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Forest Ecology and Management Forest Ecology and Management 89 (1996) 227-237 Cumulative Author Index, Vols. 80—89 Aber, J.D., see Magill, A.H. et al. Arunachalam, A., H.N. Pandey, R.S. Tripathi and K. Maithani Aber, J.D., see McNulty, S.G. et al. Fine root decomposition and nutrient mineralization patterns Abril, A., see Aiazzi, M.T. et al. in a subtropical humid forest following tree cutting Adams, M.B. and T.R. Angradi 86 (1996) 141 Decomposition and nutrient dynamics of hardwood leaf litter Arunachalam, A., K. Maithani, H.N. Pandey and R.S. Tripathi in the Femow Whole-Watershed Acidification Experiment The impact of disturbance on detrital dynamics and soil 83 (1996) 61 microbial biomass of a Pinus kesiya forest in north-east India Adams, R.S., see Fleming, R.L. et al. 88 (1996) 273 Adams, W.T., see Aitken, S.N. et al. Ashton, M.S. and B.C. Larson Adjers, G., see Kuusipalo, J. et al. Germination and seedling growth of Quercus (section Ery- Adjers, G., see Tuomela, K. et al. throbalanus) across openings in a mixed-deciduous forest of Aiazzi, M.T., J.A. Argiiello and A. Abril southern New England, USA 80 (1996) 81 Nodulated and non-nodulated Prosopis chilensis (Mol) St. Atlegrim, O. and K. Sjéberg seedlings: economy of carbon and nitrogen 89 (1996) 25 Effects of clear-cutting and single-tree selection harvests on Aitken, S.N., W.T. Adams, N. Schermann and L.H. Fuchigami herbivorous insect larvae feeding on bilberry (Vaccinium myr- Family variation for fall cold hardiness in two Washington tillus) in uneven-aged boreal Picea abies forests populations of coastal Douglas-fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii var. 87 (1996) 139 menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) 80 (1996) 187 Atlegrim, O. and K. Sjéberg Akio, F., see Yanhong, T. et al. Response of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) to clear-cutting Albrektson, A., see Orlander, G. et al. and single-tree selection harvests in uneven-aged boreal Picea Alfaro, R.I., F. He, G. Kiss, J. King and A. Yanchuk abies forests 86 (1996) 39 Resistance of white spruce to white pine weevil: development Attiwill, P.M., see Bennett, L.T. et al. of a resistance index 81 (1996) 51 Attiwill, P.M., see Judd, T.S. et al. Amacher, G.S., see Hyde, W.F. et al. Attiwill, P.M., see Weston, C.J. et al. Amateis, R.L., see Zhang, S. et al. Austin, M.P. and J.A. Meyers Amezaga, I. Current approaches to modelling the environmental niche of Monterrey pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) suitability for the pine eucalypts: implication for management of forest biodiversity shoot beetle (Tomicus piniperda L.) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) 85 (1996) 95 86 (1996) 73 Avendaio, J., see Ovalle, C. et al. Ammer, C. Awang, M., see Yanhong, T. et al. Impact of ungulates on structure and dynamics of natural Bakarr, M.I. and D.P. Janos regeneration of mixed mountain forests in the Bavarian Alps Mycorrhizal associations of tropical legume trees in Sierra 88 (1996) 43 Leone, West Africa 89 (1996) 89 Angradi, T.R., see Adams, M.B. et al. Baldwin, Jr., V.C., see Dean, T.J. et al. Annila, E., see Kyté, M. et al. Baldwin Jr., V.C., see Dean, TJ. et al. Aranda, I., L. Gil and J. Pardos Bare, B.B., see Wimberly, M.C. et al. Seasonal water relations of three broadleaved species (Fagus Bares, R.D., see Gourlay, I.D. et al. sylvatica L., Quercus petraea (Mattuschka) Liebl. and Quer- Barreto, P., see Johns, J.S. et al. cus pyrenaica Willd.) in a mixed stand in the centre of the Barrett, R.H., see Boroski, B.B. et al. Iberian Peninsula 84 (1996) 219 Bartelink, H.H. Archambault, L., see Lavallée, R. et al. Allometric relationships on biomass and needle area of Dou- Argiiello, J.A., see Aiazzi, M.T. et al. glas-fir 86 (1996) 193 Amold, J., see Di-Giovanni, F. et al. Belbin, L., see Faith, D.P. et al. Amott, J.T., see Folk, R.S. et al. Bell, G., A. Kerr, D. McNickle and R. Woollons Aronson, J., see Ovalle, C. et al. Accuracy of the line intersect method of post-logging sam- Aronson, J.-A., see Rosén, K. et al. pling under orientation bias 84 (1996) 23 228 Author Index Bengtsson, J., see Olsson, B.A. et al. Burkhart, H.E., see Zhang, S. et al. Bengtsson, J., see Olsson, B.A. et al. Butterfield, R.P. Bennett, L.T., C.J. Weston, T.S. Judd, P.M. Attiwill and P.H. Early species selection for tropical reforestation: a considera- Whiteman tion of stability 81 (1996) 161 The effects of fertilizers on early growth and foliar nutrient Cain, M.D. concentrations of three plantation eucalypts on high quality Growth expectations from alternative thinning regimes and sites in Gippsland, southeastern Australia 89 (1996) 213 prescribed burning in naturally regenerated loblolly-shortleaf Bennett, L.T., see Judd, T.S. et al. pine stands through age 20 81 (1996) 227 Berwert-Lopes, R. Carabias, J., see Cervantes, V. et al. Assessment of tolerable browsing by Eiberle’s method: Limi- Caritat, A., M. Molinas and E. Gutierrez tations and future prospects 88 (1996) 87 Annual cork-ring width variability of Quercus suber L. in Binkley, D. relation to temperature and precipitation (Extremadura, south- Five years of research on pollution and forests in Sweden western Spain) 86 (1996) 113 82 (1996) 250 Castley, J.G. and G.I.H. Kerley Binkley, D. The paradox of forest conservation in South Africa What’s new in forest nutrient cycling? 82 (1996) 249 85 (1996) 35 Binkley, D., see Rhoades, C. et al. Catling, P.C., see Cork, S.J. et al. Bisset, H., see Dick, J.M.P. et al. Cervantes, V., J. Carabias and C. V4zquez-Yanes Bissonette, J.A., see Sturtevant, B.R. et al. Seed germination of woody legumes from deciduous tropical Black, T.A., see Fleming, R.L. et al. forest of southem Mexico 82 (1996) 171 Bggh, A. Chamshama, S.A.O., see Mugasha, A.G. et al. Abundance and growth of rattans in Khao Chong National Chandrashekara, U.M. Park, Thailand 84 (1996) 71 Ecology of Bambusa arudinacea (Retz.) Willd. growing in Bongers, F., see Poorter, L. et al. teak plantations of Kerala, India 87 (1996) 149 Borden, J.H., see Bowers, W.W. et al. Chang, S.X., G.F. Weetman and C.M. Preston Borden, J.H., see Maclauchlan, L.E. et al. Understory competition effect on tree growth and biomass Borders, B.E., see Figueiredo-Filho, A. et al. allocation on a coastal old-growth forest cutover site in British Borgtoft Pedersen, H. Columbia 83 (1996) 1 Production and harvest of fibers from Aphandra natalia Chirko, C.P., M.A. Gold, Phu.V. Nguyen and J.P. Jiang (Palmae) in Ecuador 80 (1996) 155 Influence of direction and distance from trees on wheat yield Boroski, B.B., R.H. Barrett, I.C. Timossi and J.G. Kie and photosynthetic photon flux density (Q,) in a Paulownia Modelling habitat suitability for black-tailed deer (Odocoileus and wheat intercropping system 83 (1996) 171 hemionus columbianus) in heterogeneous landscapes Chirko, C.P., M.A. Gold, Phu.V. Nguyen and J.P. Jiang 88 (1996) 157 Influence of orientation on wheat yield and photosynthetic Bowen, G.D., see Haselwandter, K. et al. photon flux density (Q,) at the tree and crop interface in a Bowers, W.W., J.H. Borden and A. Raske Paulownia—wheat intercropping system 89 (1996) 149 Incidence and impact of Polygraphus rufipennis (Coleoptera: Christanty, L., D. Mailly and J.P. Kimmins Scolytidae) in Newfoundland 89 (1996) 173 ** Without bamboo, the land dies’’: Biomass, litterfall, and soil Briggs, R.D., see Simmons, J.A. et al. organic matter dynamics of a Javanese bamboo talun—kebun Brown, M.J. system 87 (1996) 75 Benign neglect and active management in Tasmania’s forests: Christensen, M. and J. Emborg a dynamic balance or ecological collapse? 85 (1996) 279 Biodiversity in natural versus managed forest in Denmark Brown, N. 85 (1996) 47 A gradient of seedling growth from the centre of a tropical Cissel, J.H., see Wallin, D.O. et al. rain forest canopy gap 82 (1996) 239 Clark, D.A., see Clark, D.B. et al. Brown, V.K., see Hammond, D.S. et al. Clark, D.B. and D.A. Clark Brunet, J., U. Falkengren-Grerup and G. Tyler Abundance, growth and mortality of very large trees in Herb layer vegetation of south Swedish beech and oak forests neotropical lowland rain forest 80 (1996) 235 —effects of management and soil acidity during one decade Claussen, J.W. 88 (1996) 259 Acclimation abilities of three tropical rainforest seedlings to Brzeziecki, B., see Kienast, F. et al. an increase in light intensity 80 (1996) 245 Buongiomo, J., see Volin, V.C. et al. Cole, T.G., R.S. Yost, R. Kablan and T. Olsen Burgman, M.A. Growth potential of twelve Acacia species on acid soils in Characterisation and delineation of the eucalypt old-growth Hawaii 80 (1996) 175 forest estate in Australia: a review 83 (1996) 149 Colin-Belgrand, M., see Ranger, J. et al. Author Index 229 Cony, M.A. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce ( Picea Genetic variability in Prosopis flexuosa D.C., a native tree of abies L. Karst.) seedling establishment 88 (1996) 227 the Monte phytogeographic province, Argentina87 (1996) 41 Donahue, J.K. and J. Lopez Upton Coram, J.E., see Woodgate, P.W. et al. Geographic variation in leaf, cone and seed morphology of Cork, S.J. and P.C. Catling Pinus greggii in native forests 82 (1996) 145 Modelling distributions of arboreal and ground-dwelling mam- Donahue, J.K., see Dvorak, W.S. et al. mals in relation to climate, nutrients, plant chemical defences Doran, J.C., see Pinyopusarerk, K. et al. and vegetation structure in the eucalypt forests of southeastern Downs, M.R., see Magill, A.H. et al. Australia 85 (1996) 163 Duncan, A.J., see lason, G.R. et al. Coutinho, L.M., see Pivello, V.R. et al. Dunlap, J.M. and R.F. Stettler Cregg, B.M., see Zhang, J.W. et al. Genetic variation and productivity of Populus trichocarpa and Cromack Jnr., K., see Monleon, V_J. et al. its hybrids. IX. Phenology and Melampsora rust incidence of Cuartas, P., see Garcia-Gonzalez, R. et al. native black cottonwood clones from four river valleys in Cunningham, R.B., see Mills, D.J. et al. Washington 87 (1996) 233 Cunningham, R.B., see Neave, H.M. et al. Dvorak, W.S., J.E. Kietzka and J.K. Donahue Dai, X. Three-year survival and growth of provenances of Pinus Influence of light conditions in canopy gaps on forest regener- greggii in the tropics and subtropics 83 (1996) 123 ation: a new gap light index and its application in a boreal Dvorak, W.S., see Wright, J.A. et al. forest in east-central Sweden 84 (1996) 187 Dykstra, D.P. Dean, T.J. and V.C. Baldwin Jr. Landscape forestry 82 (1996) 245 Growth in loblolly pine plantations as a function of stand Eddleman, L.E., see Kramer, S. et al. density and canopy properties 82 (1996) 49 Egnell, G., see Orlander, G. et al. Dean, T.J. and V.C. Baldwin, Jr. Ehrlich, P.R. The relationship between Reineke’s stand-density index and Conservation in temperate forests: what do we need to know physical stem mechanics 81 (1996) 25 and do? 85 (1996) 9 Deans, J.D., J. Moran and J. Grace El Bayad, J., see Herbauts, J. et al. Biomass relationships for tree species in regenerating semi-de- Ellsworth, D.S., see Wilmot, T.R. et al. ciduous tropical moist forest in Cameroon 88 (1996) 215 Emborg, J., see Christensen, M. et al. De Boer, W. and R.A. Kester Engstrom, J.K., see Johnston, M.H. et al. Variability of nitrification potentials in patches of undergrowth Eriksson, H.M., see Rosén, K. et al. vegetation in primary Scots pine stands 86 (1996) 97 Faith, D.P., P.A. Walker, J.R. Ive and L. Belbin DeGraaf, R.M., see Vander Haegen, W.M. et al. Integrating conservation and forestry production: exploring De Klerk, M., see Poorter, L. et al. trade-offs between biodiversity and production in regional Delaney, M.T., see Simmons, J.A. et al. land-use assessment 85 (1996) 251 Del Pozo, A., see Ovalle, C. et al. Fajvan, M.A. and J.M. Wood Desanker, P. Stand structure and development after gypsy moth defoliation Modelling forest growth 82 (1996) 247 in the Appalachian Plateau 89 (1996) 79 Dezzotti, A. Falkengren-Grerup, U., see Brunet, J. et al. Austrocedrus chilensis and Nothofagus dombeyi stand devel- Farrell, S.J., see Woodgate, P.W. et al. opment during secondary succession, in northwestern Patago- Fearnside, P.M. nia, Argentina 89 (1996) 125 Amazonian deforestation and global warming: carbon stocks Di-Giovanni, F., P.G. Kevan and J. Amold in vegetation replacing Brazil’s Amazon forest 80(1996) 21 Lower planetary boundary layer profiles of atmospheric conifer Fearnside, P.M. and W.M. Guimaraes pollen above a seed orchard in northern Ontario, Canada Carbon uptake by secondary forests in Brazilian Amazonia 83 (1996) 87 80 (1996) 35 Dick, J.M.P., H. Bisset and C. McBeath Fenger, M. Provenance variation in rooting ability of Calliandra calothyr- Implementing biodiversity conservation through the British sus 87 (1996) 175 Columbia Forest Practices Code 85 (1996) 67 Dickmann, D.I., P.V. Nguyen and K.S. Pregitzer Fenn, M.E., M.A. Poth and D.W. Johnson Effects of irrigation and coppicing on above-ground growth, Evidence for nitrogen saturation in the San Bernardino Moun- physiology, and fine-root dynamics of two field-grown hybrid tains in southern California 82 (1996) 211 poplar clones 80 (1996) 163 Fernandez, I.J., see Simmons, J.A. et al. Diekmann, M. Ferrandino, F.J., see Ward, J.S. et al. Ecological behaviour of deciduous hardwood trees in Boreo- Ferrier, S., see Pressey, R.L. et al. nemoral Sweden in relation to light and soil conditions Figueiredo-Filho, A., B.E. Borders and K.L. Hitch 86 (1996) 1 Taper equations for Pinus taeda plantations in Southern Brazil Dolling, A.H.U. 83 (1996) 39 Interference of bracken (Pteridium aquilinum L. Kuhn) with Fimbel, C.C., see Fimbel, R.A. et al. 230 Author Index Fimbel, R.A. and C.C. Fimbel Gillespie, A.R., see Jose, S. et al. The role of exotic conifer plantations in rehabilitating de- Gilmore, D.W. and R.S. Seymour graded tropical forest lands: A case study from the Kibale Alternative measures of stem growth efficiency applied to Forest in Uganda 81 (1996) 215 Abies balsamea from four canopy positions in central Maine, Finér, L. USA 84 (1996) 209 Variation in the amount and quality of litterfall in a Pinus Goebel, P.C. and D.M. Hix sylvestris L. stand growing on a bog 80 (1996) 1 Development of mixed-oak forests in southeastern Ohio: a Fleming, R.L., T.A. Black and R.S. Adams comparison of second-growth and old-growth forests Site preparation effects on Douglas-fir and lodgepole pine 84(1996) 1 water relations following planting in a pinegrass-dominated Gold, M.A., see Chirko, C.P. et al. clearcut 83 (1996) 47 Gold, M.A., see Chirko, C.P. et al. Focardi, S., S. Toso and E. Pecchioli Gonzalez Hernandez, M.P. and Fco.J. Silva-Pando The population modelling of fallow deer and wild boar in a Grazing effects of ungulates in a Galician oak forest (north- Mediterranean ecosystem 88 (1996) 7 west Spain) 88 (1996) 65 Foggo, A. Gossow, H., see Reimoser, F. et al. Patterns of herbivory by the ash bud moth Prays fraxinella: Gourlay, 1.D., J.P. Smith and R.D. Barnes implications for the silviculture of ash in Europe Wood production in a natural stand of Acacia karroo in 84 (1996) 231 Zimbabwe 88 (1996) 289 Folk, R.S., S.C. Grossnickle, J.T. Amott, A.K. Mitchell and P. Gourlet-Fleury, S., see Hammond, D.S. et al. Puttonen Grace, J., see Deans, J.D. et al. Water relations, gas exchange and morphological development Grace, J., see Ofori, D.A. et al. of fall- and spring-planted yellow cypress stecklings Greatorex-Davies, J.N., see Sparks, T.H. et al. 81 (1996) 197 Greenberg, C.H. and A. McGrane Folster, H., see Mackensen, J. et al. A comparison of relative abundance and biomass of ground- Folster, H., see Spangenberg, A. et al. dwelling arthropods under different forest management prac- Fowler, G.W., see Khatry Chhetri, D.B. et al. tices 89 (1996) 31 Fowler, G.W., see Khatry Chhetri, D.B. et al. Gregoire, T.G. and H.T. Valentine Francis, A., see Gill, R.M.A. et al. Sampling methods to estimate stem length and surface area of Froend, R.H., see Hancock, C.N. et al. tropical tree species 83 (1996) 229 Fuchigami, L.H., see Aitken, S.N. et al. Grigal, D.F., see Johnston, M.H. et al. Ganesh, S., see Recher, H.F. et al. Grimm, U., see Spangenberg, A. et al. Garcia-Gonzalez, R. and P. Cuartas Groot Bruinderink, G.W.T.A. and E. Hazebroek Trophic utilization of a montane /subalpine forest by chamois Wild boar (Sus scrofa scrofa L.) rooting and forest regenera- (Rupicapra pyrenaica) in the Central Pyrenees 88 (1996) 15 tion on podzolic soils in the Netherlands 88 (1996) 71 Garcia-Gonz4lez, R., see Herrero, J. et al. Grossnickle, S.C., see Folk, R.S. et al. Garcia-Serrano, A., see Herrero, J. et al. Gruber, W., see Herbauts, J. et al. Garin, I., see Herrero, J. et al. Guimaraes, W.M., see Fearnside, P.M. et al. George, S.J., see Jose, S. et al. Gullison, R.E., see Howard, A.F. et al. Gerhardt, K. Gustafson, E.J. Effects of root competition and canopy openness on survival Expanding the scale of forest management: allocating timber and growth of tree seedlings in a tropical seasonal dry forest harvests in time and space 87 (1996) 27 82 (1996) 33 Gutierrez, E., see Caritat, A. et al. Ghosh, S. and J.L. Innes Hager, T.C., see Pressey, R.L. et al. Comparing sampling strategies in forest monitoring programs Hall, J.B. 82 (1996) 231 Tropical trees 82 (1996) 252 Gibbons, P. and D.B. Lindenmayer Hall, M.L., see Sparks, T.H. et al. Issues associated with the retention of hollow-bearing trees Hallett, R.A., see Magill, A.H. et al. within eucalypt forests managed for wood production Hammond, D.S., S. Gourlet-Fleury, P. Van der Hout, H. 83 (1996) 245 Ter Steege and V.K. Brown Gil, L., see Aranda, I. et al. A compilation of known Guianan timber trees and the signifi- Gill, A.M. and J.E. Williams cance of their dispersal mode, seed size and taxonomic affinity Fire regimes and biodiversity: the effects of fragmentation of to tropical rain forest management 83 (1996) 99 southeastern Australian eucalypt forests by urbanisation, agri- Hancock, C.N., P.G. Ladd and R.H. Froend culture and pine plantations 85 (1996) 261 Biodiversity and management of riparian vegetation in West- Gill, R.M.A., A.L. Johnson, A. Francis, K. Hiscocks and A.J. em Australia 85 (1996) 239 Peace Hanley, T.A. Changes in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) population Potential role of deer (Cervidae) as ecological indicators of density in response to forest habitat succession 88 (1996) 31 forest management 88 (1996) 199 Author Index Hansen, M.H., see Schmidt, T.L. et al. Hypén, H., see Talkkari, A. et al. Harkonen, S., see Heikkila, R. et al. Iason, G.R., A.J. Duncan, S.E. Hartley and B.W. Staines Hartley, S.E., see Iason, G.R. et al. Feeding behaviour of red deer (Cervus elaphus) on Sitka Haselwandter, K. and G.D. Bowen spruce (Picea sitchensis): the role of carbon-nutrient balance Mycorrhizal relations in trees for agroforestry and land reha- 88 (1996) 121 bilitation 81 (1996) 1 Iddi, S., see Mugasha, A.G. et al. Hasenauer, H. and R.A. Monserud Ineson, P., see Robinson, C.H. et al. A crown ratio model for Austrian forests 84 (1996) 49 Innes, J.L., see Ghosh, S. et al. Hazebroek, E., see Groot Bruinderink, G.W.T.A. et al. Ive, J.R., see Faith, D.P. et al. He, F., see Alfaro, R.I. et al. Jack, S.B. and J.N. Long Hedden, R.L., see Shelbume, V.B. et al. Linkages between silviculture and ecology: an analysis of Heikkila, R. and S. Harkénen density management diagrams 86 (1996) 205 Moose browsing in young Scots pine stands in relation to Jafarsidik, Y., see Kuusipalo, J. et al. forest management 88 (1996) 179 Janos, D.P., see Bakarr, M.I. et al. Hengxiao, G., see McMillin, J.D. et al. Jiang, J.P., see Chirko, C.P. et al. Herbauts, J., J. El Bayad and W. Gruber Jiang, J.P., see Chirko, C.P. et al. Influence of logging traffic on the hydromorphic degradation Johansson, S. and K. Tuomela of acid forest soils developed on loessic loam in middle Growth of 16 provenances of Eucalyptus microtheca in a Belgium 87 (1996) 193 regularly irrigated plantation in eastern Kenya 82(1996) 11 Heroldova, M. Johns, J.S., P. Barreto and C. Uhl Dietary overlap of three ungulate species in the Palava Bio- Logging damage during planned and unplanned logging opera- sphere Reserve 88 (1996) 139 tions in the eastern Amazon 89 (1996) 59 Herrero, J., I. Garin, A. Garcia-Serrano and R. Garcia-Gonzalez Johnson, A.L., see Gill, R.M.A. et al. Habitat use in a Rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica forest popula- Johnson, D.W., see Fenn, M.E. et al. tion 88 (1996) 25 Johnston, M.H., P.S. Homann, J.K. Engstrom and D.F. Grigal Hester, A.J., F.J.G. Mitchell and K.J. Kirby Changes in ecosystem carbon storage over 40 years on an Effects of season and intensity of sheep grazing on tree old-field /forest landscape in east-central Minnesota regeneration in a British upland woodland 88 (1996) 99 83 (1996) 17 Hibbs, D.E., see Knowe, S.A. et al. Jose, S., A.R. Gillespie, S.J. George and B.M. Kumar Higo, M., see Komiyama, A. et al. Vegetation responses along edge-to-interior gradients in a high Hiraoka, M., see Mufiiz-Miret, N. et al. altitude tropical forest in peninsular India 87 (1996) 51 Hiscocks, K., see Gill, R.M.A. et al. Judd, T.S., L.T. Bennett, C.J. Weston, P.M. Attiwill and P.H. Hitch, K.L., see Figueiredo-Filho, A. et al. Whiteman Hix, D.M., see Goebel, P.C. et al. The response of growth and foliar nutrients to fertilizers in Hdlscher, D., see Mackensen, J. et al. young Eucalyptus globulus (Labill.) plantations in Gippsland, Holsten, E.H., see Reynolds, K.M. et al. southeastern Australia 82 (1996) 87 Homann, P.S., see Johnston, M.H. et al. Judd, T.S., see Bennett, L.T. et al. Hooper, R.G. Jurgensen, M.F., see Kim, C. et al. Arthropod biomass in winter and the age of longleaf pines Kablan, R., see Cole, T.G. et al. 82 (1996) 115 Kalinganire, A. Horwitz, P., see Wardell-Johnson, G. et al. Performance of Grevillea robusta in plantations and on farms Howard, A.F. and J. Valerio under varying environmental conditions in Rwanda Financial retums from sustainable forest management and 80 (1996) 279 selected agricultural land-use options in Costa Rica Karjalainen, T. 81 (1996) 35 Dynamics and. potentials of carbon sequestration in managed Howard, A.F., R.E. Rice and R.E. Gullison stands and wood products in Finland under changing climatic Simulated financial returns and selected environmental im- conditions 80 (1996) 113 pacts from four alternative silvicultural prescriptions applied Kerley, G.I.H., see Castley, J.G. et al. in the neotropics: a case study of the Chimanes Forest, Bolivia Kerr, A., see Bell, G. et al. 89 (1996) 43 Kertis, J., see Wallin, D.O. et al. Huddle, J.A. and S.G. Pallardy Kester, R.A., see De Boer, W. et al. Effects of long-term annual and periodic buming on tree Kevan, P.G., see Di-Giovanni, F. et al. survival and growth in a Missouri Ozark oak-hickory forest Khatry Chhetri, D.B. and G.W. Fowler 82 (1996) 1 Estimating diameter at breast height and basal diameter of Hyde, W.F. and G.S. Amacher trees from stump measurements in Nepal’s lower temperate Applications of environmental accounting and the new house- broad-leaved forests 81 (1996) 75 hold economics: new technical economic issues with a com- Khatry Chhetri, D.B. and G.W. Fowler mon theme in forestry 83 (1996) 137 Prediction models for estimating total heights of trees from 232 Author Index diameter at breast height measurements in Nepal’s lower Kyt6, M., P. Niemela and E. Annila temperate broad-leaved forests 84 (1996) 177 Vitality and bark beetle resistance of fertilized Norway spruce Kie, J.G. 84 (1996) 149 The effects of cattle grazing on optimal foraging in mule deer Laarman, J., see Orlande, T. et al. (Odocoileus hemionus) 88 (1996) 131 Ladd, P.G., see Hancock, C.N. et al. Kie, J.G., see Boroski, B.B. et al. Larson, B.C., see Ashton, M.S. et al. Kienast, F., B. Brzeziecki and O. Wildi Lavallée, R., L. Archambault and J. Morissette Long-term adaptation potential of Central European mountain Influence of drainage and edge vegetation on levels of attack forests to climate change: a GIS-assisted sensitivity assess- and biological performance of the white pine weevil ment 80 (1996) 133 82 (1996) 133 Kietzka, J.E., see Dvorak, W.S. et al. Leak, W.B. and M.-L. Smith Kikula, I.S., see Prins, E. et al. Sixty years of management and natural disturbance in a New Kim, C., T.L. Sharik and M.F. Jurgensen England forested landscape 81 (1996) 63 Canopy cover effects on mass loss, and nitrogen and phospho- Leakey, R.R.B., see Ofori, D.A. et al. rus dynamics from decomposing litter in oak and pine stands Leakey, R.R.B., see Shiembo, P.N. et al. in northem Lower Michigan 80 (1996) 13 Leech, J.W. Kimmins, J.P., see Christanty, L. et al. Generalised Importance sampling 86 (1996) 221 Kimmins, J.P., see Wang, J.R. et al. Lewis, A., see Woodgate, P.W. et al. King, J., see Alfaro, R.I. et al. Lindenmayer, D.B., see Gibbons, P. et al. Kirby, K.J., see Hester, A.J. et al. Lindsay, S.R., G.R. Wood and R.C. Woollons Kiss, G., see Alfaro, R.I. et al. Stand table modelling through the Weibull distribution and Klepzig, K.D., E.B. Smalley and K.F. Raffa usage of skewness information 81 (1996) 19 Interactions of ecologically similar saprogenic fungi with Long, J.N., see Jack, S.B. et al. healthy and abiotically stressed conifers 86 (1996) 163 Long, J.N., see Sturtevant, B.R. et al. Klinge, R., see Mackensen, J. et al. Long, X., see McMillin, J.D. et al. Klinka, K., see Wang, G.G. et al. Lopez Upton, J., see Donahue, J.K. et al. Knowe, S.A. and D.E. Hibbs Lumme, I. and A. Smolander Stand structure and dynamics of young red alder as affected Effect of nitrogen deposition level on nitrogen uptake and bud by planting density 82 (1996) 69 burst in Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) seedlings and N Kolb, T.E. uptake by soil microflora 89 (1996) 197 Resource physiology of confers /ecophysiology of coniferous Lunderstadt, J., see Rohde, M. et al. forests 82 (1996) 253 Lundkvist, H., see Olsson, B.A. et al. Kolbe, D., see Schroth, G. et al. Lundkvist, H., see Olsson, B.A. et al. Komiyama, A., T. Santiean, M. Higo, P. Patanaponpaiboon, J. Macdonald, S.E., see Mugasha, A.G. et al. Kongsangchai and K. Ogino Mackensen, J., D. Hélscher, R. Klinge and H. Folster Microtopography, soil hardness and survival of mangrove Nutrient transfer to the atmosphere by buming of debris in (Rhizophora apiculata BL.) seedlings planted in an abandoned eastern Amazonia 86 (1996) 121 tin-mining area 81 (1996) 243 Maclauchlan, L.E. and J.H. Borden Kongsangchai, J., see Komiyama, A. et al. Spatial dynamics and impacts of Pissodes terminalis (Cole- Kramer, S., P.M. Miller and L.E. Eddleman optera: Curculionidae) in regenerating stands of lodgepole Root system morphology and development of seedling and pine 82 (1996) 103 juvenile Juniperus occidentalis 86 (1996) 229 Magill, A.H., M.R. Downs, K.J. Nadelhoffer, R.A. Hallett and Kuiters, A.T., G.M.J. Mohren and S.E. Van Wieren J.D. Aber Ungulates in temperate forest ecosystems 88 (1996) 1 Forest ecosystem response to four years of chronic nitrate and Kuiters, A.T., see Van Hees, A.F.M. et al. sulfate additions at Bear Brooks Watershed, Maine, USA Kumar, B.M., see Jose, S. et al. 84 (1996) 29 Kuuluvainen, T. and D.G. Sprugel Mailly, D., see Christanty, L. et al. Examining age- and altitude-related variation in tree architec- Maithani, K., see Arunachalam, A. et al. ture and needle efficiency in Norway spruce using trend Maithani, K., see Arunachalam, A. et al. surface analysis 88 (1996) 237 Majer, J.D., see Recher, H.F. et al. Kuusela, K., see Uuttera, J. et al. Makinen, H. Kuusipalo, J., Y. Jafarsidik, G. Adjers and K. Tuomela Effect of intertree competition on biomass production of Pinus Population dynamics of tree seedlings in a mixed dipterocarp sylvestris (L.) half-sib families 86 (1996) 105 rainforest before and after logging and crown liberation Mallik, A.U. 81 (1996) 85 Effect of NPK fertilizations on Kalmia angustifolia: implica- Kuusipalo, J., see Tuomela, K. et al. tions for forest disturbance and conifer regeneration Kuusipalo, J., see Tuomela, K. et al. 81 (1996) 135 Author Index Maltamo, M., see Uuttera, J. et al. Motta, R. Marin V., A.M., see Wright, J.A. et al. Impact of wild ungulates on forest regeneration and tree Marks, B., see Wallin, D.O. et al. composition of mountain forests in the Western Italian Alps Marrs, R.H., see Sparks, T.H. et al. 88 (1996) 93 Martin, P.H. Motta, R. and P. Nola Will forest preserves protect temperate and boreal biodiversity Fraying damages in the subalpine forest of Paneveggio (Trento, from climate change? 85 (1996) 335 Italy): a dendroecological approach 88 (1996) 81 Mayle, B.A. Mountford, J.O., see Sparks, T.H. et al. Progress in predictive management of deer populations in Mugasha, A.G., S.A.O. Chamshama, S. Iddi and L. Nshubemuki British woodlands 88 (1996) 187 Survival, growth and wood density of Pinus kesiya and Pinus McBeath, C., see Dick, J.M.P. et al. oocarpa provenances at Kihanga Arboretum, Sao Hill, Tanza- McGrane, A., see Greenberg, C.H. et al. nia 87 (1996) 1 McKay, H.M., see Nicoll, B.C. et al. Mugasha, A.G., S.E. Macdonald and D.J. Pluth McMillin, J.D., G. Hengxiao, M.R. Wagner and X. Long Needle litter responses of peatland tamarack and black spruce Spatial distribution patterns of pine sawflies (Hymenoptera: to fertilization of minerotrophic peatland sites 87 (1996) 257 Diprionidae) in Arizona, US and Sichuan, PR of China Muniz-Miret, N., R. Vamos, M. Hiraoka, F. Montagnini and R.O. 86 (1996) 151 Mendelsohn McNickle, D., see Bell, G. et al. The economic value of managing the acai palm (Euterpe McNulty, S.G., J.D. Aber and S.D. Newman oleracea Mart.) in the floodplains of the Amazon estuary, Nitrogen saturation in a high elevation New England spruce-fir Pard, Brazil 87 (1996) 163 stand 84 (1996) 109 Nabuurs, G.J. McNulty, S.G., J.M. Vose and W.T. Swank Quantification of herb layer dynamics under tree canopy Loblolly pine hydrology and productivity across the southern 88 (1996) 143 United States 86 (1996) 241 Nadelhoffer, K.J., see Magill, A.H. et al. Mendelsohn, R.O., see Muniz-Miret, N. et al. Naoki, K., see Yanhong, T. et al. Messier, C., see Ricard, J.-P. et al. Neave, H.M., R.B. Cunningham, T.W. Norton and H.A. Nix Meyers, J.A., see Austin, M.P. et al. Biological inventory for conservation evaluation III. Relation- Miller, P.M., see Kramer, S. et al. ships between birds, vegetation and environmental attributes in Mills, D.J., T.W. Norton, H.E. Parnaby, R.B. Cunningham and southern Australia 85 (1996) 197 H.A. Nix Neave, H.M., T.W. Norton and H.A. Nix Designing surveys for microchiropteran bats in complex forest Biological inventory for conservation evaluation I. Design of a landscapes—a pilot study from south-east Australia field survey for diurnal, terrestrial birds in southern Australia 85 (1996) 149 85 (1996) 107 Minotta, G. and S. Pinzauti Neave, H.M., T.W. Norton and H.A. Nix Effects of light and soil fertility on growth, leaf chlorophyll Biological inventory for conservation evaluation II]. Composi- content and nutrient use efficiency of beech (Fagus sylvatica tion, functional relationships and spatial prediction of bird L.) seedlings 86 (1996) 61 assemblages in southern Australia 85 (1996) 123 Mitchell, A.K., see Folk, R.S. et al. Newman, S.D., see McNulty, S.G. et al. Mitchell, F.J.G., see Hester, A.J. et al. Newton, A.C., see Ofori, D.A. et al. Mohren, G.M.J., see Kuiters, A.T. et al. Newton, A.C., see Shiembo, P.N. et al. Molinas, M., see Caritat, A. et al. Nguyen, Phu.V., see Chirko, C.P. et al. Monleon, V.J. and K. Cromack Jnr. Nguyen, Phu.V., see Chirko, C.P. et al. Long-term effects of prescribed underburning on litter decom- Nguyen, P.V., see Dickmann, D.I. et al. position and nutrient release in ponderosa pine stands in Nicoll, B.C., D.B. Redfern and H.M. McKay central Oregon 81 (1996) 143 Autumn frost damage: clonal variation in Sitka spruce Monserud, R.A. and H. Sterba 80 (1996) 107 A basal area increment model for individual trees growing in Nicolotti, G. and G.C. Varese even- and uneven-aged forest stands in Austria 80 (1996) 57 Screening of antagonistic fungi against air-bome infection by Monserud, R.A., A.A. Onuchin and N.M. Tchebakova Heterobasidion annosum on Norway spruce _ 88 (1996) 249 Needle, crown, stem, and root phytomass of Pinus sylvestris Niemela, P., see Kyt6, M. et al. stands in Russia 82 (1996) 59 Nikles, G., see Tuomela, K. et al. Monserud, R.A., see Hasenauer, H. et al. Nix, H.A., see Mills, D.J. et al. Montagnini, F., see Muniz-Miret, N. et al. Nix, H.A., see Neave, H.M. et al. Moran, J., see Deans, J.D. et al. Nix, H.A., see Neave, H.M. et al. Morissette, J., see Lavallée, R. et al. Nix, H.A., see Neave, H.M. et al. Mortimer, J., see Orlande, T. et al. Nola, P., see Motta, R. et al. 234 Author Index Norgren, O. Peterson, G., see Timoney, K.P. et al. Growth analysis of Scots pine and lodgepole pine seedlings Petrini, O., see Smith, H. et al. 86 (1996) 15 Piearce, T.G., see Robinson, C.H. et al. Norton, T.W. Pinyopusarerk, K., J.C. Doran, E.R. Williams and P. Wasuwanich Conservation of biological diversity in temperate and boreal Variation in growth of Eucalyptus camaldulensis provenances forest ecosystems 85 (1996) 1 in Thailand 87 (1996) 63 Norton, T.W. Pinzauti, S., see Minotta, G. et al. Conserving biological diversity in Australia’s temperate euca- Pity, B., see Schroth, G. et al. lypt forests 85 (1996) 21 Pivello, V.R. and L.M. Coutinho Norton, T.W., see Mills, D.J. et al. A qualitative successional model to assist in the management Norton, T.W., see Neave, H.M. et al. of Brazilian cerrados 87 (1996) 127 Norton, T.W., see Neave, H.M. et al. Plumptre, A.J. Norton, T.W., see Neave, H.M. et al. Changes following 60 years of selective timber harvesting in Nshubemuki, L., see Mugasha, A.G. et al. the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda 89 (1996) 101 Nuryanto, K., see Tuomela, K. et al. Pluth, D.J., see Mugasha, A.G. et al. Ofori, D.A., A.C. Newton, R.R.B. Leakey and J. Grace Poorter, L., F. Bongers, R.S.A.R. Van Rompaey and M. De Klerk Vegetative propagation of Milicia excelsa by leafy stem cut- Regeneration of canopy tree species at five sites in West tings: effects of auxin concentration, leaf area and rooting African moist forest 84 (1996) 61 medium 84 (1996) 39 Poth, M.A., see Fenn, M.E. et al. Ogino, K., see Komiyama, A. et al. Pregitzer, K.S., see Dickmann, D.I. et al. Olsen, T., see Cole, T.G. et al. Pressey, R.L., S. Ferrier, T.C. Hager, C.A. Woods, S.L. Tully and Olsson, B.A., H. Staaf, H. Lundkvist, J. Bengtsson and K. Rosén K.M. Weinman Carbon and nitrogen in coniferous forest soils after clear-fell- How well protected are the forests of north-eastern New South ing and harvests of different intensity 82 (1996) 19 Wales? — Analyses of forest environments in relation to Olsson, B.A., J. Bengtsson and H. Lundkvist formal protection measures, land tenure, and vulnerability to Effects of different forest harvest intensities on the pools of clearing 85 (1996) 311 exchangeable cations in coniferous forest soils 84 (1996) 135 Preston, C.M., see Chang, S.X. et al. Onuchin, A.A., see Monserud, R.A. et al. Prins, E. and I.S. Kikula Orlande, T., J. Laarman and J. Mortimer Deforestation and regrowth phenology in miombo woodland — Palmito sustainability and economics in Brazil’s Atlantic assessed by Landsat Multispectral Scanner System data coastal forest 80 (1996) 257 84 (1996) 263 Orlander, G., G. Egnell and A. Albrektson Putman, R.J. Long-term effects of site preparation on growth in Scots pine Ungulates in temperate forest ecosystems: perspectives and 86 (1996) 27 recommendations for future research 88 (1996) 205 Osorio, L.F., see Wright, J.A. et al. Puttock, G.D., P. Shakotko and J.G. Rasaputra Otsamo, A., see Tuomela, K. et al. An empirical habitat model for moose, Alces alces, in Algo- Otto, R.D. nquin Park, Ontario 81 (1996) 169 An evaluation of forest landscape spatial pattern and wildlife Puttonen, P., see Folk, R.S. et al. community structure 89 (1996) 139 Rab, M.A. Ovalle, C., J. Avendafio, J. Aronson and A. Del Pozo Soil physical and hydrological properties following logging Land occupation patterns and vegetation structure in the an- and slash burning in the Eucalyptus regnans forest of south- thropogenic savannas (espinales) of central Chile eastern Australia 84 (1996) 159 86 (1996) 129 Raffa, K.F., see Klepzig, K.D. et al. Pallardy, S.G., see Huddle, J.A. et al. Ranger, J. and M. Colin-Belgrand Pandey, H.N., see Arunachalam, A. et al. Nutrient dynamics of chestnut tree (Castanea sativa Mill.) Pandey, H.N., see Arunachalam, A. et al. coppice stands 86 (1996) 259 Pardos, J., see Aranda, I. et al. Rasaputra, J.G., see Puttock, G.D. et al. Parker, G.R., see Ward, J.S. et al. Raske, A., see Bowers, W.W. et al. Parnaby, H.E., see Mills, D.J. et al. Recher, H.F., J.D. Majer and S. Ganesh Parrington, J., see Robinson, C.H. et al. Eucalypts, arthropods and birds: on the relation between foliar Patanaponpaiboon, P., see Komiyama, A. et al. nutrients and species richness 85 (1996) 177 Peace, A.j., see Gill, R.M.A. et al. Redfern, D.B., see Nicoll, B.C. et al. Pecchioli, E., see Focardi, S. et al. Reimoser, F. and H. Gossow Peel, B.D., see Woodgate, P.W. et al. Impact of ungulates on forest vegetation and its dependence Peltola, H. on the silvicultural system 88 (1996) 107 Model computations on wind flow and tuming moment by Reynolds, K.M. and E.H. Holsten wind for Scots pines along the margins of clear-cut areas Classification of spruce beetle hazard in Lutz and Sitka spruce 83 (1996) 203 stands on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska 84 (1996) 251 Author Index Rhoades, C. and D. Binkley Smith, J.P., see Gourlay, I.D. et al. Factors influencing decline in soil pH in Hawaiian Eucalyptus Smith, M.-L., see Leak, W.B. et al. and Albizia plantations 80 (1996) 47 Smolander, A., see Lumme, I. et al. Ricard, J.-P. and C. Messier Spangenberg, A., U. Grimm, J.R. Sepeda da Silva and H. Foélster Abundance, growth and allometry of red raspberry (Rubus Nutrient store and export rates of Eucalyptus urograndis idaeus L.) along a natural light gradient in a northern hard- plantations in eastem Amazonia (Jari) 80 (1996) 225 wood forest 81 (1996) 153 Sparks, T.H., J.N. Greatorex-Davies, J.O. Mountford, M.L. Hall Rice, R.E., see Howard, A.F. et al. and R.H. Marrs Ritman, K.T., see Woodgate, P.W. et al. The effects of shade on the plant communities of rides in Robinson, A.L., see Timoney, K.P. et al. plantation woodland and implications for butterfly conserva- Robinson, C.H., P. Ineson, T.G. Piearce and J. Parrington tion 80 (1996) 197 Effects of earthworms on cation and phosphate mobilisation in Spencer Jr., J.S., see Schmidt, T.L. et al. limed peat soils under Picea sitchensis 86 (1996) 253 Sprugel, D.G., see Kuuluvainen, T. et al. Rohde, M., R. Waldmann and J. Lunderstadt Staaf, H., see Olsson, B.A. et al. Induced defence reaction in the phloem of spruce (Picea Staines, B.W., see Iason, G.R. et al. abies) and larch (Larix decidua) after attack by Ips typogra- Sierba, H., see Monserud, R.A. et al. phus and Ips cembrae 86 (1996) 51 Stettler, R.F., see Dunlap, J.M. et al. Rosén, K., J.-A. Aronson and H.M. Eriksson Straw, N.A. Effects of clear-cutting on streamwater quality in forest catch- The impact of pine looper moth, Bupalus piniaria L. (Lepi- ments in central Sweden 83 (1996) 237 doptera; Geometridae) on the growth of Scots pine in Tentsmuir Rosén, K., see Olsson, B.A. et al. Forest, Scotland 87 (1996) 209 Sagala, A.P.S., see Tuomela, K. et al. Sturtevant, B.R., J.A. Bissonette and J.N. Long Santiean, T., see Komiyama, A. et al. Temporal and spatial dynamics of boreal forest structure in Schermann, N., see Aitken, S.N. et al. western Newfoundland: silvicultural implications for marten Schmidt, T.L., J.S. Spencer Jr. and M.H. Hansen habitat management 87 (1996) 13 Old and potential old forest in the Lake States, USA Sundarapandian, S.M. and P.S. Swamy 86 (1996) 81 Fine root biomass distribution and productivity patterns under Schroth, G., D. Kolbe, B. Pity and W. Zech open and closed canopies of tropical forest ecosystems at Root system characteristics with agroforestry relevance of nine Kodayar in Western Ghats, South India 86 (1996) 18! leguminous tree species and a spontaneous fallow in a semi- Sundriyal, R.C. and E. Sharma deciduous rainforest area of West Africa 84 (1996) 199 Anthropogenic pressure on tree structure and biomass in the Sepeda da Silva, J.R., see Spangenberg, A. et al. temperate forest of Mamlay watershed in Sikkim Seymour, R.S., see Gilmore, D.W. et al. 81 (1996) 113 Shakotko, P., see Puttock, G.D. et al. Swamy, P.S., see Sundarapandian, S.M. et al. Sharik, T.L., see Kim, C. et al. Swank, W.T., see McNulty, S.G. et al. Sharma, E., see Sundriyal, R.C. et al. Swanson, F.J., see Wallin, D.O. et al. Shelburne, V.B. and R.L. Hedden Talkkari, A. and H. Hypén Effect of stem height, dominance class, and site quality on Development and assessment of a gap-type model to predict sapwood permeability in loblolly pine, (Pinus taeda L.) the effects of climate change on forests based on spatial forest 83 (1996) 163 data 83 (1996) 217 Shiembo, P.N., A.C. Newton and R.R.B. Leakey Tange, T. Vegetative propagation of /rvingia gabonensis, a West African Seasonal changes in photosynthesis of young Cryptomeria fruit tree 87 (1996) 185 japonica growing on ridges and foot-slopes § 89(1996) 93 Silva-Pando, Fco.J., see Gonzalez Hernandez, M.P. et al. Tchebakova, N.M., see Monserud, R.A. et al. Simard, S.W., see Wang, J.R. et al. Teketay, Demel. Simmons, J.A., I.J. Fernandez, R.D. Briggs and M.T. Delaney Germination ecology of twelve indigenous and eight exotic Forest floor carbon pools and fluxes along a regional climate multipurpose leguminous species from Ethiopia 80 (1996) 209 gradient in Maine, USA 84 (1996) 81 Temnuhin, V.B. Singh, G. Preliminary quantitative estimation of wood decomposition by Effect of site preparation techniques on Prosopis juliflora in fungi in a Russian temperate pine forest 81 (1996) 249 an alkali soil 80 (1996) 267 Ter Steege, H., see Hammond, D.S. et al. Sjoberg, K., see Atlegrim, O. et al. Tiefenbacher, H. Sjoberg, K., see Atlegrim, O. et al. Silvicultural planning under conditions of environmental Slim, P.A., see Van Hees, A.F.M. et al. change: Evaluation of options in a dieback in Austrian oak Smalley, E.B., see Klepzig, K.D. et al. forests 83 (1996) 133 Smith, H., M.J. Wingfield and O. Petrini Timoney, K.P. and A.L. Robinson Botryosphaeria dothidea endophytic in Eucalyptus grandis Old-growth white spruce and balsam poplar forests of the and Eucalyptus nitens in South Africa 89 (1996) 189 Peace River Lowlands, Wood Buffalo National Park, Canada: development, structure, and diversity 81 (1996) 179 236 Author Index Timoney, K.P. and G. Peterson Volin, V.C. and J. Buongiorno Failure of natural regeneration after clearcut logging in Wood Effects of alternative management regimes on forest stand Buffalo National Park, Canada 87 (1996) 89 structure, species composition, and income: a model for the Timossi, I.C., see Boroski, B.B. et al. Italian Dolomites 87 (1996) 107 Toso, S., see Focardi, S. et al. Vose, J.M., see McNulty, S.G. et al. Tripathi, R.S., see Arunachalam, A. et al. Vuokko, R., see Tuomela, K. et al. Tripathi, R.S., see Arunachalam, A. et al. Wagner, M.LR., see McMillin, J.D. et al. Tully, S.L., see Pressey, R.L. et al. Waldmann, R., see Rohde, M. et al. Tuomela, K., A. Otsamo, J. Kuusipalo, R. Vuokko and G. Nikles Walker, P.A., see Faith, D.P. et al. Effect of provenance variation and singling and pruning on Wallin, D.O., F.J. Swanson, B. Marks, J.H. Cissel and J. Kertis early growth of Acacia mangium Willd. plantation on Imper- Comparison of managed and pre-settlement landscape dynam- ata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. dominated grassland 84 (1996) 241 ics in forests of the Pacific Northwest, USA 85 (1996) 291 Tuomela, K., J. Kuusipalo, L. Vesa, K. Nuryanto, A.P.S. Sagala WallisDeVries, M.F. and G. Adjers Effects of resource distribution patterns on ungulate foraging Growth of dipterocarp seedlings in artificial gaps: an experi- behaviour: a modelling approach 88 (1996) 167 ment in a logged-over rainforest in South Kalimantan, Indone- Wang, G.G. and K. Klinka sia 81 (1996) 95 Use of synoptic variables in predicting white spruce site index Tuomela, K., see Johansson, S. et al. 80 (1996) 95 Tuomela, K., see Kuusipalo, J. et al. Wang, J.R., A.L. Zhong, S.W. Simard and J.P. Kimmins Turvey, N.D. Aboveground biomass and nutrient accumulation in an age Growth at age 30 months of Acacia and Eucalyptus species sequence of paper birch (Betula papyrifera) in the Interior planted in /mperata grasslands in Kalimantan Selatan, Indone- Cedar Hemlock zone, British Columbia 83 (1996) 27 sia 82 (1996) 185 Ward, J.S., G.R. Parker and F.J. Ferrandino Tyler, G., see Brunet, J. et al. Long-term spatial dynamics in an old-growth deciduous forest Tyree, M.T., see Wilmot, T.R. et al. 83 (1996) 189 Uhl, C., see Johns, J.S. et al. Wardell-Johnson, G. and P. Horwitz Uuttera, J., M. Maltamo and K. Kuusela Conserving biodiversity and the recognition of heterogeneity Impact of forest management history on the state of forests in in ancient landscapes: a case study from south-western Aus- relation to natural forest succession Comparative study, North tralia 85 (19962)1 9 Karelia, Finland vs. Republic of Karelia, Russian Federation Wasuwanich, P., see Pinyopusarerk, K. et al. 83 (1996) 71 Weetman, G.F., see Chang, S.X. et al. Valentine, H.T., see Gregoire, T.G. et al. Weinman, K.M., see Pressey, R.L. et al. Valerio, J., see Howard, A.F. et al. Wells, E.D. and B.L. Williams Vamos, R., see Mufiiz-Miret, N. et al. Effects of drainage, tilling and PK-fertilization on bulk den- Vander Haegen, W.M. and R.M. DeGraaf sity, total N, P, K, Ca and Fe and net N-mineralization in two Predation rates on artificial nests in an industrial forest land- peatland forestry sites in Newfoundland, Canad&4 (1996) 97 scape 86 (1996) 171 Welsh, D.A. and L.A. Venier Van der Hout, P., see Hammond, D.S. et al. Binoculars and satellites: developing a conservation frame- Van Hees, A.F.M., A.T. Kuiters and P.A. Slim work for boreal forest wildlife at varying scales85 (1996) 53 Growth and development of silver birch, pedunculate oak and Weston, C.J. and P.M. Attiwill beech as affected by deer browsing 88 (1996) 55 Clearfelling and burning effects on nitrogen mineralization Van Rompaey, R.S.A.R., see Poorter, L. et al. and leaching in soils of old-age Eucalyptus regnans forests Van Wieren, S.E. 89 (1996) 13 Do large herbivores select a diet that maximizes short-term Weston, C.J., see Bennett, L.T. et al. energy intake rate? 88 (1996) 149 Weston, C.J., see Judd, T.S. et al. Van Wieren, S.E., see Kuiters, A.T. et al. Whiteman, P.H., see Bennett, L.T. et al. Varese, G.C., see Nicolotti, G. et al. Whiteman, P.H., see Judd, T.S. et al. Vazquez-Yanes, C., see Cervantes, V. et al. Wiant, Jr., H.V., G.B. Wood and M. Williams Vehkamiki, S. Comparison of three modern methods for estimating volume Economic comparison of forest management methods of sample trees using one or two diameter measurements 82 (1996) 159 83 (1996) 13 Venier, L.A., see Welsh, D.A. et al. Wildi, O., see Kienast, F. et al. Vermeulen, S.J. Williams, B.L., see Wells, E.D. et al. Cutting of trees by local residents in a communal area and an Williams, E.R., see Pinyopusarerk, K. et al. adjacent state forest in Zimbabwe 81 (1996) 101 Williams, J.E., see Gill, A.M. et al. Vesa, L., see Tuomela, K. et al. Williams, M., see Wiant, Jr., H.V. et al.

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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.