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548 Pages·2012·25.13 MB·English
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Tabloef C ontents Foreword • IntrodauncAdtc ikonno wledgments • 1T HES ONGO FT HER EDL ION • 1.D1a rwHiens itates o 1.T2h eN eadnerthals o 1.H3a eckaenDlda rwinism o 1.T4h es earBcehg ins o 1.D5a rwsipne aks o 1.T6h eI ncompleotfte hnFeeo ssss il o Record 1.T7h eG eologTiicmaelt able o 1.T8h eAp pe aranocfte h Heo minids o 1.S9o mPer incoifpE lpeiss temology o 1.10T heoriaensd Anomalous o Evidence 1.1T1h eP henomeonfSo upnpr ession o 2 INCISAENDD B ROKENB ONEST:H E • DAW N OFD ECEPTION 2.S1t P.r eFsrta,n (ceea Prlleyi stocene o orL atPel iocene) 2.2A Moderenx ampOlled:C row o RiveCra,n a(dLaa Ptlee istocene) 2.3T he Anza-BorrDeegsoe rt, o Calif(oMrindiPdall eei stocene) 2.V4a Dl' arIntoa,(l eya Prlleyi stocene o orl aPtlei ocene) 2.S5a nG iovaIntnai(ll,ay tP el iocene) o 2.6R hinoceorfo Bsi llFyr,a nce o (MidMdiloec ene) 2.C7o lldienS ea nsFarna,n (Mc ied dle o Miocene) 2.P8i kerGmrie,e(l caetM ei ocene) o 2.P9i erScheadrT ke eftrho tmh Ree d o CraEgn,g la(nLdaP tlei ocene) 2.10C arveBdo nef romt he o DardanTeulrlke(esMy,i ocene) 2.1B1a laenoofMt ounstA ep erIttoa,l y o (Pliocene) 2.1H2a lithoerfPi ouuma nFcrea,n ce o (MidMdiloec ene) 2.13S anV alentIitnaol,(y L ate o Pliocene) 2.14 Clermont-Ferrand, France o (MidMdiloec ene) 2.1C5a rvSehde flrlo tmh Ree dC rag, o Engla(nLdaP tlei ocene) 2.1B6o nie mplemFernotmsB elow o theR edC rag, Engla(nPdl iotcoe ne Eocene) 2.17D ewlisEhl ephaTnrte nch, o Engla(nEda rPllye isttoocL eantee Pliocene) 2.1M8o roen i mplemFernotBmse low o thRee dC ra(gP liotcoEe oncee ne) 2.1I9m plemfernotCmsr omFeorr est o Bed,E ngla(nMdi ddtloe E arly Pleistocene) 2.2S0a wWno odf roCmr omFeorr est o Bed,E ngla(nMdi ddtloe E arly Pleistocene) 2.21C oncludWionrgd sa bout o IntentiMoondailfBlioyen de 3E OLITHS • 3.A1n omaloOulsSdlt yo Tnoeo ls • 3.B2. H arriasnodtn h Eeo liotfth hse o KenPtl atEenagul,a( nPdl iocene) 3.2Y.o1u nHga rrison o 3.2N.e2o liatnhPdsa leoliths o 3.2E.o3l iths o 3.2M.o4r oen t hGee ologyo ft hKee nt o Plateau 3.2T.h5eR elatAinvtei qoufEi otyl iths o anPda leoliths 3.2A..6R W.a llaVciesH iatrsr ison o 3.2M.o7r Oeb jections o 3.2T.h8eB ritAisssho ciSaptoinosno rs o Excavations 3.2T.h9eR oySaolc iEextyh ibition o 3.2.T1h0eP robloefFm o rgery o 3.2."1T1hG er eaAtnetri qoufMi atyn " o 3.2.O1nt2 h Ter eatomfeA nnto malous o Evidence 3.2.M1o3rH eo nofrosHr a rrison o 3.2.M1o4rOp ep osition o 3.3D iscovebryJi .eR se iMdo iirn E ast • Anglia 3.3M.o1i arn Hda rrison o 3.3T.h2eA geo ft hCer aFgo rmations o 3.3T.o3o flrso Bme lotwh Ree dC rag o (PliotcoEe oncee ne) 3.3.T4h e FoxhaFliln d(sL ate o Pliocene) 3.3C.r5o meFro reBsetd( Middolre o EarPllye istocene) 3.3M.o6i Vre rsHuasw ard o 3.3W.a7r reAnt'tsao cnMk o ir o 3.3A.n8I nternaCtoimomniaslso ifo n o ScienDteicsitidsneF sa voofr Moir 3.3C.o9n tinOpupoesdi tion o 3.3.S1i0l eEnncdets h Dee bate o 3.3.R1e1c eNnetg atEivvael uaotfi ons o MoirD'iss coveries 3.3.A1 S2l ighFtalvyo raMboldee rn o RevioefMw o isrF 'i nds 3.4B reuainld B arneTsw:o Famous • DebunkoefEr osl iths 3.4.B1r euiAlt'tse mtpotE ndt he o EoliCtohn troversy 3.C5e meMnitl Elo liths? • 3.I6m paocftt h Een glEioslhi Itnhdiucs tries • onM odeIrdne oafHs u maEnv olution 3.6E.o1l iotfth hsKe e nPtl ateau o 3.6.E2a sAtn gliTaono lasn dt he o AfriOcraing Hypoitnhse sis 3.6.R3e cePnatk isFtiannd (sP lio­ o PleistBoocuenndea ry) 3.A7c ceptEaobllieTt hhesS :t oTnoeo lofs • ZhoukouadniOdal nd uGvoarig e 3.7.A1c ceptIemdp lemefnrtosm o Zhoukou(dMiiadnPd lleei stocene) 3.7T.h2e O ldowIannd us(tErya rly o Pleistocene) 3.7.W3h oM adet heE olitahnidc o OldowIamnp lements? 3.R8e ceEnxta mpolfEe osl iItmhpilce ments • frotmh Aem ericas 3.8S.t1a ndVairedwo snt hEen torfy o HumanIsn tNoo rAtmhe rica 3.8T.e2x aSst reSeatnD, i eg(oE arly o LateP leistotcoeL naet eM iddle Pleistocene) 3.8L.o3u Liesa kaenytd h Cea liSciot e o inC alif(oMrindiPdall eei stocene) 3.8.T4o cad a Especra,a nBrazil o (MidPdlleei stocene) 3.8A.l5a baPmeab bTloeo ls o 3.8.M6o nteV erdeC,h il(eL ate o Pleistocene) 3.8E.a7r Hluym anisnA meriacnad o thEeo lQiutehs tion 3.A9 ReceEnotl iDtihsiccryo vferoImn dia • (Miocene) 4C RUDEP ALEOLITSHTIOCN TEO OLS • 4.T1h eF inodfsC arlRoisb eiinrP oo rtugal • (M iocene) 4.1A. S1u mmrya HistoofRr iyb eiro's o Discoveries 4.T2h eF indosfT heA bbeB ourgeaoti s • ThenaFyr,a n(cMei ocene) 4.2D.e1b aAtbeosu tthD ei scovaetr ies o Thenay 4.I3m plemFernottmsh Lea tMei oceonfe • AurilFlraacn,c e 4.3.F1i nbAdy T ardy o 4.3F.u2r tDhiesrc ovbeyrR iaemse s o 4.3V.e3r worEnx'pse dittoAi uorni llac o 4.4D iscoveBryAi .eR su toItnB elgium • (Oligocene) 4.5D iscoveBryi Ferse udenNbeearrg • Antwe(Er apr Pllyi octeoLn aetM ei ocene) 4.5F.l1i Inmtp lements o 4.5C.u2St h ells o 4.5I.n3c iBsoende s o 4.5P.o4s siHbulmeaF no otprints o 4.5T.h5e I dentoifFty r eudenberg'S o Palaeanthropus 4.C6e ntIrtaal(l Lya te Pliocene) • 4.S7t oTnoeo Flrso Bmu rm(aM iocene) • 4.8T oolFsr omB lackF'osr kR iver, • Wyomi(nMgi dPdlleei stocene) 5A DVANCEPDA LEOLITAHNSDN EOLITHS • 5.D1i scovOefrF ileosr enAtmiengoh iInno • Argentina 5.1.M1o ntHee rmo(sMoi ddalned o EarPllyi ocene) 5.1H.r2d liActktae mtpotD si scredit o Ameghino 5.1.W3i llSitsa ctkhse G eological o Deck 5.1A. 4D emoliJtoibob nyW . H. o Holmes 5.1O.t5h Feirn bdysF .A meghino o 5.1E.v6i defnoctreh I en tentUisoen al o ofF ire 5.71P .r imiKtiilvanens Fd o undries? o 5.1.A8m eghinoon theS outh o AmeriOcraing oifHn osm inids 5.2T oolFso unbdy C arlAomse ghianto • Miram(aPrl iocene) ?A?5.A2g.eo1 f S itCeo mmissoifo n o GeologCiosntfsi rms 5.2A. 2S tonPeo iEnmtb eddienad o ToxodFoenm u(rP liocene) 5.2.R3o meroC'rsi tioqfu et he o MiramSairt e 5.2B.o4u loen t hTeo xodFoenm ur o witAhr rowhead 5.2.5B oman,t he Excellent o Ethnographer 5.O3t hBeorl aansBd o lalIimkpel ements • 5.3T.h1eS liSntgo fnreo Bmr amford, o Engla(nPdl iotcoEe oncee ne) 5.3B.o2l farso Oml duGvoarig (eE arly o Pleistocene) 5.4R elatiAvdevlayn cNeodr tAhm erican • PaleolFiitnhdisc 5.4S.h1e guiaAnrdcahhe:o alsogya o Vendetta 5.5N eolitThoioclF sr omT heT ertiary • AurifeGrroauvsOe flC sa lifornia 5.5.T1h eA geo ft heA uriferous o Gravels 5.5D.i2s covoefDr oiuebst Afguel o 5.5T.u3o luTmanbeMl oeu ntain o 5.5D.r4S. n elClo'lsl ection o 5.5T.h5eW altMoonr tar o 5.5T.h6eC arvHiant chet o 5.5T.h7eS tevSetnosBn eea d o

I perceive in Forbidden Archeology an important work of thoroughgoing scholarship and Intellectual adventure. Forbidden Archeologyascends and
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