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Preview Food taboos at Buzios Island (Brazil): Their significance and relation to folk medicine

Summer 1992 117-139 Ethnobiol. 12(1): /. FOOD TABOOS AT BUZIOS ISLAND (BRAZIL): AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE RELATION TO FOLK MEDICINE ALPINA BEGOSSI Nucleo de Estudos Pesquisas Ambientais e CP Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1170 Campinas, 13081, SP, Brazil ABSTRACT.— community Buzios Island a fishing of about 44 families located is off the coast of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. This study focuses on the food taboos on consumption of the islanders from Buzios, specifically prohibitions in the of and Interviews and observations on food habits were certain species of fish lizard. when made from November 1986 to December 1987. Some fish are avoided only Among recommended persons are and others are for these cases. the generally ill avoided moray and ray receive special attention. The reasons for these fish, more avoidances were investigated and was observed that carnivorous fish, it The might than other are avoided during illnesses. toxicity of fishes also fish, some some medicinal uses of species, such as rays explain avoidances. Finally, some medicinal animals and seem important dietary taboos: explain lizards, to may be saved as a source of drugs. RESUMO.— A no do Estado de Sao Paulo, e Ilha dos Buzios, situada litoral 44 alimentares consumo do ao de certos peixes e de Buzios, especialmente aqueles referentes foram de alimentares realizadas sobre habitos observances lagarto. Entrevistas e enquanto novembro de 1986 dezembro de 1987. Alguns peixes sao evitados, a no recomendados em caso de doencas. Dentre os peixes evitados con- outros sao As sumo alimentar merecem atencao a moreia e a raia. razoes dessas proibicoes carnivoros o uso medicinal de alguns almente, alguns tabus alimentares como do parece explicar animais, da e lagarto, raia Animais importantes. usa< como fonte de remedios. une peuplee par RESUME. au de Sao Paulo, est -L'ile de Buzios, situee litoral de etude approximativement 44 families. L'objectif cette communite* de pecheurs, de des habitants alimentaires ("taboos") de comprendre prohibitions est les consomation de certains poissons rapportent a en qui se la Buzios, particulier celles habitudes alimentaires du Des entrevues des observations sur les et lezard. et decembre Certains poissons sont evites ont de novembre 1986 a 1987. ete realisees dans Parmi poissons en de maladie. les evite's, la d'autres sont indiques cas et consomation en poissons carnivores sont, Les sont analises. ces prohibitions alimentaires peuvent expliquer d'autres par malades. Les poissons toxiques ge'ne'ral, evite's les comme medicinal de certains animaux, la raie Finalement, l'usage prohibitions. animaux Les alimentaires. prohibitions semble expliquer certaines et le le'zard, que entant source menagere pourraient etre epargne's, dans medicine utilises la de medicine. No. BEGOSSI Vol. 12, 1 118 INTRODUCTION have been an area of debate in ecological-cultural and Food taboos preferences Vayda and (1987) symbolists/ structuralists. between materialists/utilitarians studies cultural Harris's through the analysis of (1985) debate reviewed part of this materialist ecological and and observed Buzios Island, to main animal avoidances reported at the to medicinal avoidances protection of the patterns of to the relationships of verify animals. and schools of food taboos the concerning questions There are different have studied the Symbolists approaches. mentioned above these thought reflect and and have focused on their emic aspects. relationship of taboos to religion rituals aspects of certain psycho-sociological analyzed the For example, Barthes (1961) Douglas in the classical contemporary American and French feeding habits. (1969), were laws liturgical "Abominations concluded that dietary study of Leviticus," reason" to importance of "cultural the Sahlins stressing signs of purity. (1976), // 'humanity human inversely related to explain food habits, states that edibility is ' because they and dog explained For example, American avoidances of horse are Dogs and horses American (and not in society. participate as subjects objects) On hand, named and commonly converse with them. the other this people are Another emic and behavior does not occur with edible animals, such as pig cattle. and approach was taken by Basso in her study of food classification linguistic (1972) among Upper Xingu the Kalapalo Indians of the (Brazil). categories environ- The questions which interest materialists are essentially related to and an approach dietary practices. mental aspects of the issue represent to etic may comprehension indigenous ideologies of For example, Harris material circumstances. ( 1987b) attempt human cow India taboos and preferences. Harris's analysis of the taboo of the sacred of They were animals that cows were indicated that too important to be eliminated. who farmers 1977 Other studies have included both emic and analyses, such as Ferro-Luzzi etic among on and towards food India r study the positive negative attitudes 5) may The McDonald and by Reichel-Dolmatoff (1976). (1977) mentioned by perspec- important point, as Basso that these different (1978), is and complementary. on food taboos preferences not incompatible but are tives The approach taken in this study both and emic. The strong etic basis is etic reflected in reference to aspects of the environment, such as fish diet, fish is and medicinal use, that might explain some food taboos. Emic aspects toxicity, include the perceptions islanders have about fish, such as their behavior or smell. could The aim of this study the search for possible environmental reasons that is be behind the food taboos observed Buzios Island. at . Summer 1992 JOURNAL OF ETHNOBIOLOGY 119 There Amazonian by Ross He Amazon in particular (1978). stressed that food prohibitions can be explained by the costs and benefits of resource procurement strategies. Most data Amazon on game food taboos concern animals (Ayres and Ayres Chagnon 1979; Hames and Moran Smith Food 1980; Kiltie 1980; 1977; 1976). taboos related to game and fish species are reported by Basso Moran and (1972, 1973), (1974), Pereira (1974). There Amazon. Gouldine observed (1981) fishes (gymnotoids) are the third most abundant group in the Amazon, they have no importance in the fisheries because most are small and stay hidden, and there are cultural taboos against eating them. Smith pointed out that certain (1981) fish Amazon by Camayura and species are avoided Tapirape Indians, as well as other Among inhabitants. Indians from the Upper Xingu, fish avoidances related to the physical state of a person and to the diet of fish were observed (Basso 1972). and and Recently, Begossi Braga analyzed the relationship of food taboos (1992) on fish diet the Tocantins River. COMMUNITY THE community Buzios Island a fishing of about 220 individuals (44 families) is on Sao Paulo The population of Buzios located the coast of State (Fig. is 1). distributed among eight small harbors, each of which has a dock and canoe The most copulated harbor Porto do Meio which included 23 families shelters. is time from They Tupinambas main manioc (Mussolini 1980). In Brazil, slavery found century and African features are in the nineteenth m Sao such the of beliefs of the caigaras, as in festival igical Benedito, a black saint (Correa 1981). In the beginning of this century, Japanese the Sao Paulo type of fishing trap, cerco migrants introduced the coast of a to Von which made chambers of net (Japanese: kaku-ami, of floating flutuante, is used Buzios Brandt (Mussolini This fishing technique is also at Island. 1984) 1980). During was Buzios (Willems the important 1952). In the past agriculture at most work months 1986-1987), islanders spent of their field reported here (14 in home some by usually for Manioc families, time cultivated in fishine activities. is from The meal comes typical consumption especially fish. tein and spaghetti manioc beans, sporadically, squid with flour, rice, (Begossi 1989a) BEGOSSI Vol. No. 12, 1 120 Map FIG. 1.— showing of Brazil Paulo State. METHODS The work field at Buzios Island included observations and interviews formed during monthly week November visits of about a each from 191 A December was 1987. total of 88 days spent Buzios Island as the guesl at sampled fishing family. the from do Meio diet of 10 families Porto duri I months 12 period (5 davs/month): a detailed studv on fish nrpfprpnrps at Bi in were interviews carried out as part hshing at Buzios Island (Begossi 1989a). Interviews were made of the eight at six small harbors of the island: Porto do Meio houses), Guanxuma houses), (23 (7 Mae Pitangueira houses), Costeira house), Porto do and (4 (1 Cais houses), (2 The two Joana houses). other harbors were due (2 not included the study to in when difficulty of access. Interviews included questionnaires and were conducted women made was interview with 88% 73 islanders (about This of the adult residents). "Que interview included the questions peixes voce nao come?, Porque? (What kind of don't you Why?). Another fish eat? interview, with 57 people, included "Que questions such as peixes voce nao come quando (What kind doente?" esta Summer JOURNAL OF ETHNOBIOLOGY U 1992 l you when ish don't eat you are sick?) and "Que peixes voce come quando doente?" (What kind do you when of you fish eat are Questions sick?). i cerning medicinal animals were asked another which in interview, in 32 riders described animals used cure wounds. to diseases or heal Informal and versations direct observations on food taboos and medicine were made folk do Meio 'orto harbor. These included on observations foods avoided by and on nders home-made the preparation of medicines. Analyses of the lipid contents of fish species were based on samples of made by E.S. Contreras and J Guimaraes of the Laboratory Campinas, Sao Paulo. Details Fish collected at Buzios Island were identified using the keys of Figueiredo Figueiredo and Menezes and Menezes and 7), (1978, 1980), Figueiredo (1980, Identifications of molluscs were based on Rios Specimens (1985). collected >). Museu e deposited the de Zoologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo (MZUSP). at TABOOS FISH The fish most strongly avoided as food by islanders from Buzios are camburu (moray, Gymnothorax mackerel and spp.), (species of ray), bonito (bullet raia tunny, Auxis and Euthynnus and tinhuna (sargeant major, little sp. alletteratus) , used Abudefduf (Table Begossi (1989a) regression analysis to investigate saxatilis) 1). among and the variables boniness, others) (calories, fish price, availability, involved in the choice of animal protein, consisting mostly of fish, by islanders from by any Buzios. Fish avoidances or taboos could not be explained of these variables. among The reasons interviewees offered for avoiding fish varied fish species by (Table For example, the avoidance of camburu (moray) explained is its 2). and "snake-shape," bad aggressive behavior, ugly appearance, con- smell, spicuous teeth Ray avoidance had similar explanations, except that rays (Fig. 2). may are not "snake-shaped" nor do they have In aggressive behavior teeth. fact, A who help prey fisherman Buzios explain the avoidance of certain types. at caught three camburu (moray) had leave two sea due to the difficulty he had to at removing the hooks from these aggressive prey. Lenko (1965) reported that inhabitants from Buzios avoid eating camburu because they believe climbs out it common on snake very the sea to fight the poisonous jararaca (Bothrops sp.), a due avoided the island. Bonito (bullet mackerel and little tunny) (Fig. 2) is to hemoglobin) (Moyle and Cech presence "blood" high concentration of of a (i.e., bad 1982). Tinhuna said to have a strong or smell. is Some and shark (Table are avoided by such as bonito, ray, fish islanders, 2), an termed supposed attributes of animal, of carregado. Carregado includes a set and such "strong flesh," fattiness (graxa) as teeth, blood, aggressive behavior, , who wounded by someone or factors that could cause inflammation eaten is if A was "se comer peixe carregado unhealthy. answer during interviews frequent wounds). you inflammation of get a ferida inflama" you eat a carregado fish, will (if Women during menstruation or after child- are not supposed to eat these fish birth. BEGOSSI No. Vol. 1 12, 122 3% number: from TABLE 1.— avoided by of interviewees (total 73) Fish at least Buzios Island. Percentage Names interviewees of avoidance practicing English Scientific Local moray Gymnothorax spp 25 camburu ray Raja cyclophora, Myliobates sp., raia 21 Dasyatis sp. (?) Euthynnus 18 mackerel, tunny Auxis sp., alleteratus bonito .. 16 tinhuna sargeant Abudefduf saxatilis shark Rhizoprionondon lalandei, cagao among spp 15 other H drum sand Umbrina corvina coroides 10 spp garoupa grouper Epinephelus yellow chub Kyphosus 8 incisor piragica 7 bagre catfish Notarius grandicassis budiao hogfish, parrotfish Bodianus spp., Scarus vetula, 7 wrasse Sparisoma spp., Halichoeres spp. ... Pomatomus 7 enchova bluefish saltator 7 salema porkfish Anisotremus virginicus guachanche 6 bicuda Sphyraena guachancho weakfish spp 6 goete Cynoscion betara kingfish Menticirrhus americanus 4 espada cutlass 4 fish Trichiurus lepturus angelfish Pomacanthus 4 frade paru 4 tainha mullet Mugil anus plat baiacu pufferfish Sphoeroides spengleri 3 corcoroca tomtate Haemulon aurolineatum 3 matnangaba scorpionfish Pontinus rathbuni 3 3 olhete yellowtail Seriola lalandi pargo spadef 3 ish Chaetodipterus faber sargo black margate Anisotremus surinamensis 3 bluerunner 3 xalerete Caranx crysos and small rocky fishes 3 10% 4% Observations: of interviewees mentioned they any kind eat of fish; r 4% they usually avoid eating turtle (Chelonia mydas); another avoid eating dolphin Summer JOURNAL OF ETHNOBIOLOGY 1992 123 Moran Amazon (1974) observed that caboclos (people of mixed European and Indian background) have some food during pregnancy, restrictions illness, lacta- and The tion, menstruation. foods prohibited are called hot (quente or reimoso). Smith (1976, 1981) studied food habits of transamazon settlers and of caboclos from Amazonas Itacoatiara in State. In these cases, the fish avoided, referred to as fisherman a FIG. 2.-Some Buzios Island: (a) animals avoided at Scombridae some catnbu moray, Gymnothorax funebris); (b) and bonito-pintado mackerel, Auxis sp.) (top) ( ullet (bottom) s) BEGOSSI No. 124 Vol. 12, 1 TABLE 2.— Explanations given by Buzios islanders about fish avoidances. Explanation Fish disease In case of Avoided (n = Avoided (n = Eaten (n = 65) 32) 8) Never ate camburu, baiacu, boto, it tainha, turtle. raia, Snake-shape camburu Bad smell camburu, frade, garoupa, piragica, tinhuna, cagao raia, Dangerous, camburu, caqao raia, aggressive Carregado 1 bonito, caqao All cited in Table 3 raia, Blood bonito bonito body Illness, bonito, bicuda, cavala, All cited in Table 3 wounds, enchova, espada, goete toothaches, raia, tainha, sororoca, after child- cagao birth* Ugly, nasty camburu, raia Fatty garoupa, goete olhete Scaleless caqao Many bones budiao, corcoroca, jaguaricd, small rocky fish, sardinha, tinhuna mud eats It corvina, timbali or dirty things Hard flesh corvina Soft flesh namorado Toxic baiacu Sting mamangaba presence Difficult to raia capture Bad for raia women: it is believed woman Summer JOURNAL OF ETHNOBIOLOGY 1992 125 Explanation Fish In case of disease Avoided = (n Avoided = = 65) (n 32) Eaten (n 8) explodes, visceral organs are exposed Conspicuous camburu bicuda, teeth enchova, espada, marimba, piragica, paru, cagdo Weak flesh3 par go, piragica With scales garoupa, marimba, panaguaiu piragica, Docile, not garoupa, jaguariga, aggressive marimba, olhete, salema piragica, sargo. blood Little garoupa, badejo, marimba, olhete cagao Tooth absence ca$ao ^Carregado means with conspicuous with blood, aggressive, with teeth, fatty (graxa), strong any flesh, or that exacerbates illness. it 2 Body wounds consumption are the most cited health problem associated with the of some fishes. ^Opposed to strong flesh or carregado. names from (mentioned by only one interviewee): Scientific of fishes absent other tables cavala (Scomberomorus namorado sardinha (Sardinella brasiliensis), (Paranthiasfurcifer), cavalla), timbali (Fistularia petimba). showed 63% of Observations: Another only about ray avoidance, that inter- interview, viewees (n = 30) do not eat ray, for the reasons listed above. In the interview reported here, names found are in explanations such as "I do not like it" are not included; scientific Tables and 1, 3, 4. wound, from by anyone suffering a reimoso, are those cannot be eaten that exacerbate health believed to measles, tumors, and skin rash; these fish are observed that scaleless problems and have "strong meat." Pereira (1974) to a Amazon and some River that fish avoided in the (peixes de couro) are usually and Braga observed by Begossi (1992) illnesses are believed be caused these fish. to These along the Tocantins River. similar avoidances bv fishermen living fish No. BEGOSSI Vol. 1 12, 126 names The of fishermen also called the avoided fish reimoso or carregado. similarities environmentally as the and meanings avoided in regions so distinctive of fish Amazon and Buzios Island are worthy of investigation. Wilson food taboos have been reported in other regions of the world. Similar among by Malay and mackerel, others, reported avoidances of ray, bonito, (198(ft women (same same genus and Scomberomorus asbicuda), g women from Talminad pregnant and puerperal mi communities avoidances from such diverse similar fish CASE OF DISEASE RESTRICTIONS IN DIET some Among emphasized the avoided, interviewees that fish wounds mainly by people suffering from disease or interviews The most important Pomatomus mackerel and enchova (bluefish, saltator) ) The recommended pted or even in case of illness. most important of these are marimba (spottail pinfish, Diplodus argent m was garouva (grouper, Evinephelus spp.) (Table Caqao (small shark) 4). recommended ar among Some such asthma and well as heart diseases, as bronchial psoriasis, as such the attacks, are not as frequent in populations with a fish-based diet, as have Eskimo (Lands The consumption might also 1986). of different species of fish on the health of consumers. effects many Table 2 shows that fish avoidances are explained by Buzios islanders by the fact that the fish are carregado. According to Smith reimoso fish are (1981), many considered be example, have abundant reserves. to oily; catfishes, for fat High concentration was cited by interviewees from Buzios as the reason to fat men- avoid a few types of fish (Table Data on lipid contents of fish species 2). tioned by more than 10% of interviewees are shown in Table There no signifi- 5. is mean and cant difference between the fat content of fish which are avoided those > (ANOVA why which are eaten F, p 0.77). Thus, fat content cannot explain I, some avoided and Begossi fish are others are preferred as food in case of illness. by )ided fishermen living along the consumed them and bv preferred high in calories. dur comm The fish by are considered docile (Table As shown in Table which are avoided 2). fish 6, On hand, unhealthy persons are usually predators of other the other fish species. most accepted during on Thus, the fish sickness feed invertebrates or plankton. diet of the fish seems to determine which species islanders avoid and accept as

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