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Forest Ecology and Management Forest Ecology and Management 67 (1994) 366-367 Author Index Ades, P.K., see Burgman, M.A. et al. growth and development of young even-aged northern Arp, P.A., see Meng, F.R. et al. ESSere aE acn e 39 Baccala, N., see Rosso, P.H. et al. Hopey, M.E., see Petranka, J.W. et al. Bale, C.L. and Charley, J.L. Incoll, W., see Burgman, M.A. et al. The impact of aspect on forest floor characteristics in some Jactel, H., Menassieu, P. and Raise, G. a isa iad icsenaeembananadibiinie 305 Infestation dynamics of Dioryctria sylvestrella (Ratz.) Belvedere, M., see Lindenmayer, D.B. et al. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in pruned maritime pine (Pi- Boyd, M.T., see Wojtusik, T. et al. BES ee a a 11 Brannon, M.P., see Petranka, J.W. et al. Jiang, Z., Gao, L., Fang, Y. and Sun, X. Burgman, M.A., Incoll,W., Ades, P.K., Ferguson, I., Analysis of Paulownia-intercropping types and their ben- Fletcher, T.D. and Wohlers, A. efits in Woyang County of Anhui Province............... 329 Mortality models for mountain and alpine ash......... 319 Johnson, A.S., see Ford, W.M. et al. Campbell, B.M., see King, J.A. et al. Kartawinata, K., see Cannon, C.H. et al. Cannon, C.H., Peart, D.R., Leighton, M. and Kartawinata, K. King, J.A. and Campbell, B.M. The structure of lowland rainforest after selective logging Soil organic matter relations in five land cover types in in West Kalimantan, Indonesia.....................:seeeeeeeeee 49 the miombo region (Zimbabwe) .................csseeeee 225 Charley, J.L., see Bale, C.L. et al. Knowe, S.A. Cole, W.G. and Lorimer, C.G. Incorporating the effects of interspecific competition and Predicting tree growth from crown variables in managed vegetation management treatments in stand table projec- northern hardwood stands ................scsseseeeseseseeeeeseeees 159 tion models for Douglas-fir saplings..................::000 87 Cornelius, J. Knowe, S.A. The effectiveness of plus-tree selection for yield....... 23 Effect of competition control treatments on height-age and Cunningham, R.B., see Lindenmayer, D.B. et al. height—diameter relationships in young Douglas-fir Davey, C.B., see Szott, L.T. et al. SESeal. SOMEE RB ea CAEP NDee s a ae 101 Donnelly, C.F., see Lindenmayer, D.B. et al. Lapeyrie, F., see Yazid, S.M. et al. Duff, A.B., Meyer, J.M., Pollock, C. and Felker, P. Lee, S.S., see Yazid, S.M. et al. Biomass production and diameter growth of nine half-sib Leighton, M., see Cannon, C.H. et al. families of mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa var. glandu- Liang, Q., see Ying, C.C. et al. losa) and a fast growing Prosopis alba half-sib family Lindenmayer, D.B., Cunningham, R.B., Donnelly, C.F., ESL ELS EA Te 257 Triggs, B.E. and Belvedere, M. Fang, Y., see Jiang, Z. et al. Factors influencing the occurrence of mammals in re- Felker, P., see Duff, A.B. et al. tained linear strips (wildlife corridors) and contiguous Felker, P., see Wojtusik, T. et al. stands of montane ash forest in the Central Highlands of Ferguson, I., see Burgman, M.A. et al. Victoria, southeastern Australia...............:ccccccceeeeeees 113 Fletcher, T.D., see Burgman, M.A. et al. Lorimer, C.G., see Cole, W.G. et al. Fontenla, S., see Rosso, P.H. et al. Lundqvist, L., see Valinger, E. et al. Ford, W.M., Johnson, A.S. and Hale, P.E. Lyytikdinen, P. Nutritional quality of deer browse in southern Appala- The success of pine sawflies in relation to 3-carene and chian clearcuts and mature forests ...............:::ccceee000 149 nutrient content of Scots pine foliage.....................0 1 Gao, L., see Jiang, Z. et al. Magnusson, T. Hale, P.E., see Ford, W.M. et al. Studies of the soil atmosphere and related physical char- Havrylenko, M., see Rosso, P.H. et al. acteristics in peat forest SOIIS .............ccccccccscesseeeeeeeeees 203 Heitzman, E. and Nyland, R.D. Menassieu, P., see Jactel, H. et al. Influences of pin cherry (Prunus pensylvanica L. f.) on Meng, F.R. and Arp, P.A. Modelling photosynthetic responses of a spruce canopy to Sundberg, B., see Valinger, E. et al. SO, exposure Szott, L.T., Palm, C.A. and Davey, C.B. Messina, M.G.., see Valigura, R.A. et al. Biomass and litter accumulation under managed and nat- Meyer, J.M., see Duff, A.B. et al. ural tropical fallows Nyland, R.D., see Heitzman, E. et al. Triggs, B.E., see Lindenmayer, D.B. et al. Okeke, A.I. and Omaliko, C.P.E. Valigura, R.A. and Messina, M.G. Litterfall and seasonal patterns of nutrient accumulation Evaluation of potential evaporation as a means to infer in Dactyladenia barteria (Hook f ex. Oliv.) Engl. bush loblolly pine seedling physiological response to a given fallow at Ozala, Nigeria EES PSR RS IN area ae ee 241 Omaliko, C.P.E., see Okeke, A.I. et al. Valinger, E., Lundqvist, L. and Sundberg, B. Palik, B.J. and Pregitzer, K.S. Mechanical stress during dormancy stimulates stem White pine seed-tree legacies in an aspen landscape: influ- growth of Scots pine seedlings ences on post-disturbance white pine population Wang, Y. and Payandeh, B. structure A bi-segmental curve fitting approach to improve the ac- Palm, C.A., see Szott, L.T. et al. curacy of site index equations Payandeh, B., see Wang, Y. et al. Wohlers, A., see Burgman, M.A. et al. Peart, D.R., see Cannon, C.H. et al. Wojtusik, T., Boyd, M.T. and Felker, P. Petranka, J.W., Brannon, M.P., Hopey, M.E. and Smith, C.K. Effect of different media on vegetative propagation of Effects of timber harvesting on low elevation populations Prosopis juliflora cuttings under solar-powered mist. 267 of southern Appalachian salamanders Yazid, S.M., Lee, S.S. and Lapeyrie, F. Pollock, C., see Duff, A.B. et al. Growth stimulation of Hopea spp. (Dipterocarpaceae ) Pregitzer, K.S., see Palik, B.J. et al. seedlings following ectomycorrhizal inoculation with an Raise, G., see Jactel, H. et al. exotic strain of Pisolithus tinctorius Ying, C.C. and Liang, Q. Rosso, P.H., Baccala, N., Havrylenko, M. and Fontenla, S. Geographic pattern of adaptive variation of lodgepole pine Spatial pattern of Austrocedrus chilensis wilting and the (Pinus contorta Dougl.) within the species’ coastal range: scope of autocorrelation analysis in natural forests .. 273 field performance at age 20 years Smith, C.K., see Petranka, J.W. et al. Sun, X., see Jiang, Z. et al. Forest Ecology and Management @ i% a 2 ry ELSEVI E Forest Ecology and Management 67 (1994) 368-371 Subject Index Acer saccharum Bush fallow Predicting tree growth from crown variables in managed Litterfall and seasonal patterns of nutrient accumulation northern hardwood stand..................cccccssssssssssseeeeeees 159 in Dactyladenia barteria (Hook f ex. Oliv.) Engl. bush Air pollution IID, WORIIIIUED nantsacescisdatecsdntnienssssvecsdeccncbennes 345 Modelling photosynthetic responses of a spruce canopy to Canopy structure A 8 i 2c ss cialp eddadduuvebnetneniocndires 69 The structure of lowland rainforest after selective logging Algebraic difference equation in West Kalimantan, Indonesia...................c0sseeeeeeeees 49 Effect of competition control treatments on height—age and Carbon dioxide height—diameter relationships in young Douglas-fir Studies of the soil atmosphere and related physical char- RIE Re 50 US Let AE osR L ee Peer 101 acteristics in peat forest SOIIS.................cceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 203 Alpine ash Clearcutting Mortality models for mountain and alpine ash......... 319 Effects of timber harvesting on low elevation populations Aspect of southern Appalachian salamandet........................ 135 The impact of aspect on forest floor characteristics in some Nutritional quality of deer browse in southern Appala- Castern Australian Sites.............ccccccccsccssoccsscoscccccccccess 305 chian clearcuts and mature forests .....................0000008 149 Austrocedrus chilensis Cline Spatial pattern of Austrocedrus chilensis wilting and the Geographic pattern of adaptive variation of lodgepole pine scope of autocorrelation analysis in natural forests .. 273 (Pinus contorta Dougl.) within the species’ coastal range: Autocorrelation analysis field performance at age 20 yeafs ..............::ccceeeeeeeees 281 Spatial pattern of Austrocedrus chilensis wilting and the Clone scope of autocorrelation analysis in natural forests .. 273 The success of pine sawflies in relation to 3-carene and Bending nutrient content of Scots pine foliage....................00- l Mechanical stress during dormancy stimulates stem Combination equation growth of Scots pine seedlingS .................:ccceseeeeeeeeeees 299 Evaluation of potential evaporation as a means to infer Biodiversity loblolly pine seedling physiological response to a given Effects of timber harvesting on low elevation populations TA RE 241 of southern Appalachian salamanders....................... 135 Competition Biomass The effectiveness of plus-tree selection for yield....... 23 Biomass and litter accumulation under managed and nat- Competition index a a cae istel adnanedl 177 Predicting tree growth from crown variables in managed Biomass production northern hardwood stands...............:ssseseseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 159 Biomass production and diameter growth of nine half-sib Conservation families of mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa var. glandu- The structure of lowland rainforest after selective logging losa) and a fast growing Prosopis alba half-sib family in West Kalimantan, Indomnesia.................scccccsseseeeees 49 EESTSATI ee CO AT 257 Constrained nonlinear model Bi-segmental curve fitting A bi-segmental curve fitting approach to improve the ac- A bi-segmental curve fitting approach to improve the ac- curacy of site index equations ...............:cccccceeeeeeeseeees 35 curacy Of site index equations ..............:csececcceeeeeeeeeees 35 Cox regression Boreal forest Mortality models for mountain and alpine ash......... 319 Studies of the soil atmosphere and related physical char- Crown competition acteristics in peat forest SOIIS ............ccccccccceceseeeeeseeeees 203 Predicting tree growth from crown variables in managed Brachystegia northern hardwood stands................cccceceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 159 Soil organic matter relations in five land cover types in Cuttings the miombo region (Zimbabwe) .............ccccccceeeeeeees Effect of different media on vegetative propagation of 369 Prosopis juliflora cuttings under solar-powered mist. 267 Factors influencing the occurrence of mammals in re- Dactyladenia barteria tained linear strips (wildlife corridors) and contiguous Litterfall and seasonal patterns of nutrient accumulation stands of montane ash forest in the Central Highlands of in Dactyladenia barteria (Hook f ex. Oliv.) Engl. bush Victoria, southeastern Australia fallow at Ozala, Nigeria Forest mammal conservation Deer browse Factors influencing the occurrence of mammals in re- Nutritional quality of deer browse in southern Appala- tained linear strips (wildlife corridors) and contiguous chian clearcuts and mature forests stands of montane ash forest in the Central Highlands of Development Victoria, southeastern Australia Influences of pin cherry (Prunus pensylvanica L. f.) on Forest recovery growth and development of young even-aged northern White pine seed-tree legacies in an aspen landscape: influ- hardwoods ences on post-disturbance white pine population Diameter growth structure Biomass production and diameter growth of nine half-sib Fraxinus americana families of mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa var. glandu- Predicting tree growth from crown variables in managed losa) and a fast growing Prosopis alba half-sib family northern hardwood stands grown in Texas Genetic gain Diameter growth projection The effectiveness of plus-tree selection for yield Incorporating the effects of interspecific competition and Geographic variation vegetation management treatments in stand table projec- Geographic pattern of adaptive variation of lodgepole pine tion models for Douglas-fir saplings (Pinus contorta Dougl.) within the species’ coastal range: Dioryctria sylvestrella field performance at age 20 years Infestation dynamics of Dioryctria sylvestrella (Ratz. ) Growth (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in pruned maritime pine (Pi- Influences of pin cherry (Prunus pensylvanica L. f.) on I is Beatea icctinciitenevinevecctinieamiinpiiaitineniiins 1] growth and development of young even-aged northern Diprionidae hardwoods The success of pine sawflies in relation to 3-carene and Hardwood regeneration nutrient content of Scots pine foliage Influences of pin cherry (Prunus pensylvanica L. f.) on Dipterocarpaceae growth and development of young even-aged northern Growth stimulation of Hopea spp. (Dipterocarpaceae) hardwoods seedlings following ectomycorrhizal inoculation with an Height growth pattern exotic strain of Pisolithus tinctorius A bi-segmental curve fitting approach to improve the ac- Douglas-fir curacy of site index equations 35 Incorporating the effects of interspecific competition and Effect of competition control treatments on height—age and vegetation management treatments in stand table projec- height-diameter relationships in young Douglas-fir tion models for Douglas-fir saplings plantations Ecological benefit Heterogeneity Analysis of Paulownia-intercropping types and their ben- The structure of lowland rainforest after selective logging efits in Woyang County of Anhui Province in West Kalimantan, Indonesia Economic profit Hopea Analysis of Paulownia-intercropping types and their ben- Growth stimulation of Hopea spp. (Dipterocarpaceae) efits in Woyang County of Anhui Province seedlings following ectomycorrhizal inoculation with an Ectomycorrhiza exotic strain of Pisolithus tinctorius Growth stimulation of Hopea spp. (Dipterocarpaceae ) Humid tropics seedlings following ectomycorrhizal inoculation with an Biomass and litter accumulation under managed and nat- exotic strain of Pisolithus tinctorius ural tropical fallows Eucalyptus Infestation dynamics Soil organic matter relations in five land cover types in Infestation dynamics of Dioryctria sylvestrella (Ratz.) the miombo region (Zimbabwe ) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in pruned maritime pine (Pi- Mortality models for mountain and alpine ash I FI Picniniitnsiccktdstsscsacvscesnighisiseasveasinnaadinn 11 Fitting accuracy Intercropping A bi-segmental curve fitting approach to improve the ac- Analysis of Paulownia-intercropping types and their ben- curacy of site index equations efits in Woyang County of Anhui Province Forest floor Interspecific competition The impact of aspect on forest floor characteristics in some Incorporating the effects of interspecific competition and eastern Australian sites vegetation management treatments in stand table projec- Forest fragmentation tion models for Douglas-fir saplings 370 Effect of competition control treatments on height-age and The success of pine sawflies in relation to 3-carene and height—diameter relationships in young Douglas-fir nutrient content of Scots pine foliage.....................0 l ind nda sg eddbinhaninnnaaliainidlaiianesiichdeivwntiniies 101 Nutrient accumulation Landscape management Litterfall and seasonal patterns of nutrient accumulation Effects of timber harvesting on low elevation populations in Dactyladenia barteria (Hook f ex. Oliv.) Engl. bush of southern Appalachian salamandet.....................+++ 135 BI i nicscscrscthseccoscatschasseninsnetubansiiie 345 Litter Nutritional quality Soil organic matter relations in five land cover types in Nutritional quality of deer browse in southern Appala- the miombo region (Zimbabwe) ..................cccceeeeee 225 chian clearcuts and mature forests ..................seeeeee0e+ 149 Litterfall Optimization Litterfall and seasonal patterns of nutrient accumulation Modelling photosynthetic responses of a spruce canopy to in Dactyladenia barteria (Hook f ex. Oliv.) Engl. bush I i eaiemnasbocsiibediiel 69 fallow at Ozala, Nigeria .............cccccccccccsssccsssssssssevseees 345 Organic matter Local adaptation Soil organic matter relations in five land cover types in Geographic pattern of adaptive variation of lodgepole pine the miombo region (Zimbabwe) ...................ceeeeee000 225 (Pinus contorta Dougl. ) within the species’ coastal range: Oxygen field performance at age 20 yeafr ................sseeeeeeeeeees 281 Studies of the soil atmosphere and related physical char- acteristics in peat forest SOIIS ...............::cceeceeeeeeeeeeeeees 203 Lodgepole pine Geographic pattern of adaptive variation of lodgepole pine Paulownia Analysis of Paulownia-intercropping types and their ben- (Pinus contorta Dougl.) within the species’ coastal range: efits in Woyang County of Anhui Province............... 329 field performance at age 20 yea¥S ................scsseeceeeeees 281 Peat soil Logging impact Studies of the soil atmosphere and related physical char- Factors influencing the occurrence of mammals in re- acteristics in peat forest SOLIS .............:cccceeceeeeeeseseeeeees 203 tained linear strips (wildlife corridors) and contiguous Phenotypic selection stands of montane ash forest in the Central Highlands of The effectiveness of plus-tree selection for yield....... 23 Victoria, southeastern Australia................cccccceeeeeeeees 113 Phosphorus Maize Growth stimulation of Hopea spp. (Dipterocarpaceae ) Soil organic matter relations in five land cover types in seedlings following ectomycorrhizal inoculation with an the miombo region (Zimbabwe) ...................ceeeee0000 225 exotic strain Of Pisolithus tinCtOrius.........cccceccceeeeeeees 339 Managed fallows Pin cherry Biomass and litter accumulation under managed and nat- Influences of pin cherry (Prunus pensylvanica L. f.) on LL LAT EET LA ROR 177 growth and development of young even-aged northern Management EET A aR Soe Le ON Pe 39 The structure of lowland rainforest after selective logging Pinus in West Kalimantan, Indonesia..................cccceeeeeeeeees 49 The success of pine sawflies in relation to 3-carene and Mature forests nutrient content of Scots pine foliage...................04 l Nutritional quality of deer browse in southern Appala- White pine seed-tree legacies in an aspen landscape: influ- chian clearcuts and mature forests ................ccceceeeeees 149 ences on post-disturbance white pine population Mechanized logging III lcisicebickconnebeinesntdiinansndienoessabenseiesianeianetianlien, 191 The structure of lowland rainforest after selective logging Geographic pattern of adaptive variation of lodgepole pine in West Kalimantan, Indonesia..................ccceeeeeeeeeees 49 (Pinus contorta Dougl.) within the species’ coastal range: Mesquite field performance at age 20 yeafS ............:ccccseceeeeeeees 281 Biomass production and diameter growth of nine half-sib Pinus pinaster families of mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa var. glandu- Infestation dynamics of Dioryctria sylvestrella (Ratz. ) losa) and a fast growing Prosopis alba half-sib family (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in pruned maritime pine (Pi- EE CRATE ERNE Rion Sees, Te ED OT 257 a aiasieueeibeiaiie 11 Methane Pinus sylvestris Studies of the soil atmosphere and related physical char- Mechanical stress during dormancy stimulates stem acteristics in peat forest SOIIS ...............ccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeees 203 growth of Scots pine seedlings .................:ccceeeeeeeeeeeees 299 Mortality Pisolithus Spatial pattern of Austrocedrus chilensis wilting and the Growth stimulation of Hopea spp. (Dipterocarpaceae) scope of autocorrelation analysis in natural forests .. 273 seedlings following ectomycorrhizal inoculation with an Mortality models for mountain and alpine ash......... 319 exotic strain Of Pisolithus tinCtOrius.......cccccccccceeeeeeeees 339 Mountain ash Plethodontidae Mortality models for mountain and alpine ash......... 319 Effects of timber harvesting on low elevation populations Needle chemistry of southern Appalachian salamandets...................+++ 135 oeceeee e e ee 371 Populus Effect of different media on vegetative propagation of White pine seed-tree legacies in an aspen landscape: influ- Prosopis juliflora cuttings under solar-powered mist. 267 ences on post-disturbance white pine population Spatial pattern structure Spatial pattern of Austrocedrus chilensis wilting and the Propagation scope of autocorrelation analysis in natural forests .. 273 Effect of different media on vegetative propagation of Specificity Prosopis juliflora cuttings under solar-powered mist. 267 Growth stimulation of Hopea spp. (Dipterocarpaceae) Prosopis seedlings following ectomycorrhizal inoculation with an Biomass production and diameter growth of nine half-sib exotic strain of Pisolithus tinctorius families of mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa var. glandu- Stands losa) and a fast growing Prosopis alba half-sib family Mortality models for mountain and alpine ash grown in Texas Stomatal conductance Effect of different media on vegetative propagation of Modelling photosynthetic responses of a spruce canopy to Prosopis juliflora cuttings under solar-powered mist. 267 SO, exposure Pruning Succession Infestation dynamics of Dioryctria sylvestrella (Ratz. ) White pine seed-tree legacies in an aspen landscape: influ- (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in pruned maritime pine (Pi- ences on post-disturbance white pine population nus pinaster Ait.) structure Prunus pensylvanica Sum of squared error Influences of pin cherry (Prunus pensylvanica L. f.) on A bi-segmental curve fitting approach to improve the ac- growth and development of young even-aged northern curacy of site index equations hardwoods Tilia americana Pseudotsuga menziesii Predicting tree growth from crown variables in managed Incorporating the effects of interspecific competition and northern hardwood stands vegetation management treatments in stand table projec- Tracheid width tion models for Douglas-fir saplings Mechanical stress during dormancy stimulates stem Regeneration growth of Scots pine seedlings Evaluation of potential evaporation as a means to infer Transfer distance loblolly pine seedling physiological response to a given The success of pine sawflies in relation to 3-carene and microclimate nutrient content of Scots pine foliage Relative diameter Tropical secondary forest Effect of competition control treatments on height—age and Biomass and litter accumulation under managed and nat- height—diameter relationships in young Douglas-fir ural tropical fallows plantations Uneven-aged management Residual stand Predicting tree growth from crown variables in managed The structure of lowland rainforest after selective logging northern hardwood stands in West Kalimantan, Indonesia Vegetation management Shelterwood Incorporating the effects of interspecific competition and Evaluation of potential evaporation as a means to infer vegetation management treatments in stand table projec- loblolly pine seedling physiological response to a given tion models for Douglas-fir saplings microclimate Vegetative propagation Simulation Effect of different media on vegetative propagation of Modelling photosynthetic responses of a spruce canopy to Prosopis juliflora cuttings under solar-powered mist. 267 SO, exposure Water use efficiency Slope aspect Modelling photosynthetic responses of a spruce canopy to The impact of aspect on forest floor characteristics in some SO, exposure eastern Australian sites Wildlife corridor Soil Factors influencing the occurrence of mammals in re- The impact of aspect on forest floor characteristics in some tained linear strips (wildlife corridors) and contiguous eastern Australian sites stands of montane ash forest in the Central Highlands of Soil frost Victoria, southeastern Australia Studies of the soil atmosphere and related physical char- Xylem growth acteristics in peat forest soils Mechanical stress during dormancy stimulates stem Solar-powered mist growth of Scots pine seedlings

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