Forensic Science International ELSEVIER Forensic Science International 149 (2005) 297—299 Volume contents Volume 149 (2005) Call for papers Regular articles Isolation of A°-THCA-A from hemp and analytical aspects concerning the determination of A°-THC in cannabis products F.E. Dussy, C. Hamberg, M. Luginbihl, T. Schwerzmann and T.A. Briellmann (Switzerland) Virtopsy: postmortem imaging of the human heart in situ using MSCT and MRI C. Jackowski, W. Schweitzer, M. Thali, K. Yen, E. Aghayev, M. Sonnenschein, P. Vock and R. Dirnhofer (Switzerland) Pathology of peliosis M. Tsokos and A. Erbersdobler (Germany) Fatal pulmonary cement embolism following percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP) F. Monticelli, H.J. Meyer and E. Tutsch-Bauer (Austria) An unusual occupational accident: fall into a sewage plant tank with lethal outcome S.A. Padosch, R.B. Dettmeyer, L.U. Kroner, J. Preuss and B. Madea (Germany) A coronary artery crossed embolism of bone-marrow origin: proof of connections between pulmonary arteries and veins M. Barzdo, J. Berent, L. Markuszewski and S. Szram (Poland) Three cases of suspected hyperthermia with remarkable elevation of serum mast cell tryptase H. Nishio and K. Suzuki (Japan) Estimation of postmortem interval in real cases based on experimentally obtained entomological evidence M.I. Arnaldos, M.D. Garcia, E. Romera, J.J. Presa and A. Luna (Spain) Death due to positional asphyxia under severe alcoholisation: pathophysiologic and forensic considerations S.A. Padosch, P.H. Schmidt, L.U. Kroner and B. Madea (Germany) Contact shot with unusual soot pattern M.G. Perdekamp, U. Schmidt, W. Rupp, R. Braunwarth, T. Rost and S. Pollak (Germany) Announcement of pupulation data STR data for the Amp F/STR Profiler Plus loci among 27 populations of different social hierarchy from southern part of Andhra Pradesh, India B.M. Reddy, V.M. Naidu, V.K. Madhavi, K. Thangaraj, B.T. Langstieh, P. Venkataramana, V. Kumar and L. Singh (India) Y-chromosome STR haplotype diversity in Brazilian populations D. Grattapaglia, S. Kalupniek, C.S. Guimaraes, M.A. Ribeiro, P.S. Diener and C.N. Soares (Brazil). Genetic variability of 16 Y-chromosome STRs in a sample from Equatorial Guinea (Central Africa) E. Arroyo-Pardo, L. Gusmao, A.M. Lopez-Parra, C. Baeza, M.S. Mesa and A. Amorim (Spain, Portugal). Diary of future events Regular articles Fatal embolism of the anterior spinal artery after local cervical analgetic infiltration H.J. Meyer, F. Monticelli and J. Kiesslich (Austria) 115-119 doi: 10.1016/S0379-0738(05)00074-5 298 Volume contents Chest deflection tolerance to blunt anterior loading is sensitive to age but not load distribution R. Kent and J. Patrie (USA) Preliminary study of post mortem identification using lip prints H. Utsuno, T. Kanoh, O. Tadokoro and K. Inoue (Japan) Factors and circumstances influencing the development of hemorrhages in livor mortis B. Bockholdt, H. Maxeiner and W. Hegenbarth (Germany) Epidemiological case survey of medical malpractice in some medical and surgical specialties N.D. Nunno, V. Luigi, L. Viola and V. Francesco (Italy) 139-142 Fatal and non-fatal bilateral delayed carotid artery dissection after manual strangulation F. Clarot, E. Vaz, F. Papin and B. Proust (France) 143-150 Risk factors of sudden death in the Japanese hot bath in the senior population T. Chiba, M. Yamauchi, N. Nishida, T. Kaneko, K. Yoshizaki and N. Yoshioka (Japan) 151-158 Carbon monoxide-related deaths in a metropolitan county in the USA: an 11-year study C.D. Homer, D.A. Engelhart, E.S. Lavins and A.J. Jenkins (USA) 159-165 A fatal poisoning caused by methomyl and nicotine F. Moriya and Y. Hashimoto (Japan) 167-170 Urinary endogenous concentrations of GHB and its isomers in healthy humans and diabetics N. Shima, A. Miki, T. Kamata, M. Katagi and H. Tsuchihashi (Japan) 171-179 Determination of synthesis route of 1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-propanone (MDP-2-P) based on impurity profiles of MDMA M. Swist, J. Wilamowski, D. Zuba, J. Kochana and A. Parezewski (Poland) 181-192 Employing glass refractive index measurement (GRIM) in fiber analysis: a simple method for evaluating the crystallinity of acrylics V. Causin, C. Marega, S. Schiavone and A. Marigo (Italy). . 193-200 Calculating the exclusion probability and paternity index for X-chromosomal loci in the presence of substructure K.L. Ayres and W.M. Powley (UK) 201-203 Apnea, glial apoptosis and neuronal plasticity in the arousal pathway of victims of SIDS T. Sawaguchi, I. Kato, P. Franco, M. Sottiaux, H. Kadhim, S. Shimizu, J. Groswasser, H. Togari, M. Kobayashi, H. Nishida, A. Sawaguchi and A. Kahn (Japan, Belgium) Development of a harmonised method for the profiling of amphetamines. I. Synthesis of standards and compilation of analytical data L. Aalberg, K. Andersson, C. Bertler, H. Boren, M.D. Cole, J. Dahlen, Y. Finnon, H. Huizer, K. Jalava, E. Kaa, E. Lock, A. Lopes, A. Poortman-van der Meer and E. Sippola (Finland, Sweden, UK, The Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Portugal) 219-229 Development of a harmonised method for the profiling of amphetamines. II. Stability of impurities in organic solvents L. Aalberg, K. Andersson, C. Bertler, M.D. Cole, Y. Finnon, H. Huizer, K. Jalava, E. Kaa, E. Lock, A. Lopes, A.P. van der Meer, E. Sippola and J. Dahlen (Finland, Sweden, UK, The Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Portugal) Case reports A fatal case of pure ethanol ingestion Y. Hieda, H. Takeshita, J. Fujihara and K. Takayama (Japan) A fatality involving metaxalone K.A. Moore, B. Levine and D. Fowler (USA) Fatal colchicine poisoning by accidental ingestion of meadow saffron-case report Z. Sundov, Z. Nincevic, M. Definis-Gojanovic, M. Glavina-Durdov, I. Jukic, N. Hulina and A. Tonkic (Croatia) Announcements of population data Human Y-specific STR haplotypes in the Western Croatian population sample L. Lovreci¢, S. Risti¢, B. Brajenovic, M. Kapovié and B. Peterlin (Slovenia, Croatia) Genetic data on 15 STR loci in the ethnic group of Polish Tatars residing in the area of Podlasie (Northeastern Poland) W. Pepinski, A. Niemcunowicz-Janica, M. Skawronska, J. Janica, E. Koc-Zorawska, M. Aleksandrowicz-Bukin and I. Soltyszewski (Poland) 263-265 Volume contents Haplotype diversity in mitochondrial DNA hypervariable region I, Il and II in northeast China Han J. Banerjee, R. Trivedi and V.K. Kashyap (India) Identification of more sequence variations in the D8S1179 locus Short communications Fatal alcohol immersion during the SARS epidemic in Taiwan Y.-L. Wu, H.-R. Guo and H.-J. Lin (Taiwan) Interpretation of postmortem alcohol concentrations S. Athanaselis, M. Stefanidou and A. Koutselinis (Greece). Discussion Commentary on: Mark Benecke and Larry Barksdale, Distinction of bloodstain patterns from fly artifacts. Forensic Science International. 137(2003) 152-159 R.R. Ristenbatt, P.A. Pizzola, R.C. Shaler and L.N. Sorkin (USA) ......... Neat 293-294 Diary of future events ote oa ae ch ae 295-296 Volume contents ieee Aree ay er ; 297-299 Author index : PN Sear eyes fae Bs : : ; a ‘ 301-302 Subject index roy: eee ere ; 313-308 Forensic Science Ake “a International ELSEVIER Forensic Science International 149 (2005) 301-302 Author index Volume 149 (2005) Aalberg, L. 149, 219, 231 Grattapaglia, D. 149, 99 Levine, B. 149, 249 Aghayev, E. 149, 1] Groswasser, J. 149, 25 Lin, H.-J. 149, 287 Aleksandrowicz-Bukin, M. 149, 263 Guimaraes, C.S. 149, 99 Lin, H.Y. 149, 267 Amorim, A. 149, 109 Guo, H.-R. 149, 287 Lock, I 149, 219, 231 Andersson, K. 149, 219, 23] Gusmao, I 149, 109 Lopes, A. 149, 219, 231 Arnaldos, M.I. 149, 57 Lopez-Parra, A.M. 149, 109 Arroyo-Pardo, E. 149, 109 Hamberg, C. 149, 3 Lovrecic, L. 149, 257 Athanaselis, S. 149, 289 Hashimoto, Y. 149, 167 Luginbiihl. M. 149, 3 Ayres, K.L. 149, 201 Hegenbarth, W. 149, 133 Luigi, V. 149, 139 Hering, S. 149, 275 Luna, A. 149, 57 Baeza, C. 149, 109 Hieda, Y. 149, 243 Banerjee, J. 149, 271 Homer, C.D. 149, 159 Madea, B. 149, 39, 67 Barzdo, M. 149, 47 Huizer, H. 149, 219, 231 Madhavi, V.K. 149, 81 Berent, J. 149, 47 Hulina, N. 149, 253 Marega, C. 149, 193 Bertler,C. 149, 219, 231 Marigo, A. 149, 193 Bockholdt, B. 149, 13: 2 Inoue, K. 149, 129 Markuszewski, | 149, - Boren, H. 149, 219 Maxeiner, H. 149, 133 Brajenovic, B. 149, Jackowski, C. 149, 11 Mesa, M.S 149. 109 Braunwarth, R. 149, 75 Jalava, K. 149, 219, 231 Meyer, H.J. 149, 35, 1 Briellmann, T.A. 149, 3 Janica, J. 149, 263 Miki, A. 149, 171 Butler, JM. 149, 279 Jenkins, A.J. 149, 159 Monticelli, F. 149, 35, Jukic, I. 149, 253 Causin, V. 149, 193 Moore, K.A. 149, 249 Chiba, T. 149, 151 Kaa, E. 149, 219, 231 Moriya, F 149, 167 Clarot, F. 149, 143 Kadhim, H. 149, 205 Cole, M.D. 149, 219, 231 Kahn, A. 149, 205 Naidu, V.M. 149, 81 Kalupniek, S. 149, 99 Niemcunowicz-Janica, A. 149, 263 Dahlen, J. 149, 219, 231 Kamata, T. 149, 171 Nincevic, Z. 149, 2 53 Decker, A.E. 149, 279 Kaneko, T. 149, 151 Nishida, H. 149, 205 Definis-Gojanovic, M. 149, 253 Kanoh, T. 149, 129 Nishida, N. 149, 151 Dettmeyer, R.B. 149, 39 Kapovic, M. 149, 257 Nishio, H. 149, 51 Diener, PS. 149, 99 Kashyap, V.K. 149, 271 Nixdorf, R. 149, 275 Dirnhofer, R. 149, 11 Katagi, M. 149, 171 Nunno, N.D. 149, 139 DreBler, J. 149, 275 Kato, 1. 149, 205 Dussy, F.E. 149, 3 Kent, R. 149, 121 Padosch, S.A 149, 39, Engelhart, D.A. 149, 159 Kiesslich, J. 149, 115 Papin, F. 149, 143 Erbersdobler, A. 149, 25 Kobayashi, M. 149, 205 Parezewski, A. 149, 181 Kochana, J. 149, 181 Patrie, J. 149, 12] Finnon, Y. 149, 219, 231 Koc-Zorawska, E. 149, 263 Pepinski, W. 149, 263 Fowler, D. 149, 249 Koutselinis, A. 149, 289 Perdekamp, M.G. 149, Francesco, V. 149, 139 Kroner, L.U. 149, 39, 67 Peterlin, B. 149, 257 Franco, P. 149, 205 Kumar, V. 149, 81 Pizzola, PA. 149, 293 Fujihara, J. 149, 243 Pollak, S. 149, 75 Langstieh, B.T. 149, 81 Poortman-van der Meer, A. 149, 219 Garcia, M.D. 149, 57 Lavins, E.S. 149, 159 Powley, W.M. 149, 201 Glavina-Durdov, M. 149, 253 Lee, J.B. 149, 267 Presa, J.J. 149, 57 doi: 10.1016/S0379-0738(05)00075-7 302 Author index Preuss, J. 149, 39 Skawronska, M. 149, 263 Utsuno, H. 149, 129 Proust, B. 149, 143 Soares, C.N. 149, 99 Soltyszewski, I. 149, 263 Vallone, P.M. 149, 279 Reddy, B.M. 149, 81 Sonnenschein, M. 149, 11 van der Meer, A.P. 149, 231 Ribeiro, M.A. 149, 99 Sorkin, L.N. 149, 293 Vaz, E. 149, 143 Ristenbatt, R.R. 149, 293 Sottiaux, M. 149, 205 Venkataramana, P. 149, 81 Risti¢, S. 149, 257 Stefanidou, M. 149, 289 Viola, L. 149, 139 Romera, E. 149, 57 Sundov, Z. 149, 253 Vock, P. 149, 11 Rost, T. 149, 75 Suzuki, K. 149, 5] Rupp, W. 149, 75 Swist, M. 149, 181 Wilamowski, J. 149, 181 Szram, S. 149, 47 Wu, Y.-L. 149, 287 Sawaguchi, A. 149, 205 Sawaguchi, T. 149, 205 Tadokoro, O. 149, 129 Xu, Q.S. 149, 267 Schiavone, S. 149, 193 Takayama, K. 149, 243 Schmidt, PH. 149, 67 Takeshita, H. 149, 243 Schmidt, U. 149, 75 Thali, M. 149, 11 Yamauchi, M. 149, 15] Schweitzer, W. 149, 11 Thangaraj, K. 149, 81 Yen, K. 149, 11 Schwerzmann, T. 149, 3 Togari, H. 149, 205 Yoshioka, N. 149, 151 Shaler, R.C. 149, 293 Tonkic, A. 149, 253 Yoshizaki, K. 149, 15] Shima, N. 149, 171 Trivedi, R. 149, 27] Shimizu, S. 149, 205 Tsokos, M. 149, 25 Zhang, Y.J. 149, 267 Singh, L. 149, 81 Tsuchihashi,H . 149, Zheng, Z.J. 149, 267 Sippola, E. 149, 219, 231 Tutsch-Bauer, E. Zuba, D. 149, 181 Forensic Science International ¥ ELSEVIER Forensic Science International 149 (2005) 303-308 Subject index Volume 149 (2005) Acrylics; Forensic science, Fibers, Refractive index, Crystallinity Asphyxia; Positional restraint, Blunt head trauma, Ethanol intoxi degree 149, 193 cation, Synergistic pathophysiologic mechanisms, Cause of death 149, 67 Aging; Thoracic injury, Risk functions, Automotive trauma, Air bag injury, Seatbelt injury 149, 121 Automotive trauma; Thoracic injury, Risk functions, Aging, Air bag injury, Seatbelt injury 149, 121 Air bag injury; Thoracic injury, Risk functions, Aging, Automotive trauma, Seatbelt injury 149, 12] Autopsy; Anaphylaxis, Antidepressants, Heatstroke, Neuroleptic malignant syndrome, Serotonin syndrome 149, 51 Alcohol, Fatal case, Concentration, Distribution, Disinfectant 149, 243 Autopsy; Peliosis, Liver, Spleen, Mononuclear phagocytic system, Intraperitoneal hemorrhage, Sudden death, Forensic histopathology AmpFISTR Identifiler, Short tandem repeats, Population data, 149, 25 Polish Tatars, NE Poland 149, 263 Autosomal markers; Single nucleotide polymorphism, DNA, SNP. Amphetamine profiling: Stability, Extraction, Impurities, Organic Primer extension 149, 279 solvent 149, 231 Blank cartridge pistol; Gunshot entrance wound, Contact shot, Soot Amphetamine; Profiling, Impurities, Synthesis, Infrared spectro pattern 149, 75 scopy, Gas chromatography—mass spectrometry, 'H NMR, '°C NMR, UV 149, 219 Blunt head trauma; Positional restraint, Asphyxia, Ethanol intoxi cation, Synergistic pathophysiologic mechanisms, Cause of death Anaerobic biomass; Lethal occupational accident, Sewage plant, 149, 67 Decomposition, Putrefaction, Medicolegal reconstruction 149, 39 Bone-marrow embolism; Crossed embolism, Coronary artery Analgetic infiltration; Fatal fibrocartilaginous embolism, Anterior embolism 149, 47 spinal artery, Tetraplegia 149, 115 Brazilians; Y-chromosome STR, Haplotypes, Population genetics Anaphylaxis; Antidepressants, Autopsy, Heatstroke, Neuroleptic 149, 99 malignant syndrome, Serotonin syndrome 149, 51 Anterior spinal artery; Fatal fibrocartilaginous embolism, Tetra- Calcification; Forensic radiology, Digital autepsy, Virtopsy, Post plegia, Analgetic infiltration 149, 115 mortem imaging, Computed tomography, Magnetic resonance ima ging, Heart, Internal livores, Putrefaction, Postmortem clotting, Endocarditis, Myocardial infarction, Myocardial scarring, Hyper Antidepressants; Anaphylaxis, Autopsy, Heatstroke, Neuroleptic trophy, Dilatation, Injury 149, 11 malignant syndrome, Serotonin syndrome 149, 5] Apnea; Tryptophan-hydroxylase (TrypH), Terminal-deoxynucleoti Carbon monoxide; Fires, Suicide 149, 159 dyl transferase mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL), Growth associated phosphoprotein 43 (GAP43), Nucleus raphe, Periaque Cardiosurgery; Medical malpractice, Neurology, Urology, Otor ductal gray matter, Pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPTN) hino-laryngoiatry, Risk management, Total quality management 149, 205 149, 139 Arrhythmia; Japanese hot bath, Sudden death, Winter, Elderly, Carotid dissection; Strangulation, Delayed death, Thrombosis, Physiological parameter 149, 151 Cerebral infarct, Pathology 149, 143 doi: 10.1016/S0379-0738(05)00076-9 304 Subject index Case studies; Forensic entomology, Entomological evidence, Ento- Delayed death; Strangulation, Carotid dissection, Thrombosis, Cer- mology, Postmortem interval 149, 57 ebral infarct, Pathology 149, 143 Cause of death; Positional restraint, Asphyxia, Blunt head trauma, Diabetic; Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, Endogenous level, Urine, Ethanol intoxication, Synergistic pathophysiologic mechanisms 149, Gas chromatography—mass spectrometry, Forensic toxicology 149, 67 171 Cement embolism; Percutanous vetebroplasty, PVP 149, 35 Digital autopsy; Forensic radiology, Virtopsy, Postmortem imaging, Computed tomography, Magnetic resonance imaging, Heart, Internal Central Africa; Y-chromosome, Short tandem repeats, Intermediate livores, Putrefaction, Postmortem clotting, Calcification, Endocar- alleles 149, 109 ditis, Myocardial infarction, Myocardial scarring, Hypertrophy, Dilatation, Injury 149, 11 Cerebral infarct; Strangulation, Delayed death, Carotid dissection, Thrombosis, Pathology 149, 143 Dilatation; Forensic radiology, Digital autopsy, Virtopsy, Postmor- tem imaging, Computed tomography, Magnetic resonance imaging, China Han; Mitochondrial DNA, Control region, Hypervariable Heart, Internal livores, Putrefaction, Postmortem clotting, Calcifica- region 149, 267 tion, Endocarditis, Myocardial infarction, Myocardial scarring, Hypertrophy, Injury 149, 11 Chotanagpur plateau; mtDNA, HVR-I, HVR-II, Haplotype, India 149, 271 Disinfectant; Alcohol, Fatal case, Concentration, Distribution 149, 243 Colchicine accidental poisoning: Colchicum autumnale, Pathology, Laboratory 149, 253 Distribution: Alcohol, Fatal case, Concentration, Disinfectant 149, 243 Colchicum autumnale,; Colchicine accidental poisoning, Patho- logy, Laboratory 149, 253 DNA profiling; Forensic science, Profiler Plus loci, Hierarchical Computed tomography; Forensic radiology, Digital autopsy, Vir- caste groups, Tribes, Southern India 149, 81 topsy, Postmortem imaging, Magnetic resonance imaging, Heart, Internal livores, Putrefaction, Postmortem clotting, Calcification, DNA; Single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP, Autosomal markers, Endocarditis, Myocardial infarction, Myocardial scarring, Hyper- Primer extension 149, 279 trophy, Dilatation, Injury 149, 11 Ecchymoses; Livor mortis, Hypostasis, Petechial hemorrhages in Concentration; Alcohol, Fatal case, Distribution, Disinfectant 149, livor mortis 149, 133 243 Elderly; Japanese hot bath, Sudden death, Winter, Physiological Contact shot; Gunshot entrance wound, Soot pattern, Blank car- parameter, Arrhythmia 149, 15! tridge pistol 149, 75 Endocarditis; Forensic radiology, Digital autopsy, Virtopsy, Post- Control region; Mitochondrial DNA, Hypervariable region, China mortem imaging, Computed tomography, Magnetic resonance ima- Han 149, 267 ging, Heart, Internal livores, Putrefaction, Postmortem clotting, Calcification, Myocardial infarction, Myocardial scarring, Hyper- Coronary artery embolism; Crossed embolism, Bone-marrow trophy, Dilatation, Injury 149, 11 embolism 149, 47 Endogenous level; Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, Diabetic, Urine, Croatia; Y-chromosome, Short tandem repeats (STR), Population Gas chromatography—mass spectrometry, Forensic toxicology 149, data, Haplotype 149, 257 17] Crossed embolism; Coronary artery embolism, Bone-marrow embolism 149, 47 Entomological evidence; Forensic entomology, Entomology, Post- mortem interval, Case studies 149, 57 Crystallinity degree; Forensic science, Fibers, Acrylics, Refractive index 149, 193 Entomology; Forensic entomology, Entomological evidence, Post- mortem interval, Case studies 149, 57 D8S1179; STR, Sequence data, Mutation, Null allele 149, 275 Ethanol intoxication; Positional restraint, Asphyxia, Blunt head Decarboxylation; A’-THCA-A, A’-THC, Total-A’-THC, Isolation trauma, Synergistic pathophysiologic mechanisms, Cause of death 149, 3 149, 67 Decomposition; Lethal occupational accident, Sewage plant, Putre- Extraction; Amphetamine profiling, Stability, Impurities, Organic faction, Anaerobic biomass, Medicolegal reconstruction 149, 39 solvent 149, 231 Subject index Fatal case: Alcohol, Concentration, Distribution, Disinfectant 149, Periaqueductal gray matter, Pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus 243 (PPTN) 149, 205 Fatal fibrocartilaginous embolism; Anterior spinal artery, Tetra Gunshot entrance wound; Contact shot, Soot pattern, Blank car plegia, Analgetic infiltration 149, 115 tridge pistol 149, 75 Fatal poisoning; Forensic toxicology, Methomyl, Nicotine, Phar- Haplotype: mtDNA, HVR-I, HVR-II, Chotanagpur plateau, India macological interaction 149, 167 149, 271 Fibers; Forensic science, Acrylics, Refractive index, Crystallinity Haplotype: Y-chromosome, Short tandem repeats (STR), Population degree 149, 193 data, Croatia 149, Fires; Carbon monoxide, Suicide 149, 159 Haplotypes; Y-chromosome STR, Brazilians, Population genetics 149, 99 Fs7: X-chromosome, Paternity, Subpopulation 149, 201 Heart; Forensic radiology, Digital autopsy, Virtopsy, Postmortem Forensic entomology; Entomological evidence, Entomology, Post imaging, Computed tomography, Magnetic resonance imaging, mortem interval, Case studies 149, 57 Internal livores, Putrefaction, Postmortem clotting, Calcification Endocarditis, Myocardial infarction, Myocardial scarring, Hyper Forensic histopathology; Peliosis, Liver, Spleen, Mononuclear trophy, Dilatation, Injury 149, 11 &. t phagocytic system, Intraperitoneal hemorrhage, Sudden death, Autopsy 149, 25 Heatstroke; Anaphylaxis, Antidepressants, Autopsy, Neuroleptic malignant syndrome, Serotonin syndrome 149, 51 Forensic radiology; Digital autopsy, Virtopsy, Postmortem imaging, Computed tomography, Magnetic resonance imaging, Heart, Internal Hierarchical caste groups; DNA profiling, Forensic science, Pro livores, Putrefaction, Postmortem clotting, Calcification, Endocar filer Plus loci, Tribes, Southern India 149, 81 ditis, Myocardial infarction, Myocardial scarring, Hypertrophy, Dilatation, Injury 149, 11 HVR-I; mtDNA, HVR-II, Haplotype, Chotanagpur plateau, India 149, 271 Forensic science; DNA profiling, Profiler Plus loci, Hierarchical caste groups, Tribes, Southern India 149, 81 HVR-II; mtDNA, HVR-I, Haplotype, Chotanagpur plateau, India 149, 271 Forensic science; Fibers, Acrylics, Refractive index, Crystallinity degree 149, 193 Hypertrophy; Forensic radiology, Digital autopsy, Virtopsy, Post mortem imaging, Computed tomography, Magnetic resonance ima Forensic science; Lip print, Personal identification 149, 129 ging, Heart, Internal livores, Putrefaction, Postmortem clotting, Calcification, Endocarditis, Myocardial infarction, Myocardial scat Forensic toxicology; Fatal poisoning, Methomyl, Nicotine, Phar- ring, Dilatation, Injury 149, 11 macological interaction 149, 167 Hypervariable region; Mitochondrial DNA, Control region, China Forensic toxicology; Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, Endogenous Han 149, 267 level, Diabetic, Urine, Gas chromatography—mass spectrometry 149, 171 Hypostasis; Livor mortis, Petechial hemorrhages in livor mortis, Ecchymoses 149, 133 Gabapentin; Metaxalone, Postmortem 149, 249 Impurities; Amphetamine profiling, Stability, Extraction, Organic Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid; Endogenous level, Diabetic, Urine, solvent 149, 231 Gas chromatography—mass spectrometry, Forensic toxicology 149, 171 Impurities; Amphetamine, Profiling, Synthesis, Infrared spectro scopy, Gas chromatography—mass spectrometry, “H NMR, ~C Gas chromatography—mass spectrometry; Amphetamine, Profil- NMR, UV 149, 219 13h ing. Impurities, Synthesis, Infrared spectroscopy. 'H NMR, ( NMR, UV 149, 219 India; mtDNA, HVR-I, HVR-II, Haplotype, Chotanagpur plateau 149, 271 Gas chromatography—mass spectrometry; Gamma-hydroxybuty- ric acid, Endogenous level, Diabetic, Urine, Forensic toxicology 149, Infrared spectroscopy: Amphetamine, Profiling, Impurities, Synth 171 esis, Gas chromatography—mass spectrometry, H NMR, “°C NMR, UV 149, 219 Growth associated phosphoprotein 43 (GAP43); Tryptophan- hydroxylase (TrypH), Terminal-deoxynucleotidyl transferase Injury: Forensic radiology, Digital autopsy, Virtopsy, Postmortem mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL), Apnea, Nucleus raphe, imaging, Computed tomography, Magnetic resonance imaging, 306 Subject index Heart, Internal livores, Putrefaction, Postmortem clotting, Calcifica- Methomyl; Forensic toxicology, Fatal poisoning, Nicotine, Pharma- tion, Endocarditis, Myocardial infarction, Myocardial scarring, cological interaction 149, 167 Hypertrophy, Dilatation 149, 11 Mitochondrial DNA; Control region, Hypervariable region, China Intermediate alleles; Y-chromosome, Short tandem repeats, Central Han 149, 267 Africa 149, 109 Mononuclear phagocytic system; Peliosis, Liver, Spleen, Intraper- Internal livores; Forensic radiology, Digital autopsy, Virtopsy, itoneal hemorrhage, Sudden death, Autopsy, Forensic histopathology Postmortem imaging, Computed tomography, Magnetic resonance 149, 25 imaging, Heart, Putrefaction, Postmortem clotting, Calcification, Endocarditis, Myocardial infarction, Myocardial scarring, Hyper- mtDNA: HVR-I, HVR-II, Haplotype, Chotanagpur plateau, India trophy, Dilatation, Injury 149, 11 149, 271 Intraperitoneal hemorrhage: Peliosis, Liver, Spleen, Mononuclear Mutation; D8S1179, STR, Sequence data, Null allele 149, 275 phagocytic system, Sudden death, Autopsy, Forensic histopathology 149, 25 Myocardial infarction; Forensic radiology, Digital autopsy, Vir- topsy, Postmortem imaging, Computed tomography, Magnetic reso- Isolation; A’-THCA-A, A°’-THC, Total-A’-THC, Decarboxylation nance imaging, Heart, Internal livores, Putrefaction, Postmortem 149, 3 clotting, Calcification, Endocarditis, Myocardial scarring, Hyper- trophy, Dilatation, Injury 149, 11 Japanese hot bath; Sudden death, Winter, Elderly, Physiological parameter, Arrhythmia 149, 151 Myocardial scarring; Forensic radiology, Digital autopsy, Virtopsy, Postmortem imaging, Computed tomography, Magnetic resonance Laboratory; Colchicum autumnale, Colchicine accidental poison- imaging, Heart, Internal livores, Putrefaction, Postmortem clotting, ing, Pathology 149, 253 Calcification, Endocarditis, Myocardial infarction, Hypertrophy, Dilatation, Injury 149, 11 Lethal occupational accident: Sewage plant, Decomposition, Putrefaction, Anaerobic biomass, Medicolegal reconstruction 149, NE Poland; Short tandem repeats, Population data, AmpFISTR 39 Identifiler, Polish Tatars 149, 263 Lip print; Forensic science, Personal identification 149, 129 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome; Anaphylaxis, Antidepressants, Autopsy, Heatstroke, Serotonin syndrome 149, 51] Liver; Peliosis, Spleen, Mononuclear phagocytic system, Intraper- itoneal hemorrhage, Sudden death, Autopsy, Forensic histopathology 149, 25 Neurology; Medical malpractice, Urology, Otorhino-laryngoiatry, Cardiosurgery, Risk management, Total quality management. 149, 139 Livor mortis; Hypostasis, Petechial hemorrhages in livor mortis, Ecchymoses 149, 133 Nicotine; Forensic toxicology, Fatal poisoning, Methomyl, Pharma- cological interaction 149, 167 Magnetic resonance imaging; Forensic radiology, Digital autopsy, Virtopsy, Postmortem imaging, Computed tomography, Heart, Inter- nal livores, Putrefaction, Postmortem clotting, Calcification, Endo- '5C NMR: Amphetamine, Profiling, Impurities, Synthesis, Infrared carditis, Myocardial infarction, Myocardial scarring, Hypertrophy, spectroscopy, Gas chromatography—mass spectrometry, 'H NMR, Dilatation, Injury 149, 11 UV 149, 219 MDMA; MDP-2-P, Reductive amination, Route specific impurities 'H NMR: Amphetamine, Profiling, Impurities, Synthesis, Infrared 149, 181 spectroscopy, Ga" s chromatography—mass spectrometry, i ~“C NeeM R, UV 149, 219 MDP-2-P; MDMA, Reductive amination, Route specific impurities 149, 181 Nucleus raphe; Tryptophan-hydroxylase (TrypH), Terminal-deox- ynucleotidyl transferase mediated dUTP nick end_ labeling Medical malpractice; Neurology, Urology, Otorhino-laryngoiatry, (TUNEL), Growth associated phosphoprotein 43 (GAP43), Apnea, Cardiosurgery, Risk management, Total quality management. 149, Periaqueductal gray matter, Pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus 139 (PPTN) 149, 205 Medicolegal reconstruction; Lethal occupational accident, Sewage Null allele; D8S1179, STR, Sequence data, Mutation 149, 275 plant, Decomposition, Putrefaction, Anaerobic biomass 149, 39 Organic solvent; Amphetamine profiling, Stability, Extraction, Metaxalone; Gabapentin, Postmortem 149, 249 Impurities 149, 23]