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Forest Ecology and Management, 45(1991)351 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam Author Index Abel, N. 337 Lévenstein, H.M. 59 Beer, J. 173 Lu, Z.N. 79 Berliner, P.R. 59 McAdam, J.H. 119 Brienza Junior, S. 319 McArthur, A.J. 93 Black, C.R. 45 MacDicken, K.G. 185 Bonnemann, A. 173 McGregor, M.J. 237 Corlett, J.E. 31, 45 Mason, P.A. 153 Dick, J. McP. 153 Miller, D.R. 79 Eason, W.R. 165 Monteith, J.L. 31 Elston, D.A. 71 Munro, R.C. 153 Enriquez, G. 173 Muthoka, P.N. 153 Erskine, J.M. 281 Nair, P.K.R. 5 Fassbender, H.W. 173 Ong, C.K. 31, 45 Fernandes, E.C.M. 127 Perera, A.H. 269 Garcia-de Ceca, J.L. 199 Prinsley, R. 337 Gebremedhin, K.G. 199 Rajapakse, R.M.N. 269 Griffiths, J.H. 71 Sanchez, P.A. 127 Hawke, M.F. 109 Sharma, R.A. 237 Heuveldop,J . 173 Sibbald, A.R. 71 Imbach, A. 173 Singh, R.P. 45 Ingleby, K. 153 Szott, L.T. 127 Jarvis, P.G. | Thomas, T.H. 207 Jefwa,J . 153 Van Keulen, H. 59 Knowles, R.L. 251 Verinumbe, I. 309 Lai, C.K. 193 Verma, D.P.S. 325 Leakey, R.R.B. 153 Wilson,J . 153 Leslie, A.D. 293 Yared, J.A.G. 319 Lin, J.D. 79 Forest Ecology and Management, 45 (1991) 353-356 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam Subject Index Acacia Runoff agroforestry in arid lands Tree establishment in semi-arid lands of Kenya Agroecological zones State-of-the-art of agroforestry systems Agroforestry State-of-the-art of agroforestry systems Agroforestry developments State-of-the-art of agroforestry systems Agroforestry planning A decision support system for planning agroforestry systems Agroforestry practices State-of-the-art of agroforestry systems Agroforestry survey I Oe CII icitcinsnsciicenicinhnadipcanccanchccansctccnubaleseubeubbasniceulutiiaineusebelibadauees 293 Agroforestry systems Ten-year balances of organic matter and nutrients at Costa Rica Alley cropping Microclimatic interactions in agroforestry systems Above- and below-ground interactions in agroforestry systems Soil—plant interactions in agroforestry systems Alternatives, generating of A decision support system for planning agroforestry systems Arid lands Runoff agroforestry in arid lands Agroforestry practices in Somalia Atmospheric interactions Above- and below-ground interactions in agroforestry systems Bangladesh Design of agroforestry systems: Some examples and lessons from Bangladesh Bio-diversity A baseline study of Kandyan Forest Gardens of Sri Lanka Bioeconomic modelling A spreadsheet approach to the economic modelling of agroforestry systems Composition Pasture production and animal performance under pine agroforestry Conifers Effects of widely spaced conifers on under-storey herbage production Consumption weights, inter- and intra-temporal The socio-economic evaluation of agroforestry in Orissa (India) Cordia Ten-year balances of organic matter and nutrients at Costa Rica Crop mixed Agroforestry systems as ecological approach in Brazilian Amazon development 354 Crop yield Agroforestry development in northeastern Nigeria ...............:::sccccscsssssssseeseeceseeesseeeeeeeeees 309 Decomposition The effect of tree leaf litter on sward botanical composition and growth ..................000000 165 Density DIY SD II, sc gnbd dnhlsvicnsdablunecdiniiansibeuuasneeueinbbakeeatenbebieenendiinnues 59 Density planting Evaluation of agroforestry practices in Gujarat State, India .0.............ccceceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 325 Development Agroforestry as a productive land-use system for farmers in southern Africa .................. 281 Erythrina Ten-year balances of organic matter and nutrients at Costa Rica ................cseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 173 Eucalyptus ahasean bntnbuniseld lnsesiauasombiabeebaiainaaiedbiclain 59 Extension Rapid appraisal for agroforestry research and eCxteNSiON ................ccceeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 337 Fallow improvement Leucaena leucocephala as a fallow improvement crop on Mindoro, Philippines ............. 185 Fallows Soil—plant interactions in agroforestry SYStEMS ..................:cccceceeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeseeseeeeeeeeeeeeeees 127 Feed allowance Pasture production and animal performance under pine agroforestry .................::ceeeeeeees 109 Forest density Effects of surrounding forest canopy architecture on wind field in small clearings .......... 79 Forest grazing New Zealand experience with silvopastoral systems: A TEVICW ..............ccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 251 Forestry Agroforestry systems as ecological approach in Brazilian Amazon development ............ 319 Heat balance IIE. ili na captions censeelbn@ueenisbalianiaadderuinisbaipsdamibaininvesnbininss 93 Herbage production Effects of widely spaced conifers on under-storey herbage production ...................seeeeee 71 Homegardens Soil—plant interactions in agroforestry SYSteEMS .................::sceeeeeeseseeeeeeseceeeeeececececeeeeeeeeeees 127 A baseline study of Kandyan Forest Gardens of Sri Lanka ..................ccccccceceeceeeeeeeeeeeeeees 269 Humid tropics Soil—plant interactions in agroforestry SYStEMS ................:ccceseeessessseeceeeceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 127 Inoculation Tree establishment in semi-arid lands of Kemya .................:ccssseeeesseeeeeeeeeeeeceeeeeceeeeeeeeeeeees 153 Intercropping Above- and below-ground interactions in agroforestry SYSteEMS ................cccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 45 Leucaena Microclimatic interactions in agroforestry SYStEMS ..................ceeeseeeeceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenees 31 Leucaena leucocephala as a fallow improvement crop on Mindoro, Philippines ............. 185 Litter The effect of tree leaf litter on sward botanical composition and growth ..................00000+ 165 Livestock rn Ie Ir Gtr CRIIEIINIE. ....... cins niiensdnonossenpetesontenndeiionsscssansensnoubboessosebenebubocesneteontnins 93 Livestock performance Pasture production and animal performance under pine agroforestry ..................s000000008 109 Local participation Design of agroforestry systems: Some examples and lesson from Bangladesh Microclimate Microclimatic interactions in agroforestry systems Microclimate, clearing of Effects of surrounding forest canopy architecture on wind field in small clearings Mixed planting Evaluation of agroforestry practices in Gujarat State, India Modelling Ten-year balances of organic matter and nutrients at Costa Rica Moisture competition Above- and below-ground interactions in agroforestry systems Momentum transport Effects of surround forest canopy architecture on wind field in small clearings Multiple objective linear programming A decision support system for planning agroforestry systems New Zealand New Zealand experience with silvopastoral systems: A review Nutrients Ten-year balances of organic matter and nutrients at Costa Rica Organic matter Ten-year balances of organic matter and nutrients at Costa Rica Pasture production Pasture production and animal performance under pine agroforestry Peripheral planting Evaluation of agroforestry practices in Gujarat State, India Pinus Pasture production and animal performance under pine agroforestry New Zealand experience with silvopastoral systems: A review Prosopis Tree establishment in semi-arid lands of Kenya Rapid appraisal Rapid appraisal for agroforestry research and extension Research Rapid appraisal for agroforestry research and extension Resource utilisation Microclimatic interactions in agroforestry systems Roots Above- and below-ground interactions in agroforestry systems Runoff Runoff agroforestry in arid lands Sahel Agroforestry development in northeastern Nigeria Semi-arid tropics Microclimatic interactions in agroforestry systems Soil—plant interactions in agroforestry systems Agroforestry practices in Somalia Sensitivity A spreadsheet approach to the economic modelling of agroforestry systems Sheep Tree protection methods against sheep in an upland agroforestry system Shelter Forestry and shelter for livestock 356 Shifting cultivation Leucaena leucocephala as a fallow improvement crop on Mindoro, Philippines Agroforestry systems as ecological approach in Brazilian Amazon development Silvopastoral system Tree protection methods against sheep in an upland agroforestry system Soil—plant interactions in agroforestry systems Agroforestry systems as ecological approach in Brazilian Amazon development Social marginal utility of consumption, elasticity of The socio-economic evaluation of agroforestry in Orissa (India) Social utility function The socio-economic evaluation of agroforestry in Orissa (India) Soil fertility Agroforestry development in northeastern Nigeria Soils Soil—plant interactions in agroforestry systems Somalia Agroforestry practices in Somalia Spacing Evaluation of agroforestry practices in Gujarat State, India Spreadsheet A spreadsheet approach to the economic modelling of agroforestry systems Sri Lanka A baseline study of Kandyan Forest Gardens of Sri Lanka Sustainable Agroforestry as a productive land-use system for farmers in southern Africa Temperate-zone agroforestry State-of-the-art of agroforestry systems Terminalia Tree establishment in semi-arid lands of Kenya Theobroma Ten-year balances of organic matter and nutrients at Costa Rica Timberbelts New Zealand experience with silvopastoral systems: A review Tradition Design of agroforestry systems: Some examples and lessons from Bangladesh Trees Agroforestry development in northeastern Nigeria Tree protection Tree protection methods against sheep in an upland agroforestry system Tree shelter Tree protection methods against sheep in an upland agroforestry system Tropical agroforestry State-of-the-art of agroforestry systems Vertisols Agroforestry development in northeastern Nigeria Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas Tree establishment in semi-arid lands of Kenya Water harvesting Runoff agroforestry in arid lands Water-holding polymer Tree establishment in semi-arid lands of Kenya Water use efficiency Runoff agroforestry in arid lands Wind model . . Effects of surrounding forest canopy architecture on wind field in small clearings

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