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Forensic engineering : the investigation of failures : proceedings of the Second International Conference on Forensic Engineering organized by the Institution of Civil Engineers and held in London, UK, on 12-13 November 2001 PDF

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by  NealeBrian S
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Preview Forensic engineering : the investigation of failures : proceedings of the Second International Conference on Forensic Engineering organized by the Institution of Civil Engineers and held in London, UK, on 12-13 November 2001

INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS Forensic engineering The investigation of failures Proceedings of the second international conference on forensic engineering organized by the Institution of Civil Engineers and held in London, UK, on 12-13 November 2001 Edited by B.S.Neale ThomasTelford Conference organized by Conference Office of the Institution of Civil Engineers on behalf of the Structural and Building Board. Technical Committee: Brian Neale, Health & Safety Executive, UK (Chairman) Gerlando Butera, Nabarro Nathanson Dr W Gene Corley, Technical Council on Forensic Engineering, ASCE Michael Neale, Neale ConsultingEngieners Ltd Eamon O'Leary, Consultant Professor Howard Wright, University of Strathclyde International Scientific Committee ( * = invited) Mr Mohammad Ayub, Occupational Safety & Health Administration, USA Mr Kimball J Beasley, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc, USA Dr Kenneth Carper, Washington Slate University, USA Professor Kees D'Angremond, TUDelft, The Netherlands Dr Milos Drdacky, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Professor Haig Gulvanessian, Building Research Establishment, UK Dr Peter Ho, Incode Pty Ltd, Australia Mr F S H Ng, Paul Y. - ITC Construction Holdings Ltd, Hong Kong, ROC Dr I lias Ortega, Ortega & Kanoussi Technologies, Switzerland Mr Vivian Ramsey*, Keating Chambers, UK Professor Rob Shepherd, Earthquake Damage Analysis Corporation, USA Professor Sam Thorburn, UK Professor Iris Tommelein*, University of California at Berkeley, USA Professor Jonathan Wood, Structural Studies & Design, UK Co-sponsored by The American Society of Civil Engineers Institution of Mechanical Engineers Institution of Structural Engineers Health and Safety Executive, UK Published by Thomas Telford Publishing, 1 Heron Quay, London E14 4JD. www.thomastelford.com First published 2001 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN: 0 7277 3094 0 © The authors and the Institution of Civil Engineers, unless otherwise stated, 2001 All rights, including translation, reserved. Except as permitted by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publishing Director, Thomas Telford Publishing, Thomas Telford Ltd, 1 Heron Quay, London E14 4JD. This book is published on the understanding that the authors are solely responsible for the statements made and opinions expressed in it and that its publication does not necessarily imply that such statements and/or opinions are or reflect the views or opinions of the publishers or the Institution of Civil Engineers or the organizers. While every effort has been made to ensure that the statements made and the opinions expressed in this publication provide a safe and accurate guide, no liability or responsibility can be accepted in this respect by the authors or publishers. Printed and bound in Great Britain Editor's preface A warm welcome is extended to all delegates attending this Second International Conference on Forensic Engineering organized by the Institution of Civil Engineers. Welcome also to readers who were not able to attend. The international flavour of the conference extends from Hong Kong to Mexico and the USA, and from South Africa to Holland and the UK. For this year's conference, we welcome the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) as a co-sponsor, which joins in that role the UK-based, and internationally influential, Institution of Structural Engineers, Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the Health and Safety Executive. The subject of this conference is the investigation of different types of failures of constructed facilities and learning from investigations of failures. It is aimed at and those who may be involved in some way, such as civil, structural, and mechanical engineers and architects. In particular, it is aimed at investigators and those who may have some influence in preventing failures in the future, both in the short term and also the medium and longer terms through design, construction, operation, assessment and maintenance of facilities. It will also be of interest to those who employ such professionals, including owners or occupiers of the constructed environment, facilities managers and those in the legal professions. The conference is being held just two months after the attacks in the USA on the Pentagon in Washington DC, and the World Trade Center in New York which resulted in the subsequent progressive collapse of the twin towers. It is a time when the events are still very much in people's minds. It is a time also when the strengths and safety of buildings have come into focus, with much public discussion. Professional engineers in particular are making informed contributions to that debate. Structural safety is a focus of this conference, and many papers discuss levels of safety in a variety of contexts. The papers in this volume cover a variety of subjects, such as: case studies of failures, ranging from catastrophic to serviceability failures, including mechanical engineering, structural engineering (both macro and micro) and geotechnical engineering; failures in a variety of structures (such as different types of buildings and bridges); failures in a variety of materials (such as steel, concrete, timber and masonry); claddings and fixings; failures due to a variety of initiators (including climatic and impact); investigation techniques and tools; presentation of evidence, for example for insurance, civil and criminal purposes; responsibility and culpability for failures; learning from failures; acceptable factors of safety, and the role of codes, including a new parallel development in both Europe and the USA. A subject close to forensic practitioners, of whatever discipline, is the need to be seen as credible and professional, with their opinions and outputs taken as sound, appropriate and reliable. The introduction to the conference, through the Keynote Address (not included in these proceedings), considers the need for "convincing credibility" and includes descriptions of the background to and operation of the Council for the Registration of Forensic Practitioners (CRFP). This is a relatively new body, based in the UK, which is creating a register of practitioners, who will have to undergo scrutiny with respect to their credibility as experts before being allowed onto it. The aim is to help both forensic practitioners and those who employ them. Initially, the CRFP will be involved with forensic scientists. This 2001 conference is building on the success of the first conference, held on 28-29 September 1998, by recognizing the widening interest in the topic. Thus the broader sponsorship has been complemented by a call for papers, rather than by inviting papers, hence each paper has been subject to a review process. As Chairman of the conference organising committee, I should like to thank all the speakers and delegates, the co-sponsors, the Institution of Civil Engineers conference office (and in particular Barbara O'Donoghue and Penny Ryan) for their work with this conference, Thomas Telford Publishing and also Gerlando Butera, Dr Gene Corley, Eamon O'Leary, Michael Neale and Professor Howard Wright for their work on the Organizing Committee. Brian S. Neale uiLa.il o. i\ecut Health and Safety Executive Chairman of the Conference Organizing Committee Contents 1 Effects of structural integrity on damage from the Oklahoma City, USA, bombing W.G. Corley, R.G. Smith and L. J. Colamsso 1 2 Ladbroke Grove crashworthiness accident investigation A.P. Bright, N. Kirk, S. Manteghi and P.J. Murrell 13 3 A staged forensic approach to resolve geotechnical engineering claims R.P. Thompson 21 4 Investigation of failures of marble facades on buildings I.R. Chin 29 5 Material evidence: the forensic investigation of construction and other geomaterials for civil and criminal cases I. Sims 39 6 The assessment of mechanical failures M.J. Neale 51 7 Structural failure and assessment of a department store M. Holicky 55 8 Forensic evaluation of concrete industrial slabs-on-grade S.M. Tarr and W.G. Corley 65 9 Failure prevention in the construction project I. Ortega 75 10 Mitigation of failures due to inappropriate loading during construction - a European code B.S. Neale 83 11 Development of the ASCE 37 Construction Loads Standard to mitigate construction failures J.F. Duntemann and R.T. Ratay 93 12 Case study: design, construction and serviceability issues for a precast concrete facade subject to hurricane-force wind loads M.K. Schmidt and I.R. Chin 101 13 The application of logic to evidence J. McCullough 109 14 Technically yes, but... Forensic engineering and insurance R. Radevsky 119 15 Who pays?: Culpability of experts for building failures in Singapore A.M. Netto and A. Christudason 127 16 A selection of forensic engineering cases D. Wassermann 133 17 Post-mortem seismic evaluation of an office building R. Shepherd 141 18 Imminent collapse of wood structures affected by decay K.B. Simons 149 19 Investigation into the collapse of Injaka Bridge, South Africa F. Rowley 159 20 Architects: What can they learn from forensic engineers? K.L. Carper 169 21 Learning from failures - experience, achievements and prospects M. Drdacky 175 22 Advanced method to control the safety factor of a civil structure after a collision A. deBoer 185 23 Collapse: the erosion of factors of safety to 0.999 J.G.M. Wood 195 24 A knowledge based survey of buildings for structural reliability evaluations R.E. Gori 203 25 Investigation and repair of an improperly constructed masonry barrier wall system T.M. Krauth, W.T. Ruth and D.W. Vannoy 213 Poster Paper: Assessing building wall system failures K.J. Beasley and D.R. Stieve 221 Effects of structural integrity on damage from the Oklahoma City, USA bombing DR. W. GENE CORLEY, Senior Vice President Construction Technology Laboratories, Inc., Skokie, Illinois, USA ROBERT G. SMITH, Technical Consultant Erico, Inc., Solon, Ohio, USA LOUIS J. COLARUSSO, Senior Development Engineer Erico, Inc., Solon, Ohio, USA ABSTRACT Starting in 1989 (Ref. 1), the ACI Building Code began requiring integrity reinforcement at the perimeters of all buildings and at all slab column intersections. The Commentary to Section 7.13 states that the purpose of this reinforcement is "to improve the redundancy and ductility in structures so that damage to major element be confined to a relatively small area and the structure will....maintain overall stability." This paper reviews requirements for structural integrity reinforcement after 1989, describes a case study of blast-damage to the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, and shows how the use of full capacity butt splices could have greatly reduced the casualties in that blast. INTRODUCTION Required Integrity Reinforcement Since 1989, requirements for structural integrity reinforcement have been listed in Section 7.13 of the ACI Building Code (Ref. 1). In general, Section 7.13 requires one-sixth to one- quarter of the reinforcement in perimeter beams to be continuous about the building. In addition, Section requires two bottom bars in each direction be carried through columns continuously or anchored within the columns. The purpose of integrity reinforcement for both spandrel beams and slab column intersections, is to provide a small capacity, even after failure of a column or slab at any one location. In Chapter 21, toughness is required throughout the structure for seismic resistance, to obtain required toughness, Section R21.3.2 states the following: "Lap splices are prohibited at regions where flexural yielding is anticipated because splices are not reliable under cyclic loading into the inelastic range." Oklahoma City Bombing In 1995, the Murrah Federal Office Building in Oklahoma City was heavily damaged by a terrorist bomb blast (Ref. 2). A forensic investigation of damage to the Murrah Building disclosed that failure occurred in three columns supporting a transfer girder on the north Forensic engineering: the investigation of failures. Thomas Telford, London, 2001. 2 FORENSIC ENGINEERING: INVESTIGATION OF FAILURES side of the building. One of these columns was destroyed by brisance or shattering while the adjacent two failed in shear. After losing support from the three columns, approximately 50 percent of the floor area of the building collapsed, producing a large number of casualties. Details of the forensic investigation are reported in Ref 2. A photo of the Murrah Building prior to the terrorist attack is shown in Fig. 1. The transfer girder supported on four intermediate columns can be seen just below the glass curtain wall. Fig. 2 shows a drawing of the building north elevation with the explosive-laden truck parked in the street beside it. Also shown in the figure is the resulting crater. Fig. 3 shows a plan view of the crater and location of the column nearest the truck. As reported in Ref. 2, a bomb having an explosive power equal to approximately 4,000 lbs. of trinitrotoluene (TNT) was detonated in the truck. Analysis of damage in the field and calculation of effects of the explosion determined that the nearest column, G20 as identified in Fig. 4, would have been destroyed by brisance or shattering. Approximately 40 ft each side of the column that was destroyed, adjacent columns were found to have exceed their shear strength, but been approximately at their flexural capacity. As a result, the adjacent columns failed in shear, thereby leaving the spandrel beam without support for distance of approximately 160 ft. As indicated in Fig. 5, three of the transfer girder top bars were continuous but none of the bottom bars were. A similar pattern was present in spandrel girders above the third floor as shown in Fig. 5. Consequently, there was no effective integrity reinforcement in this building. It must be noted that at the time the building was built, no integrity reinforcement was required. Analyses show that this building met or exceeded code requirements in every way that was checked. Ref. 2 indicated that shear failures of two of the three columns could have been prevented if only a small amount of hoop steel had been provided. It is also possible that the column nearest the bomb could have been saved if full confinement reinforcement had been provided. However, for purposes of this discussion, it will be assumed that the column nearest the truck would be destroyed by brisance. In Ref. 2, an analysis is made with one column removed. The three mechanisms that could develop after removal of one column are shown in Fig. 6. Calculations indicate that Mechanism 2 results in a capacity of approximately 60 to 70 lbs. per sq ft floor above the spandrel beam. This is significantly less that the approximately 110 lbs. per sq ft of self- weight plus live load that existed in the building. Consequently, removal of any one column supporting the as-built transfer girder would cause failure of all of the floors above over a length of about 80 ft. FULL CAPACITY MECHANICAL BUTT SPLICES Reduction in Loss In the 1999 ACI Code, (Ref.3) full capacity mechanical butt splices were recognized for the first time. Classified as Type 2 mechanical splices in Section, they are required to "develop the specified tensile strength of the spliced bar." ACI 318-99 permits use of Type 2 splices at any location, including hinging regions. Consequently, Type 2 full capacity mechanical butt splices can be used to connect integrity reinforcement and improve the blast and/or seismic resistance of concrete structures. If integrity reinforcement in the spandrel beams of the Murrah Building was maximized by making all of the bars continuous with full capacity mechanical butt splices, significant increase in the capacity of Mechanism 2 of Fig. 6 would be realized. Using Mechanism 2 PAPER 1: CORLEY, SMITH AND COLARUSSO 3 with 100 percent of the bars spliced with full capacity mechanical butt splices, calculated capacity of the building would be at least 140 lbs. per sq ft. Unit weight of the building, including some live load, is approximately 110 lbs. per sq ft. Consequently, even if one column had been removed the building would not have collapsed. Although collapse of the building frame would have a high probability of being prevented by making all of the reinforcement in spandrels continuous, several of the floors would be destroyed as a result of brisance. Consequently, the reduction in catastrophic damage to the building would not be 100 percent, but is estimated to be approximately 80 percent. As indicated in Ref. 2, almost all of the casualties were the result of building collapse, not air blast. Consequently, if building collapse is reduced by 80 percent, casualties would be reduced by a similar amount. Cost Analysis To determine what the additional cost might be if full capacity mechanical butt splices had been used in the Murrah Building, a review of cost studies done by Cagley and Associates and reported in Ref. 4 was made. Fig. 7, courtesy of ERICO, shows their full capacity butt splices being installed on bars approximately the size of those used in the Murrah Building. Fig. 8 shows a close-up of an ERICO full capacity butt splice. As can be seen, these splices are relatively small in size and not very difficult to install. Cost analyses done by Cagley and Associates (Ref. 4) show that the increased cost of mechanical butt splices over lap splices in a 12-story parking deck was less than 'A of 1 percent of the cost of the building. In an office structure, such as the Murrah Federal Building, the cost of mechanical splices would be even a smaller percentage of the total cost. Considering that use of full capacity butt splices could be limited to only that portion of the building exposed to the street where the bomb was detonated, estimated total cost differences are approximately 1/8 of the total cost of the building. This cost difference is insignificant. SUMMARY This paper discusses the potential for using mechanical full capacity butt splices to increase blast and earthquake resistance of buildings. The need for integrity reinforcement to reduce damage in a building when unanticipated intense loads destroy a single element is discussed. A prohibition against lap splices in hinging regions of buildings designed to resist earthquakes is noted. Terrorist bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City is used as a case study. It is shown that without integrity reinforcement, strengthening of columns could only reduce damage by about 50 percent. However, if full capacity mechanical butt splices had been used to make all of the spandrel beam reinforcement continuous, collapse of the building would have been reduced by an estimated 80 percent with a similar reduction in casualties. The estimated additional cost to provide this continuous reinforcement is approximately 1/8 of 1 percent, much less than the variation in estimating the cost to construct the building. 4 FORENSIC ENGINEERING: INVESTIGATION OF FAILURES Fig. 1 Murrah Building Prior to Blast.

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