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FORMALLY SELF-ADJOINT QUASI-DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS AND BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS ANDRIIGORIUNOV,VLADIMIRMIKHAILETS,KONSTANTINPANKRASHKIN ABSTRACT. We develop the machinery of boundary triplets for one-dimensional operators generated by formallyself-adjointquasi-differentialexpressionof arbitraryorderon a finite interval. The techniqueare then used to describe all maximal dissipative, accumulative and self-adjoint extensions of the associated minimaloperatoranditsgeneralizedresolventsintermsof theboundaryconditions. Somespecificclasses areconsideredingreaterdetail. 1. INTRODUCTION 3 1 Many problems of the modern mathematical physics and the quantum mechanics lead to the study of 0 differential operators with strongly singular coefficients such as Radon measures or even more singular 2 distributions, see the monographs [2, 3] and the very recent papers [10, 13, 11, 12] and the references n therein. In such situations one is faced with the problem of a correct definition of such operators as the a J classical methods of the theory of differential operators cannot be applied anymore. It was observed in 4 the recent years that a large class of one-dimensional operators can be handled in a rather efficient way with the help of the so-called Shin–Zettl quasi–derivatives[4, 24]. The class of such operators includes, ] A forexample,theSturm-Liouvilleoperators actingin L ([a,b],C)bytherule 2 F . (1) l(y)=−(py′)′+qy, h t where thecoefficients p and q satisfytheconditions a m 1 Q Q2 [ , , ∈L ([a,b],C), p p p 1 3 v Qistheantiderivativeofthedistributionq,and[a,b]isafiniteintevral. Thecondition1/p∈L ([a,b],C) 1 0 impliesthatthepotentialfunctionq maybea finitemeasureon [a,b],see[18]. 1 8 Forthetwo-termformaldifferentialexpression 1 . (2) l(y)=imy(m)+qy, m≥3, 5 0 where q = Q′ and Q ∈ L ([a,b],C), the regularisation with quasi-derivatives was constructed in [19]. 2 1 1 Similarlyonecan studythecase v: q=Q(k), k≤ m , i 2 X where Q∈L ([a,b],C)if m is even and k=m/2, and Q∈hL (i[a,b],C)otherwise, and all the derivatives 2 1 r a ofQ are understoodin thesenseofdistributions. In the present paper we consider one-dimensional operators generated by the most general formally self-adjoint quasi-differential expression of an arbitrary order on the Hilbert space L ([a,b],C), and the 2 mainresultconsistsinanexplicitconstructionofaboundarytripletfortheassociatedsymmetricminimal quasi-differentialoperator. Themachineryofboundarytriplets[15]isausefultoolinthedescriptionand the analysis of various boundary value problems arising in mathematical physics, see e.g. [6, 8, 9], and we expect that the constructions of the present paper will be useful, in particular, in the study of higher orderdifferentialoperatorson metricgraphs [5]. The quasi-differential operators were introduced first by Shin [25] and then essentially developed by Zettl[26],seealsothemonograph[14]andreferences therein. Thepaper[26]providesthedescriptionof 2010MathematicsSubjectClassification. 34B05,34L40,34B38,47N20. Keywordsandphrases. quasi-differentialoperator;distributionalcoefficients;self-adjointextension;maximaldissipative extension;generalizedresolvent. Thefirstandsecondauthorswerepartiallysupportedbythegrantno.01-01-12ofNationalAcademyofSciencesofUkraine (underthejointUkrainian-RussianprojectofNASofUkraineandRussianFoundationofBasicResearch). 1 2 ANDRIIGORIUNOV,VLADIMIRMIKHAILETS,KONSTANTINPANKRASHKIN all self-adjoint extensions of the minimal symmetric quasi-differential operator of even order with real- valuedcoefficients. Itisbasedontheso-calledGlasman-Krein-Naimarktheoryandisratherimplicit. The approach of the present work gives an explicit description of the self-adjoint extensions as well as of all maximaldissipative/accumulativeextensionsintermsofeasily checkableboundaryconditions. Thepaperisorganised as follows. In Section 1 we recall basicdefinitionsand knownfacts concerning theShin–Zettlquasi-differentialoperators. Section2 presentstheregularizationoftheformaldifferential expressions(1)and(2)usingthequasi-derivatives,andsomespecificexamplesareconsidered. InSection 3 the boundary triplets for the minimal symmetric operators are constructed. All maximal dissipative, maximal accumulative and self-adjoint extensions of these operators are explicitly described in terms of boundary conditions. Section 4 deals with the formally self-adjoint quasi-differential operators with real-valued coefficients. We provethat every maximaldissipative/accumulativeextensionof theminimal operator in this case is self-adjoint and describe all such extensions. In Section 5 we give an explicit description of all maximal dissipative/accumulativeand self-adjoint extensions with separated boundary conditionsforaspecial case. In Section6 wedescribeallgeneralized resolventsoftheminimaloperator. Some results of this paper for some particular classes of quasi-differential expressions were announced withoutproofin [16, 17]. 2. QUASI-DIFFERENTIAL EXPRESSIONS In this section we recall the definition and the basic facts concerning the Shin–Zettl quasi-derivatives and thequasi-differentialoperators onafiniteinterval,see[14,26]foramoredetaileddiscussion. Let m ∈ N and a finite interval [a,b] be given. Denote by Z ([a,b]) the set of the m×m complex m matrix-valuedfunctions A whoseentires (a )satisfy k,s 1)a ≡0,s>k+1; k,s (3) 2)a ∈L ([a,b],C), a 6=0 a. e. on [a,b], k,s 1 k,k+1 k=1,2,...,m,s=1,2,...,k+1; such matrices will be referred to as Shin–Zettl matrices of order m on [a,b]. Any Shin–Zettl matrix A defines recursively the associated quasi-derivatives of orders k ≤ m of a function y ∈ Dom(A) in the followingway: D[0]y:=y, k D[k]y:=a−1 (t) (D[k−1]y)′−(cid:229) a (t)D[s−1]y , k=1,2,...,m−1, k,k+1 k,s s=1 ! m D[m]y:=(D[m−1]y)′− (cid:229) a (t)D[s−1]y, m,s s=1 and theassociateddomainDom(A)isdefined by Dom(A):= y D[k]y∈AC([a,b],C),k=0,m−1 . n (cid:12) o The above yields D[m]y∈L ([a,b],C). T(cid:12)he quasi-differential expression l(y) of order m associated with 1 (cid:12) A isdefined by (4) l(y):=imD[m]y. Letc∈[a,b]anda ∈C,k=0,m−1. Wesay thatafunctionysolvestheCauchyproblem k (5) l(y)−l y= f ∈L ([a,b],C), (D[k]y)(c)=a , k=0,m−1, 2 k if yis the first coordinate ofthevectorfunction w solvingthe Cauchy problem forthe associated thefirst ordermatrixequation (6) w′(t)=Al (t)w(t)+j (t), w(c)=(a 0,a 1,...a m−1) FORMALLYSELF-ADJOINTQUASI-DIFFERENTIALOPERATORSANDBOUNDARYVALUEPROBLEMS 3 where wedenote 0 0 ... 0 0 0 ... 0 (7) Al (t):=A(t)− ... ... ... ... ∈L1([a,b],Cm×m),  0 0 ... 0     i−ml 0 ... 0      and j (t):= 0,0,...,0,i−mf(t) T ∈L ([a,b],Cm). Thefollowingstatementis provedin [26]. 1 Lemma 1. U(cid:0)nder theassumptio(cid:1)ns(3), theproblem(5)hasa uniquesolutiondefined on[a,b]. Thequasi-differentialexpression l(y)givesriseto theassociated maximalquasi-differentialoperator L :y7→l(y), max Dom(L )= y∈Dom(A) D[m]y∈L ([a,b],C) . max 2 n (cid:12) o in the Hilbert space L2([a,b],C), and the associated mi(cid:12)nimal quasi-differential operator is defined as the (cid:12) restrictionof L ontotheset max Dom(L ):= y∈Dom(L ) D[k]y(a)=D[k]y(b)=0,k=0,m−1 . min max n (cid:12) o If the functionsak,s are sufficiently smooth, then(cid:12)all the brackets in the definition of the quasi-derivatives (cid:12) can be expanded, and we arrive at the usual ordinary differential expressions, and the associated quasi- differentialoperators becomedifferentialones. Let us recall the definition of the formally adjoint quasi-differential expression l+(y).The formally adjoint(also calledtheLagrangeadjoint)matrix A+ forA∈Z ([a,b])isdefined by m A+ :=−L −1ATL , m m where AT istheconjugatetransposedmatrixto A and 0 0 ... 0 −1 0 0 ... 1 0  . . . . .  L m := .. .. .. .. .. .  0 (−1)m−1 ... 0 0    (−1)m 0 ... 0 0      Onecan easilyseethatL −1 =(−1)m−1L . m m Wewecan definetheShin–Zettlquasi-derivativesassociatedwithA+ which willbedenoted by D{0}y,D{1}y,...,D{m}y, and theyact on thedomain Dom(A+):= y D{k}y∈AC([a,b],C),k=0,m−1 . n (cid:12) o Theformallyadjointquasi-differentialexp(cid:12)ressionisnpw defined as (cid:12) l+(y):=imD{m}y andwedenotetheassociatedmaximalandminimaloperatorsbyL+ andL+ respectivelyThefollowing max min theorem isprovedin[26]. Theorem 1. The operators L , L+ , L , L+ are closed and densely defined in L ([a,b],C), and min min max max 2 satisfy L∗ =L+ , L∗ =L+ . min max max min If l(y)=l+(y),then theoperatorL =L+ is symmetricwith thedeficiency indices(m,m),and min min L∗ =L , L∗ =L . min max max min Wealso willrequirethefollowingtwo lemmaswhoseproofcan befounde.g. in[14]: 4 ANDRIIGORIUNOV,VLADIMIRMIKHAILETS,KONSTANTINPANKRASHKIN Lemma 2. Foranyy,z∈Dom(L ) thereholds max b m D[m]y·z−y·D[m]z dt = (cid:229) (−1)k−1D[m−k]y·D[k−1]z t=b t=a Za (cid:16) (cid:17) k=1 (cid:12) (cid:12) Lemma3. Forany(a ,a ,...,a ),(b ,b ,...,b )∈Cm thereexistsafunc(cid:12)tiony∈Dom(L )such 0 1 m−1 0 1 m−1 max that D[k]y(a)=a , D[k]y(b)=b , k=0,1,...,m−1. k k 3. REGULARIZATIONS BY QUASI-DERIVATIVES Let us consider some classes of formal differential expressions with singular coefficients admitting a regularisationwiththehelpoftheShin–Zettlquasi-derivatives. Considerfirst theformalSturm–Liouvilleexpression l(y)=−(p(t)y′)′(t)+q(t)y(t), t ∈[a,b]. Theclassicaldefinitionofthequasi-derivatives D[0]y:=y, D[1]y= py′, D[2]y=(D[1]y)′−qD[0]y allows one to interpret the above expression l as a regularquasi-differential one if the function p is finite almosteverywhereand, inaddition, 1 (8) ,q∈L ([a,b],C). 1 p Somephysicallyinterestingcoefficientsq(i.e. havingnon-integrablesingularitiesorbeingameasure)are not covered by the preceding conditions, and this can be corrected using another set of quasi-derivatives as proposedin [?,24]. Set D[0]y=y, D[1]y= py′−Qy, (9) Q Q2 D[2]y=(D[1]y)′+ D[1]y+ y, p p where function Q is chosen so that Q′ =q and the derivative is understood in the sense of distributions. Then theexpression l[y]=−D[2]y isa Shin–Zettlquasi-differentialoneifthefollowingconditionsaresatisfied: 1 Q Q2 (10) , , ∈L ([a,b],C). 1 p p p In this case the expression l generates the associated quasi-differential operators L and L . One can min max easily see that if p and q satisfy conditions (8), then these operators coincide with the classic Sturm- Liouvilleoperators, but the conditions (10) are considerably weaker than (8), and the class of admissible coefficients is much larger if one uses the quasi-differential machinery. This can be illustrated with an example. a b Example 1. Consider the differential expression (1) with p(t) =t and q(t)= ct , and assume c 6= 0. Theconditions(8)are reduced to theset of theinequalities a <1 and b >−1, whiletheconditions(10) holdfor a −3 a <1 and b >max a −2, . 2 So we see that the use of the quasi-derivatives allowsnone to considoer the Sturm–Liouville expressions withanypowersingularityofthepotential q ifitiscompensatedby an appropriatefunction p. (cid:3) Remark 1. The formulas (9) for the quasi-derivatives contain a certain arbitrariness due to the non- uniqueness of the function Q which is only determined up to a constant. However, one can show that if Q:=Q+c, forsome constant c∈C, then L (Q)=L (Q) and L (Q)=L (Q), i.e. the maximal max max min min and minimaloperators donotdepend onthechoiceof c. (cid:3) e e e FORMALLYSELF-ADJOINTQUASI-DIFFERENTIALOPERATORSANDBOUNDARYVALUEPROBLEMS 5 Onecan easilysee thattheexpression l+(y)=−(py′)′+qy defines the quasi-differential expression which is formally adjoint to one generated by (1). It brings up the associatedmaximaland minimaloperators L+ and L+ . Theorem 1 showsthat if p and q in (1) are max min real-valued, thentheoperator L =L+ issymmetric. min min It iswell-knownthatfortheparticularcase p≡1and q∈L ([a,b],C)onehas 2 Dom(L )=W2([a,b],C)⊂C1([a,b],C). max 2 Thefollowingexampleshowsthatinsomecases allfunctionsinDom(L )\{0}arenon-smooth. max Example 2. Considerthedifferentialexpression(1)with p(t)≡1, q(t)= (cid:229) a m d (t−m ), m ∈Q∩(a,b) where Qistheset ofreal rationalnumbersand a m 6=0forall m ∈Q∩(a,b), and (cid:229) |a m |<¥ . m ∈Q∩(a,b) Then onecan take Q(t)= (cid:229) a m H(t−m ), m ∈Q∩(a,b) with H(t) being Heaviside function, and Q is a function of a bounded variation having discontinuities at every rational point of (a,b). Therefore, for every subinterval [a ,b ]⊂(a,b) and any y∈Dom(L ) ∩ max C1([a ,b ],C)wehave y′(m +)−y′(m −)=a m y(m ), m ∈Q∩[a ,b ]. Then a m y(m )=0 for all m ∈Q∩[a ,b ], which gives y(m )=0, and the density of {m }∩[a ,b ] in [a ,b ] impliesy(t)=0 forallt ∈[a ,b ]. (cid:3) Nowconsidertheexpression l(y)=imy(m)(t)+q(t)y(t), m≥3, assumingthat m q=Q(k), 1≤k≤ , 2 (11) L ([a,b],C),mh=i2n,k=n; 2 Q∈ (L ([a,b],C)otherwise, 1 where the derivativesof Q are understoodin the senseof distributions. Introducethe quasi-derivativesas follows: D[r]y=y(r), 0≤r≤m−k−1; k D[m−k+s]y=(D[m−k+s−1]y)′+i−m(−1)s QD[s]y, 0≤s≤k−1; (12) s (cid:18) (cid:19) (D[m−1]y)′+i−m(−1)k k QD[k]y, 1≤k<m/2, D[m]y= k ((D[m−1]y)′+QD[m2]y+(cid:0)(−(cid:1)1)m2+1Q2y, m=2n=2k; where k are the binomial coefficients. It is easy to verify that for sufficiently smooth functions Q the j equalityl(y)=imD[m]yholds. Alsoonecaneasilyseethat,underassumptions(11), allthecoefficientsof (cid:0) (cid:1) 6 ANDRIIGORIUNOV,VLADIMIRMIKHAILETS,KONSTANTINPANKRASHKIN the quasi-derivatives (12) are integrable functions. The Shin–Zettl matrix corresponding to (12) has the form 0 1 0 ... 0 ... 0 0 0 0 1 ... 0 ... 0 0  . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  −i−m k Q 0 0 ... 0 ... 0 0  (13) A(t):= 0 0 i−m k Q 0 ... 0 ... 0 0 ,  .(cid:0) (cid:1) .1 . . . . . .   . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . .  (cid:0) (cid:1)   0 0 0 ... 0 ... 0 1     m   (−1)2Q2d 0 0 ... i−m(−1)k+1 k Q ... 0 0   2k,m k  whered istheKroneckersymbol. Similarlytothepreviouscasetheinitialformaldifferentialexpression ij (cid:0) (cid:1) (2)can bedefined inthequasi-differentialform l[y]:=imD[m]y, and itgenerates thecorrespondingquasi-differentialoperators L andL . min max Remark 2. Again, the formulas forthe quasi-derivativesdepend on the choice of the antiderivativeQ of orderkofthedistributionqwhichisnotonlydefineduptoaapolynomialoforder≤k−1. However,one can showthatthemaximalandminimaloperators do notdepend on thechoiceofthispolynomial. (cid:3) For k=1 the aboveregularization was proposed in [24], and for even m they were announced in [21]. Thegeneral case is presentedhere forthefirst time. Notethatifthedistributionq isreal-valued, thenthe operator L issymmetric. min 4. EXTENSIONS OF SYMMETRIC QUASI-DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS Throughout the rest of the paper we assume the Shin–Zettl matrix is formally self-adjoint, i.e. A = A+. The associated quasi-differential expression l(y) is then formally self-adjoint, l(y)=l+(y), and the minimal quasi-differential operator L is symmetric with equal deficiency indices by Theorem 1. So min one may pose a problem of describing (by means of boundary triplets) various classes of extensions of L inL ([a,b],C). min 2 Forthereader’s conveniencewegiveaveryshortsummaryofthetheoryofboundarytripletsbased on theresultsofRofe-Beketov [23]and Kochubei[20], seealsothemonograph[15]and references therein. LetT beacloseddenselydefinedsymmetricoperatorinaHilbertspaceH withequal(finiteorinfinite) deficiency indices. Definition1([15]). Thetriplet(H,G ,G ),whereH isanauxiliaryHilbertspaceandG ,G arethelinear 1 2 1 2 mapsfromDom(T∗)toH,iscalledaboundarytripletforT,ifthefollowingtwoconditionsaresatisfied: (1) forany f,g∈Dom(L∗) thereholds (T∗f,g) −(f,T∗g) =(G f,G g) −(G f,G g) , H H 1 2 H 2 1 H (2) forany g ,g ∈H thereis avector f ∈Dom(T∗)such thatG f =g andG f =g . 1 2 1 1 2 2 The above definition implies that f ∈ Dom(T) if and only if G f = G f = 0. A boundary triplet 1 2 (H,G ,G ) with dimH = n exists for any symmetric operator T with equal non-zero deficiency indices 1 2 (n,n) (n≤¥ ), butitis notunique. Boundary triplets may be used to describe all maximal dissipative, maximal accumulative and self- adjoint extensions of the symmetric operator in the following way. Recall that a densely defined linear operator T ona complexHilbertspace H is called dissipative(resp. accumulative)if ` (T f, f) ≥0 (resp.≤0), forall f ∈Dom(T) H anditiscalledmaximaldissipative(resp. maximalaccumulative)if,inaddition,T hasnonon-trivialdis- sipative/accumulativeextensions in H . Every symmetric operator is both dissipative and accumulative, andeveryself-adjointoperatorisamaximaldissipativeandmaximalaccumulativeone. Thus,ifonehasa symmetricoperator T, then one can state the problem of describing its maximaldissipativeand maximal accumulative extensions. According to Phillips’ Theorem [22] (see also [15, p. 154]) every maximal FORMALLYSELF-ADJOINTQUASI-DIFFERENTIALOPERATORSANDBOUNDARYVALUEPROBLEMS 7 dissipative or accumulative extension of a symmetric operator is a restriction of its adjoint operator. Let (H,G ,G ) beaboundarytripletfor T. Thefollowingtheoremis provedin [15]. 1 2 Theorem 2. If K is a contraction on H, then the restriction of T∗ to the set of the vectors f ∈Dom(T∗) satisfyingthecondition (14) (K−I)G f +i(K+I)G f =0 1 2 or (15) (K−I)G f −i(K+I)G f =0 1 2 isamaximaldissipative,respectively,maximalaccumulativeextensionofT. Conversely,anymaximaldis- sipative(maximalaccumulative)extensionofListherestrictionofT∗ tothesetofvectors f ∈Dom(T∗), satisfying(14)or (15),respectively,andthecontractionK isuniquelydefinedbytheextension. Themax- imal symmetric extensions of T are described by the conditions (14) and (15), where K is an isometric operator. These conditionsdefineaself-adjointextensionif K is unitary. Remark 3. Let K and K betheunitaryoperators on H and lettheboundaryconditions 1 2 (K −I)G y+i(K +I)G y=0 1 1 1 2 and (K −I)G y−i(K +I)G y=0 2 1 2 2 define self-adjoint extensions. These are two different bijective parameterizations, which reflects the fact that each self-adjoint operators is maximal dissipative and a maximal accumulative one at the same time. The extensions, given by these boundary conditions coincide if K = K−1. Indeed, the boundary 1 2 conditionscan bewritteninanotherform: K (G y+iG y)=G y−iG y, G y−iG y∈Dom(K)=H, 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 K (G y−iG y)=G y+iG y, G y+iG y∈Dom(K)=H, 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 and theequivalenceoftheboundaryconditionsreads as K K =K K =I. (cid:3) 1 2 2 1 Let us get back to the quasi-differential operators. The following result is crucial for the rest of the paper as it allows to apply the boundary triplet machinery to the symmetric minimal quasi-differential operator L . min Lemma 4. DefinelinearmapsG , G fromDom(L )toCm as follows: form=2nand n≥2 weset [1] [2] max −D[2n−1]y(a), D[0]y(a), ..., ...,     (−1)nD[n]y(a), D[n−1]y(a), (16) G y:=i2n , G y:= [1]  D[2n−1]y(b),  [2]  D[0]y(b),       ...,   ...,       (−1)n−1D[n]y(b)   D[n−1]y(b)          and form=2n+1andn∈N weset −D[2n]y(a), D[0]y(a), ..., ...,     (−1)nD[n+1]y(a), D[n−1]y(a), (17) G y:=i2n+1 D[2n]y(b), , G y:= D[0]y(b), , [1] [2]      ....,   ...,       (−1)n−1D[n+1]y(b),   D[n−1]y(b),       a D[n]y(b)+b D[n]y(a)   g D[n]y(b)+d D[n]y(a)          where (−1)n (−1)n+1 a =1, b =1, g = +i, d = +i. 2 2 Then (Cm,G ,G )is aboundarytripletfor L . [1] [2] min 8 ANDRIIGORIUNOV,VLADIMIRMIKHAILETS,KONSTANTINPANKRASHKIN Remark 4. The valuesof the coefficients a , b , g , d fortheodd case may be replaced by an arbitrary set ofnumberssatisfyingtheconditions a g +ag =(−1)n, b d +bd =(−1)n+1, a d +bg =0, (18) b g +ad =0, ad −bg 6=0. Proof. We need to check that the triplet (Cm,G ,G ) satisfies the conditions 1) and 2) in Definition 1 [1] [2] forT =L andH =L ([a,b],C). Dueto Theorem1, L∗ =L . min 2 min max Letus startwiththecaseofevenorder. DuetoLemma2, for m=2n: 2n (L y,z)−(y,L z)=i2n (cid:229) (−1)k−1D[2n−k]y·D[k−1]z t=b. max max t=a k=1 (cid:12) (cid:12) Denote (cid:12) G =:(G ,G ), G =:(G ,G ), [1] 1a 1b [2] 2a 2b where G y=i2n −D[2n−1]y(a),...,(−1)nD[n]y(a) , 1a (cid:16) (cid:17) G y=i2n D[2n−1]y(b),...,(−1)n−1D[n]y(b) , 1b (cid:16) (cid:17) G y= D[0]y(a),...,D[n−1]y(a) , 2a (cid:16) (cid:17) G y= D[0]y(b),...,D[n−1]y(b) . 2b (cid:16) (cid:17) Onecalculates n (G y,G z)=i2n (cid:229) (−1)kD[2n−k]y(a)·D[k−1]z(a), 1a 2a k=1 2n (G y,G z)=i2n (cid:229) (−1)k−1D[2n−k]y(a)·D[k−1]z(a), 2a 1a k=n+1 n (G y,G z)=i2n (cid:229) (−1)k−1D[2n−k]y(b)·D[k−1]z(b), 1b 2b k=1 2n (G y,G z)=i2n (cid:229) (−1)kD[2n−k]y(b)·D[k−1]z(b), 2b 1b k=n+1 whichresults in n G y,G z =i2n (cid:229) (−1)k−1D[2n−k]y·D[k−1]z t=b , [1] [2] t=a k=1 (cid:12) (cid:0) (cid:1) 2n (cid:12) G y,G z =i2n (cid:229) (−1)kD[2n−k]y·D[k−1]z(cid:12)t=b , [2] [1] t=a k=n+1 (cid:12) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:12) andthismeansthatthecondition1)oftheDefinition1isfulfilled,andthe(cid:12)surjectivitycondition2)istrue duetoLemma3. Thecaseofoddorderis treated similarly. DuetoLemma2,for m=2n+1we have 2n+1 (L y,z)−(y,L z)=i2n+1 (cid:229) (−1)k−1D[2n−k]y·D[k−1]z t=b. max max t=a k=1 (cid:12) (cid:12) Denote (cid:12) G =:(G ,G ,G ), G =:(G ,G ,G ), [1] 1a 1b 1ab [2] 2a 2b 2ab FORMALLYSELF-ADJOINTQUASI-DIFFERENTIALOPERATORSANDBOUNDARYVALUEPROBLEMS 9 where G y=i2n+1 −D[2n]y(a),...,(−1)nD[n+1]y(a) , 1a (cid:16) (cid:17) G y=i2n+1 D[2n]y(b),...,(−1)n+1D[n+1]y(b) , 1b (cid:16) (cid:17) G y=i2n+1 a D[n]y(b)+b D[n]y(a) , 1ab (cid:16) (cid:17) G y= D[0]y(a),...,D[n−1]y(a) , 2a (cid:16) (cid:17) G y= D[0]y(b),...,D[n−1]y(b) , 2b G y=(cid:16)g D[n]y(b)+d D[n]y(a). (cid:17) 2ab Onecalculates n (G y,G z)=i2n+1 (cid:229) (−1)k−1D[2n−k]y(a)·D[k−1]z(a), 1a 2a k=1 2n+1 (G y,G z)=i2n+1 (cid:229) (−1)kD[2n−k]y(a)·D[k−1]z(a), 2a 1a k=n+2 n (G y,G z)=i2n+1 (cid:229) (−1)k−1D[2n−k]y(b)·D[k−1]z(b), 1b 2b k=1 2n+1 (G y,G z)=i2n+1 (cid:229) (−1)kD[2n−k]y(b)·D[k−1]z(b), 2b 1b k=n+2 (G y,G z)−(G y,G z)= 1ab 2ab 2ab 1ab =i2n+1(−1)n D[n]y(b)·D[n]z(b)−D[n]y(a)·D[n]z(a) , (cid:16) (cid:17) which shows that the condition 1) of Definition 1 is satisfied. Now take arbitrary vectors f = (f )2n , f = (f )2n ∈C2n+1. Thelastconditionin(18)meansthat thesystem 1 1,k k=0 2 2,k k=0 ab +ba = f n n 1,n gb +da = f n n 2,n (cid:26) has auniquesolution(a ,b ). Denoting n n a := f , b := f fork<n, k 1,k k 2,k a :=(−1)2n+1−kf , b :=(−1)2n−kf forn+1<k<2n k 1,k k 2,k we obtain two vectors (a ,a ,...,a ),(b ,b ,...,b ) ∈ Cm ≡ C2n+1. By Lemma 3, there exists a 0 1 m−1 0 1 m−1 functiony∈Dom(L ) suchthat max D[k]y(a)=a , D[k]y(b)=b , k=0,1,...,m−1, k k andduetoabovespecialchoiceofa andb onehasG y= f andG y= f ,sothesurjectivitycondition [1] 1 [2] 2 ofDefinition1 holds. (cid:3) Forthesakeofconvenience,weintroducethefollowingnotation. DenotebyL therestrictionof L K max onto the set of the functions y(t) ∈ Dom(L ) satisfying the homogeneous boundary condition in the max canonical form (19) (K−I)G y+i(K+I)G y=0. [1] [2] Similarly, denote by LK the restriction of L onto the set of the functions y(t)∈Dom(L ) satisfying max max theboundarycondition (20) (K−I)G y−i(K+I)G y=0. [1] [2] Here K is an arbitrary bounded operator on the Hilbert space Cm, and the maps G G are defined by [1] [2] the formulas (16) or (17) depending on m. Theorem 2 and Lemma 4 lead to the following description of extensionsofL . min 10 ANDRIIGORIUNOV,VLADIMIRMIKHAILETS,KONSTANTINPANKRASHKIN Theorem 3. Every L with K being a contracting operator in Cm, is a maximal dissipative extension of K L . Similarly every LK with K being a contracting operator in Cm, is a maximal accumulative exten- min sion of the operator L . Conversely, for any maximal dissipative (respectively, maximal accumulative) min extension L of the operator L there exists a contracting operator K such that L = L (respectively, min K L=LK). The extensions L and LK are self-adjoint if and only if K is a unitary operator on Cm. These K correspondeencesbetween operators{K}andtheextensions{L}areallbijective. e e Remark5. Theself-adjointextensionsofasymmetricminimalquasi-differentialoperatorweredescribed e by means of the Glasman-Krein-Naimark theory in the work [26] and several subsequent papers. How- ever, the description by means of boundary triplets has important advantages, namely, it gives a bijective parametrization of extensionsby unitary operators, and onecan describe the maximaldissipativeand the maximalaccumulativeextensionsinasimilarway. 5. REAL EXTENSIONS Recall that alinearoperator L actingin L ([a,b],C)iscalled real if: 2 (1) Foreveryfunction f from Dom(L) thecomplexconjugatefunction f alsolies inDom(L). (2) The operator L maps complex conjugate functions into complex conjugate functions, that is L(f)=L(f). If theminimalquasi-differential operatoris real, onearrives at thenatural question on howto describe itsreal extensions. Thefollowingtheoremholds. Theorem 4. Let m be even, and let the entries of the Shin–Zettl matrix A=A+ be real-valued, then the maximalandminimalquasi-differentialoperatorsL andL generatedbyAarereal. Allrealmaximal max min dissipative and maximal accumulative extensions of the real symmetric quasi-differential operator L min of the even order are self-adjoint. The self-adjoint extensions L or LK are real if and only if the unitary K matrixK issymmetric. Proof. As thecoefficientsofthequasi-derivativesarereal-valued functions,onehas D[i]y=D[i]y, i=1,2n, whichimpliesl(y)=l(y). Thusforany y∈Dom(L ) wehave max D[i]y∈AC([a,b],C), i=1,2n−1, l(y)∈L ([a,b],C), L (y)=L (y). 2 max max ThisshowsthattheoperatorL isreal. Similarly,for y∈Dom(L )we have max min D[i]y(a)=D[i]y(a)=0, D[i]y(b)=D[i]y(b)=0, i=1,2n−1, whichprovesthat L isa real as well. min Duetothereal-valuednessofthecoefficients ofthequasi-derivatives,theequalities(16)imply G y=G y, G y=G y. [1] [1] [2] [2] As themaximal operatoris real, any ofits restrictionssatisfies thecondition2) oftheabovedefinitionof areal operator, so wearereduced tocheck thecondition1). Let L be an arbitrary real maximal dissipativeextension given by the boundary conditions (19), then K forany y∈Dom(L )thecomplexconjugateysatisfies (19)too,thatis K (K−I)G y+i(K+I)G y=0. [1] [2] By takingthecomplexconjugatesweobtain K−I G y−i K+I G y=0, [1] [2] (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) and L ⊂ LK due to Theorem 3. Thus, the dissipative extension L is also accumulative, which means K K that it is symmetric. But L is a maximal dissipativeextensionof L . As the deficiency indices ofL K min min arefinite,theoperator L =LK mustbeself-adjoint. Furthermore,duetoRemark 3theequalityL =LK K K is equivalent to K−1 =K. As K is unitary, we have K−1 =KT, which gives K =KT. In a similar way one can show that a maximal accumulative extension LK is real if and only if it is self-adjoint and K = KT. (cid:3)

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