FOR MARX LouiAsl thusser TranslabtyeB de nB rewster VERSO Lond•o Nne wY ork ContentsTo My EngliRseha ders9 Acknowledgeme1n7t s IntroductTioodna:y 2 1 1 Feuerb'asc' hPhilosopMhainciafle sto4e1s ' 2 'Ont heY oungM arx' 49 3 ContradicatnidoO nve rdetermina8t7i on 4 The'P iccoTleoa tro': BertolaazznidB recht1 29 S The'1 844M anuscripotfKs a'r lM arx 1S 3 l 6 On theM ateriaDliiaslte ct1i6c1 GarXisamn dH umanism2 19 01 ary 249 Indx 2S9 Originpaulbllyi sahseP do uMra rxb y Franc;:oMiass perPoa,r i19s6 5 © Franc;:oMiass per1o9 65 Firpsutb lisinhe Edn gli1s9h6 9 Transla©ti BoennB rewst1e9r6 9 Thiesd itipounb lisbhyeV de rs2o0 05 Allr ighrtess erved Them orarligh tso ft hea uthoarn dt ranslhaatvobere ena sserted 357910864 Verso UK:6 MearSdt reLeotn,d oWn1 F OEG USA:1 80V aricSkt reNeetw, Y orkN Y 10014-4606 Versiost hei mprionftN ew LefBto oks ISBN1 -84467-052-X ISBN9 78-1-84467-052-9 BritUibsrhaC rayt aloignPu uibnlgi cDaatitoan A catalorgeuceo rfdor t hibso oki s avaiflraobmtl heeB ritiLsihb rary UbraorfCy o ngrCeastsa lOging-iDna-tPau blication A catalroegc ofrdo rt hisb ooki sa vailafbrloemt heL ibraorfyC ongress Printaenddb ounind theU niteKdi ngdobmy C PIB ookmarqCureo,y don Thesep ageasr ed edicated tot hem emoroyf J acquMeasr tin, the friend who,i nt hem ostt erriobrldee al, alone discovetrheerd o ad to Marx'psh ilosophy -andg uidemde ontiot . L.A. MyEng Usb To Readers I shoulldi kber ietfloyp resetnhtit sr anslaotfPi oonu Mrar xt o anE ngliasuhd ienacned,0, thes ameo ccasitoonm ,a keu seo f thet ime thhaaset l apd sin itw asw rittteotn a kseo me' bear ingso'nt hep hiloscoaplch tenatn dt hie deologsiicganli ficance oft hissm alblo ok. PouMra raxp pearienFd r ancien1 965B.u to nliyt Isn troduc tio(n' Todadya't)e fsr omt hayte arA.l l1tohteh ecrh aptewresr e publisehaerdl ibeert,w e1e9n6 a0n d1 964i,nt hef ormo fa rticles inF rencCho mmuniPsatr tjyo urna*l Tsh.e yw erec ollecttoed gether exaasoc rtilgyi nwarliltyt weint,h oaunty c orrectoiro ns alterations. Tou ndersttahnedse es saaynsdt op asjsu dgemeonntt h emi,ti s essenttoir ale altihzea tth ewye rceo nceived, awnrdpi utbtleins hed bya C ommunipshti losoipnha ep ra rticiudleaorl ogaincdta hle or eticcaoln junctSuort ee xmtuss bt et akefno wrh atth eayr e. Theya rep hiloiscoaepslhs aytsh,efi rsstt agoefsa long-tienrm vestigaptrieolni,m irneasruylw thsi cohb vioudselmya ncdo rrec tiont;h iisn vestigcaotnicoenrnt sh es pecifinca turoeft hep rin ciploefts h es cienacnedp hilosofpohuyn dbeydM arxH.o wever, thespeh ilosopehsiscaadylos n otd erifvreo ma mereleyr udiotre speculaitnivvees tigTahteiyoa nr.eS ,i multaninetoeursvelnyt,i ons ina definictoen juncture. I Ast hIen troducsthioownts h,i cso njuncitsufi,rr est th,te h eoretical andi deologciocnajlu nctiunrF er ancmeo,r ep articultahrel y _ presecnotn junctiuntr hee F rencCho mmunisPta rtya ndi n • Witht hee xceptoifo nt ahret iocnlB ee rtolaanzzdiB rechwth,i cwha s publisihnet dh eC athorleivci Eeswp rit. tFore xplanaotfit oenr muss esecd Glossaprayg,2e 49. 9 ForM arx Frencphh ilosoBpuhtya .sw elals t hipse culiFarrelnycc ho njunc turei,t i sa lstoh ep reseindte ologaincdta hle oretciocnajlu ncture int hei nternatCioomnmalu nimsotv ement. Ofc oursteh,ee ssayyosu a rea boutto r eaddo n otb eaorn t he politeilceamle notfts h icso njunc(ttuhrpeeo licoifte hsCe o mmun isPta rtitehses, p liintt hei nternatiCoonmamlu nimsotv ement). Theyd eawli tthh ei deologaincdtal h eoretpircoabll epmrse sent int hec onjuncatnurdpe r oduc!ebdy i tI.n c ertariens petchtess e probleamrsen ewo nesi;n o thetrhse rye feursb ackt od ebates whichh avel ongc haractertihzehe ids toorfyt hew orkres' movement. A consideroaftt hireo ne ceelnetm eonftt sh icso njuncrteuvreea ls thasti,n ceS ta'lisdn eatthh,Ie nternatioCnoamlm unimsotv ement hasl iveidna conjuncdtuormien atedb yt wog reaetv enttsh:e critiqoufte h 'ec uolftp ersonalitthyTe'w ebnyt iCeotnhg reasnsd, ther uptutrhea hta so ccurrbeedt weetnh eC hineCsoem munist Partya ndt heS oviCeotm muniPsatr ty. Thed enunciaotfti ho'enc ulotfp ersonaltihteay b'r,u pcto ndi tionasn dt hef ormisn w hiciht t ookpl achea,v eh adp rofound repercussionnso,to nliyn t hep olitdiocmaali bnu,t i nt hei deolo gicadlom aians w elIln.w hatf olloIw ssh aldle aoln lwyi tthh e ideologriecaaclt ioofnC so mmuniisntt ellectuals. Thec ritioqfuS et alin'di osgtm atiswma's g enera'llliyv ed' by Communisitn tellectausaa' l 'sl iberatTihoin's'l .i beration' gavbei rtht oa profouindde ologriecaaclt i'olni,b earnadl' 'e thi cali'nt endenwchyi,c shp ontaneoruesdliys covtehreoe lddp hilo sophitchaelm eosf' freedo'mm'a,n 't,h e' humapne rosn' and 'alienatiTohni'si. d eologtiecnald enlcoyo kefdo rt heoretical justifictaotM iaornx 'Esa rlWyo rksw,h icdho i ndeecdo ntaailnl thea rgumenotfas p hilosoopfhm ya n,h isa lienaatnidol ni bera tionT.h esceo nditihoanvsep aradoxitcaulrlnyet dh et abliens Marxipshti losopShiyn.ct eh e1 930Msa rx'Esa rlWyo rks have beean w ar-hofrospree ttbyo urgeois intientl hleesictrtr uuaglgsl e againMsatr xisbmu;tl itbtyll ei ttalnedt, h emna ssivtehleyhy,a ve beesne tto w orki nt hien teroefsa tn se w' interpreotfaM tairoxn' ismw hicihst odabye inogp enldye velobpyem da nyC ommunist intellec'tluiablesr,fa rteoSdmt' a lidnoigsmta tibsytm h Tew entieth CongreTshse.t hemeosf M'a rxiHsutm anisamn'd t h'eh umanist' interpretoaftM iaornx 'wso rkh avep rogressainvdei lryr esistibly 10