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1991 CONTENTS Volume 37, Number 1, March Effects of Ozone and Acidic Deposition on Carbon Allocation and Mycorrhizal Colonization of Pinus taeda L. Seedlings M.B. Adams and E.G. O’Neill Trunk and Root Sprouting on Residual Trees after Thinning a Quercus chrysolepsis Stand T.E. Paysen, M.G. Narog, R.G. Tissell, and M.A. Lardner Probit Analysis of Oak Wilt Transmission through Root Grafts in Red Oak Stands J.N. Bruhn, J.B. Pickens, and D.B. Stanfield Topographic Influences on Nitrogen Cycling within an Upland Pin Oak System D.R. Zak, A. Hairston, and D.F. Gngal Western Hemlock and Douglas-Fir Seedling Development with Exponential Rates of Nutrient Addition D. Burgess The Establishment of Boreal and Sub-Boreal Conifer Plantations: An Integrated Analysis of Environmental Conditions and Seedling Growth D.G. Brand Integrating Short-Term, Area-Based Logging Plans with Long-Term Harvest Schedules J. Nelson, J.D. Brodie, andJ . Sessions Estimating Annual Increment Response to Forest Fertilization: A Comparison of Methods by Uniformity Trials E. Monness Compatible Basal Area and Number of Trees Estimators from Remeasured Horizontal Point Samples F.A. Roesch, Jr., E.J. Green, and C.T. Scott Comparative Study of the Aerial structure of Five Shrubs of Mediterranean Shrublands C. Papié and L. Trabaud Loblolly Pine Provenance Variation in Age of Transition from Juvenile to Mature Wood Specific Gravity M.B. Szymanski and C.G. Tauer ladividual Choice and Regional Acreage Response to Cost-Sharing in the South, 1971-1981 I.W. Hardie and P.J. Parks DECEMBER 1991/ 1693 Principal Components Regression to Mitigate the Effects of Multicollinearity B.J. Morzuch and G.A. Ruark Integrated Forest Planning Across Multiple Ownerships and Decision Makers L.S. Davis and G. Liu Biomathematical Growth Equations for Natural Longleaf Pine Stands G.L. Somers and R.M. Farrar, Jr. Distributive Effects of Forest Service Attempts to Maintain Community Stability S.E. Daniels, W.F. Hyde, and D.N. Wear Availability, Quality, and Selection of Browse by White-Tailed Deer after Clearcutting J.W. Hughes and Timothy J. Fahey Nitrogen and Family Effects on Biomass Allocation of Loblolly Pine Seedlings B. Li, H.L. Allen, and S.E. McKeand Transformation Specification in Forest Trade Models K. Krutilla Estimating Limiting Foliar Biomass in Conifer Plantations from Allometric Relationships and Self-Thinning Behavior J. Blake, G. Somers, and G. Ruark Chance-Constrained and Chance-Maximizing Mathematical Programs in Renewable Resource Management J.G. Hof and J.B. Pickens Genetic Gains in Growth and Simulated Yield of Pinus monticola G.E. Rehfeldt, W.R. Wykoff, R.J. Hoff, and R.J. Steinhoff NOTES Reiationship Between Total Nonstructural Carbohydrate Concentration and Root Diameter in Sugar Maple T.E. Kolb and L.H. McCormick Soil Nitrogen Changes Associated with Slash Pile Burning in Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands W.W. Covington, L.F. DeBano, and T.G. Huntsberger The Effect of Nontimber Taxes on the Harvest Timing—the Case of Private Nonindustrial Forest Owners: A Note M. Olltkainen Radial Enlargement of Mortality Centers Caused by Arceuthobium pusillum Peck in Black Spruce Stands F.A. Baker and D.W. French 1694/ FOREST SCIENCE A Note on Carmean’s Estimate of Height from Stem Analysis Data J.D. Newberry Confidence Intervals from Single Observations in Forest Research H.T. Valentine, G.M. Furnival, and T.G. Gregoire Factors Affecting Nitrogen Concentration of Fine Roots in Forest Communities: Regression Analysis of Literature Data X. Yin and J.A. Perry COMMENT Comment on The Declining Even Flow Effect and the Process of National Forest Planning by J.B. Pickens, B.M. Kent, and P.G. Ashton A.G. McQuillan MANUSCRIPT REVIEWERS 1990 Volume 37, Number 2, June A Simulation Model of the Role of Belowground Dynamics in a Florida Pine Plantation K.C. Ewel and H.L. Gholz A Hierarchical Approach to Forest Planning A. Weintraub and A. Cholaky Efficient Combinations of Timber and Financial Market Investments in Single-Period and Multiperiod Portfolios T.A. Thomson A Multivariate Model and Analysis of Competitive Strategy in the U.S. Hardwood Lumber Industry R.J. Bush and S.A. Sinclair Price and Welfare Effects of Catastrophic Forest Damage from Southern Pine Beetle Epidemics T.P. Holmes Self-Thinning and Stand Density B. Zeide Effects of Time and Frequency of Cutting on Hardwood Root Reserves and Sprout Growth J.S. Kays and C.D. Canham The Structure of Forestry Production: Short-Run and Long-Run Results D.N. Wear and D.H. Newman Relationships Between the Diameter Distributions Before and After Thinning D.M. Murray and K. von Gadow DECEMBER 1991/ 1695 Integration of Geographic Information Systems with a Diagnostic Wind Field Model for Fire Management J.A. Zack and R.A. Minnich Analysis of Yield-Density Relationships in Experimental Stands of Douglas-Fir and Red Alder Seedlings L.J. Shainsky and S.R. Radosevich Efficiency of Early Selections for Stem Volume and Predictions of Size Distributions of Selections in a Red Pine Spacing Trial S. Magnussen Genetic Variation in Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Loblolly Pine Seedlings B. Li, S.E. McKeand, and H.L. Allen A Bayesian Belief Network Advisory System for Aspen Regeneration T.C. Haas The Influence of Herbaceous Weed Control and Seedling Diameter on Six Years of Loblolly Pine Growth—A Classical Growth Analysis Approach J.R. Britt, R.J. Mitchell, B.R. Zutter, D.B. South, D.H. Gjerstad, and J.F. Dickson An Evaluation of Public Research in Three Forest Products Industries B.J. Seldon and W.F. Hyde Allozyme and Leaf Morphological Variation of Eastern Cottonwood at the Northern Limits of Its Range in Ontario O.P. Rajora, L. Zsuffa, and B.P. Danctk DISCUSSION PAPER Changing Stand Structure and Regional Growth Reductions in Georgia’s Natural Pine Stands W.A. Bechtold, G.A. Ruark, and F.T. Lloyd DISCUSSION PAPER COMMENTS D.M. Hyink, G. Gertner, and B.F. Swindel DISCUSSION PAPER RESPONSE W.A. Bechtold, G.A. Ruark, and F.T. Lloyd BOOK REVIEWS The Economics of Afforestation-—-A Case Study in Africa Reviewed by Juan E. Séve 1696/ FOREST SCIENCE Methods of Dendrochronology: Applications in the Environmental Sciences Reviewed by M. Eriksson Volume 37, Number 3, August Effects of Foliar Spray and Prill Applications of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Four Mixed-Conifer Stands R.E. Miller, ].W. Hazard, and D.C. Young Prediction Bias and Response Surface Curvature G. Gertner Fine Root Carbohydrate Dynamics of Loblolly Pine Seedlings Grown Under Contrasting Levels of Soil Moisture S.W. Hallgren, C.G. Tauer, and J.E. Lock Calibration of Height and Volume Equations with Random Parameters J. Lappi Analysis of Early Mortality of Douglas-Fir Seedlings in Postharvest Plantings in Northwestern California W.E. Waters, C.J. DeMars, Jr., and F.W. Cobb, Jr. The Relation Between Reproductive Phenology and Reproductive Output in Determining the Gametic Pool Profile in a Douglas-Fir Seed Orchard Y.A. El-Kassaby and G.R. Askew Genetic Parameter Estimates for Greenhouse Traits of Slash Pine Artificially Inoculated with Fusiform Rust Fungus S.M. de Souza, T.L. White, G.R. Hodge, and R.A. Schmidt Further Assessment of the Price Competitiveness of Malaysian Lauan Lumber Imports in the United States M. Shahwahid Haji-Othman Internal Redistribution of N in Sitka Spruce Seedlings with Partly Droughted Root Systems R.C. Ferner and I.J. Alexander Using a Parallel Distributed Processing System to Model Individual Tree Mortality B.T. Guan and G. Gertner Optimum Plantation Planting Density and Rotation Age Based on Financial Risk and Return R.G. Taylor and J.C. Fortson Strategic Positioning in a Turbulent Environment: An Empirical Study of Determinants of Performance in the North American Forest Industry D. Booth and I. Vertinsky DECEMBER 1991/ 1697 A Self-Contained Freezing Chamber for Tree Ecophysiological Studies in the Field Q.L. Dang, V.J. Lieffers, and R.L. Rothwell Pass-Through of Exchange Rates on Prices of Forest Product Exports from the United States to Europe and Japan J. Uusivuori and J. Buongiorno NOTES Seed Chemistry of the Tropical Tree Vochysia hondurensis Sprague C.A. Blanche, J.D. Hodges, A.E. Gomez, and E. Gonzalez Seasonal Cambial Activity in Larix laricina Saplings in Relation to Endogenous Indol-3-ylacetic Acid Sucrose, and Coniferin R.A. Savidge Tree-Ring Growth of Interior Douglas-Fir After One Year’s Defoliation by Douglas-Fir Tussock Moth R.I. Alfaro and R.F. Shepherd 959 ERRATA 965 Volume 37, Number 4, September Soils, Seed-Zone Maps, and Physiography: Guidelines for Seed Transfer of Douglas-Fir in Southwestern Oregon R.K. Campbell Effects of Seed Weight and Rate of Emergence on Early Growth of Open-Pollinated Douglas-Fir Families J.B. St. Clair and W.T. Adams Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) Nutrient Norms for Fraser Fir Christmas Trees R.A. Rathfon and J.A. Burger Timber Supply and Life Cycle Harvest of Nonindustrial Private Forest Owners: An Empirical Analysis of the Finnish Case J. Kuuluvainen and J. Salo Physiological and Growth Responses of Eight-Year-Old Loblolly Pine Stands to Thinning S.E. Ginn, J.R. Seiler, B.H. Cazell, and R.E. Kreh Leaf Area and Foliar Biomass Relationships in Northern Hardwood Forests Located along an 800 km Acid Deposition Gradient A.J. Burton, K.S. Pregitzer, and D.D. Reed 1698/ FOREST SCIENCE Allozyme Variation of Port-Orford-Cedar (Chamaecypanis lawsontiana): Implications for Genetic Conservation C.I. Millar and K.A. Marshall Carryover Effects of Acid Rain and Ozone on the Physiology of Multiple Flushes of Loblolly Pine Seedlings T.W. Sasek, C.J. Richardson, E.A. Fendick, S.R. Bevington, and L.W. Kress The Effect of Forest Productivity Taxes on Timber Stand Investment and Rotation Length G.S. Amacher, R.J. Brazee, and T.A. Thomson Association of an Insect-Fungal Complex with Red Pine Decline in Wisconsin H.D. Klepzig, K.F. Raffa, and E.B. Smalley Growth Patterns of Deerbrush and Snowbrush as Functions of Age and Shrub Vigor D. Minore, J.E. Means, P.G. Cunningham, and H.G. Weatherly Economic Relationships Between Parcel Characteristics and Price in the Market for Vermont Forestland R. Turner, C.M. Newton, and D.F. Dennis Increased Site Fertility and Litter Decomposition Rate in High-Pollution Sites in the San Bernardino Mountains M. Fenn The Effects of Stand Structure After Thinning on the Growth of an Allegheny Hardwood Stand D.A. Marquis and R.L. Ernst NOTE A Note on the Optimal Rotation Period in a Synchronized Normal Forest L. Hultkrantz BOOK REVIEW Multiple Use Management: The Economics of Public Forestlands Reviewed by R. Mendelsohn DECEMBER 1991/ 1699 Volume 37, Number 5, November Predicting Radiation Attenuation in Stands of Douglas-Fir N.J. Smith Stochastic Log Price, Land Value, and Adaptive Stand Management: Numerical Results for California White Fir R.G. Haight Measuring the Efficiency of Forest Management C. Kao and Y-C Yang A Method for Estimation of Fractal Dimension of Tree Crowns B. Zeide and P. Pfeifer Harvesting Loblolly Pine Plantations with Hardwood Competition and Stochastic Prices R.G. Haight and W.D. Smith Formulating Adjacency Constraints in Linear Optimization Models for Scheduling Projects in Tactical Planning J.G. Jones, B.J. Meneghin, and M.W. Kirby Needlefall, Canopy Light Interception, and Productivity of Young Intensively Managed Slash and Loblolly Pine Stands F. Dalla-Tea and E.J. Jokela The Acceleration of Fire from Point Source to Equilibrium Spread R.S. McAlpine and Dr. R.H. Wakimoto Competition Indices for Mixed Species Northern Hardwoods M.J. Holmes and D.D. Reed The Incorporation of Risk in Optimal Selection Age Determination D.H. Newman and C.G. Williams Trend Monitoring with Varying Coefficient Models P.C. Van Deusen Genetic Structure and Mating System of Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra L.) in Pennsylvania J.F. Schwarzmann and H.D. Gerhold Analysis of Spatial Patterns of Lodgepole Pine Attacked by Outbreak Populations of the Mountain Pine Beetle R.G. Mitchell and H.K. Preisler Predicting the Effects of Silvicultural Regime on Branch Size and Crown Wood Core in Douglas-Fir D.A. Maguire, J.A. Kershaw, Jr., and D.W. Hann Modeling Red Pine Tree Survival with an Artificial Neural Network B.T. Guan and G. Gertner Effect of Canadian Forest Tenures on Rent Distributions and Resource Allocations: A British Columbia Case Study M.K. Luckert 1700/ FOREST SCIENCF A Neural Network to Predict Particleboard Manufacturing Process Parameters D.F. Cook, J.G. Massey, and R.E. Shannon NOTES Amyloglucosidase and a-Amylase Enzymes for Determining Starch Concentration in Ponderosa Pine Root Tissue S.K. Omi and R. Rose Substitution Between Tropical and Temperate Sawlogs J.R. Vincent, D.J. Brooks, and A.K. Gandapur Volume 37, Number 6, December DISCUSSION PAPER Establishing Cause-Effect Relationships Using Forest Survey Data H.T. Schreuder and C.E. Thomas DISCUSSION PAPER COMMENTS A.R. Stage; K. Riitters and E.R. Smith; B.B. Stout; and M.L. Clutter and D.M. Hyink 1513 DISCUSSION PAPER RESPONSE H.T. Schreuder and C.E. Thomas ARTICLES A Kalman Filter Approach to Localizing Height-Age Equations D.K. Walters, H.E. Burkhart, M.R. Reynolds, Jr., and T.G. Gregoire Seedling Responses of Five Species of Western Conifers to Simulated Ambient Sulfur Dioxide Exposures T.D. Leininger, P.R. Miller, S.L. Schilling, and P.H. Dunn Predicting Duff and Woody Fuel Consumption in Northern Idaho Prescribed Fire J.K. Brown, E.D. Reinhardt, and W.C. Fischer Modeling the Effect of Winter Climate on High-Elevation Red Spruce Shoot Water Contents R.L. Boyce, A.J. Friedland, E.T. Webb, and G.T. Herrick Tilted Tree Hypsometry L.R. Grosenbaugh Evaluating Forest Management Investments: The Capital Asset Pricing Model and the Income Growth Model J.E. Wagner and D.B. Rideout Stand and Stock Tables from Double-Point Samples T.G. Matney and R.C. Parker DECEMBER 1991/ 1701 Using a Geographic Information System to Study a Regional Wood Procurement Problem R.W. Brinker and B.D. Jackson Singular Path Solutions and Optimal Rates for Thinning Even-Aged Forest Stands D.R. Betters, E.A. Steinkamp, and M.T. Turner Growth Model Predictions as Affected by Alternative Sampling-Unit Designs D.W. Hann and A.A. Zumrawi NOTES Compatible Deterministic and Stochastic Predictions by Probabilistic Modeling of Individual Trees JK. Vanclay Comparison of Expressions for Crown Size of Woody Competitors in Herbicide Efficacy Studies S.A. Knowe Evaluation of a Stochastic Diameter Growth Model for Mountain Ash S.E. Johnson, I.S. Ferguson, and Li Rong-weti Comparison of Leaf Area Index Estimates from Tree Allometrics and Measured Light Interception F.W. Smith, D.A. Sampson, and J.N. Long Evaluating Scots Pine for Resistance to Endocronartium harknessi T.A. Burnes and R.A. Blanchette 1991 Contents 1991 Indexes SP omeS ere STATEMENT OF OWNERSHReIgPu.or d MUASNCA GEMMaaEs NT ADNUDR ATCIIORNC ULwoA TION 1702/ FOREST SCIENCE

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