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Forex Essentials in 15 Trades P1:JYS FM JWBT057-Bland January23,2009 13:3 Printer:Yettocome Contents Preface xv HowThisBookIsOrganized xv BeyondtheBook:TheGlobal-ViewWebSite xvii ReadytoGo xviii Introduction xix OriginsofGlobal-View xix GoalofGlobal-View xx WhyanOpenFOREXForum? xxi ForumRulesofBehavior xxii HowtoUsetheForums xxiii GVIForex:ASpecialForum xxiv AdditionalTraderSupport xxv AsYouGoForward xxv PART ONE The Basics of FOREX 1 CHAPTER 1 An Introduction to FOREX 3 FOREXFirstSteps:WhatIsIt? 6 WhyTradeFOREX? 7 FOREXTerms 8 FOREXCalculations 11 MarketConventions 16 QuotingConventions 16 ElementsofaTradePlan 18 Summary 19 vii P1:JYS FM JWBT057-Bland January23,2009 13:3 Printer:Yettocome viii CONTENTS CHAPTER 2 The Importance of Money Management 21 CFTCWarning 22 KeytoSuccessasaTrader:PreserveYourCapital 22 WhatIsLeverage? 23 ExampleofaHypotheticalTrade 24 MoneyManagementRules 25 UseStopLosses 27 HowMuchtoRiskonaTrade 28 ReadytoTrade? 29 Summary 31 CHAPTER 3 Technical Trading 33 WhatIsTechnicalAnalysis? 35 TechnicalAnalysisLandscape 35 Summary 47 CHAPTER 4 Fundamentals for FOREX Trading 49 WhatIsFundamentalAnalysis? 49 AllPriceMovesAreNotCreatedEqual 50 InterestRates 51 TypicalFundamentalMarketFrameworks 57 TradinginaCrisisEconomy 60 Summary 61 CHAPTER 5 Trading the News 63 CaveatEmptor(LettheBuyerBeware) 64 MarketOrders 65 TradingtheNews—ComplexandRisky 65 DoYourHomework 66 PopularReleasesforNewsTraders 67 Summary 71 CHAPTER 6 Trader Profiles 73 WhatIsYourTraderProfile? 73 GoodTraderversusBadTrader 75 Summary 77 P1:JYS FM JWBT057-Bland January23,2009 13:3 Printer:Yettocome Contents ix CHAPTER 7 Selecting a FOREX Broker 81 Broker-DealerDueDiligence 82 TheFirstDecision:MarketMakerorElectronic CommunicationsNetwork? 82 Broker-DealerSpotlight 83 Third-PartyServices 92 AftertheDemoAccount 92 Summary 95 PART TWO 15 Trades and Their Stories 97 CHAPTER 8 Heuristic-Based Trading 99 TheSnowflakeTradingHeuristic 100 AKIS(KeepItSimple)System 105 Summary 106 CHAPTER 9 Trade #1: A Symphony of Numbers 111 TheSixComponentsofMoneyManagement 111 TheCampaignTradingMethod 113 AnalyzingtheTrade 114 Summary 115 CHAPTER 10 Trade #2: Know When to Hold Them ... 117 TheBounce 117 AnalyzingtheTrade 123 Summary 124 CHAPTER 11 Trade #3: Scaling the Wall 125 TheDagger 125 AnalyzingtheTrade 126 MarketThickness 128 Summary 128 CHAPTER 12 Trade #4: The Trend Is Your Friend 129 TrendComponents 130 TheMatrix 130 P1:JYS FM JWBT057-Bland January23,2009 13:3 Printer:Yettocome x CONTENTS HowDoYouDeterminetheMajorTrend? 131 MarketEnvironments 132 AnalyzingtheTrade 133 Summary 134 CHAPTER 13 Trade #5: Don’t Be a Flatlander 135 TheThreeChartSystem 135 TheImportanceofPerspective 137 AnalyzingtheTrade 137 Summary 138 CHAPTER 14 Trade #6: Sit On Your Hands 139 TradingversusHolding 140 AnalyzingtheTrade 141 Summary 142 CHAPTER 15 Trade #7: The Search for a Winning Personality 145 TradingtoWin 145 UsingDemoAccountstoAchieveStability 146 MarketPersonalities 146 AnalyzingtheTrade 147 Summary 148 CHAPTER 16 Trade #8: The King Kong Syndrome 149 FearandGreed 149 DiscreteversusContinuousMarkets 151 AnalyzingtheTrade 152 Summary 153 CHAPTER 17 Trade #9: The Return of the Return 155 OriginsoftheReturnTrade 155 AnalyzingtheTrades 156 Summary 159 P1:JYS FM JWBT057-Bland January23,2009 13:3 Printer:Yettocome Contents xi CHAPTER 18 Trade #10: Double Your Pleasure with Double Intersections 161 ClassicChartFormations 161 DoubleIntersectionComponents 162 AnalyzingtheTrade 162 Summary 164 CHAPTER 19 Trade #11: Riding the (Goodman) Wave 165 DefiningtheGoodmanWave 165 BathtubAnalysis 166 AnalyzingtheTrade 166 Summary 168 CHAPTER 20 Trade #12: I’ve Got Rhythm 171 TwoKindsofMarketRhythm 171 AnalyzingtheTrade 172 Summary 173 CHAPTER 21 Trade #13: A Simple System 175 HistoryofSimpleSystems 175 WhenaSimpleSystemBecomesComplex 176 AnalyzingtheTrade 178 Summary 179 CHAPTER 22 Trade #14: A News Trade 181 WhatIsTechnicalNewsTrading? 181 ChallengesofNewsTrading 182 ANewsTradingStrategy 183 AnalyzingtheTrade 184 Summary 185 CHAPTER 23 Trade #15: I Read about It on Global-View 187 FOREXforFundamentalTraders 187 Econometrics 188 P1:JYS FM JWBT057-Bland January23,2009 13:3 Printer:Yettocome xii CONTENTS TheMundo 188 AnalyzingtheTrade 190 Summary 192 PART THREE Selected Readings 193 CHAPTER 24 Currency Futures Trading Basics 195 HowDoFOREXFuturesTradingPricesRelatetoThoseinthe CashFOREXMarket? 195 Where,Then,DotheForwardsComeFrom? 196 CHAPTER 25 FOREX Lessons from Shanghai BC 199 Trading:AMindGame 199 BC’sWordsofWisdom 201 TrendTrading:AccumulationandDistribution 202 TechnicalsandCharting 203 UsingCrossesandGold 205 UsingStops 206 USD/JPYHints 207 ReactingtoNews 208 FairValue 208 DifferentCenters 209 AWordforNewTraders 210 QuipsfromBC 210 CHAPTER 26 Introducing the Mundo—The Synthetic Global Spot Currency 211 TransitivityandEquilibrium 213 Usage 215 FOREXBeta 216 Summary 219 CHAPTER 27 A New Introduction to the Goodman Swing Count System 221 TheGSCSRules 226 GSCSPrinciples 242 P1:JYS FM JWBT057-Bland January23,2009 13:3 Printer:Yettocome Contents xiii CHAPTER 28 Market Environment (ME) Applications 247 PrimaryMarketEnvironmentElements 248 SecondaryMEElements 250 TertiaryMEElements 256 MEProfiles 257 MESystemDevelopment 259 OtherMEApplications 259 BathtubAnalysis 260 Summary 261 Appendix:SampleVisualBasicSourceCodeforDMandV 261 APPENDIX A Common Sense Guidelines for the Average Trader 263 APPENDIX B Resources for the FOREX Trader 265 APPENDIX C World Currencies and Symbols 269 APPENDIX D Time Zones and Global Banking Hours 275 Glossary 277 About the Authors 289 Index 291

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