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Formation of Ge-Sn nanodots on Si(100) surfaces by molecular beam epitaxy. PDF

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Preview Formation of Ge-Sn nanodots on Si(100) surfaces by molecular beam epitaxy.

Mashanovetal.NanoscaleResearchLetters2011,6:85 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/85 NANO EXPRESS Open Access Formation of Ge-Sn nanodots on Si(100) surfaces by molecular beam epitaxy Vladimir Mashanov1*, Vladimir Ulyanov1, Vyacheslav Timofeev1, Aleksandr Nikiforov1, Oleg Pchelyakov1, Ing-Song Yu2, Henry Cheng2 Abstract The surface morphology of Ge Sn /Si(100) heterostructures grown at temperatures from 250 to 450°C by 0.96 0.04 atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning tunnel microscopy (STM) ex situ has been studied. The statistical data for the density of Ge Sn nanodots (ND) depending on their lateral size have been obtained. Maximum density 0.96 0.04 of ND (6 × 1011 cm-2) with the average lateral size of 7 nm can be obtained at 250°C. Relying on the reflection of high energy electron diffraction, AFM, and STM, it is concluded that molecular beam growth of Ge Sn 1-x x heterostructures with the small concentrations of Sn in the range of substrate temperatures from 250 to 450°C follows the Stranski-Krastanow mechanism. Based on the technique of recording diffractometry of high energy electrons during the process of epitaxy, the wetting layer thickness of Ge Sn films is found to depend on the 0.96 0.04 temperature of the substrate. Introduction beams have been scarcely reported in the literature. In Self-assembled Ge-Sn nanodots (ND) are considered to particular, the growth mechanism has not been investi- beapossiblecandidatefordirectbandgapmaterialsand gated. However, the growth processes in heterosystem have high potential for a variety of applications due to Ge1-xSix/Si(100) have been studied sufficiently. The epi- their compatibility with Si technology [1,2]. Ge-Sn ND taxy of germanium on silicon surfaces (100) turned out havebeengrownonSisubstratesbymethodsofmolecu- to follow the Stranski-Krastanow (SK) mechanism [10]. larbeamepitaxy(MBE)coveredwithultrathinSiO films The SK model supposes that a uniformly strained film 2 [3,4]. A quantum-confinement effect in individual Ge (the wetting layer) grows pseudomorphically on the sub- 1- xSnxNDonSi(111) surfacescoveredwithultrathinSiO2 strate below some thickness of Ge or Ge1-xSix. As its films was observed using scanning tunneling spectro- thickness increases, the islands appear on the wetting scopy at room temperature [5]. Strong 1.5 μm photolu- layer. Hut-clusters with faceted planes of the type {510} minescence from Si-capped Ge1-xSnx ND on Si(100) followed by dome-clusters with faceted {311} and {201} surfaceshasalsobeenobservedbyNakamuraetal.[3]. planes originate [11]. The epitaxial growth of Ge1-xSnx alloys is complicated The technique of reflection of high energy electron because of a big lattice mismatch (15%) between Sn and diffraction (RHEED) has been used to monitor the evo- Ge,smallequilibriumsolidsolubilityofSninGe(<0.5at. lution of the surface structure during the growth of the %),andatendencyforSnsurfacesegregation[6-8].MBE solid solution Ge Sn on Si(100). RHEED is the 0.96 0.04 asanon-equilibriumgrowthtechniquecanovercomethe most informative method of investigating in situ MBE former two difficulties, but the surface segregation of Sn heterostructures. As well as the previous researches [12], stilloccursattypicalgrowthtemperaturesmorethan300° the authors analyzed the intensity of RHEED patterns in C[6,9],especiallyforhigherSnconcentrationgrowth. the growth of Ge-Sn layers. The analysis allows us to Until now, the initial stages of the epitaxial process of measure the wetting layer thickness [i.e., the thickness Ge-Sn layers on clean Si(100) surfaces from molecular at which transition from two- (2D) to three-dimensional (3D) growth takes place] depending on the growth *Correspondence:[email protected] temperature. 1A.V.RzhanovInstituteofSemiconductorPhysicsSBRAS,LavrentyevAvenue, The purpose of this article is to study the initial grow- 13,Novosibirsk630090,Russia ing stages of Ge-Sn alloys on Si(100) surfaces and the Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle ©2011Mashanovetal;licenseeSpringer.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommons AttributionLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductionin anymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Mashanovetal.NanoscaleResearchLetters2011,6:85 Page2of5 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/85 cellsforevaporation ofgermanium and tin, as wellasby 12 an electron beam evaporator for silicon. Analytic equip- ) 11 oA ment inthe growthchamberincludeda quartzthickness ( 10 n monitorandahighenergyelectron(20kV)diffractometer. o 9 ti Diffractionpatternswereperformedduringthegrowthby nsi 8 using CCD camera which permitted us to have both a 7 tr o 450oC RHEEDimagesonthewholeandthefragmentsofthedif- D 6 250 C fraction patterns at the rate of 10frames per second. Ge 3 D- 5 growthratewas0.09nm/s,andSngrowthratewasequal f 2 4 to3.8×10-4nm/s,whichgaveusthemolecularbeamsin o 3 ess 2 350oC pHreorpeo,r4tiaotn.%eoqfuSanl twoe4reatc.h%osoefnSbneicnauGsee-oSfnthsoeliladrgsoelluattitoicne. n ck 1 mismatch among a-Sn (a = 0.6489 nm), Ge (a = 0.5658 Thi 0 nm), and Si (a = 0.5431 nm). The lattice parameter mis- 100 200 300 400 500 match between Ge Sn and Si is 4.8% theoretically, 0.96 0.04 Substrate temperature (oC) whichiscloseinmagnitudetoasimilarparameterofthe Figure1Thedependenceof2D-3Dtransitionthicknessduring well-studiedheterostructureGe/Si(100).Thetemperature theepitaxyoftheGe0.96Sn0.04filmonthesubstrate ofthesubstrateswaschangedfrom 150to450°C.Silicon temperatureintherangeof150-450°C. (100)substrateswerelessthan0.5°disoriented.Beforethe Ge-Snfilmstartedgrowing,theSisubstratewasannealed distribution of Ge-Sn ND at the temperature range from at1000°C,andthebufferSilayerwasgrownat700°C.The 150 to 450°C by the technique of RHEED in situ, atomic micromorphology of the grown surfaces was studied by force microscopy (AFM), and scanning tunnel micro- methodsofAFMandSTMexsitu. scopy (STM) ex situ. Results and discussion Experimental details The diffractionpatterns at the growthprocessof Geand Samples were grown by using a solid-source MBE Ge Sn filmsonSi(100)weresimilar.Atthefirststage 0.96 0.04 machinewithtwopyroliticboronnitrideKnudsensource of epitaxial growth, the authors observed the diffraction Figure2AFMimagefromwettinglayerGe Sn with0.33nmthickness,grownat350°C. 0.96 0.04 Mashanovetal.NanoscaleResearchLetters2011,6:85 Page3of5 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/85 mean size = 6.88 nm 50 density = 6*1011sm-2 40 s ot of d30 er b m20 b) u N 10 0 a) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 island size, nm Figure3(a)STMimage(200×200nm2)fromtheGe Sn filmwith1.08nmthickness,grownat250°C.(b)Thedependenceof 0.96 0.04 quantityNDonthelateralsize. 35 mean size = 30.29 nm 30 density = 3.34*1010sm-2 25 s ot d of 20 b) er b 15 m u N 10 5 a) 0 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Dot size, nm Figure4(a)AFMimage(1×1μm2)fromtheGe Sn filmwith1.58nmthickness,grownat350°C.(b)Thedependenceofquantity 0.96 0.04 NDonthelateralsize. 270 s180 ot mean size = 43,84 nm d er of density = 2,32*1010sm-2 b m u 90 N b) a) 0 0 40 80 120 Dots size, nM Figure5(a)AFMimage(2×2μm2)fromtheGe Sn filmwith1.58nmthickness,grownat450°C.(b)Thedependenceofquantity 0.96 0.04 NDonthelateralsize. Mashanovetal.NanoscaleResearchLetters2011,6:85 Page4of5 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/85 pattern from flat surfacesofthe wetting layer and found 0,22 thepattern to become 3D after the Ge Sn layer has 0.96 0.04 u.) grown a few nm larger. By the diffractometry of high a. 0,20 energyelectronsduringtheprocessofepitaxy,thecritical e ( thicknesscan be determined,i.e.,the thickness oftransi- al siz 0,18 tion from the 2D growth mode to the 3D growth mode er 0,16 at for the heterostructures of Ge0.96Sn0.04/Si(100), which o l 0,14 depends on the growth temperature of substrates. The gt t 250oC dependenceof2D-3Dtransitionthicknessduringtheepi- eih 0,12 350oC taxy of Ge0.96Sn0.04 film on the substrate temperature in of h 0,10 450oC the range of 150-450°C is shown in Figure 1. It can be n o seen that the temperature dependence has a non-mono- ati 0,08 el toniccharacterwiththeminimumat350°C. R 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100110120 Moreover, the oscillationsofspecularbeamofdiffrac- Lateral size of dot (nm) tion pattern were not observed during the growth in all the investigated temperature ranges, i.e., 150-450°С. It Figure7 The dependenceof relationof heighttolateralsize onthelateralsizeofND.Lateralsizeisequaltosquarerootofthe means that the Ge-Sn films grow by the moving atomic basearea. stepsonthesurface.TheresultofRHEEDwasalsosup- ported by the AFM and STM measurements. Our MBE systemallowsonetogrowfourfilmswithdifferentthick- grow by the moving atomic steps at relatively low nesses from the wetting layer, and three films with a growth temperatures. As long as Sn atoms in growing higher thickness in one process on the same substrate. surfaces act as surfactants for Ge adatoms, the surface Themicromorphologyofallthegrownfilmswasstudied diffusion of Ge atoms on a Si(100) surface will increase. by AFMandSTM.Before2D-3Dtransition,onehasthe The quantity of Sn atoms at growing surfaces may flatwettinglayeratallsubstrate temperatures.The wet- increase because of the effect of Sn segregation. The tinglayerscontainthe atomicstepswiththeedgeorien- characteristics of segregation and temperature depen- tation<110>. Thetypical AFMimageofthislayer with dence of Sn segregation during the growth process of 0.33nmthicknessisshowninFigure2.Itshowsthatthe the Ge-Sn film are not found in literature. rootmeansquareisequalto0.0955nmat350°C. The 2D RHEED patterns correspond to the flat wet- So far, the nature of nonmonotonic temperature ting layer (see Figure 2). The diffraction patterns with dependence of transition 2D-3D thickness is not clear. 3D spots correspond to AFM images with Ge-Sn It was shown in the article [13], that the mobility of Ge islands. The typical STM and AFM pictures are shown atoms on the Si(111) surface increases by several orders in Figures 3, 4, 5. The dependence of ND quantity on of magnitude with a Sn coverage of about one mono- the lateral size was calculated for all images. Maximum layer. Owing to this fact, the Ge Sn films seem to density of ND (6 × 1011 cm-2) with the average lateral 0.96 0.04 size of 7 nm was obtained at 250°C. ThedependenceofNDofaverage-sizeandtheirdensity onthegrowthtemperaturesisdepictedinFigure6.Itcan 45 5,49756E11 beseenthattheaveragesizeincreases,andthedensityof 40 ND decreases as the growth temperature increases. The 2,74878E11 35 relationshipofheighttolateralsizewiththelateralsizeof m)30 size 1,37439E11 ND is shown in Figure 7. This aspect ratio for Ge ND e (n25 density deposited onSi(100)surfaceis widelyreportedinthelit- siz 6,87195E10 erature. For hut clusters, the aspect ratio is equal to 0.1- an 20 0.2 [14,15]. ND grown at the substrate temperature of Me15 3,43597E10 250°Chaveasimilaraspectratio0.08-0.13(seeFigure7). 10 1,71799E10 Itisalsofoundthat theGe0.96Sn0.04 NDat lowtempera- 5 tureofepitaxyhaveashapesimilartotheGehutcluster. 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Thenanoislandsgrownathighertemperaturesofthesub- 0 strate(350-450°C)hadabiggerlateralsizefrom30to110 Substrate temperature ( C) nmandtheaspectratioofNDchangedfrom0.10to0.21. Figure 6 The dependence of average size of ND and their ThesedatacharacterizedtheNDwiththeshapesimilarto densityonsubstratetemperatures. theoneofthedomeGecluster. Mashanovetal.NanoscaleResearchLetters2011,6:85 Page5of5 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/85 Conclusion 6. 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Authordetails 1A.V.RzhanovInstituteofSemiconductorPhysicsSBRAS,LavrentyevAvenue, 13,Novosibirsk630090,Russia2CenterforCondensedMatterSciencesand GraduateInstituteofElectronicEngineering,NationalTaiwanUniversity, Taipei,106,Taiwan,R.O.C Authors’contributions VMcarriedoutthedesignofthestudyanddraftedthemanuscript,VU carriedoutthegrowthexperimentsinMBEmachine,VTperformedthe statisticalanalysisofAFMandSTMimages,ANperformedtheRHEED analysisandparticipatedinitsdesign,OPperformedtheSTManalysisand participatedinitsdesignandcoordination,ISYcarriedouttheAFM measurementsandparticipatedinitsanalysis,HCparticipatedinthedesign ofthestudyanditscoordination.Allauthorsreadandapprovedthefinal manuscript. Competinginterests Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenocompetinginterests. Received:30July2010 Accepted:12January2011 Published:12January2011 References 1. MontragoonP,VukmirovićN,IkonićZ,HarrisonP:Electronicstructureand opticaltransitionsinSnandSnGequantumdotsinaSimatrix. MicroelectronJ2009,40:483. 2. 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