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Foraging Activity and Burrow Distribution in the Sydney Brown Trapdoor Spider (Misgolas rapax Karsch: Idiopidae) PDF

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Preview Foraging Activity and Burrow Distribution in the Sydney Brown Trapdoor Spider (Misgolas rapax Karsch: Idiopidae)

1996. The Journal of Arachnology 24:58-67 FORAGING ACTIVITY AND BURROW DISTRIBUTION IN THE SYDNEY BROWN TRAPDOOR SPIDER MISGOLAS RAPAX KARSCH: IDIOPIDAE) ( Richard A. Bradley: Ohio State University, 1465 Mt. Vernon Ave., Marion, Ohio 43302 USA ABSTRACT. Burrow-associated behavior ofMisgolas rapax was observed in the field and laboratory. Spider density was estimated on 16 replicate plots at one study site in Brisbane Water National Park, NSW, Australia. These estimates werecompared to habitatfeaturesincluding vegetation, topographic slope and soil penetrance. Spiderburrow density varied significantly across the study plots and was significantly aggregated. There were no detectable patterns ofrelationship between habitat features and variation in M. rapax density. Misgolas rapax density and activity patterns were not related to natural variation in spatial and temporal patterns ofprey-abundance. Field and laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the influence of proximate feeding history on activity in adult females. Foraging activity decreased after food supplementation in the field and was lower among the high-food treatment females in the laboratory. Despite the fact that M. rapax behavior is influenced by feeding history, these spiders are apparently unable to adjust their behavior to the unpredictable fluctuations in prey availability. The Sydney brown trapdoor spider (Mis- at the same time on the same study plots as golas rapax Karsch 1878) is abundant in a similar work on the common orb-weaving spi- variety of dry sclerophyll woodland habitats der Argiope keyserlingi Karsch 1878. In that in SE coastal New South Wales, Australia. It species, density was related to features ofveg- builds a burrow lacking a trapdoor, but the etation that provided favored web sites (Brad- entrance is occasionally sealed with silk and ley 1993). A second goal of the study was to covered with leaves. Prey are captured from examine the burrow density and dispersion ambush at the burrow entrance, and adults patterns of M. rapax and their relationship to rarely wander more than a few centimeters features of the habitat. from the burrow. The sole exception to this pattern is the mate-searching behavior of METHODS males. One striking aspect of the biology of — M. rapax is that an occupied burrow is either Study site. The study area was located in Brisbane Water National Park (33°33'S, open or closed (sealed with silk) for long pe- 151°18'E) at the SE comer of the town of riods of time (weeks to months). Individuals Pearl Beach, New South Wales, Australia. A of Misgolas rapax can be found at the en- trance to their burrows waiting for prey in any set of sixteen 0.023 ha plots (15m X 15 m) month of the year. This pattern contrasts with was marked with wood cornerposts. The plots othertrapdoor spiders which aestivate forlong were established on one hillside in a patch of periods during the summer months (Buchli dry sclerophyll woodland dominated by Ca- 1969; Marples & Marples 1972) or dry peri- suarina torulosa (70% by frequency) such ods (Main 1982). The current study was ini- that no two plots were closer to each other tiated to determine ifproximate environmental than 5 m. Consult Bradley (1993) for a de- factors, or the abundance ofprey, might influ- tailed description of the study plots and gen- ence the foraging activity patterns ofthis spe- eral study site. Other large burrowing spiders cies. Another pattern in this species is the ten- known from the study area includedAtrax ro- dency for many burrows to be located in some hustus Cambridge 1877, Geolycosa godeffroyi areas and few in adjacent, apparently similar, (L. Koch) 1865, Hadronyche sp.?, Lycosafur- areas. This work on M. rapax was conducted cillata L. Koch 1867, Lycosa pictiventris L. 58 — BRADLEY BURROW-ASSOCIATED BEHAVIOR OF MISGOLAS RAPAX 59 — Koch 1877 and Misgolas gracilis (Rainbow & Spider activity measurement. Burrow Puileine 1918). entrances were marked with numbered wood — Environmental measurement. Weather tongue depressors placed 30 cm S of the en- records (rainfall, temperature) were obtained trance (n —: 429). Regular (approximately bi- from the Crommelin Biological Research Sta- weekly, on the same nights as prey samples) tion, a station within 500 m ofthe study area. observations ofmarked burrows were made to Soil temperature (surface, 15 cm and 30 cm), determine if they were open and whether the air temperature, and relative humidity were spider was near the entrance. At each visit to continuously recorded with a Weathertronics a marked burrow, the temperature and relative thermograph and hygrothermograph located in humidity were also measured. Spider popula- a ventilated wooden box on the study area. tion density was estimated during December Temperature and humidity were measured at 1985 by counting the numberofoccupied bur- the burrow entrance for each spider activity rows on each plot. — observation using a Novasina MIK-2000 por- Prey abundance measurement. Two table hygrothermograph (Novasina AG, Zu- measures ofprey abundance were made. Sam- rich). Soil penetrance was measured with a ples of leaf-litter were collected adjacent to Soiltest CL-700 penetrometer; 100 measure- the study plots by removing all litter down to m ments were made on each plot using a strati- bare soil from a 0.25 2 area. Potential prey fied random sampling design. This device pro- organisms were extracted using a modified vides an indication of surface resistance, Tullgren funnel (Southwood 1966). Two rows which has been implicated as an important of five pitfall traps were placed on each plot; factor in the choice of burrowing site in stud- pits were separated by 2 m, and rows were 3 ies ofother arachnids (Lamoral 1978; Bradley m from edge of plot. Pits 20 cm deep were 1986; Polis & McCormick 1986). Average to- constructed of 5 mm thick polyvinyl chloride pographic slope was estimated for each plot tubing with an inside diameter of 11 cm bur- by estimating total elevation change from ied flush with the soil surface. A removable highest to lowest point on the plot. Twelve sleeve was used within pits fitted on the bot- mm vegetation variables (Bradley 1993) were sub- tom with 0.5 nylon mesh for drainage. jected to principal components analysis. The Pits were covered when not in use but were principal component scores for each plot left dry and open during sampling. Samples along the first two axes were compared to were collected over 24-hour periods on 18 measures of M. rapax density using Pearson dates between August 1994-February 1996. product-moment correlation. The dispersion Potential prey captured from litter or pitfall pattern of burrows was analyzed using the samples were identified (usually to family) mm variance/mean ratio method (Southwood and measured to nearest 1 (body length). 1966). Significance of this ratio was assessed Dry-weight biomass was estimated using re- by Kershaw’s method of calculating t (Ker- gression equations appropriate for each taxon shaw 1973). — (Rogers et al. 1976, 1977). In cases where no Burrow characteristics. Burrows of 48 appropriate regression equation was available, adult M. rapax were excavated (a large hole one was calculated from specimens captured was dug beside the burrow, which was then in the study area. Potential-prey samples (lit- approached from the side); spiders were col- ters, pits) were compared to temporal patterns lected from 34 of these burrows and the mid- of M. rapax activity using Pearson product- den of rejected prey remains (rejectamenta) moment correlation analysis of prey variables was collected from 32 burrows. All rejecta- against the proportion of M. rapax burrows menta were identified and a minimum number that were open with an active spider near the of prey of each taxon was estimated from the entrance. Prey samples were also compared to parts. Burrow depth, diameter at entrance (just M. rapax density spatially (across plots) using below flared opening at point where burrow ANOVA (repeated-measures design).— becomes cylindrical), orientation of opening, Laboratory feeding experiment. Twen- depth of protective silk-closure, and depth of ty-four adult female M. rapax were installed midden were measured. Spider fang length in individual 30 cm (tall) X 30 cm (deep) X (right), carapace length and the length oftibia 7 cm (wide) clear acrylic plastic (“Plexiglas”) I (right) were measured to 0.1 mm. containers. Each container was first filled to — — 60 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY within 5 cm of the top with natural soil from the Casuarina-needie litter at the entrance. near the study area. The spiders readily dug There were few attached radially-arranged burrows in the containers and lined them with leaf or twig lines, which are common features silk. The soil was kept damp with regular of other trapdoor spider (Aganippe O. Pick- misting of distilled water. All spiders were ard-Cambridge 1877 and Idiosoma Ausserer housed in aroom illuminated on a 12:12 cycle 1871) burrows found in areas with a substan- and maintained between 21-29 °C. Spiders tial leaf litter (Main 1984). Burrows were rel- were randomly divided into two groups. One atively vertical silk-lined tubes with a mean group (high-food) was fed either one adult depth of 33.6 cm (SD = 8.1, n = 47) and cricket (Gryllus sp.), one ultimate-instar meal- mean entrance diameter of 22.3 mm (SD = worm larva (Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus) or 2.6, n = 48). Only 10% of the burrows con- one adult mealworm beetle every other day. tained a defensive-sock closure (mean depth All prey items were weighed to the nearest0.1 of closure 16.0 cm; SD = 3.1; n = 5). Main mg. The second group (low-food) was fed a (1984) also mentions the inconsistency of de- similar meal once per 14 days. Spiders were fensive-sock closures in M. rapax burrows. only fed if they were in the “foraging posi- Most of the spiders located in excavated bur- tion” within 3 cm of the top of the burrow rows were found at the bottom; some were entrance. The food item was presented to the found just below the silk closure, holding it spider by gently rubbing the silk near the en- closed with their chelicerae. The mean burrow trance to the burrow until the spider grasped depth was correlated with mean entrance di- the item. If a prey item was not eaten, it was ameter (r = +0.26, P < 0.05). Burrow di- removed the following day. Each spider was ameter was correlated with spider carapace weighed at the beginning (27 October 1984) length (r = +0.50, P < 0.01) and fang length and end ofthe experimental period (2 Septem- (r = +0.49, P < 0.01). The burrow opening ber 1985). For the test of differences in activ- of most M, rapax burrows was tilted at an ity (proportion ofnights in foraging position), angle. There was no significant bias to the ori- the proportions were subjected to the arcsin entation ofthe openings with respect to either transformation before analysis. slope or compass direction. Many burrows Fie—ld food-supplementation experi- contained a midden of uneaten prey remains ment. Seventy-three active (in foraging po- near the bottom of the burrow (mean depth sition) adult female M. rapax were located 19.8 mm; SD = 10.5; n = 26). and their burrows marked. Spiders were ran- Density and habitat relationships. Mis- domly divided into two groups. Spiders in one golas rapax density varied by a factor of 6.4 group (food-supplementation, n - 30) were across the study plots. The mean density es- fed one seventh (ultimate) instar mealworm timate based on occupied burrows in Decem- larva on four successive nights (13-16 Feb- ber 1995 for all 16 plots combined was 391/ ruary 1986). The mealworm was presented to ha (n = 16, SD = 236). Vegetation, elevation, the spider by gently rubbing the silk near the and slope characteristics varied significantly entrance to the burrow until the spidergrasped across the plots (Bradley 1993) but there were the mealworm. Spiders in the second group no correlations with M. rapax density pat- (unmanipulated, n = 43) were checked for ac- terns. There was significant variation in soil tivity by rubbing the silk, but they were not penetrance across plots (ANOVA; F = 12.9; fed. No attempt was made to restrict natural df = 15, 1584; P < 0.001), but this feature capture ofprey. All spiders were checked sub- was not correlated with M. rapax density (r = sequently on 20 February and 10 March 1986; — 0.35, ns). The mean distance between bur- the spider was scored for activity and for rows was 5.4 m (SD = 9.0). The dispersion whether the burrow entrance was open or of M. rapax burrows was significantly closed (with silk). clumped with a variance/mean ratio of ran- dom point-to-burrow distances of 14.8 (t = RESULTS 13.9, P < 0.01). This may reflect the tendency Burrow characteristics. Burrows of M. for young spiders to disperse relatively short rapax were found in the loosely consolidated distances from the maternal burrow before sandy soils across the entire study area. Bur- constructing their own burrow—s. rows were lined with silk that was attached to Activity patterns in field. to assess “ac- BRADLEY—BURROW-ASSOCIATED BEHAVIOR OF MISGOLAS RAPAX 61 so 40 1 c JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 0JAN FE1B MA1R AP1R MA1Y JU1N JU1L AU1Q SE1P OC1T NO1V DEC (119) (62) (121) (86) (51) (50) (69) (36) (83) (73) (178) (125) (119) (62) (121) (86) (51) (50) (69) (36) (83) (73) (178) (125) Figure 1.-Annual activity patterns of Misgolas Figure 2-The proportion ofMisgolas rapaxbur- rapax. The values in the figure represent the per- rows that were discovered newly opened during the centage of marked burrows which were open (ac- month indicated. The sample size of burrows tive) andknowntocontain alivespider. The sample checked is included in parentheses below the size ofburrows checked is included in parentheses month. below the month. for the spider to be in the active foraging po- tive” spiders, I analyzed observations of sition. marked burrows. Ifa marked burrow was dis- R—elationship to potential-prey phenolo- covered closed and was never observed open gy. Prey remains analyzed from the middens again during the study, it was assumed that in excavatedM. rapaxburrows reveal that this the spider had died or abandoned the burrow, spider eats substantial numbers of the large and it was removed from the sample. Of the and aggressive bulldog ant Myrmecia gulosa. 429 marked burrows, activity data were Unfortunately, the remains in middens un- scored for 1053 observations from 253 bur- doubtedly contain a biased sample of prey; rows known to contain a living M. rapax in- large and hard-bodied prey are probably over- dividual. These observations were made be- represented (Table 1). tween September 1984-February 1986. The A total of 2715 potential prey items was pattern of annual activity as indicated by the captured in the pitfall samples (this total ex- proportion of open burrows that were known cludes species known to be rejected by M. ra- to contain a living M. rapax is not strongly pax in the laboratory). Prey availability (num- seasonal (Fig. 1). Similarly there is no obvious seasonal pattern to the proportion of previ- — ously-closed burrows which were opened dur- Table 1. Identified prey remains found in Mis- ing a particular month (Fig. 2). Burrows tend- golas rapax burrows (n = 287 prey; n = 32 mid- ed to remain open for long periods (x = 83 dens). days, SD — 65, range 1—397 days). After a spider sealed the entrance to its burrow with Per- Per- centage centage tsielnk,deidt itnytpeircvaallly(xre=ma7i6n,edSDclo=se6d0,forranagnee6x-- Prey category burorfows opfreayll 332 days). On any given visit a burrow had a probability of49.6% ofbeing found open. Ac- Myrmecia (Formicidae) 78 46 tive M. rapax are usually visible near the en- Carabidae 50 18 trance to the burrow (within three cm of the Scarabaeidae 41 5 Formicidae (others) 34 5 opening). The number of spiders in this for- Coleoptera 28 4 aging position was assessed during 722 ob- Curculionidae 19 2 servations at open burrows. Significantly Hemiptera 13 2 more spiders were observed in the entrance of Blattodea 13 1 open burrows at night (18%) than during the Camponotus (Formicidae) 9 2 day (7%) (t = 2.3; P < 0.05). There were no Cerambycidae 9 <1 significant correlations between surface tem- Hymenoptera (others) 9 <1 perature, soil temperature or surface humidity Scorpionida 3 1 others n/a 12 and the tendency for a burrow to be open, or 62 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY — Table 2. Results ofthe laboratory feeding experiment. ‘The sample size reflects differences in number of spiders surviving at the time ofmeasurement. 2The proportion ofnights when a spider was seen in the “feeding position” within 3 cm of the top of the burrow. High-food Low-food Significance Variable X SD nl X SD nl t P Number of meals 14 (9.1) 11 8 (2.9) 12 2.09 ns Initial spider mass 2.38 (0.77) 12 2.47 (0.74) 12 -0.29 ns Total food mass (g) 2.60 (1.44) 11 1.22 (0.43) 12 3.05 <0.05 Final spider mass (g) 2.83 (0.72) 11 2.36 (0.38) 12 -2.02 <0.05 Change in mass (g) 0.56 (0.73) 11 -0.11 (0.56) 12 -2.51 <0.05 Prop, nights active2 0.15 (0.13) 11 0.27 (0.16) 12 -2.13 <0.05 bers trapped) appears to vary significantly food consumed by the spiders in the two treat- through the season as assessed by pitfall-trap ments differed. The high-food treatment spi- samples (ANOVA F = 2.17; df = 15, 272; P ders ate significantly more and were signifi- < 0.01). Numbers and biomass of potential- cantly heavier at the end of the experiment prey both peak during spring or early summer (Table 2). High-food treatment females gained (late September through December). Results 24% and low-food treatment females lost 4% from the litter samples appear less seasonal ofinitial body weight. High-food treatmentfe- (ANOVA ns). Using proportion of spiders ac- males were also significantly less active (less tive (open burrow with spider near entrance) often in foraging position) than low-food fe- as an index of M. rapax temporal foraging males (Table 2). Spider growth was positively phenology, there was a weak correlation with correlated with the number of meals eaten (r total potential-prey numbers captured in the = +0.87; P < 0.01). When this relationship pitfall-trap samples (r = +0.57; P < 0.05); is plotted, the “break-even point” or the num- this correlation disappears when the sample is ber of meals eaten over the 1 1 months that restricted to the largerpotential prey that com- resulted in no weight change was approxi- prise most ofthe diet ofM. rapax (r = +0.38; mately four meals (Fig. 3). — ns). Similarly, there is no seasonal correlation Field experiment results. Of the 43 spi- with potential-prey biomass (r = +0.42; ns). ders in the unmanipulated group, most kept There were no signficant correlations between their burrow open through 20 February, but M. rapax foraging phenology and potential 38% had closed their burrow by 10 March prey in the litter samples. (Fig. 4A). On 10 March, 59% were still active Spatially, potential-prey abundance varied at the top of their burrow. Among the 30 spi- signficantly across the study plots fornumbers ders in the food-supplementation group, only (F = 2.17; df = 15, 272; P < 0.01) but not 45% had open burrows by 10 March (Fig. biomass (ANOVA F = 0.71; df — 15, 272; 4B). Fewerofthe food-supplementation group ns). There was no spatial correlation between remained active; by 20 February this propor- potential-prey patterns ofnumbers or biomass tion of active individuals was significantly and M. rapax density (r = +0.0008 ns; r = lower than among the unmanipulated group 0.36 ns). — (Fig. 4). On 10 March, only 7% of the food- Laboratory experiment results. The supplementation females were actively forag- feeding behavior ofM. rapax confounded the ing, while 60% of the unmanipulated females treatment effect in this experiment. After eat- were active (Fig. 4). ing the first few (2-4) successive meals, many DISCUSSION of the high-food treatment spiders ceased — feeding. They often remained at the bottom of Density and dispersion. -One clear result their burrow and would not respond for days of this study is that the burrows of M. rapax or weeks. Even though they were offered are clumped. Clumped dispersion patterns food, they did not feed. This diluted the dif- have been observed in a variety other myga- ferences in food consumed between the two lomorph species (Main 1982, 1987; Marples treatments (Table 2). Nevertheless, the total & Marples 1972; Coyle & Icenogle 1994) and BRADLEY—BURROW-ASSOCIATED BEHAVIOR OF MISGOLAS RAPAX 63 <D CCJ) CO O) 0 5 Figure 3-The weight gained (+) or lost (—) during the laboratory feeding experiment as a percentage of initial spider weight compared to the number of meals eaten by an individual female M. rapax. The horizontal line represents no change in weight. These two variables are positively correlated (r = +0.87, P < 0.001). burrowing Lycosidae (Humphreys 1976; Fer- is a large spider (mature female mass approx- nandez-Montraveta et al. 1991). It is possible imately 1.5 g, Humphreys 1976), but this is that the aggregation of M. rapax burrows re- equivalent to only 63% ofthe size ofa mature flects limited dispersal from the maternal bur- female M. rapax (2.4 g, this study Table 2). row, but I observed no tendency forperipheral McQueen (1983b) studied Geolycosa domifex burrows to be smaller nor a central large bur- (Hancock) and observed extremely variable row indicative of a “matriarch” as described and high densities (5-13 spiders/m2). The spi- by Main (1978, 1987). It is possible that lon- ders were not uniformly dispersed and aver- gevity and relatively low recruitment rates age density over the entire field site rarely ex- might obscure any such pattern. ceeded 1/m2 (McQueen 1983b). Like The density estimates forM. rapaxobtained Geolycosa godeffroyi, G. domifex is relatively in the current study (391/ha or 0.04/m2 are smaller than M. rapax (mature female mass ) considerably lower than those published for ca. 0.5 g; McQueen 1983a). One might expect other large burrowing spiders. Humphreys that a large, long-lived mygalomorph such as (1976) indicates that density in Geolycosa M. rapax would be found at lower densities godeffroyi (L. Koch) was quite variable and than the smaller lycosids. Other studies ofmy- locally high in relativley small areas of dis- galornorphs, however, have documented high turbed or edge habitat. Densities at Hum- population densities (Marples & Marples phreys’ Kowan study site range between 1972; Fairweather 1993; Wishart 1993). Mar- 0.16-1.3 spiders/m2 (Humphreys 1976; ples & Marples (1972) provide estimates estimated from his fig. 5). Mature female den- ranging from 1.5-292 spiders/m2 for Cantu- sity was about 0.01/m2 Geolycosa godeffroyi aria toddi Forster in New Zealand. This re- . 64 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY A hart 1993). Oxford (1993) conducted a long term (19 yr) study of local populations of the theridiid Enoplognatha ovata (Clerck) and found a consistent pattern of spiders found only near “verges ofroads and tracks” mostly A near dry-stone walls. recent review indi- cates that ecotones support increased biodi- versity and productivity (Risser 1995). It is not clear whether this edge effect might also be applied to the current study site which is near two small dirt roads and within % km of a major habitat discontinuity. B There was signficant variation in Misgolas density across the study area. I detected no signficant correlations between M. rapax den- sity and any environmental variables (vege- tation variables, slope, soil penetrance) or prey relative-abundance measures. Site-specif- ic variation in density was also demonstrated for M. rapax by Fairweather (1993; his table 2). It is relevant to consider the spatial scale of the current study; all 16 study plots were within a patch of habitat 1.5 ha in extent. At this relatively small spatial scale, the observed Figure 4-The results of the field food supple- density variation may reflect stochastic effects mentation experiment. The percentage with open magnified by the aggregated dispersion pat- burrows (hatched bars) and the percentage where tern. At larger spatial scales, it is clear thatM. the spider was observed within three cm ofthe bur- rapax and otherrelated mygalomorphs exhibit row entrance in the foraging position (solid bars) habitat specificity (Fairweather 1993). on the four feeding dates (13-16 February 1986) One feature of this habitat that has the po- and subsequently on 20 February 1986 and 10 tential to create patchy distributions is fire. March 1986. (A) The percentage of open burrows The frequency of fire in this area is relatively and active spiders among unmanipulated (control) high. Main (1981) indicates that adults offos- spiders, n = 43. (B) The percentage of open bur- sorial species such asAnidiops villosus (Rain- rows and active spiders among food-supplemented spiders, n = 30 bow) survive fire in their burrows. Main (1995) pointed out that the post-fire environ- ment, with reduced shade and litter, was often markable range of densities reflects the fact hostile. Main (1995) suggests that increased that the burrows of C. toddi were found in adult mortality and declining juvenile recruit- dense clusters in restricted habitats such as ment may result in long-term population de- & cliffsides and road margins (Marples Mar- clines in A. villosus after fire. Observations of pies 1972). Fairweather obtained estimates of M. rapax after a fire burned this area (in 1987 approximately 0.8-6.4 spiders/m2 for M. ra- after the conclusion ofthis study) indicatethat pax and 4-12 spiders/m2 forMisgolas gracilis few, if any, individuals were injured. The fos- (Fairweather 1993; estimated from his fig. 1). sorial habit of this species provided ample Like Humphreys, Fairweather sampled in hab- protection from fire in the short term. At Bris- itat patches that were in some cases near ec- bane Water National Park plant communities otones or edges. To some extent the “edge and insects rebounded rapidly after bushfire so effect” (Leopold 1947) may have influenced the likelihood that variation in prey distribu- A the high population density estimates. sim- tion reflects fire-history is probably low. Fire ilar effect, attributed to remnant habitats and was shown to have little effect on spider den- low predator density is cited by Wishart to sities or communities in Quebec (Koponen explain the relatively high population densi- 1993) and in Germany—(Schaefer 1980). ties of a series of mygalornorph species (Wis- Activity patterns. There appears to be BRADLEY—BURROW-ASSOCIATED BEHAVIOR OF MISGOLAS RAPAX 65 little demonstrable relationship between activ- diet ofM. rapax. Thus, it is still possible that ity levels of M. rapax and proximate weather a subtle positive relationship between prey conditions or seasonality. Activity, as assessed availability and spider activity exists which by the proportion of burrows open or spiders could not be detected by the methods I em- near their burrow entrances, was low and un- ployed in this study. A predictable. This result contrasts with other second plausible explanation for the re- work on sit-and-wait spiders whose activity sults I obtained is that prey are too unpredict- levels are influenced by temperature (Buchli able in time and space to be tracked by vari- 1969; Ford 1978), rainfall, humidity or season ation in spider activity. Sedentary burrowing (Buchli 1969; Shook 1978; Main 1981). Mis- trapdoor spiders only detectprey alimiteddis- golas rapax do appear to forage primarily at tance from their burrows (Main 1957; Buchli night; in this respect it is similar to other trap- 1969). Perhaps the encounter rates with prey door spiders (Buchli 1969; Coyle 1981) and are too infrequent, and the variation in prey the theraphosid Aphonopelma seemanni (F. P. availability is too irregular for M. rapax to Cambridge) (Herrero & Valerio 1986). In two have evolved a mechanism that could predict species of large burrowing lycosid spiders, no prey encounters. In his review of foraging diel periodicity was detected (Humphreys strategies ofspiders, Uetz (1992) explains that 1973; McQueen & Culik 1981). Other lycos- in cases where differences in the fitness gain ids are strictly nocturnal, e.g., Lycosa caroli- between behavioral strategies are small, one nensis Walckenaer (Shook 1978). might not expect the evolution ofa single op- One factor that has been shown to influence timum strategy. burrow closure in trapdoor spiders is rainfall Another explanation for the lack of a cor- (McKeown 1936; Main 1993). Foraging activ- respondence between activity patterns of M. ity of M. rapax during rainstorms was very rapax and potential prey is that the annual low, but insufficient data were collected dur- food requirements are so low that this effect ing storms to evaluate this observation statis- is undetectable. As few as four meals/yr are tically. There is no indication in the data that sufficient for maintenance ofbody weight, and more M. rapax burrows were found closed individuals consuming 20 meals/yrcan double immediately after rainstorms. The soils in this their body weight (Fig. 3). Many individuals study area are sandy and well drained. Even provided with a few supplemental prey in the though the soil is occasionally saturated after field experiment closed their burrows and/or heavy rain, there is little chance that standing became inactive. Misgolas rapax were shown water would persist. Main has suggested that to have extraordinarily long periods of inac- one of the primary functions of the closable tivity in the field (x = 76 days) and may live sock in the open burrows of Misgolas is to many years as has been shown for other mem- prevent flooding of the burrow (Main 1993). bers of the family (Main 1981, 1982). Varia- There is no evidence that daily activity lev- tion in prey availability as measured by the els, seasonal activity patterns or population pitfall samples was evident from month-to- densities of M. rapax are responsive to vari- month, but with only a weak seasonal pattern. ation in prey availability. On the other hand, It seems that the temporal scale of variation results from the laboratory and field food-sup- in prey is too short relative to the patterns of plementation experiments indicate that well- activity/aestivation in M. rapax . fed individuals are significantly less active. One last factor that may exert a powerful One explanation for the lack of correspon- influence on activity ofMisgolas is the risk of dence between spider activity and prey phe- predation. It is possible that the long periods nology is that prey availabiliy was not accu- of burrow closure are a response to the risk rately measured by pitfall traps. Evidence of predation. Both of the chief predators of against this interpretation is that the pitfall this species (wasps and legless lizards) enter traps captured all of the known prey species, burrows to attack M. rapax. Predatory wasps and that when pit data were altered to include (Sphecidae, Pompilidae) which prey on spi- only known prey species, there was even less ders commonly inhabit the area ofthe current relationship to spider activity patterns. It study. A large pompilid Cryptochelius (sp.?) should be noted that I have little information was commonly observed hunting near the about the proportions of prey in the natural ground in the study area and is a potential 66 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY predator of Misgolas. One of the chief pred- supported by Sydney University special pro- ators ofM. rapax is the legless lizard Pygopus ject grants L.104121, L.104131. This paper is lepidopodus (Lacepede) (Patched & Shine Sydney University I. U. S. contribution #3. 1986). This species has been commonly ob- LITERATURE CITED served on the study site, is broadly sympatric with M. rapax (Cogger 1983), and may be Bradley, R. A. 1986. The relationship between specialized for hunting large burrowing spi- population density of Paruroctonus utahensis ders (Shine 1986). Both Pygopus lepidopodus (Scorpionida: Vaejovidae) and characteristics of and the predatory wasps are diurnal or cre- its habitat. J. Arid Environ., 11:165-171. Bradley, R. A. 1993. The influence ofprey avail- puscular. It is by no means certain that these ability and habitat on activity patterns and abun- predators influence the activity patterns ofM. dance of Argiope keyserlingi (Araneae: Aranei- rapax, but this subject deserves further study. dae). J. Arachnol., 21:91-106. I studied M. rapax at the same time and at Buchli, H. H. R. 1969. Hunting behavior in the the same locality as I conducted work on the Ctenizidae. American Zook, 9:175-193. orb-weaverArgiope keyserlingi. WhileA. key- Cogger, H. G. 1983. Reptiles and Amphibians of serlingi density was directly related to mea- Australia. A. H. & A. W. Reed, Frenchs Forest, surable features of the vegetation (Bradley NSW, Australia. 1993), density ofM. rapax was not. The sim- Conley, M. R. 1985. Predation versus resource limitation in survival of adult burrowing wolf plest explanation for this difference is thatAr- spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae). Oecologia, 67:71- giope actually use the vegetation as a frame- 75. work to construct their snares. Local Coyle, F. A. 1981. Notes on the behaviour of Um- aggregations of Misgolas appear to reflect midia trapdoor spiders (Araneae, Ctenizidae): limited dispersal of juveniles and long pers- burrow construction, prey capture, and the func- istance ofindividuals. Neither species appears tional morphology of the peculiar third tibia. to exhibit activity or density patterns that re- Bull. British Arachnol. Soc. 5:159-165. flect prey availability. 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Survival oftrapdoorspidersdur- 53-64. Maripnlgesa,ndBa.ftJe.r&fireM..CAJ.LMMarSpclie.s.Sup1p9h7,2.4:O2b0s7e-2r1v6a.- SouMtehtwhouoedn,&T.CoR..,EL.ond1o96n6.. Ecological Methods. tions on Cantuaria toddi and other trapdoor spi- Wishart, G. F. C. 1993. The biology ofspiders and ders (Aranea: Mygalomorpha) in Central Otago, phenology of wandering males in a forest rem- New Zealand. J. Royal Soc. New Zealand, 2: nant (Araneae: Mygalomorphae). Mem. Queens- land Mus., 33:675-680. 179-185. McKeown, K. C. 1936. Australian Spiders. Angus Uetz, G. W. 1992. Foraging strategies of spiders. & Trends Ecol. Evol., 7:155-159. Robertson, Sydney. McQueen, D. J. 1983a. Field studies in growth, Manuscript received 12 June 1995, revised 27 De- reproduction, and mortality in the burrowing cember 1995.

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