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Forest Ecology and Management Forest Ecology and Management 145 (2001) 283-284 www.elsevier.com/locate/foreco Contents of Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 145 VOLUME 145, ISSUES 1-2 1 May 2001 Special Issue: Structure of Mountain Forests — Assessment, Impacts, Management, Modelling Editorial: Structure of mountain forests. Assessment, impacts, management, modelling W. Schinenberger and PF. Brang (Bismonmedorl, Swine)... eee ee eee sree beeen ber enesese l Assessing structures in mountain forests as a basis for investigating the forests’ dynamics and protective function P. Bebi, F. Kienast and W. Schimenberger (Birmenadorf, Switzerland)... 0. cece cece ewe ees benecscees 3 Evaluating thinning strategies using a tree distance dependent growth model: some examples based on the CAPSIS software “uneven-aged spruce forests’” module B. Courbaud (Saint-Martin-d’ Heres, France), F. Goreaud (Aubiere, France), Ph. Dreyfus and F.R. Bonnet (Avignon, France). . . 15 Stand stability in the Swiss National Forest Inventory: assessment technique, reproducibility and relevance i ee as See Gy IUD 5 kk ke eee ee ee Red ale ee ee OE ba Sees ses aweneeas 29 A comparative analysis of forest dynamics in the Swiss Alps and the Colorado Front Range Se Ce NE ig Ade Ae RRS dD ae Vege eR a ESA PRADA EAD OR RAN eRe 43 Consequences of green alder expansion on vegetation changes and arthropod communities removal in the northern French Alps F. Anthelme, J.-L. Grossi, J.-J. Brun (Saint Martin d’Heéres, France) and L. Didier (Grenoble, France) .................. 57 Invasion patterns of European larch and Swiss stone pine in subalpine pastures in the French Alps re Ce Ser ae a ee ee ee ee ee Oe ae ae eee ere mr rr ree 67 Tree mortality in an unmanaged mountain pine (Pinus mugo var. uncinata) stand in the Swiss National Park impacted by root rot fungi M. Dobbertin (Birmensdorf, Switzerland), A. Baltensweiler (Ziirich, Switzerland) and D. Rigling (Birmensdorf, Switzerland) . . 79 The significance of different indices for stand structure and diversity in forests ee en a, SS ek sa Seb aad ERS RE ERD BENE Oe REO eb ee Pee 9] Resistance and elasticity: promising concepts for the management of protection forests in the European Alps oe EU CRETE TE EST TC CCL Cee EST Ce Lee ET CT eee Eee Te es eee er Cee 107 Cluster afforestation for creating diverse mountain forest structures — a review ee Se SI, I ioc ie heehee eR Ke Oe KER O HS OCR DON ee Oe OR SERS ROE Oe 121 Growth limitations for conifer regeneration under alternative silvicultural systems in a coastal montane forest in British Columbia, Canada i ee aie a re eg ie ele es oe i ee ee a eee 129 Effectiveness of structure improvement thinning on stand structure in subalpine Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands ee ey le Fe. es Ce, COUN 5k iss o's hc 5b 5 ae wae ee kee eA eRe Oe ee de Cheb eee hen 137 Results from a thinning experiment in a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) natural regeneration stand in the Sistema Ibérico Mountain Range (Spain) G. Montero, I. Cafellas, C. Ortega (Madrid, Spain) and M. Del Rio (Palencia, Spain)................ 0.000002 0 eee 15] VOLUME 145, ISSUE 3 15 May 2001 Winter activity of mammals in riparian zones and adjacent forests prior to and following clear-cutting at Copper Lake, Newfoundland, Canada ee ne ee ee ds cae se ak hee Ob Oa ee Ee OO Be Oe EK OE ON dala 163 PII: S0378-1127(01)00520-5 284 Contents of Volume 145 Wood density of radiata pine: effect of nitrogen supply P.N. Beets, K. Gilchrist (Rotorua, New Zealand) and M.P. Jeffreys (Sydney, Australia) Susceptibility of northern British Columbia forests to spruce budworm defoliation R.I. Alfaro (Victoria, Canada), S. Taylor (Prince George, Canada), R.G. Brown (Victoria, Canada) and J.S. Clowater (Burnaby, Canada) The economic impact of green-up constraints in the southeastern United States K. Boston (Athens, GA, USA) and P. Bettinger (Corvallis, OR, USA) Long-term nutrient cycling patterns in Douglas-fir and red alder stands: a simulation study P.S.J. Verburg, D.W. Johnson (Reno, NV, USA) and R. Harrison (Seattle, WA, USA) Flexibility in forest management: managing uncertainty in Douglas-fir forests of the Pacific Northwest J.S. Wilson (Hancock, NH, USA) and P.J. Baker (Seattle, WA, USA) Simulation of carbon and water budgets of a Douglas-fir forest M.T. Van Wijk, S.C. Dekker, W. Bouten (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), W. Kohsiek (De Bilt, The Netherlands) and G.M.J. Mohren (Wageningen, The Netherlands) Responses of xylem cavitation, freezing injury and shoot dieback to a simulated winter thaw in yellow birch seedlings growing in different nursery culture regimes X.B. Zhu, R.M. Cox, F.-R. Meng and P.A. Arp (Fredericton, Canada) The effects of burning on the understorey composition of rehabilitated bauxite mines in Western Australia: community changes and vegetation succession C.D. Grant (Armidale, Australia) and W.A. Loneragan (Nedlands, Australia) Erratum to “Short-term effects of pine straw raking on plant species richness and composition of longleaf pine communities” [Forest Ecology & Management, 127: 233-247] L.A. Kelly, T.R. Wentworth and C. Brownie (Raleigh, NC, USA) Contents of Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 145

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