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1997 Contents Volume 43, Number 1, February 1997 Editor’s Annual Report A Carbon Balance Model of Growth and Self-Pruning in Trees Based on Structural Relationships A. Mdkelé Stochastic Models for Conifer Tree Crown Profiles G.S. Biging and S.J. Gill Output Supply and Input Demand in the Pulp and Paper Industry: A Nonparametric Model for the United States and Canada J.-S. Hseu and J. Buongiorno Public Acceptability Thresholds of Clearcutting to Maintain Visual Quality of Boreal Balsam Fir Landscapes J. Paquet and L. Bélanger Leaf Area-Productivity Relationships Among Mixed-Species Hardwood Forest Communities of the Central Hardwood Region S. Jose and A.R. Gillespie Using Pheromone-Baited Traps To Control the Amount and Distribution of Tree Mortality During Outbreaks of the Douglas-Fir Beetle D.W. Ross and G.E. Daterman Regression Methods for Spatially Correlated Data: An Example Using Beetle Attacks in a Seed Orchard H.K. Preisler, N.G. Rappaport, and D.L. Wood A Stochastic Model for Tree Survival in Stands Affected by Annosum Root Disease H.K. Preisler and G.W. Slaughter Trends in Genetic and Environmental Parameters for Height, Diameter, and Volume in a Multilocation Clonal Study with Loblolly Pine A.D. Paul, G.S. Foster, T. Caldwell, and J. McRae Inoculation of Tree Roots with Plant Growth Promoting Soil Bacteria: An Emerging Technology for Reforestation C.P. Chanway Long-Run Timber Supply and the Economics of Timber Production R. Yin and D.H. Newman An Optimization Approach to Area-Based Forest Pest Management Over Time and Space J. Hof, M. Bevers, and B. Kent Wildlife Conservation Planning Using Stochastic Optimization and Importance Sampling R.G. Haight and L.E. Travis Forest Science 43(4) 1997 609 Notes Pollen Tube Growth in Quercus R.A. Cecich Book Reviews Science and Ecosystem Management in the National Parks edited by W.L. Halvorson and G.E. Davis reviewed by J.K. Agee Land Mosaics: The Ecology of Landscapes and Regions by R.T.T. Forman reviewed by L. Iverson Agroforestry: Science, Policy and Practice edited by F.L. Sinclair reviewed by A.W. Brodie The Literature of Forestry and Agroforestry edited by P. McDonald and J. Lassoie reviewed by C.C. Green Water Relations of Plants and Soils by P.J. Kramer and J.S. Boyer reviewed by W.C. Carlson Boreal Forests and Global Change edited by M.J. Apps, D.T. Prentice, and J. Wisniewski reviewed by J.C. Zasada Brief Notices Ecosystem Management in the United States: An Assessment of Current Experience by S.L. Yaffee, A.F. Phillips, I.C. Frentz, P.W. Hardy, S.M. Maleki, and B.E. Thorpe The Ecology of a Tropical Forest: Seasonal Rhythms and Long-Term Changes (Second Edition) edited by E.G. Leigh, Jr., A.S. Rand, and D.M. Windsor A Wood of Our Own by J. Evans Upcoming Reviews 610 = Forest Science 43(4) 1997 Volume 43, Number 2, May 1997 Using Tabu Search To Generate Stand-Level, Rule-Based Bucking Patterns A.J. Laroze and B.J. Greber A Qualitative Comparison of Fire Spread Models Incorporating Wind and Slope Effects D.R. Weise and G.S. Biging Discussion Paper New Zealand’s Privatization of Forest Lands: Policy Lessons for the United States and Elsewhere? O.F. Hall Radial Growth Response of Douglas-fir and Grand Fir to Larval Densities of the Douglas-fir Tussock Moth and the Western Spruce Budworm R.R. Mason, B.E. Wickman, and H.G. Paul How to Calculate Optimum Family Number When Starting a Breeding Program D. Lindgren, R-P Wei, and S.J. Lee Dynamic Selection of Harvests with Adjacency Restrictions: The SHARe Model S. Snyder and C. ReVelle Review Article Implications of Disaggregation in Forest Growth and Yield Modeling M.W. Ritchie and D.W. Hann Review Article Impacts of Timber Harvesting on Soil Organic Matter, Nitrogen, Productivity, and Health of Inland Northwest Forests M.F. Jurgensen, A.E. Harvey, R.T. Graham, D.S. Page-Dumroese, J.R. Tonn, M.J. Larsen, and T.B. Jain Effects of Constitutive and Inducible Traits of Hybrid Poplars on Forest Tent Caterpillar Feeding and Population Ecology D.J. Robison and K.F. Raffa Vector Diagnosis of Nutrient Dynamics in Mesquite Seedlings M. Imo and V.R. Timmer Aggregation Procedures in Forest Management Planning Using Cluster Analysis A. Weintraub, G. Sdez, and M. Yadlin Growth, Development, and Yield in Pure and Mixed Stands of Eucalyptus and Albizia D.S. DeBell, T.G. Cole, and C.D. Whitesell Note Estimating Foliage Area of Loblolly Pine Shoots R. Murthy and P.M. Dougherty Forest Science 43(4) 1997 611 Book Reviews Environmental Constraints on the Structure and Productivity of Pine Forest Ecosystems: A Comparative Analysis edited by H.L. Gholz, S. Linder, and R.E. McMurtrie reviewed by W.R. Harms Environmental Accounting—EMERGY and Environmental Decision Making by H.T. Odum reviewed by P.O. Nilsson Nature and the Human Spirit: Toward an Expanded Land Management Ethic edited by B.L. Driver, D. Dustin, T. Baltic, G. Elsner, and G. Peterson reviewed by T.L. Wang Small Format Aerial Photography by W.S. Warner, R.W. Graham, and R.E. Read reviewed by S.E. Reutebuch Brief Notices Upcoming Book Reviews Meeting Announcements Volume 43, Number 3, August 1997 Applying Objectively Estimated and Spatially Continuous Forest Parameters in Tactical Planning to Obtain Dynamic Treatment Units P. Holmgren and T. Thuresson Monitoring Hemlock Forest Health in New Jersey Using Landsat TM Data and Change Detection Techniques D.D. Royle and R.G. Lathrop Comparative Plant Water Relations and Soil Water Depletion Patterns of Three Seral Shrub Species on Forest Sites in Southwestern Oregon S.G. Conard, S.R. Sparks, and J.C. Regelbrugge A New Height Growth Model for Dominant and Codominant Trees F-R. Meng, C.H. Meng, S. Tang, and P.A. Arp Growth and Water Use of Red Spruce (Picea Rubens Sarg.) Exposed to Ozone and Simulated Acidic Precipitation for Four Growing Seasons J.A. Laurence, R.G. Amundson, R.J. Kohut, and D.A. Weinstein Communication Media and Demand for Printing and Publishing Papers in the United States Y. Zhang and J. Buongiorno 612 Forest Science 43(4) 1997 Exploring the Error Structure of Taper Equations M.S. Williams and R.M. Reich The Effects of Neighborhood Storage Size on Dynamic Programming Solutions M.H. Pelkki Clonal Variation in Susceptibility of White Birches (Betula Spp.) to Mammalian and Insect Herbivores M. Rousi, J. Tahvanainen, H. Henttonen, D.A. Herms, and I. Uotila 396 Choosing Prices to Optimally Buck Hardwood Logs with Multiple Log-Length Demand Restrictions J.B. Pickens, S.A. Throop, and J.O. Frendewey Constraining Individual Tree Diameter Increment and Survival Models for Loblolly Pine Plantations S. Zhang, R.L. Amateis, and H.E. Burkhart Biomass Estimation for Temperate Broadleaf Forests of the United States Using Inven- tory Data P. Schroeder, S. Brown, J. Mo, R. Birdsey, and C. Cieszewski A Method to Distribute Mortality in Diameter Distribution Models Q.V. Cao Notes A Compatible Growth-Density Stand Model Derived from a Distance-Dependent Individual Tree Model G. Shao and H.H. Shugart 443 Relating Site-Specific Weather Data to Regional Monitoring Networks in the Lake States E. Kuuseoks, H.O. Liechty, D.D. Reed, and J. Dong 447 Book Reviews Resource Management Information Systems: Process and Practice by K.R. McCloy reviewed by R.G. Congalton Environmental Values in American Culture by W. Kempton, J.S. Boster, and J.A. Hartley reviewed by L.E. Kruger The Practice of Silviculture—Applied Forest Ecology, Ninth Edition by D.M. Smith, B.C. Larson, M.J. Kelty, and P.M.S. Ashton reviewed by T.W. Bowersox Tropical Rainforest Research—Current Issues edited by D.S. Edwards, W.E. Booth, and S.C. Choy reviewed by J.J. Ewel Biology of populus and its Implications for Management and Conservation edited by R.F. Stettler, H.D. Bradshaw, Jr., P.E. Heilman, and T.M. Hinckley reviewed by R.B. Hall and H. Heybroek Forest Science 43(4) 1997 613 Endophytic Fungi in Grasses and Woody Plants. Systematics, Ecology and Evolution edited by S.C. Redlin and L.M. Carris reviewed by J. Stone Brief Notice Upcoming Book Reviews Meeting Announcements Volume 43, Number 4, November 1997 Breeding Objective for Plantation Eucalypts Grown for Production of Kraft Pulp B.L. Greaves, N.M.G. Borralho, and C.A. Raymond Comparing the Economic Value of Reducing Fire Risk to Spotted Owl Habitat in California and Oregon J.B. Loomis and A. Gonzdlez-Cabdan Correlation of Counts of Gypsy Moths (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) in Pheromone Traps with Landscape Characteristics A.A. Sharov, A.M. Liebhold, and E.A. Roberts A Distribution-Independent Approach to Predicting Stand Diameter Distribu- tion S. Tang, Y. Wang, L. Zhang, and C-H Meng Relationship Between Volatile Foliar Terpenes and Resistance of Sitka Spruce to the White Pine Weevil E.S. Tomlin, J.H. Borden, and H.D. Pierce, Jr. Uncertainty and Forest Land Use Allocation in British Columbia: Vague Priorities and Imprecise Coefficients A. Ells, E. Bulte, and G.C. van Kooten Analyzing Uncertainties in Experts’ Opinions of Forest Plan Performance J.M. Alho and J. Kangas Growth and Physiological Responses of Young Loblolly Pine Stands to Thinning J.A. Peterson, J.R. Seiler, J. Nowak, S.E. Ginn, and R.E. Kreh Managerial and Institutional Factors Affect Prescribed Burning Costs A. Gonzdlez-Cabdan Forest Harvesting and Minimum Cuts: A New Approach to Handling Spatial Constraints D.S. Hochbaum and A. Pathria 614 = Forest Science 43(4) 1997 A Longitudinal Analysis of Height/Diameter Curves J. Lappi Genetic Parameters and Selection Efficiencies in Resistance to Western Gall Rust, Stalactiform Blister Rust, Needle Cast, and Sequoia Pitch Moth in Lodgepole Pine H.X. Wu and C.C. Ying Genetic Control of Rooting Ability of Lodgepole Pine Cuttings A. Fries and Z. Kaya Notes Optimal Economic Selection of Road Design Standards for Timber Harvesting Operations—A Corrected Analytical Model F.E. Greulich Effect of Desiccation, Temperature, and Moisture Content on Seed Storage of Three Tropical Tree Species E. Gonzalez J. and R.F. Fisher Book Reviews Seeds of Forest Broadleaves from Harvesting to Sowing by B. Suszka, C. Muller, and M. Bonnet-Masimbert Seed Ecophysiology of Temperate and Boreal Zone Forest Trees by R.E. Farmer reviewed by K.F. Connor Tropical Deforestation: The Human Dimension edited by L.E. Sponsel, T.N. Headland, and R.C. Bailey foreword by J.A. McNeely reviewed by H.M. Gregersen Brief Notice Upcoming Book Reviews Meeting Announcements 1997 Subject Index 1997 Author Index 1997 Contents Forest Science 43(4) 1997 615

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