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Foreign animal diseases of livestock and poultry PDF

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Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. = - ads 7 7 pe te a ‘ 7 : ie ‘e : ’ - nl , - - a 7 - 2 o : : 7 = a 7 > ; ‘ : \ Z > | ? wae : ; ak me, 7 7 ai — > 2 —- 7 a 7 7 : - 7 > ae“ U 7 a id ; a? be ’ 7 a - i | om SpalJ : o4m . h7e : ‘ : b7u ll ’ | \ i . pera—a e eaneinnbtlenineinssaeeenngessT 1 oe mi eels: ahi t Say Pigtgies w eet 4 7 5 7 ede —_ - +; "the ry ’ : oei y, January 1992 Foreign Animal Diseases of Livestock and Poultry Emergency Programs aaytJ. tI \MPeUAT IERS HFORc OePA aa dAJ AAO£MG3Ne5eT AgeM | ve as a ee Table of Contents FOREIGN DISEASES OF LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY INTRODUEIG O NE cata eE aC mecmrcee So We gn, en sg FOREIGNE DISEASES timtcae Semeeee% 3 6 2 ee Altra camnhorsesicknessere:G.a. . «4 4 YN Afra CanmowineatGvers. «A «6 a “s)¥ S ow «8 * Akabane : PER, alison Oe wk ewe SEY ws S'S Avian influenza Pee Aas) ie oe ie oe) few Foye Avrantsa lmonelsosiss .G.@Gate. 2.0. 2 6 6 eh is BabesitOSi CaM we sei OME ey 9. er ee ee BesnoOltiostSaee de Pere cGe. Se Kee Bluetongue .. . ORD Beware ete. fe. mets iF re Bovine petechial fever oa. a cn Ban ear Bovine spongiform encephalopathy Arne An ee Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia ... . Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia . Contaglous equ inesmMetriciss a0. (sep etis! os. os EGOsOCODsS VNOLOMC tsar reais Pent.) ©. curs <A BENDiaG dsEl C is meer ee te ee ae eee, setae sols a. Ephemeral fever. . Po i icy Dire Pee cry see ee ae py Epizootic lymphangitis ee ETC mee wokte re? 2.5 Foot-and-mouth disease ........ - BROW VED bac Caer ae. aes cero on er ens ns fy wk GE CON rea cece aes ee en ee ie eae tee s Glanders. . eee ey Bh eS = SE ee ee wee area Goat pox and sheep pox SS es es Ver as ero ae GOOSGBNe Dat US rs emcee? Ue ue eens ee -ea h ir, Heartwateriy..) Se Pe ap Oe le Hemorrhagic septicemia Ay BA Mere Tm eA Saat HOG@tCHOLGr ame meee es Pr coe oe nn, We os are ibarak ieee ee. Ae ee ere Pe hae ee ee Jembrana disease a AU Pe er ce eee LUMDVeSkh ITs 1]S GaSG eee mrt ss tn oe 8) Melioidosis ... OG a Be a A Nairobi sheep disease of Ay hats Ao Be ae ine Parafilariasis .. BS) wotet ge ys ee Peste des petits ruminants a ean a eh para keenns RULCEVa ley meLeVerw man alse) rcs tees RIinderpestrar ceo ens ers Moats. «es ba) secs) 6 ScnisStosomiodt carter wee iat. ieo mere ow. ce aes ts sas Nasalmschiscosomiasl Sau). eres ces 1 isle ss) feces SCrewwOrMemy Las 1s meee ae een ce ink ce. oe bevinss SWeatingmeCKNeS Sim cts econ cist) cats ts Pee ter te SWINGER OLUGCRCV.Cm arg ere a) le Psa + Sets Swine vesicular disease ......... THeEPIeASh 1 S were ease Oeste ce te Pre ao) oe a bts Theilears) Sac Be au oN eM en et, ee et <a) as TECK =DOLNGCRECVE Vast met) saat il wy fee tks Weta. Trypanosomiasis ... fe re! eee ern | Velogenic viscerotropic Newcastle disease . . VeESiciulareexancnelic (tem sane curse ci Gemise ney 6 os he Ws WUWDHHBWIWWDHOHW WWPWY D WDNDWANWWAYDWWNDWAYA WNDAY NYNYNYNUNANANAAAAAAAAGAUNUNUNUONF tiles » A1SAaA h + fGtSfeypP aU pe zi TA sah Siiéahrar arama 5 és Miah eo an, ©s. £92eG 7S REF’ h a‘) fc i Sin bee oe eT -_ Py any Ses] _ err pais roe oe are c&e@ee a o Sere, “er Ve "- Ala s3eas0 } JP: < S33t e, oseweasan , ~» - > az be i ayn Slay era a : ee Baers Doh —w~a . . “—s - - r bp ereds 4 te? BemeTE h Ter ptedneat, ‘ > & Segae iS R228 Yarns Da % .n ena. Gi» aea,i ceay etor aate k wa otge a ee Sip ast ts ix St 1 ee » wat “2 hatte 2 tap :-. oF), } = 2 , ere eh, paten Me* rF iika t & Table of Contents (continued) Viral hemorrhagic disease ...... Vira de CuLkeyeciinoOGraCneCl1 San c..a.ee, Wesselsbron disease ....... FORETGNSDISHASHSSOMRShLSH@.. 8. ci.) fee ws Branchionephritis . Ss peane stees ‘ Pike fry rhabdovirus disease TA iy tne WWowoOOO ooo Springevirentatopecarpusay. }26n8. 62 <iis Viral hemorrhagic septicemia ... REFERENCES Hage, oa « &@& s@0e Ot FOREIGN DISEASES OF LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY Revised January 1992 INTRODUCTION This annotated report alphabetically lists 61 diseases of livestock and poultry, and four fish diseases, considered foreign to the United States. A brief description of each disease is included. The list supercedes one published in 1988}. Information on foreign diseases of fish was provided by The National Fish Health Research Laboratory, U.S. Department of the Interior, Kearneysville, WV 2:54:3,05¢ Disease names that both appear in lists A and B of the Office International des Epizooties (O.I.E., Paris) and represent diseases foreign to the United States are included in this report?’’’??. FOREIGN DISEASES African horsesickness, a highly fatal viscerotropic viral disease of equines, is caused by a virus of the genus orbivirus and transmitted by biting midges. The clinical forms of the disease are dominated by respiratory distress, colic, and pronounced swellings of the head and neck’. African swine fever is caused by a virus of the genus Iridovirus and transmitted by direct contact, fomites, and Ornithodoros ticks. The subacute and chronic forms of the disease are characterized by pulmonary consolidation, fluid in body cavities, and inapparent carriers. The acute form of this disease is characterized by pronounced hemorrhage of internal organs, enlarged hemorrhagic spleen, marked reddening of skin and mortality of up to 100 percent of swine in affected herds’. Akabane of cattle is caused by a virus of the genus Bunyavirus, and transmitted by biting midges and possibly mosquitoes. The presence of fetal antibodies in fetuses of infected cattle has suggested Akabane virus could be the cause of abortion, epidemic arthrogryposis, and hydranencephaly in fetuses and young cattle>. Avian influenza (see fowl plague) Avian salmonellosis caused by phage type 4 Salmonella enteritidis is a communicable disease of chickens, especially broilers, characterized by reduced growth rates, increased culling rates, weakness, septicemia, and sometimes severe death losses in affected flocks®’’. Egg laying chickens may be infected inapparently, resulting in the presence of the organism in eggs’. tha doodaeved 0 esndnnth 42 egail aie pha aaeaeiee ai’ fascia sit yd Babiverd | Va Laaialed dda ee - t5.3 esh Senaiigecedns agt220-9ut we a pase & evel nik weteaa Becti! afi et antes eegeeelbb Tusee799% tactipe 20 gece, proarer sg eric si ie cseoaz rto lgptis 2 vite <fasts3 . odes + Yt sey 4 tre. - atrsiyghi tt .euns® ond tee stucsdige ett. ree Oe \cclaghil@oaog yrercaiad festes yEa aoie4 s vant 39 wie) StuIe * sbnoSraersa.y rea0.0 4 Re2°p tGr fIGe nsyeeso t Ean aeaen e asnab bPihd eta h od si ts oettimedes? hus ‘ouatvsxcts wsuaigt oe ni <sihnei >A s Lats! 40 to earas oft ad Sinds 2 nr ons PALCY Bye esucset As as ik 4 eea i 7 ballad A y - 7 nak su Rebates g Chenin e: d - . Oa: k j aesPs t ia t¢ e- ke e4a -e a4 ~~s . - 7 A — ‘ i2y - asm - - : . i ’ . ° i= ta, booyicsda mivegtg mboess abum eyee! ih ka . a. a oeprb ei keets 7 be i petisttt ca ag anheyort <i * 20. tok t 43.4 2S3a6g o ei rs eves nie 36 0ma8tes : G2 ape! ates

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