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INSIDE THE CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 j a n u a r y / f e b r u a r y 2 0 2 1 • v o l u m e 1 0 0 • n u m b e r 1 • c a n a m e r i c a r e c o v Can e r ? America Recover? FOREIGNAFFAIRS.COM JJ//FF__AA__22002211__ccoovveerr..iinndddd AAllll PPaaggeess 1111//1166//2200 1100::4411 AAMM DOWNLOAD CSS Notes, Books, MCQs, Magazines www.thecsspoint.com  Download CSS Notes  Download CSS Books  Download CSS Magazines  Download CSS MCQs  Download CSS Past Papers The CSS Point, Pakistan’s The Best Online FREE Web source for All CSS Aspirants. Email: [email protected] BUY CSS / PMS / NTS & GENERAL KNOWLEDGE BOOKS ONLINE CASH ON DELIVERY ALL OVER PAKISTAN Visit Now: WWW.CSSBOOKS.NET For Oder & Inquiry Call/SMS/WhatsApp 0333 6042057 – 0726 540141 FPSC Model Papers 50th Edition (Latest & Updated) By Imtiaz Shahid Advanced Publishers For Order Call/WhatsApp 03336042057 - 0726540141 CSS Solved Compulsory MCQs From 2000 to 2020 Latest & Updated Order Now Call/SMS 03336042057 - 0726540141 Volume 100, Number 1 CAN AMERICA RECOVER? The Can-Do Power 10 America’s Advantage and Biden’s Chance Samantha Power The Crisis Opportunity 25 What It Will Take to Build Back a Better Economy Jason Furman To Stop a Pandemic 36 A Better Approach to Global Health Security C O V Jennifer Nuzzo E R : B R IAN The Reconstruction of America 44 S T Justice, Power, and the Civil War’s Unfinished Business A U F F David W. Blight E R January/February 2021 FAJF21.indb 1 11/13/20 8:13 PM GGlloobbaall LLeeaaddeerrsshhiipp ffoorr tthhee FFoouurrtthh IInndduussttrriiaall RReevvoolluuttiioonn Thunderbird global headquarters. Opening July 2021 PPrrooggrraammss ddeessiiggnneedd ttoo ttaacckkllee ttooddaayy’’ss ggrreeaatteesstt cchhaalllleennggeess:: JOIN OUR #1(cid:7)RANKED MASTER OF APPLIED LEADERHIP EXECUTIVE MASTER OF GLOBAL MASTER OF GLOBAL MANAGEMENT & MANAGEMENT AFFAIRS & MANAGEMENT FFFooorrr eeeaaarrrlllyyy ttoo mmmiiiddd---cccaaarrreeeeeerrr pprrooffeessssiioonnaallss FFFooorrr wwoorrkkiinngg pprrooffeessssiioonnaallss FFFooorrr mmmiiiddd---cccaaarrreeeeeerrr pprrooffeessssiioonnaallss 1177 ccoonncceennttrraattiioonnss FFlleexxiibbllee aanndd aaffffoorrddaabbllee PPPooollliiicccyyy aanndd bbuussiinneessss ttrraacckkss PPrrooggrraamm DDuurraattiioonn:: 1166--2211 mmoonntthhss PPrrooggrraamm DDuurraattiioonn:: 1122--2244 mmoonntthhss PPrrooggrraamm DDuurraattiioonn:: 1122 mmoonntthhss DDoowwnnttoowwnn PPhhooeenniixx,, AArriizzoonnaa DDeelliivveerreedd oonnlliinnee DDoowwnnttoowwnn WWaasshhiinnggttoonn,, DDCC Learn more about Thunderbird’s degree programs: TTThhhuuunnndddeeerrrbbbiiirrrddd...aaasssuuu...eeeddduuu///FFFAAA Monopoly Versus Democracy 52 How to End a Gilded Age Zephyr Teachout Desperate Times, Desperate Measures 60 The Lessons of the New Deal Meg Jacobs Cleaning House 68 Watergate and the Limits of Reform John A. Lawrence ESSAYS The Party That Failed 78 An Insider Breaks With Beijing Cai Xia How to Save Democracy From Technology 98 Ending Big Tech’s Information Monopoly Francis Fukuyama, Barak Richman, and Ashish Goel The Arab Uprisings Never Ended 111 The Enduring Struggle to Remake the Middle East Marc Lynch The End of the Wilsonian Era 123 Why Liberal Internationalism Failed Walter Russell Mead ON FOREIGNAFFAIRS.COM Laura Rosenberger on Justin E. H. Smith on Joaquin Castro on American election Emmanuel Macron’s building a better security. symbolic presidency. State Department. January/February 2021 FAJF21.indb 3 11/13/20 8:13 PM FUS-flyer-MMSIM_PRINT.pdf 1 06.11.20 16:29 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K

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