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Report Quality Evaluation Toourclients: Toensurethatthehigheststandardsofreportqualityaremaintained,INPUTwouldappreciateyour assessmentofthisreport. Pleasetakeamomenttoprovideyourevaluationoftheusefulnessandqualityof thisstudy. Whencomplete,simplyfold,staple,anddropinthemail. Postagehasbeenpre-paidbyINPUT ifmailedintheU.S. 1. Reporttitle: U.S.InformationServicesIndustryForecastBoole,1991-1996 (maifc) Pleaseindicateyourreasonforreadingthisreport: Requiredreading Newproductdevelopment Futurepurchasedecision Areaofhighinterest Business/marketplanning Systemsplanning Areaofgeneralinterest Productplanning Other Pleaseindicateextentreportusedandoverallusefulness: Extent Usefulness(1=Low,5=High) Read Skimmed .1 2 3 4 5 ExecutiveOverview . Completereport . Partofreport{ %) Howusefulwere: . Datapresented . Analyses . Recommendations Howusefulwasthereportintheseareas: . . Alertyoutonewopportunitiesorapproaches . . . Covernewareasnotcoveredelsewhere . . . . CMoeneftiremxpeexcisttaitnigonisdeas ,. . . .. Other .n Whichtopicsinthereportwerethemostuseful? Why? Inwhatwayscouldthereporthavebeenimproved? 8. Othercommentsorsuggestions: Name Title Department Company Address City State ZIP Telephone Datecompleted ^Ilfianl<itfOUforyourtimeandcooperation. M&S633/0112/89 INPUT STAPLE FOLDHERE NOPOSTAGE NECESSARY IFMAILED INTHE UNITEDSTATES BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FirstClass PermitNo.982 MountainView,CA POSTAGEWILLBEPAIDBYADDRESSEE Attention: MarketingDepartment INPUT 1280VillaStreet MountainView,CA 94041-9912 ll.l...l..lil....l..l..il.l.l..i.l..l...llM.II..I.I FOLDHERE 1 Market Analysis Program (MAP) U.S. Information Services Industry Forecast Book 1991-1996 INPUT 1280VillaStreet, MountainView, OA94041, (415)961-3300 MARCH 1992 INFORMATION U.S. SERVICES INDUSTRY FORECAST BOOK 1991-1996 INPUT 1280ViUaStreet,MountainView,California94041-1194 (415)961-3300

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