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Deep-SeaResearchII47(2000)25}54 Foraminifera in the Arabian Sea oxygen minimum zone and other oxygen-de"cient settings: taxonomic composition, diversity, and relation to metazoan faunas Andrew J. Gooday!,*, Joan M. Bernhard", Lisa A. Levin#, Stephanie B. Suhr$ !SouthamptonOceanographyCentre,EmpressDock,EuropeanWay,SouthamptonSO143ZH,UK "DepartmentofEnvironmentalHealthSciencesandMarineScienceProgram,UniversityofSouthCarolina, Columbia,SC29208,USA #MarineLifeResearchGroup,ScrippsInstitutionofOceanography,LaJolla,CA92093-0218,USA $Institut fu(r Hydrobiologie und Fischereiwissenschaft, Universita(t Hamburg, Zeiseweg 9, 22679 Hamburg, Germany Received28August1998;receivedinrevisedform20January1999;accepted22January1999 Abstract Previous work has shown that some foraminiferal species thrive in organically enriched, oxygen-depletedenvironments.Here,wecompare&live’(stained)faunasinmulticorersamples (0}1cm layer) obtained at two sites on the Oman margin, one located at 412m within the oxygenminimumzone(OMZ)(O "0.13mll~1),theotherlocatedat3350m,wellbelowthe 2 main OMZ (O &3.00mll~1). While earlier studies have focused on the hard-shelled (pre- 2 dominantly calcareous) foraminifera, we consider complete stained assemblages, including poorly known, soft-shelled, monothalamous forms. Densities at the 412-m site were much higher (16,107 individuals.10cm~2 in the ’63-lm fraction) than at the 3350-m site (625 indiv.10cm~2).Speciesrichness(E(S )),diversity(H@,FishersAlphaindex)andevenness(J@) 100 weremuchlower,anddominance(R1D)washigher,at412mcomparedwith3350m.At412m, small calcareous foraminifera predominated and soft-shelled allogromiids and sacamminids wereaminorfaunalelement.At3350m,calcareousindividualsweremuchlesscommonand allogromiidsandsaccamminidsformedasubstantialcomponentofthefauna.Therewerealso strongcontrastsbetweentheforaminiferalmacrofauna(’300-lmfraction)atthesetwosites; relativelysmallspeciesofBathysiphon,GlobobuliminaandLagenamminadominatedat412m, very large, tubular, agglutinated species of Bathysiphon, Hyperammina, Rhabdammina and Saccorhiza were important at 3350m. Our observations suggest that, because they contain *Correspondingauthor.Tel.:0044-1703-596-353;fax:0044-1703-596247. E-mailaddress: [email protected](A.J.Gooday) 0967-0645/00/$-seefrontmatter ( 1999ElsevierScienceLtd.Allrightsreserved. PII: S0967-0645(99)00099-5 26 A.J. Goodayetal./Deep-SeaResearchII47(2000)25}54 fewersoft-shelledandagglutinatedforaminifera,asmallerproportionofbathyal,low-oxygen faunas is lost during fossilization compared to faunas from well-oxygenated environments. Trends among foraminifera (’63lm fraction) in the Santa Barbara Basin (590 and 610m depth;O "0.05and0.15mll~1respectively),andmacrofaunalforaminifera(’300lm)on 2 thePeru margin(300}1250mdepth; O "0.02}1.60mll~1), matchedthose observedon the 2 Omanmargin.Inparticular,soft-shelledmonothalamoustaxawererareandlargeagglutinated taxawereabsentinthemostoxygen-depleted((0.20mll~1)stations. Foraminifera often outnumber metazoans (both meiofaunal and macrofaunal) in bathyal oxygen-depletedsettings.However,althoughphylogeneticallydistant,foraminiferaandmeta- zoans exhibit similar population responses to oxygen depletion; species diversity decreases, dominanceincreases,andtherelativeabundanceofthemajortaxachanges.Theforaminiferal macrofauna(’300lm)were5timesmoreabundantthanthemetazoanmacrofaunaat412m ontheOmanmarginbut 16timesmore abundantat the3350msite.Amongthemeiofauna (63}300lm),thetrendwasreversed;foraminiferawere17timesmoreabundantthanmetazoan taxaat412mbutonly1.4timesmoreabundantat3350m.Anabundanceoffoodcombined with oxygen levels which are not depressed su$ciently to eliminate the more tolerant taxa, probablyexplainswhyforaminiferaandmacrofaunalmetazoans#ourishedatthe412-msite, perhapstothedetrimentofthemetazoanmeiofauna. ( 1999ElsevierScienceLtd.Allrights reserved. 1. Introduction Persistent oxygen depletion of bottom water and sediment pore water occurs in certain regions, mainly associated with areas of upwelling or restricted circulation (DiazandRosenberg,1995).Oxygenminimumzones(OMZs)arelong-termoceano- graphicfeaturesthatleadtothedevelopmentofstrongoxygengradientswherethey impingeonthesea#oor.Waterinsilledbasinsandfjordsalsomaybecomedepletedin oxygenoverlongtime periods dueto poor circulationandenrichmentwith organic matterderivedfromnaturalsourcesorpollution(Alve,1995a,b;PhlegerandSoutar, 1973). Other basins are periodically #ushed, sometimes seasonally, with oxygenated waterleadingtoacycleofoxygendepletionandrenewal(e.g.BernhardandReimers, 1991).Riverinputsof"ne-grainedsedimentsrichinorganicmatteralsomayleadto theperiodicdevelopmentoflow-oxygenoranoxicconditionsoncontinentalshelves (Murrell and Fleeger, 1989), although the distribution of these regions is strongly in#uencedbyhydrographicandotherconditions(vanderZwaanandJorissen,1991). The importance of foraminifera in oxygen-de"cient benthic communities has prompted reviews by Sen Gupta and Machain-Castillo (1993), Bernhard (1996) and Bernhard and Sen Gupta (2000). Studies on low-oxygen foraminifera have focused mainly on the following topics: taxonomic composition of assemblages, adaptive morphology, life-history strategies (&opportunism’) and cellular ultrastructure, and experimental studies involving foraminiferal responses to oxygen depletion, anoxia and hydrogen sulphide. Most of these studies have concerned the fossilizable (calcareousand multilocularagglutinated)componentof the fauna. With the excep- tion of some recent experimental work (Bernhard and Alve, 1996; Moodley et al., 1997,1998),littleisknownabouttheresponseofmorphologicallysimpleforaminifera A.J. Goodayetal./Deep-SeaResearchII47(2000)25}54 27 (monothalamous allogromiids and saccamminids and tubular agglutinated taxa) to oxygen depletion. Moreover, very few studies speci"cally address the structure and diversity of complete (i.e. including all taxonomic components) rose Bengal-stained (&live’)assemblages,orcompareforaminiferalandmetazoanabundanceanddiversity. Wefocushereontheserarelyaddressedaspectsofbenthicforaminiferalfaunasin low-oxygen habitats. We consider data from two contrasting sites on the Oman margin.Onesiteislocatedat412mdepthinthecoreoftheOMZandispermanently dysoxic. The other is located below the main OMZ at a depth of 3350m and is reasonablywelloxygenated.Ourprincipleaimistoprovideadetaileddescriptionof thestructureofcompletestainedforaminiferalassemblagesatthetwosites.Wethen usethesefaunaldata(1) tocompareandcontrasttrendswithrespectto oxygenand organic enrichment gradients among foraminifera and metazoans (both meiofauna and macrofauna) and (2) to compare the diversity and taxonomic composition of theOmanmarginassemblageswiththoseoffaunasfromtheSantaBarbaraBasinon the California Borderland, where oxygen concentrations #uctuate according to the hydrographicconditions (Bernhard and Reimers, 1989). Aspects of the metazoan macrofauna from the shallower Oman margin site were describedbyLevinetal.(1997).Metazoanmacrofaunafrombothsitesaretreatedby Levin et al. (2000) and nematode abundances by Cook et al. (2000). Herring et al. (1998) described the hydrography and midwater biology of the area on the basis of observations made during August 1994. Gooday et al. (1997,1998) presented some preliminary data on large agglutinated foraminifera and species diversity from the deepest site (around 3400m) sampled during Discovery Cruise 211. The only other previousstudiesofmodernbenthicforaminiferafromtheOmanmarginarethoseof Stubbings(1939)andHermelinandShimmield(1990).Burmistrova(1969,1976,1977), Zobel (1973), Gupta (1994), Jannink et al. (1998) and den Dulk et al. (1998) provide accounts of Recent or Holocene foraminifera in other parts of the Arabian Sea. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Sampling The Oman margin samples were collected during R.R.S. Discovery Cruise 211 (October9 to November 11 1994) using a Barnett}Watsonmultiple corer equipped withcoretubesof25.5cm2cross-sectionalarea.Assoonaspossibleafterrecovery,the coresweretaken toacoldroom adjustedtotheambientbottom-watertemperature (Table 1). A small amount of the &topmost’ sediment ((1ml) was removed using a plastic pipette in order to sample the fauna living at the sediment-waterinterface. Thecorewasthenslicedinto1cmthicklayersdownto10cmdepth.Allsampleswere preserved in 10% formalin ("4% formaldehyde solution) bu!ered with sodium borate(borax).Thetop1cmand&topmost’sedimentmaterialfromonecoretakenat each site were examined for this study. Inthelaboratory,thesedimentwassievedon300-,125-and63-lmscreens,stained on the sieve for several hours using Rose Bengal, and sorted in water under a 28 A.J. Goodayetal./Deep-SeaResearchII47(2000)25}54 Table1 EnvironmentaldatafortheOmanmarginstudysites,summarisedfromLevinetal.(2000) Property Station12692 Station12687 Depth(m) 412m 3350 Temperature(3C) 13}14 1.7 Oxygen(mll~1) 0.13 &3.00 %TOC 4.9 2.71 C:Nratio 8.5 9.4 Meangrainsize 42.2 42.8 %CaCO3 55.0 39.5 Surface(0}0.5cm)pigments(lgg~1) 770 185 binocularmicroscopeforstainedbenthicforaminifera.Inthe case ofthe 63}125-lm fraction,theresiduewassplitusingaplanktonsplitteranda1/16thsubsamplesorted completely for foraminifera. Some well-stained specimens were mounted dry on micropaleontologicalslidestoprovidetaxonomicreferencematerial.However,most were placed in glycerol in a glass cavity slide to enable the stained contents to be examined in detail under a compound microscope. Species di!ered in their staining characteristics.Someconsistentlystainedbrightlywhileothersincludedbothbrightly stained and less well-stained specimens. In all cases, only the brightly stained tests were regarded as &live’. Metazoan meiofauna also were removed from the sieve residues and counted. Data for metazoan macrofauna were obtained from boxcore samples collected nearby. Details of metazoan macrofaunal sampling and sample processing methods are given in Levin et al. (2000). Samples were taken in the Santa Barbara Basin (SBB) using a Soutar-type box corerwhichwassubsampledusingacut-o!syringe,either1.9cm(StationSBB298E) or2.6cm(StationSBB298S)diameter.Thetop1cmofeachsubcorewasremovedand "xedin3%glutaraldehydein0.1Msodiumcacodylatebu!er.Thesamplewasplaced in a graduated cylinder, agitated, and a subsample drawn o! with a plastic pipette. Both the subsample and the original sample were allowed to settle in graduated cylinders for 1h and their volumes recorded. The subsample was stained in Rose Bengal for 12h, sieved over a 63-lm screen, and sorted wet for all stained benthic foraminifera.Thevolumeofmaterialsortedwas1.215cm3(outofanoriginalvolume of 2.84cm3) from Station SBB298E and 1.99cm3 (out of an original volume of 5.3cm3)fromStationSBB298S.AsubsamplefromStationSBB298Swasalsosieved over a 125-lm screen. Rarefaction curves and diversity indices (H@ log , J@log , Fisher alpha) were 10 10 calculated using the &BioDiversity’ programme (( Natural History Museum, London/ScottishAssociation of Marine Sciences). 2.2. Study sites The 412-m site (Discovery Station 12692d4; 19322.07@N, 58315.43@E) was situated close to the core of the OMZ. The 3350-m site (Discovery Station 12687d8; A.J. Goodayetal./Deep-SeaResearchII47(2000)25}54 29 18359.33@N,58359.09@E)wassituatedwellbelowthelowerOMZboundary,locatedat approximately1000m (Levin et al., 2000). The horizontal distance between the two sites was about 87km. EnvironmentaldatafortheselocalitiesaresummarisedinTable1.Thesedimentat 412m was a soupy mud rich in organic matter, with little evidence of bioturbation although without obvious laminations (Smith et al., 2000). Oxygen concentrations weremuchloweratdepthsaround400m(0.13mll~1)thanat3350m(&3.00mll~1) (Levin et al., 2000). The C:N ratios and mean sediment grain size were similar betweensites.Asurfacelayerofphytodetrituswaspresentonmulticorersamplesfrom thedeeperstation.PercentTOCandsurfacepigmentconcentrationswereallhigher at 412m than at 3350m, suggesting more enriched conditions at the shallower site. However, considering the bathymetric depth, both %TOC and pigment concentra- tions were surprisingly high at 3350m (Gooday et al., 1998, Table 1 therein). This probably re#ects the fact that phytoplankton pigment concentrations in the upper water column are broadly similar above the two sites (Banse and McClain, 1986, Fig.4).Thus,thegreaterbathymetricdepthanddistancefromlandofthedeepersite (Lee et al., 1998), rather than contrasts in surface primary productivity, seem to be responsibleforthedi!erencesinTOCandpigmentconcentrationsshowninTable1. CoresfromthecentralSBB(Station298E;34313.48@N;120302.93@W;590mdepth) consisted of "ne-grained mud with well preserved laminations and organic carbon values of 5}8% (Reimers et al., 1990). Bottom-water oxygen concentrations were approximately 0.05mll~1 and samples were devoid of animals larger than about 1cm. Station 298S o! Palos Verde (33346.69@N; 118332.49@W; 610m depth) was characterisedby rather coarser-grained sediments (silty mud), bottom-water oxygen concentrations of 0.15mll~1, and occasional ophiuroids. Oxygen concentrations were measured using microwinkler analysis (Broenkow and Cline, 1969) in water collected in Niskin bottles attached to the frame of the corer. 2.3. Terminology and taxonomic notes Thereis noconsistent,universallyacceptedterminologyforbottom-wateroxygen concentrations(TysonandPearson,1991).Here,weemploythetermsoxic(’1.00ml O l~1), dysoxic (0.10}1.00ml O l~1) and microxic ((0.10ml O l~1; with or 2 2 2 without reducing conditions) (Bernhard and Sen Gupta, 2000). Oxygen depletion is usedasageneraltermforconcentrations(1.00mll~1.Mostmacroinfaunalanimals have some direct contact with the overlying bottom water. However, we recognise that oxygen concentrations within the sediments will be lower than bottom-water values and may also #uctuate spatially and temporally. The amount of oxygen availabletomeiofaunalorganismslivingbelowthesediment/waterinterfaceisthere- foreverydi$culttomeasureaccuratelyand,inanycase,willchangeastheorganisms move around within the sediments (Moodleyet al., 1998).Hence, we use the above- mentionedtermsto characterisebenthic habitats and not the microenvironmentsin which individual foraminifers reside. Thetwomostabundantspeciesat412mareproblematic.Thetop-rankedspeciesis aslenderformresemblingBolivinaseminudaCushman1911(seeBarmawidjajaetal., 30 A.J. Goodayetal./Deep-SeaResearchII47(2000)25}54 1992, p. 2, Figs. 1}4). The second-ranked species, while closely similar, has more in#atedlaterchambersandresemblesBolivinainyataHeron-AllenandEarland1913 (see Todd and BroKnnimann, 1957, p. 8, Fig. 32}34). We recognise that B. seminuda exhibits a continuous range of variation with B. dilatata Reuss. However, the form thatweidentifyasB. inyata has moreclearlyin#ated chambersthan illustrationsof B. dilatata given by Barmawidjajaet al. (1992) and Janninket al.(1998, p. 1, Fig.1). WeregardB.inyataandB.seminudaasdistinctspeciesinourmaterial,althoughtheir taxonomic status merits further study. Species are classi"ed into higher taxa according to the system of Loeblich and Tappan (1987). The sub-order Rotaliina includes buliminid and bolivinid genera. 3. Results 3.1. Abundance Stained foraminiferaldensitiesin the upper 1cm of sedimentwere di!erent at the twosites.Inthe’300-lmfraction(i.e.themacrofauna),foraminiferawere1.5times more numerous at the 412-m site (80 individuals.10cm~2) compared to the 3350-m site (52 indiv.10cm~2). The di!erential increased when "ner sieve fractions were considered.Inthe’125-lmfraction(125}300plus’300lm),foraminiferawere7.5 times more numerous at 412m (2457 indiv. 10cm~2) than at 3350m (342 indiv. 10cm~2), while in the ’63-lm fraction (63}125 plus 125}300 plus ’300lm), densities were about 25 times higher at the 412-m site (16,107 indiv. 10cm~2; estimatedfroma1/16thsplit)thanatthe3350-msite(625indiv.10cm~2)(Table2). These density values include foraminifera extracted from the &topmost sediment’ andassociatedphytodetritalaggregates.Thetopmostsediment(volume0.65ml)from the412-mcorewasextremelyrichinstainedspecimens.Comparedtotheremainder of the 0}1cm layer, it yielded 2.9 times (’125lm) and about 3.7 times (’63lm) moreforaminifera,whennumberswerenormalisedtothesamevolume(Table2).At 3350m, there was no clear concentration of stained foraminifera in the ’125-lm fractionoftopmostsediment,butsmallerspecimens(thoseinthe’63-lmfraction) wereabout1.7timesmoreabundantinthesurfacematerialthaninthe0}1cmlayer. Phytodetritalaggregates present in the 412-m core contained 33 stained individuals ("13indiv. 10cm2). Only three individuals were directly associated with the phytodetrituspresentinthe3350-mcore.Inbothcasestheamountofphytodetritus present was very small ((0.1ml). 3.2. Taxonomic composition Hyaline calcareous foraminifera (rotaliids) dominated the stained fauna at 412m. Their dominance was particularly evident in the ’63-lm fraction where 85%of specimenswere rotaliids comparedto about 70%in the ’125-lmfraction (Table3).Theonlyothertaxa(allbutonenon-calcareous)representing’1%ofthe assemblage (’125- and ’63-lm fractions) were allogromiids, bathysiphonids A.J. Goodayetal./Deep-SeaResearchII47(2000)25}54 31 nt re %) %) %) %) !e 2m %))%3 3 )%7 0 ndindi Total 26.75c 13(2.152(8.3277(44.342283(45.625 13(2.5229(43.241283(54.524 a s e g n a m)sizer hytodet. small l P v. 1 0 0 0 3 } l#3}125m125 (3350m) Topmostsediment &1ml 090(9.1)%220(22.2%)310680(68.6%)990 2(6.5)%11(35.5%)1318(58.1%)31 6 7 meiofaunal(2m). Station1268 0}1cm 325.75cm 13(2.2%)49(8.4)%269(45.9%)330256(43.7%)586 11(2.2)%218(44.1%)228265(53.6%)494 dc l’nal(300m)anberspercore(25.5 Total 325.0cm 080(0.5)%2453(15.2%)253313,457(83.5%)16,107 4(0.42)%368(39.1%)372569(60.5%)940 2m)inmacrofauatedfromnum Phytodetritus v.small 13 0 lmfraction. dforaminifera(individualper10c~2Numbersareindiv.10cm,calcul Station12695(412m) 0}1cmTopmostsediment 3324.35cm0.65cm 0065(0.45)600(1.09)%%5836(15.9%)6460(11.7%)24657059!12,235(83.9%)47,908(87.2%)14,70054,967 3(0.32)16(3.5)%%368(39.6%)16(3.5%)37132!558(60.1%)428(92.6%)929462 completesortof1/16thof63}125 nee. on aipl d Table2 Abundanceofstpartsofthesam Volume ForaminiferaAttachedlTotal300m>l125}300mlTotal125m>l63}125mlTotal63m> MetazoanslTotal300m>l125}300mlTotal125m>l63}125mlTotal63m> !Estimatebase 32 A.J. Goodayetal./Deep-SeaResearchII47(2000)25}54 arhe m ult l ocof 25 2 6 9 98 ultilplit ’1 6.2 0.90 000000021.12.3013.92.30.4052.60 209 ms " h 6t F1 m A1/ l nt’;Mona 298SSBB610m0.15 ’63 1.18 0.290 0.5900000018.01.7703.533.830.290.2970.20 339 meed edibas m pmostser)are 298ESBB590m0.05 l’63 0 1.390 0000000006.69000091.90 866 oy "&tla m m Sc l T1 5 SBB).92(0} TS’12 1.69 03.59 0.2110.8000002.1130.90.630.631.480.630.2149.00 473 (6 n2 asin1 m Bo l rabaramStati TS’63 0.39 0.220.48 0.031.9600.110003.1112.44.710.52000.0376.40 3566 ao Bfr m arginstationsandSantal’125mfractions)data 12692Omanmargin412m0.13 0}1cm0}1cmll’’63m125 0.882.77 33,0576487 m# m n am l ml 5 oO125 ’12 6.1 8.95.48 1.81.973.954.902.5701.982.42.22000.211.170.351.173.97 61 oupsatthetwl63m(i.e.63} 12687Omanmargin3350m!3.00 l’63m 22.61 23.215.93 7.1211.062.124.811.310.501.1216.423.500.060.310.061.870.694.182.29 16048 gr’ r oe majTh ofra. Table3Percentageabundanceagglutinatedforaminifel63}125mfraction. Station Bathymetricdepth~1O(ml.l)2 Sizefraction AllogromiinaAstrorhizacea:Saccamminidae:Soft-shelled‚agenamminaPsammosphaeridae:SpheresanddomesBathysiphonidaeOthertubesHyperamminaceaKomokiacean-likeAmmodiscaceaAgglutinatedchainsHormosinaceaTrochamminaceaSpiroplectamminaceaTextulariaceaOtherMAFMiliolinaLageninaRotaliinaOthertaxa Totalspecimens A.J. Goodayetal./Deep-SeaResearchII47(2000)25}54 33 (Bathysiphon spp.), rigid saccamminids (Lagenammina spp.), hormosinaceans (almost entirely Leptohalysis spp.), trochamminaceans, spiroplectamminaceans, textularia- ceans and lagenids (mainly Lenticulina). The topmost sediment at this site yielded a disproportionately large number of trochamminaceans and bathysiphonids com- pared to the 0}1cm layer (Table 3). In contrast, hyaline calcareous foraminifera (lagenids and rotaliids), trocham- minaceans and spiroplectamminaceans were rare in the 125- and ’63-lm frac- tions at the 3350-m site while all other taxa were more abundant than at 412m. Allogromiids,soft-shelled saccamminids and hormosinaceans (mainly Reophax spp.) were most frequent and rigid agglutinated spheres and domes, bathysiphonid and other agglutinated tubes, rigid saccamminids (Lagenammina spp.) and hippo- crepinaceans(tinyHyperamminaspp.)werealsocommon,againinbothsizefractions. At the 412-m site, more than half of the 10 most abundant species in both the ’63-and’125-lmfractions(totalsample,i.e.0}1cmlayerandtopmostsediment combined) were rotaliids (Table 4). The top-ranked species was Bolivina seminuda. Species abundances in the topmost sediment (’63lm) were rather di!erent from thosein the total sample,suggestingthat somespecies are concentratedclose to the sediment}water interface. In particular, Bolivina inyata was ranked "rst in the top- most sediment and a tiny agglutinated species, Morulaeplecta sp., was substantially moreabundant(3.89%)inthislayerthaninthe0}1cmlayerasawhole(0.93%).At the 3350-m site, only one calcareous species (Epistominella exigua) appeared among thetopten(’63-lmfractiononly)(Table4).Mostoftheremainingspeciesbelonged toa variety ofagglutinated taxa.A species of thehormosinaceangenus Leptohalysis sp. was ranked "rst in both residues. 3.3. Diversity and dominance Sixty-four unfragmented species were recognised in the ’125-lm fraction at 412m. About 5000 specimens removed from the 63}125-lm fraction (topmost sedi- ment and 1/16th split of 0}1cm sample) yielded only six additional species. The 3400-m site was more speciose with 158 unfragmented species recognised in the ’125-lm fraction and 208 in the ’63-lm fraction. Species richness measured by rarefaction (E(S )) was 23.9 at 412m and 58.7 at 3350m (’125-lm fraction). 100 Rarefaction curves (Fig. 1) con"rm these strong di!erences. Dominance (R1D) was substantially higher at 412m (27.0%) compared to 3350m (6.8%). It is even higher (44.1%) in the ’63-lm fraction of the topmost sediment from the shallower site. The 412-m assemblage (’125-lm fraction; 0}1cm layer) yielded a Shannon} Wiener Information index (H@) of 1.228, Fisher alpha index of 9.28, and Shannon eveness measure (J@) of 0.69 (Table 5). We have not incorporated data from the 63}125-lm residue of this sample into diversity calculation since only a subsample was sorted. However, diversity measures for the ’63-lm fraction of the topmost sedimentwereconsistentlylowerthanforthe0}1cmlayer(Table5).Corresponding values for the 3350-m assemblage (’125-lm fraction) were as follows: H@"1.939; Fisher Alpha index"60.97; J@"0.87. 34 A.J. Goodayetal./Deep-SeaResearchII47(2000)25}54 Table4 Percentageabundanceoftoptenspeciesindi!erentsizefractionattwositesontheOmanmargin.‘Totala refers to 0}1cm layer and topmost sediment combined. TS"topmost sediment, SWS"Soft-walled saccamminid. Major taxa are identi"ed as follows: A"Allogromiida; He"Hemisphaeramminidae; Ho"Hormosinacea; L"Lageniina; P"Psammosphaeridae; R"Rotaliina; Sp"Spiroplectam- minacea; Sr"Saccamminidae rigid-walled; Ss"Saccamminidae soft-walled; Te"Textulariacea; Tr"Trochamminiacea. Trochammina sp. 1 (412-m site) may be conspeci"c with Trochammina pacixca CushmanofBernhardetal.(1997)and„rochamminasp.ofKaminskietal.(1995). 12695dd2(412m) TS’63lm Total’125lm Total’63lm B.in-ata R 38.1 Bolivinaseminuda R.24.2 Bolivinaseminuda R 43.8 Bolivinaseminuda R 18.4 B.in-ata R 8.47 B.in-ata R 20.6 „rochamminasp.1 Tr 9.27 „rochamminasp.1 Tr 7.96 Buliminasp. R 7.36 ?Morulaeplectasp. Sp 3.89 Buliminasp. R 5.22 „rochamminasp.1 Tr4.79 Buliminasp. R 3.83 Suggrundasp. R 5.22 ?Fursenkoinasp. R 4.51 ‚eptohalysissp.1 Ho2.66 Nonionellasp. R 5.08 Chilost.ovoidea R 2.52 ?Fursenkoinasp. R 2.44 Bolivinasp.1 R 4.14 Nonionellasp. R 1.57 ‚enticulinan N 2.03 ‚eptohalysissp.1 Ho3.02 ?„extularia Te1.57 Suggrundasp. R 1.95 Bathysiphonsp.2 A 2.94 ‚eptohalysissp.1 Ho1.06 ;vigerinaperegrina R 1.84 Chilostomellaovoidea R 2.47 Spiroplectammina Sp0.88 12687dd8(3350m) Total’125lm Total’63lm ‚eptohalysissp.2 Ho 6.79 ‚eptohalysissp.2 Ho5.30 ‚agenamminasp.1 Sl 4.70 ‚agenamminasp.1 Sl 4.34 Reophaxsp.2 Ho 3.52 SWSsp.1 Ss 4.27 SWSsp.1 Ss 3.26 Allogromiidsp.1 A 4.27 Indet.psammosph. P 3.00 0Nodellum’sp. A 2.72 Agglut.tube Indet. 2.74 Reophaxsp.1 Ho2.28 R.a!.scorpiurus Ho 2.74 Reophaxsp.2 Ho1.99 Reophaxsp.3 Ho 2.61 Allogromiidsp.2 A 1.99 Crithioninasp. He 2.48 Epistominellaexigua R 1.84 R.a!.pilulifera Ho 2.09 R.a!.scorpiurus Ho1.77 3.4. Population size structure The foraminiferal macrofauna (’300lm) made up a smaller proportion of all foraminifera at 412m than at 3350m. Only 0.5% of the total fauna (’63lm) was retainedona300-lmsieveat412mcomparedwith8.3%atthe3350-msite(Table2). Maximumtestdimensionscon"rmthisshift(Fig.2).Althoughtestshadasimilarsize rangeatthe twosites, 92.9% were(500lm at 412mcomparedwith66.3%atthe deeper site. On the other hand, maximum dimensions peaked around 120lm at 3350mbut around160lmat412m,re#ectingthemoreelongatetestmorphologies of many foraminifera within the OMZ.

Oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) are long-term oceano- a plastic pipette in order to sample the fauna living at the sediment-water interface. The core
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