircularitydistributionwithheightabovethe component are still under debate (see, for example, recent disc plane reveals that these stars simply make up the low- reviews by Ivezi´c et al. 2012; Rix & Bovy 2013). Classifi- circularity tail of a continuous distribution. The fraction of cations have been suggested based on metallicity and kine- stars on circular orbits is highest close to the plane. matics that imply different distinctions between thick disc Themostimportantquestionfromthepointofviewof and halo stars (Ivezi´c et al. 2008; Bovy et al. 2012; Rix & this paper is not the origin of thick disc stars, but whether Bovy 2013; Schlesinger et al. 2014; Ruchti et al. 2015). The or not they can, or should, be distinguished as a separate chemodynamicaldistributionfunctionsofourthreegalaxies galactic component. Our simulations differ greatly in this are different from one another, and almost certainly differ- c 2013RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 (cid:13) In Situ Stellar Haloes 5 10 Table3.Breakdownofallinsituhalostarsintothreesubtypes, accordingtotheirformationmechanism. Aq-C 8 Aq-C Aq-D Aq-E 3 − c Heateddisc 2.8% 26.0% 31.0% p k 6 Strippedgas 59.8% 56.7% 56.9% (cid:12) M Smoothlyaccretedgas 37.3% 17.3% 12.1% / ρ 4 0 Disc 1 bekeptinmindwhencomparingourresultstoobservations g Allhalo o of the Milky Way. l 2 Insituhalo Accretedhalo 100 4 THE ORIGIN OF IN SITU STARS Aq-D Inthissectionwelookinmoredepthattheoriginofthein 8 3 situcomponentofthestellarhalo.Thedensityofthiscom- − c ponentexceedsthatofaccretedhalostarsintheinner∼20 p k 6 kpcofourgalaxies.Itmaythusbeveryimportantforspec- (cid:12) troscopic observations of halo stars in the solar neighbour- M / hoodandinsurveysofmain-sequenceturnoffstarswithina ρ 4 few kiloparsecs of the Milky Way disc plane. 0 1 In order to trace how in situ stars formed in our simu- g o lations, we separate them into three disjoint subcategories: l 2 (i) ‘heateddisc’stars,whichmetthethindisccircularity criterion when they were formed, but are not in the disc at 100 z=0; Aq-E (ii) stars formed from ‘stripped gas’, brought into the 8 main DM halo bound to a subhalo and subsequently 3 − stripped by tidal forces or ram pressure; c p (iii) stars from ‘smoothly accreted gas’, which enters the k 6 (cid:12) main DM halo through direct (smooth) accretion. M / Categories(ii)and(iii)areeasilydistinguishedbytrac- ρ 4 ingtheDMhalomembershiphistoryoftheparentgaspar- 0 g1 ticle for each star particle. The gas from which heated disc o l 2 stars form must originally have either been stripped from a subhalo or smoothly accreted, so these stars could also be classified into the second or third categories. However, 0 in this case it is the fact that they formed in the thin disc 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 and were scattered out of it, rather than how their parent log10r/kpc gasparticlearrivedinthedisc,thatweconsidertobemost important. The fraction of in situ halo stars in each category is Figure 2. Spherically averaged stellar density profiles for Aq- shown in Table 3. It is clear that there is a large variation C(top),Aq-D(centre)andAq-E(bottom).Thereddashedand between the three simulations, although the in situ stars greendot–dashedlinescorrespondtotheaccretedandinsituhalo componentsrespectively.Thesolidblacklineisthesumofthese forming from gas stripped from satellites dominate in all andcanbecomparedtomeasurementsfortheMilkyWay(black cases. In the next section we discuss each category in more star; Fuchs & Jahreiß 1998; Gould et al. 1998). The blue dotted detail and compare their properties. linecorrespondstodiscstars,selectedbytheirorbitalcircularity. Theminimumextentoftheradialaxisissetbythegravitational softeninglengthforstarparticles.Agreydashedverticallineat 4.1 Heated disc stars 5kpcmarksthe‘bulge’regionthatweexcludefromouranalysis ofthestellarhalo. Thecentralgalaxiesinourthreesimulationsundergoseveral episodesofdiscdestructionandregrowthatz>3.Overthe redshift range 3 > z > 2, a stable disc is established. This entfromtheMilkyWaydistributionfunctiononwhichthese disc continues to grow until z = 0, although its angular observationaldefinitionsarebased.Therefore,wedonotbe- momentumaxismayprecess.Ourheateddisccategoryonly lievethatadditionalcutstoseparateathickdisccomponent includes stars that once belonged to this stable disc. Stars from the thin disc and halo (for example, using a threshold onhighlycircularorbitsmaybescatteredtomoreeccentric metallicity,alimitingrotationvelocityorverticalextent)are orbitsbysecularevolutionandsatelliteimpacts(e.g.Purcell helpfulfortheinterpretationofoursimulations.Thisshould et al. 2010). We refer to this loosely as ‘heating’, in the c 2013RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 (cid:13) 6 Cooper et al. Table 4. Properties of the present-day thin stellar discs in our tlehfrteetosimriguhlattigoinvse,fdoerfimnaetdiobnyrceirdcsuhliaftr,itymEaEss>fr0a.c8t.ioCnoliunmpnlascferoamt Aq-C 0.8 formation redshift, and redshift at which half the z =0 mass is inplace. r] /y 0.6 zform fform z1/2 M(cid:12) [ Aq-C 2.54 12% 0.92 R 0.4 Aq-D 2.32 8% 0.83 F S Aq-E 2.20 16% 0.76 Heateddisc 0.2 Strippedgas Smoothlyaccretedgas senseofanincreaseinnon-circularmotion.Theseperturbed 0.0 disc stars are likely to have a clear kinematic and chemical relationship to those in the present-day thin disc. Aq-D 0.8 Weidentifyallstarparticlesinthez=0disc,asdefined in Section 3, that exist in a given earlier snapshot and use r] these to define Jz (assuming that the number of star parti- /y 0.6 clesscatteredinto thediscisnegligible).Wethenapplythe (cid:12) M circularity threshold EE > 0.8 to identify all newly formed [ starparticlesinthediscatthatsnapshot.Anyofthesethat R 0.4 F have E < 0.8 at z = 0 are assigned to our heated disc S E category. 0.2 Beyond a certain redshift, z , we can no longer reli- form ablyidentifyastableprogenitorofthez=0disc,andhence we cannot define J . This limit is due to the small number 0.0 z (<100)ofancientdiscstarsandincreasingfrequencyoffluc- Aq-E tuationsinthecentralpotentialthatdestabilizeprotodiscs. 0.8 Table 4 gives z for each of our simulations, along with form z ,theredshiftbywhichthez=0dischasassembledhalf r] it1s/2finalmass. Table4alsogivesf ,themassfractionof /y 0.6 form (cid:12) z=0discstarsthatformearlierthanz .Thisfractionis M form [ no more than 16 per cent (Aq-E). Stars scattered from this R 0.4 unidentifiedprotodisc(andanyothersdiscsthatwerecom- F S pletelydestroyedbeforez )areconsideredtofallintoone form 0.2 of the other two in situ categories, according to the origin of their parent gas particle. 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 4.2 Stars from stripped gas and smoothly Time[Gyr] accreted gas Halo stars can form directly in the circumgalactic medium, Figure 3. Formation history for in situ halo stars assigned to either in quasi-free-falling cold gas clouds (not associated eachofourthreeinsituformationmechanisms.Timeismeasured with DM clumps) or the gaseous tidal or ram pressure fromtheoriginoftheuniverse.Peaksintheformationofstarsin smoothlyaccretedgasareclearlycorrelatedwiththoseinstripped stripped streams of satellite galaxies. We distinguish be- tween these two possibilities based on whether or not the gas at t < 4 Gyr. Vertical dotted lines mark zform and z1/2 as givenin Table4. parentgasparticleofagivenstarparticlewasboundtoan- other DM halo before being bound to the main halo. Stars forming from stripped satellite gas particles may be chemi- stars.InAq-DandAq-E,therearealso∼2Gyr-longbursts callyandkinematicallysimilartostarsintheaccretedstellar ofin situstarformationstartingatt≈4and6Gyrrespec- halo.Incontrast,starsformingingascondensingoutofthe tively.Interestingly,thesealsocorrespondtoepisodesoffor- hot hydrostatic gas halo, or other ‘smoothly’ accreted cold mationforscattereddiscstars(blue)andthindiscstars(not clumps,mayhavepropertiesmoresimilartothoseexpected shown).Theseepisodescorrespondtotherapidinfallofcold of an in situ halo formed by monolithic collapse. gasontothediscduringperiodsinwhichseveralrelatively Fig. 3 shows the absolute star formation rate of each massive satellites are being disrupted simultaneously. in situ category as a function of time elapsed since the big AnothernotablefeatureofFig.3isthatthestarforma- bang.Thesestarformationratesarelowcomparedtothose tionrateinsmoothlyaccretedgas(red)isclearlycorrelated typical of the stable disc and the progenitors of accreted with that in stripped gas (green), especially in the domi- stars (∼ 1M(cid:12)yr−1). The majority of halo stars that form nant early epoch of in situ halo formation (ages > 9 Gyr). in stripped or smoothly accreted gas are more than 9 Gyr Thiscorrelationpersistsevenifweselectonlystarsforming old,onlymarginallyyoungerthanthetypicalageofaccreted at r > 30 kpc, far away from the disc, suggesting that the c 2013RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 (cid:13) In Situ Stellar Haloes 7 conditions under which most in situ halo stars form are in fact related to the accretion and stripping of gas-rich satel- lites.Itappearsthatstarformationmaybetriggeredbythe 5 Aq-C mixing of free-floating gas from the hydrostatic halo with 3 star-forming stripped gas. We also see corresponding peaks − c 4 intheaccretedhalostarformationrate,suggestingthatstar p k formation is triggered in the infalling satellites as well. (cid:12) M 3 Theseeffectsmustarisefromthesubgridmodelofstar / formation. They may therefore occur, to a greater or lesser ρ extent, with other similar star formation prescriptions used 10 2 g in the literature. Since there are no unambiguous observa- lo tional tests of the predictions of models for star formation 1 inthediffusecircumgalacticgas,itisverydifficulttojudge whether or not the behaviour of a particular simulation is physicallyplausible(seealsothediscussioninAppendixB). Isolating dependencies on modelling uncertainties such as 5 Aq-D theseisoneofourmotivationsforseparatingsimulatedhalo 3 stars into categories based on their physical origin. c− 4 Regardlessofhowtheyactuallyform,theclassification p k of gas particles as ‘smoothly’ accreted is resolution depen- (cid:12) M 3 dent: gas bound to a low-mass infalling DM halo, and so / classifiedas‘stripped’athighresolution,wouldbeclassified ρ as ‘smoothly accreted’ in a lower resolution simulation that g10 2 o does not resolve the parent halo. In Appendix B we con- l clude that, in our simulations, the uncertainty in the total 1 massofthesmoothlyaccretedhalocomponentisdominated bythisclassificationuncertainty,ratherthantheresolution dependence of star formation efficiency. 5 Aq-E 3 − 5 IN SITU HALOES AT z=0 c 4 p k Inthissection,weexaminetheobservablecharacteristicsof (cid:12) M 3 insituhalostarsatthepresentday,startingwithasummary / ofhalopropertiesandthenlookinginmoredetailatregions ρ analogous to the solar neighbourhood. og10 2 AHcecarteetdedDisc l Strippedgas 1 5.1 Whole halo Smoothlyaccretedgas Fig. 4 compares the spherically averaged density profiles of 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 our three in situ halo categories and accreted halo stars. log r/kpc In the r <20 kpc region where in situ halo stars dominate 10 overaccretedstars,theycontributeroughlyequalmassfrac- tions;theexactproportionsvaryfromhalotohalo.Weseea Figure 4. Spherically averaged density profiles of halo stars in strong correspondence between stars formed from stripped theaccretedandthreein situcomponentsforAq-C(top),Aq-D andsmoothlyaccretedgasatallradii,which,incombination (centre)andAq-E(bottom). withFig.3,suggeststhattheyformwithasimilardistribu- tion in both space and time. As expected, heated disc stars haveasteeperprofile,withmostconcentratedatr<20kpc. dynamics of the two components. In the Toomre diagram Fig.5showsToomrediagrams(Sandage&Fouts1987) they resemble the classical Milky Way halo, with zero net that compare the amplitude of circular and radial motion rotation and high radial velocity dispersion. Accreted halo for different components. A galactocentric UVW velocity stars show a similar distribution overall, but with notable frame(e.g.Binney&Merrifield1998,p.627)isdefinedwith overdensitiesduetoindividualstreams,someofwhichhave respect to the thin disc in each simulation. a net retrograde motion. Of the three simulations, the stellar halo in Aq-C has The heated disc stars in Aq-D and Aq-E have similar kinematic properties most similar to those measured for kinematics to those in Aq-C, but the stripped/smooth in the Milky Way. The peak rotational velocity of the disc situ haloes have a greater net rotation. In Aq-E, all three is ∼ 220kms 1. The heated disc stars (blue) rotate in components once again resemble one another, although the − the same sense as those on circular orbits, with a lag of stripped- and smooth-gas halo stars have a greater velocity ∼40–180kms 1.Starsformedfromstrippedandsmoothly dispersion.Anunderlyingstripped/smoothinsituhalomay − accreted gas are kinematically indistinguishable from each still be present, but the bulk of in situ halo stars are more other,onceagainpointingtoaclosecorrelationbetweenthe similar kinematically to the Milky Way thick disc. The be- c 2013RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 (cid:13) 8 Cooper et al. Aq-C). Both in situ and accreted halo stars are systemati- 400 cally more metal poor than heated disc stars. 350 Aq-C TheMDFofinsituhalostarsformedfromstrippedgas 1]− 300 idsiavnersyysstimemilaatrictaolltyhahtigohfearcbcyrenteodmsaotreelltihteanst0a.r1s,dwexit.hTahimseis- s m k 250 tobeexpected,asthedensecoldgasstrippedfromsatellites 2[ willhavebeenenrichedbythesamestellarpopulationsthat 1/) 200 makeuptheaccretedhalo.Moreover,verysimilardistribu- 2 W tions will also result if prolonged star formation occurs in 150 + satellitegalaxieswhiletheirgasisbeingstripped.Theover- 2U 100 all in situ MDF is close to that of the stripped-gas stars, ( since they dominate the in situ mass budget. 50 Looking in detail, the degree of similarity between the 0 MDFsofthevariouscomponentsvariesineachofourthree simulations. This may depend on the extent to which the 350 Aq-D satellitegalaxiescontributingthebulkofstripped-gasstars 1]− 300 are the same as those that contribute the majority of ac- s creted stars. Since gas can be more easily expelled from m k 250 shallower potentials, the most massive and metal-rich ac- [ 2 creted progenitor galaxies are likely to retain the most gas 1/ 200 ) when they enter the main DM halo. Stars stripped from 2 W 150 these galaxies are expected to dominate the accreted halo, + particularlynearthecentre.Weinvestigatetherelativecon- 2U 100 tributionsofstar-formingstrippedgasanddirectlyaccreted ( stars from different progenitors in Section 6 below. 50 Of the different in situ components, it is the stars that 0 formedfromsmoothlyaccretedgasthathavethelowestme- dian metallicity and the broadest dispersion. This is con- 350 Aq-E sistent with the expectation that the gas surrounding each 1]− 300 galaxywillbeamixofitsownmetal-richejectaandalarge ms quantity of ‘pristine’, or only marginally enriched, gas from k 250 directcosmologicalinfall(Crainetal.2010).Inoursimula- [ 1/2 200 tions,theMDFistheonlycleardistinctionbetween‘smooth 2) gas’ stars and ‘stripped gas’ halo stars. W 150 + 2U 100 5.2 The Solar Neighbourhood ( 50 Asaroughanalogueofthesolarneighbourhoodregionmost relevant to current observations, we examine the average 0 300 200 100 0 100 200 300 400 propertiesofhalostarsinatorusofcross-sectionaldiameter − − − V [kms−1] 4 kpc and galactocentric radius r = 8 kpc in the plane of the thin disc. Table5summarizesthefractionofstarsineachcompo- Figure 5. Toomre diagrams of the whole stellar halo. For nent.Foramoredirectcomparisontotherealdata,wehave stripped-gas,smooth-gasandheateddiscin situhalostars(red, greenanddarkbluerespectively),contoursmarktheregionsen- grouped heated disc stars and stars that meet our thin disc closing10,30,50,70and90percentofthestellarmass.Forthe circularitycutintoasingledisccomponent,becausethetyp- accretedhalo(cyan)only10,50and90percentlevelsareshown. icallyhighcircularvelocitiesofheateddiscstarswouldmost The dashed vertical line marks the rotation velocity of the disc likely result in them being classified as ‘thick disc’ rather at8kpc. than halo stars in observations. Approximately 10 per cent ofthestellarmassthenremainsinacomponentresembling the‘classic’halo,ofwhichaccretedstarscontributebetween haviourofaccretedstarsonceagainresemblesthatofthein 34 and 67 per cent. situ component, even to the extent that they have a strong Toomre diagrams in this region are almost identical to prograde rotation in Aq-E. Accreted halo components with thoseinFig.5.Thebiggestdifferencesincomparisontothe prograderotationwerenotedbyAbadietal.(2003)andalso overall halo are found in the solar neighbourhood MDFs, found in Milky Way-like systems in the GIMIC simulations which are shown in Fig. 7. Stars formed from smoothly ac- (Font et al. 2011; McCarthy et al. 2012) cretedgasthatendupinthesolarneighbourhoodaremore Finally,inFig.6,weexaminethenormalizedmetallicity metalrichonaverage,suchthattheirMDFhasaverysim- distribution functions (MDFs) of each component of the in ilarshapeandamplitudetotheaccretedhalo.Thismaybe situ halo. Heated disc stars have the highest median [Fe/H] becausethemetal-poorcontributionofthiscomponentseen andnarrowestdispersion.TheirMDFresemblesthatofthe in Fig. 6 is dominated by stars forming at large radii from thin disc, but is slightly more metal poor (by ∼ 0.5 dex in gas that has not been polluted by the galactic wind of the c 2013RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 (cid:13) In Situ Stellar Haloes 9 Table 5. Breakdown of all stars in the solar neighbourhood. Heated disc stars are grouped together with thin disc stars in this table. Thetoptworowsgivefractionsoftotalstellarmass,whilethelowerthreerowsgivefractionsofstellarhalomass(secondrow)only. Mass(108M ) Aq-C Aq-D Aq-E (cid:12) Discstars(thin+thick) 26.4(92.3%) 27.4(88.7%) 28.0(83.0%) Halostars 2.21(7.7%) 3.49(11.3%) 5.72(17.0%) Accreted 0.747(33.9%) 1.79(51.1%) 3.83(67.0%) Strippedgas 0.837(37.9%) 1.23(35.3%) 1.53(26.7%) Smoothlyaccretedgas 0.618(28.0%) 0.476(13.6%) 0.356(6.23%) Aq-C Aq-C 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 ) ) H] H] e/ 0.6 e/ 0.6 F F ([ ([ P P 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 Aq-D Aq-D 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 ) ) H] H] e/ 0.6 e/ 0.6 F F ([ ([ P P 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 Disc Disc Aq-E Aq-E 1.0 1.0 Accreted Accreted HeatedDisc HeatedDisc 0.8 0.8 Strippedgas Strippedgas ) ) H] Smoothlyaccretedgas H] Smoothlyaccretedgas e/ 0.6 e/ 0.6 F F ([ ([ P P 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 − − − − − − − − − − [Fe/H] [Fe/H] Figure 6. [Fe/H] distributions for the disc, accreted halo and Figure7.MDFs,asFig.6,buthereinthesolarneighbourhood. three in situ halo components. Distributions are normalized by thetotalmassofstarsineachcomponent. c 2013RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 (cid:13) 10 Cooper et al. central galaxy. Other components have the same relation- 100 ship to one another as those in Fig. 6. Hence, we find no 107 M substantial differences between the properties of the in situ 108 MO • halointhesolarneighbourhoodandtheinsituhalooverall. 109 MO • 10-1 1010 MO • Thisisnotsurprisingbecausewehavealreadyseenthatthe 1011 MO • bulk of the in situ halo is concentrated within r(cid:46)20 kpc. O • 10-2 6 SATELLITE PROGENITORS 10-3 We have shown that our simulated stellar haloes are dom- inated by satellite accretion: the bulk of halo stars are shtarlioppsetadrdsifroercmtlyfrforommgsaastesltlritipesp,eadndfrothmesmaatejollrititeys.oHf‘oiwnesviteur,’ uted 10-4 Aq-C b 100 as Fig. 2 demonstrates, stars formed in situ from stripped ntri gas have a more centrally concentrated spatial distribution o c at z =0 than directly accreted stars. In this section we ex- ars 10-1 amine the satellites which contribute to the halo, with the st aimofdetermininghowtheirinfalltimes,massesandbary- s" a oniccontentaffectthespatialdistributionoftheinsituand g d- 10-2 accreted components. e p We first ask whether the subset of satellite progenitors p contributingthegasfromwhichaninsitustellarhaloforms stri is the same subset contributing accreted stars. Fig. 8 com- of " 10-3 pares the mass fractions of stars formed from stripped gas on and directly accreted stars associated with each progenitor cti satellite. In all three simulations, satellites that contribute s fra 1100-04 Aq-D significantlytoonecomponentalsotendtocontributesignif- s a M Surviving icantly to the other. There is substantial variation in detail Disrupted betweenthethreehaloes,reflectingtheirdifferentaccretion 10-1 histories. A larger scatter is apparent in Aq-D, as well as a noticeablefractionofgas-poorcontributors(lower-rightarea of the plot) relative to Aq-C and Aq-E. A larger fraction of 10-2 thosesatellitesalsosurvivetoz=0withoutbeingdisrupted (blue points). The smaller number of surviving satellites in Aq-C reflects a quieter recent merger history. 10-3 InFig.9weisolatethetopthreesatelliteprogenitorsof thestripped-gasinsitucomponentandplotthedensitypro- files of the accreted and stripped-gas stars they contribute. Aq-E Aq-E stands out as having the most similar profiles for the 10-4 twocomponents,bothofwhichareslightlysteeperthanthe 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 total accreted profile. In this case, the satellites plotted ac- Mass fraction of accreted stars contributed count for around 40 per cent of the total stripped-gas halo. WiththepossibleexceptionofaccretedstarsinAq-C,both accretedandstripped-gasstarsfromthetopthreesatellites Figure 8. Mass fraction of the accreted halo and stripped-gas are distributed like the bulk of the stellar halo. halocontributedbydisrupted(red)andsurviving(blue)satellite Fig.9suggeststhatthegreatercentralconcentrationof galaxies.Thesizesofthepointsareproportionaltothelogarithm the stripped-gas halo profile is not simply because most of ofthesatellite’stotalmassatinfall,asshownbythelegendinthe the progenitor gas particles originate in more massive pro- firstpanel.Thediagonaldashedlineindicatesanequalfractional genitors, which sink more rapidly through the action of dy- contributiontotheaccretedandstripped-gascomponents. namicalfriction.Ifthatwerethecase,wemightalsoexpect stars accreted from the same progenitors to be more cen- gashaloisthereforeimprintedatthetimethosestarsform, trally concentrated than the accreted halo overall. Instead, ratherthanthe time atwhich theirparentgas particles are weseethatthedebrisprofilesofthethreemostmassivein- stripped. dividualprogenitorsareverysimilartotheprofileoftheen- tireaccretedhalo.Inoursimulations,atthepresentday,ac- cretedstarsaredistributed(onaverage)overthesamerange 7 DISCUSSION ofradiiatwhichtheywereliberatedfromtheirparentsatel- lites. Conversely, we have confirmed that the stripped-gas Our finding of accretion-triggered star formation in particles from which in situ halo stars form dissipate some smoothly accreted gas may be, at least in part, a conse- of their orbital energy between the times of stripping and quence of our hydrodynamics scheme. In some hydrody- starformation.Thepresent-daydistributionofthestripped namic models, cold clouds can condense independently of c 2013RAS,MNRAS000,1–17 (cid:13)