HindawiPublishingCorporation AdvancesinMaterialsScienceandEngineering Volume2011,ArticleID316513,16pages doi:10.1155/2011/316513 Review Article Formation and Device Application of Ge Nanowire Heterostructures via Rapid Thermal Annealing JianshiTang,1Chiu-YenWang,2FaxianXiu,1,3YiZhou,1Lih-JuannChen,2andKangL.Wang1 1DeviceResearchLaboratory,DepartmentofElectricalEngineering,UniversityofCalifornia,LosAngeles,CA90095,USA 2DepartmentofMaterialsScienceandEngineering,NationalTsingHuaUniversity,Hsinchu30013,Taiwan 3DepartmentofElectricalandComputerEngineering,IowaStateUniversity,Ames,IA50014,USA CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoKangL.Wang,[email protected] Received21April2011;Accepted14June2011 AcademicEditor:JosephLai Copyright©2011JianshiTangetal.ThisisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense, whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. WereviewedtheformationofGenanowireheterostructureanditsfield-effectcharacteristicsbyacontrolledreactionbetweena single-crystallineGenanowireandNicontactpadsusingafacilerapidthermalannealingprocess.Scanningelectronmicroscopy and transmission electron microscopy demonstrated a wide temperature range of 400∼500◦C to convert the Ge nanowire to a single-crystalline Ni Ge/Ge/Ni Ge nanowire heterostructure with atomically sharp interfaces. More importantly, we studied 2 2 the effect of oxide confinement during the formation of nickel germanides in a Ge nanowire. In contrast to the formation of Ni Ge/Ge/Ni Ge nanowire heterostructures, a segment of high-quality epitaxial NiGe was formed between Ni Ge with the 2 2 2 confinementofAl O duringannealing.AtwistedepitaxialgrowthmodewasobservedinbothtwoGenanowireheterostructures 2 3 toaccommodatethelargelatticemismatchintheNi Ge/Geinterface.Moreover,wehavedemonstratedfield-effecttransistors x usingthenickelgermanideregionsassource/draincontactstotheGenanowirechannel.OurGenanowiretransistorshaveshown ahigh-performancep-typebehaviorwithahighon/offratioof105andafield-effectholemobilityof210cm2/Vs,whichshowed asignificantimprovementcomparedwiththatfromunreactedGenanowiretransistors. 1.Introduction heterostructurecanbeeasilyusedtofabricatenanowirefield- effect transistors (FETs) using the formed silicide regions As an important one-dimensional material, semiconductor as the source/drain contacts to the Si nanowire channel nanowire has attracted enormous research interest for its [6,7,10].Thechannellengthcanbewellcontrolledbythe unique electrical properties, which has promising applica- annealing time and growth length of silicide, therefore, can tions as building blocks for nanoelectronics [1–5]. Since beaggressivelyshrunkdowntosub-50nm[11].Clearly,this 2004,therehavebeenalotofeffortsonstudyingthethermal process offers great advantages over modern high-cost and diffusion of metal into a single-crystalline Si nanowire, in complex photolithography technology to fabricate short- which a silicide/silicon/silicide nanowire heterostructure is channeltransistorsandmayfurtherfacilitatetheadvanceof formedbysolid-statereactionsbetweentheSinanowireand scalednanodevices. metal contacts. Many metals (contact pads or nanowires) ComparedwithSinanowire,metal-Genanowireisanew havebeenstudiedasthediffusionsource,suchasNi[6–8], system of interest, since Ge is an important complement Co [9], Pt [10], and Mn [11]. One of the salient features to Si with even higher carrier mobilities for further device in this nanowire heterostructure is the atomically sharp in- miniaturization compatible to the existing CMOS technol- terfacebetweentheSinanowireandtheformedsilicidena- ogy [1, 2]. For Ge, the atomically sharp interface is of nowire. Such clean interface may help to avoid Fermi-level particularinteresttoalleviatetheFermi-levelpinningeffect pinningeffect,whichiscommonlyobservedinconventional in the metal-Ge contact, since Ge has a high density of in- metal-semiconductor contacts [12]. Also, the nanowire terface states due to native defects on the Ge surface [12]. 2 AdvancesinMaterialsScienceandEngineering Experimentally,Yamaneetal.havedemonstratedtheepitax- the latter method is claimed to provide a better control of ialgrowthofhigh-qualityFe SionGe(111)substratewithan the nanowire size and a higher product yield [23, 25]. In 3 atomically controlled interface, which successfully depined bothtwomethods,Genanowiresarenotdopedonpurpose the Fermi-level of Fe Si/Ge contact [19]. It is, therefore, duringgrowth,butunintentionaldopingusuallyoccurs[26, 3 highly desirable to achieve a metallic contact to Ge with a 27]. high-qualityinterface.Ontheotherhand,manygermanides, To form NixGe/Ge nanowire heterostructures, SFLS- such as Mn Ge and Ni Ge, exhibit ferromagnetism above synthesizedGenanowiresdilutedinisopropylalcohol(IPA) 5 3 3 roomtemperature[20,21],andthusoffergreatadvantages were dispersed onto a SiO2/Si substrate. The top thermal SiO was about 330nm thick. The Si substrate was degen- over silicides for future applications in spintronics, such as 2 erately doped with a resistivity of 1–5 ×10−3Ω-cm, which realizing spin injection into semiconductor from a ferro- served asa backgateforfurtherdevicecharacterization.E- magnetic contact.Therefore,thereisanincreasingresearch beam lithography (EBL) was used to define Ni contacts to interest on the metal-Ge nanowire system, such as Ni-Ge Genanowires.Beforee-beamevaporationofabout120nm- [13–15]andCu-Ge[16–18].Forcomparison,Table1briefly thick Ni (with the purity of 99.995% and in vacuum at summarizes the literature report of Si and Ge nanowire a pressure lower than 10−6Torr), the sample was dipped heterostructures formed by solid-state reactions between a into diluted hydrofluoric acid (HF) for 15s to completely semiconductornanowireandmetalcontacts.Itisnotedthat remove native oxide in the contact region. A field-emission the annealing temperature of metal-Ge nanowire system is scanningelectronmicroscopy(JEOLJSM-6700FESEM)was usuallylowerthanthatofmetal-Sinanowiresystem,which used to examine the sample morphology before and after is partially due to a lower melting point of Ge than Si. The theannealingprocess.Figures1(a)and1(b)showthedevice low-temperature process in metal-Ge nanowire systems is schematics before and after the thermal diffusion of Ni favorabletoreducethethermalbudgetinformingnanowire into the Ge nanowire. Figure1(c) shows the SEM image heterostructurestowardfutureprocessintegration. of the as-fabricated Ge nanowire device showing a uni- Inthispaper,wewillfirstdiscusstheformationofsingle- form contrast. Then the sample was annealed with rapid crystalline Ge nanowire heterostructure by the solid-state thermal annealing (RTA) in the ambient of N to allow reaction between a Ge nanowire and Ni contact pads. By a 2 Ni thermal intrusion into Ge nanowire and subsequently comparativestudyofwithorwithoutanAl O cappinglayer 2 3 during annealing, we study the effect of oxide confinement form NixGe/Ge heterostructures along the nanowire. In the previous study on the interfacial reactions of Ni thin in the growth of germanide in a Ge nanowire. A detailed film on Ge(111) substrate, the germanide phase formation transmissionelectronmicroscopy(TEM)analysisincluding sequence was found to be Ni Ge and NiGe at increasing the epitaxial relationships is presented in this section. In 2 temperatures in the range of 160◦C to 600◦C [28]. Various the second part of this paper, we will introduce electrical annealing temperatures ranging from 400◦C to 700◦C were characterizations of Ge nanowire back-gate FETs fabricated used in this study to optimize the formation of nanowire using the Ge nanowire heterostructures. Specifically, the heterostructures. It is found out that Ge nanowires were effect of Al O capping layer on the device performance is 2 3 easilybrokenatahighannealingtemperature(>550◦C)due studied in this section. Finally, we will discuss the possible to the significant reduction of the melting point for Ge researchdirectionsforfutureworkontheGenanowirehet- nanowires compared with that of bulk Ge [29]. When the erostructures,especiallyforpromisingapplicationsinspin- temperaturedecreasedto400◦C–500◦C,cleardiffusionofNi tronicsandfurtherstudyonthegrowthdynamics. intotheGenanowirewasalsoobservedandtheformedger- manidewasidentifiedtobeNi Ge(refertotheTEManalysis 2 2.ExperimentalResults later).Figure1(d)showstheSEMimageoftheGenanowire device upon RTA at 500◦C for 60s, in which clear contrast The growth of Ge nanowires can be accomplished by a was observed between the Ge nanowire and the formed variety of techniques. In this study, two popular methods nickel germanide nanowire due to the conductivity dif- wereemployed to synthesize single-crystalline Ge nanowire ference.TheremainedGeregionwaseasilycontrolleddown with (cid:4)111(cid:5) growth direction. One is the supercritical fluid- to 650nm, and it can be further reduced to sub-100nm liquid-solid (SFLS) approach, in which Ge nanowires were [11, 16]. Similar contrast was also observed after RTA at producedinhighlypressurizedsupercriticalfluidsenriched 400◦Cfor40s,asshowninFigure1(e). with organogermane precursors and metal nanocrystals as In order to identify the phase of the formed germanide catalyst [22, 23]. The typical diameter of as-synthesized Ge and the epitaxial relationship of germanide-germanium in- nanowiresisaround40–50nmandthelengthcouldbemore terface,insituTEMwasusedtostudytheformationprocess than 10μm. The other approach is the vapor-liquid-solid and reaction kinetics. To prepare the TEM sample, the (VLS) method, in which metal (such as Au) catalyzed Ge single-crystallineGenanowiresweredispersedontheTEM nanowiresweregrownonSiO /Si(100)substratesbymeans grid with a square opening of a Si N thin film. The low- 2 3 4 of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) using a gaseous Ge stress Si N film was deposited by low-pressure chemical 3 4 precursor GeH [24]. The VLS-grown Ge nanowires are vapordeposition(LPCVD).TheSi N filmwasabout50nm 4 3 4 typically70–80nmindiameterandhavelengthsover10μm. thick, which provided a reliable mechanical support for ThereportedcarriermobilityofVLS-grownGenanowiresis Ge nanowire devices during the fabrication process and at higher than SFLS-synthesized Ge nanowires [13, 14], while the same time to assure it is transparent to the electron AdvancesinMaterialsScienceandEngineering 3 Table1:SummaryofSiandGenanowireheterostructuresformedbysolid-statereactionsbetweenasemiconductornanowireandmetal contacts. Materialsystem Annealingcondition(◦C) Formedsilicide/germanide Metaldiffusionsource Ni-Si[6] 550 NiSi Nicontactpad Ni-Si[7] 470 NiSi (notidentified) Nicontactpad x Ni-Si[8] 500–700 NiSi Ninanowire 700 CoSi Conanodots Co-Si[9] 800 Co Si Conanodots 2 Pt-Si[10] 520 PtSi Ptcontactpad Mn-Si[11] 650 MnSi Mncontactpad Ni-Ge[13] 400–500 Ni Ge Nicontactpad 2 Ni-Ge[14] 450(cappedwithAl O ) Ni Ge/NiGe Nicontactpad 2 3 2 Ni-Ge[15] 300–450 Ni Ge Nicontactpad 2 Cu-Ge[16–18] 310 Cu Ge Cucontactpad 3 Ni Ni Ge Ge NixGe SiO2 SiO2 Si Si (a) (b) 0.5µm 1µm 0.5µm (c) (d) (e) Figure1:FormationofNi Ge/Ge/Ni Geheterostructures.Schematicillustrationshowing(a)beforeand(b)afterthediffusionprocessofNi 2 2 intotheGenanowireformingaNi Ge/Ge/Ni Geheterostructure.(c)SEMimageoftheGenanowiredevicewithEBLdefinedNielectrodes. 2 2 (d)SEMimageoftheNi Ge/Ge/Ni GeheterostructureafterRTAat500◦Cfor60sinwhichthelengthoftheGeregionwaseasilycontrolled 2 2 tosubmicronrange.ThearrowsindicatethegrowthtipsoftheNi Genanowire.(e)SEMimageoftheNi Ge/Ge/Ni Geheterostructureafter 2 2 2 RTAat400◦Cfor40s.ThearrowsindicatethegrowthtipsoftheNi Genanowire.Reproducedfrom[13]. 2 beam without interference with images of the nanowires. below 10−6Torr. Figures 2(a)–2(c) show high-resolution EBL-defined Ni pads were employed as the Ni diffusion TEM (HRTEM) images of the formed Ni Ge/Ge interface x source.AJEOL-2010TEM(operatedat200KVwithapoint- upon 500◦C annealing. According to the lattice-resolved to-point resolution of 0.25nm) attached with an energy HRTEM analysis, the formed germanide was identified to dispersive spectrometer (EDS) was used to investigate the be single-crystalline Ni Ge with an orthorhombic lattice 2 microstructures and to determine the compositions of the structureandlatticeconstantsa = 0.511nm,b = 0.383nm, samples.ToinsituobservethereactionsoftheNielectrodes and c = 0.726nm (space group 62). It was observed that with Ge nanowires, the samples were heated inside TEM a large lattice mismatch of 56.3% at the Ni Ge/Ge epitaxial 2 withaheatingholder(Gatan652doubletiltheatingholder interfacecouldresultinthesegregationofnanoparticles(see connected with a power supply to heat up the samples to Figure4).InFigure 2(b),acleanandsharpinterfacebetween thedesiredtemperature)underaRTAmodewithapressure Ni Ge/Ge was observed with an approximately 1nm GeO 2 x 4 AdvancesinMaterialsScienceandEngineering (100) (11¯1¯) Ge Ni2Ge (011) (111) [01¯1] [011¯] d(100)=0.511nm d(111)=0.327nm d(11¯1¯)=0.327nm d(011)=0.339nm Ni2Ge Ge (a) (b) (c) 0.2µm Si [111] u.) a. ( y Ge nsit (d) nte Ni Ni Ni I N 0.2µm Ge Ge 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Energy(keV) (e) (f) Figure2:EpitaxialrelationshipattheNi Ge/Geinterface.(a)Lattice-resolvedTEMimageoftheformedNi Genanowire.Theinsetshows 2 2 theFFTpattern,confirmingthattheformedgermanidephaseisNi Ge.(b)TEMimageofNi Ge/Geheterostructureshowinganatomically 2 2 sharpinterface.(c)Lattice-resolvedTEMimageoftheunreactedGenanowire.TheinsetshowstheFFTpattern.(d)LowmagnificationTEM imageoftheas-fabricateddevicewiththeNipadandtheGenanowire.(e)LowmagnificationTEMimageafterannealingat500◦C.The arrowindicatestheinterfaceoftheNi Ge/Genanowire.(f)EDSofNi Ge,showingarelative2:1concentrationratioofNiandGeatoms. 2 2 Reproducedfrom[13]. shellsurroundingboththeGeandNi Geregions.Theinsets show the in situ TEM images of the Ni Ge nanowire 2 2 inFigures 2(a)and2(c)illustratethefastFouriertransform growth at 400 and 500◦C, respectively. The growth length (FFT) patterns of Ni Ge and Ge HRTEM images, respec- of the Ni Ge nanowire is 138.9nm for 455s at 400◦C and 2 2 tively. The crystallographic epitaxial relationships between 357.5nm for 340s at 500◦C, respectively. Based on the Ge and Ni Ge are shown to be Ge[011]//Ni Ge[011] and data collected on more than three nanowires, the extracted 2 2 Ge(111)//Ni Ge(100),aswediscussed.Figures 2(d)and2(e) growthvelocitiesareabout0.31nm/sat400◦Cand1.05nm/s 2 showthelow-magnificationTEMimagesofGeNWsbefore and 500◦C, respectively. Using the Arrhenius plot [8], the andafterannealingat500◦C,respectively.Figure2(f)shows activation energy of the Ni Ge growth in the Ge nanowire 2 theEDSoftheformedgermanidenanowireregion,showing isestimatedtobe0.55±0.05eV/atom. thattheratioofNitoGeconcentrationisabout2:1,which Asmentionedabove,duetoalargelatticemismatchon furthersupportthefactthattheformedgermanidephaseis the Ni Ge/Ge epitaxial interface, the resulting huge strain 2 Ni Ge. The signals of Si and N peaks are contributed from intheNi Ge/Ge/Ni Genanowireheterostructurecouldlead 2 2 2 theSi N window. tothesegregationofNi GenanoparticlesontheNi Gena- 3 4 2 2 Real-time observation on the Ni Ge growth in a Ge nowire after a long-time annealing. Figure 4(a) shows the 2 nanowire was performed using in situ TEM video, which TEM image of an as-fabricated Ge nanowire device with allows us to obtain lattice-resolved TEM images of the ep- EBL-defined Ni pads at room temperature. Figures 4(b)– itaxial interface in progression and thus to estimate the 4(d) are a series of in situ TEM images of the Ge nanowire growth velocity. Figure 3(a) shows the relation of Ni Ge deviceupon400◦C,450◦Cand500◦Csequentialannealing, 2 nanowirelengthversusthereactiontimeat400and500◦C, respectively.Thetimeclocksshownatthelower-rightcorner illustrating a potentially linear growth behavior of Ni Ge in each TEM image were captured in the form of hour: 2 in the Ge nanowires, while the detailed growth mechanism minute:second. Volume expansion and segregation to form requires further study. Figures 3(b), 3(c), 3(d), and 3(e) nanoparticles were clearly observed. Figure 4(e) shows a AdvancesinMaterialsScienceandEngineering 5 1500 400◦C 1 3 m) n9 n m (1000 h ngt 0(cid:2)00(cid:2)(cid:2) 7(cid:2)35(cid:2)(cid:2) e l h (b) (c) wt ro 500◦C g e 500 G 3 Ni2 57 .5 n m 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0(cid:2)00(cid:2)(cid:2) 5(cid:2)40(cid:2)(cid:2) Time(s) (d) (e) 400◦C 500◦C (a) Figure3:KineticanalysisoftheNi GeepitaxialgrowthwithinGenanowires.(a)Real-timerecordoftheNi Genanowiregrowthlength 2 2 versusthereactiontimeat400and500◦C,illustratingapotentiallylineargrowthrate.(b)-(c)InsituTEMimagesoftheNi Gegrowth 2 withinaGenanowireat400◦Cannealing.Thearrowindicatesacorrespondinglengthof138.9nmgrowthin7min35sec.(d)-(e)Insitu TEMimagesoftheNi GegrowthwithinaGenanowireat500◦Cannealing.Thearrowindicatesacorrespondinglengthof357.5nmgrowth 2 in5min40sec.Reproducedfrom[13]. TEM image of another Ge nanowire device annealed at at 450◦C for 20s. Clear contrast was observed between the 400◦C for 30min. The results in Figures 4(c)–4(e) clearly Ge nanowire and the formed nickel germanide nanowire, demonstratethatasaresultofstrainrelease,Ni Genanopar- which is again attributed to the conductivity difference of 2 ticleswereformedandsegregatedontheNi Genanowireas the two. Figure5(e) schematically illustrates the formation 2 NidiffusedalongtheformedNi2Genanowire. ofNixGe/Ge/NixGenanowireheterostructurewiththeAl2O3 Similarly,thesegregationofnanoparticlesduringanneal- confinement. The red line indicates the position where the ing was also observed in the Ni-Si nanowire system as re- device was cut with focused ion beam (FIB) to study the cross-sectionalstructure,astobeexplainedinFigure6. portedbyWeberetal.[7].ForSi,athinlayerofhigh-quality Figure 6(a)showsthelow-magnificationcross-sectional native oxide is usually formed on the Si nanowire surface, TEM image of the Ni Ge/Ge nanowire heterostructure, while Ge does not have a stable native oxide. It is observed x thattheSiO shellhasasubstantialconfinementeffectonthe which was cut with FIB from the Ge nanowire device fab- 2 ricated on a SiO /Si wafer, as shown in Figure5(e). Before nickel silicide growth along with phase transformation in a 2 FIBcutting,a200nm-thickPtfilmwasdepositedontopto Sinanowire[30].Westudiedtheeffectofoxideconfinement protecttheNi Ge/Ge/Ni Genanowireheterostructurefrom on the germanide growth in a Ge nanowire; an oxide layer, x x the ion beam bombardment. When preparing the cross- suchasAl O ,wasdepositedtocaptheGenanowiredevice 2 3 section of Ni Ge for TEM analysis using FIB, we chose the x before the annealing process, as shown in the schematics positionascloseastotheNi Ge/Geinterface.Itisnotedthat x of Figure5(a). Figure5(b) shows the SEM image of the as- in the cross-sectional view, there were some nanoparticles fabricated Ge nanowire device showing uniform contrast. segregated on the SiO surface from the bottom of the 2 Prior to RTA, 20nm thick Al2O3 was deposited on top by formed nickel germanide, the region that was not confined atomiclayerdeposition(ALD)at250◦C(Figure5(c)).Itwas by the Al O capping layer. This result also explains the 2 3 noticedthatthediameteroftheGenanowirewasincreased fact that we did not observe nanoparticles on the Al O 2 3 aftertheAl2O3 depositionsinceALDprovidedaconformal capped surface from the SEM image shown in Figure5(d). coverage.AfterthatthesamplewasthenannealedwithRTA Figure 6(b) shows the lattice-resolved HRTEM image of in N2 ambient to allow for the thermal intrusion of Ni the interface between the formed NiGe nanowire and the into theGenanowire andsubsequentlyformtheNixGe/Ge segregated NiGe nanoparticle, which were both identified heterostructures along the nanowire. Clear diffusion of Ni to be NiGe from the FFT pattern shown in the inset of intotheGenanowirewasobservedinbothSEMandTEM, Figure 6(b).NiGehasanorthorhombiclatticestructurewith and the formed germanide was analyzed in HRTEM, as lattice constants a = 0.538nm, b = 0.342nm, and c = to be explained further later. Figure5(d) shows the SEM 0.581nm (space group 62). In order to further confirm the image of the Ni Ge/Ge/Ni Ge heterostructures after RTA germanidephase,anEDSlinescanwasperformedthrough x x 6 AdvancesinMaterialsScienceandEngineering RT 450◦C Ni 500nm 0:00:00 (a) 400◦C 200nm 0:16:39 200nm 0:48:09 (b) (c) 500◦C 400◦C 200nm 1:37:30 200nm (d) (e) Figure4:AseriesofinsituTEMimagesatvariousannealingtemperatures:(a)roomtemperature;(b)400◦C;(c)450◦C;(d)500◦C.The arrowsindicatetheinterfacebetweentheformedNi GeandtheGenanowire.TheredcirclesindicateNi Genanoparticlessegregatedfrom 2 2 theNi Genanowire.(e)TEMimageoftheNielectrodereactedwithaGenanowireupon400◦Cannealingfor30min.Reproducedfrom 2 [13]. theAl O -cappedNi Genanowiretodeterminetheprofiles at 250◦C to cap the device and confine the solid state 2 3 x of Ge, Ni, Al and O atoms, as shown in the cross-sectional reaction of germanidation during annealing. The Al O - 2 3 TEMimageinFigure 6(c)aswellastheindividualline-scan coated devices were then annealed both in situ (inside profileinFigures 6(d)–6(g).FromFigures 6(d)and6(e),the TEM) and ex situ (in RTA). Figure 7(a) shows the low- Ni/Ge ratio was estimated to be about 1:1, which further magnification TEM image of the Ni-Ge nanowire device provedtheNiGephase. cappedwith10nmAl O afterannealingat450◦Cfor30s. 2 3 To study the epitaxial relationships between Ni Ge and The enlarged TEM image in Figure 7(b) shows that there x Ge, the VLS-grown Ge nanowires were dispersed on the are clearly two interfaces in the Ni Ge/Ge nanowire het- x TEM grids with a square opening of a Si N thin film, erostructure. Figure 7(c) shows the EDS line-scan profile 3 4 as described above. The sample preparation was similar fromthenanowireheterostructure.Thelineprofileindicates to the process as explained above for the Ni Ge/Ge/Ni Ge two germanide phases in the formed Ni Ge region, which 2 2 x nanowireheterostructure.Theonlydifferenceisthatbefore correspondstothetwointerfacesobservedintheNi Ge/Ge x theannealingprocess,anAl O filmwasdepositedbyALD heterostructure. The Ni/Ge ratio is about 1:1 in the small 2 3 AdvancesinMaterialsScienceandEngineering 7 ConformalAl2O3capping Ni Ge SiO2 Si 0.5µm (a) (b) Al2O3 FIBcut Ni Ni NixGe Ge NixGe SiO2 n+-Si(100) 0.5µm 0.5µm (c) (d) (e) Figure5:FormationofNi Ge/Ge/Ni GeheterostructurewiththeAl O confinement.(a)SchematicillustrationofanAl O conformal x x 2 3 2 3 cappingontheGenanowiredevicebyALD.(b)SEMimageoftheas-fabricatedGenanowiredevicewithEBL-definedNielectrodes.(c)SEM imageoftheGenanowiredeviceafteraconformalcappingof20nmthickAl O .(d)SEMimageoftheNi Ge/Ge/Ni Geheterostructure 2 3 x x afterRTAat450◦Cfor20sinwhichthelengthoftheGeregionwaseasilycontrolledtobeseveralhundrednanometers.Thearrowsindicate thegrowthtipoftheNi Genanowire.(e)SchematicillustrationshowingtheformationofNi Ge/Ge/Ni Genanowireheterostructurewith x x x theAl O confinement.TheredlineindicatesthepositionchosenforFIBtostudythecross-sectionalstructureinFigure6.Reproduced 2 3 from[14]. germanideregionclosetotheNi Ge/Geinterface,suggesting important role in confining the growth of germanides and x the formation of NiGe. This result is consistent with the also promoting the formation of NiGe to maintain high- line-scanprofileinFigures 6(d)and6(e).Thelengthofthe qualityepitaxialrelationshipsbetweenNi GeandGe. 2 NiGeregioncanrangefromtensofnanometerstohundreds Figure8 schematically illustrates the epitaxial relation- of nanometers in our experiments. On the other hand, the ships of the Ni Ge/Ge interface in the Ni Ge/Ge/Ni Ge 2 2 2 Ni/Ge ratio is about 2:1 in the other germanide region nanowire heterostructure and the NiGe/Ge interface in close to the Ni pad on the left, implying that the phase the Ni Ge/NiGe/Ge/NiGe/Ni Ge nanowire heterostructure. 2 2 is Ni Ge. It is also worth noting that the almost constant According to the epitaxial relationships in both cases, the 2 concentration of Ge along the heterostructure suggests nanowire growth direction (along the Ge [111] direction) Ni is the dominant diffusion species in this system [28]. is not perpendicular to the epitaxial planes (parallel to the Figure 7(d)showsthelattice-resolvedHRTEMimageofthe Ge(111)plane).This“twisted”growthmodeofnanowires Ni Ge/Ge heterostructure, clearly exhibiting two interfaces. is substantially different from that in the typical epitaxial x The FFT patterns at the Ni Ge, NiGe, and Ge regions are growthofthinfilms,inwhichthegrowthdirectionisusually 2 showninFigures 7(e)–7(g),whichhelpfurtherconfirmthe perpendicular to the epitaxial planes [31]. The presence of germanide phases. The crystallographic epitaxial relation- the oxide capping may alter the energy of the growth and shipsbetweentheGe/NiGeinterfaceweredeterminedtobe thuschangethetwistedangle.Furthermore,itsuggeststhat Ge[011]//NiGe[010] and Ge(111)//NiGe(001), while those thetwistinginnanowiresmaybeusedtoaccommodatesub- for the Ni Ge/NiGe interface were Ni Ge[100]//NiGe[010] stantiallylargelatticemismatches.Thisuniquegrowthmode 2 2 and Ni Ge(011)//NiGe(001). It is worth noting that a large maybeattributedtothefactinminimizingthetotalsystem 2 latticemismatchof77.7%observedattheNiGe/Geepitaxial energy in the presence of a large lattice mismatch in the interface could result in the segregation of nanoparticles interface. Further microscopic studies in simulation and (see Figure6). In contrast, the epitaxial relationships in experiment are required to understand the growth kinetics theNi Ge/Ge/Ni Genanowireheterostructureformedwith- forthisuniquegrowthmodeinone-dimensionalsystems. 2 2 out oxide confinement during annealing were found to The formed atomically sharp interface in the be Ge[011]//Ni Ge[011] and Ge(111)//Ni Ge(100), as we Ni Ge/Ge/Ni Genanowireheterostructures(bothwithand 2 2 x x discussed [13]. Therefore, the Al O capping layer plays an without Al O capping during annealing) can be used 2 3 2 3 8 AdvancesinMaterialsScienceandEngineering Pt (011¯) Al2O3 d(011¯) (200) [011] NiGeNW SiO2 d (200) 100nm Si 1nm NiGeNP (a) (b) Ge Al 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 (nm) (nm) (d) (f) 0 50 100 150 200 Ni O (nm) Al2O3 SiO2 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 (nm) (nm) (c) (e) (g) Figure6:Cross-sectionalTEMstudyofaNi-GenanowiredeviceonaSiO /SisubstratecutwithFIB.(a)Low-magnificationcross-sectional 2 TEMimageoftheNiGeregion.The20nmthickAl O filmprovidesaconformalcappingonthedevicesurfaceandgermanidenanoparticles 2 3 are clearly observed as they segregated underneath the nanowire, the region that is not covered by Al O . (b) Lattice-resolved HRTEM 2 3 imageoftheinterfacebetweentheformedNiGenanowire(NW)andthesegregatedNiGenanoparticle(NP),asindicatedbythewhite rectangleinFigure5(a).TheinsetshowsthecorrespondingFFTpattern.ThelabeledlatticespacingsforNiGeare:d =0.295nmand (01-1) d = 0.269nm.(c)Cross-sectionalTEMimagewiththeline-scanprofilesofGe,Ni,AlandOatoms.(d)–(g)Theindividualline-scan (200) profileofGe,Ni,Al,andOatoms,respectively,TheNi/Geratioisabout1:1.Reproducedfrom[14]. to explore promising applications in nanoscale devices Back-gate FETs were fabricated on the SiO /Si sub- 2 [6, 7, 10, 16]. As aforementioned, this Ni Ge/Ge/Ni Ge strate to study the electrical transport property of the x x nanowire heterostructurecan be easily used to fabricateGe Ni Ge/Ge/Ni Genanowireheterostructure.TheSisubstrate 2 2 nanowire FETs, in which the germanide regions Ni Ge can is degenerately doped to serve as a back gate. The device x beusedassource/draincontactstotheGenanowirechannel. schematic is shown in Figure9(a), and electrical measure- The channel length can be simply controlled by the an- mentswereperformedusingaprobestationwithaKeithley nealingtimeandgrowthlengthofthegermanidenanowire; 4200 semiconductor parameter analyzer. For comparison, therefore, it can be well controlled to sub-100nm using a Figure9(b)showsthelogarithmplotoftypicalI -V curves ds gs convenient RTA process. Clearly, this simple process has for the Ge nanowire FET at various drain voltages before a great advantage over traditional complex and expensive andafterRTA.Theybothshowap-typetransistorbehavior, photolithography technology in achieving short-channel althoughweintendedtogrowundopedGenanowires.This transistors. ismainlyduetotheFermilevelpinningattheGenanowire AdvancesinMaterialsScienceandEngineering 9 200nm Ge (a) Ni2Ge NiGe NiGe d d(100) d(111) (001) 100nm Ni2Ge Ge (b) d d (11¯1¯) (001) 40 5nm 30 y (d) nsit e 20 Int Ge (010) (11¯1¯) (100) 10 0 Ni (011) (001) (111) (001) 0 100 200 300 400 Ni2Ge [100] NiGe [010] Ge [011¯] (nm) (c) (e) (f) (g) Figure7:Plane-viewTEMimagesofNi-GenanowiredevicesonaTEMgridwitha50nmthickSi N window.(a)Low-magnificationTEM 3 4 imageofaGenanowirereactedwith120nmthickNipadsupon450◦CRTAfor30s.(b)EnlargedTEMimagefromthewhiterectanglein(a). Theseregionswithdifferentcontrastsandcompositionsarelabeled.(c)CorrespondingEDSline-scanprofilesofGeandNiacrosstheregion betweentworedlinesin(b).(d)Lattice-resolvedTEMimageoftheformedNi Ge/Genanowireheterostructurefromthewhiterectanglein x (b).Thelabeledlatticespacingsare:d =0.5036nmforNi Ge;d =0.538nmandd =0.5811nmforNiGe;d =0.3265nm (001) 2 (100) (001) (111) andd =0.3265nmforGe.(e)–(g)aretheFFTpatternstakenfromtheNi Ge,NiGe,andGeregionsin(d),respectively.Reproduced (1-1-1) 2 from[14]. surface induced by Ge surface states, which tends to result theI -V curvesusingthetransconductance(g )atafixed ds gs m inholeaccumulation[26,27].Themaximumcurrentmeas- drainbiasV ds uredbeforeRTAatV = 0.5Visabout30nA,correspond- ds g L2 ing to a current density of 2.4 × 103A/cm2. The current μ= m . (2) V C density is relatively small due to a large Schottky barrier at ds ox the source/drain contacts before annealing. To extract the Using the maximum transconductance extracted from mobility, we first used the cylinder-on-plate model to esti- the I -V curves, the hole mobility obtained falls in ds gs matethegatecapacitancecouplingbetweentheGenanow- the range of 3–8cm2/Vs. This is consistent with previous ireandtheback-gateoxideas reported values (less than 10cm2/Vs) for SFLS-synthesized Genanowires[25]. C = 2πεoxε0L , (1) AfterRTAat400◦Cfor15s,however,electricaltransport ox cosh−1((r+t )/r) measurements on the Ge nanowire device show much ox improvedtransistorcharacteristics,asshowninFigure9(b). (see [32]) where ε = 8.85 × 10−14F/cm is the vacuum The gate bias was scanned from 0V to −40V, the latter 0 dielectricconstant,ε =3.9istherelativedielectricconstant of which corresponds to a maximum vertical gate electrical ox for SiO , and r = 20nm is the radius of the Ge nanowire. field of 1.21 × 106V/cm. The I -V curves show a p- 2 ds gs The Ge nanowire channel bis L = 3μm, and the thickness type behavior with an on/off ratio larger than 103. The oftheback-gatedielectricist = 330nm.Giventheabove maximumcurrentmeasuredatV = 0.5Visabout0.7μA ox ds parameters, the estimated gate capacitance is C = 1.83× corresponding to a current density of 5.6 × 104A/cm2, ox 10−16F.Thefieldeffectholemobilitycanbeextractedfrom which was more than 20 times larger after annealing, in 10 AdvancesinMaterialsScienceandEngineering d(011)=0.339nm d(111)=0.327nm Ge[111] d (100)d (111)¯¯= = 0 0 3. 51. 27 1 n n m m 119.5◦ [100] [11¯1¯] (01¯1) 90◦ [011] [111] 70.5◦ (011¯) Ni2Ge Ge (a) d(100)=0.538nm d(111)=0.327nm Ge[111] d (111)¯¯ d = (001)= 0327. 0 n 5. m 8 1 n m 70.5◦ [001] [11¯1¯] [100] 90◦ 119.5◦ (010) [111] (011¯) NiGe Ge (b) Figure8:Schematicillustrationoftheepitaxialrelationshipsof(a)theNi Ge/GeinterfaceintheNi Ge/Ge/Ni Genanowireheterostructure 2 2 2 and(b)theNiGe/GeinterfaceintheNi Ge/NiGe/Ge/NiGe/Ni Genanowireheterostructure,respectively.Bothofthemshow“twisted”but 2 2 different growth modes. The grey and purple balls represent the Ni and Ge atoms in the Ni Ge lattice, respectively, while the blue one x representstheGeatomintheGelattice.Reproducedfrom[14]. which the Ni Ge contact to the Ge nanowire channel was Genanowires[25],andthisincreasemaybeattributedtothe 2 developed.Themaximumtransconductanceextractedfrom atomicallysharpcontactofNi GetotheGenanowire. 2 I -V curves at drain bias V = 0.1V is 13.3nS, giving Similarly, the Ni Ge/NiGe/Ge/NiGe/Ni Ge nanowire ds gs ds 2 2 risetoafield-effectholemobilityof65.2cm2/Vs.Although heterostructuresformedwithAl O cappingduringanneal- 2 3 this mobility is still lower than the reported value from ing can also be used to fabricate Ge nanowire FETs. VLS-grown Ge nanowires [14, 16], it still shows about one To further improve the transistor performance, VLS-grown order of magnitude improvement among SFLS-synthesized nanowires were used in this study because of their higher